HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1230601_Stormwater Narrative_20231030 Section 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Narrative The Asheville Regional South Parking Lot project includes the construction of a new parking lot, driveway, sidewalk, and associated grading, drainage, landscaping and erosion control. This report includes the computations that show compliance with the NCDEQ High Density Project.A Secondary SCM (Dry Pond) will be used to treat the stormwater runoff from the proposed site. 1.2 Introduction and Site Description The site is located at Asheville Regional Airport in Fletcher, NC,south of Asheville, North Carolina near New Airport Road (35° 25' 42.94" N, 82° 32' 6.81"W). The area that includes airport related operations encompasses approximately 900 acres. For a larger vicinity map, see Appendix A. The Asheville South Parking Lot project site is located is a wooded area Asheville in the southwest region of the airport,located along Regional New Airport Road. Airport For hydrologic planning purposes, the site is comprised of Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) B soils. Appendix A contains the NRCS Soil Survey Maps for the parking lot. The existing land use of the project is grass, gravel, forest, and impervious. The proposed land use will impervious(parking lot, driveway,and sidewalk) and grass for landscaping and bioretention. As shown in the FEMA FIRMs 3700964300K and 3700964300K (January 6, 2010) in Appendix A, the disturbance is not located within 200ft of a FEMA floodplain. 1.3 Construction Sequence and Cost As explained later in the report, a dry detention pond is proposed as a secondary stormwater conveyance measure(SCM).The rough outline of the permanent dry detention pond will occur during the grading phase of the project and a portion of it will be used as a temporary sediment trap to protect downstream receiving stormwater systems from construction activity. After the site is stabilized, the sediment trap will be cleaned out and re-graded to final dry detention pond design grades. No mechanical stabilization will occur.The cost of the dry detention pond is unknown at this time and will be finalized during bidding. The Asheville Regional Airport will be the end-user and responsible for annual inspection, maintenance and repairs of the system. Section 2.3 discusses the operation and maintenance of the pond. 3 AVL SOUTH PARKING LOT INITIAL SUBMITTAL:APRIL 2023,REVISION 1:OCTOBER 2023 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Section 2 HYDROLOGY 2.1 Project Methodology In order to qualify for a secondary Stormwater Conveyance Measure (SCM) for a Dry Pond, several minimum design criteria (MDC) must be met. The recommendations will also be met to maximum extent practical. NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Appendix E-4 Airports, Table 1 "SCMs that do not Pond Water with Suggestions for Airport Application". Below is a list justifying why the suggest SCMs were implausible for this site: Bioretention Cell requires 2ft of separation between its bottom and the SHWT along with a minimum of 2.5ft of soil underneath the surface layer. According to the soil report, SHWT was found 1-5ft below the surface.Therefore, with the required depth of soil and bedrock so shallow beneath the surface, a bioretention cell is not plausible. Infiltration System requires 2ft of separation between its bottom and the SHWT.According to the soil report, SHWT was found 1-5ft below the surface. Therefore, a layer of stone would not be plausible which is insufficient for an adequate infiltration system. Sand Filter requires 1-2ft of separation between its bottom and the SHWT along with a minimum of 1.5ft of filter bed + 1ft of sand above the underdrain pipe. According to the soil report, SHWT was found 1-5ft below the surface. Therefore, with the required amount of filter bed + sand, a sand filter is not plausible. Rainwater Harvesting is infeasible because the proposed project is only a parking lot that does not include a building, so roof drainage will not occur on the site. Permeable Pavement is not feasible with the amount of snow at this location. Airport maintenance requires salts and deicers for safety precautions. The use of these additives is prohibited for permeable pavement and therefore makes this SCM infeasible. Treatment Swale (Secondary) the minimum inlet to outlet flow length of 100ft could not be achieved due to the limited green space that this project provides. Neither a Wet Pond nor a Stormwater Wetland are recommended at airports. These SMCs create standing water that attracts wildlife that pose safety risks as they may damage aircrafts. See Figure 3 in Appendix E-4 of the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual for data relating to this potential hazard. 4 AVL SOUTH PARKING LOT INITIAL SUBMITTAL:APRIL 2023,REVISION 1:OCTOBER 2023 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Below are the MDC for the proposed Dry Pond SCM, and how they have either been met or could not be met: MDC 1:Separation from the SHWT The existing ground surface(EGS)elevation is 2081, and the estimated SHWT depth from the EGS is 20 inches, meaning the estimated depth is at 2079.3. The dry pond bottom elevation is 2080.5, therefore,the lowest point of the dry pond will be at least 6 inches above the SHWT. MDC 2:Temporary Pool Depth There is no temporary pool in this dry detention pond due to its location at an airport (See Appendix E-4 of the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, therefore the maximum depth of 10ft is not a concern. MDC 3: Uniform Grading and Positive Drainage The bottom of the dry pond will be graded uniformly to flow toward the outlet control structure without low or high spots, per the grading pond and detail. MDC 4: Location of Inlet(s) and Outlet The inlets and outlet of the pond are in a manner that will avoid short circuiting.The outlet control structure is the furthest point of the