HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233250_Site Plan or Location Map_20231101 / o i ) ill //////// 21 , /1 / I .I �� ' ) II I1`�\\ / (/ /M A�OgU A pDDO' NS23a/ /14/ DATE: PAGE: gg // I �� rLID�7. A' 5/ / / I I�LI f . dc7 I A - l c2 D 1 G„6 L - 3;,8 11 ' I I � M9DOgUE LI�pp � I. I. G �E� I I ;F�1 �G� �H� . . . . . • . 1 / 1 1 I / I 1 (SLIDE Tay, 'P 5 I 1 I I \ lt I G G I R. I ✓� ✓� 91 Y �i / ..�.^�, 1 1 691 1 11 I 123 1 1 20 I H R R ll ll HOUSE NousE Hotta Hou SITE ,' , (- - r=-2 -7- , a.\ I. .I L. _MGA• L_ r �. L. A HaA. J Ara L .i ORq =EAST MEN' ROADWAY v A AY / //l I I 73 37� 11 �I/ 36/ I / v, , \ C RBINLF�EnaEOFCDRa Y Ngtea: _ _ 1.If needed,Tree Protection fencing should be installed along the buffer zone,wetland 3E / IlII 1 ' \/ I OI 2D5 LO'+s LEGEND boundary and/or around protected trees,providing aradius of al least 1.25 feet for each -�- - •�•�'/ �� I I I // I \ W \ inch of trunk tliameter. ,!� 00 \ 2.Install Sitt Fence on the low elevation sitlea of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on �, / 'G / \ O� \ N schematic/diagram and fieldadjusted,iinecessary,forplacement at low points.If lots are _�`' - / / ! �' � � I I ' j 4 � I I \ contiguous antl have tliRerent lantl owners or builtlars,each lot shoultl have intlividual Silt ei. Nff /. / � / / � Fences. 9 �/____.:: PELICAN PROPERFS •• \ ® 3.Install required Sik Fence within lO tent of property line[o ensure there is no conflict with J HOLDING LlG"/j \ jlfl\ ENTRAN septic system.lt is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the installation of sediment SILT FENCE DB HOLDING .4el. / 1 OV \ \ \ curse INLET control measures does not impact de septic system and repair meals). 374 1 I 11 � 4.At least one Construction Entrance/Exit is to be installed Per lot. &LT FENCED o�� 37 J I � 65 2 5.Waste bins and other areas tletlicated for managing building material waste shall be at pun, E / S ( 1 1 \ \ leasthe feet away from ,If t drain inlets n cannot b ditches unless it can be shown that . age I I no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,dace areas must be 30 /CONS>MluSsnO �P • 1 I :II I \ ` contained behind Silt Fence. h[/-/^. �I I I \ 6.Inlets tl Cream of disturbances should b protected;streets should be swept when ° pe � F`'' \) I I Y \ 38a- 207\ sedimentf the construction activity is present. r D / / �p \ / , J/4.2 M) \ I I \ ..\NC Env ronmental.jpeg 7.o Details r Silt Fence Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Enhances ana Omer measures are 3 �M`y 333777$$$ Q 1 provided on additional sheet Erosion and sediment control data Is are not drawn to scale S'cOT� CO RUSTION -ihI\ \?" \,lI 4 \ �� �'x-CT v€-D^'t TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER .. m . . . . LMT fy,�wzus ELo'ti Er1cINE e / , �00 �• � �1' It: / _ I \ �I we 401- _ ET / 212C^ E-1 �d \ 6� \ DATE: PAGE: 9 \ L/ cn \ fie..us ______.__ �vr: v t-kOnO t:s aol2c IP SFE CEA �� / \ I aV6 \\� \mix 00�� / ENT E �y \VICINITY MAP 3 �. ,. � PIE OUTLR CEO \S duo Ec G� 453 / ' pq 42; xx/ STRUCTIO. \ �{ N.T.S. w -51Lg7EN(EE ' /.' . � •� ,: �/WArrkE 1 ! ` GT WASLE ti \ 2Or�Z/ .,. 44 Qy'� J I I/ l_ (� a 39O \F NCE sonalHI / / J•OME \`G /. � 9-T ��, • MI 1 ary Qyy v •./ wNSTR c loN 46 a 7 186 Q �. :01:::::,, a �coN.Ru N ErvT F \`i^ C°NRSArvci°N 360 /� - / • a\io \ gg � `■■■G■I SILT� 38. Q` 4. a51 a - �� q�a• ' �y� .\ \�sFECE�s�. \\ 21 C3Nfn C ,•1 N/ / / e dc.r•'�' - - r� rivrY 6 WATTLE Y ^ �34 �c 21A a� MEM a5'9- �V . _ ..- W'eyR i7r " ,1`r°' DATE: PAGE: =L AN OPERgV-\ I OM ..<k/contra 5't Sock/w HOLD( SLLC-- \\� �Iy �` 1W ----- / tin Conatructon. Ma menance SOW-� S-I Silt s s�I t. y, n twtea r /DB PG 4g8 .