HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233256_Site Plan or Location Map_20231101 -T-i SODDING I IDATE PAGE DATE: PAGE J4' 4 MIN. SILT i l o •.. A SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY S - - - /st - / NCGS 113A-54.1'IS AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR I z Tire S "°• M ^^ sxos.wo.v uu xs°ecrs. COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. IIIIIII ,r °, 9 '• nmxsowuRscnv. AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED General Erosion,, Control Notes h. IIIINI . / tap g r cn EROSION AND i a h°y� • • �1 w°`,yv^' SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A 1.Only the are shown shall be disturbed. { 00 SITE r ¢yr M NCAC 04B.0131 STATES THAT'...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY • 2,All disturbed a shall be grassed a d RS �� m �� INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE m Iched ass s possible d a'ntained .Q\XO / �`� mar car APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, until t cover s established. THE WASHED J q Pemanen Q �t°r"w.e DATING •AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, \� �iI PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION ST L :`i `V '. `t • CONTROL PLAN." /, � � 4; ' e9 CLOTH r •`Is r�`I �P ,�� g H RDwAREat FRONT �BURywREFENaE s �ui� »ul tit • eA� mt++lbm l all„ IU 11NG WASHED STONE OF, MOW WHEN THE SOD. �$ .POSTNTO SET TMAX CLOTH IN TRENCH tl 1 �°1°1611'1 • .44.1.444.1194.11- Fil FILTE .a]\ GROUND PARTM�a•�STEEL FENCE Ago ADWARF / 9, =$$$ �° WATER 3ro AaTHemma eNrwae Persuont ,c G.S.11�A(3), provisions for pernonen: ground cover sufficient to res taro erosion \ E8g��� NOTES: gravel ilr. p p.,` 1 W�X�XE sat. To uoocxiu.w?EA wEu mars.. my D 1.Hardware cloth and gravel should overlay the silt fence at least l2 - -_ v 3 must be accomo Ished for all d•sturbed areas witrin 14 working days or gC colander days a °ee inch°. wxLeAPPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD So° R4 whc'1Bver is shorter followingcom etior of construction. 2,Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of sin fence P Construction: Maintenance: ® end based on field...or.. 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,I � roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCG-01 inspect at least once a week and after each 1 inch or iiiilijai MAINTENANCE: material and properly grade it. greater rainfall;make any required repairs immediately. VICINITYMAP wxxax. c' HaownaE ctOH TER FABRIC IN TRENCHF1.Per NCG-0f,il event outlet1 lest onceaweekane aim edch 1tely. r2.Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans,end 2.Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment N.T.S. / FR greater rainfall event Complete any required repairs immediately. smooh it. from leaving the con site.This may require periodic 2 Freshen stone when setl rent accumulation exceeds 6'nches. 3 Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet from le s rig with 2 inch stone. °memo 3 Keep mesh free of debris to provide adequate flow. 4 Use geotext le fabrics'n order to improve stability of the foundation n locations 3 Immediately remove all objectionable materials sped,washed or �' ro,a.i x= SECTON.. 4,Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. subject to seepage or high water table tracked onto public roadways. �':�'�-✓ o^srsm^TM. \NC En q IuI.J,cy 5,Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. Frrrrrar,,.r ,,0',, SILT FENCE OUTLET CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - I.Obtain all nem.,permits and plan approvals.Erosion and sediment Conrcol(E&SC)permit and a Certificate of Coveragemi. A / / / I 1 V A A V V / �_ plan(COC)m muse be obtained.prearwy lama permits b actinides occur.A cups in the EffiSCPotmlt,the COC and a hard copy o[the \ \���j/ 1 \ \\\ \\ \\\\\\\ \\ \ plan must be kept on site.prefereblytin a permits box,and accessible during inspection. I \ \ \ 2.Install gravel construction entrances arm then silt fences,reinforced silt fence I \ orbs and wattles. / / \ \ \ \\ \ 3.Finish clearing and grubbing any necessary areas on the lots as they are started. / \ 4.Begin lot or wdeionse ionactivtt \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ / DATE: III Wire Fence :tier,.Fabric PAGE:S.Begin or continua cairn M1ouse consWefmoo activities. \ / / 3I feB' pl6.Finmsn ell rougM1 grading and House comtrvction. \\ \ / / \ \ \ \ �_� \ °°°�� 6Max Extra>,rengeM1 labnc wcMutwne ten Wire\` e'Max.S,antlaN StrangNh wire - ce Wre Fence eB ekfill trench ]I tidn Iio e \ \ \ \ / / I \\ \\ \ \ \ \ / Steel Posltodroughtycl g.B al fi grad g fl /9.Final gra g g d B--g f I I l -II- I h-stall-on of sod on tM1e lot The silt fence will 'bpsremain in place until n I ddd b1' d oak nla. \ \ ` \ > \ ) )) \ \ \ \\ __ / (-y �10 Th n h II JIf f h J a I es and wmpine tM1e following I biped If f f J fe DEMLR b - Plastic« 1}http:/ deq g b d - gy - d d s/ prograMnpdes<onstrucfon program I \ / / / W}e liesT Iva hs f I f hall b k pt aed '1 bl f all 1 mmrnded a /y bekpt' is box.Ref G.S.113A54.1 tMo hGS 113A52 Sx 15A NCAC04A01011uo hMA \) ) ))\ \ \ . J / I \ \ \ \ / / / / n NCAC 04E0504 General Pe NCG 010000 NPDES f C Activities. \) / /\/\f. inspections for erosion anded 1 be pert ea least ery lendar days and \ / / \ / / / / / 1 � n n/s M1 , tl t•e°9 trench 1 within 24 hours of very rain event ofgreahr Om inch.Any needed repairs shall be made'immediately to maintain measures as / / / y designed.All ESC measures shall be maintained.specified in the conswctron details on this plan.A min gauge shall be instal. r epro;ectaitefermnnimdng \ / / _ConsMcgoni i Filter FObrlema 4 roroam / IP Inspection and final acceptance Idlers.When the project is complete,the perm..Mall contact DEMLR to close out.e E&SC / I eRO050ECTION VIEW Plan.After DEMLR informs the permMee of the project closeout,via inspection report,the pemmilee shall visit / N. gyp ` �rl �oegs not exreetltl24 meneyananbovet ground.(Hlgner lances "deq.vc.go.1.01"msubmitanel.. cNoticeofhtmination(e-NOT).A$100annualgeneralpermit fee will be charged I 814:1S O S (/ I(/ "m,n,vou�e>INwetar>u�ce' eusefeilureINlesWm until the a-NOT has been rhea out. I I I I I I / \ \ < I mwt �abnc lr°mma continuous roll cut n,girMebarrier mawirrioirns.wean ioinm are ^ene>. I I I / \ \ \ \ .'__� \ \ >a.1:°ltrerafa>hnena contintn srollca Opp°Inotoftelmimam°.edai.mh»nearprnt. / revere mean auppoda netabonpm Drina erenm rsamn oieawirereyme upslmae area n<epuea.Eeena _i��' ACC SS 4.. Ntle ofroefenceyor.Wre«peabc zledp sea>noula nave.minim mso na tensile mengm.eupaow Inspheagsre N0000i"il Mttlaea yrey red genem 0e aieN.MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION I I I / \ \ \ amen F'2NB pa. pie ss oultlbeanven btic ofasermenerenceeoll e.har,tle wimp adequate^\ NO ES ASEM T minimum Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. I \ IESE \ \ strength nnetab ewanStam°pre spacing aces not require awire mesa support fence.secures provide eaequeh This may require periodic mpdressing with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect any structure used to tap sediment and clean it out as necessary. I I I / / / \ \ \ I \ \\ \ 1 rfabde tllreNmpoel Wire or plastic zlD tles enoultl M1aveaminlmum o150 pountl tensile f 24 inches. or become Melo...replace It reduce ornery. p Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed or tracked onto public roadways. I I I / / Ito inch......„,,, wee ?nee.Take remavold undermining nrig the aril dudrgn the \ rey4i enasm<nes Beep along Ne proposed line of the put aria Silt Fevee-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed I / / /// / \ \ ` «g Me baler and side of trench Me conmb rg of properly m insure that the removed sediment does not wash back agamst the fence.Adequate storage volume should he provided for behind Me fence I / / / / / / Ill \\ / e,re silt k^Fwon Pe �ernwd over re filter compact Thorough compaction becktlll la tlreina0e>alrea has gbeen impacts ehbJlzedS J p te4.Remove ell B.Bsckfi l2i at tall times.Take care m not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. \ \ \ \ a mAcelb J J/ ///// \ / „// \ I tl Do nr.emu,mmr mbrlproea>bng o-eea Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained m insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sod should be watered as necessary 1 1 to -n adequate moisture in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate // // // / // / II ANC-Ernie`�' ent°I.Jpeg maintain an�a stabilization of the mot bee.The sod errata be timed and fertilized as per anti type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when / // //// // / // / 1 I ter m SILT FENCE and if possible. N / // Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an Any step in Soil preparation. / / /// ////// // / / Once the grassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be repaired, _ I/1 and reseeded as soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until.e -� / ` DATE: PAGE: growing season permits Me use of a permanent grass / / //// / /-'-' / / / / ) 1 Sill Sock/Wattle S t Sock/W ....1 _ W -(I Diversion Berra Diversion b shall beinspected weekly«aMr each d srunoff prod g f11 fe tM1 ewith o designed and h iv / �- / / �� have thbeen ouse caner F b B M1a1 not exceed t reei es andsna giber ha - -ew to home construction graded 'res. // / / )11 MOW uebsbewe tar 44I�� �AMI =11 44pp�� W re us Once the house construe- - pl red and Me lot isreadymreserve sod,then Me berm shall be removed d -ncoRorehd-rah the grdedl area / // //// / / / / / / / \ \ ,r -- r tz Mn �-- '.lit - xw .onardefoon and covered immediate) h d.All proper care shall be taken msme that the berm installed according he applicable detail with the berm material / ' / / q 2 k 2 2 2to the.sired length such I. compacted sufEclentlYo insure that the berm remains In place during the course of the consWctlov activities. / / // �i / / / \ \ Stakes I Strokes a (a installed a.a minimum 1M beyond the toe are / / SECTION SECTION / II/ / re(s)loraretl it's' General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made aflmrunofi producingrainfalls,or at least once week minimum.The builder will insure that the / / / I / J construction ter lot do no[advmsely aOttt any of the installed erosion control measmues lr comvuction dictates,measures will be relocated / / ..-7 / II Dna• roue.The en.ofI.silt °e eof Na on the lot to insureethat the pout f«sedimentation mnolTis elrmin.d as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel constmction entrances will be maintained as suggested / / I I I / / / / / / \\\ anle()poue be wmetlns slightly up°afb�ro in the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and tautening will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. I / � / / 1 R° gamuntl eentl e The..°,...re licing Method / / / I I / /ACCESS yyOO COT 3 BY llyygqYY OF A / /.SEA`` o `�o m Meer- Ro VW' 4 • ante a)m W wm°tlnhrxmre I / / COMM"ACCE DRIVE HERS _- / / ,\,, III ill cal iofd si / 2B'ACCESS&UTITY EAS NT W W llcea a e>in GROUND STABILIZATION t.„ m».._r i L / I I �/ / / / / N• / / -Z Tren<nin the sinserk/na.isplareama4nmh Wood Mu.or gr°ama a M er 6. I \ / / / 9� i / DNTRENCHEn NSTALun� roe ens t,n�w SITE AREA STABILIZATION m-• '� I Pia Hope DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME EXCEPTIONS _ \ \ rare,°u^°^M^Y,m"w,^^^r°","r,°°aw^°•,^wr woven ale be used nanlna n<>in PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE I \ ��• / / / l500linlo vIEw socon.ropresnell Paaa Minna mnoneecne. _ / pen>at>Oewwatle alleast weekly and Mr SWALES, DITCHES ."'^T`o:"� `;..°"' _- I \ ( S Oi{i� i ° J ,. &SLOPESyl 1•'LE I �A�� / micros SOON lmmAt now RATES ,relnalw an a> as HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE II- - �' t«umremn.a spce> '^m ,z^m , u rim I^° z tool needed to allm for adequate a.rnl ea WATER ZONES ➢ °"`re�ra"��_ K \ x CONST- CTION Y/ / / ' 0C.o Dram:, °a" (miinm)µssu^oF,)faro:) s(m`jn °gg (how) i •use..r^^".•.°�• .mom \ \ \ I '�(//ENTLE E IP, sneer Flows sl a Gilding becornas OMODSSiva,the sin Satan c aor SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE yl lI m.um. \ \ $ I WATTLE ��a • / / Protected sattsock/tit umm(a'e nesFmj(zzeF,ttni t,�op t,M eh..o 4 THAN 3:1 10'OR LESS IN IInUT' i1Esl I I w,,.,,„.I„,.,"..