pond thus providing the longest flow path of water until the outlet location. See appendix C for outlet protection calculations performed by AVCON. MDC 5: Pretreatment A forebay is provided as pretreatment to settle sediment and prevent erosion before the runoff enters the dry detention pond. MDC 6: Drawdown Time The pond outlet control structure has an 2.5" orifice to provide drawdown of 40 hours. The calculations show an orifice size of 2.3", but a 2.5" will be used for constructability. See calculations below: Drawn Down Calcs Draw Qavg Start Vol Vol Vol g Draw Down Down Qavg Ext. Qcp. Havg A Detention Pond ID Provided Bottom Top C (ft/ Orifce and Time (cfs) Det. (cfs) (ft) (ft^2) Orif/Weir (cf) Elev. Elev. s^2) Elevation (hr) (cfs) @ Elev. Dry Pond 27,195 2080.5 2084.5 40 0.19 0.0 0.19 2.0 0.6 32.2 0.028 2.3 @ 2080.5 2084.5 MDC 7: Protection of the Receiving Stream The addition of the parking lot, sidewalk, and roads results in an increase of 5.49acres of impervious in the onsite drainage area. 0.16 acres of this proposed impervious will bypass the pond. The pond detention resulted in a decrease of the post project flow rate in the 1 year, 24- hour storm. See delineations and flow rates in the following tables: 5 AVL SOUTH PARKING LOT INITIAL SUBMITTAL:APRIL 2023,REVISION 1:OCTOBER 2023 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT PRE-CONSTRUCTION Grassed Forest Total I mperv. Drainage Area Area (HSG B) (HSG B) C CN Tc (AC) 0.95 0.30 0.15 (min) 98 69 55 Pre 1 6.80 0.10 0.92 5.88 0.18 58 10 Pre 2 326.46 166.49 152.14 7.82 0.63 83 60 POST-CONSTRUCTION Grassed Forest Total I m pe rv. Drainage Area Area (HSG B) (HSG B) C CN Tc (AC) 0.95 0.30 0.15 (min) - 98 69 55 Post 1(to Dry Pond) 6.80 5.43 1.37 0.00 0.82 92 5 Post 2 (Pond Bypass) 326.46 166.65 151.98 7.82 0.62 83 60 TOTAL 333.26 172.08 153.36 7.82 Drainage area 2 includes the addition of 0.16ac of impervious surface.This 0.16ac will bypass the drainage area 1 dry pond SCM. Drainage area 2 is shown in these tables and on sheet SW-06 to show that this 0.16ac of proposed impervious will not change the existing curve number in this basin and therefore result in no adverse impacts at the study point or downstream. The 0.16ac increase is within a 326.5ac watershed, so the increase is negligible. This drainage area 2 is not included in the Supplemental EZ form or the Stormwater Management Permit Application form as it is not a drainage area to a proposed SCM. PEAK FLOW RATES Storm Return Pre-Construction Post-Construction Post Project Study Point Frequency Flow Total Flow Total Decrease (yr) (cfs) (cfs) (%) 1 1 1.0 0.6 46.3 MDC 8: Outlet There is no permanent pool in this dry detention pond due to its location at an airport. A trash rack is provided to prevent trash and debris from entering the outlet system. MDC 9:Vegetation A note on detail sheet SW-03 with the MDC 9 dry pond vegetation requirements as show in the manual. Fescue is proposed in the parking lot landscape areas and the dam. 6 AVL SOUTH PARKING LOT INITIAL SUBMITTAL:APRIL 2023,REVISION 1:OCTOBER 2023 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Recommendation 1: Freeboard The pond will provide more than one foot of freeboard above the design pool elevation. The elevation of the design pool volume is 2083.2 and the pond top of dam is 2086.0. The dry pond was designed to treat all of the proposed parking lot.See below for volume calculations,the proposed dry pond will provide adequate volume per the table below: Design Volume - Provided Design Volume Design Volume Drainage Area Required Provided (cf) (cf) Dry Pond 18,644 27,195 Dry Pond Proposed Stage Elev Storage ft ft (cf) 0.0 2080.5 0 0.5 2081.0 207 1.5 _ 2082.0 3,215 2.5 _ 2083.0 10,369 3.5 2084.0 21,096 4.0 _ 2084.5 27,195 4.5 2085.0 33,294 5.0 _ 2085.5 40,160 5.5 2086.0 47,025 The Rational Method was used for the parking lot design on the development. Onsite drainage calculations were performed by AVCON and not Aulick Engineering.The Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curve for Fletcher, NC below was used for the calculations.: 7 AVL SOUTH PARKING LOT INITIAL SUBMITTAL:APRIL 2023,REVISION 1:OCTOBER 2023 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT I tc•Mw 2L00 2100 1e.n 1iD0 10_00 ;, 15.50 _ _ 15A0 2S Y, 1200 - 1200 18-Yr S AD 9.00 S n Om 5A0 2 Y. 3.00 3.0o 115 0m 1 0,00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 75 40 45 50 55 W Tine(mil) The following runoff coefficients were also used for hydraulic (storm inlet, pipe) analysis of this project: c=0.15 (Forest, HSG B) c=0.30 (Grass, HSG B) c=0.95 (Impervious area) 2.2 Drainage& Erosion Control Design Drainage designed was performed by AVCON but a brief description is provided here. 24" RCP and 36" RCP is proposed along the west edge of the parking lot.Stormwater runoff from the entire parking lot will sheet flow into curb inlets along the west edge. Water will then be conveyed through the 24" RCP and eventually 36" RCP into a dry pond forebay, then into the dry pond itself. Stormwater will outfall from the dry pond into the existing creek through an OCS and 18" RCP. These pipes have been designed to safely convey the 25-year storm. AVCON pipe capacity computations can be found in Appendix C3. 2.3 Operation and Maintenance Manual The dry pond requires maintenance in order to work properly. An O&M plan has been developed and can be found in Appendix D. 2.4 Design Software and Manuals The following design software programs were used in analysis and development of the stormwater and documents: • Hydraflow Hydrographs for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2021 • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2021 • Microsoft Office 2021 The following design manuals and literature were used in analysis and development of the stormwater documents: • NCDEQ Storm water Design Manual—2017 Edition 8 AVL SOUTH PARKING LOT INITIAL SUBMITTAL:APRIL 2023,REVISION 1:OCTOBER 2023 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT