HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000211_Fact sheet binder_202311012023 DEQ / DEMLR
Basic Information for Permit Issuance and Renewals:
Permit Writer/Date Brianna Young 10/18/2023
Permit Number NCS000211
Owner/Facility Name International Paper Company/International Paper—New
Bern Mill
SIC AICS Code/Category 2611 /Pulp Mills
Basin Name/Sub-basin number SWO01:Neuse/03-04-08
SWO02, SW003, SW004, SWO05:Neuse/03-04-05
Receiving Stream/HUC SW001: UT to Swift Creek/030202020506
SWO02:Neuse River/030202020607
SWO03:Neuse River/030202020607
SWO04: UT to Neuse River/030202020607
SWO05: UT to Neuse River/030202020607
Stream Classification/Stream Segment SW001: SC; Sw,NSW/27-97-(6)
SWO02, SW003, SW004, SWO05: C; Sw,NSW/27- 85
Is the stream impaired [on 303(d)list]? No
Any TMDLs? No
Any threatened and/or endangered species? See Section 2 below
Any compliance concerns? See Section 2 below
Any permit mods since lastpermit? No
New expiration date 11/30/2028
Comments on Draft Permit? See Section 6(below)
Section 1. Facility Activities and Process:
The International Paper Company New Bern Mill manufactures fluff pulp from pine timber. Per the June
2023 inspection report, this is a paper and wood products mill. Per the 2009 permit fact sheet, the
facility has been in operation since 1969 and produced approximately 1,000 tons per day of bleached
cellulose fiber used primarily for disposable paper products. The raw product is Southern Pine trees and
sawmill residual wood, which are processed by wood cellulose digestion,bleaching, washing, and
drying. The facility also has NPDES permit NC0003191 for their wastewater lagoon discharge.
Outfall SW001: Satellite Woodyard
Drainage area consists of a surplus log storage area. Potential pollutants include suspended solids, wood
chips, and bark.
Outfall SWO02: NCASI East
Drainage area consists of office buildings, parking lots, container truck storage, and employee activity
areas. Potential pollutants include suspended solids, motor oil, and O&G.
Outfall SWO03: NCASI West
Drainage area consists of office buildings, parking lots, container truck storage, and employee activity
areas. Potential pollutants include suspended solids, motor oil, and O&G.
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Outfall SW005: Timberlands Shop
Drainage area consists of a shop currently leased to a forestry support equipment company that stores
heavy equipment at the facility (no significant maintenance activities). Potential pollutants include
suspended solids, motor oil, and O&G.
Additional outfalls
Outfall SW004: Forestry Research
Drainage area consists of two (2) small office buildings and a parking lot. There is no industrial activity
in the drainage area. Potential pollutants include suspended solids and motor oil.
Why Industrial Sites with Stormwater are Subject to a Permit: Federal NPDES regulations define
stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in 40 CFR §122.26 (b)(14) as: "the discharge
from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to
manufacturing,processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not
include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under this part 122.
For the categories of industries identified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm
water [sic] discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled
by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or byproducts used or created by
the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process
waste waters (as defined at part 401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of
material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and
receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and
intermediate and final products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and
significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the purposes of this paragraph, material
handling activities include storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw
material, intermediate product, final product, byproduct or waste product. The term excludes areas
located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and
accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm
water [sic] drained from the above described areas."
Section 2. Monitoring Information and Compliance History:
• September 2015 to August 2022,benchmarks exceeded for:
o SW001: COD I
o SW005: COD Ix, pH min not reached 2x
o Monitoring data only provided for outfalls SW001, SW003, and SW005
• Per information in the permit file history, ROS was requested in April 2015 and may have been
approved in July 2015
o SW003 is representative of SW002; There is no stormwater associated with industrial
activity within the watershed boundaries of these outfalls.
o SW005 is representative of SW004; sampling not required at SW004 as there is no
industrial activity
• Per the June 2023 inspection report:
o As informed by the responsible party, all stormwater from the main plant site and
processing areas is routed to their existing wastewater pond. All the SW outfalls
inspected were outside the plant area.
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o Outfall 003 is the representative of outfall 002 and are collecting runoff from the same
basin located at the vehicle parking/storage area. Outfall 004 is not sampled.
Threatened/Endangered Species:
There are no threatened or endangered species at the points of discharge, however, in the immediate and
nearby vicinity, there are:
• Atlantic Sturgeon(Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus; NC status: E; Federal status: E)
• Grassleaf Arrowhead (Sagittaria weatherbiana; NC status: E)
• Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi; NC status: T; Federal status: T)
• Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus; NC status: E; Federal status: E)
• Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus;NC status: T; Federal Status: BGPA)
Additional species of concern at the point of discharge or in the nearby vicinity include:
• Regal Darner(Coryphaeschna ingens;NC status: SR)
• Phantom Darner(Triacanthagyna trifida; NC status: SR)
• Crowfoot Sedge (Carex crus-corvi;NC status: SR-P)
• Beadle's Coreopsis (Coreopsis palustris; NC status: SR-P)
Section 3. Proposed Monitoring for Stormwater Discharges:
The Division considered potential pollutants from past and present industrial activities and data was
submitted for September 2015 to August 2022. Quantitative sampling included pH, TSS, COD, total
nitrogen, and total phosphorus.
Parameters are based on potential pollutants in the drainage area, sampling results, and in some cases,
dependent upon future activities (e.g., ash removal through the drainage area). Below is a table of the
proposed monitoring for each outfall at the New Bern Mill site.
Outfall SW001
Quarterly monitoring
Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness
(TSS) indicator.
Quarterly monitoring
pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM
targets petroleum-based O&G
Quarterly monitoring
Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area
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Quarterly monitoring
BOD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Nitrogen BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Phosphorus BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Outfalls SW002, SW003, SWO05
Quarterly monitoring
Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness
(TS S) indicator.
Quarterly monitoring
pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM
targets petroleum-based O&G
Quarterly monitoring
Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area
Quarterly monitoring
COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Nitrogen BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Phosphorus BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Stormwater Benchmarks and Tiered Response: Rather than limits,North Carolina NPDES
Stormwater permits contain benchmark concentrations. Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action
levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits, and benchmark exceedances are
not permit violations. Benchmarks provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in
stormwater discharges and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Benchmark
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concentrations are intended as guidelines for the facility's development and implementation of the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
Benchmark exceedances require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions,
increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The permit establishes a
tiered approach to specify actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above
benchmark concentrations. The tiered structure of the permit provides the permittee and DEMLR wide
flexibility to address issues that may arise with one or more parameters and/or outfalls.
Metals benchmarks are calculated to mimic acute water quality standards and with the guidance of
DWR. NC DWR follows established federal procedures for calculating acute standards when developing
the benchmarks. Just like the acute standards, metals benchmarks normally reflect one half of the
calculated Final Acute Value (the "1/2 FAV"). In most cases, translation into total recoverable values is
based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/L and a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/L.
Acute standards protect aquatic life from negative impacts of short-term exposure to higher levels of
chemicals where the discharge enters a waterbody. The Stormwater Permitting Program applies this
approach because of the ephemeral nature of rainfall events.
The Division may evaluate results to determine if a smaller suite of parameters for some outfalls is
adequate to characterize potential pollution or BMP effectiveness. For example, one or more metals or
other parameters may serve as an adequate tracer for the presence of ash pollution during disturbance or
ash removal in specific drainage areas at this site. For parameters that do not have a stormwater
benchmark, the Division may develop a benchmark value if appropriate toxicity data become available
or if rising trends in concentrations suggest a persistent source.