„ °"'" NA., N \ / "� Work fie ar s s _ otoo'na f cam «oa m) Isss m) (coo m) LENGTH AND ARE �,=�w,,.�oa.. \ \ ` �a `: I I SILTFFEN CE yl�r31.4 'Cip tna„s iOx: °(iaix (ma/ax °(zap °(rain n b "'taman>abla tan NOT STEEPER \ \ °'Sda` OUTLET c1 /im) I/m/m) I/m/m) /m/m) I/O.) maa:n•:> a�n.an re ire . e THAN 2:1, 14 per , I I \ P �� I SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION DAYS ARE "' �� K w./ ALLOWED a� - m""""" \ \ \ CON LI ITSTION SILT FENCE I \ \ 'A' O \ I SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR »-� FLATTER SLOPES GREATER �� - ""'" �• 3 THAN 50•IN V`F_� 'D:ll-. \ f• I LENGTH - IIIIIIU I ?�'f \l / �� 7-11=11-�1T1f 1 I I 1 \ LOT 3 H S NO ACC SS 'I I /^\ ALLOTHER SAS 14 DAYS FORNE(EXCEPT PERIMETERS 11 0 aIIiv1�, \ II{ I a�,a„„„„•e„ J / / I I4 I I\ I \ \ TOBON EROAD� � I . / ....-- FLATTER I I / \ THAN 4:1 AND HOW ZONES) \ \ \ ,2 .,,,gym+..,,.a•.�w•..��a�.wam».em I / / )//i' / I I\ \ \ \ WATTLE4 DATE: PAGE: / / / /// ) \ \ 4C,� '� "Swy� , g<•-STRUCTION r� \ / ITS I I PAGE 1 of 2 "A•' "B• •c'• •D•' - 'c' •H'• / / / / / / \ °B\` °o \ \ \ LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN u u 7 G a a / \ \ FOR LOT 3 u , / / / / \\ l _ _ N \\ \ 1 I \ TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 0.83 ACRES t HOUS 1f i HODS It .HOUSy HODS G HOUS n a HODS HODS MIS Eod T� �nor Jr � LNB� r / \ - - - MARSH RECOMBINATION Notes: / , �\ \ LEGEND I.If needed,Tree Protection fencing should be Installed along the buffer zone,wetland I(/ J \ ` \ \ ` I DEVELOPMENT boundary and/Or around protected trees,providing a radius of a[least 1.25 feet for eacM1 I ^ ................... / / \ \ \ DIRECTIONFLOVV `r inch Of trunk diameter. I\ / ' // / �- � 2.Install Silt Fence on the low elevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence Outlets shown on /„,...,'"------- / I / / / ��� \ \ \ \ O R DIVERSION DITCH -TD'TC schematic/diagram and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are / 1 SILT FENCE Fenrguous and have different land owners or builders,each lot should have individual sit / / / �`` K I M A S H HOMES L L C. WADDLE/SILT SOC. ® Fences. FENCE OUTLET 3.Install required Silt Fence within 10 feet of property line to ensure there is no conflict with • \ .,„....- SILT / I / // \ \\ \ \ \ CSTRUCTION ENT.... septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the installation of sediment \ \ ( // // / \\\ ` \ 1 °.Aonlrol measures does not impact the septic system and repair area(s). \ \ tlaaat°^eel°riotr°°"°nEntr°nee/Exitiat°barnatalledperlOt \ \ \ \ l I / / / / j - �� \ \ \ I I 1 GRAYS CREEK TOWNSHIP CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at \ Ieast 50 efeet away fromemstorm lftsseparti m draicanntbeacheved,unleSS thescan e areas shaven that N \ \ \ I / _,_/ // / j/ /�� \\\ 1 \ 1 I I I SCALE: 1"= 60' SEPTEMBER 2023 le other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must beI IIcontained behind Silt Fence \ \ \ \ / / /V //^ I I I GRAPHIC SCALE 6.Inlets downstream of disturbances should be protected,streets should be swept when (/ \1 sediment from the construction activity is present. 1 / / / // / II I 80 0 30 80 120 240 T.Details d on a Fence,Silt h Fence Outlets,a,Construction Entrances and other drawnmeasures are \\ \ C //\ / j/ \ I I I i provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ / / / / I' I I ' I I / / L scale. TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH ROADSIDE DITCHES NOTE-DIVERSION DITCHES AND WATTLES WILL NOT BE UTILIZED IN ROADSIDE DITCHES \ �\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `� / // / � / I ENGINEERS ' 1 nch FEET ft. \ ------\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / I I I I I I I / / / PLANNERS SURVEYORS , MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. 115 BROADF00T AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. \ \ \ \ \ - / MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC. PHONE (910) 484-5191 FAX (910) 484-0388 License//: F-0106