HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100740 Ver 3_CAMA Application_20231103I DO DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Envr onmen ral Quality 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: B&M Holdings 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Rd Wilmington, NC 28411 Longitude:-77.73469 Latitude: 34.31213 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA + Dredge & Fill 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date of Visit Purpose of Visit Applicant Present? 8/16/2023 Pre submission - CAMA major Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received [A—pplication Complete Regional Office 10/17/2023 10/19/2023 DCM - Wilmington Regional Office 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan: PENDER, Pender County Land Classification from LUP: Land Classification From LUPs (B) AEC(s) Involved: Estuarine and Ocean System, Coastal Shoreline, Estuarine Shoreline, Public Trust Shoreline, Coastal Wetlands, Public Trust Areas, Estuarine Waters (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Commercial (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing: Septic Planned: (F) Type of Structures: Existing: Excavation, Access channel(canal), Disposal area, Excavation(maintenance), Excavation(upland)/grading, Spoil, Basin, Marina, Marina expansion, Travel lift, Other Fill, Fill(general), Shoreline Stabilization, Bulkhead(below MHW/NHW vinyl), Stormwater Structures, Stormwater Structures, Drystack storage, High ground disturbance, Retaining wall Planned: Access channel(canal), Disposal area, Excavation(maintenance), Excavation(upland)/grading, Spoil, Basin, Marina, Marina expansion, Travel lift, Bulkhead(below MHW/NHW vinyl), Fill(shoreline stabil. below H2O level), Drystack storage, High ground disturbance, Retaining wall (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: Erosion Information Source: Annual Erosion Source 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: DREDGED (ft2) FILLED (ft2) OTHER (ft2) A Open Water 105150 108 (B) CW's above NHW C CW's below NHW 210 (D) Shallow Bottom 105150 210 Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 11 (E) High Ground 5200 216782 F Non -Coastal WL 1 105150 (E) Total Area Disturbed: 340299 ft2 (F) Primary Nursery Area: No (G) Water Classification: HQW: High Quality Waters; ORW: Outstanding Resource Waters Open to Shellfishing: No Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 12 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: According to the project narrative, the applicant is requesting authorization to excavate a portion of high ground, perform maintenance dredging within the marina basin and access channel, replace approximately 744 linear feet of bulkhead within the marina basin (as well as the area along the eastern side of the restaurant), replace the entire docking facility (in its entirety), add a new proposed floating dock adjacent to the concrete boat ramp, expand a section of dockage within the marina basin, install a single boatlift, convert vegetated area to a fork lift drop zone, install a dry stack storage rack and create a new upland retaining wall. Please refer to sheets 1-10 of 10 for details of the proposed work. 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road adjacent to a man-made basin along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) and Middle Sound, in Pender County. Scotts Hill Marina is approximately 5.7 acres with approximately 1,400 linear feet of shoreline frontage. The highground ranges from 1 to 10 feet above mean sea level and the shoreline is stabilized by a vinyl bulkhead, with exception of a section around the "Sailfish" restaurant that is currently stabilized by a deteriorating wooden bulkhead. Existing manmade features on the project site include a concrete and gravel drive, parking area, marina clubhouse, restaurant, multiple dry stack storage racks, bulkhead, boat ramp, building (shop), floating and fixed dockage. For a complete description of the site, as well as CAMA permit history, please refer to the field investigation report dated September 2, 2010 (see attached). Scotts Hill Marina does not currently have an active CAMA Major Permit. Initially, CAMA Major Permit #137-10, was issued on November 22, 2010, authorizing excavation within the marina basin and access channel, and was subsequently modified to include alterations of the docking facility along the outer spine, construction of a storage building and dry stack facility. The permit expired on December 31, 2016. Since that time, two CAMA Minor permits (No.PN21-02 and PN21-03) have been issued for construction of a retaining wall along the southern side of the property. The reason there are two permits for this activity is due to the retaining wall being located along two separate properties. The work authorized under those permits has been completed. The waters surrounding the marina are currently closed and according to the Shellfish Sanitation Section, the marina currently provides dockage for up to 75 vessels. The Pender County Land Use Plan classifies adjacent waters as Conservation, and the adjacent high ground portion of the project area as Urban Growth Area. The waters of the AIWW and Middle Sound are classified SA-ORW by the Division of Water Quality. They are NOT designated as a Primary Nursery Area by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. The immediate area within and adjacent to the marina is CLOSED to the harvesting of shellfish; however, the waters of Middle Sound are OPEN. 10. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: According to the project narrative, the applicant is requesting authorization to excavate a portion of high ground, perform maintenance dredging within the marina basin and access channel, replace approximately 744 linear feet of bulkhead within the marina basin (as well as Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 13 the area along the eastern side of the restaurant), replace the entire docking facility (in its entirety), add a new proposed floating dock adjacent to the concrete boat ramp, expand a section of dockage within the marina basin, install a single boatlift, convert vegetated area to a fork lift drop zone, install a dry stack storage rack and create a new upland retaining wall. Please refer to sheets 1-10 of 10 for details of the proposed work. Beginning with the bulkhead replacement, the applicant is requesting authorization to install approximately 744 linear feet of new wall (vinyl or concrete) along the normal high water line. The northern most bulkhead would be located immediately waterward of the existing wall and would run from the edge of the existing boat ramp to the northeastern corner of the property on the eastern side of the restaurant. Immediately landward of the proposed wall, the applicant is proposing to convert approximately 2,700 sq. ft. of existing gravel to a vegetative buffer. This vegetative buffer would run the entire length of the wall section within the marina basin. Behind the proposed vegetated buffer (landward), the applicant is proposing to convert approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of existing gravel to concrete or asphalt, with most of this driveway/parking area located within the 30' Coastal Shoreline Buffer. While there are no wetlands present within the marina basin proper, there are Coastal Wetlands (consisting primarily of Smooth Marsh Cordgrass — Spartina Altemiflora) along the eastern edge of the existing restaurant. At this location, a new 105' bulkhead would be installed immediately waterward of the existing deteriorated wooden wall, resulting in the filling of approximately 210 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetland. Refer to sheets 2 of 10 and 3 of 10 for details on the location and impacts of the proposed bulkhead in this location. As detailed in the application package, this would be the only area of wetland fill associated with the project. Along the southern side of the marina basin, the applicant is proposing to excavate a portion of high ground measuring approximately 18' x 300'. According to the excavation section of the application, the upland area (currently 5.0' NHW) would be dredged to a depth of -5.0' (NLW). In this location, the existing bulkhead has been undermined as a result of erosion, and the applicant is proposing to resolve the erosion issues by excavating further back into the high ground, installing a new bulkhead, and leveling the upland area directly behind the new wall. Additionally, directly landward of the southern bulkhead, the applicant is proposing to convert another 1,500 sq. ft. area from "gravel" to a vegetated buffer. As described, the vegetative buffer would run the entire length of the wall section within the marina basin, along the southern side. Please refer to sheet 5 of 10 for detailed information concerning the proposed bulkhead replacement, high ground excavation and the conversion from impervious to pervious area. At the head of the marina basin, the applicant is proposing to install a new 4' x 52' floating dock in the center of the existing boat ramp to provide access while loading/unloading vessels. Immediately south of the ramp, the applicant is looking to install a fork-lift drop which would result in the conversion of approximately 3,100 sq. ft. of pervious area to concrete. As identified on the drawing(s), additional high ground development in this area would result in the replacement of approximately 10,500 sq. ft. of concrete, conversion of approximately 47,500 sq. ft. of gravel to concrete or asphalt, and the installation of a new 12.5' x 102' x 35' dry stack storage rack. Additionally, a new retaining wall (1' x 156') would be installed along Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 14 the northern side of the property, just south of the existing dry stack storage rack. As designed, the development described above would be predominantly located within the 75' AEC, with a small portion located within the 30' Coastal Shoreline buffer (fork-lift drop zone). Please refer to sheet 5 of 10 for detailed information on the upland development in this location. In water work associated with this project also includes the replacement of all floating docks within, and outside of the marina basin. The existing northern most floating dock spine, within the marina basin, would be replaced with a new 8' x 240' long dock. The new dock would be located within the same footprint as the existing; however, the number of floating finger docks connected to the structure would be increased from eight (8), 4' x 24' finger docks to nine (9), 4' x 24' finger docks. This would allow up to 19 slips in this location as compared to the 17 that currently exist. Along the southern side of the marina basin, the applicant is proposing to install a new 8' x 316' floating dock in the area of the proposed high ground excavation. Perpendicular to the relocated dock, the applicant proposes to install eleven, 4' x 24' finger docks. Currently, ten floating fingers of mixed sizes are located along the main spine, so the proposal would increase the total number of slips at this location. Based on the configuration proposed, the slip count associated with this dock would be expanded from 21 (currently) to 23. The outer dock (located along the AIWW) would also be reconstructed as part of this project. A new 8' x 280' section of dock and 6' x 322' section of dock would replace the existing major access piers that are currently in place. In addition, a new 8' x 74' section of "L-head" shaped floating dock (terminal end) would be replaced along with nine, 6' x 27' finger piers. According to the application package, these structures would be replaced in the same footprint as existing. As described, approximately 74 slips would be associated with the re -development plans. Please refer to sheets 2, 4 and 5 of 10 for a detailed description of the proposed dock replacement. The final component of the project involves maintenance dredging within the marina basin and entrance channel. The footprint of the proposed dredge request appears to remain consistent with the dredge footprint authorized under CAMA Major Permit No. 137-10. As previously discussed, a new 18' x 300' (5,200 sq. ft.) area of high ground would be excavated along the southern side of the marina basin and this footprint would be converted to open water area, once complete. In this location, the applicant proposes to dredge to a depth of -5.0', NLW. The marina basin itself (150' x 400' x -3.0', NLW) and entrance channel (75' x 530' x -3.0', NLW) would also be dredged to a depth of -5.0', NLW. The proposal indicates the dredge footprint would taper off at the -5.0 to -6.0' contour of the AIWW. In total, approximately 76,000 sq. ft. (or 7,500 cubic yards) of previously dredged/disturbed shallow bottom area would be impacted as a result of the project. Please refer to sheets 8 and 9 of 10, as well as the TI Coastal hydrographic maps for details on the dredging component. Any/all dredge material removed from the site would be transported (by road) to either the Forehand and Bradshaw Properties, LLC site, located along HWY 17 in Scotts Hill (Pender Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 15 Co. PIN 3271-64-5212-0000), or to Glenn Lewis's property located along Lewis Road, in Hampstead, NC (PIN 4214-83-8898-0000). The property owner has been given consent to dispose of material at these two properties. The disposal footprint at both sites is approximately 60,000 sq. ft. (300 x 200). The application package states the purpose of this project is to provide additional dry vessel storage, excavate uplands, restructure portions of the existing docking facility, install new bulkheads, establish a forklift drop zone, install a retaining wall for erosion control restore water depths, convert gravel to concrete establish a vegetated buffer along the basins exterior and install a boatlift to support the existing restaurant and marina. The apparent need is to re- establish water depths surrounding the existing docks and entrance channel, which was previously approved at -5.0', NLW. According to the application package, State Stormwater Permit SW8100920 authorized up to 103,859 sq. ft. of impervious coverage for the property and the current built upon area is calculated at 102,142 sq. ft. (site wide) with approximately 15,033 sq. ft. located within the 575' and 75' Estuarine and ORW AEC. and approximately 29,175 sq. ft. within the 30' Coastal Shoreline buffer. The applicant is proposing to increase the amount of impervious within the AEC, by adding approx. 2,475 sq. ft. of concrete; however, a vegetated buffer would be installed around the marina basin, reducing the amount of impervious coverage within the 30' Coastal Shoreline buffer from 29,175 sq. ft. to 22,379 sq. ft., or a net reduction of approximately 6,796 sq. ft. 11. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: As proposed, the high ground development would disturb approximately 216,782 sq. ft. of upland area. The proposed docking facilities would incorporate approximately 12,849 sq. ft. of open water area. The proposed bulkhead installation would result in the filling of approximately 108 sq. ft. of open water area and approximately 210 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetland Fill. The proposed dredging would disturb approximately 105,150 sq. ft. of previously dredged shallow bottom area. The proposed development appears to be consistent with the 1/4 width Rule and does not appear to extend beyond the COE setback. Additionally, the proposed development would be located within the applicant's area of riparian access. Stormwater calculations report a net decrease in impervious coverage within the Coastal Shoreline buffer (approximate 6,796 sq. ft.); however, the amount of impervious within the 75' and 575' AEC would increase approximately 2,475 sq. ft. Overall, the site wide impervious calculations would be reduced and the total BUA would be approximately 95,700 sq. ft. Length of Shoreline - —1,400 linear feet x 27 sq. ft. = 37,800 sq. ft. of platform/shaded area allowed. Dockage proposed to be replaced and/or new - 12,849 sq. ft. Name: jason dail Date: 10-31-2023 Office: DCM - Wilmington Regional Office Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 16 Field Investigation Report: B&M Holdings DCM Major Permit Page 17 Permit Application Report Application ID Application Type Submitted App Complete Deadline Decision Expiration PA-1162 DCM Major Permit 10-17-2023 10-19-2023 01-06-2024 Primary Applicant Information Applicant Type Title Business Name Name Email Business Phone Mobile Phone Business/Company B&M Holdings B&M Holdings jebmcm@gmail.com 910-232-2085 Physical Address Mailing Address Street 1 City State Zip Street 1 City State Zip 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road Wilmington NC 28411 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road Wilmington NC 28411 Registered Agent Information Agent Type Title Business Name Name Email Business Phone Mobile Phone Business/Company Davey Resource Group Davey Resource Group DRGCAMA@davey.com 9104520001 9104520001 Physical Address Mailing Address Street 1 City State Zip Street 1 City State Zip 3805 wrightsville ave, ste 15 wilmington NC 28403 3805 wrightsville ave, ste 15 wilmington NC 28403 Project Information Project Name Project Type Disturbed Land Area (Scl Ft/Acres) Scotts Hill Marina Commercial 182000 Sq. Ft. / 4.19 Acres Is proposed project located in national registered historic district or national register listed/eligible: False List of previous state or federal permits for work on project tract: GP 80299, B&M Holdings LLC, 4-9-2021 137-10 Minor Modification, B&M Holdings LLC, 5-29-2014 137-10 Major Modification, B&M Holdings LLC, 4-23-2013 137-10 Minor Modification, B&M Holdings LLC, 7-25-2012 137-10 Major Permit, B&M Holdings LLC, 5-29-2014 Project Location Information Address County River Basin Subdivision County Parcel ID Latitude Longitude 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Rd Wilmington, NC 28411 Pender White Oak 3280-26-2979-0000 34.31213 -77.73469 Project Discharges to State Waters Discharge Type Surface Runoff Sanitary Wastewater Industry/Commercial I Effluent Vessel Wash Down Residential Other Wastewater/Stormwater Discharged Into Wetland? Discharge Same Salinity as Receiving Waters Is There Any Mitigation Proposed False False False Detailed Description of the Existing Development Located on the Property Existing Man -Made Features: There are several permanent and temporary dry storage boat racks, maintenance buildings, a restaurant with decks, a concrete boat ramp, existing retaining wall, concrete and packed gravel parking areas, bulkheads, and floating docks located on the property. Existing Land Uses: The property currently operates as a commercial marina and restaurant. Existing Wastewater Treatment/Disposal: Municipal and mobile bathrooms Solid Waste/Fish Offal/Trash Disposal: Municipal Use and Daily Operations of the Project When Complete Proposed Development Purpose: The redevelopment intends to stabilize uplands, replace deteriorating concrete in place, convert existing gravel to concrete or asphalt, replace deteriorating bulkheads 2' waterward from existing, allow for bulkhead replacement in place, install an additional dry storage boat rack (46 spaces), allow for floating dock replacement in place, enhance ability to launch and retrieve vessels, restructure 2 portions of the floating docking facility, convert gravel to grassed buffers for sheet flow filtering, and return water depths to originally permitted depths for the ultimate purpose of greater service to current and future clientele. The applicant is additionally requesting a 5 year maintenance clause for dredging. Buildings/Facilities/Units/Structures: There are several permanent and temporary dry storage boat racks, maintenance buildings, a restaurant with decks, mobile bathroom facility, and mobile fueling truck located on the property. Use & Daily Operations: The property currently operates as a commercial marina, boatyard, and restaurant. Construction Methodology & Equipment: Typical dock, bulkhead, retaining wall, concrete / asphalt, excavation, and dredge equipment and methodologies will be used. Bucket to dump truck or bucket to barge methodologies are proposed. Equipment will be stored onsite if needed. Development Activities Narrative Specifics: See attached Narrative / Purpose and Need Application Narrative: The project is located on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road in Wilmington, New Hanover County. The property currently operates as Scotts Hill Marina and the Sailfish Restaurant. The site is partially vegetated with native trees, landscaping shrubs and grasses. Structures, upland portions of the property and MHW relative to MLW were surveyed by ESP Associates, Inc. in March of 2023. The Coastal Wetlands wetland line to the east of the restaurant was verified by DCM staff at the bulkhead on August 16, 2023. Water depths were collected by TI Coastal Services, Inc. on January 31 and February 2, 2023, represent conditions present at that time, and are relative to MLLW NAVD 88. The shoreline at MHW is 1,430'. An existing maintained channel that varies in width from 55' to 75' provides access from the Intracoastal Waterway to the marina. There is an extensive permitting history associated with the subject parcel including general permits, major permits, major and minor modifications, and stormwater permits. The boat basin and access channel have been authorized to a dredge depth of -5' MLW. See attachments for details. Waters in the basin are classified as SC while waters in the access channel are ORW. Waters in the project area are closed to shellfishing. The area is not classified as PNA. Due to degradation and to support the restaurant balcony, the applicant proposes bulkhead replacement in vicinity of the restaurant 2' waterward of the existing bulkhead. The bulkhead will be constructed of either concrete or naval style vinyl sheet pile and measure 1' wide x 105'. Also included will be a 1' wide x 35' long upland retaining wingwall on the northern property line. The proposed bulkhead will impact approximately 210 square feet of coastal wetlands and create a vacant area to be filled with approximately 35 cubic yards of sand from a sand mine or other upland source. The upland retaining wingwall will create a vacant upland area to be filled with approximately 7 cubic yards of sand from a sand mine or other upland source. Due to degradation, the applicant proposes replacement of a portion of the floating dock facility. Proposed replacement includes an 8' wide x 74' long section, an 8' wide x 220' long section with (9) 5' wide x 28' long fingers, and a 6' wide x 322' long section with (3) 5' wide x 16' long fingers in the existing permitted footprint. Also due to degradation, the applicant proposes replacement of a total of 744' of existing bulkhead with either concrete or naval style vinyl sheet pile measuring 1' wide to be placed in the existing permitted footprint as depicted on the enclosed figures. Due to erosion, the applicant proposes relocation of the bulkhead at the southern portion of the boat basin a maximum of 18' south (landward) from the existing position. The proposed bulkhead will be constructed of either concrete or naval style vinyl sheet pile and measure 1' wide x 390' long. An approximate 5,200 square foot of upland cut will generate approximately 1,700 cubic yards of gravel and sand to be placed on a 300' x 200' upland portion of PIN 3271-64-5212-000 in Hampstead, Pender County, owned by Forehand & Bradshaw Properties LLC. In place of the upland excavation and underlying basin expansion, a restructured floating dock is proposed. The replacement floating dock will measure 8' wide x 316' long and include (11) 4' wide x 24' long floating fingers. The restructured floating dock will accommodate 22 wet slips. The relocated bulkhead will also create space for a proposed forklift drop. A proposed approximate 3,100 square foot of grassed area will be converted from grass to concrete to support the forklift drop. Also, to support the proposed forklift drop an additional bulkhead is proposed 2' waterward from existing measuring 1' wide x 54' long and be constructed of either concrete or naval style sheet pile. The proposed bulkhead will create a vacant open water area to be filled with approximately 80 cubic yards of sand from a sand mine or other upland source. To provide safer access during loading / unloading vessels from trailers, 4' wide x 108' long sectional dock is proposed in the middle of the existing boat ramp. 56' of the proposed dock will be fixed above the mean high-water line, while a 52' section will be floating below the mean high-water line. A boatlift is also proposed on the southern portion of the boat basin measuring 12.5' x 12.5' on center. An additional upland dry stack boat rack is proposed on the southwest portion of the property and will measure 12.5' wide x 102' long x 35' high and be installed outside the 30' CAMA buffer. Conversion of approximately 78,900 square feet of currently graveled areas to either concrete or asphalt is proposed. An existing approved stormwater plan is included. A 1' wide x 156' retaining wall is proposed on the northern portion of the property to stabilize uplands. A combined total of 191' of upland retaining wall is proposed on the property. A combined total of 549' of new bulkhead is proposed. A combined total of 744' of existing bulkhead replacement in place is proposed. On the northern portion of the basin, floating dock replacement and restructuring is proposed. An 8' wide x 240' long existing floating dock with eight fingers will be replaced with an 8' wide x 240' long floating dock with (9) 4' wide x 24' long finger piers. The restructured floating dock will accommodate 19 permanent wet slips. There are a total of 67 slips existing, a total of 75 are proposed. 33 slips are temporary slips for loading / unloading, and to support vessels patronizing the restaurant. On the northern border of the boat basin, an approximate 5' grassed buffer is proposed. Approximately 2,700 square feet of existing gravel will be converted to a grassed buffer to capture silt and sediment runoff from the parking area to the basin. Additionally, an approximate 1,500 square feet of existing gravel is proposed to be converted to a grassed buffer on the southern portion of the basin. See supporting documentation for a complete breakdown of impervious / pervious calculations. Due to restrictive water depths within the existing basin and access channel, maintenance dredging to the previously permitted -5' below mean low water is proposed. Upland excavation to 0' mean low water will expand the basin by approximately 5,200 square feet and will generate approximately 1,700 cubic yards of material. Upland excavation will be placed on a 300' x 200' upland portion of PIN 3271-64-5212-000 in Hampstead, Pender County, owned by Forehand & Bradshaw Properties LLC. An upland spoil permission letter is included. The proposed basin maintenance dredging and new dredging footprint to the previously permitted -5' mean low water will be approximately 81,200 square feet and generate approximately 7,500 cubic yards of dredge spoil. Maintenance dredge spoil and below MHW excavated material will be placed on a 300' x 200' portion of PIN 4214-83-8898-000L in Hampstead, Pender County, owned by Glenn Matthew Lewis. A dredge spoil permission letter is included. Dredging will be conducted by either bucket to dump truck or bucket to barge methodologies. The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Additionally, the project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the project is to provide additional dry vessel storage, excavate uplands, restructure portions of the existing docking facility, install new bulkheads, repair / replace failing bulkheads, establish a forklift drop, install a retaining wall for erosion control, restore originally permitted water depths, convert existing gravel to either concrete or asphalt, allow for maintenance / replacement of existing concrete, establish a grassed buffer along the boat basin, and install a boatlift to support the existing restaurant and marina. Due to shoaling, sedimentation, and restrictive water depths surrounding the existing and proposed docking facility and existing access channel, dredging to the original -5' MLW depth is required. Boat Ramp Development Activity Included: False Shoreline Stabilization Development Activity Included: True Has There Been Erosion in the Preceding 12 Months Amount of Erosion (Feet Within the Past 12 Months) True 270 Source of Erosion Amount Information Aerial and photographic evidence Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Other Upland retaining wall Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other" Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 156 1 0 0 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 0 none How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Other Upland retaining wall Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other" Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 191 1 0 0 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 0 Sand sand mine or other upland source How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Bulkhead Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other" Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 744 1 0 0 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 0 sand mine or other upland source How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Bulkhead Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other" Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 549 1 2 2 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 318 Sand; Earth sand or earth from sand mine or other upland source How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other' Stabilization Bulkhead Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other' Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 712 1 0 0 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 712 Sand; Earth sand or earth from sand mine or other upland source How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Bulkhead Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other' Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 103 1 0 0 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 0 Sand sand mine or other upland source How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Bulkhead Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other' Stabilization Material Other concrete / wood / or naval style vinyl sheetpile Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 37 1 0 0 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 0 Sand sand mine or other upland source How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled silt fence or other erosion control measures Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Living Shoreline Development Activity Included: False Piers & Docking Facilities Development Activity Included: True Docking Facilities Details Facility Use # of Tie Pilings Existing Slips New Slips Commercial 0 67 8 Piers & Docking Facility Structures Structure Type Length Width Quantity Boatlift 12.5 12.5 1 Floating docks 316 8 1 Floating docks 24 4 20 Floating docks 52 4 1 Fixed Piers 56 4 1 Floating docks 240 8 1 Floating docks 74 8 1 Floating docks 280 8 1 Floating docks 28 5 9 Floating docks 1 322 1 6 1 1 Floating docks 1 16 1 5 1 3 Freestanding Moorings & Buoys Associated With This Docking Facility Structures Consistent With Water Use Plan Existing Freestanding Moorings & Buoys Slips New Freestanding Moorings & Buoys Slips True Buoy Details: Moorings & Buoys Details Mooring or Buoy Distance From Shoreline I Arc of Swing Water Depth Excavation Development Activity Included: True Excavation Disposal Area Details Disposal Area Name Available for Maintenance Location of Disposal Area Do You Claim Title Forehand and Bradshaw Properties, LLC Yes Hampstead, Pender County, PIN 3271 64 5212-000 No Is Disposal Area Within Area of Environmental Concern Disposal Area Length Disposal Area Width No 300.00 200.00 Does Disposal Area Include Any Of The Following Areas Area Sq. Ft. Affected Purpose of Fill in This Area OtCeaNahVVerdatd/WI&ahn(IML) SuWet1gndiKt1o1isr3&TQtM ftW quipment to Site Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact Shell Bottom (SB)False Other Non -Coastal Wetlands WL How Will Excavated or Fill Material at the Disposal Area be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled Excavation Disposal Area Details Disposal Area Name Available for Maintenance Location of Disposal Area Do You Claim Title Forehand and Bradshaw Properties, LLC Yes Hampstead, Pender County, PIN 3271 64 5212 000 No Is Disposal Area Within Area of Environmental Concern Disposal Area Length Disposal Area Width No 300.00 200.00 Does Disposal Area Include Any Of The Following Areas Area Sq. Ft. Affected Purpose of Fill in This Area Coastal Wetland/Marsh (CW) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Shell Bottom (SB) Other Non -Coastal Wetlands (WL) Open Water (OW) How Will Excavated or Fill Material at the Disposal Area be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled Silt fence, earthen berm, or other erosion control measures Excavation Disposal Area Details Disposal Area Name Available for Maintenance Location of Disposal Area Do You Claim Title Glenn Lewis Yes Hampstead, Pender County, PIN 4214-83 8898-000L No Is Disposal Area Within Area of Environmental Concern Disposal Area Length Disposal Area Width No 300.00 200.00 Does Disposal Area Include Any Of The Following Areas Area Sq. Ft. Affected Purpose of Fill in This Area Coastal Wetland/Marsh (CW) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Shell Bottom (SB) Other Non -Coastal Wetlands (WL) Open Water (OW) How Will Excavated or Fill Material at the Disposal Area be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled Silt fence, earthen berm, or other erosion control measures Bridges & Culverts Development Activity Included: False Oceanfront Erosion Control Development Activity Included: False Temporary Structures Development Activity Included: False Utility Crossings Development Activity Included: False Freestanding Moorings, Buoys & Bird Nesting Poles Development Activity Included: False Log Removal/Marine Debris Development Activity Included: Yes/No Navigational Aids Development Activity Included: False Other Fill Below Water Level Development Activity Included: True Other Fill Below Water Level For Utility Crossing Will Fill Material be Placed in Any Of The Following Areas Area Sq. Ft. Affected Purpose of Fill in This Area Coastal Wetland/Marsh (CW) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Shell Bottom (SB) Other Non -Coastal Wetlands (WL) Open Water (OW) 216 bulkhead backfill at existing ramp How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled Wetlands Crossed Transporting Equipment to Project Site Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact silt fence or other erosion control measures False Other Fill Dimensions Length Width Type of Fill "Other" Fill Type Describe Purpose of Fill 108 2 Other sand bulkhead backfill at existing boat ramp Stormwater Structures Development Activity Included: False "Upland Development" Development Activity Included: True Upland Development Details # of Lots/Parcels Created Lots Platted & Recorded Date #Residential Units Units per Acre Area Size to be Disturbed (sq ft) Tract Has State or Local Approval 0 9/24/1955 0 0 95100 True Date Site Development Plan Submitted Date Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plan Submitted Impervious Coverage (% Within AEC) Impervious Coverage (% of Entire Tract) Project Includes Innovative Stormwate Design 4/30/2015 4/30/2015 12.00 39.00 False Energy Facilities Development Activity Included: False Aquaculture Development Activity Included: False Submerged Lands Mining Development Activity Included: False General Development Activity Details Required General Development Activity Questions These questions are applicable if 1 of the following development activities are included in the project (Boat Ramps, Freestanding Moorings, Buoys & Bird Nesting Poles, Piers & Docking Facilities, Temporary Structures, Living Shorelines, Shoreline Stabilization Submerged Lands Mining) Boat Type(s) Typical Boat Length Other Boat Type (Describe) Open runabout; Personal water craft 20 Adj Riparian Property Line #1 (Proximity of Structure Nearest to Property Line) Adj Riparian Property Line #2 (Proximity of Structure Nearest to Property Line) Adj Riparian Property Line #3 (Proximity of Structure Nearest to Property Line) 52 72 Width of Water Body Water Depth @ Waterward End of Structure (NLW or NWL) Water Depth @ Most Landward Boat Slip (NLW or NWL) Water Depth @ Most Waterward Boat Slip (NLW or NWL) 630 2 1 3 Navigational Aids Required Number of Buoys Number of Day Markers Min Distance of Each Aid Placed Beyond Shoreline Max Distance of Each Aid Placed Beyond Shoreline False Marina Development Activity Details Required Marina Details These questions are applicable if there are a combined number of slips of 10 or more across all development activities Repair or Maintenance Services Travel Lift and/or Rail Fuel & Marine Supplies Dry Storage (# of Boats) Lease of Slips Other Services True False True 300 True True Detailed Plan - Location of Repair/Maintenance Services & Efforts to Contain Debris/Runoff From Entering Adjacent Wetlands/Water Bodies Existing shed with basic maintenance and repair capabilities Provide a Detailed Plan of the Location of Fuel Handling Facilities & Describe Safety Measures Planned to Protect Water Quality Fuel is contained in a mobile fueling truck with chocked wheels Other Services (Detailed Description) Restaurant and patio Industrial Pollutants Being Used (Paint, Sandblasting Waste, Petroleum Products, Vessel Maintenance Operations) Industrial Pollutants Management Plan False # of Toilets # of Showers Location of Toilets 8 0 4 in restaurant, 4 in mobile facilities Boat Holding Tank Pumpouts Existing Pumpouts Proposed Pumpouts Pumpouts —Location of Each Pumpouts —Type of Each False 0 How Will Overboard Discharge of Sewage From Boats be Controlled Number of Channel Marker or No Wake Signs Proposed Provide Details to the Type of Signage and Location of the Signs no closed heads allowed Marina Safety Policy on Overnight & Live Aboard Storage Marina Located Within or Close Proximity to Shellfish Lease Shellfish Lease Proximity to Marina Shellfish Leasholder(s) Name & Address False NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor April 30, 2015 Mr. Thomas Melin, Manager B & M Holdings, LLC 137 Trombay Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 Subject: State Stormwater Permit Exclusion — Redevelopment Phase II Scotts Hill Marina Project Number SW8 100920 Pender County Dear Mr. Melin: Donald van der Vaart Secretary This project was previously issued an exemption for maintenance dredging on October 18, 2010. Then, on February 8, 2013, this Office received a request to exclude Phase I of the redevelopment project (for open air, dry storage racks) from the State Stormwater Management Permit requirements. Staff determined that the project's proposed activities were excluded from State Stormwater permitting requirements as set forth in Section 2.