A summary of the benchmarks in the draft permit, and their basis, is below:
Parameter Benchmark Basis
Total Suspended 100 mg/L National Urban Runoff Program(NURP) Study, 1983
Solids TSS
H freshwater 6 s.u. —9 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard(Range)
H (saltwater) 6.8 s.u. — 8.5 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard(Range)
Non-Polar Oil & Review of other state's daily maximum benchmark
Grease 15 mg/L concentration for this more targeted O&G;NC WQS that
EPA Method 1664 does not allow oil sheen in waters
BOD (freshwater) 30 mg/L BPJ; Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation(40 CFR
COD (freshwater) 120 mg/L BPJ; Generally found at levels 4x BOD5 in domestic
Total Nitrogen 30 mg/L TKN +Nitrate +Nitrite Benchmarks (Expressed in mg/L of
freshwater N)
Total Phosphorus 2 mg/L BPJ; Based on wastewater permit limits for NSW waters
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The proposed permit conditions reflect the EPA and NC's
pollution prevention approach to stormwater permitting. The Division's maintains that implementation
of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and traditional stormwater management practices that control the
source of pollutants meets the definition of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Conventional
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Pollutant Control Technology(BCT). The permit conditions are not numeric effluent limitations but are
designed to be flexible requirements for implementing site-specific plans to minimize and control
pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the industrial activity. Title 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) §122.44(k)(2) authorizes the use of BMPs in lieu of numeric effluent limitations in
NPDES permits when the agency finds numeric effluent limitations to be infeasible. The agency may
also impose BMP requirements which are "reasonably necessary" to carry out the purposes of the Act
under the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The conditions proposed in this draft permit are included
under the authority of both of these regulatory provisions. In essence, the pollution prevention and BMP
requirements operate as limitations on effluent discharges that reflect the application of BAT/BCT.
Flexibility in Tier Responses: Tier Two actions provide an opportunity for the permittee to propose an
alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Region:
• Alternatively, in lieu of steps 2 and 3, the permittee may, after two consecutive exceedances,
exercise the option of contacting the DEMLR Regional Engineer as provided below in Tier
Three. The Regional Engineer may direct the response actions on the part of the permittee as
provided in Tier Three, including reduced or additional sampling parameters or frequency.
• If pursuing the alternative above after two consecutive exceedances, the permittee may propose
an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Regional Engineer.
The permit therefore allows the permittee to petition the Regional Office for monitoring changes sooner
than Tier Three (upon any four benchmark exceedances) and gives guidance on one option to take. For
example, the permittee may request that mercury only be monitored semi-annually under the tiers, or
that only parameters over the benchmark be monitored more frequently. In this way, changes to the
monitoring scheme for any outfall could be handled outside of a permit modification.
Other Proposed Requirements:
• It is standard for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)requirements to include an
annual certification that stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-
stormwater discharges, and if any are identified, how those discharges are permitted or otherwise
• Requirement to submit a request for permit modification if the facility identifies or creates any
new outfalls, removes outfalls, or alters any drainage area that changes potential pollutants.
• The Division expects the permittee to apply best professional judgment and consider the safety
of its personnel in fulfilling sampling obligations under the permit.
• Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). If a
state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs
electronically to the EPA.
• Quarterly QualitativeNisual Monitoring to assure regular observation of outfalls throughout
Section 4. Changes from previous permit to draft:
• Monitoring increased from semi-annually to quarterly for all parameters (qualitative and
• "No discharge" clarifications made
• Feasibility study requirement removed per updated stormwater program requirements
• eDMR requirement added
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• Boilerplate language moved into body of the permit; boilerplate no longer attached
• Monitoring for all outfalls has been separated to reflect industrial activity and potential pollutants
specific to each discharge area
• Monitoring for BOD has been added for SW001 based on materials kept in drainage area
• Monitoring for chromium, copper, lead, and zinc added for outfalls SW002, SW003, and SWO05
as metals are identified as a potential pollutant in the drainage areas
• Monitoring for total hardness added for outfalls SW002, SW003, and SWO05 as monitoring for
hardness dependent metals is required
• Benchmarks updated for parameters per guidance from DWR Standards group on stormwater
o Benchmarks removed for SWO01 for COD, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus as there
are no saltwater benchmarks for these parameters
o pH benchmark updated for saltwater discharge SW001
Section 5. Changes from draft to final:
• Footnote added to Table 1 regarding monitoring requirements upon industrial activities restarting
• Monitoring for chromium, copper, lead, zinc, and hardness removed from outfalls SW002,
SW003, and SWO05 as metals are not a pollutant of concern
Section 6. Discussions with the Facility and Regional Office:
• Initial contact with facility: 3/10/2023
• Initial contact with Regional Office: 3/13/2023
• Draft sent to CO peer review: 6/28/2023
• Draft sent to Regional Office: 9/13/2023
• Final permit sent for supervisor signature: 10/18/2023
Section 7. Comments received on draft permit:
• Maria Dunn (NCWRC; via email 9/13/2023): 1 have reviewed the NPDES permit referenced
above and have no comment. The changes made should not increase adverse impacts to wildlife
resources, and likely would improve monitoring of current allowances.
• Elena Sanders (International Paper; via email by Justin Meyer 10/12/2023):
Draft permit cover letter:
o Item 2 of the cover letter notes that units of measure for several benchmarks have been
changed from mg/L to µg/L. Please specify which benchmarks have been updated, as this
was not readily apparent during our permit review. It does appear that new benchmarks
for metals listed in the draft permit have units of µg/L.
■ DEMLR Response: This is standard language used in many permit cover letters.
The language was mistakenly kept in this draft permit.
o Item 9 notes that the TSS benchmark has been removed from Outfall SW001; however, a
TSS benchmark is still noted in Table 1 of the permit.
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■ DEMLR Response: TSS was mistakenly identified in the draft permit cover
letter as being removed. The TSS benchmark will remain for outfall SW00L
o Item 10 notes that chromium, copper, lead, and zinc benchmarks have been added for
SW002, SW003, and SW005. Please provide clarification as to what industrial activities
are driving the addition of these benchmarks.
■ DEMLR Response: Monitoring for chromium, copper, lead, zinc, and total
hardness were added for outfalls SW002, SW003, and SW005 as metals were
identified as being potential pollutants Stormwater Program's permit file history.
As these are not pollutants of concern in the drainage areas, this monitoring will
be removed for all outfalls.
o Representative outfall status (ROS) will be addressed with the Washington Regional
Office via a separate submission.
■ DEMLR Response: No response required.
Draft permit:
o C-2 Qualitative Monitoring Response (b): IP-New Bern requests that this requirement be
expanded to include electronic and hard copy records.
■ DEMLR Response: The storage mechanism of this requirement is up to the
permittee as long as the record is kept in the SWPPP.
o Table 1 rows:
■ Row 1: Please remove the TSS benchmark from this table for consistency with
Item 9 in the cover letter.
• DEMLR Response: TSS was mistakenly identified in the draft permit
cover letter as being removed. The TSS benchmark will remain for outfall
■ Row 4: IP-New Bern requests that oil and grease and monthly oil usage
requirements be removed from this table, as no vehicle maintenance activities
(VMAs) occur in this drainage area.
