HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110410 Ver 2_Shore Acres Judgement_19590417 36,33 HEM 4A1<dL13U1 �%t�so(t c E v.�t f »tYrrstssiR» edVl 4`(+Pi6ptt re�3itY u34v'ra% A THO raw,*O tbt4. 9 �7rN..0 a ( 8►ttRL+ li' O G +JWY �� reti;tiR vA Reapocdaat: D8 640- 371, This sines ratdnf as to bi haaN tom botifty hood before the hsnoriDie rooter Abe*$ Gook or two Superior 400t of goner itenntgi OtaWs h tbtRO► and it ypaiml ' to tie oeuri teas Ott awutinilLRA et tke ra6prd la this prdeee4Lnr assi athar s►Idrnsr Ws#rntsd Rest 9ansLderod► f# �br this.praswwbW «ea duly Imtituw.ga Risk' 340 1"90 bq the pe#ItLPr sag #be irerrhae of a Wined that rummone trio served en ri pa oat rr A}n+L1 Rxe x9S9i thtt ruitais nM tiled br #aapendent In apt tLmoi thet Ou'porti•ae having or quiaiingg in ittNren# Ln the 3aMe tinrRlrsd Lh this ainMe art prptiee to the Wetteding and ire d befape the eoarti that aw Rapt or s.sap ehatoina to Us tioa rod banrdss Rios' nt 'tile 400vil itteoted by the work oi'eonetraatie�'.a heU goad' RR i i>!A sppt+exiastrly 906 toot southasat 'r thee A ttovaeetlot 0 11.64 Y Rod � 1ws► thsaoe aware . h i t 1 L t GeR �dy 16'a eft at tlsa senile }qa of prajaotr tlS334'� 3and 8elA3�bitr + pt , andkrFistqug at, Coro Coron tho Rfit of _�o3estr► hra rl t esrulr r.a oral ww a$ tr+iy boRA ti?a in this praROediogi Gnraxi t,kho 7Steh Rigkwy dRr�asloo to se •gU►oy of tdlr dtati at Ror#h Of OIAO hithai red to iit t o raxoeat4.4 esnatrnot rM solntain it ryetea p 6lwppgi #oat it bar the pater 9t abknanA drwslR far the purpose of eaquirn prrportga py Rpex Rr ra.lout ri is of say'and rosommar ill Dolt► epon arai aarors latdet inei. L" land of#+e#ltiaaar►► tor ppb9LR urr atei tap rxl pOn pu for oilier the tieete Hii�hrw dorrieeidni its soodeoroea aret ae6lgu4y Rea euthardrsst bir lRr•A9 10**% Not *awl teat two pbutionerr are end Kato At the ^clot► of the Loki" bi&iw att0.iafirrrd to #!us others - ot #kr landr drkorlbw it the petition took shsssn on Ara Dior tilad bwd"i bald la>nii� io n r a t obodrid by the lar�rraeat top pahxie wit in tad set out la the plead' +►hem aord■s avid p#roMrtr er do"rAba tak of sold et st anQ ahoxa oa tix� to that t1n'tiaet of raven► by raepoadrnE-kae prisr $o tyra3 ttb t tb that now pe#itloaere-bnd rrrpon offs h%va raaehoe au rareeq►nt whsraiuy Of rom7* has r[rrod #a sty end patMono"t %6" � to iaaolst �i ruiq Of ?'•llt "Cum s ions hmtw i)viigj (�iy, ss uit a anion far tta trkdny of the eaasten#bt o+irbt oi� �} $. oo! rI for of Meows dowsed 1 the ears (/►yaereai said larlda snit'. t tl.or!'nC.aN 4 Oulavtri ptAt► � ► �`?# t$b�tilt'ti:Abrdr(1 AND i' Ik>4�# 7lba# t%opar"so 'obis•t ssi") no +atiiud to aaialpe sad Old roaRlro p�lor Its Apr!#� i .4i+ eta ,# dorrk»+ ow siiapent " sigh# of W kn► over► updn id eorAes Wnt lands of #hr pe#iAianerr tar yiS parpwar for rAlA its pdfeii►tiL�anr itr ruoawsarr- and srri r tide ea#bOTW by'lase po,s ito# a1 tstga{' first 6hA 4aMr}i►ip#La►a lit li rot er.pit" RC. :�'�� +?AaAirint wit !tredatiad lr r r 4 That certain treat or wool of land situate is the TsrnshiP of Barnett) Onuntp of Now HanovAro north Carolina and bore parti- sulerly deporibod by natoo and bounds as follpwso BEGINNING to the middle at the track of W lids Water Power Coapedvrs Mlaotrio 8ailrosd am thousand two hundred en8iy7rW (1�294) puw►rof xaetarn sure of Tanks Ohannsl# or lour thousand two hundred and fittyfiw (4 250 font sastwaw at a stono monument located near Qghtsvills Station. it being the western line of 6tati Orant No. -35J,Sp issued to Ames smith# November 22nd# 1814# and running thanes with the western lino of the aforesaid grant and with the western line of Orant No. i124j issued to James Smithy Doo"ar 11th# 1616. L North 42 degrees 25 minutes east two thousand nine hundred and forty-two (2,942) toot to a stakes it being the fourth carnar of the Lot cautioned State Grant to James Sniths . 26 thence with fins thim line at the said Etats Grant south 47 degrees 35 minutes cast font hundred and seventy- Seven (477) toot to the wsotornrodge of bank IS Ch&Mol0 3. Thence with the Vast shore of Bank's Channel north 8 degroas 50 minutes cast five hundred and fifteen (51$) foot to the southern shore of Xoorena Inlet Channels 4. Thence with Noore's Inlet.0hennel north 60 degrees 20 minutes west two hundred and twontyothros (223) tests S. North 95 degrees !#$ minutes peat-coven hurxitad and thirty (730) toots 6. North 39 dogroea 30 minuteo scat two hundred and sixty-**von (R67) foots 7. North 35 dogrws want env thevsan4 one hundred and forty (10140) tests 80 North 4 degrees went ens hundred and eighteen (118) tests 9. North 49 degrees west three hundred and forty-two (342) foots 10. North 77 degrees 50 minutes wont throe hundred and silty-four (354) foots ll. Borth 48 degrees 40 minutes vast five hundred and forty-eight (548) feats 120 douth 81 degrees 35 minutes west six hundred and fifty (450) taut; 136 aouth 74 degrees 20 minutes west one hundred and seventy (170) feet to the line of the proposed inland waterway as surveyed by the corps of gnginwr+e of the United States mgrs 14. Thence with the line of said inland waterway survey south 41 degrees 10 ednatos want two thousand $in hundred end sixty-pawn (2#667) toot to.the northern line of Stato Grant Nn. 2168# issued to dahn S. London# Nqy 126ha 18171 i 5 •3- 15. Thence with the northern line of the aforesaid grant Worth 84 demises 40 minutes Hest One thoaeend (10000) toot to the shore of the mainland} 16. Theme with the various aosrssa of the shore of the mainlamdi the general be being (Youth 42 dogroos at_eL/Ltnaueand £iveundred ( 1500)-seat pa-tlto enter of the channel of trailer's or" wharS the paid oreok empties into the Sound, it being the beginning corner of tbs eferesaid State grant to John R. imadon) 174 Thams,tits the southern line of tIa aforesaid state eight grant�drsdo2,80 t)dto baton, soot linetofuthe aforesaid Survey of the proposed inland vatormayl ll°. ?bends with Said line Mouth 33 dogroas 15 minutes west Sue thousand five hundred and sixty-five (1,565) Not to m lins projected South 60 degrees 30 uioutes east from W'$ north e400 of A RUM inns, an Greenville goundl 19. Then*e south 69 degrees 30 minutes east even hundred and fifty (750) toot to the center of a elannol) 20. 9hWo with Said channel south 3.9 degrees 30 "!.mites West rive hundred (500) fo*4 11, thence south 77 degrees 20 sinutea soot three hundred And twenty-five (,325) teat) 12. 'Phone* Mouth 54 degrees 10 minutse Meat one hundred and thirteen (113) read 2). ?hence south 9 do rose 20 minutda vast throe hundred and forty*nine (349) feet) 24. Thence south 30 do teas 55 minutes west oaa thousand and thirty (1003011 feet) 25. Therm* south 43 dodreos 30 minutes goat three hundred and aevanty-fivS (37$) feet) 46. ?hento Mouth 47 degrees 35 minutes west sight hundred and bight (808) fast) 27. Thence South 75 dogrses 25 ainutea Crest four hundred Mud stnoty-two (492) f-oatl 18. Thenoe Posts 42 degrees Vogt four hundred and alrmty (470) feet) 29. Thonme south 20 degrees 3o minutes vast three hundred and sixty-sewn (347) feetl i 30.. then* S"ViN 4 dogrsas West seven hundred and hinoty (Igo) feat) 31. Thence soutil 9 degrees 40 minutes vast Min hundred and Sisty (660) feat) )1+ Thence eouts 54 degrees $0 sinutes vast two hundred send forty-four (244) test) 9J Jx � i 39+ T4unoa awth 98 dagreos vast two hundred and tar otsy-five (225) twat) - 340 Theme south 83 dogrses if P.,% 45i ainutoo vast two hundred and atotty--teo (282) feat) nos aou degrees neat throo hundred and _ ten (31.C� Root, 3b, 7twho0 Mouth 68 darroor 30 adnoton non tvb Aundrei and yinoty-Aiae (299) fast) 37. 211eaao Lorth 42 4tovoi von% hinetyAtnroo (93) feet to a stone, o aorner of Reary umyar sod the Tills water pwor Company) 38. Thanes with the alums-of the ride Water Ewer rtmparr ksukh 54 dogreos wAe.6 throw huh4rod and tarty- five ()45) trot) 39. South �6 degrees 10 minutes Vast four hubbod and forty-Lour (444} teob, 40. 3nuth $1 degrees 55 minutes wait tour hundred (404) toot to a stone) 41. Mouth 69 degroas 35 minutes voab'aiva hundred and sixty-five (96$) toot, 42. 8aatk. 89 detw000 15 aatuutoo West Ave hundred and thirty-sighb (538) toot) 43. 'Perth i dogree 5o loinutoa'asst five hundred and sewn toot (507)1' 44. ?forth 5S dagroes 45 Minutia wss0 four hendrod M,xi six (406) toot to a atons) 45. 9`hen9a Month 7 dmgreeM west W# thousand two hundred erg savanty.thros (1,273) toot to the baginaing eornrr of Mote 0rant No, 353), issued to Jobe,A. Liliiq,ten, MovanNe 14th, 18,)61 W. Thence with 4hq fire$ Brut of oa,,d grant Mouth SO dotraee !o sduutoe quit rive thousand nine huaired and oavmnw 970) toot to the wootorn ohera of Miniature 4hannsl) 47. Thense north 17 degrees S raiautes onet eight hundred and twenty-Saar (824) tart to a paint Is the wet odge of .Shinn Creek; 4#. 7hoaca soroos dbinn Creek north 66 dearaoo 10 hinutea east six hundred tmi eight-six (686) toot to a point in the weatorn sdge of diaoomboro Channel) 119.. Thence with the frost edge of Nasonvoo 0honnol north 64 dacrooa 55 rolnutsM seat one thins" and tbirty-oi: (1,o36) foot; 50. 8orkh 45 degrees 30 aimiteM eAst Six hundred and ninoir (690) toot to A point where the narbhora-bronah of Shinn Greek adaeiaa Naaanbors Manual 4honoo""as the northern brAMh of Shinn Creek North 21 degrees tons one thouesad and treaty+two (1 022 feet to 6 point In the Vb*tara edge of 00014 4henneS) r � y 1 52. ollenoe YItV -otsrn � ad of PaAWs Channel north 5e degrees hOYa two (572) feat) das Vast I$I," hundred wA seventy- 53W north 414080 xdtwtea coat one thousand tout' hundred sod nlolw (1,495) foot) 'read ttarth 54 doRrmot so%hundrod and fifty {650) 5S "girth 68 degree uinutoo Beet AM11 hWWrod and twenty-04ht (120)ti tYelvp {b a) sotto ajout s Seat. six hundred ad 570 North 46 degroaininutes oaut Seven h0dred and tvanty�sight (728) feet, 56. North hO dogreea falnutea eaot live hundred end tarty (540) raotb) 59. North 16 dol"O" K rdne hundred Alto nifty-tiro (955) feet, . North 10 46Cre00 501Autos oast tour hundred & thirty-sis (436) fait[ 616 Perth 17 dope" Nosllour hundred and twenty- (420) feet► 62, :North 55 degrees 55 Mute* Yost four hundred and tbirty ssven (h){7) teat to A lint is the South Wgo of ttrawr a Memel) 63, yhetWO aaroaa alwWar 11 Channel north 99 do ewe 30 Santee oast sawn hundred and twontr-som (727) feat $0 6 point in tho north odes of %atd sfsnnal) n"b.$6 degrees�et ivo hundred 40 at n notes,two (Ogg) feet, 65. North 5) do$resp ho Ninuteo toot one hundred and thirty-two (134) rset) 66. Worth 54 400840 50 ninutse vast bhnno hundred and ton (310) foot) 67+ North 39 dagraev 10 Mantas vast ohms bandrad and 6rant-wo;11453dsauaaSHt tto o #NO# fiinith,Noveeber22nd,1814, 68, Thence with the woetern line of paid grant north G2 degroes 25 odnuteo seat ens thousand siic hundred are► eavantro eight (1#618) feet to the boainniq. asreas no" oralos0 eaVill more irally appear ty r ferenea to a eu" Nada by J. b, Rattan and Pei* Wordenj 0iwil eRiOaers datod N®wowhers 1923, ea O tended by We gerdone duns# U AV A map of "to survey is attaohad to and wade a part of the dsod from p. A. Hatthes and wLfo to $here sores O "off rasorded in xaok 155 Page 322 iu the of[ios of the 8egiatsr ct i?sods of Nan Ytenv"r 00unty, .6. Saing the same* property oonvoyed to dhore Aores Company by P, A, ifatthes avd wife, Seine Or wtthes, by dead datod June 20 1.9240 and rOOOivW August 4, 1924, in Book 155, page 929 at seq. in the HOV Hanover County Registry. SXae_ s�tingt how"01—fro"A.id-,raeE all �nty_parae3s-a —ttkit# Of land convoyed by Shore Was Company by deeds or Other instruments r"Orded in the New Hanover County itagistry. That the easaeOnt Of right. of way eequirod ever said lands is shown Shaded I" red en the *map filed in this preoeoding and Its described as follovat The* "W"mant of right of way auffiotant to give the aforesaid Prodeots as aanetructed *erase the above-doseribed property a parallel right-of-way bearing it, vidth of 200 foot, measured 100 foot oa each side of the okntor line thereof to 2 50 feet, smeaeurad 100 foot to the South and 150 foot to the North of Said *eater line, all as appears shaded in red on the map filed in this PrOOeediag end as described thereon and an indioated by oonoreto markers on the gr*und, 2. Mt the SUN of MM—MIN! fR00!4Atfp P10 NCN)RO DOIURO (029,$00.00) ie 00 full, fair and Adequate valuo of and represents amt "Ven"t'ies for the taking of the sm"mmsnt of right of way in, over, upon and eoross the lanim of the petitioners far the past and future use thereof by the respondent, its suOnoaAOrs and assigns, tar all purposes for which the said respondent, its sumo*osors andaaeilne, ore authorised by low to subjeot the soma and for all deoagas soused by the 004etrootion of said pro�eota. 9. That the State Ht&w*y 00soeie01edt respondent heroin, pay into o0art the sa+O of TwRSTf-NSBg VW00801) Ply? HIMDRWD DMIARS ({290500.00) in full oompansation for the oamement of right of way across said property and for All damages ooused by the sonotruetion of amid praaeoto. 4. Phat a cow of this 3adgaant be certified under the 0*91 of the Court to the 4egistar of Pat" Of Row Hanover County and be by him r000rded upof,the land rOoasds of said 4oantyl �. That the rompendeot pay the *oats Of this aotion. This the J7;& do, of 13.60! APPRMM AO Coj.-g%T b TDj 9HCSg AOR s MfPANT }u> gip R, 3FAHRt1 s Attorney General ea a mn mNrney armera larriseA 14wis ri�dt£igQnuiu4y 'A;f �C gat—, 11, 1149 . C +-.,....r...G ; ..art.. 4 4 0, p. 11 a, - J