HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201772 Ver 1_DCM Correspondence_20231025ROY COOPER
Scott and Lisa Diggs
Permit Refinement State Permit No. 26.21
401 Bradley Creels Point Road
Environmental Quality
October 18, 2023
Wilmington, NC 28405
c/o Adam Kneirim - Sent via email to adamknierim@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Kneirim:
This correspondence is with reference to the request you submitted for a one-time modification for use of a spoil site
under State Permit No. 26-21. State Permit # 26-21 was originally issued on March 4, 2021, for the construction of a
single-family docking facility, boat basin excavation, and access channel excavation at the confluence of Bradley Creek
and the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway (AIWW), Wilmington, New Hanover County. State Permit # 26-21 is due to
expire on December 31, 2024. DCM recently issued a Letter of Refinement on October 5, 2023 for the reconfiguration
of the proposed floating dock layout in the same footprint and modification to the excavation footprint within the
previously authorized footprint,
The current request for a modification includes the one-time use of the Agnes Beane Spoil Island (PID: R06300-002-
001-000), located adjacent to Mott's Channel, instead of the previously authorized disposal location at the Shore Acres
Spoil Island (PID: R06300-002-003-000). Ms. Agnes Beane has given permission to place approximately 1,500 cy of
material from the excavation at 401 Bradley Creek Point Road issued in State Permit #26-21. The proposed disposal
area on the Agnes Beane Spoil Island measures approximately 150' x 130', depicted in the "Beane Disposal Area"
drawing (dated as received by DCM 10/1812023).
Upon review of the information provided, the Division of Coastal Management has determined that the proposed action
continues to be consistent with existing State rules and regulations and is in keeping with the original purpose and
intent of the permit. I hereby submit this Letter of Refinement authorizing the one-time modification of State Permit No.
#26-21, as described in your request dated as received by DCM October 18, 2023. By copy of this letter we are
notifying the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Division of Water Resources of our action. Please note this
refinement does not alleviate the need to obtain any other local, state or federal permits.
Tara MacPherson
District Manager
cc: Christine Bouffard, New Hanover County Holley Snider, Division of Water Resources
Greg Currey, USAGE
-�_ North Carolina 4Department of Envlrunmental Quality 1 Division of Coastal Management
D-E Q��}j Wilmington Office Wi Cardinal Dri" Exten4ian ? wilmitl ton, forth Caro[iitd ZB4O5
- MARfTECH DREDGING 108 Circle Dr. Hampstead, NC 28443
Innovative Solutions far the Marine Environment office 910.270.4058
field 910.297.7710
fax 910.270.4058
October 18, 2023
North Carolina Division of Coastal Management c/o Kelsey Beachman
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
I am writing you in order to request a onetime refinement to Major Permit #26-21
associated with the Diggs Property located at 401 Bradley Creek Point Road. The
refinement request is to change the originally designated disposal site location at the Shore
Acres Shinn Creek Disposal Area to the Beane Disposal Area adjacent to Motts Channel (see
attached figure).
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns with the
modification request or the project in general. I can be reached by phone at 910.297.7710 or via
e-mail at adamknierim@gmail.com. Thank you once again for all of your time and consideration
on this project.
Adam C. Knierim, M.S.
Maritech, LLC
O C T 18 2023
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10/18/23, 10:26 AM Gmail - Diggs [hedging Project - Bradley Creek Point
MGmail Adam Knierim <adamknierim@gmail.com>
Diggs Dredging Project - Bradley Creek Point
3 messages
Adam Knierim <adamknierim@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 7:42 AM
To: Agnes Beane <arbeane@msn.com>
Hope all is well. As discussed, 1 am writing to request permission to place approximately 1,500cy of material derived from
the Diggs Dredging Project located at 401 Bradley Creek Point. As with past requests, an emailed response stating that
"permission is granted" will suffice for permitting purposes. Please give me a call if you have any additional questions or
concerns. Thanks again and hope you have a great week.
Agnes Beane <arbeane@msn.COm> Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM
To: Adam Knierim <adamkn[erim@gmail.com>
Permission is granted.
Agnes Beane
910 620 6711
From: Adam Knierim <adamkniedm@gmail.corn>
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:42 AM
To: Agnes Beane <arbeane@msn.com>
Subject: Diggs Dredging Project - Bradley Creek Point
[Quoted text hidden]
Adam Knierim <adamknierim@gmail.com>
To: Agnes Beane <arbeane@msn.com>
Thanks. I'll keep you posted as we proceed.
[Quoted text hidden]
Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 10:55 AM
OCT 18 2023
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