� _ 10 b - I Oj / 1.Clear the entrance and ex t area of all vegetal on,roots and other objectionable 1.Per NCG 01 inspect at least once a week antl after each 1 inch or __ • -1 J ._ sus or \ ` � C ST UOTIoN 9 Ey 357 material antl properly gratle T. greater ranfall make any requiredrepairsimmediately. be .r_ I .-III III IIF=IL use r > "A \T �� _•, ��L R INFO-ED S� U 2.Place me gravel to me specRc gratle antl tl mansions shown on the plans and 2.Maintain the gravel pad- condition top t mud admen a es Stokes NBFBU /� / - W Id mini' Stokes 12 a - - - - LADS CO LIMI CTIO =�REINPB \ .5" • �\ OUTLT / 0� smooml from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic minimum COS TION -J/ 3.Prov de dra nil eta ca water to a sediment tra or other su table outlet to r w th 2 inch t and a des 11 instated pa ramto Ow desired length su.Mat logs.not \ �3•:•- nn�=\\ \ d� E�4E q: I / / L,a� 9 cony P ptl ass rig to mt `r► 60, LIMIT I '� . / 4.Use textle fabresn ord to'm tab'lt f the foundation locations 3.Immedatel SECTION SECTION _ roetn�oo.te'ea beow " " " • -- U7(( _ N goo proves yo yremove all objectionable materials spilled,washed or �.v ct sae high table tracked onto blc roadways. O�s '\��a;�'' v�W Tn r 0 / / / 35 �m subj .ePage or g as rs socldwattlxl as slightly npsb�w �'' �A �' 35 1vaTr�.,... - I a Ma*• <a B„ _ aria 6*# _ R �� L DG DN / 3�6 / / / _00 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT I 4 kwerdurr; .j' ) ) /?Oy .� SOu cE IS I ENT r: / ///III'' / J355 189 VJ of wry plu centerko the P \� ON TR TI / 'I / O sock/wattle...es should e t or amammum sit wal // / .� .\. .L p IwTS I co sTN ECTT,N /�/ / _ _ / \m of 0 feet il the silt dMM..intervai of 4 daave:a°I a°4lmh f \� . as '` III I IEN1s7 az1 / �- mq SODDING Wood i Ni Mulch or log a g rid 4 Min. S. bMHED INSTALL/MOM sock.anles are u.on rei..wa.n // ()I./tren. � / I .42 I �354 / / quNTRENCHEO sru Tlory ENTREN,o�emrw 000kom..NO„rea.,.a.ocnoo teone..x. shall be used of n ate<n an,nenme. / / I / �, �„I I I3 / / ''= 190 ' / Q _-- ISOMETRIC VIEW 1 en p during. Inspect silt sock...at least weekly and air / / J \ t I 1 I I NI 398 i;;yi(( il k I / �� mANTEGANcE / / I 'y1 r 'I 353 each 1 inch orgre.r rainfall.Remove1 1 ompeM INITIAL now RATES as WE5ANrC�/- // / / III I II I 1 \........ 191 M axoseaorwxmmc FIscss. mulch Or cows sea "°' need.to allow foradequate / / / / / J I ( I 399 I I 1� 41S (CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE MI �M Uxmenchae Soda m ed omeo oxomrls ^2m' (doe.m)(a4o.m)(got.) rim) 2. sock/Wattle must be resume d o96 or / I I 1 \ I.Obtain all necessary permits and plan approvals.Erosion and Sediment ControllE@SC)permit and a Certificate of Coverage 111111111 Sheet Fox `re 10 0a tsock H / / WETLANDS '/�" / / I I I I \ 35\ (COO must be obtained before any land disabing activities occur.A copy of the MSC permit,the COC and a hard copy of the cA ~ Wilt Sock/xm®,9m(A (test.) 3°.",:) asockrtiattle may need in. / / / I \ \ , Plan must be kept on site,Preferably in a permits box,and accessible during inspection MUST BE .MNoomIsci ATCHED SOS oral,,v waxkAr rime a,im (bs ) (a;a ) (son ntl 4. Reinstall il damaged �md4�a�,imha fop, / / J I/ I I �( 2.Install gravel construction ennan<w first,then sat a tam«a,reinforced silt fence CORRECT mio on a i• /' N. os. zz. w. s 0.Yp` (l I OI�I EN,gLPA ootldsandwades. %x re%tit re%x m%x 'ma twosomes / )� / 1 COrtNi„c Ar I \ 188D 3.PnisM1 clear II b' the lotsazthe d va fie (s4 (mat nose n2m ma (\ 1 \ \ I \ g g Yuecesswy areas on yard smite- • -__ cot e /m/m> /m/m> /m/m) /m/m) /m/m) m has been perm netramd ace. - 7' /\ 1 I 1 1 \I` , nal 192 u / 4B 1 was t� \ Bg 0 SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION e-/ - 1 IIMMI 6.F gM1g d I�O' /% \ II \4�1 \ `_ T. II dr'v walks d patios. IB Begin f grading of lot /%� " \\\ \ \•\ \ \ \ I I I qj0 9 Final 6 8mulching dstabilizing f 1 1 most cases this will.valve the installation of earl on.lot.The sink fence w DATE: PAGE: ir \� \ \ ........... .. remain in placeilthe I added or grassing'stabilized and takes held. Y ;ii ` 1 4aR U • //: /,'' \ I \ \ IL.- 10 The contactor shall conduct self-inspections of erosion tam sedimentation control measures and complete the following y - 4MIN. SILT I III 'POND ACC -\N;`1 1,,1 \I 00�I,p\ \ Y \ I \eDa \ \ I '193� combined self-inspection farm found on the MATE website 1,{ ,Illfll)). IIIII ---[-'_� 11 1` I \ \ vm `st-\ \ (/) \ hops:l/www.deq.noBov/abouVdivisions/m<rgY'minewl-and-land-r<sources/stommwaott/stommwaott-prograMnpdes-conswcoion-program. TncT SIL 'II. E` 1 mESTABLISHED.IN 2, I•' - ,'M t1 .� \ \ \� , I I \ 11� ` rwdve moods ar<amplo<msRp«dan ramaslmu be k<pt an Sim ana av:lm rinspectionat all tim<s.uis recnmm<naeda wTx rasa sat man. As,Hssaas xaHaa_ aMawea \ \ copy be kept' p<nm b ef.G5.113A 541tlwughGS.113A 5]Mori S NC AC 04330101 drougM1 ISA '.\ \ ` I q\7 �[� NCAC GeneralIME0504 P 't NCG 010000 NPDES for Construction A' men ass eo.wnTsawaty \ rr� \ �' ),t;,k 11 Self' p for d sedimentation control measures are to be performed 1 calendar days and x APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD GROUNDSTABILIZATION \1 a" Itic id 2 b f cry t ofgreater than 1 inch.Any needed repairs hall be madeimmediately measures as SITE AREA STABILIZATION . - '\ ao MEE \ �- a ed. Itoject s BC hll be meinmmed es specified in tM1e conswdion demmis on drs plan Aain gauge shell be msmllM visit II• EXCEPTIONS QPEN-Comm .Are , \ k4 I y19a 12I at h on dfite fl ellevers Alen the 1 the hall contact DEMLR to clue out the EffiSC {' II it IDESCRIPTION TIME FRAME common Area \ ` �efill� �� „m pram p ce�mwas idli 111 �������)I .air. naamawr THEWASHEDsr PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE Plan.ARer DEMLR inrpms m<pmuimeafinevroi I potion rre0rt,me tin q�o\`t "degnc.govMCG01'msubmit an elatronic Notiw oftmnitmtian(e-NOT)A$100 armual genmlpermit fee will be cM1arged HARDWAREsTEEL FENCE Pa SWALES,DITCHES \ / p ��m`'\ ` \ I 1\ \ \- writ rhea NOT hasbcen filled ouc = a &SLOPESACE \wiRE FENCE ) `\ .1- 1I """ a.n,eagmM.r CLOT FRONT VIEW HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE Trea �00 - -/ - - - \ m \ 99� .. \ ` A SELF INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REPAIRED BY .�, mmwrx. WATER ZONES _ _ _ - - _ o- • NCGS 113A-54.1.1S AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR BURY WIRE FENCE. \ \ I \ \5 COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. .� _ moo,snmwmss FILTER (HOW) / fir \ \\ 1 \� AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED \ \ \ EROSION AND SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE - \ \ \ 1 aulrl\ SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT U KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE t5A C72112FO ELOSIOII COn tF0 NOt2S wasHED STONE FILTER OF#57 STEEL µqy ctoTHw TRENCH THAN 3:1 10 OR LESS IN \ \ \ I I - NCAC 048.0131 STATES THAT•...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY TEETER FABRIC NOTES: yNTO solo GROUN AND wd:owArsE LENGTH AND ARE - _ I \ \ \ I 4y2 \I ` 1.Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. \ INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE 2.All disturbed a shall be d and 1.inohe cloth and gavel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 NOT STEEPER \ '06 \ V�\ 1 \ 345 �/ APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, grass. o GROUND inches. - - - - - - I - -,- ( \ r N \ DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, mulched ass as over Pl ssible d maintained THAN 2:1, 14 A t 196\ until t c s established. SIT 2.Slone outlets shoultl be placed on law elevation areas of silt fence - 1 /}� PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION pemanen and based on field conditions. DAYS ARE .8" \ / - \ - ` \ \/ CONTROL PLAN.'\\\ MAINTENANCE. ALLOWED - - - - - - p - / \ \ eJRy OF 1.Per NCG-01,inspect outlet at lest once a week and user each l inch or SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR \ I 40 / AT �\ HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC IN TRENCH greater ainta.event.complete any required repairs immediately. FLATTER SLOPES GREATER - 1 \ AR'�g,gn '7+ L,LT'' ��//""�� RIVE BURY WIRE FENCE AND 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches. THAN 50'IN 'NETLA �\ \ / I\ _4`-'-'� T� JLl'FJV Itlu yT->\ 3.Keep mash free of debris dprovide adequate flow. LENGTH \ \\ op 1 / /.♦ / SECTION 016W 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. oo \/ \ / / \I /------ 5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT s \ ..MCC-Envh tetrE k..'.ey �a /.•'.• raft OS -� _ WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS Do- d I SILT FENCE OUTLET FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND How ZONES) 1 1 ' \ /4 / all - DATE: were FenceFilter Fabric PAGE: -1 1` ^ - I - \ \ s Strengthtab.withwiwl r PI 1 ( V \ - \oerlon.banwinammw fen Wlre FenceAre eaakBll o-.n.n 41 I,. Mrd _� \\and Compact \ ` Dom\ E PAC P ,/'�F //�em•eI Pwr saMarx.Eea Steel Post -. dorou9hly T OPEN SP E . \\/ � I \ .`\ \I / moll r \ PAGE V 1� 1 of L j uwwva I _OPEN SPACE \ 7� / g `� - \ I/�// '• _ _ `� Ploat'<or ; ta24' 1 ,..; / TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 2.18 ACRES Wretc I )`\; \ �� f� / � LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN ? X a�In � // \` / ^ y - - -�- - _ \ LOTS 380, 383, 384, 387, 388 390, 392, 396 & 458 �• SYx �em° an`h MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT (CONSTRUCTION BEDFORD, PHASE 5 Filter Fabric 1 General-All measures will be Inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls.or at least once per week minimum. The builder will insure that the construction activities on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures. If lot construction dictates, strength or strength slterfabncs. MOSS SECTION VIEW measures will be relocated on the lot to insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible. Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested In the erosion control manual. Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper FOR sediment1. fae»aimeof . extra the ground(Highs fences ground stabilizing cover. 2.Ensure may Construct. 00d tors lbi`tocausefei1ree°q=stru re)�� BENJAMIN STOUT REAL ESTATE me lergoh d the barrio.avoid joints.when joints are Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should re condition to prevent mud o sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic toptlressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall,inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out a necessary. Immediately necessary,securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post all objectionable materials spilled,washed,orn tracked oonto public roadways.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed end disposed of properly to insure that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermined. 4.Support.andard strength filter radio by wire mesh fastened with oMeupslope overlap en fabric oo4,°Extend remove cleanoutOperatiane. SERVICES, INC• the side of the fence...rr mesh support to e w ottomld YZlthe trench.Fasten tue wire te should have a minimum...men, tAnde strength eupsbpe each, Sill Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected s least o the and offer each rainfall event. Any repairs should f made id the fence Damaged s.decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly. Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to S.When a wire mesh support fen.is used,spaoe posts am rota Bm peSupportsdwaMb driven e,mard�mva.. maare that me removed sediment does not wash back ogonstine fence. Adequate storage volume aboard be provided far behind me fence of ton limes. Take care to not undermine me fence daring clean out operations. MCLAUCHLIN TOWNSHIP HOKE COUNTY securely into 6.Extra smngth fiat 3.Remove eeime ground a minimum of 24 indes. or become ent.epos.es nctive.mom.necessary to Provide erten... fasten de rfatricM rite.Wire u s should have a minimum of 5o and tensile Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained to insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured. The sod should be watered a necessary to maintain adequate moisture in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod. The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate a wit mawias'czlpue q pound gthe pressure on a growth and stabilization of the root bed. The soda should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recommendations and type of gross recommendations when and if possible. SCALE:1"=1001 SEPTEMBER 2023 7.Excev�eeele approximately 4 inches wide and B inches deep along the proposed line of the posts ana Are to avoid anaermi1ng defenwct24 d GRAPHIC nrTT SCALE Aslope from a.Remove fencing mamnalsand unsmde sediment deposits Grassing and Mulching-The arm to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed a necessary as o initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been placed,the o should be maintained o needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly. Any bare areas should be k"iR`yr 111� "T�`y�� along the bottom andslde of the trends. and bong the ores to grade and stabillzelt after the centebueng repaired, and reseeded as soon as possible. If the time of year does not permit the establishment of an permanent grass.then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a permanent grass. 100 0 50 100 200 400 9.BOOM,me trench with sifil overlh Marfabrlaandcp pact thorough compac a Ma back.is drainage area has been properly stabilized e a o - `� °ovum to Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies up slope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height. Ell lO Do.attalch..abbrlc to eAsOr.trees. Removed sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to Insure that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be providedfor behind the fence at WII times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. ( IN FEET ) ..\NC-Enviry,iealul.jpey 1 inch = 100 ft. SILT FENCE Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits a necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone a necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all Jam- J C fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and b he area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to insure that the removed sediment does not wesM1 back against the fence.Adequate storage MOORMAN,K ONEZER (90 TZEL,INC.1158ROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 volume should be provide.for behind de fence attalltims.Take care to not undermine defence during cleanout operations. PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE#F-G106 LAST SAVED:0/30/2023 11:35 AM LAST PLOTTED:S/30/2023 1:50 PM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert FILENAME:0\CURRENT JOBS\BENJAMIN STOUT REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC\23-2510-23 BEDFORD-EC\PLANS\BEDFORD EC-LOTS 300.303.304.307.309.390.392.394.306 A 458.0We