HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06856_Well Construction - GW1_20231030 L-1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1)• ,For Internal Use Only ' 1.Well Contractor Inforiniation: _ - ..)40.1.S. e7 ti S• _ . FROMATERZONES _. _... :. ..__. .T - • .TO,_ ..J DESCRIPTION !� ��^� WellComractorName tell-. ft ',1 ft Sh14sIC"_ ,[r4li/ '_:' t �9,`'- V ��,� ` �' als.ft ,11_6 ft. 171ir'.-f (ik.-. I 7,4, ot NGWeII'Contractor Cex ficatioaNutn6er .115 0 TFI CASING(for'mnl&easedweIli)ARLINFAri Ali li_' )<_. 13w1212- Yadkin Well Company, Inc. ' • FRo7' 9 ITO • E - I DIA7VV11iZ7ER� [ TCK7S l� Y :_ .... . ft iti CompanyName �16:II'iNER'C G:OATElBING(geutHeitnal`c1oH loop] -- :-: -: :;_w � A 7' I W :FROM TO' . _ DIAMETER TRCICI ESS MATERIAL ' ' -. 2.Wen Construction Permmit#: ` Listal/applicable well construction permits(Le UIC„County,State,Variance,eta) � I ft .17_ " 6,11S 'IL .lei l al rv' 1 ft , in. ' 3.WeIl Use(check well use): __ .:-_-:_::::a-,::::/ -_ - --- -^- -� Water'supply WentFROM TO µ 'DIAMETER 'SLOT SIZE .1731 MATERIAL. • ' DAgncultural. ClMunicipal/Public fts OGeothermal(Heating/Cboling Supply) . Xlesidential Water Supply(single) R, g, in ' I7lndustrial/Commeicial • OResidential Water Supply(shared) :i:187GRODT i__-, --__• 7j- w--- '' ___TZ-______ Oltrigation .. __OWLS>100;000_GPD' . - FROM TO. - MATERIAL _ F.MPLACEaIENTMETHOD+6_cAMOIINT Nan-Water Supply Weth ft. 2 U it i?c hi S: -&i'c.i-ra 1'/i Q ►i455 OMonitoring ❑Recovery / f / -_.. • Injection Well: ft. ft OAtpiiferRecharge DGrouadwater.Remediatian i`�_ /• ' jzACE(ifnmlicahle)" _ - :- - ,-w ._�,�:� pllgniferStorageandReoovery I7SalinityBasier FROM TO. MATERIAL EM1'IA CEMENT METHOD ' DAgtiife Test oStormwater Drainage., ft. ; ft. pgxperimentalTechnology DSiilisidenceControl ft• ft. '. ' t" DGeothermal(Closed Loop) DTracer C20:DRTIILNGLO'G,(3ttach adeltiifia'sheeti if.necessary)a:._.._.t_= -._--- FROM TO _ DESCRIPTION(color,hardness,saNraek type,grain sire,etc.) OGeother nal(Heating/Cooling Return), - OOdier(explain under#21'Remarks) ft t , Date Well Started' 3 /��/�® 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1.0-Lc-Z'.3. Well ID#tl%T1,_m" , _ �,a ft .9 1:1 it 61,��., yoCta. h.i.'.Ld•' Phone#: �,: .y67= �7G: '•2 I �.2'T 1 'rve�- � 5a Well Location: -': tai 1 Q //�� F11uti ?'Y. it } Pac r /'LQ Qf�Qi� (.4,4') licable) - 1::::'.:':.:1C-:1''''- 1. FecilitWOwnerName FacihtylD#(ifapp ft OCT 3 �-2L�23: �515 g C Al,W 11CQ,5hciro)L\._c a l : ft w Ph usl -k - _ > ys' Addr�vs,City,and,Ztp w�'T �y ry_t r, ;'I I k S�Z1:.REMAkRKS�_,__ ._. _ ..Wi o_S - /,.y 5_oa ! 10 PaicelldentificafionNo.(PIN)- S' - �4� County . Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: • - - - • a (if well field,one lat/longis sufficient) 22.Certification: _ ,y 3G`0S.S �/ N 81, /�S' a' i Signature o eitified•WeIl Coattadtoc' • • . 6.Js(are)the well(s): 'immanent or 'OTemporary - " By signingthisform,-I hereby certify that the wells)was(were)'constiucted in accordan with_; 7,Is this a repair to.anv elating well: CYes or �1'o ISA NCAC'02C'.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy If this-is a+repair,;fill'out known well construction tnfornation and-explain the nature of the of this record has been provided to lhe`well owner repair,tinder#21 reinmAs section or on the back Of this fon& ' 23:Site diagram,or additionaiwellLdetailsr 8.For GeoprobelDPT Or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page ta provide additional well construction info constriction,only 1' W=1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in-Remarks Box)You may also attach additional pages if necessary 1;. drilled: '- 24..SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ' .0 9:Total well depth belowland surface: I, (f') Submit this GW=1 within 30 days of well completion per the fallowing :• For multiple walk ',and2Q100) x p 24a. For AR Wells: Original form to'Division of Water.Resources(DWR), � 1.0.Static water llevet below toist rill,depths o of casingfferent 3.fr (ft) Information Processing Unit:1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC27699=1617 : '(� If water level is abovecasmg:use + _ = _ s. ' ® - L/4 24b.For.Iniection'Wells Copyrta DWR,Underground Injection Control(IIIC T 11.Borehole diameter: Ip- - (in)Blt Off:,.�, Q' ! Program;1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699.4636. - • 1; •,, 11 Well construction method: _ )r ra 4..rx-- - - 24c.For Water Supply and'Open-Loop Geothermallietorn WellS Copy to the Cm Aug,rotary,cable;direct push,etc:)' county environmental health department of the county where installed 'FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' •24d.For Water Wells prodndng.over 100,000 oiqii.Ca`py to DWR;CCPCUA Permit Program;1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611:• `. ' '. • .- , . 2i--/i t6i-'ts,,.:•.:'...-.' 13a.Yield'(gpm) .- (,5 - ._ . __Methodoftesti Os A/./ 3 - Date-Site Visited: �4 4 70% huh' Amount: •. oz Site Utstte 13bs Disinfection ypec _ rA y dB , t'e ,, t .t` y Yetis OW-1 �. _ North Carolina De aztmeat of Enviroraue,ntal Quality"-Division of Water Resources Revised 6 6 2018