• DEMLR Response: Non-Polar O&G and Estimated Average Monthly Oil
Usage are standard monitoring requirements of all individual industrial
permits and required for each drainage area with an outfall. The
requirements no longer apply to only areas with vehicle maintenance
■ Currently, no industrial activities take place in Outfall SW001 (surplus log storage
area). Logs have not been stored in this area since 2013, and the drainage area
currently consists of natural woods and brush. IP-New Bern does not believe that
quarterly monitoring of Outfall SW001 is warranted and proposes to discontinue
sampling of this outfall. If surplus log storage is resumed in this drainage area, IP
New Bern will notify DEMLR and resume monitoring as prescribed in its NPDES
stormwater permit.
• DEMLR Response: The monitoring table for outfall SW001 shall remain
in the permit as the potential for future activities exists in this drainage
area. However, based on the information provided, monitoring for the
outfall will be suspended until notification from International Paper that
industrial activities have restarted. A footnote has been added under
Table 1 with further guidance.
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o Table 2 rows:
■ Rows 4 and 5: IP-New Bern requests that oil and grease and monthly oil usage
requirements be removed from this table, as no vehicle maintenance activities
(VMAs) occur in these drainage areas.
• DEMLR Response: Non-Polar O&G and Estimated Average Monthly Oil
Usage are standard monitoring requirements of all individual industrial
permits and required for each drainage area with an outfall. The
requirements no longer apply to only areas with vehicle maintenance
■ Rows 9-12: IP-New Bern requests that metals and hardness testing be removed
from this table, as finished product container staging in the drainage areas for
SW002 and SW003 are unlikely to result in detections of chromium, copper, lead,
or zinc.
• DEMLR Response: Monitoring for chromium, copper, lead, zinc, and
total hardness were added for outfalls SW002 and SW003 as metals were
identified as being potential pollutants Stormwater Program's permit file
history. As these are not pollutants of concern in the drainage areas, this
monitoring will be removed for all outfalls.
■ IP-New Bern does not believe that the activities within the drainage basin for
Outfall SW005 meet the definition of stormwater discharges associated with
industrial activity. The fenced area in this basin that is leased to a forestry
company for heavy equipment parking is not"directly related to manufacturing,
processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant." IP-New Bern
does not believe that quarterly monitoring of Outfall SW005 is warranted and
proposes to discontinue sampling of this outfall. If supporting operations/activities
resume in this drainage area, IP-New Bern will notify DEMLR and resume
monitoring as prescribed in its NPDES stormwater permit.
• DEMLR Response: As heavy equipment is stored in the drainage basin, a
pollutant exposure potential exists therefore monitoring is required.
However, as metals are not pollutants of concern in the drainage areas this
monitoring will be removed.
o D-5 Tier One Response: Single Benchmark Exceedance: IP-New Bern requests that
language be added to this condition specifying that an outfall enters Tier 1 Status by
exceeding a single benchmark parameter on one occasion.
■ DEMLR Response: This section is standard language used in all permits. Section
D-5. (a) states this requirement.
o D-6 Tier Two Response: Two Consecutive Benchmark Exceedances
■ (d): IP-New Bern requests that the first sentence of this requirement be reworded
as follows: "Two consecutive exceedances of a single benchmark parameter at a
single outfall shall constitute an event that requires a Tier Two response."
• DEMLR Response: This section is standard language used in all permits.
Section D-6. (a) states this requirement.
■ (d): IP-New Bern requests clarification as to the meaning of the last sentence in
this condition: "Subsequent events shall not include the same exceedances that
have been addressed in a Tier Two response."
• DEMLR Response: If there are additional exceedances for a benchmark
at an outfall, new Tier 11 responses need to be accounted for.
o Part F: Other Occurrences that Must be Reported
■ Please correct the spelling of"Occurrences" in the section heading.
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• DEMLR Response: The spelling has been corrected.
■ Table 6 is incorrectly labeled as Table 7.
• DEMLR Response: The reference has been corrected.
o H-6. Required Notice for Bypass or Upset: Table 7 is incorrectly labeled as Table 8.
■ DEMLR Response: The reference has been corrected.
Page 10 of 10
Affidavit of Publication
Ashley Vansant, being duly sworn,says: STORMWATER DISCHARGE
That he is Publisher of the Washington Daily News, PERMITS
a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and The North Carolina Environ-
published in Washington, Beaufort&Hyde Coun- mental Management Commis-
ties, North Carolina;that the publication, a copy of sion proposes to issue NPDES
which is attached hereto,was published in the said stormwater discharge permit(s)
newspaper on the followin dates: to the person(s) listed below.
9 Public comment or objection to
the draft permits is invited.Writ-
ten comments regarding the
proposed permit will be accept-
09/16/23 ed until 30 days after the publish
date of this notice and consid-
ered in the final determination
That said newspaper was regularly issued and regarding permit issuance and
circulated on those dates. he Director
of the NC Division of Energy,
The sum charged b the Newspaper for said ubli- Mineral, and Land Resources
rg yp (DEMLR) may hold a public
cation does not exceed the lowest rate paid by com- hearing should there be a signif-
mercial customers for an advertisement of similar icant degree of public interest.
frequency In the same newspaper in which Please mall comments and/or
size and fre
q Y information requests to DEMLR
the pUbIIC notice appeared. at 1612 Mail Service Center,
Raleigh,NC 27699-1612.
There are no agreements between the Washington • International Paper Company
Dail News and the officer or attorney charged with 6400 Poplar Avenue,Memphis,
Y Y 9 N 38197) has requested re-
the duty of placing the attached legal advertising newal of permit NCS000211 for
notices whereby any advantage,gain or profit ac- the International Paper— New
crued to said officer or attorney. Bern Mill in Craven County.This
facility discharges to an un-
named tributary to Swift Creek
SIGNED: and an unnamed tributary to the
Neuse River,both in the Neuse
River Basin.
Interested persons may vis-
it DEMLR at 512 N. Salisbury
street, Raleigh, NC 27604 to
review information on file.
Additional information on
NPDES permits and this no-
tice may be found on our
Ashley Vansant, Publisher website: hltps://deq.nc.gov/
a bout/divisions/energy-miner-
Subscribed and sworn to before me this al-and-land-resources/storm-
16th Day of September,2023 water/stormwater-program/
storinwater-public-notices, or
by contacting Bdanna Young at
brianna.vounuadec nc mov or
P�po ESkRipo 919-707-3647.
�/,,1� Nornmv s Washington Daily News:1 � •- ►•� 'm Sept.16,2023 �C,v�
9T�ARGE'P [` ti9'L3
Mary Jo Eskridge, Notary Public
State ommisson a pi es 0 ge Fro9(am
3-02-2026 ukM��S\om�Watel
Ad# 1709680
Young, Brianna A
From: Dunn, Maria T.
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:28 PM
To: Young, Brianna A
Subject: RE: Draft NPDES stormwater permit NCS000211
Good afternoon Brianna.
I have reviewed the NPDES permit referenced above and have no comment.The changes made should not increase
adverse impacts to wildlife resources, and likely would improve monitoring of current allowances.
Thank you for the opportunity to review and provide comment. Please don't hesitate to call or email if there is anything
Maria T. Dunn
Coastal Coordinator
NC Wildlife Resources Commission
943 Washington Sq. Mall
Washington, NC 27889
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 8:42 AM
To: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org>
Subject: Draft NPDES stormwater permit NCS000211
Good morning,
The draft NPDES stormwater permit for the International Paper Company—New Bern Mill (NCS000211) has been
submitted for public comment. This facility discharges to an area in the vicinity of threatened/endangered species.
Please provide any comments on the draft permit by October 13, 2023.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brlanna.Young@deq.nc.gov(e-mail preferred)PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
**DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look
different, but email performance will not be impacted.
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
The Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
Young, Brianna A
From: Justin M Meyer <Justin.Meyer@ipaper.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 2:33 PM
To: Young, Brianna A
Cc: Jacquelyn B Taylor
Subject: [External] IP - New Bern Draft Permit Comments NCS000211
Attachments: 2023 Draft Permit Comments.pdf
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Brianna, attached is the comments on the draft permit received on September 13, 2023. Please let me know if you have
any questions.
Justin Meyer
Environmental Program Manager
New Bern Mill
T 252 633 7206
M 252 269 2365
Few I�al
Wer Paper
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October 12,2023
Ms. Brianna Young
Industrial.Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC Department of Environmental Quality--DEMLR
1.612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,.NC 276997161.2
Certified Mail:7016 3560 0001 133.6 7432
Subject: Draft Permit Comments
International Paper—New Bern Mill
NPDES Stormwater Permit 1VCS000211.
Dear Ms. Young:
International Paper's New Bern Mill (IP-New Bern)appreciates the opportunity to review and
provide initial comments on the draft IVPDES.storrnwater permit for our.facility; which was
received electronically on:September 13, 2023. This submission should be considered timely
as it.is being submitted within 30 days.of receipt of the draft permit. Our comments are
outlined below.
Draft Perm Cover Letter
L Item 2 of the cover letter notes that units.of:rneasure.for several benchmarks.have been.
changed from mglL to.4g1L. Please specify which benchmarks have been updated, as
this was not readily apparent during our permit review. It does appear that.new
benchmarks for metals listed in the draft permit have units of µglL.
2. Item 9 notes that the TSS benchmark has been.rexnoved front Outfall SW001; however,
.a TSS benchmark is still noted in Table 1 of the permit.
3. Item 10 notes that chromium, copper, lead, and zinc benchmarks have been added for.
SW002, SWQ03, and SW005. Please provide clarification as to what industrial
activities are.driving the addition of these.benclunarks.
4. Representative outfall status(ROS)will be addressed with the Washington Regional
Office via.a separate submission.
NC Department of Environmental Quality—DEMLR
Page 2
Draft PermU
1. C-2 Qualitative Monitoring.Response.(b): IP-New Bern requests that this requirement.
be expanded to 'include electronic and hard copy.records.
2. Table 1 rows:
a. Row 1: Please.remove the TSS benchmark.from this,table for:consistency with.
Item 9 in.the cover letter.
b. Row 4: IP-New Bern requests that oil and grease and monthly oil usage.
requirements be removed from this table, as no vehicle maintenance activities.
(VMAs) occur in this drainage area.
C. Currently,no industrial activities take place in Dutfall. SWO01 (surplus.log storage
area). Logs have not.been stored in this area since 20"13; and the drainage area
currently consists of natural woods and:brush.. IP-New Bern does not believe that
quarterly monitoring of Dutfall SWOOl is warranted and proposes to discontinue
sampling of this outfall: If surplus log storage is resumed in.this drainage area, IP-
New Bern will notify DEMLR and resume monitoring as prescribed in its NPDES
stormwater permit.
3. Table 2 vows:
a. Rows 4 and.5. IP-New Bern requests that oil and grease and.monthly oil usage
requirements he removed from this table,.as no vehicle maintenance activities
(VMAs),occur in these:drainage areas.
b. Rows 9-12. IP-New.Bern requests that Metals and hardness testing be removed
from this table; as finished product container staging in the drainage areas for
SW0.02.and SW003.are unlikely to result in detections of chromium, copper,lead,
or zinc.
c. IP-New Bern does not believe that the activities within the drainage basin.for
Outfall SWO05 meet the definition of.stormwater..discharges:asso.ciated with
industrial activity. The fenced area in this basin that is leased to a:forestry company
for heavy equipment parking is not"directly related to manufacturing,processing or
rave materials.storage areas at an industrial plant. IP-New Bern does not believe
that quarterly monitoring of Outfall SWOO5 is warranted and proposes to
discontinue sampling.of this outfall. If supporting operations/activities resume in
this drainage area, IP-New Bern will notify-DEMLR and resume monitoring as
prescribed in its NPDES.storrnwater permit.
4. D-5 Tier One.Response. Single Benchmark
a. IP-New Bern requests that language be..added'to this condition specifying that an
outfall enters Tier 1 status by exceeding a single benchmark Parameter.on one
Ms. Brianna Young
NC Department of Environmental Quality—DEMLR
Page 3
5. D-b Tier Two Response: Two Consecutive Benchmark Exceedances
a. (d): IP-New Bern requests that the first sentence of this requirement be reworded
as follows: "Two consecutive exceedances of a single benchmark parameter at a
single outfall shall constitute an event that requires a Tier Two response."
b. (d): IP-New Bern requests clarification as to the meaning of the last sentence in this
condition: "Subsequent events shall not include the same exceedances that have
been addressed in a Tier Two response."
6. Part F.• Other Occurrences that Must be Reported
a. Please correct the spelling of"Occurrences" in the section heading.
b. Table 6 is incorrectly labeled as Table 7.
7. H-6. Required Notice far Bypass or Upset: Table 7 is incorrectly labeled as Table 8.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on this draft permit. We request the
opportunity to have a conference call with you and Washington Regional Office(WaRO)
DEMLR staff prior to issuance of the final permit to discuss our comments. If you have
questions or need additional information regarding the information in this submittal, please
contact Justin Meyer(iustin.meyer(ipaper.com) and Jacquelyn Taylor
(jacAueiyn.taylor(�,ipaper.com) of my staff at your convenience.
Elena Sanders
Mill Manager
cc: Varun Prakash,NC DEMLR- WaRO
William Moore,NC DEMLR—WaRO
Justin Meyer, IP-New Bern
Jacquelyn Taylor, IP-New Bern
Young, Brianna A
From: Justin M Meyer <Justin.Meyer@ipaper.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:24 AM
To: Young, Brianna A
Subject: [External] International Paper Company New Bern Mill stormwater permit NCS000211
Attachments: Quantitative Data.xlsx; NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit NCS 000211 Renewal.pdf
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Report Spam.
Brianna, attached is the quantitative data since the last permit renewal as well as the permit renewal application.
Following are the answers to questions posed in the previous email.
Description of industrial activity occurring onsite.
International Paper—New Bern Mill produces fluff pulp from pine timber.
Confirmation on the number of outfalls and associated coordinates.
There are five (5) outfalls at the New Bern Mill which discharge stormwater. Outfall 001 is located off Hwy 43 and
discharges into Swift Creek. Outfall 002 discharges to the Neuse River near the Street's Ferry Bridge. Outfall 003 also
discharges to the Neuse River near the Street's Ferry Bridge. Outfall 004 discharges into a swamp that drains into the
Neuse River. Outfall 005 discharges into a wetland that then discharges into the Neuse River.The permit renewal
application shows a map of the outfalls.
Name a i,a�titudr E.txn�itudc
Outrali 002 35" i ` 16" 77°07` 1W
[ atrali 003 1151, i,,- 201, 7007' I2-`
[ u all 004 5°o?- 59 77007' 04"
()Utt.all 005 5L' 14' '16" 77006' 1 Y"
Description of industrial activity in each drainage area.
Outfall 001—This drainage area is used as a surplus log storage area.
Outfall 002—This drainage area includes office buildings, parking lots, container truck storage, and employee
activity areas.
Outfall 003—This outfall is adjacent to outfall 002. Outfall 003 has been granted representative outfall status for Outfall
Outfall 004—This drainage area includes two small office buildings and a parking lot. There is no industrial activity
in this area.
Outfall 005—This drainage area includes a shop currently leased to a forestry support equipment company that stores
heavy equipment at the facility. No significant maintenance activities are performed in this area.
SIC code 2611
An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the effective date of
the current permit.
See attached spreadsheet.
Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct.
The submitted renewal application is attached. It is complete and up-to-date.
An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted.
No operational changes have been made since the renewal application was submitted.
Let me know if you have any questions or need more information.Thanks,
Justin Meyer
IP New Bern Mill
Environmental Engineer
W: 252-633-7206
M: 252-269-2365
International Paper Company
New Bern Cellulose Fibers
1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro,NC 28586
January 24, 2020
Suzanne McCoy
SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal
Stormwater Permitting Program
1612 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
RE: NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit NCS 000211 Renewal
International Paper Company New Bern Mill is submitting the renewal application for the
current NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit NCS 000211 which expires on July 31, 2020.
Enclosed is a completed application, and the following attachments to the application form:
1) Site map from the SWPPP
2) Analytical Monitoring summary
3) Visual Monitoring summary
4) BMP summary
5) A short narrative about any significant changes in the industrial activities at the facility
6) SWPPP Development and Implementation Certification
Should you have any questions or comments concerning these requests, please contact me at
(252) 633-7231 or electronically at am.golding@ipaper.com.
A.J, Golding
Environmental Engineer
CC: Adam Miklos
PIMA Permit Coverage
Renewal Application Form
NCDENR National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES Permit Number
Stormwater Individual Permit NCS g�i7211
Please provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided
below and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated.
Owner Information * Address to which permit correspondence will be mailed
Owner/Organization Name: International Paper Company
Owner Contact: Adam Miklos
Mailing Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Phone Number: 252-633-7551
Fax lumber: 252-633-7529
E-mail address: Adam.Miklos@ipaper.com
Facility Information
Facility Name: International Paper-New Bern Mill
Facility Physical Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road _
Vanceboro NC 28586
Facility Contact: Adam Miklos
Mailing Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro NC 28586
Phone Number: 252-633-7242
Fax Number: 252-633-7529
E-mail address: Adam.Miklos@ipaper.com
Permit Information
Permit Contact: Robin Schroeder
Mailing Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro, NC 28586 _
Phone Number: 252-633-7447
Fax Number:
E-mail address: Pobin.Schroeder@ipaper.com
Dischar a Inf rmation
Receiving Stream: Neuse River
Stream Class: UW,NSW and SC;SW,NSW
Basin: Neuse
Sub-Basin: N/A
Number of Qutfalls: 5
Facility/Activity Facility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your Facility or activities since issuance of your permit. Attached a
separate sheet if necessary.
There have been no significant changes to the facility or industrial activities.
I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief
such information ' 'rue, c plete and accurate.
Signature Date /w Zz/—
/6�� &ace'
Print or type name of person signing above Title
Please return this completed application form SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal
Stormwater Permitting Program
and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application
to be considered complete:
(Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan)
V 1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of
industrial activities(including storage of materials, disposal areas,process areas and
loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall,
building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted.
2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit
(if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports.
The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data.
3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring
reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted.
4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility.
Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at
the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned,please include
information on these BMP's.
5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the
permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of
work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage
practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility.
6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan for the permitted.facility(Sign and return attached form).
If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed
prior to filing the renewal submittal, then the last years monitoring results should be submitted
within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal
waiting on lab results)
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Analytical Monitoring Results Summar
❑utfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.6 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total=1.3"
3 pH 6.4 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 pH 6.1 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 COD 46 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total=1.3"
3 COD 25 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 COD 57 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total=1.3"
1 T55 43 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
3 TSS 4 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 T5S 13 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 Nitrogen 1.36 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total=1.3"
3 Nitrogen 1.10 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 Nitrogen 1.36 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 Phosphorus 0.09 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total=1.3"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 Phosphorus 0.09 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total=1.3"
Outfali Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.8 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 pH 6.5 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total =2.2"
5 pH 7.1 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 COD 47 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 COD 68 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2,2"
5 CO❑ 28 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
I TSS 3 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 TSS 39 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 TS5 26 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 Nitrogen 0.79 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 Nitrogen 1.39 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 Nitrogen 1.29 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 Phosphorus 0.25 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 pH 6.4 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 pH 6.3 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 pH 5.8 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
1 COD 48 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 COD 82 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 COD 50 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
1 TSS 2.5 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 T55 8 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 TSS 2.5 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
1 Nitrogen 1.06 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 Nitrogen 1.13 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 Nitrogen 1.41 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
1 Phosphorus 0.07 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 Phosphorus 0.14 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 Phosphorus 0.26 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results ❑ate Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.3 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 pH 6.3 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 pH 5.9 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 COD 41 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 COD 56 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 COD 17 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 TSS 11 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 TSS 25 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 TSS 7 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 Nitrogen ❑.81 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 Nitrogen 1.03 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 Nitrogen 0.72 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 Phosphorus 0.25 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 Phosphorus 0.34 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 Phosphorus 0.28 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 pH 6.2 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
3 pH 6.1 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
5 pH 6.1 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
1 CO❑ 33 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
3 COD 31 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 COD 37 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
1 TSS 2.5 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
3 TSS 2.5 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 TSS 2.5 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
1 Nitrogen 0.79 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
3 Nitrogen 0.96 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 Nitrogen 0.68 mg/L 9/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
1 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
5 Phosphorus 0.14 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total=1.6"
❑utfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.9 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total=1.9"
3 pH 6.7 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
5 pH 6.2 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 COD 36 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
3 COD 44 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
5 COD 12 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total=1.9"
1 TS5 2.5 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total=1.9"
3 TS5 19 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
5 TS5 4 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 Nitrogen 0.93 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
3 Nitrogen 1.90 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total=1.9"
5 Nitrogen 0.68 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total=1.9"
1 Phosphorus 0.22 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
3 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 19"
5 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 pH 6.8 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 pH 6.4 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 pH 6.6 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 COD 37 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 COD 46 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 COD 14 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 TSS 3 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 TSS 12 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 TSS 4 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 Nitrogen 2.64 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 Nitrogen 2.65 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 Nitrogen 2.68 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total =4.5"
3 Phosphorus ❑.10 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 Phosphorus 0.13 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.7 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total=1.7"
3 pH 6.7 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
5 pH 6.8 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 CO❑ 30 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 COD 40 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total=1.7"
5 COD 9 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total=1.7"
1 TSS 3 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 TSS 3 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
5 TSS 15 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 Nitrogen 0.83 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 Nitrogen 0.57 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total=1.7"
5 Nitrogen 0.83 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
5 Phosphorus 0.15 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 pH 6.9 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 pH 6.9 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 pH 6.5 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 COD 66 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 CO❑ 74 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 COD 36 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 TSS 4 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 T55 2 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 TSS 4 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 Nitrogen 0.95 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 Nitrogen 1.28 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 Nitrogen 1.02 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 Phosphorus 0.13 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 Phosphorus 0.12 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 Phosphorus 0.17 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
Visual Monitoring Results 5ummary:
Outfall Parameters Surveyed ❑bservations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen,no
2 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 9/25/2015
5 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, n❑
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, n❑
3 Color, odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, n❑
4 N/A No flow 5/3/2016
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen,no
1 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,mostly 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil clear, low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, n❑ 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 9/2/2016
5 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, tight color, no odor, mostly 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam,oil clear, low solids, n❑
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor,clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,mostly 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam,oil clear, low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen,no
3 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 3/31/2017
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor, mostly 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil clear,no solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 8/29/2017
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color,no odor,clear, 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil no solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 4/28/2018
5 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor,clear, 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam, ❑il solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam,oil some solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 7/24/2018
5 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, Light color,no odor,clear, 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam,no oil sheen,no
Outfall parameters Surveyed Observations ❑ate Conducted
1 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen,no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, no 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen,no
3 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color,no odor,clear, 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen,no
4 N/A No flow 1/24/2019
5 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor,clear, 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam, ❑il low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 10/14/2019
5 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, n❑
Summary of Current Best Management Practices:
Log Storage areas:
1) Diversion of stormwater around log storage areas with ditches,swales,and/or berms.
2) Log storage areas are located on stable,well drained soils with slopes of 0-2%.
3) togs are stacked high to minimize surface areas of materials exposed to precipitation.
4)Good housekeeping procedures such as frequent removal of debris.
5)Collection of runoffs diverted to containment basins and sedimentation ponds to provide maximum
Employee Vehicle,Container Parking and Truck Maintenance Areas:
1)Vehicles are kept clean to prevent the buildup of oil and grease
2)Timberlands Shop driveway and parking area has minimal slope to prevent high velocity stormwater
runoff, Ditches,swales,and berms are present to reduce runoff velocity and increase ground
infiltration 3) North employee parking area runoff is directed to a 1-acre retention pond to promote
infiltration and reduce solids transport
4) Container truck parking area border has a rock berm and a large wooded buffer area to prevent
solids transport to outfall
5) Al stormwater outfalls flow through vegetative ditches prior to discharge to the Neuse Rive or
to the Swift Creek.These ditches are inspected semi-annually for bank erosion and excessive vegetative
growth that interferes with channel flow are cut back.
1) Ditches,outfalls,and drainage areas are inspected semi-annually.
2)All employees receive annual refresher training regarding environmental responsibilities that overlaps
with the requirements of the SWPPP.
3) Employees with specific responsibilities related to spill prevention,spill cleanup,and maintenance of
the facility grounds attend annual SWPPP training.
4)All SPCC locations are inspected monthly.
Changes in Industrial Activities at the Facility:
There have been no other significant changes in industrial activities at the facility.
North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources-Storm water Permitting
Facility Name: International Paper-New Bern Mill
Permit Number: NCS000211
Location Address: 1785[Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro.NC 28586
County: Craven
"I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all
attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate and complete."
"i' certify that the SPPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP
has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
stormwater discharge permit."
"I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and
imprisonment for knowing violations."
Sign (according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT
Signature Date -Z/,( -zGW
Print r type name of person signing above Title
5PPP Certification 10/13
Total Total Total
Rainfall COD Phosphorous Nitrogen
Outfall Number Sample Date (in) TSS (mg/L) pH (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
1 9/25/2015 1.3 43 6.6 46 0.09 1.36
3 9/25/2015 1.3 4 6.4 25 0.10 1.1
5 9/25/2015 1.3 13 6.1 57 0.09 1.36
1 5/3/2016 2.2 3 6.8 47 <0.04 0.79
3 5/3/2016 2.2 39 6.5 68 0.1 1.39
5 5/3/2016 2.2 26 7.1 28 0.25 1.29
1 9/2/2016 5.1 2.5 6.4 48 0.07 1.06
3 9/2/2016 5.1 8 6.3 82 0.14 1.13
5 9/2/2016 5.1 2.5 5.8 50 0.26 1.41
1 3/31/2017 0.5 11 6.3 41 0.25 0.81
3 3/31/2017 0.5 25 6.3 56 0.34 1.03
5 3/31/2017 0.5 7 5.9 17 0.28 0.72
1 8/29/2017 1.6 2.5 6.2 33 <0.04 0.79
3 8/29/2017 1.6 2.5 6.1 31 0.1 0.96
5 8/29/2017 1.6 2.5 6.1 37 0.14 0.68
1 4/24/2018 1.9 2.5 6.9 36 0.22 0.93
3 4/24/2018 1.9 19 6.7 44 0.16 1.9
5 4/24/2018 1.9 4 6.2 12 0.1 0.68
1 7/24/2018 4.5 3 6.8 37 0.1 2.64
3 7/24/2018 4.5 12 6.4 46 0.1 2.65
5 7/24/2018 4.5 4 6.6 14 0.13 2.68
1 1/24/2019 1.7 3 6.7 30 <0.04 0.83
3 1/24/2019 1.7 3 6.7 40 <0.04 0.57
5 1/24/2019 1.7 15 6.8 9 0.15 0.83
1 10/14/2019 0.6 4 6.9 66 0.13 0.95
3 10/14/2019 0.6 2 6.9 74 0.12 1.28
5 10/14/2019 0.6 4 6.5 36 0.17 1.02
1 5/18/2020 1.3 7 6.6 46 0.05 0.82
3 5/18/2020 1.3 8.2 6.5 48 0.11 1.16
5 5/18/2020 1.3 19 7 60 0.31 1.44
1 10/25/2020 2.1 8.7 6.5 50 0.11 0.83
3 10/25/2020 2.1 18 6.4 66 0.16 1.09
5 10/25/2020 2.1 10 6.9 48 0.41 0.93
1 6/3/2021 0.75 27 6.2 222 0.15 2.12
3 6/3/2021 0.75 7.8 6.5 33 0.09 0.76
5 6/4/2021 1.7 63 7 155 0.56 1.8
1 12/8/2021 0.96 7.8 6.8 94 0.07 1.02
3 12/8/2021 0.96 5 6.9 70 0.13 0.84
5 12/8/2021 0.96 24 6.9 56 0.2 0.52
1 4/18/2022 0.65 8.5 7.01 105 0.1 1.62
3 4/18/2022 0.65 10 6.64 43 0.23 1.12
5 4/18/2022 0.65 4.5 6.58 49 0.27 1.13
1 8/12/2022 2.31 < 2.8 6.7 52 0.08 1.7
3 8/12/2022 2.31 5.8 6.5 65 0.46 3.56
I 5 8/12/2022 2.31 27 6.8 53 0.24 1.541
Young, Brianna A
From: Jacquelyn B Taylor <Jacquelyn.Taylor@ipaper.com>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 2:44 PM
To: Young, Brianna A; Hunter M Whiteley
Cc: Paul Rodock; Elena Sanders
Subject: RE: [External] :International Paper Company New Bern Mill stormwater permit
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Report Spam.
Brianna—We have received your request and will provide you the information shortly. Also, we have previously
updated our contact information to Paul Rodock(copied on this email) but we will complete again using the link
Thank you,
Jacquelyn Taylor
EHS Manager I New Bern Mill
T 252 633 7427
M 843 259 9698
WW paw
international paper.com
Follow us on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and Linkedln.
This message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees and are confidential.If you
receive this message in error,please delete it and immediately notify the sender.Any use not in accord
with its purpose,any dissemination or disclosure,either whole or partial,is prohibited except following
formal approval. The internet cannot guarantee the integrity of this message.International Paper shall
not,therefore,be liable for the message if modified.
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 1:54 PM
To: Hunter M Whiteley<Hunter.Whiteley@ipaper.com>
Cc: aj.golding@ipaper.com; steve.dipiero@ipaper.com;Jacquelyn B Taylor<Jacquelyn.Taylor@ipaper.com>
Subject: [External] :International Paper Company New Bern Mill stormwater permit NCS000211
Good afternoon,
I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for the International Paper Company New Bern
Mill (NCS000211). I need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct
and 2)make sure the permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following:
• Description of industrial activity occurring onsite;
• Confirmation on the number of outfalls and associated coordinates;
• Description of industrial activity in each drainage area;
• SIC (NAICS) code;
• An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the
effective date of the current permit;
• Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct; and
• An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted.
Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that
includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s)
for the facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated
using the links provided below, where applicable:
• Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form
• Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to
represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact
Update Request Form
• Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Facility address only: Email Bethanyy og ulias
• Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Georgoulias
• Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2.
• Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePayment website
Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day
comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the
same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public
notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred)
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
OrtpeflmMli of Enr7onrnoMal 41Fel+tj
Email correspondence to and from this address rs subject to the North
Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties_
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices,
as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public
during this challenging time.
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit:NCS000211 Effective: 08/01/15 Expiration: 07/31/20 Owner: International Paper Company
SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: International Paper- New Bern Mill
County: Craven 1785 Weyerhaeuser Rd
Region: Washington
Vanceboro NC 285867606
Contact Person:Justin Meyer Title: Phone: 252-633-7206
Directions to Facility:
System Classifications: SWNC,
Primary ORC: Certification: Phone:
Secondary ORC(s):
On-Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 06/13/2023 Entry Time 09:OOAM Exit Time: 10:30AM
Primary Inspector:Varun Prakash Phone: 252-948-3963
Secondary Inspector(s):
William J Moore Phone :252-946-6481 Ext.26
Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual
Facility Status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
Storm Water
(See attachment summary)
Page 1 of 3
Permit: NCS000211 Owner-Facility:International Paper Company
Inspection Date: 06/13/2023 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Inspection Summary:
Inspection was conducted on 06/13/2023. Met with Elena Sanders (email: elena.sanders@ipaper.com, T: 252-633-7229) anc
Justin Meyer, Environmental Engineer(email: Justin.Meyer@ipaper.com, T: 252-633-7206, M: 252-269-2365). This is paper
and wood products mill that changed hands with Weyerhouser in 2019-20.
As informed by the responsible party, all stormwater from the main plant site and prcessing areas is routed to their existing
wastewater pond. Therefore, plant area itself was not inspected. All the SW outfalls inspected were outside the plant area.
Following is the list outfalls :
Outfall # Receiving waters
001 Swift Creek
002 Neuse River
003 Neuse River
004 Swamp to Neuse River
005 Wetland to Neuse River
Outfall 003 is the representative of outfall 002 and are collecting runoff from the same basin located at the vehicle parking/
storage area. Outfall 004 is not sampled. This facility has been sending paper DMRs to the wrong agency (DWR in Raleigh)
and were advised to send it to WARD. Also, site has been sending eDMRs but may have been uploading at the wrong portal
and were advised to make necessary corrections.
It is recommended that the permit NCS000211 may be renewed.
Page 2 of 3
Permit: NCS000211 Owner-Facility:International Paper Company
Inspection Date: 06/13/2023 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a"Narrative Description of Practices"? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE
# Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑
# If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility evaluated all illicit(non stormwater)discharges? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Page 3 of 3
3/10/23, 12:46 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results
• File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online -
Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre-Populated Annual Report form • Print
an Amended a Annual Report form
Business Corporation
Legal Name
International Paper Company
Sosld: 0074970
Status: Current-Active O
Date Formed: 10/13/1941
Citizenship: Foreign
State of Incorporation: NY
Fiscal Month: December
Annual Report Due Date: April 15th
Currentgnnual Report Status:
Registered Agent: CT Corporation System
https://www.sosnc.gov/onIine_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 1/2
3/10/23, 12:46 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results
Reg Office Reg Mailing Mailing
160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 6400 Poplar Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27615-6417 Raleigh, NC 27615-6417 Memphis, TN 38197
Principal Office
6400 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38197
Off icers
Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer
Gary Gavin Holly G. Goughnour Errol A. Harris Errol A. Harris
6400 Poplar Avenue 6400 Poplar Avenue 6400 Poplar Avenue 6400 Poplar Avenue
Memphis TN 38197 Memphis TN 38197 Memphis TN 38197 Memphis TN 38197
Vice President Vice President Secretary President
Peter G. Heist Robert M Hunkeler Sharon R. Ryan Mark S. Sutton
6400 Poplar Avenue 6400 Poplar Ave. 6400 Poplar Avenue 6400 Poplar Avenue
Memphis TN 38197 Memphis, TN 38197 Memphis TN 38197 Memphis TN 38197
Class: 99 SEE CERT
Shares: 0
Par Value 0
https://www.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 2/2
International Paper Company
New Bern Cellulose Fibers
1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro,NC 28586
January 24, 2020
Suzanne McCoy
SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal JAN 30 2020
Stormwater Permitting Program DENR-LAND QUALITY
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
RE: NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit NCS 000211 Renewal
International Paper Company New Bern Mill is submitting the renewal application for the
current NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit NCS 000211 which expires on July 31, 2020.
Enclosed is a completed application, and the following attachments to the application form:
1) Site map from the SWPPP
2) Analytical Monitoring summary
3) Visual Monitoring summary
4) BMP summary
5) A short narrative about any significant changes in the industrial activities at the facility
6) SWPPP Development and Implementation Certification
Should you have any questions or comments concerning these requests, please contact me at
(252) 633-7231 or electronically at ai.golding@ipaper.com.
A.J. Golding
Environmental Engineer
CC: Adam Miklos
Permit Coverage
� � Renewal Application Form
NCDENR National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NP C Permit Number
Stormwater Individual Permit S 000211
Please provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided
below and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated.
Owner Information * Address to which permit correspondence will be mailed
Owner/Organization Name: International Paper Company
Owner Contact: Adam Miklos
Mailing Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Phone Number: 252-633-7551
Fax Number: 252-633-7529
E-mail address: Adam.Miklos@ipaper.com
Facilitv Information
Facility Name: International Paper- New Bern Mill
Facility Physical Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Facility Contact: Adam Miklos
Mailing Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Phone Number: 252-633-7242
Fax Number: 252-633-7529
E-mail address: Adam.Miklos@ipaper.com
Permit Information
Permit Contact: Robin Schroeder
Mailing Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vanceboro, NC 28586
Phone Number: 252-633-7447
Fax Number:
E-mail address: Robin.Schroeder@ipaper.com
Discharge Information
Receiving Stream: Neuse River
Stream Class: C;SW,NSW and SC;SW,NSW
Basin: Neuse
Sub-Basin: N/A
Number of Outfalls: 5
Facility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your facility or activities since issuance of your permit. Attached a
separate sheet if necessary.
There have been no significant changes to the facility or industrial activities
I certify that I am familiar wish the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief
such information 'rue, c plete and accurate.
Signature / Date
,�I r 16,4,� �§
Print or type name of person signing above Title
Please return this completed application form SW Individual Permit Coverage RenewalStormwater Permitting Program
and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application
to be considered complete:
(Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan)
1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of
industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas,process areas and
loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall,
/ building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted.
2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit
(if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports.
The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
/ parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data.
3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring
reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted.
J4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility.
Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at
the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned,please include
information on these BMP's.
5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the
permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of
work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage
practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility.
i/ 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan for the permitted facility(Sign and return attached form).
If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed
prior to filing the renewal submittal,then the last years monitoring results should be submitted
within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal
waiting on lab results)
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Analytical Monitoring Results Summary:
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.6 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
3 pH 6.4 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 pH 6.1 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 COD 46 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
3 COD 25 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total = 1.3"
5 COD 57 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 TSS 43 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total = 1.3"
3 TSS 4 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total = 1.3"
5 TSS 13 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 Nitrogen 1.36 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
3 Nitrogen 1.10 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 Nitrogen 1.36 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
1 Phosphorus 0.09 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total = 1.3"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
5 Phosphorus 0.09 mg/L 9/25/2015 Rainfall Total= 1.3"
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.8 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total =2.2"
3 pH 6.5 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 pH 7.1 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 COD 47 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 COD 68 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total =2.2"
5 COD 28 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 TSS 3 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 TSS 39 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 TSS 26 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 Nitrogen 0.79 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 Nitrogen 1.39 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 Nitrogen 1.29 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total= 2.2"
1 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
5 Phosphorus 0.25 mg/L 5/3/2016 Rainfall Total=2.2"
1 pH 6.4 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total =5.1"
3 pH 6.3 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 pH 5.8 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total =5.1"
1 COD 48 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 COD 82 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 COD 50 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
1 TSS 2.5 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total =5.1"
3 TSS 8 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 TSS 2.5 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total =5.1"
1 Nitrogen 1.06 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
3 Nitrogen 1.13 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
5 Nitrogen 1.41 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total=5.1"
1 Phosphorus 0.07 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total = 5.1"
3 Phosphorus 0.14 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total =5.1"
5 Phosphorus 0.26 mg/L 9/2/2016 Rainfall Total =5.1"
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.3 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total =0.5"
3 pH 6.3 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 pH 5.9 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 COD 41 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 COD 56 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 COD 17 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 TSS 11 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total =0.5"
3 TSS 25 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 TSS 7 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 Nitrogen 0.81 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 Nitrogen 1.03 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 Nitrogen 0.72 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total =0.5"
1 Phosphorus 0.25 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
3 Phosphorus 0.34 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
5 Phosphorus 0.28 mg/L 3/31/2017 Rainfall Total=0.5"
1 pH 6.2 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total = 1.6"
3 pH 6.1 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 pH 6.1 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
1 COD 33 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
3 COD 31 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 COD 37 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
1 TSS 2.5 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
3 TSS 2.5 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 TSS 2.5 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
1 Nitrogen 0.79 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
3 Nitrogen 0.96 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
5 Nitrogen 0.68 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
I Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total = 1.6"
5 Phosphorus 0.14 mg/L 8/29/2017 Rainfall Total= 1.6"
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.9 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total = 1.9"
3 pH 6.7 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
-5 pH 6.2 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total = 1.9"
1 COD 36 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
3 COD 44 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total = 1.9"
5 COD 12 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 TSS 2.5 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
3 TSS 19 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
5 TSS 4 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 Nitrogen 0.93 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
3 Nitrogen 1.90 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
5 Nitrogen 0.68 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 Phosphorus 0.22 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total = 1.9"
3 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total = 1.9"
5 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 4/24/2018 Rainfall Total= 1.9"
1 pH 6.8 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 pH 6.4 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 pH 6.6 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 COD 37 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 COD 46 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total =4.5"
5 COD 14 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 TSS 3 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 TSS 12 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 TSS 4 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 Nitrogen 2.64 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 Nitrogen 2.65 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
5 Nitrogen 2.68 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
1 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
3 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total =4.5"
5 Phosphorus 0.13 mg/L 7/24/2018 Rainfall Total=4.5"
Outfall Number Parameters Lab Results Date Sampled Storm Event Data
1 pH 6.7 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 pH 6.7 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total = 1.7"
5 pH 6.8 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 COD 30 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 COD 40 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
5 COD 9 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 TSS 3 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 TSS 3 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total = 1.7"
5 TSS 15 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 Nitrogen 0.83 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 Nitrogen 0.57 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
5 Nitrogen 0.83 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
3 Phosphorus <0.04 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
5 Phosphorus 0.15 mg/L 1/24/2019 Rainfall Total= 1.7"
1 pH 6.9 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 pH 6.9 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 pH 6.5 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 COD 66 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 COD 74 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 COD 36 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total =0.6"
1 TSS 4 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total =0.6"
3 TSS 2 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total =0.6"
5 TSS 4 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 Nitrogen 0.95 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
3 Nitrogen 1.28 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
5 Nitrogen 1.02 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total=0.6"
1 Phosphorus 0.13 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total =0.6"
3 Phosphorus 0.12 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total =0.6"
5 Phosphorus 0.17 mg/L 10/14/2019 Rainfall Total =0.6"
Visual Monitoring Results Summary:
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam,oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 9/25/2015
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 9/25/2015
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 5/3/2016
5 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 5/3/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, mostly 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil clear, low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 9/2/2016
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor, mostly 9/2/2016
suspended solids, foam, oil clear, low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, mostly 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil clear, low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 3/31/2017
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor, mostly 3/31/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil clear, no solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color, odor,clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 8/29/2017
5 Color,odor,clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor,clear, 8/29/2017
suspended solids, foam,oil no solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
�-4 N/A No flow 4/28/2018
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor, clear, 4/28/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam,oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam,oil some solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 7/24/2018
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor, clear, 7/24/2018
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Date Conducted
1 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen,erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 1/24/2019
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, Light color, no odor, clear, 1/24/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil low solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
1 Color,odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor,clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
2 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
3 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
4 N/A No flow 10/14/2019
5 Color, odor, clarity,floating solids, No color, no odor, clear, no 10/14/2019
suspended solids, foam, oil solids, no
sheen, erosion foam, no oil sheen, no
Summary of Current Best Management Practices:
Log Storage areas:
1) Diversion of stormwater around log storage areas with ditches,swales, and/or berms.
2) Log storage areas are located on stable,well drained soils with slopes of 0-2%.
3) Logs are stacked high to minimize surface areas of materials exposed to precipitation.
4) Good housekeeping procedures such as frequent removal of debris.
5) Collection of runoffs diverted to containment basins and sedimentation ponds to provide maximum
Employee Vehicle, Container Parking and Truck Maintenance Areas:
1)Vehicles are kept clean to prevent the buildup of oil and grease
2)Timberlands Shop driveway and parking area has minimal slope to prevent high velocity stormwater
runoff. Ditches,swales,and berms are present to reduce runoff velocity and increase ground
infiltration 3) North employee parking area runoff is directed to a 1-acre retention pond to promote
infiltration and reduce solids transport
4) Container truck parking area border has a rock berm and a large wooded buffer area to prevent
solids transport to outfall
5) All Stormwater outfalls flow through vegetative ditches prior to discharge to the Neuse Rive or
to the Swift Creek.These ditches are inspected semi-annually for bank erosion and excessive vegetative
growth that interferes with channel flow are cut back.
1) Ditches, outfalls,and drainage areas are inspected semi-annually.
2)All employees receive annual refresher training regarding environmental responsibilities that overlaps
with the requirements of the SWPPP.
3) Employees with specific responsibilities related to spill prevention, spill cleanup, and maintenance of
the facility grounds attend annual SWPPP training.
4)All SPCC locations are inspected monthly.
Changes in Industrial Activities at the Facility:
There have been no other significant changes in industrial activities at the facility.
North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources-Storm water Permitting
Facility Name: International Paper-New Bern Mill
Permit Number: NCS000211
Location Address: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road
Vancehoro NC 28586
County: Craven
"I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all
attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate and complete."
"I certify that the SPPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP
has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
stormwater discharge permit."
"I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and
imprisonment for knowing violations."
Sign (according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT
Signature DateZ94==--
Print 46r type name of person signing above Title
SPPP Certification 10/13