(d)(3) of Session Law 2008-211, effective October 1, 2008, and the stormwater rules under Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000, as amended. One of the factors in this determination was based on there being no net increase in existing built -upon area (BUA), which was calculated to be 78,419 square feet. A State Stormwater Permit Exclusion was issued for Phase 1 of this redevelopment on March 7, 2013. On February 3, 2015, this Office received a request to exclude Phase II of the proposed redevelopment project (for additional open air, dry storage racks) from the State Stormwater Management Permit requirements. As part of this new request, it has been proven that there was a mistake in the previous calculation of existing BUA, which should have been 103,859 square feet instead of 78,419. Revised plans, issued on April 21, 2015, show that the proposed BUA associated with Phase 11 of this redevelopment is 102,142 square feet, which is less than the existing BUA. Staff has determined that the project proposes activities that are excluded from State Stormwater permitting requirements as set forth in Section 2.(d)(3) of Session Law 2008-211, effective October 1, 2008, and the stormwater rules under Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000, as amended. Therefore, the Director of the Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources is hereby providing confirmation that the subject project is excluded from State Stormwater permitting requirements under the following conditions: 1) The project must be constructed as shown on the plans submitted to this Office, sealed on 4/30/15. 2) The proposed BUA of 102,142 square feet does not exceed the existing BUA of 103,859 square feet. 3) The proposed stormwater controls, mostly sheet flow with infiltration through a French drain north of the new proposed dry storage racks, provides equal protection of surface waters as the existing stormwater control. If permeable pavement is proposed to keep the post -developed BUA amount equal to the existing BUA amount, then this exclusion is also conditioned on that amount of permeable pavement being installed and maintained per the approved plans, supplement and O&M agreement. In addition, under Section .1003 (b) of the stormwater rules, the entire common plan of development must be permitted. Therefore, any future development or changes to the proposed development, including, but not limited to, the relocation of built -upon area and the construction of additional built -upon area, may require approval or a Stormwater Management permit application and permit issuance from the Division of Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 • (910) 796-7215 / Fax: (910) 350-2004 Mr. Thomas Melin April 30, 2015 Energy, Minerals and Land Resources prior to any construction. Construction of the project prior to receipt of the required approval or permit or failure to maintain compliance with the exclusion conditions, are violations of Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and Session Law 2008-211, and may result in the initiation of appropriate enforcement action. Please keep in mind that this determination does not affect your legal obligation to obtain other permits and approvals, which may be required by Federal, State, or local government agencies, rule or law. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Steve Pusey at 910-796-7334. Sincerely, 57nTracy Davis, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality GDS/sgp: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\ 2010\ 100920 Exclusion\ 2015 04 permit 100920 cc: Amy Kimes, PE, 104 Newton Road, Hampstead, NC 28443 Jeb Bradshaw, Marsh Creek at Scotts Hill Marina 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, NC 28411 Estelle Bradshaw, 233 Inlet Drive, Wilmington, NC 28411 Pender County Building Inspections Pender County Engineering Jason Dail, Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 2 5. DCM MP-1 Section 6.0 Additional Information 5.1 Section 6. a. Project Narrative 5.1.1 Project Location and Existing Conditions The project is located on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road in Wilmington, New Hanover County. The property currently operates as Scotts Hill Marina and the Sailfish Restaurant. The site is partially vegetated with native trees, landscaping shrubs and grasses. Structures, upland portions of the property and MHW relative to MLW were surveyed by ESP Associates, Inc. in March of 2023. The Coastal Wetlands wetland line to the east of the restaurant was verified by DCM staff at the bulkhead on August 16, 2023. Water depths were collected by TI Coastal Services, Inc. on January 31 and February 2, 2023, represent conditions present at that time, and are relative to MLLW NAVD 88. The shoreline at MHW is 1,430'. An existing maintained channel that varies in width from 55' to 75' provides access from the Intracoastal Waterway to the marina. There is an extensive permitting history associated with the subject parcel including general permits, major permits, major and minor modifications, and stormwater permits. The boat basin and access channel have been authorized to a dredge depth of -5' MLW. See attachments for details. Waters in the basin are classified as SC while waters in the access channel are ORW. Waters in the project area are closed to shellfishing. The area is not classified as PNA. 5.1.2 Proposed Action Due to degradation and to support the restaurant balcony, the applicant proposes bulkhead replacement in vicinity of the restaurant 2' waterward of the existing bulkhead. The bulkhead will be constructed of either concrete or naval style vinyl sheet pile and measure 1' wide x 105'. Also included will be a 1' wide x 35' long upland retaining wingwall on the northern property line. The proposed bulkhead will impact approximately 210 square feet of coastal wetlands and create a vacant area to be filled with approximately 35 cubic yards of sand from a sand mine or other upland source. The upland retaining wingwall will create a vacant upland area to be filled with approximately 7 cubic yards of sand from a sand mine or other upland source. Due to degradation, the applicant proposes replacement of a portion of the floating dock facility. Proposed replacement includes an 8' wide x 74' long section, an 8' wide x 220' long section with (9) 5' wide x 28' long fingers, and a 6' wide x 322' long section with (3) 5' wide x 16' long fingers in the existing permitted footprint. Also due to degradation, the applicant proposes replacement of a total of 744' of existing bulkhead with either concrete or naval style vinyl sheet pile measuring 1' wide to be placed in the existing permitted footprint as depicted on the enclosed figures. Due to erosion, the applicant proposes relocation of the bulkhead at the southern portion of the boat basin a maximum of 18' south (landward) from the existing position. The proposed bulkhead will be constructed of either concrete or naval style vinyl sheet pile and measure 1' wide x 390' long. An approximate 5,200 square foot of upland cut will generate approximately 1,700 cubic yards of gravel and sand to be placed on a 300' x 200' upland portion of PIN 3271-64-5212-000 in Hampstead, Pender County, owned by Forehand & Bradshaw Properties LLC. In place of the upland excavation and underlying basin expansion, a restructured floating dock is proposed. The replacement floating dock will measure 8' wide x 316' long and include (11) 4' wide x 24' long floating fingers. The restructured floating dock will accommodate 22 wet slips. The relocated bulkhead will also create space for a proposed forklift drop. A proposed approximate 3,100 square foot of grassed area will be converted from grass to concrete to support the forklift drop. Also, to support the proposed forklift drop an additional bulkhead is proposed 2' waterward from existing measuring 1' wide x 54' long and be constructed of either concrete or naval style sheet pile. The proposed bulkhead will create a vacant open water area to be filled with approximately 80 cubic yards of sand from a sand mine or other upland source. To provide safer access during loading / unloading vessels from trailers, 4' wide x 108' long sectional dock is proposed in the middle of the existing boat ramp. 56' of the proposed dock will be fixed above the mean high-water line, while a 52' section will be floating below the mean high-water line. A boatlift is also proposed on the southern portion of the boat basin measuring 12.5' x 12.5' on center. An additional upland dry stack boat rack is proposed on the southwest portion of the property and will measure 12.5' wide x 102' long x 35' high and be installed outside the 30' CAMA buffer. Conversion of approximately 78,900 square feet of currently graveled areas to either concrete or asphalt is proposed. An existing approved stormwater plan is included. A 1' wide x 156' retaining wall is proposed on the northern portion of the property to stabilize uplands. A combined total of 191' of upland retaining wall is proposed on the property. A combined total of 549' of new bulkhead is proposed. A combined total of 744' of existing bulkhead replacement in place is proposed. On the northern portion of the basin, floating dock replacement and restructuring is proposed. An 8' wide x 240' long existing floating dock with eight fingers will be replaced with an 8' wide x 240' long floating dock with (9) 4' wide x 24' long finger piers. The restructured floating dock will accommodate 19 permanent wet slips. There are a total of 67 slips existing, a total of 75 are proposed. 33 slips are temporary slips for loading / unloading, and to support vessels patronizing the restaurant. On the northern border of the boat basin, an approximate 5' grassed buffer is proposed. Approximately 2,700 square feet of existing gravel will be converted to a grassed buffer to capture silt and sediment runoff from the parking area to the basin. Additionally, an approximate 1,500 square feet of existing gravel is proposed to be converted to a grassed buffer on the southern portion of the basin. See supporting documentation for a complete breakdown of impervious / pervious calculations. Due to restrictive water depths within the existing basin and access channel, maintenance dredging to the previously permitted -5' below mean low water is proposed. Upland excavation to 0' mean low water will expand the basin by approximately 5,200 square feet and will generate approximately 1,700 cubic yards of material. Upland excavation will be placed on a 300' x 200' upland portion of PIN 3271-64-5212-000 in Hampstead, Pender County, owned by Forehand & Bradshaw Properties LLC. An upland spoil permission letter is included. The proposed basin maintenance dredging and new dredging footprint to the previously permitted -5' mean low water will be approximately 81,200 square feet and generate approximately 7,500 cubic yards of dredge spoil. Maintenance dredge spoil and below MHW excavated material will be placed on a 300' x 200' portion of PIN 4214-83-8898-000L in Hampstead, Pender County, owned by Glenn Matthew Lewis. A dredge spoil permission letter is included. Dredging will be conducted by either bucket to dump truck or bucket to barge methodologies. The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Additionally, the project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the project is to provide additional dry vessel storage, excavate uplands, restructure portions of the existing docking facility, install new bulkheads, repair / replace failing bulkheads, establish a forklift drop, install a retaining wall for erosion control, restore originally permitted water depths, convert existing gravel to either concrete or asphalt, allow for maintenance / replacement of existing concrete, establish a grassed buffer along the boat basin, and install a boatlift to support the existing restaurant and marina. Due to shoaling, sedimentation, and restrictive water depths surrounding the existing and proposed docking facility and existing access channel, dredging to the original -5' MLW depth is required. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR LAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: El;&M Holdings LLC Mailing Address: 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road Wilmington NO 28411 Phone Number: 910-232-2085 Email Address: jebmcm@gmaii.com I certify that 1 have authorized Davey Resource Group, Inc. Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: any CAMA permitting at my property located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road in Pender County. l furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature Print or Type Name Title Date This certification is valid through 12 l31 12024 DAVEYm Resource Group October 17, 2023 TO: Tara MacPherson / Jason Dail North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Scotts Hill Marina CAMA Major Permit Request Tara and Jason, On behalf of B&M Holdings LLC, Jeb Bradshaw is applying for a CAMA Major Permit on the property located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, Pender County, North Carolina. Enclosed is a fee check. The request for additional information has been addressed and revised supporting documentation has been attached to the online application. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything in addition to accept the application as complete. Sincerely, r William A. Dortch Davey Resource Group, Inc. Enclosures: Fee Check cc: B&M Holdings, Jeb Bradshaw www.davey.com • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 DAVEY#-. Resource Group August 21, 2023 STILWELLJOSEPH H JR 210 SIMMONS DRIVE WILMINGTON NC 28411 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of B&M Holdings LLC, Jeb Bradshaw is applying for a CAMA Major Permit on the property located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, Pender County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work involve installation of bulkheads, replacement of existing bulkheads in place, upland excavation, replacement of concrete in place as needed, replacement of existing floating docks in place as needed, removal of existing floating docks, installation of floating docks, installation of a floating access dock, installation of a boatlift, conversion of existing gravel to concrete or asphalt, installation of a concrete forklift drop, conversion of existing gravel to grassed buffers, installation of a retaining wall, installation of a 46 slip dry stack storage rack, and maintenance and proposed dredging as depicted on the enclosed Plan View drawings. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached permit drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments within 30 days of your receipt of this notice to: Tara MacPherson North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Comments will be considered by the NC Department of Coastal Management in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 30 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have any questions on this project, please call me at 910-452-0001, or e-mail me at William.Dortch@davey.com Sincerely, William A. Dortch, Agent Davey Resource Group, Inc. Enclosures www.davey.com • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 DAVEY#-. Resource Group August 21, 2023 STILWELLJOSEPH H JR 212 SIMMONS DRIVE WILMINGTON NC 28411 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of B&M Holdings LLC, Jeb Bradshaw is applying for a CAMA Major Permit on the property located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, Pender County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work involve installation of bulkheads, replacement of existing bulkheads in place, upland excavation, replacement of concrete in place as needed, replacement of existing floating docks in place as needed, removal of existing floating docks, installation of floating docks, installation of a floating access dock, installation of a boatlift, conversion of existing gravel to concrete or asphalt, installation of a concrete forklift drop, conversion of existing gravel to grassed buffers, installation of a retaining wall, installation of a 46 slip dry stack storage rack, and maintenance and proposed dredging as depicted on the enclosed Plan View drawings. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached permit drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments within 30 days of your receipt of this notice to: Patrick Amico North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Comments will be considered by the NC Department of Coastal Management in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 30 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have any questions on this project, please call me at 910-452-0001, or e-mail me at William.Dortch@davey.com Sincerely, William A. Dortch, Agent Davey Resource Group, Inc. Enclosures www.davey.com • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 DAVEY#-. Resource Group August 21, 2023 HARDIN TONI B 108 SIR WALTER COURT HAMPSTEAD NC 28443 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of B&M Holdings LLC, Jeb Bradshaw is applying for a CAMA Major Permit on the property located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, Pender County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work involve installation of bulkheads, replacement of existing bulkheads in place, upland excavation, replacement of concrete in place as needed, replacement of existing floating docks in place as needed, removal of existing floating docks, installation of floating docks, installation of a floating access dock, installation of a boatlift, conversion of existing gravel to concrete or asphalt, installation of a concrete forklift drop, conversion of existing gravel to grassed buffers, installation of a retaining wall, installation of a 46 slip dry stack storage rack, and maintenance and proposed dredging as depicted on the enclosed Plan View drawings. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached permit drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments within 30 days of your receipt of this notice to: Patrick Amico North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Comments will be considered by the NC Department of Coastal Management in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 30 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have any questions on this project, please call me at 910-452-0001, or e-mail me at William.Dortch@davey.com Sincerely, William A. Dortch, Agent Davey Resource Group, Inc. Enclosures www.davey.com • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 DAVEY#-. Resource Group August 21, 2023 HARDIN TONI B 2524 SCOTTS HILL LOOP ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28411 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of B&M Holdings LLC, Jeb Bradshaw is applying for a CAMA Major Permit on the property located at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, Pender County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work involve installation of bulkheads, replacement of existing bulkheads in place, upland excavation, replacement of concrete in place as needed, replacement of existing floating docks in place as needed, removal of existing floating docks, installation of floating docks, installation of a floating access dock, installation of a boatlift, conversion of existing gravel to concrete or asphalt, installation of a concrete forklift drop, conversion of existing gravel to grassed buffers, installation of a retaining wall, installation of a 46 slip dry stack storage rack, and maintenance and proposed dredging as depicted on the enclosed Plan View drawings. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached permit drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments within 30 days of your receipt of this notice to: Patrick Amico North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Comments will be considered by the NC Department of Coastal Management in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 30 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have any questions on this project, please call me at 910-452-0001, or e-mail me at William.Dortch(@davev.com Sincerely, William A. Dortch, Agent Davey Resource Group, Inc. Enclosures www.davey.com • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 �y Domestic .E �f 1�1 �nFIN U m L V r-q Cetfilted Malt Fee a 35 M Q' $ rr. c,4 Extra lce6 ees ichac7i bwa add rke pq tpj ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ ' •- " - - O ❑ Return Recelpt (electronlo) $ I I l-I Postmark O ❑CertlsedMall Restricted OelKwy $mil.[_,Ql'l Here O []Adult Signature Required $,r. rt ❑Aduli Signature Reeeloled Dallvary $ p Er Postage ter. $?.• 5 o I.lu2'1l2i.1?33 ToWPostageen m m �,.45 ca Sanf To Oiiaa�eiiilApt;/!o; ------------- r- Ln M 0 M rq M Er r-i O O O O c' d M tU a 0 r` Postal CERTIFIED o RECEIPT Domestic o ,cc m A.L. U S G r-q Crtrulled Mali Fee M $ $4.35 I14f.f4 Er Exlra 3arvlcas & -ees bwr c ❑Return Aw.elpl (hankopy) 4 addme •I f i r-q ❑ Realm ROcnlpi (electronic) $ Postmark 0 ❑ Ceraged Mall Restricted pellvery $ Hare O ❑Adult Signature Required a V Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ rtt — O Postage tr $2 . 55 alai emge and Fees f,IC r ,I 1 s 45 C13 Sent To N i 1� { E3 1 O �iresi ar'Irl1ip?:' :: or � rrFoir fi�a� "_._ .,- _ - r�- Domestic Mail Only m I n website p I1A E.a r-1 Corilfied Mall Fee 1147 m Er Extra Sonacos & Fees {dheck Dw; add roo Tlwlrrtl fqj !r r.� II Ii ElRatum Receipt (hardcopy) $ _ . r=1 ❑ Return Receipt (electronlo) = ❑ Certilled Mall Restricted Delivery $j'j Ou', O ❑ Adult Signature Required $-- .ii;•l,Ili— IIAdult Signature l3vdrloled Dallmry $ O Poutags 7 7G Er Total Postage and 6lYrsl ill 69 rO y � ca a son" F tC.' n: O _ 6iieeignd._arffox — - - lt+a,:� c�nn rat U S E "J40b ?4 Postmark Here La ■ complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. f1Jdressedto: Tom. sLa"A� W%\\ �40,p A. bigna3161W.r X . a B. R ved by (Printed Name) : Date D L3 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below:address different from item 17 ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Priority Mali Expresso 11��111�I1�111 11111�111111111111I 11111 11111I1 ❑ Adult Signature Q Registered MailT ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery fl Red Mall astrle}ed ❑ Cetified MaX Dl�ryR µ 9590 9402 8104 2349 2668 63 ❑ Codified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑ Slgnature ConflrmetlonT ❑ Signature Con*7ticn ❑ Collect an Delivery ❑ Collect on Dellvery Restricted Delivery Restricted Dellvery nir mt,ar rnans{er from service label} , , -,,.e r,Agil 7 018 3090 0001 9 313 0340 n ill Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811, July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 AO `� ] . U �' ' Domestic Return Receipt SECTIONDELIVERY � cQ� piste items 1, 2, and 3. it Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back t the mailpiece, or on the front if space A 1. Article Addressed to: v ti3 t � ��.�r u� UU � � 1� 1111111� 1 till 1111111I11111111111111111�1111111 9590 9402 8104 2349 2668 94 A. X ICJ Recei ed by {�r+me�� . f- - D. Is delivery address different from item i? Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No Y Service Type p Adult Signature ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery r] certified M8110 17 Certified Mall Restrlcted Dellvery R Cowrt on Dellvery i Delivery Rsslrleted Delivery 9313 0371 tali 3 0 9 0 0 0 01 ,..�, tail Restricted Delivery 7 018 - over $5001 r PS Form 3811, July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000.9453 0 Prlorlty Mail Expresso ❑ Registered MaVITfA El Registered Mall Restricted palheery p Signature ConfirmallOnT"' ❑ 519nature Conflrrnallon RestriGted Dellvary Domestic Return Receipt , N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: B&M Holdings, clo Jeb Bradshaw Address of Property: 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington NC Mailing Address of Owner: 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington NC Owner's email: jebmcm@gmail.com Owner's Phone#: 910-232-2085 Agent's Name: Wiliam Dortch Agent's Email: william.dortch@davey.com Agent Phone#: 910-452-0001 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, .you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive EXT, IMrimington, NC 28405. DCMrepresentalives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive somelall of the 15' setback N/A Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Io I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: Typed/Printed name of ARPO: k u. S�tL,Wt N/A Mailing Address of ARPO: 10 S vVL ru 0 rJ S ARPO's email ARPO's Phone#: tq,o 3 3 -`Ff 9 Date: ?�� Z oz "waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature' Revised May 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: B&M Holdings, C/o Jeb Bradshaw Address of Property: 2570 Scoffs Hill Loop Road, Wilmington NC Mailing Address of Owner: 2570 Scoffs Hill Loop Road, Wilmington NC Owner's email: jebmcm@gmail.com Agent's Name: William Dortch Agent's Email: william.dortch@davey.com Owner's Phone#: 910-232-2085 Agent Phone#: 910-452-0001 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions must be provided with this letter. r DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. if you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive EXT, Wilmington, NC 28405. DCMrepresentatives can also be contactedat (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection ff you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (if you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback NIA -OR- Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property A, NIA Typed/Printed name of ARPO: Mailing Address of ARPO: bl? 't:t? �� LGll i l i , �, � 4i,/ I C a�'L4 ii I ARPO's email: 4 n, GR (, a Q rnu, 1, t-a h,-i ARPO's Phone#: c i F Date: q�, *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* Revised May 2021 CAMA PERMIT APPLIED FOR PROJECT: Marina Renovations, Excavation and New Bulkhead Installation. COMMENTS ACCEPTED THROUGH 11 232023 APPLICANT FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT THE LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER BELOW: B&M Holdings Jason Dail - DCM c/o Davey Resource Group 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Wilmington, NC 28411 Jason.dail@deq.nc.gov Hwy 17 ,� . ,.. 212 SIMMONS DRIVE ' ?" SCOTTS HILL MARINA r` WILMINGTON NC 28411 or ! 2570 SCOTTS HILL LOOP ROAD . �' �` ,��• 7 �`� r •1 210 SIMMONS DRIVE �F WILMINGTON NC 28411 W. 00 �` �'xR Scotts Hill Loop Road Site < Site Location Map V OOAS/tij a*, NTS a .ti r Riparian Corridor and 15' Setback eN , P J 3 CAMA Buffer , f .p.. yaks � .: � -t+it.. • � ,; t � � C • y r 75 AEC p ;, • i ! , }_. ::�. Wit.. _ • � � r i � 'a �v` 5:,1� 'T 4 'ram a •4 � � � p��\ \ � 4. ♦ T ,�` �;�, ; 575' AEC Alp Mean High Water VK 4 " ' HARDIN TONI B ;..•`: E f USACE Navigation Channel 2524 SCOTTS HILL LOOP ROAD ,- WILMINGTON NC 28411 or 108 SIR WALTER COURT r_ HAMPSTEAD NC 28443 f E Setback � . Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh USAC USACE ROW Legend NOTES: Survey Boundary -- -- -- -- — 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. Tax Parcels 2. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. � Riparian Corridor — — — — — — — — — — — 3. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. Project: Date: Revision Date: 4. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. DA Job Number: 10/17/2023 NA 15' Setback ----------- 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. Scotts Hill Marina USACE Navigation Channel 75' AEC ...................... scale: USACE Setback 575' AEC Resource Group ® Title: 1"=150' DRGNCW23.028 USACE Right of Way 30' CAMA Buffer -- -- -- -- — 0 75 150 300 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Existing Conditions Drawn By: Sheet Number. Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 and Site Location WAD 1 of 10 Mean High Water Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh — — — — — — — — — — 910-452-0001 \Users\wd0009\Desktop\Scotts Hill Marina.dwq / rA . j Survey Boundary Existing Gravel to Concrete . or Asphalt (-30,000 sq ft) � • : � J - 30 CAMA Buffer j —= =,_� _,,_� `.• ' ;. Proposed Bulkhead Replacement • ,:;��,,` i 1' Wide x 712' Long • (In Existing Footprint) ,.�. ~' ` ' •'• •' •• .:. • • , •'': ,. .�i�, :.i . • ,, .. • • .• ' ,• Existing Bulkhead ;'.� Existing Building �f . • ' •; (-41000 sq ft) r� and Pervious Deck : '• Mean High Water s Legend Survey Boundary Tax Parcels Riparian Corridor 15' Setback Existing Bulkhead Proposed Bulkhead Proposed Bulkhead (In Place) Mean High Water Proposed 1' Wide x 35' Wingwall on Property Line �d. (45 sq ft of Upland Fill) ' ! i j ��• i ` �. Existing Gravel to 5' Grass Buffer (-2,700 sq ft) a . Coastal Wetland Line ' Riparian Corridor •� Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 105' Long and 15' Setback Waterward from Existing = 210 sq ft � Coastal Wetland Fill) f NOTES: 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. 2. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. 3. COASTAL WETLAND LINE APPROVED BY DCM STAFF AUGUST 16, 2023. 4. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. 5. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. — — — — — — — — — — — 6. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. Coastal Wetland Line 75' AEC ---------------------- 30' CAMA Buffer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 15 30 60 Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh — — — — — — — — — — — r. �• M „f Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh Existing Floating Docks to be Replaced in Existing Footprint as Needed: - 8' Wide x 74' Long - 8' Wide x 280' Long with (9) 5' Wide x 28' Long Fingers - 6' Wide x 322' Long with (3) 5' Wide x 16' Long Fingers DAVEYS Resource Group 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-452-0001 Project: Date: Scotts Hill Marina 1 10/17/2023 Title: 1 "=30' Plan View (1) - Proposed Restaurant Drawn By: Bulkhead I WAD Revision Date: NA DRGNCW23.028 Sheet Number: 2of10 30' CAMA Buffer Existing Building and Deck air 4 , 46p- Existing Bulkhead Mean High Water A' Coastal Wetland Line Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 105' Long t (2' Waterward from Existing = 210 sq ft Coastal Wetland Fill) Coastal Wetland Line Mean High Water 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 —35 CU YD of Sand Backf ill M W 4 2 2 0 0 _2 _2 Existing Bulkhead -4 -4 -6 Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 105' Long _6 -8 (2' Waterward from Existing = 210 sq ft Existing Grade _g Coastal Wetland Fill) 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 Lend NOTES: Existing Bulkhead / Coastal Wetland Line — 1. 2. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. Proposed Bulkhead 3. COASTAL WETLAND LINE APPROVED BY DCM STAFF AUGUST 16, 2023. Mean High Water 4. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. 5. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY FROM TI COASTAL SERVICES, INC. COLLECTED JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 2 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS PRESENT Outer Edge of Marsh AT THAT TIME. RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER NAVD 88. Coastal Wetland Line 6. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAVEYS Resource Group 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-452-0001 Outer Edge of Marsh F�� Project: Scotts Hill Marina Title: Profile View A 0 2.5 5 10 iiiiii Vertical and Horizontal Date: 10/17/2023 Scale: As Noted Drawn By: WAD Revision Date: NA Job Number: DRGNCW23.028 Sheet Number: 3of10 Proposed Retaining Wall (1' Wide x 156' Long) r -•• Survey Boundary t Existing Bulkhead'Proposed Floating Dock (8' Wide x 240' Long Existing Gravel to 5' with (9) 4' Wide x 24' Long Fingers) Proposed Bulkhead Replacement " "`'- Mean High Water r. :' ''' Grass Buffer -2,700 s ft �, g ( q ) _ �'.• 1' Wide x 712' Long {. • - :,�.� _ j •_. ` `;. ,.% (In Existing Footprint) a :: - :. ? . —1"' Existing Concrete <„ _ r (-10,500 sq ft) f -.' y- �_,_� t"' ; t r r • Existing Gravel to to be Replaced) %jam ` . Concrete or Asphalt (-30,000 sq ft) ! • ' z Proposed Floating Dock-�� (4' Wide x 52' Long) Proposed Access Pier (4' Wide x 56' Long) a' •� I I I I I << . a' '' ' Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 54' Long Proposed Bulkhead Replacement Existing Floating Dock (to be removed) (2' Waterward from Existing = 108 sq ft 1 Wide x 32 Long \ Open Water Fill) In Existing Footprint) Proposed Floating Dock 8' Wide x 316' Long with Existing Grass to Concrete (11) 4' Wide x 24' Long Fingers) Forklift Drop (-3,100 sq ft) , Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 390' Long ~ •j s Existing Gravel to .r 4 • YN• Concrete or Asphalt — - (-•47,500 sq ft) i .; ,. ••+. \ . .. Y �,• . `. "'!-� .- � _ �� �, ,� III t All Proposed 75 AEC r , Proposed Dry Stack Storage Rack (12.5' Wide x 102' Long x 35' Tall) Legend Survey Boundary Tax Parcels Riparian Corridor 15' Setback Existing Bulkhead Proposed Bulkhead Proposed Bulkhead (In Place) Mean High Water Existing Gravel to 5' .� , Grass Buffer (-1,500 sq ft) ,Y • Upland Gravel Excavation (-5,200 sq ft to -0' MLW) Proposed 30' CAMA Buffer ' ' _ 575' AEC Existing Retaining Wall NOTES: 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. 2. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. 3. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. 4. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. 575' AEC 75' AEC (Proposed) ...................... 30' CAMA Buffer (Proposed) -- -- -- -- — 0 15 30 60 Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh — — — — — — — — — —— DAVEYS Resource Group 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-452-0001 Proposed Boatlift (12.5' x 12.5 on center) Project: Date: Revision Date: Scotts Hill Marina 1 10/17/2023 NA Title: Plan View (2.1) - Proposed Docks, Bulkhead, �Dra—wnBy: Storage Rack, Boat Lift 1"=30' DRGNCW23.028 Sheet Number: WAD 4 of 10 ' -- 30' CAMA Buffer Proposed Retaining Wall , (1' Wide x 156' Long) 1.Survey Boundary ` .:;, •'' ;;,._� __;�` �'' :' _ ;'`; Existing Bulkhead :> ' . Y ',.. ' • y' . t ' , P d B Ikh AO I t r"'` Existing Gravel to 5' ' Proposed Floating Dock (8' Wide x 240' Long with (9) 4' Wide x 24' Long Fingers) Mean High Water i' ' ' •r. l' ' ropose u ea ep acemen ` Grass Buffer 2 700 s ft (� q ) ; t y' 1 1 Wide x 712 Long _ i'�, (In Existing Footprint) ' -�",; Existing Concrete ', ; • . ., •' .> „ -10 500 sq ft Existing Gravel to - to be Replaced — Concrete or Asphalt (�30,000 sq ft) ,' ,.•, Proposed Floating Dock — — Zr; r .; • • .:- t' ' (4 Wide x 52 Long) Proposed Access Pier11.V } (4' Wide x 56' Long) _ I I I I I I I I I I I fit'• ; >'3'1••„ '�•. U U Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 54' Long Existing Floating Dock (to be removed) y (2' Waterward from Existing = 108 sq ft Proposed Bulkhead Replacement } • �.- Open Water Fill) 1 Wide x 32 Long (In Existing Footprint) Proposed Floating Dock (8' Wide x 316' Long with •> Existing Grass to Concrete (11) 4' Wide x 24' Long Fingers) ; Forklift Drop (-3,100 sq ft) ' Proposed Bulkhead 1' Wide x 390' Long Proposed Boatlift \ :'; ' ' ; •` n ; (12.5' x 12.5 on center) Existing Gravel to Concrete or Asphalt (-•'47,500 sq ft) 4.1 Existing Gravel to 5' Grass Buffer (-1,500 sq ft) -_ Proposed 75 AEC • ; .. --------------- Upland Gravel Excavation (-5,200 sq ft to -0' MLW) -- Proposed Dry Stack Storage Rack ; • ; ,' ' . ; 575 AEC (12.5' Wide x 102' Long x 35' Tall) . " ' ' `• ' ' Proposed 30' CAMA Buffer Existing Retaining Wall _ Legend NOTES: Survey Boundary 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. Tax Parcels 2. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. Riparian Corridor — — — — — — — — — — 3. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. — 4. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. Project: Date: Revision Date: 10/17/2023 NA 15' Setback — — — — — — — — — — — 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAVEY Scotts Hill Marina Existing Bulkhead 575' AEC Scale: Job Number: ProProposed Bulkhead p 75' AEC (Proposed) -- ( p ) ""' ' ""' ' "" Resource GroupTitle: 1"=30' DRGNCW23.028 Plan View (2.2) - Proposed Bulkhead (In Place) 30' CAMA Buffer (Proposed) -- -- -- -- — 0 15 30 60 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Proposed Docks, Bulkhead, Drawn By: Sheet Number: Mean High Water Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh -- --------- Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-452-0001 Storage Rack, Boat Lift WAD 5 of 10 30' CAMA Buffer �i Existing Retaining Wall Proposed 5' Grassed Buffer ilillippolillpip, -— E — Proposed Bulkhead - Proposed Upland Excavation Proposed Floating Dock Existing Retaining Wall -\ Proposed Upland Excavation W—M (-5,200 square feet) T BI ,1__:0ME 11 1 1 ! Proposed Upland Excavation Proposed Floating Dock Existing Floating Dock (to be removed) Proposed Maintenance Dredge Area (-76,000 square feet to -5' MLW) //- Proposed Floating Dock Proposed 5' Grassed Buffer ' °' "" "" ' " " " IVI-1 Existing Bulkhead Existing Floating Dock Proposed Bulkhead (to be removed) (to be removed) 10 10 8 8 6 6 �- - - - ------ ------------ ------------ --- ------------------ Ll----------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------- ------ -------------------- --------------- -------------------- ------------------ - - - - -------------------- ------- - - •---- -- -- ------ ----------- ------------ -- ----------------- --------------------- -------------------- -- 2 2 Existing Grade 0 MLW, 0 _2 _2 -4 -4 -6 Proposed Maintenance Dredge Area (-6,500 CU YD to -5' MLW) -6 _ 8 Proposed Dredge Area (-1,000 CU YD to -5' MLW) -8 Proposed Grade I _ U+UU U+ "I U U+1U U+JU U+4U U+bU U+bU 0 2.5 5 10 Vertical and Horizontal Lend NOTES: Existing Bulkhead g 1. 2. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,430'. Proposed ea Pro d Bulkhead p Existing Floating Dock (to be removed) Proposed Floating Dock Proposed 5' Grassed Buffer Proposed Upland Excavation Proposed Dredge Area 3. 4. •------------°°------° °------------°°------° 5. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY FROM TI COASTAL SERVICES, INC. COLLECTED JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 2 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS PRESENT AT THAT TIME. RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER NAVD 88. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAVEY ° ResourceAs WrightsvilleSuite up 3AGroup Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Project: Scotts Hill Marina Date: 10/17/2023 Revision Date: NA Scale: Noted Job Number: DRGNCW23.028 Title: Profile View B Drawn By: WAD Sheet Number: 6 of 10 910452-0001 Survey Boundary. 4Existing Gravel to Concrete or Asphalt (�47,500 sq ft) Existing Boat Storage Racks • 4 r y Existing Gravel to 5 Grass Buffer (-2,700 sq ft) MENEM— Existing Gravel to Concrete or Asphalt (-30,000 sq ft) ' x f Riparian Corridor J " 06and 15' Setback „•,•: _ Existing Building F �• � h L r r ..;•. WAMI t;., ::,..•..;; ,, ,, ice„ ^ and Pervious Deck Existing Concrete :w•::{ ty, ri l'�_ , •1' 1500 sq ft) '�w J i. u•,.sl� / i,•. • f• i"f'49,.(1•.r .. .•'tea:• �,Y. ,: i.t�ii,... y.{.'•�..;'�.. 4•.,. f Y.'� .:� ,,..? r'?':• ': /,'i •'?� ;: ii"}J.4t`.'w�r'!::;.i _`'•":` i•�.'s'i%,. �•7`ia'": *'<•' �r, }:�;: r., ,.J, j_1:A1...F�..:-._ :Y:;•'.,.?• fii.. t��.y:,.. , f;. ,.r•�.�,: i•'•.-,("{^ i�:},�•!�trv_ p to be Replaced .r,,:••,, �.,. ��.: rr:i `!r,:Y. ,.r�: ;;. ,.; � ,:4.• ,.,...:•.' �•;-,�• ,�,;, "•+,. a ..• .•.•.! .:� E: :. .. •," x.? �r', h:' r ��s�s•. �;�`. ,,.��.:...ir.: `,�:r�';''r.4: ..{l•. :F %:�'.m !:'. :,;.! ..�i. :L�'.•.,•j,_•�. ... .... ,,• .. +/ .tt��, ♦/.. s�.4. "/ - .:J,.: .+5. . 1• re+ tom/ .� C �1 yJ'�+ ` :'A3.1'.':f:y•, •r. ,i•' 1 ` �'`^.+• -• ..••1•.1 :� •Y.0 �: ��: •:/; •.�.^L'e•?i: •'f.i% .t: 4'^y.t: ,C:••% .+; ''�'.. .r'!.:...•; •'ui.., .,,: .. , _:. .,• •y,ir'..• a� •:'�, .,:; ha:,• r, /,• i:'r;, l..a.;l. }.1: ;'�}; y!•, ,.: ]. �:.! w- ,...:• �."•. •,;:`.,;.y:• / `I'e ;:. :(, n}• Yr •L?''�•:?a'"r Y.: .`4: y: t;'....�,r.: ,, •. .y,r. � I i �'.-iii*,'f i; :•!:• � .. � ••i :1:t ,• .r. _ � r s 't:��.r j. �}� '.C' .r: ...> I � - •�.!},r,r (?: '"•r' ♦r Y �5 .."1 4 ay„r •• r;,r•�•!�'„'; �•r •ti :.. S}. ! J •lJF,,.}.. :,ji:.J•. ;,!? i./''�+:.,.� 1i'rY• ; �':1,,1 1 i,�1 <,`f '•'%,t ':r:'�:ti �•5;:..";...... '9•;il,.; %:.1:.<:' �. i 'j�,:r'ryri{�••;.tf���• J... Existing Grass to Concrete (-3,100 sq Sc ,a4 ORW C��! W-i ; Existing Gravel to 5' Grass Buffer (-1,500 sq ft) Y, Mean High WaAppx. Outer Edge of Marsh ter •�, �� -,� -, Proposed 30' CAMA Buffer I USACE Right of Way F .. Legend NOTES: - — Survey Boundary 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. Tax Parcels 2 SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. 3. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. Riparian Corridor — ----------4. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. Project: Date: Revision Date: 15' Setback — — — — — — — — — — — 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAVEYS Scotts Hill Marina 10/17/2023 NA Existing Bulkhead 575' AEC Scale: Job Number: 1"=80' DRGNCW23.028Proposed Bulkhead 75'AEC (Proposed) ......................Resource Groun Title: Plan view (3)- Proposed Bulkhead (In Place) 30' CAMA Buffer (Proposed) -- -- -- -- — 0 40 80 160 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Proposed Concrete Drawn By: Sheet Number: --------- Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 or Asphalt WAD 7 of 10 Mean High Water Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh -- 910-452-0001 C:\Users\wd0009\Desktop\Scotts Hill Marina.dwg Survey Boundary Existing Drystacks ------------------- Proposed Bulkhead (in place) r i I I Co+00 ` � _ \ _ I � I 75 Existing Bulkhead 7 �. --- Proposed Bulkhead U� Ll I I I\ / I < I11 '-• 1+00 2+00 \ LJ \\I I \ 1 Proposed Drystack Proposed 75' AEC Proposed 30' CAMA Buffer 575' AEC - I USACE ROW - USACE Setback �\ USACE Navigation Channel Mean High Water I I Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh I � Riparian Corridor ' and 15' Setback I � \ Existing Floating Docks to be Replaced --------_ `> in Existing Footprint as Needed: --------%�-----_------_ _ _ - - 8' Wide x 74' Long --- __ - 8' Wide x 280' Long with (9) 5' Wide x 28' Long Fingers l -- - 6' Wide x 322' Long with (3) 5' Wide x 16' Long Fingers iT 1_ 5+00 6+00 _ SIC ----\_ - ORW 8+00 9,00 \\ _ \ Upland Gravel Excavation ------_____ (--5,200 sq ft to 0' MLW) Proposed Dredge Area (-5,200 sq ft to -5' MLW) \� Proposed Maintenance Dredge Area Bulkhead and Floating Dock (-76,000 sq ft to -5' MLW) I I I I I I I --0 10-00 �D E T 11+00 —I C1 a ICJ Legend NOTES: Survey Boundary 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. Y Y 2. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. Tax Parcels 3. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. Riparian Corridor — — — — — — — — — — — I 4. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY FROM TI COASTAL SERVICES, INC. COLLECTED JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 2 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS PRESENT Project: Date: Revision Date: AT THAT TIME. RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER NAVD 88. 10/17/2023 NA 15' Setback ----------- 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAV mY Scotts Hill Marina Existing Bulkhead 575' AEC Scale: Job Number: 1"=80' DRGNCW23.028 Proposed Bulkhead 75' AEC (Proposed) -- -------------- Resource Group Title: Proposed Bulkhead (In Place) 30' CAMA Buffer (Proposed) -- -- — 0 40 80 160 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Plan View (4) - Drawn By: Sheet Number: Mean High Water Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh ----------- Wilmington,North 5-00Carolina 28403 Proposed Dredge Area WAD 8 of 10 USACE Navigation Channel -- -` t t Proposed Maintenance Dredge Area (-6,500 CU YD to -5' MLW) ED OR ALLOWED z ��I ■■■■■■�■I■■■■■■��� ti ■■■ ■■■ ■■' OPOSITS %mvii& NO DOCKING r __. ■■ ■■■ f t. .--. UNINNSiong ■• 11+ 00 CI ' � .I`�\■_ all 30 3i 32 13■ I+sr■■■■■�■■■■■■■®i � �� +� c3� �� � I� � 1'i�■.���•7•IIuLJ��■■■G■�I����■■■■��I�I\�■■! 1111"oo-WENOWIN Bananas 10+00 2, - ��,♦ �''ar ■■vvv■■■■p■r-u ; ri° ■e u■■■I w'\ t lueJe �.a�■I ■■■■■[■■■ ■w-- ■■■ �a _ -- iG,..= 2s [■ ■p I■ 1�/■■� ■■■■■■■I��■ /■■6 _.-i ■■■Tip■■■ r� iF`-\"_� t'e \■■■■ILJ ■■■■[J ■■[9+00 !/■■■ �� Y\lid■��\�\►����I�■I ��■■f�������j-■=■:,..■■�f■�[ ■p��7�\w�■a��n.. .�D..J■ jy ���■���%��3��0 �f1 -1„��'i4 / 1■■■ ■■■■■■ ••�■�■■■�■■■.■12+ \■■■■�:� r■■■M��w■■■I■■■�[�•1•��_�ia7w�y'. I■;■�. ��1�AA ['r■■ loi■■A 1■■■[�■■■��■■��■■unseen, B+o0j�i■ *__-\�■■-■�■■■■■�■S� • / ,.t• ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ 00 p■ I ,e l,� ' JL/Jq 1� �■ �rw \■■ ■1 ■■■�.N ■p ■■1 xv r�ii�� —�ii rriiiii�r��riiiiiirrriwrri.i rir rrrr■iiiiiiii a�iiii' : , _- ui� i �'%ri�iiii' rrMOURNi +oo iiirrrr �� i:����r!s:�iirrr■iiiia a . ; •r■■ ■■■■■■■■■1_+00 ■■ ■■■ r o■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ rvv■v ■■■■■■■■■ Lr■w� n �* — --- _?vr■s■i:�iiruuiiir■n i■ii�■ r�ii�nniiiiir■■.:�iiir■�aiiiinr:i�no !■■■%�■r�r■r ■■�iiiiiriicl c o+oo ■rvii iiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiirr�iiiisiriiiiiiiir �i_-- ------`rrii. s'i■i■■in�o+oo trr■■—p■■■■i ��■v■iir■■pniii ■■■■viir■■.r■ii:!��-.._- ■ ■■■x■■■■■■■■p■■n■■■ier■■■■■wr�■■■■■■rr�r' t7■■000191 p■■■ii� q■ rn^o[ I ..�ii:�■o■� 1■p■■■ [_ �wv■ riir■■■■ ■■■■■o.-�u.-- \ ■mpp �,'�� -RONiiiriiiiii �i�ii 'iiii "�wOman �ii 1001 Tqi - Inar 'iiir''*ioiiiir• w4���►iiiii;�iiririi�s`oo �rrririi�r w �------ riii i wGia� uriii�°:riri:a��i i4hji14J,1, rye}KL1����aiii"°r ■iiiof �U■�i;�!Z was Monsoon�.iiii::iii:! +, °,,�' ` _ =\ �:, v� 1_,�-u� AL Ih I■viiiiirnall a ■■vr ::��i:�!n.-- 1 : T■_v — epee ■p■..— , r _- p an ZT_ �''� USACE Setback Proposed Upland Excavation �� � -;-- - - ` - Proposed Dredge Area (�1,000 CU YD to -5' MLW) USACE Ri g of Y (-- Right Wa 1,700 CU YD to 0' MLW) _ ; n . USACE Right of Way USACE Navigation Channel USACE Setback CPR Station r 0 00 ­nn 3+00 4+00 5+00 6 Existing Grade IT < \ iv 0 -1 Proposed Grade � Proposed Maintenance Dredge Area (--6,500 CU YD to -5' MLW) Proposed Grade Extends to -5' MLW at Time of Construction 20 3 00 11 00 ^'^^ D*UU 9+00 10+00 0 5 10 20 iiiiii Vertical 0 40 80 160 iiiiii Horizontal Lend NOTES: 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. Existing Bulkhead 2. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,430'. Proposed Bulkhead 3. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. 4. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY FROM TI COASTAL SERVICES, INC. COLLECTED JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 2 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS PRESENT Project: Date: Existing Floating Dock (to be removed) AT THAT TIME. RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER NAVD 88. 10/17/2023 Revision Date: NA Scotts Hill Marina Proposed Floating Dock 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAV Y A Scale: Proposed 5' Grassed Buffer As Noted Resource Group Title: Job Number: DRGNCW23.028 Proposed Upland Excavation / Dredge Area p p g 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Profile View C Drawn By: Sheet Number: Proposed Maintenance Dredge Area Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 WAD 9 of 10 910452-0001 C:\Users\wo0009\Desktop\6cotts Hill Marina.owg Survey Boundary Existing Drystacks ------------------- Proposed Bulkhead (in place) - 1 � 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I i t 1 � ' 1 I — 115 Existing Bulkhead f I 24 25 26 27 Proposed Bulkhead I 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35I I ' L/ 36 37 38 39 40 41 \ \ 42 \ i 43 \ I � \ I 45 I 3 4 5 8 46 I ' L ] a 47 _ 9 16 11 12 13 — 11_ rl O � Proposed Drystack Proposed 75' AEC 575' AEC — Proposed 30' CAMA Buffer J \ *67 Total Slips Existing, 75 Total Slips Proposed Ww"4111"I USACE ROW USACE Setback USACE Navigation Chal Mean High Water i I Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh I � Riparian Corridor ' ' and 15Setback t � � Q- t I I ----- __ Existing Floating Dock (33 Temporary Slips I for Loading and Unloading Only, Slips 42-74) 9 M o o ]4 W ii 3 No DOCKING PROPOSED y OR ALLOWED $ ]2 z° s] sa 59 fi0 61 62 63 64 65 E6 fi] 68 (DO 0 SC ORW I / Proposed Boatlift I -- (12.5' x 12.5 on center) Proposed Upland Excavation and Dredge Area (-5,200 sq ft to -5' MLW) Bulkhead and Floating Dock Legend d NOTES: Survey Boundary 1. 2019 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. SURVEY BOUNDARY BELOW MHW NOT SHOWN. Y Y 2. WIDTH OF WATER BODY IS APPROXIMATELY 630'. LENGTH OF SHORELINE AT MEAN HIGH WATER IS 1,4301. Tax Parcels 3. BASE CAD FILE AND MEAN HIGH WATER FROM ESP ASSOCIATES INC. COLLECTED MARCH 2O23 RELATIVE TO MLW NAVD 88. Riparian Corridor — — — — — — — — — — — 4. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY FROM TI COASTAL SERVICES, INC. COLLECTED JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 2 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS PRESENT Project: 1 Date: Revision Date: AT THAT TIME. RELATIVE TO MEAN LOW WATER NAVD 88. 10/17/2023 NA 15' Setback — — — — — — — — — — — 5. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. DAV mY Scotts Hill Marina Existing Bulkhead 575' AEC Scale: Job Number: Proposed Bulkhead 75' AEC (Proposed) ------------ Resource Group Title: 1"=80' DRGNCW23.028 Proposed Bulkhead (In Place) -- -- 30' CAMA Buffer (Proposed) -- -- — 0 40 80 160 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Plan View (5) - Drawn By: Sheet Number: Mean High Water Appx. Outer Edge of Marsh ----------- Wilmington,North 5-00Carolina 28403 Proposed Slip Count WAD 10 of 10 PENDER COUNTY NC 06/09/2009 5 FILED srarenF $11518.00 LIT CAOLINA Rea+EsrOre 2009 JUN -4 P11 1, 42 Excise Tax REGISHl' OF DEEDS 3aSo 2i�a97g1A��I; COUtITY N.C. '3a�o� [ro-`l�1SS'a000 FIN # Sago JrJ-�ot��ae DEED Parcels: 3280-26-2979-0000; 3280-16-9955-0000; 3280-17-9012-0000 Revenue Sta 11,518.00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF FENDER BK3635PGO64 THIS DEED, made and entered into this the 3 day of June, 2009 by and between EASTHAVEN MARINA GROUP, LLC, party of the first part; and B & M HOLDINGS, LLC, having an address of 208 Beach Road North, Wilmington, NC 28411, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said party paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which hereby is acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the party of the second part, said party's successors and assigns, the following described property, to wit: All those certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being situate in Topsail Township, Pender County, North Carolina described in Exhibit A to the deed recorded in Book 3176, Page 104 in the Prepared by PW AND SMITH, P.A., Post Office Box 867, New Bern, NC 28563-0867 Please return to WARD AND SNHTH, P.A., 1001 College Court, Post Office Box 867, New Bern, NC 28563-0867 Attention: William E. Martin No opinion on title is rendered by WARD AND SNrTH, P.A., without a separate written opinion on title from WARD AND SMITH, P.A. BK3635PGO65 office of the Register of Deeds of Pender County, North Carolina, the description in said Exhibit A and said Exhibit A being incorporated by reference herein as if set forth verbatim herein and attached hereto. This conveyance is made subject to easements of record or on the ground, restrictive covenants of record, and ad valorem taxes for the current year, which taxes the party of the second part, by accepting this deed, agrees to pay, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of the second part, said party's successors and assigns forever. And the party of the first part covenants that said party is seized of said property in fee and has the right to convey same in fee simple; that the same is free from encumbrances except any encumbrances or restrictions mentioned above and that said party will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed in such form as to be binding, this the day and year first above written. EASTHAVEN MARINA GROUP, LLC A Limited Liability Company By: -1- l I David White, Manager BK3635PGO66 STATE OF NORTH` CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he signed the foregoing document for the purpose(s) stated therein, in the capacity indicated therein: David White. Date: D o Signature of Notary Public R-A- Qer\ Notary's printed or typed name My commission expires: O db6(b T HJ'��FE+�i i NO Gy =_ %���rouuTv1NG��`\\ 46 CURVE DATA Vl i r'g ��. [UMEI.' CURVE -2- G 38-39 A . 34 39 T GO O R. oq' T. CNs 115.29' CN: ISO.20, �S p/at 8 P 7S c. S- CVCRClrlrz---"- OF[ __� ( / Q. � „tee•_ r+ 0 7�A e '` sl SIMMONS ORIVE A Rpi �+ Te..cv vD�.• � .o � Mere. . ^ � � e �"„ � - o ,• 3 � � a V T P SAIL S/00- D LOCATION MAP ! -- re.. .e.e .e.. EVERE RETREAT ,^1u„T. �•Ro�m._ - HEwr•Ro.ER coo,. ��„ 5CTT5 HILLPENDER COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA - _3I'pEA ♦ avvE.aED n[.OVE neE re „ �a„DE RUEE�L-dl�liL. v.o a, Blewa ouev swoR„ sots + ryo Nwo �. X�u�er �„�, p, DEVELOPED BY ,� CORRECT T THE LEST of Ne5 cED..F aN0 PRNDIAve A. IS T. ReSU�T N wN wCTYwI !YvvEV N e„N 10.1 C. S. E V E R E T T 55 bE •'ai OVOCD �iR15N/o OnY OF (3�L. 19f5. 1? STAIE OF NORM CAROLINU. Fe, er ow", WIL-MINGTON. N.C. SEPT'24. 1955 meta M. M. LANDERC.E. WILMINGTONI.C. SCALE I•=100• NOT TO SCALE m® 8/17/23, 1:53 PM The Davey Tree Expert Company Mail - Scotts Hill Marina - 401 Prefile DAVEY . LAMA, DRG <drgcama@davey.com> Scotts Hill Marina - 401 Prefile 1 message CAMA, DRG <drgcama@davey.com> Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 1:53 PM To: 401 PreFile@ncdenr.gov Cc: William Dortch <william.dortch@davey.com>, DRG CAMA <drgcama@davey.com> Greetings, attached are preliminary plans for redevelopment and maintenance / proposed dredging at Scotts Hill marina. Also attached is the available previous permitting history and the Stormwater permit. Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you DRGNCW - CAMA SECTION Davey Resource Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15, Wilmington NC 28403 P: 910.452.0001 ext. 1921 1 M: 910.471.5012 1 F: 910.452.0020 DAVEY* Resource Group Visit our local office page 3 attachments 2023-8-17 Scotts Hill Marina Figures Binder.pdf 12176K Prev Permit Binder.pdf 11429K 2015 04 permit 100920.pdf 176K https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AEoRXRRUewOOk7foMdl H_uJ34mvMVzvhKeMwY-7BzfUQlaVSrkRs/u/0/?ik=311 aa7bdbc&view=pt&search=all&permt... 1/1 MARSH CREEK MARINA SCOTTS HILL PENDER COUNTY, NC CONDITIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY w *- HIGH TIDE DR i APO v. f .iG INLET DR 4 Marsh Creek Marina rr Y y F ` w lr , rl� � a r SHEET 2 — 3 77M ,t a TI oastal T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.821.1358 - - I 1 • _ SO IUD- 00. N6J w' ei o } s I J, 1 1116 — ` l •— �i v t i � 1 ♦ � -' !l� '�' . ,T/�r i j `�,r ;✓J- t.� � �, � moo. �. p, O O O QQ O LO O + ( N O Q x t O LO+ LO O O O O 0OO O O `L0�Op0 � is Cfl LO LO �t M co N N p+ O l _ 00 0 d> MARSH CREEK MARINA Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet T I o a s t a I Vertical Datum SCOTTS HILL 3 Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 2.5 feet derived from 2023 Vd repro Conversion 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent NAV088 PENDER COUNTY, NC Graphic Scale conditions at that time. o• 25• so, loo• q. Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. z.s• MLLW CONDITIONAL SURVEY Scale: 1"= 100' 5. 2020 Aerial downloaded from nconemap.arcgis.com on February 3, 2023 T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK - SCOTTS HILL.dwg Wilmington, NC 28405 FROM NOAA VDATUM PLAN VIEW DWG DATE: February.3, 2023 SURVEY DATE, 0113112023-0210212023 91gO.821.1358 SCALE: 1" = 100' SHEET: 2 OF 7 2,3 2.6 9.1 13. 3.8 0,7 ,4 2.6 4,5 1 1 .3 14.0 C +0,4 0.2 0, 4 ,4 2.6 p 133 13�J 9' 2 +1. +0,5 0.1 0,8 ,3 2.5 5 0 13. 13.8 9. E +1, +0,3 0,2 0.8 4 2,7 3 13 4 13,8 9 E 'r +1, 0.1 0.3 0, 23 2.7 ;5 1 ,7 13.9 2,E + ,8 +0,1 0.7 2,9 2, 4. 3,7 + ,7 +0,0 0.6 1,3 2, 3 4,5 13,79, + J +0,1 0,7 1,4 2 ,4 1 7 9, + ,7 +0,2 0,6 ;2 3, 4,5 3 1 4 9 0.'7 +0,1 0,5 2 ,1 4,4 92 1321, 8 0,5 0,2 "�;: - 0,5 +0,1 0,5 12 2 4,6 9 3 1 ,4 13,9 %;` 1,2 o J 1 � f �' _T J 0.6 +0,0 0.6 12 3,4 3 2 '7 1 OJ 3 3 � + 4,8 2, : 0,5 +0,1 0.5 2 3,5 3.4 ,4 4, ,9 ,5 6 3.5 3s Al +0,3 +0,2 0.4 ,1 3.9 3,5 5.24.9 9 4, g 8 3,5 3.4 3• +1,1 +0.4 +0,1 0.5 1, 3.8 5,5 0.0 14, 3,8 4 0 3, ,3 3, /�` � t"---0 0.5 1, 4,4 3, 5 0,0 3, - 13.8 8 2�7 9 �'8 ' 7 ,6 ,4 4.6 5, 1 $ 13,8 13.8 90 t .0 1, A 2 ,3 ,8 3,9 4.7 4.4 ,9 3.7 13.8 9, 0 'f 1 4 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.5 4.7 4.7 1 11. 3,8 13.8 9, _ \ 1 3J 4.6 4.9 1, 13,9 8 1,C O O O O 9 �2,5 0 4,8 1 1, 13,9 O 13.6 O L O LO O 0 O '2 D 1.9 3'2 4.1 ,1 13,6 2 + + + + O+ + +0,8 3, 4.7 5 1, 13,8 013.4 21 O O + O �O O ,8 ^, +0,9 v + + ,6 g ,2 4.5 1, 13,8 13.4 2 ( w C C O + O +0,4 0,5 0,2 1.6 0 5' 1, 14.0 13.4 2, LO 5.0 Color Scale CO + O O O 0.3 0 6 p 2 4 3 4.8 3, 13. + + 0.5 0.3 0.6 ,1 3.2 4.6 1 ,6 2. 2 ~ cfl +0.5 0.4 0.7 0,8 1, '2 4.6 .5 1 ,6 12 1 E O 0,3 0,6 1,0 1.3 2,5 4' 1 ,6 12 9 E + 0 0 1,3 4 12, -2' , . ;� +1, 0.1 0.5 0 1.5 2,3 1 1 ,6 1 ,7 1 ,£ +1, +010 0,5 OJ 1.6 0 2 1 . 5 1 ,6 0 £ 0o d� 1` 0.0 0.6 0.7 1.7 1, p 1 3.6 1 ,3 c. �� �w 0,1 0,5 0,7 1,7 1,7 3,9 5 1 ,7 1 ,5 c _6. +0,0 0.4 0.6 1.8 1,8 5 1 ,6 1 ,7 +0,1 0.4 0.7 1.8 1.7 3' ,5 1 ,6 12. 1 3 +. s,. �-,, +0,1 0,3 OJ 1,8 1,7 3' 1 ,5 13. 3 ( d 0, 6 1.8 3, 13. 31 4= " •� +0,3 0,5 1,6 3' 1 ,5 M^ +- d 12 'g�`.� o 0.3 0.4 0,5 29 1.7 3. 1 ,5 12,1 89 0 * rX i � �+0.4 0,5 0,8 1,tQ x 1 ,3 13, 9 14' + 0 O 0 O 1,5 3' 1 1 ,3 12, 9 O +r + + 00 O 00 O O OP O V V � 1 1 1 � O V) O 5�-. Z l� CA ♦ ° MARSH CREEK MARINA Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet T I = o a s t a I '� Vertical Datum Conversion NAVD88 z s SCOTTS HILL PENDER COUNTY, NC Graphic Scale 0' 2S0' 100' Sc,ale: 1"= 100' 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet 3. Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 31feet derived from 2023 Vd repro 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent conditions at that time. 4. Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. S. 2020 Aerial downloaded from nconemap.arcgis.com on February 3, 2023 CONDITIONAL SURVEY T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.821.1358 MLLw FROM NOAA VDATUM BATHYMETRY AND CONTOURS DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK- SCOTTS HILL.dwg DWG DATE: February 3, 2023 SURVEY DATE: 01.11-3-02/02/2023 SCALE: 1" = 100' SHEET: 3 OF 7 A o' ron •� n _ ff 7 s a .. 2.3 0.7 ,4 +0,4 0.2 0,9 4 +1,1 +0,5 0,1 0,8 ,3 +1,0 +0.3 0.2 0.8 .4 +LO 0.1 0.3 0.9 2.7 i� +0,8 +0,1 0.7 1,2 2,9 +0,7 +0,0 0.6 1.3 2.9 +0,7 +0,1 0.7 1.4 3,1 +0,7 +0,2 0.6 1.0 3.2 +0,7 +0,1 05 11 3 2 0.5 2,3 0.2 F' +0,5 +01 0.5 1.2 3.2 1.2 -► OJ 1,3 1,6 0 2,7� 13 . +0,6 +0,0 0.6 2, " ,� +0,5 +0,1 0.5 3.5 .� 2,2, — �2 4 �3,4 l�/'� ' !► 1.2 +0,3 +0,2 0.4 1,1 3,9 .6 3.5 3.4 3, p 0 4, 3,6 3.5 2,7 3,4 3 9 c?I i +1,1 —0 1,9 1 33 c' —01 -_ OT— 1.0 1.8 32 44 3,• _ 0,4 0.6--` 17 1 34 2, 0 0,4 0,7 29 O O O p LO O 00 `O + LID + + 00 O O+ aj h0 O Color Scale 2' N ! r X O CCID 0• 3 _Z. -4. -6. .z v v 2.10 O ,�► -12' 14' -16• TI Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.821.1358 Ap 1,7 1,7 -�,6 3,4 4,6 Obi 25 2 3 2 3,3 3,9 4,7 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.5 4.7 311 3.1 2.5 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.6 217 210 132.8 3.0 3 2' 4,1 0.7 +0,8 +0,4 92.3 2.7 3, +0,8 +0,9 +1,3 +0,1 0.6 3.2 O O O O +0,5 0.2 0.9 1.6 2.8 LO O LO O + 0,4 0.3 0.6 0.9 2.4 + + + + +0,5 0.3 0.6 0.7 1 r1- ti (.0 co +0 5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.7 2, 7 2.9 3.0 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.8 3. 4.4 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.5 .0 0 3I�A 3.2 0,4 0.7 0.8 1, 3,2 +0,8 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 2,7 W T +1,0 0.3 0.6 LO 1.3 2.5 +1,2 _ +1,5 +0.1 0.5 1.0 L5 2.33 0.5 0.7 1.6 s ' O 0.0 0.6 0.7 1.7 1, LO 0,1 001,7 1 � +0,0 0.4 ,4 0.6 118 1.8,8 +0,1 0.4 0.7 1.8 1.7 +0,1 03 1.7 0,7 1,8 +0,3 0.5 0.6 1.8 1.6 +0,3 0.4 0.5 1.9 1.7 + 0,3 002, 1,7 +0,4 0.5 ,5 0.8,8 o C) CD CD1.5 + + O Lfi O U) � ICYO+ CD ' r CC) 005� MARSH CREEK MARINA Vertical Datum SCOTTS HILL Conversion Tz.s• NAV088 PENDER COUNTY, NC NLLW CONDITIONAL SURVEY FROM NOAA VDATUM BATHYMETRYAND CONTOURS Pi 4 9.1 13,8 5 1 14,0 9,3 9 5 ,0 13�7 9.2 2,7 3 ,0• 13,8 9,3 2.6 5 Z 4 13.8 9.8 2.6 5 4.54.5 ,9' 13.7 13.9 9.8 2.6 ,7 13.7 14, 9.5 2.5 4.51�94 3.7 9.5 2.5 4.5 13J 14.2 9.3 2.4 4.4 9.3 13.4 13. 9.0 2.3 4.6 9.2 ,9 8, 2, 9.3 13.9 8, 2, 4.8 9,2 qLJ� 7.6 2, 4.9 9,4 9 79 2, 5 9.9 ,8 78 2, 5.5 10.0 1 3.8 8, 5' 10,0 13, • 13.8 8,8 5' 10,2 13.8 13.8 9.0 10.9 13.7 13.8 9.4 2 1 1L1 13.8 13.8 9.4 1 1 11,4 13.9 13.7 8, 19 1 11.4 13.9 O 13.6 8. 20 5. 11.3 13,8 013.4 76 21 511.3 13.8 13.4 .2 20 510 11.1 14, 13.4 ,4 2, 4.8 018 13,� 13.0 .2 2, 4.6 0.4 13.6 12.9 .3 2, 4.6 0.5 13.6 12.9 .1 2.6 4.4 0.6 13.6 12.9 ,9 2.6 4,3 0.4 13.6 12.8 9 2,7 0.2 13.6 12.7 1 2.8 ,1 2 1 ,2 13.5 12.6 .2 2.8 0 1 ,5 13.6 12.3 ,3 2.9 3,9 0.5 13.7 12.5 ,6 2.9 3 0.5 13.6 12.7 0 3.0 3 0,5 13.6 12,9 81 3,0 3 0.2 13,5 13.0 8, 3,0 3, 0.2 13.5 13.1 8, 3.1 3, 9.8 13.6 13.1 9, ,1 3' 9, 12.8 8.9 ,1 1 • 9.2 ,0 3' 1 9.0 ,1 O O O O In O O O In O O + N r O O N Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet 3. Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 2.5 feet derived from NOAA VDatum. Graphic Scale 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent conditions at that time. 0• 1. so • too• q, Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. Scale: 1" = 100• 5. 2020 Aerial downloaded from nconemap.arcgis.com on February 3, 2023 DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK - SCOTTS HILL.d— DWG DATE: February 3, 2023 SURVEY DATE: 01/31/2023-02/02/2023 SCALE: 1 •• = 100' SHEET: 36 OF 7 X: 2383187.46 0+00 Length: 499.99 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383463.32 Y: 206069.42 Y: 206486.42 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 5.00 -5.00 0.00 _ 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Fdn 0+00 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2383104.05 1+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383379.92 Y: 206124.59 Y: 205541.60 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 5.00 0.00 +uu 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft:ln 1+00 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2383020.65 2+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383296.52 Y: 206179.76 Y: 206596.77 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 5.00 -5.00 O.DO +uU 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft:ln 2+00 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382937.25 3+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383213.12 Y: 206234.94 Y: 206651.95 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 5.00 0.00 +uu 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft In 3+00 Depth 20.00 Ft.In X: 2383166.61 0+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 3349 X: 238W2.47 Y: 206083.21 Y: 206500.22 50.00 0.00 50.00 100,00 150,00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 5.00 -5.00 0.00 Ji 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 20100 I'di 0+25 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2383083.20 1+25 Length: 500.OD Azimuth: 3349 X: 2383359.07 Y: 206138.38 Y: 206555.39 50.00 0.00 50.00 100,00 150,00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 1 1 1 15.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Fdn 1+25 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382999.80 2+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 3349 X: 2383275.67 Y: 206193.56 Y: 206610.57 50.00 0.00 50.00 100,00 150,00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 5DO.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 5.00 -5.00 0.00 +Zb 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00I'di 2+25 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382916.40 3+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 3349 X: 2383192.27 Y: 206248.73 Y: 206665.74 50.00 0.00 50.00 100,00 150,00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 f 0.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft In 3+25 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2383145.76 0+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383421.62 Y: 206097.00 Y. 206514.01 50.00 D.00 50,00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 5M.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 �+ -5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ftln V50 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2383062.35 1+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X 2383338.22 Y: 206152.18 Y. 206569.19 50.00 0.00 50,00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 OR + 0.00 5.00 500 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ftln 1+50 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382978.95 2+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383254.82 Y: 206207.35 Y. 206624.36 50.00 0.00 50,00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 5M.00 55D.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 + -5.OD 0.00 5.00 5.OD 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ftln 2+50 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382895.55 3+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X 2383171.42 Y: 206262.52 Y. 206679.53 50.00 0.00 50,00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5or 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft In 3+50 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 23B3124.90 0+75 Length: 499.99 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383400.77 Y: 206110.80 Y: 206527.80 -50.00 0.00 50.00 10D.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.DO 0.00 + -5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 R:ln 0+75 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2383041.50 W5 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383317.37 Y: 206165.97 Y: 2065B2.98 -50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 R:ln 1+75 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382958.10 2+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383233.97 Y: 206221.14 Y: 206638.15 -50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 D.Do z+, -5.00 o.00 5.00 5.OD 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 1 1 1 1 1 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft:ln 2+75 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382874.70 3+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383150.57 Y: 206276.32 Y: 206693.33 -50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 R In 3+75 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln MARSH CREEK MARINA Gra hic Scale P Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet o• loo' z°°' 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet T I = o a s t a I Vertical Datum Conversion NAVD88 SCOTTS HILL PENDER COUNTY, NC Horizontal Scale, 1" = 200' 3. Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 2.5 feet derived from NOAA VDatum. 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent conditions at that time. 4. Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. 12.5 MLLW CONDITIONAL SURVEY 0' 10' 20' T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 FROM NOAA VDATUM gIWW CROSS SECTIONS - 0+00 to 3+75 Vertical Scale: 1" = 20' DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK - SLOTTS HILL.dwg DWG DATE: February 3, 2023 SURVEY DATE: 0113112023-0210212023 910.821.1358 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET: 4 OF 7 X: 2382853.85 4+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383129.72 Y: 206290.11 Y: 205707.12 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Fdn 4+00 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382770.45 5+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383046.31 Y: 206345.28 Y: 206762.29 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 5.00 -5.00 0.00 +uu 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft:ln 5+00 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382833.00 4+25 Length: 500.0D Azimuth: 3349 X: 2383108.87 Y: 206303.9D Y: 206720.91 50.00 0.00 50.00 100,00 150,00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Fdn 4+25 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382749.60 5+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 3349 X: 2383025.46 Y: 206359.08 Y: 206776.09 50.00 0.00 50.00 100,00 150,00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 5.00 -5.00 0.00 +Zb 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft:ln 5+25 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382812.15 4+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X 2383088.02 Y: 206317.70 Y. 206734.71 50.00 0.00 50,00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 OR + 0.00 5.00 500 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ftln 4+50 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382728.75 5+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383004.61 Y: 206372.87 Y. 206789.88 50.00 0.00 50,00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 55D.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 + -5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ftln 5+50 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382791.30 4+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2383067.17 Y: 206331.49 Y: 206748.50 -50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 0.00 + 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 R:ln 4+75 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln X: 2382707.90 5+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382983.76 Y: 206386.66 Y: 206803.67 -50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 -10.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 +, -5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 200.00 Ft:ln 5+75 Depth 20.00 Ft:ln MARSH CREEK MARINA Graphic Scale P Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet p• too' zoo' 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet T I = o a s t a I Vertical Datum Conversion NAVD88 SCOTTS HILL PENDER COUNTY, NC Horizontal Scale, 1" = 200' 3. Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 2.5 feet derived from NOAA VDatum. 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent conditions at that time. 4. Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. T.5 MLLW CONDITIONAL SURVEY 0' f0' Tp' T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 FROM NOAA VDATUM AI WW CROSS SECTIONS - 4+00 to 5+75 Vertical Scale: 1" = 20' DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK - SCOTTS HILL.dwg DWG DATE: February 3, 2023 SURVEY DATE: 0113112023-0210212023 910.821.1358 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET: 5 OF 7 X: 2382687.04 6+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382962.91 Y: 206400.46 Y: 206817.47 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 6+00 0.00 0.00 500 Sao 10.00 10.L0 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 6+00 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382603.64 7+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382879.51 Y: 206455.63 Y: 206872.64 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 7+00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 7+00 Depth 10.00 Fdn X: 2382466.81 8+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 49.95 X: 2382849.54 Y: 206558.44 Y: 206880.18 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 500 8+00 0.00 000 00 5.00 10.00 10.L0 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 8+00 Depth 10.00 Fdn X: 2382410.35 9+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 56.55 X: 2382827.55 Y: 206672.83 Y: 206948.41 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 9+00 000 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft In 9+00 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382666.19 6+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382942.06 Y: 206414.25 Y: 206831.26 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5,00 6+25 0 00 IN,0.00 500 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 6+25 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382582.79 7+25 Length: 500,00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382858.66 Y: 206469.42 Y: 206886.43 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5,00 7+25 0.00 0.DO 500 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 7+25 Depth 10.00 Ft.In X: 2382441.63 8+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 55.28 X: 2382852.59 Y: 206598.71 Y: 206883.51 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5,00 8+25 o.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 8+25 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382414.81 9+25 Length: 500,01 Azimuth: 51.17 X: 2382804.31 Y: 206677.03 Y: 206990.55 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5,00 9+25 0.00 0 30 500 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft In 9+25 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382645.34 6+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382921.21 Y: 206428.04 Y: 206845.05 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 6+50 C A 0,00 5'A 5,00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 6+50 Depth 10.00 Ftln X: 2382542.75 7+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 38.94 X: 2382857.00 Y: 206497.27 Y: 205886.17 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 7+50 0:DO 0,00 00 5,00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 RAIn 7+50 Depth 10.00 Ft.In X: 2382419.42 8+50 Length: 499.99 Azimuth: 60.83 X: 2382856.02 Y: 206642.44 Y: 206886.11 200.0D 250.00 300.00 5.0D 5,00 8+50 D'A 0,00 00 5,00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 8+50 Depth 10.00 Ftln X: 2382411.43 9+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 45.88 X: 2382770.40 Y: 206675.18 Y: 207023.23 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 9+50 0 30 0,00 5:DO 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft In 9+50 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382624.49 6+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 33.49 X: 2382900.36 Y: 206441.84 Y: 206858.85 200.00 250.00 300.00 s.Do -5.00 6+75 0,00 0.00 5,00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 6+75 Depth 10.00 R:ln X: 2382503.65 7+75 Length: 50D.01 Azimuth: 44.55 X: 2382854.40 Y: 206527.34 Y: 206883.69 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 5.00 7+75 0,00 0.00 5,00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 7+75 Depth 10.00 FCIn X: 2382399.02 8+75 Length: 500.01 Azimuth: 66.53 X: 2382857.65 Y: 206687.87 Y: 206887.03 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 8+75 0,00 0.00 5,00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 8+75 Depth 10.00 R:ln X: 2382407.83 9+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 40.37 X: 2382731.67 Y: 206672.03 Y: 207052.99 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 5.00 9+75 0,00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DEL 50.00 Ft:ln 9+75 Depth 10.00 R:ln MARSH CREEK MARINA Graphic Scale P Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet D• ss• 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet T I = o a s t a I Vertical Datum Conversion NAVD88 SCOTTS HILL PENDER COUNTY, NC Horizontal Scale: 1" = 50' ' 3. Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 2.5 feet derived from 2023 Vd repro 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent conditions at that time. 4. Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. 2.5 MLLW CONDITIONAL SURVEY T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 FROM NOAA VDATUM BASIN CROSS SECTIONS - 6+00 to 9+75 Vertical Scale: 1" = 10, DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK - SCOTTS HILL.dwg DWG DATE: February3, 2023 SURVEY DATE, 0113112023-0210212023 910.821.1358 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET: 6 OF 7 X: 2382406.29 101 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 34.69 X: 2382690.88 Y: 206670.26 Y: 207081.37 200.00 250.00 300,00 5.00 -5.00 10+00 0.00 0.0 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ft:ln 10+00 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382352.04 10+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 32.15 X: 2382618.14 Y: 206704.08 Y: 207127.39 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 5.00 10+75 0.00 0 c0 5.00 5 C0 10.00 10.00 230212 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ft:ln 10+75 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382288.54 11+50 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 32.15 X: 2382554.64 Y: 206743.99 Y: 207167.30 200.00 250.00 300,00 5.00 -5.00 11+50 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ft:ln 11+50 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382394.37 10+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 32.15 X: 2382660.47 Y: 206677.47 Y: 207100.78 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 10+25 0 Co 0 0C 5.00 5.0C 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Min 10+25 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382330.87 11+00 Length: 500.01 Azimuth: 32.16 X: 2382596.98 Y: 206717.38 Y: 207140.69 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 5.00 n+oo 0 cc 0.0C 5.CC 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ftln 11+00 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382267.38 11+75 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 32.15 X: 2382533.48 Y: 206757.30 Y: 207180.61 200.00 250.00 300.00 5.00 -5.00 11+75 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 R:ln 11+75 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382373.20 10+50 Length: 500.01 Azimuth: 32.16 X: 2382639.31 Y: 201 Y: 207114.08 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 -5.00 10+50 00C 000 5 0C 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ftln 10+50 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382309.71 11+25 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 32.15 X: 2382575.81 Y: 206730.69 Y: 207154.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 .5 00 11+25 0.0C a00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ft In 11+25 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln X: 2382246.21 12+00 Length: 500.00 Azimuth: 32.15 X: 2382512.31 Y: 206770.60 Y: 207193.91 200.00 250.00 300.00 -5.00 -5.00 12+00 0.00 0 00 5.00 5 00 10.00 10.00 230202 BD Survey DBL 50.00 Ft In 12+00 Depth 10.00 Ft:ln MARSH CREEK MARINA Graphic Scale P Notes: 1. Horizontal Datum: NC State Plane - Zone 3200, NAD83, Survey Feet D• ss• 2. Vertical Datum: Mean Low Water, Survey Feet T I = o a s t a I Vertical Datum Conversion NAVD88 SCOTTS HILL PENDER COUNTY, NC Horizontal Scale: 1" = 50' ' 3. Mean Lower Low Water conversion of 2.8 feet derived from 2023 Vd repro 3. Data collected by TI Coastal on January 31st and February 2, 2023 and represent conditions at that time. 4. Soundings are expressed in depths and in feet and tenths. z.5 MLLW CONDITIONAL SURVEY T► Coastal Services, Inc. 387-B N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 FROM NOAA VDATUMF BASIN CROSS SECTIONS - 10+00 to 12+00 Vertical Scale: 1" = 10' DWG NAME: MARSH CREEK - SCOTTS HILL.dw9 DWG DATE: February3, 2023 SURVEY DATE: 01/31/2023EET: /2 910.821.1358 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET: 7 OF 7 F 7 4i u a u� o � a ++ 0 CD J � lD a+ 0 J Q V N ` 0 O O U N C vo Z LLm 0 C cf0 C �I 0 Ln o a L u a v m ti u Z o m o m n�, v � L m 0 0 a+ 2 v E a.. o a Z � � a C,6 m c a Y N v u v U > a >o o cD a a o, r o a. v 0 � m N O N \ c ri State Stormwater Permit Exclusion SW8 100920, April 30 2015 103,859 gl ft Current BUA 1 102,142 sq ft Impervious / Pervious Calculations Structure Approximate Square Footage Existing Building 4,000 Existing Concrete 10,500 Existing Gravel to Concrete or Asphalt 87,500 Total 102,000 Existing Grass to Concrete Forklift Drop 3,100 Upland Gravel Excavation -5,200 Existing Gravel to Grassed Buffer -2,700 Existing Gravel to Grassed Buffer -1,500 TOTAL PROPOSED BUA 95,700 sq ft QI NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality November 2, 2023 Stamewslegals@gannett.com 2 Pages Star News Legal Advertisement Section Re: Major Public Notice: • B & M Holdings Hello: Please publish the attached Notice in the Thursday, August 8, 2023 issue. ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director, Division of Coastal Management The State Office of Budget & Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the original affidavit and invoice for payment to Tanya Pietila at the NC Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405, 910-796-7226 (Customer No. 489895). Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Tanya K. Pietila Permitting Support & Customer Assistance cc: Cameron Luck - MHC WIRO file USACE State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 919 796 7215 NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Department of Environmental Quality hereby gives public notice as required by NCGS 113A- 119(b) that the following application was submitted for a development permit in an Area of Environmental Concern as designated under the CAMA: On October 31, 2023, B & M Holdings proposed to excavate a portion of high ground, perform maintenance dredging within the marina basin & access channel, replace approximately 744 linear feet of bulkhead within the marina basin (as well as the area along the eastern side of the restaurant), remove & replace the entire docking facility, add a new proposed floating dock & boadift, expand a section of dockage within the marina basin, add a fork lift drop zone, install dry stack storage & create a new upland retaining wall, at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop, adj. to the AIWW in Wilmington, Pender County. A copy of the application can be examined or copied at the office of Jason Dail, N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality, Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405, (910-796-7221) during normal business hours. Comments mailed to Braxton C. Davis, Director, Division of Coastal Management, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557-3421, prior to November 26, 2023 will be considered in making the permit decision. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modification may occur based on review and comment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in these matters will be provided upon written request. CAMA DREDGE & FILL N{3 8Q2t%�% A B C ENE AL PERMIT Previous permit # New Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality iUU and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Rul ttached. Applicant Name_ S ,. I Project Location: County Address C.[� / 1 C�KJ Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City{i State GZIP Phone # (4 Zll` - �j E.Mail _ ___ Subdivision Authorized Agent _tf/ lAr— City _ ZIP _ Affected CW i a IEW 1 PTA �E5 P7S Phone # ( ). � River Basin ] / . 0 , AEC(s): OEA HHF IH UBA N/A Adj. Wtr. Bsry - . /( unkn ORW: es PWS PNA yes no) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body —MU •` tQOi� Type of Project/ Activity ll , (Scale: ) Pier (do ) length Fixed Platfo (s) Floating Platfo (s) _ Finger pier(s) Groin iengch number Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore_ I sin, annel 31; X %Sb X -0 cubic r� r Boat ramp %,.C,v7 4s Beach Bulldozing Other C l" -'� New Shoreline Length . SAV: not sure yes no Moratorium: nla yes Photos: yes Waiver Attached: (/ no A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning )urisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions &014"V) Applicant Prin y /X— - wo , d,-,& 6-2 -, /-1 ra,�, N See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Printed Name Please read compliance Fee(s) permi Iff" � Check # Issuing Date ff 2 Expiration Date Permit Class Permit Number MUDIFICATION/MINOR 137-10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission ,V e r m i t for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to B & M Holdin s LLC 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmineton, NC 28411 Authorizing development in Pender County at ad to a man made basin along the AIWW, al 25 T-SwIts Hill Road as requested in the permittee's letter dated 4/28/14, including the attached work lan drawing 1 dated revised 3/19/14 This permit, issued on , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) Unless specifically altered her;.in, this minor modification authorizes the construction of the 123 X 24' storage building, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached workplan drawing. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 2) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 3) A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided within 30 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) 11,15 permit action may ee appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. . This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on February 8, 2015 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, A Braxton C. Davis, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted, i ,/ E L) kj' ';';,ii_V1INGTON. MAY 2 9 90,14 Signature of Permittee Permit Class MODIFICATION/MAJOR Permit Number 137-10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission 'V t r M 1, t for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-11 S X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to B & M Holdings LLC, 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, NC 28411 Authorizing development in Pender County adj. to a man-made basin along the AIWW, at 2570 Scotts Hill Road , as requested in the permittee's application dated 2/l/13 including the attached workplan drawing (1), dated 1/26/13 This permit, issued on April 23, 2013 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Drystack Facility 1) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the grading and other land disturbing activities associated with the development of the above referenced property, including but not limited to the construction of the three dry stack storage racks and the removal of the existing building, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Any additional land disturbing activities and/or construction may require a modification of this permit. Contact a Division of Coastal Management representative at (910) 796-7215 for this determination. 2) This permit does not authorize any additional boat slips to the existing marina- i foci I V E D (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) DCM WILMINGTC)N, NC MAY 0 7 2013 This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2016 Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. rY l r f / Braxtod/U Davis, Director 'hivision of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee . r:..+r%I- w;+. r,.. ray. _.).h�i�rr ten:•...... ,,..Y•� -r �: `Y•YYrt ... r, VFr..:.��/�Sr.'Yrsi %,;s r.:rr,. „'. '' t``11 Y��.+.re..,n.pLJ.+Y.: :>•v!+^J.'-..}.5"+rMi.rvfr - \ -Y 1 CI L,: lei P^_ �l t'��., Baer I aTd-�;� "t?1'Ti-I C<,� l.l.:'+. -- 1 RECEIVED � L_'.. U. 3 0 2012 �L DCNI WI1 M11\1GTON, INC lilt N �rl.l�t>r TJi��1C?�jn ant Ii1 a':"� _�t,;a Of 11 i-)-in.ental Concern nv,—rsua:�t to NCGJ i 1SA-118 _X Exca,Yatlon and/oT til':ing pLu"suaxit tc NCGS 113-229 I ssued to B & NI Holdings, LLC., 2570 Scotts Hill Loon Road, Wilrnin..2ton, NC 28411 Authorizing development in Pender County a� man-made basin along..AIWW. at 2570 Scotts Hill Road. in Wilmington as requested in the permittee's letter dated 5/9/1 inclu ing tile attached workplan drawing k 1), dated 5/2/12 This permit, issued on July 25, 2012 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set -forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) Unless specifically altered herein, this minor modification authorizes the removal of the existing floating fingers and tie pilings and the construction of the three finger piers, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached workplan drawings. 2) This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. 3) This minor modification shall be attached to the original Permit No. 137-10, which was issued on 11/22/10 and copies of both documents shall be readily available on site when Division personnel inspect the project for compliance. 4) All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this minor modification unless specifically,y altered herein. This permit action may be appealed by the pertnittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval, All work must cease when the permit expires on February 8, 2015 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DF-NrR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. 1 _ f Braxton C: Davis, Firector Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee Permit Class NE W STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission ilermtt for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Permit Number 137-10 Issued to B & M Holdin s,LLC. 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, NC 28411 Authorizing development in Pender County ate. to man-made basin along AIWW, at 2570 Scotts Hill Loop Road. in Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application dated .716/10, including the attached workplan drawings (3), all dated 7/6/10 and the narrative dated 7/6/10 This permit, issued on November 22, 2010 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Excavation 1) Prior to starting to the authorized excavation, the permittee shall obtain a consent agreement from. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Navigation Branch for any activities within a USACE Disposal Area (DA) or for any dredged material disposal on land within the USACE Right -of -Way along the AIWW. 2) Unless specifically altered herein, the dimensions of the areas to be excavated shall not exceed the areas that are expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Any proposal to change the area to be excavated shall require permit modification. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on February 8, 2015 Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. J t es H. Gregson, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. t: In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal NOY 9 2 20111 - Management Program. Signature of Permittee B & M Holdings,LLC Permit # 137-10 Page 2 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) In order to protect juvenile shrimp and finfish populations, no excavation shall take place between April 1" and September 30`a of any year without the prior approval of the Division of Coastal Management, in consultation with the Division of Marine Fisheries and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 4) In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, no excavation shall be permitted within 10 feet of any Coastal Wetlands. 5) Excavation shall not exceed —5 feet below the normal low water level. In no case shall the depth of excavation exceed the depth of connecting waters. Spoil Disposal 6) All excavated materials shall be confined above normal high water and landward of regularly or irregularly flooded marsh behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids into any marsh or surrounding waters. 7) No spoil material is to be placed within 30 feet of the normal high water line. 8) If the crossing of wetlands with mechanized construction equipment is necessary, temporary construction mats shall be utilized for the areas to be crossed. The temporary mats shall be removed immediately upon completion of construction. Sedimentation and Erosion Control NOTE: An Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan may be required for this project. If required this plan shall be filed at least thirty (30) days prior to the begirming of any land disturbing activity. Submit this plan to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405. 9) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 10) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures must be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses and property (e.g. silt fence, diversion swales, or berms, etc.). 11) All disturbed areas shall be properly graded and provided a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within thirty days of project completion. NOV 2 2 2010 WII..MING' 0N, F�lc. B & M Holdings,LLC Permit # 137-10 Page 3 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS General 12) Unless altered herein, all minimization efforts described in the narrative dated 7/6/10 shall be implemented. 13) Portions of the proposed dredging will take place in close proximity to adjacent piers and pilings. All reasonable cautions shall be implemented to ensure that the authorized activities do not result in damage to any such structure. The permittee shall not hold the State of North Carolina or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers liable for any such damage. 14) The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States requires the removal, relocation, or other alteration of the structure or work authorized by this permit, or if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States or the state of North Carolina. No claim shall be made against the United States or the state of North Carolina on account of any such removal or alteration. 15) No vegetated wetlands shall be excavated or filled even temporarily 16) This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required, including any approval that may be needed by the Town of Topsail Beach. 17) The permittee and/or his contractor shall meet with a representative of the Division prior to project initiation in order to discuss the conditions set forth in this permit. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 796-7215 prior to the commencement of any sueh activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non -water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality has assigned the proposed project DWQ Project No. 10 0740. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COE Action Id. No. SAW- 2010-01188. NOV 2 2 2010 CJ1917'411A - CAMA / DREDGE & FILL aENERAL PERMIT 'New Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reissue �ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Previous permit # Date previous permit issued :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental c f�cern pursuant to 15A NCAC s�l Rules attached. Name J014h/ES �d�4".-�� Project Location: County —7](�i_!�� Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) k �r State ZIP Fax # ( } Subdivision ad Agent CW OEA PWS yes Iio� s EW ;-4"A HHF IH 1 ;1: ►_1 FC: yes /& E5 PTS U BA N/A Crit. Hab. yes 1 no,,l City ON Phone # ( } _ _ _ River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body (nOt at Closest Maj. Wtr. Body _ t Project/ Activity t �" 7.f ��a�/��� .'S 70 l /-�ts►�y� Sri A) length W. er(s) )gth nber - Ij Riprap length _ distance offshore x distance offshore (f r f,I annel sic yards 1P 4P se! Boatlift���� illdoxing Length not sure yes _ not sure yes UM' nla yes yes ttached: yes f I fy,r A� {Scale: ig permit may be required by: See note on back regarding River Basin rL F1T V CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL NOV 12 1997 P C R M I T COASTAL MANAGEMENT lT L ij MpREHEHEAO D1 i --b as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 1i 44 . -I Otr -- - rS c_(A4 '41 ki Pr iA ahnno ltlrrmhar `1 �Ur� Vt ���i Applicant Name Address ,5 ? O 7S t t>+i `• 4t 11 L oo City "+-Nr-� State Project Location {County, State Road, Water Body, etc.)I) Type of Project Activity �� u �CF J Zip Ckj PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH � S 4,J A.) (SCALE: ; i 7) } Pier (dock) length + - � Groin length {� it number 1 '1� rcY.s3: �•.� Bulkhead lengthV,171 +d max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensionsI L t cubic yards } 4Y-,�y � 9i lr.� �Jflr'el of �t+,li r-� , UEa 1W k t� t:� f`n 1e� l ilk Wf1rd Boat ramp dimensions MM+ of 44-e� Other btA k�. ona 11515 JJU111t1L Ij iu VjVLL LV VVIIIFIilall— RILII L111] aVF lI .., .— drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, `��� imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1 j this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. permit officer's signature 3o , lfict -4 k, 3v issuing date TROT ation date attachments -0 ' � I U o In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee Management Program. .�8 6L). "�y � 4 Y✓•i .. .iT :.. r �, '.w. ��': ..i"- ��r'�• �.. s r..;� .. ?�i ff y� ., •� � ki •,:+,w7 'ri� �., _ i� I ��`ii.�.a •'l' y�: `•+ - `ems f { {,�_r - :!i.-r � ,r •',, ; SPOIL DISPOSAL LOCATION J SPOIL DISPOSAL PARCEL FORW. UPLAND EXCAVATION ,� _ FOR UPLAND EXCAVATION `f 1' 1 !. :. 300' x 200' _.. HWY 17 PIN 3271-64-5212-000 y FOREHAND AND BRADSHAW PROPERTIES LLC _ .fix °� �,>' =TT" Y` Site PR Scotts Hill ,. � , ,�. ,��, j,�'-�u`"_' „ -. ; - • x - - _ �Loop Rd - , Site Location Ma ti" NTS '•' - if ' y! ��ty�' , �1 Q .. 3•' ' Y g 1'Q' 1 �� � ';� ,h �`�` ice•. �:� ° ,n* Ak �S f _ 00. I41r 01 ' ' � ti w' : v ^ I, i ?'' � i • a pry-' �' _ {* 1 t I w �' Y • � Lam' ♦ � •� i s• � t t � a , 4.7 ' '"l: - ''�.' -.� a S _/ - pia d''-r. iL'. s;2 ` t+•rr ...! 10'rm Legend NOTES: 1. 2020 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. Subject Parcel Boundary -- -- — 2. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. Taxparcels Project: Date: Revision Date: Spoil Disposal Location Scotts Hill Marina 9�29/2023 NA DAVEYe Scale: Job Number: Resource Group Title: 1"=100' DRGNCW23.028 5� 1 �� 2�� 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Upland Excavation Drawn By: Sheet Number: Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Spoil Disposal Area WAD 1 of 2 910-452-0001 --- Scotts Hill Marina, B&M Holdings LLC\reference\spoil\Upland Spoil.dwg CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION BY REGISTER OF DEEDS Pender County, North Carolina Filed for registration on the —day of —., 2015 at om/pm, and duly recorded in Book —at Page Sharon Lear Willoughby, Register of Deeds¢+ 5 11 MI b 2 ®® N. y? 3 A � � Q N/F \ `b ' LOCATION MAP MARY BETH MORGAN CARLSON et o/ M.B. 56 PG. 79 I \ \ �r /8 c, 224 29E — -- — — — — — — L.� - - ACCESS AND UALITY EASEMENT (Md 47 PG 73) �� ssee• ,S.et' rapt — 5 5T2YY w — — 550R4'23'E s araTq• E DOT R� 804.47' JR — Rya ONTR o^CORNER/ / / / w� U � PARCEL /D 3271-64-5212-0000 / I •I, DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS INC IN 4.24 ACRES y $ 8.19 AC.+/- a� R• h TRACT 3 mI _ ^ LEGEND: � E.I.P. ® EXISTING IRON PIPE STONE. STONE RVC/L PL CENTER LINE RIGHT OF WAY Q P.K. P.K. SURVEY NAIL CONTROL t— DISK A D.O.T. RIGHT OF WAY DISK N 477 SCORNER N533816 W S / � 0 wl8 IS o SCOTTS HILL BAPTIST CHURCH t�� �Q S OF WILM/NGTON qScv . I M.B. 49 PG. 146 taw N53'3T23-W 1 / 2J This plot is of an xisting parcel or parcels of load and does not create o n w st or change an isting street as defined in the Subdivision eex Or a e and is exempt from the definition of subdivision contained i said ubtlivisi, Ordinance. TUART . BENSON PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO L-2675 I, STUART Y. BENSON, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UN „t FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION ( DEFQ� '•. SHOWN HEREON). THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED AR INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND AS NOTED MERE TH A19 OF PRECISION AS CA ULATED IS I : 20,0001 THAT TH'S P T PAR D 01 ACCORDANCE Va TH . 47-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY OSGI L9 C E NUMBER AND SEAL, E 30TH DAY OF MARCH, 2015 A.D. S HART Y. BE SON PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO L-2675 CAPE FEAR SURVEYING, PC ONE NORTH 6th ST., WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (910) 762-9496 FAX: (910) 762-5949 EMAIL: capefears—eying®yahoo.com LICENSE It C-3199 �3 APPflOV c-L^rsoATE / �M INITIALS Fender County Planning Dept. RAW _`/ DIS SURVEY FOR HALL FAMILY PROPERTIES OF WILMINGTON, LLC PAUL STROUD&GRIMSLEY TRUST NOTES: 4.24 ACRES +/- TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP ALL ACCESS EASEMENTS SHOWN OR DESIGNATED ON THIS PLAT INCLUDE THE TRANSFER OF AN EASEMENT TO FENDER COUNTY. FENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLNA ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS FOR ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY PERSONNEL MARCH 30, 2015 (POLICE, FIRE & RESCUE) FOR ADMINISTRATION OF ALL PENDER COUNTY ORDINANCES. DEED BOOK 4075 PAGE 255 BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIRED TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PENDER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. GRAPHIC SCALE ALL NEW ACCESS EASEMENTS SHOWN OR DESIGNATED ON THIS PLAT INCLUDE THE TRANSFER OF AN EASEMENT TO PUBLIC ENTITIES AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER, SEWER, ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATION LINES. ( M FEET ) NO USGS CONTROL MONUMENTS FOUND WITHIN 2,000 FEET. 1 inch = 100 EL a:\Iona P101ecb R2\IWL NWrt].Mg 3/31/Tots 'A's5 PM EDT rya Y 115 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII Dcc No: 20027992 Recorded: 09/01/2017 09:07:25 AM Fee Amt: $26.00 Page 1 of 4 Excise Tax: $1.700.00 Pander County North Carolina Sharon Lear Willoughby, Register of Deeds BK 4660 PG 1100 -1103 (4) GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THE ATTORNEY PREPARING THIS INSTRUMENT HAS MADE NO RECORD SEARCH OR TITLE EXAMINATION AS TO THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, UNLESS THE SAME IS SHOWN BY HIS WRITTEN AND SIGNED CERTIFICATE. Mail after recording to: Forehand & Bradshaw Properties, LLC 7222 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28411 This instrument was prepared by: F. Darryl Mills, PLLC 5710 Oleander Drive, Suite 204 Wilmington, NC 28403 File #17-095 Brief description for the Index: 4.24 acres of Hwy 17 in Pender County, NC Parcel No: 3271-64-5212-0000 Revenue: $1700.00 Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of the closing proceeds. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER THIS DEED made this 23rd day of August, 2017 by and between NEIL W. BLAKE III and wife, RHONDA M. BLAKE, hereafter GRANTOR, and FOREHAND & BRADSHAW PROPERTIES, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, 7222 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28411, hereafter GRANTEE. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. OLLOCK & POLLOCK BK 4650 PG 1101 DOC# 20027992 Bk 46K Pg 1101 WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Pender County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF AS THOUGH FULLY SET OUT HEREIN. Being the same land described in a deed recorded in Book 4604, Page 1142, Pender County Registry. The preparer of this instrument has been informed that property described above does not include the primary residence of the grantor, but no independent verification has been made and none is represented herein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except: 1. All restrictive covenants of record; 2. Ad valorem taxes for the year 2017 and thereafter; 3. All utility easements, permits and rights of way of record; 4. All zoning, land use and planning rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. NEIL W. BLAKE III, Grantor RHONDA W. BLAKE, Grantor W BK 4650 PG 1102 DOC# 20027992 Bk 4M - Pg 1102 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, Tracy Wilson, a Notary Public of the County of Brunswick and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that NEIL W. BLAKE III, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. -ra. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the -?9 day of August, 2017. a� Tracy Wilson, Notary Public My Commission Expires: June 2, 2021 (AFFIX NOTARIAL SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, Tracy Wilson, a Notary Public of the County of Brunswick and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that RHONDA M. BLAKE, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the day of August, 2017. My Commission Expires: June 2, 2021 (AFFIX NOTARIAL SEAL) Tracy Wilson,'Notary Public 02 W NOrgq� Z A�BUG U Z cog"9 �Oe o9 ®���� BK 4650 PG 1103 DOC# 20027992 Bk4eW P9 1103 EXHIBIT "A" BEING all of the 4.24 acre tract shown in Map Book 57, Page 115, Pender County Registry bearing Parcel #3271-64-5212-0000 and being further identified as "Survey for Hall Family Properties of Wilmington, LLC & Paul Stroud Grimsley Trust". Same being or intended to be all of the real property conveyed in that deed to Alexander M. Hall and wife, Maria C. Hall; and, Paul S. Grimsley recorded in Book 1131, Page 222, in the Office of the Pender County Register of Deeds, but LESS AND EXCEPTING the 8.19 acres conveyed to Carolina Power & Light Company in that deed recorded in Book 1504, Page 147 in the Pender County Registry and the 1.05 acres conveyed to William Howard Simmons H and wife, Pamela H. Simmons in that deed recorded in Book 1541 at Page 141 in the Pender County Registry. TOGETHER with all rights associated with the easement approximately 60 feet wide as reserved by the Grantor in the deed recorded in Book 1504, ,Page 147, Pender County Registry, said easement being further depicted on the map recorded in Map Book 57, Page 115, Pender County Registry. f JfV�3' Resource Group I, BRIAN FOREHAND, as the Company Official of Forehand & Bradshaw Properties, LLC and owner of PIN 3271-64-5212-000 in Hampstead, Pender County, grant the applicant, B & M Holdings c/o 1eb Bradshaw, for the Scotts Hill Marina project, permission to place approximately 1,700 cubic yards of upland excavation spoil on the subject pin as shown on the attached Spoil Disposal Area Figure. Signed l z 2 z . Date —.— a-, >^-- - DR........ 041% hG^, nAi%4 r-.... n.cr. icy nnrn - a'�_: � - '�- ';�. -: .•� �• - ; :,R:ar.' n!.g{ - il'k YCL' �r - - is . � ,. S , ,•' "ti�, �. � >. ,:: � ,,, t°. .w +fit' I.' _ , • �..e , k , r > , t c d , it Mtf .jE;: -� ! • 3., . ,� `•�. 7,.• _ T 1. ,.I /s�`. � � � •�F'^/>� „ .,�� "" •�- x�. _ .ate —� r w..._'. \ ._, !`� �� ,•�1;j(�:. x SPOIL DISPOSAL PARCEL ;'h x !d sr Cn yy O FOR DREDGE EXCAVATION w-. v PIN 4214-83-8898-000L SPOIL DISPOSAL LOCATION LEWIS GLENN MATTHEW `r-. �' '� FOR DREDGE EXCAVATION ' r , r tr ye X 200' i Vp�. .ii5n ,1. .//�, / y+r- ,x,. MF � ,,p�,� r , a O k /. R'Y��,.r . �•�A' �C ,c� _ S ',� ,,,E �.:. /I.' �'� '� •�� 'Y q - �.�; ,�s .ri/ .T^ '.i r• ?F � w' r'�� _-5r_ �s. ... ter �F' �.>,x ^t L r� *�-Fw,l'`. r/ 'f �" �. y� . ..✓'� q„ r � ,., L r •r � {i' MI *'i.. � •.I . I I rrG, � •. ✓ ."i rwv„ �4`.i" . �. •� yam_ i� rr !•' if 5. i/ .. fie. ..,'- t' t`• .d". N. r a �. {ram •. � �� � g t4�. �-•) ,,�h t: J 1 ' a �• au fi ` rd 4115 A r. w•' �r�.. � � ems' r � fi .t �-` - a vs r N,11 A e Legend NOTES: 1. 2020 PARCELS FROM NCONEMAP. 2023 AERIAL FROM NEARMAP. Subject Parcel Boundary -- --'— 2. NOT A SURVEYED OR ENGINEERED DRAWING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING ONLY. Taxpareels Project: Date: Revision Date: Spoil Disposal Location Scotts Hill Marina 9/29/2023 N/A DAVEYe Scale: Job Number: Resource Group Title: 1"=100' DRGNCW23.028 3805 Wrightsville Ave Suite 15 Spoil Disposal Location Drawn By: Sheet Number: 0 50 100 200 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 WAD 2 of 2 1111110111111111111 910-452-0001 -:\CAMA\2023 CAMA FILES\DRGNCW23.028 --- Scotts Hill Marina, B&M Holdings LLC\reference\spoil\Spoil.dwg MAP OF SURVEY THE DIVISION OF LANDS OF MRS. EVA LEWIS NOT TO SCALE - ORIGINAL IS 149" x 52" ::. 01K94 PC002 t 3Pr,13I F3K 9 I FII-rD �� ;r ' ✓IS ' 93 DEC 15 P19 3 22 EXCISE TAX i{.;; !... `.','i1CHOOD ECORDING TIME TAX LOT NO I'' ''PARCELIIpENTIFIER NO VERIFIED BY PENDER COUNTY ON THE DAY OF , 1992 BY MAIL AFTER RECORDING TO: MR. GLEEN'N M. LEWIS THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BYR : ay C. Blackburn, Jr., Attorney at Law, PO Box 895, Hampstead, NC 28443. The attorney preparing this instrument has made no record search or title Jekaminat"iPn of the title to the property described, unless the aaTne'sh8wn by his written and signed certificate. ;`��211> _ i 4 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED WITH LIFE ESTATE RESERVED C- C-) f O m THIS DEED, made this day of DECEMBER ~-Vp3n by3 an' , between o ry y o GRANTOR: IVEY WILLIAM LEWIS and wife, VERONA BLALSCKC gEWIS GRANTEE: GLENN M. LEWIS The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or ,neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH That the GRANTOR, for a valuable consideration paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, and convey unto the GRANTEE, subject to the life estate of the GRANTOR which is retained by GRANTOR, the below described tract or parcel of land in Topsail Township, Pender County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows: THAT PROPERTY MORE 'PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THAT EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said GRANTEE and his/her heirs and assigns in fee sl.uple, t:o t Recorded and "OrIfictl wicegood Joyce'al. S^ Pondar Cu�,:�L;, I:C Register 0" Deeds nr Fender County+ T� ,: G+ E)n91+8PT003 DOUR 132 BUT RESERVING A LIFE ESTATE for the life of the GRANTOR. AND THE GRANTOR COVENANTS with the GRANTEE, that the GRANTOR is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, except as hereinafter set out, and that the GRANTOR will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. TITLE TO THE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: - 1993 Pander County Ad Valorem Taxes, - Restrictions of Record, - Utility Easements of Record, - 'zoning and other governmental regulations in force in Pander County A LIFE ESTATE is hereby reserved unto GRANTOR for their natural life in the described premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR h s hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year -first above, ritten.�N t..�J .=7 (SEAL) IVEY ILLI ZEWIS , ) �i !i2/ (SEAL) VERONA BLALOCK LEWIS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Alelr) Yla n aYP_( I, ..Qf) -A A Z b; A'�- a Notary Public for said County and State do hereby ce tify that IVEY WILLIAM LEWIS and VERONA BLALOCK LEWIS personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrurdR'"`fMar,, the purposes therein expressed. �.�` L(H A. q, Wit Less my hand and notarial seal, this 1993. v • • � ^` NOTARY (SEAL/STAMP) �C �' C�.�4 016 J I — Notary Public BLIC My commission expires: �' ''��,� •',� �: ,9'18n con, i1 tl// n EXHIBIT "A" TO DEED FROM IVEY WILLIJ(2EVCUa wife VERONA BLALOCK LEWIS TO GLENN M. LEWIS TRACT 1: Being in Topsail Township, Pender County , North Carolina and being more particularly described as: BEING a one half undivided interest: in all of Tract # 3 as shown on a map recorded in Map Book 15 at Page 80 of the Pender County Registry. TRACT 2: Being in Topsail Township, Pender County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as: Beginning at a point that is North 37 degrees 26 minutes, West 772.3 feet, North 38 degrees 55 minutes West 145.8 feet and North 40 degrees 13 minutes West 518.5 feet from the Southwestern corner of Tract #5 as shown in a map of the division of lands of Mrs. Eva Lewis recorded in Map Book 15 st Page 80 of the Pender County Registry; said beginning point being the northwestern corner of a tract conveyed by Grantors herein to Mark Lemuel Lewis by deed recorded in Book 856 at Page 045 of the Pender County Registry; Running thence from said beginning point North 40 degrees 13 minutes West 1,436.6 feet with the eastern line of SR 1564 to a point in the eastern line of SR 1564; running thence North 18 degrees 09 minutes West 30.4 feet to a point in the Southern right of way line of Sr 1563; running thence North 5 degrees 48 minutes East 357.8 feet to a point in the right of way line of SR 1563 where said SR 1563 .intersects with SR 1561; running thence a line that is North 58 degrees 35 minutes East 77.9 feet, to a point that is in the Southern right of way line of said SR 1561; Running thence with the Southern line of SR 1561 South 83 degrees 07 minutes East 117.1 feet to a concrete post; Running thence with the Eastern line of said Tract #5 South 40 degrees 08 minutes East 1620.9 feet to a point in the eastern line of said tract #5; running thence a new line South 52 degrees 37 minutes West 427 feet, more or less, to the Western line of said Tract #5 and to the point of beginning. North Carolina . Petnler County The foregoing (or ::::acsca) certificate of / is ccrtil? .. to: itc. tA cL A.D. 1993 JOYCE M. St`t,_'00,0 - Register of Deeds �p<tt ' L Register of De is 11 005 EXPLANATION STATEMENTTO CORRECT OBVIOUS MINOR ERROR(S) MADE IN AN INSTRUMENT AS ORIGINALLY RECORI)E11. RE: nooK PAGE �_!.�-. '..... RECORUEU 1N '1'!IE COUNTY RRG.LS'PRY. NAMES OF ALL, PARTIES llTO THE, OR IC,I NAT, I NSTRUME(N:'1': GRANTORS C. �C�lc)15 GRANTEES C; 1e.h�,• n�.Lt�1-- - ------- STATE OF NORTJT C1� OLINA COUNTY OF fc' I/WE, The Undersigned, herebY certiry that L•he following corrections are mado in the AbovF namod recorded instrument in accordance with the provi.stons or V.S. q7-.3F. 1 rat:lE.tec7 June 30, 140G. DESCRIPTION OF C—ORRECTIONS(S) Q91 ...��i_L'_� _!=• c- • �'Yi_1 _CAL-L_G.C�. _ ._._..- .------- _._..� This the day of 19 (Seal) CEO S,ra.- ✓1GEY � (Seal) --_ (Seal) - — (Seal) This explanation statement together w.t)h the attah ced instrument duly rerecorded at ,Z:' o'clock M this the _ /() day of 19•4 .in the Rook and Page shown on the first pa here f. _ JOiGr. Gi. S1►ICEGOOD i3y` Register of Deeds UeputY t Register o n DAVEY-5 Resource Group I, GLENN LEWIS, as the owner of PIN 4214-83-8898-000L in Hampstead County, grant the applicant, B & M Holdings c/o Jeb Bradshaw, for the Scotts Hill Marina project, permission to place approximately 7,500 cubic yards of dredge spoil on the subject pin as shown on the attached Spoil Disposal Area Figure. Signed Date www.davey.com • Phone: 910.452,0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 State Stormwater Permit Exclusion SW8 100920, April 30 2015 103,859 sq ft Current BUA I 102,142 sq ft Impervious / Pervious Calculations Structure Approximate Square Footage Existing Building 4,000 Existing Concrete 10,500 Existing Gravel to Concrete or Asphalt 87,500 Total 102,000 Existing Grass to Concrete Forklift Drop 3,100 Upland Gravel Excavation -5,200 Existing Gravel to Grassed Buffer -2,700 Existing Gravel to Grassed Buffer -1,500 TOTAL PROPOSED BUA 95,700 sq ft NET FROM SW8 100920 - 8,159 sq ft impervious Impervious / Pervious Calculations by AEC 75' AEC Existing Impervious 15,033 Existing Pervious 14,495 Proposed Impervious 17,508 Proposed Pervious 12,020 NET + 2,475 sq ft impervious 30' AEC Existing Impervious 29,175 Existing Pervious 6,682 Proposed Impervious 22,379 Proposed Pervious 13,478 NET -6,796 sq ft impervious i TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) oa I I I - I I I I I P \ \ \ - E SIMMONS DRIVE- I - � - (60' PUBLIC RIGHT_ OF -WAY) - �- GRASS O O DRY STACK 100 N/F PID ILLIAM C LANI -0000 WI C CANTER N/F PID 3280-26-7976-0000 JOSEPH H SPG. ELL 28 JR DB 3952 PG. 287 I / 15 DB 1150 PG. 175 PB OS PG. 54 O5 PG. 54 PB LOT 13 O GRAVEL N N25°25'11"E 8.40'------ / G�,N I S63°49'55"E - - 195.78' - - ♦ ESP _S54°04'49"E �� QJ DRY STACK - WOOD WALL - - - _ 96 'GRASS GRASS W000 PRRIER - GRAVEL \BLOCK WALL GRAVEL / P N/ GRAVEL GRAVEL J IC GRASS M 1. \ PORTABLE \ Z DRY STACK \ SIGN CONIC. BASE T, \ Aso sCIo� A Q GRASS \'7 \ PARCEL CURVE TABLE CURVE M RADIUS LENGTH CHD. BEARING CHD. LENGTH C-1 477.46' 1254.66, N2210'09-W 251.65' Cr2 141.09' 95.18' N5530'25-E 93.38' C-3 248.14' 171.29' S85-2335"E 167.91' RIPRA CGNC. \ RIPRAP GARAGE � I 10 NORTH CAROLINA FENDER COUNT/ I, Anthony L. Dlllinger, certify that this existing condition survey was field located and drawn under my direct supervision The subject parcels are referenced in the Pander County Register of Deeds from Deed Book 3635 Page 064; that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly indicated as broken lines from record information; this survey tices not meet N.C.G.S.47-30 standards and is not for Recordation, Conveyance or Sales. Professional Laf Surveyor Number L- �- LANDSCAPE 28.17' CONIC. RAMP MP ®° 4 ®�..� -Ke m v ..- - �..-" o -. -_, e e � /CONIC. AREA S26'2S''11' FLOATING DOCK PARKING J BLOCK (TYP.) LANDSCAPE AREA ONG. 32.81 /PILINGS �cPs 1 DECK N/r/ GRAVEL RESTAURANT 22.65 PID 3280-26-2979-0000 \ \ S63'28'26"W B&M HOLDINGS LLC =z ELEVATOR � 9.90 DB 3635 PG. 064 \ PB 05 PG. 54 MHW 5.131 AC / 223,516 SF � ZINGS RAMP � I CONIC /RAMP CONCH ws z - Q GRAVEL r1A0 TRUCK t7• CONIC. FLO11l1NG DOCK BULKHEAD STORM INLET 6ULKHEAD PILINGS FLOATING DOCK GRASS GRASS GRAVEL Q� _ 6�6 _ BULKH N54 08'S5"�y 5$ i�h yS 133.00, �N4 - GRASS MHW /I INLET I S20'?H"IN BULKHE` MARSH•,_ AREA / GRASS 19. MHW 1S2' / PID 3280- 26-26-3795-0000 GRAVEL CAROL B TS � G. 70 DB 4669 PG. 702 N/F �tOM• PS 62 PG. 93 PID 3280 6 0000 LOT 2R I ARDIN TONI B HARDIN B DB 4669 PG. 706 PB 62 PG. 93 LOT 3R v I IRM / �1fj T CONCRETE AREA TABLE GRAVEL AREA TABLE SCALE: 1 " = 40' CONCRETE 12,107 SF I GRAVEL 101,295 SF GONG. FOOTERS 400 SF RIPRAP 159 SF 0 20 40 80 120 160 PARKING BLOCKS 180 SF DOCKS AREA TABLE FLOATING DOCKS 13,044 SF RAMPS 352 SF DRY STACKS 10,960 SF BUILDING AREA TABLE RESTAURANT 2,832 SF GARAGE 260 SF ELEVATOR 29 IF DECK AREA TABLE WOODEN DECKING 7,625 SF WOOD BARRIER 45 SF WOOD WALL 40 SF BULKHEAD AREA TABLE BULKHEAD 1,184 SF RUNGS 169 SF BLOCK WALL 121 SF SURVEY NOTES LEGEND EIP............ EXISTING IRON PIPE EIR............ EXISTING IRON REBAR NS.............NAILSET N IP............NEW IRON PIN (5/8" REBAR) OR.............COMPUTED POINT RW MON.,.RNV MONUMENT CL.............CENTER LINE PL..............PROPERTY LINE CB..............CATCH BASIN, CURB INLET OR DROP INLET MHW......... MEAN HIGH WATER LINE EB..............ELECTRIC BOXES T ................TELEPHONE/CABLE BOXES TP..............TELEPHONE PEDESTAL WM............WATER METER WV ............. WATER VALVE HYD ........... HYDRANT ICV.............IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE SCO.......... .SEWER CLEANOUT LINE SURVEYED - LINE NOT SURVEYED I RNV CENTERLINE ------- EASEMENT LINE SETBACK LINE TOPSAIL SOUND 1. This plat is delved from information gathered by an actual field survey made by this office and platted March, 2023. The purpose of this survey is to show the existing conditions of the subject parcel and this survey does not depict a Boundary Survey. 2. Horizontal datum used for this project is NAD 19831 NSRS 2011 (US Survey Feet). 3. The ground control coordinates are localized coordinates based on State Plane coordinate for "GPS 1 8 GPS 2". 4. The primary survey control azimuth was established using the NO VRS Network and localized using site control. 5. All distances are horizontal ground measurements unless otherwise noted. 6. All areas computed by coordinate computation method. 7. Subsurface utility investigation was not performed as a part of this project. 8. MHW Line is interior of Bulk Heads except as shown. AZIMUTH CONTROL POINTS POINT NORTHING EASTING GPS 1 206,835.834 7382,689.099 GPS 2 206,942.672 2,382-21"A74 O a Kn LL U ik m ~ ID N U � OWE ut E� E m ID i N°0 L T) C0 V K 0 C N rO^ Kc5 r Z m vU UCN Jt�^� ❑ cup 433i c4E33 �' (l < ;,1 rn w O j GO d W 00 Kh 7 ^Ul ^` � Of Q Z oU o1- „J oo of //� aD CD 0 V) ¢ = '^ � U O z o Z H OJ Cn O _O 0 O Q cn O O = aO _J p O U Of 0 LU ~ W W _ m W LU DATE SCALE 03/17/23 1" = 40' DRAWN BY CHECKED BY AD RAP REVISIONS IMPERVIOUS LOCATION SHEET 1 OF 1