HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000245_MS4 Annual Report (Other)_20231027 • 4. '\ / /�a` s sky t '` , kl K, 't.. ,Yii -74. :. '7n1 .?! A' - v a WO 1 • • '.--,...,s-,..,.------":„ ,/,‘ .'''''''',,,___T...6.-...11 : '''',0t1' -1' '';':.'d•H I.:PC'''.i' ''''''' '1:::':-L4....:111111'.;1 - t J. c 4;� ^f, • S "`1 . /yy{d.�py.�1 // '` r. .� ° tip`' '�...!>� � I ti ___ _ _,. . fir, ,....„ - ,t• ,41. ., ,.....„../...7470 34141 • \4� tom.^t In- �- _ '-~ - - f •t 1 1 +• _ _ • Ji . ..„,. .. ,44". _ _ --...., -- , i-- --'-'-- ' . . • . ,. ..,),..z...,.::-.•;;,,l,„, _ r .„.,.,. j; _�• t ' Chi " -1k, V Ar _, . `.?+ s.__ tT '. NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report October 1 , 2022 - September 30, 2023 Permit No. NCS000245 Prepared under the direction of S. Wayne Miles, PE, Stormwater Program Manager Mill61% 0� Ralei h raleigh %%k% %1 • g ,o' Stormwater L ( ) NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table of Contents Certification 4 Introduction 5 Section A: Program Implementation 6 A.1 MS4 Program Management 6 A.2 Program Funding 6 A.3 Best Management Practices 8 Section B: Public Education and Outreach 11 B.1 Program Narrative 11 B.2 Best Management Practices 11 B.3 Program Assessment 25 Section C: Public Involvement and Participation 26 C.1 Program Narrative 26 C.2 Best Management Practices 26 C.3 Program Assessment 28 Section D: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 29 D.1 Program Narrative 29 D.2 Best Management Practices 29 D.3 Program Assessment 52 Section E: Construction Site Runoff Controls 53 E.1 Program Narrative 53 E.2 Best Management Practices 53 E.3 Program Assessment 57 Section F: Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls 58 F.1 Program Narrative 58 F.2 Best Management Practices 58 F.3 Program Elements 62 F.4 Program Assessment 65 Section G: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 66 G.1 Program Narrative 66 G.2 Best Management Practices 66 G.3 Program Assessment 74 Section H: Program to Monitor and Evaluate Stormwater Discharges to Municipal Systems 74 Rev. 8.1.2022 2 (I.11 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 H.1 Program Narrative 74 H.2 Best Management Practices 74 H.3 Program Assessment 75 Section I: Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring 76 I.1 Program Narrative 76 I.2 Best Management Practices 76 I.3: Program Assessment 77 Section J: Total Maximum Daily Loads 79 J.1 Program Narrative 79 J.2 Best Management Practices 79 J.3 Program Assessment 84 Section K: Annual Assessment and Annual Summary 85 K.1 Assessment 85 K.2 Program Improvements 85 K.3 2023-2024 Program Initiatives 85 Rev. 8.1.2022 3 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Certification I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. S. Wayne M es, PE Stormwater Program Manager City of Raleigh Rev.8.1.2022 4 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Introduction This report describes programs and activities undertaken during the period of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, as required by the City of Raleigh's permit to discharge stormwater under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Number NCS000245. The annual reporting requirements are described in Part IV.A.1 of the permit. These requirements are included in Table 1 with the associated annual report sections. Annual reporting provides a summary of the activities completed, as identified in the City's Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), and the annual report content aligns with the content of the City SWMP. Table 1. Annual Report Components Annual Report Component Report Section(s) a. A detailed description of the status of implementation of the Stormwater A.1, A.3, B.1, B.2, Management Plan. This will include information on development and C.1, C.2, D.1, D.2, implementation of each major component of the Stormwater E.1, E.2, F.1 F.2, Management Plan for the past year and schedules and plans for the G.1, G.2, H.1, H.2, year following each report. 1.1, 1.2, J.1, J.2, K.3 b. Description and justification of any proposed changes to the Stormwater Management Plan. This will include descriptions and supporting information for the proposed changes and how these changes will K.2 impact the Stormwater Management Plan (results, effectiveness, implementation schedule, etc.). c. Any necessary changes to programs or practices for assessment of B.3, C.3, D.3, E.3, management measures implemented through the Stormwater F.3, G.3, H.3, 1.3, Management Plan. J.3, K.1 A.3, B.2, B.3, C.2, d. A summary of data accumulated as part of the Stormwater Management C.3, D.2, D.3, E.2, Plan throughout the year along with an assessment of what the data E.3, F.2, F.3, G.2, indicates. G.3, H.2, H.3, 1.2, 1.3, J.2, J.3, K.2 e. An assessment of compliance with the permit, information on the establishment of appropriate legal authorities, inspections, and K.1, K.2, K.3 enforcement actions. f. Discussion of program funding. A.2 Rev. 8.1.2022 5 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section A: Program Implementation The City of Raleigh implements, manages, and oversees all aspects of its SWMP to control to the maximum extent practical the discharge of pollutants associated with stormwater runoff from its MS4. A.1 MS4 Program Management The City of Raleigh is committed to maintaining compliance with its NPDES MS4 permit and protecting the City's stormwater quality through the implementation of a comprehensive stormwater management program. Stormwater Management Division staff regularly coordinate across internal work groups and City departments to effectively implement programmatic requirements and City-wide initiatives that are outlined in our Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). During this last year, the SWMP was updated, put out for public comment, and submitted to NCDEQ. These changes included general program updates limited to FY 24-27 schedules, minor revisions to several reporting metrics to remove ambiguity, and narrative updates in respective program sections. In addition, program elements for Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls were expanded to incorporate Part II Sections F. 3-7 of the permit. The annual report template has also been updated since the last report in October 2021 to better correspond with our updated SWMP. Currently, the total number of Full Time Employees (FTEs) associated with MS4 permit program implementation for FY2024 is 142, with 79 FTEs with the Stormwater Management Division in the Engineering Services Department and 63 FTEs with Stormwater Maintenance in the Raleigh Department of Transportation Field Services group. Implementation of each MS4 program component is outlined in Subsection 1 of Sections B through J. A.2 Program Funding The City's Stormwater Management Division receives capital and operating funds appropriated by the City Council that are dedicated to implementing and managing the provisions of the SWMP and complying with MS4 permit requirements. Program elements are primarily funded by the City stormwater utility fee. Additional sources of funding include plan review and permit application fees. The City general fund and revenue from the Raleigh Water utility fee also may be utilized for pollution prevention and good housekeeping activities by owning departments. Grant funding is also routinely pursued, and when awarded, is utilized to augment the annual budget. Further fiscal analysis and investigation of funding options (such as a general fund allocation or a change to the stormwater fee) are conducted annually to maintain adequate funds to meet program needs. The allocated budget for the City Stormwater Program in FY2023 (fiscal year from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023)was sufficient to meet program needs and implement the requirements of the MS4 permit. The total budget for FY2023 was $35,241,434, and Capital Improvement Program total budget for FY2023 was $11,393,950 (see Table A-1). The City increased the stormwater utility fee by 2.5%for FY2024 (fiscal year from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024) based on the determined need for additional personnel, increased operations and Capital Improvement Program needs, and project cost escalation. The total budget for the City's Stormwater Program for FY2024 is $37,672,530. The budget funds annual operations and the Capital Improvement Program. The adopted Capital Improvement Program budget for the City's Stormwater Program for FY2024 is $13,128,000. Rev. 8.1.2022 6 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table A-1: FY2023 Stormwater Program Capital Improvement Program Budget Stormwater Program Category FY2023 CIP Budget J Neighborhood Drainage System Improvements $1,250,000 General Drainage Infrastructure $3,023,950 Asset and Watershed $2,250,000 Water Quality/GSI Projects $2,540,000 Stream Restoration and Water Quality $500,000 Flood Hazard Mitigation and Flood Early Warning $950,000 City SCMs and Dams Program $880,000 Total $11,393,950 Rev.8.1.2022 7 $C4 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 A.3 Best Management Practices Table A-2 includes a brief description of the Program Implementation best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table A-2: Program Implementation Metrics and Results Program Element FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section A Complete annual review Complete annual review Report type of assessment Voluntary self-audit The program will be with NCDEQ or conduct a with NCDEQ or conduct a completed completed May 2023; see subject to a compliance voluntary assessment. voluntary assessment. Section K audit or a voluntary assessment process on an annual basis Part II Section A.1 Review regulations, Review or evaluate Report modifications to the Updated Article 9.2 of the The permittee will maintain ordinances, policies, and regulations, ordinances, regulations, ordinances, UDO to reflect changes in adequate legal procedures and update, if policies, and procedures policies, and procedures the readopted Neuse mechanism, such as necessary. annually and update, as Nutrient Strategy regulations, ordinances, needed. Stormwater Rule (15A policies, and procedures to NCAC 02B .0711) implement all provisions of the SWMP. Part II Section A.2 Evaluate program Evaluate program Program evaluation Yes The permittee will effectiveness with effectiveness annually with completed (Y/N) implement provisions of responsible parties, as responsible parties Annual reporting of Sections B-3, C-3, D-3, E the SWMP and evaluate described in each section annually, as described in program effectiveness is 3, F-3, G-3, 3, & I-3. performance and and summarized in Section each section and described in each annual effectiveness of the 13 of the SWMP. summarized in Section 13 report section program components. of the SWMP. Rev. 8.1.2022 8 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Program Element FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section A.3 ' Review the SWMP at least Review the SWMP at least Report modifications to the The SWMP was updated The permittee is required once annually and update, once annually and update, SWMP and make available on March 10, 2023 and to keep the SWMP up to as needed. as needed. to NCDEQ upon request submitted to NCDEQ on date with annual updates if March 13, 2023. any changes are warranted. Updates included: •General program updates limited to FY 24-27 schedules, minor revisions to several reporting metrics to remove ambiguity, and minor narrative updates in respective program sections. •Updated organizational chart •Updates to the receiving waters to reflect the most recent EPA-approved DEQ Final 303(d) List, replacing an older list from 2018. •Expanded Table 10. Program Elements for Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls to incorporate Part II Sections F. 3-7 of the permit. Rev. 8.1.2022 9 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Program Element FY2023 FY20. Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section A.4 Maintain written Maintain written Written procedures are N/A, written procedures The permittee shall procedures as documented procedures as documented available to NCDEQ upon are available to NCDEQ maintain, and make in Sections 4 through 12 of in Sections 4 through 12 of request upon request. available to the Division the SWMP. the SWMP. upon request, written procedures for implementing the six minimum control measures. Written procedures shall identify specific action steps, schedules, resources, and responsibilities for implementing the six minimum measures. Rev.8.1.2022 10 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section B: Public Education and Outreach B.1 Program Narrative The City develops and uses media and other outreach methods to educate the public on the causes and impacts of stormwater pollution, including utility bill inserts, newsletters, webpages, articles, social media, workshop presentations, classroom education events, and TV and radio campaigns. In addition, the City participates in the Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP), which provides videos, online resources, and printed materials to its members and produces a widespread multi-media campaign that features television public service announcements, radio public service announcements, and a stormwater informational website (www.nc-cleanwater.org). B.2 Best Management Practices Table B-1 includes a brief description of the Public Education and Outreach best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table B-1: Public Education and Outreach Program Metrics and Results Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section B.2 (a) Review annually the target Review annually the target Report target pollutants See Table B-2 Describe target pollutants pollutants and sources in the pollutants and sources in and the associated and sources Education, Outreach, and the Education, Outreach, sources Public Involvement Plan and and Public Involvement Plan update as needed. and update as needed. Implement the public education Implement the public and outreach program utilizing education and outreach the Education, Outreach, and program utilizing the Public Involvement Plan and Education, Outreach, and Report reason each See Table B-2 the Communications Plan. Public Involvement and the target pollutant was Communications Plan. selected Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and Evaluate the program notify the Water Quality effectiveness annually and Manager of plan and/or notify the Water Quality program modifications. Manager of plan and/or program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 11 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section B.2 (b) Review and update target Review annually the target Report identified target See Table B-2 Describe target audiences audiences associated with audiences associated with audiences likely to have each pollutant and source in each pollutant and source in significant stormwater the Public Education and the Education, Outreach, impacts for each target Engagement Plan. and Public Involvement Plan pollutant. and update as needed. Implement the public education Report reason each See Table B-2 and outreach program utilizing Implement the public target audience was the Public Education and education and outreach selected Engagement Plan and the program utilizing the Communications Plan. Education, Outreach, and Public Involvement Plan and Evaluate the program the Communications Plan. effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality Evaluate the program Manager of plan and/or effectiveness annually and program modifications. notify the Water Quality Manager of plan and/or program modifications. Part II Section B.2 (c) Maintain and update the Maintain and update the Report number of hits 414,500 page views for Informational website stormwater program webpage. stormwater program to Stormwater the Stormwater webpage. Management Division Management main site; Evaluate program main site and SWMP 731 page views for the effectiveness and notify the Evaluate program webpage SWMP webpage Water Quality Manager of effectiveness annually and program modifications. notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 12 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section B.2 (d) Distribute public education Distribute public education Report number of See Table B-3 Distribute public education materials, as described in the materials, as described in educational materials materials to identified user Education, Outreach, and the Education, Outreach, distributed by type Refer to CWEP Annual groups Public Involvement Plan. and Public Involvement Report Plan. Provide CWEP annual Participate in CWEP activities report and events. Participate in CWEP activities and events. Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and Evaluate the program notify the Water Quality effectiveness annually and Manager of plan and/or notify the Water Quality program modifications. Manager of plan and/or program modifications. Part II Section B.2 (e) Maintain the stormwater Maintain the stormwater Report number of calls Total calls: Promote and maintain administration helpline to administration helpline to handled by the Drainage: 136 hotline(s)or helpline(s) receive public complaints. share information and stormwater Utility fee: 99 receive public complaints. administration helpline Plan review: 262 Evaluate the program by type of call Volunteer: 19 effectiveness annually and Evaluate the program Illicit discharge: 91 notify the Water Quality effectiveness annually and Active Manager of plan and/or notify the Water Quality construction:118 program modifications. Manager of plan and/or Capital projects:20 program modifications. Utility billing: 16 Part II Section B.2 (f) Review annually the Review annually the Report City events and See Table B-3 Implement a public Education, Outreach, and Education, Outreach, and number of handouts education and outreach Public Involvement Plan and Public Involvement Plan and distributed at each program update as needed. update as needed. event Rev. 8.1.2022 13 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Report City in-school See Table B-4 Review annually the Review annually the events and number of Communications Plan and Communications Plan and participants update as needed. update as needed. Implement the public education Implement the public and outreach program utilizing education and outreach the Education, Outreach, and program utilizing the Public Involvement Plan and Education, Outreach, and the Communications Plan. Public Involvement Plan and the Communications Plan. Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and Evaluate the program notify the Water Quality effectiveness annually and Manager of plan and/or notify the Water Quality program modifications. Manager of plan and/or program modifications Rev.8.1.2022 14 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table B-2: Target pollutants, associated sources, target audiences, and justifications Target Target Pollutant Pollutant Sources Target Audiences Target Audiences Pollutant Justification Justification Sediment Increases MS4 maintenance, Illicit discharges, construction Construction contractors, Audiences conduct, oversee, degrades stream and lake sites, streambank erosion developers, municipal regulate, engage in, and/or biological abundance and (resulting from increasing government, property observe activities at pollutant diversity, reduces lake depth imperviousness in the owners/residents, general sources and storage volume, watershed) public aesthetically unattractive Nutrients Promotes growth of algae in Illicit discharges, sewage Landscape maintenance/lawn Audiences store and apply (nitrogen and lakes and streams which can overflows and leaks, clippings care companies, property fertilizer, own, or maintain phosphorus) degrade biological abundance and waste from landscape owners/residents, municipal sewer plumbing/pipes, and diversity, toxic to aquatic maintenance/lawn care, government, general public engage in, and/or observe species and humans, impedes pet/animal waste, application activities at pollutant sources recreation, aesthetically and improper storage of unattractive fertilizers, atmospheric deposition Trash Increases MS4 maintenance, Illicit discharges, construction Construction contractors, Audiences generate and store aesthetically unattractive sites, litter, dumping, municipal government, trash or engage in and/or restaurants, food trucks property owners/residents, observe activities at pollutant restaurant and food truck sources owners/operators, general public Metals Degrades stream and lake Illicit discharges; vehicle Construction contractors, Audiences engage in activities biological abundance and storage and maintenance; painting contractors, property that store/handle materials diversity construction sites; paints and owners/residents, municipal and generate wastes that finishes, material, and government, vehicle repair contain metals and/or observe chemical storage shops activities at pollutant sources Rev. 8.1.2022 15 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Target Target Pollutant Pollutant Sources Target Audiences Target Audiences Pollutant Justification Justification Bacteria Harms public and pet health Illicit discharges, sewage Property owners/residents, Property owners/residents overflows and leaks, failing municipal government, responsible for septic systems septic systems; pet/animal general public and private sewer plumbing waste; unhoused populations and connections and/or responsible for properly disposing of pet/human waste, municipal government responsible for most sanitary sewers, general public observes activities at pollutant sources Oil &grease Degrades stream and lake Illicit discharges, vehicle Vehicle repair shops, Audiences conduct, oversee, biological abundance and storage and maintenance, restaurant and food truck engage in, and/or observe diversity restaurants, food trucks owners/operators, municipal activities at pollutant sources government, general public Table B-3: Public Education and Outreach Program event and material distribution log Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 10/06/2022 Stormwater Management Advisory 30 Commission October Meeting 10/08/2022 Fall Rain Garden & Rain Barrel 13 Rainwater Rewards, IDDE, CWEP Big Six Workshop Pollution Brochure 10/22/2022 Drop in Foster a Stream Cleanup 70 10/30/2022 Community Garden Event at Cross 40 Raleigh Rainwater Rewards Link Road 11/01/2022 City Council Presentations on 200 Stream Stabilization and Drainage Assistance Policies Rev.8.1.2022 16 °C ;$ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 11/01/2022 FEWS Demo to US Army Corp of 5 Engineers 11/02/2022 Pigeon House Watershed Public 32 Volunteer Opportunities, Stream Monitoring, Meeting Commercial and Residential Raleigh Rainwater Rewards, Paint Disposal Practices, Sediment Pollution, General Pollution Prevention 11/03/2022 Stormwater Management Advisory 33 Commission November Meeting 11/03/2022 Western North Ridge Stormwater 25 Improvement Project and Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study Presentation 11/03/2022 GeoSpray Polymer Presentation 17 11/04/2022 Native Plants for Stream 25 Restorations 11/05/2022 Fall Volunteer Stream Monitoring 8 Workshop 11/08/2022 NCSU AEC 40 and beyond 14 Academia Panel Discussion 11/08/2022 Glenbrook/Dacian Public Meeting 4 11/14/2022 Five Points Community Meeting 25 11/15/2022 IDDE Presentation 8 11/16/2022 GIS Day 100 12/03/2023 Biltmore Hills Stream Cleanup 9 12/08/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 30 Commission December Meeting Rev. 8.1.2022 17 °C ;$ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 12/28/2022 Stormwater Smart Newsletter Winter 4,827 Edition 01/05/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 40 Commission January Meeting 01/05/2023 IDDE Presentation to the 40 Stormwater Advisory Commission and attendees 01/09/2023 Five Points Community Meeting — 15 Volunteer opportunities and R-3 Program 02/02/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 20 Commission February Meeting 02/02/2023 Your Service Connection Utility Bill 196,000 Insert= Sediment Pollution and IDDE Article 02/10/2023 Stream Stabilization Workshop 40 02/13/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 101 Fee Brochures Letters and Fee Brochures 02/18/2023 Rainwater in Your Yard Presentation 20 Rainwater Rewards and Drainage Assistance at Biltmore Hills Community Center Brochures 03/02/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 33 Commission March Meeting 03/08/2023 NCSU EV 101 Spring Semester 15 Presentation at Wooten Meadow Park 03/08/2023 UNC-CH ENEC 204 Environmental 8 Seminar at UNC Chapel Hill Murry Hall 03/08/2023 NCSU 2023 Equity Research 15 Symposium/Round Table Discussion/Walnut Creek Watershed @ NCSU Talley Student Union 03/15/2023 Stormwater Smart Newsletter Spring 4879 2023 Edition 03/16/2023 24th Annual Raleigh Small Business 450 Expo Workshop Rev. 8.1.2022 18 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 03/16/2023 Raleigh Stormwater University-The 20 History of Raleigh Stormwater 03/18/2023 Spring Rain Garden Rain Barrel 4 Workshop at Walnut Creek Wetland Park (WCWP) 03/21/2023 Spotswood Drive Public Meeting at 4 CWEP Big Six Pollution, Rain Barrel, Rainwater Durant Nature Preserve Rewards Residential, Stream Stabilization Brochures 03/24 &25/2023 Raleigh Water and Transportation 52 Volunteer Opportunities, Stormwater Pollution, Field Services Job Fair Flooding Risk Stormwater Fee Brochures 03/25/2023 Creek Week Stream Clean Up at 42 Marsh Creek Park 03/25/2023 Arbor Day Event at Chavis Park 118 CWEP Big Six Pollution, Rainwater Rewards Residential, R3 Rack Card, Stream Stabilization, Volunteer Opportunities, Stormwater Pollution Card, Rain Barrel, Drainage Responsibility, Scoop the Poop Card/ Brochures 04/06/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 29 Commission April Meeting 04/11/2023 Clean Transportation Demonstration 1 Day 04/17/2023 Earth Day Event Communication 4,528 Announcement 04/20/2023 Raleigh Developer Webinar- 100 Submitting Nutrient Calculations to the City 04/21/2023 Earth Day Event at Dix Park 225 Rainwater Rewards Brochure, English and Spanish, Flood Risk, Drainage Responsibility, Stream Stabilization, Volunteer Opportunities Spanish and English, Rain Barrel _ 04/21/2023 Environmental Awards Event at Dix 225 Park 04/22/2023 Our Creek—Our Community Festival 31 04/24/2023 FEWS Virtual Presentation 50 CWEP English and Spanish Big Six Pollution Brochure, R-3 Residential, Fertilizer Pollution, Sediment Pollution, Nutrient Pollution, Stream Rev. 8.1.2022 19 SCS NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) Stabilization, Stormwater English and Spanish Pollution Prevention, Rain Barrel, Capture it! Contest, Brochures 04/26/2023 Upper Durant Public Meeting 26 Capture it! Contest, CWEP Big Six, Drainage Wetland Conversion Responsibility, Rain Barrel, Rainwater Rewards Residential 04/27/2023 Camp Pond Dam Public Meeting 27 Volunteer Opportunities, Drainage Responsibility, Flood Risk, Rain Barrel, Rainwater Rewards- Residential, Stream Stabilization Brochures 04/29/2023 Songbird Festival at Blue Jay Point 219 CWEP Big Six Pollution, Capture it! Contest, County Park Rain Barrel, Rainwater Rewards, Residential Brochures 04/29/2023 Spring Stream Monitoring Workshop 7 at WCWP 05/06/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 32 Commission May Meeting 05/08/2023 Teacher Appreciation Week 4,546 Communication email 05/09/2023 ASFPM Conference and Tour 60 Alluvial Decoders at Raleigh Convention Center 05/10/2023 FEWS Presentation at ASFPM 80 Conference at Raleigh Convention Center 05/11/2023 Millbrook Exchange Park Stream 12 CWEP Big Six Pollution, Drainage Responsibility, Project Public Meeting Flood Risk, Nutrient Pollution, Stormwater Pollution Prevention, Rain Barrel, R-3 Process, Rainwater Rewards Residential, R-3 Rack Card, Sediment Pollution, Stormwater Fee, Stream Stabilization Brochures 05/15/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 58 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 05/19/2023 FEWS Presentation &Tour to City 30 Council Rev. 8.1.2022 20 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 05/31/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 38 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 06/01/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 30 Commission June Meeting 06/01/2023 FEWS Presentation to the 30 Stormwater Management Commission 06/15/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 248 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 06/23/2023 Flood Awareness Mailing 96 06/23/2023 Stormwater Smart Summer 5,006 Newsletter 06/29/2023 Engineering for the 21st Century 12 summer career education program at WCWP 07/10/2023 Water Quality Mini Workshop for 10 Parks and Rec Summer Staff at Dix Park 07/15/2023 Homeownership Information Fair at 200 Drainage Responsibility and Stream Stabilization Carolina Pines Community Center Brochures 07/18/2023 Pigeon House Watershed Pop-up 16 Public Meeting at Tarboro Rd. Community Center 07/19/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 8 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 07/19/2023 Wake Envirothon Presentation for 7 High School Students at WCWP 07/20/2023 Rocky Branch/Walnut Creek 42 Watershed Public Meeting at WCWP 07/20/2023 Raleigh Stormwater University 65 Webinar-Green Stormwater Infrastructure Rev. 8.1.2022 21 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 07/21/2023 Concrete Power Washing Pollution Three social media posts on social Social Media Campaign media accounts, 1587 total views 07/31/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 104 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 08/03/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 49 Commission August Meeting 08/08/2023 Pool Draining and Chlorine Article in 196,000 the Your Service Connection Mailing 08/08/2023 District B Town Hall Meeting at 30 Abbotts Creek Community Center 08/19/2023 Mud Day Event at WCWP 70 08/22/2023 Walnut Creek Wetland Community 20 Rainwater Rewards, Drainage Responsibility Partnership Meeting at Biltmore Hills Rain Barrel Brochures Community Center 08/24/2023 Crabtree Creek Community 4 Rainwater Rewards and Volunteer Opportunities Connector Trail Public Meeting at Brochures - Worthdale Community Center 08/24/2023 Hare Snipe Watershed Public 105 Rainwater Rewards, Drainage Responsibility, Meeting at Lake Lynn Community Volunteer Opportunities Brochures _ Center 08/29/2023 ENV 101 for NCSU Students at 20 Rocky Branch 08/30/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 60 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 09/07/2023 Oakwood Garden Club Presentation 25 09/07/2023 Stormwater Management Advisory 44 Commission September Meeting 09/08/2023 Muslim Community Resource Fair at 25 the North Raleigh Mosque 09/08/2023 RDOT and Stormwater Job Fair 57 Event Rev. 8.1.2022 22 °C ;$ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Date Description of Event/Activity Attendee & Material Count Types of Educational Materials (#materials equals#attendees) 09/11/2023 Day of Service Parks and 30 Stormwater Cleanup Event at Walnut Creek Softball Park 09/15/2023 Raleigh Neighborhood Exchange at 52 CWEP Big Six Pollution, Capture it! Contest, Carolina Pines Community Center Drainage Responsibility, Flood Risk, Rain Barrel, Rainwater Rewards Residential, R-3 Rack Card, Scoop the Poop Card, Stream Stabilization 09/13/2023 Stormwater Smart Fall Newsletter 5116 09/18/2023 Pollution Prevention Social Media 5116 Campaign 09/18/2023 Still Leading by Example 60 Presentation: How Raleigh Continues to Advance GSI at the APWA Conference 09/20/2023 Site Development Infrastructure 30 Design Project for Students at Wake STEM Early College High School 09/23/2023 PEJ Watershed Learning Network 15 Presentation at the WCWP 09/26/2023 Radio Interview on IDDE and GSI 1000 09/29/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 66 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 09/30/2023 Stormwater Billing Notification 13 Fee Brochures Mailing and Fee Brochures 09/30/2023 Fall Rain Garden Rain Barrel 12 Stream Stabilization, Rain Barrel, Rainwater Workshop at WCWP Rewards Residential, Volunteer Opportunities Rev. 8.1.2022 23 $C4 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table B-4: Public Education and Outreach school events Date #Students Event Location Event Description Virtual/In-person Attended 10/01/2022 91 Raleigh Police Department Youth In person Chavis Community Center Summit 10/19/2022 45 Walnut Creek Wetland Park Mini Stream sampling demo and In person storm drain table presentation 11/02/2022 250 Rolesville Middle School Career Opportunities Truck Event In person 11/09/2022 100 Joyner Elementary School Science Go Round Event In person 11/10/2022 1000 Dillard Drive Middle School Career Opportunities Truck Event In person 11/10/2022 600 Moore Square Middle School Career Day School Event In person 11/29/2022 64 York Elementary School Career Day Talk to Students In person 12/31/2022 13 Fuller Elementary School 5th Grade Science Club In person EnviroScape Demos _ 02/03/2023 22 Soapstone Pre-School Storytime Reading and Stream In person Demo 02/07/2023 6 Moore Sq. Middle School GSI Lego Demo for Future Cities In person Club 03/06/2023 52 Wake Young Men's Leadership EnviroScape Demos In person Academy 03/14/2023 27 Raleigh Homeschool Network Rain Garden in a Water Bottle In person Demo 03/24/2023 74 Hillburn Academy Elementary 1st Grade Book Reading and In person School Drainpipe Presentation 04/14/2023 96 Fuller Elementary School Science Day- EnviroScape In person Demos Rev. 8.1.2022 24 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 04/18/2023 44 Fletcher Academy Elementary EnviroScape Demos In person School 04/20/2023 100 York Elementary School STEM Night-EnviroScape Demos In person 04/28/2023 15 Soapstone Pre-School Storytime Reading and Stream In person Demo 05/08/2023 12 Wooten Meadows - Girl Scout EnviroScape Demo and Wetland In person Troup Walk &Talk 05/09/2023 200 Dillard Drive Middle School Career Day Presentation In person 09/11/2023 75 Exploris Middle School EnviroScape Demos In person 09/19/2023 10 Moore Square Middle School Stormwater talk with Future Cities In person Students 09/23/2023 603 Moore Square Middle School Career Day Presentation/Talk In person B.3 Program Assessment Stormwater Education and Outreach continues to evolve and expand to meet and exceed permit requirements. The Education Plan was revised with staff input during this reporting year. These revisions included the addition of a schedule to target one or more specific pollutants on an annual basis coinciding to specific events, seasons, and reported discharges. The Communications Plan was also updated during the reporting year. Updates included Communications support for SMAC meetings and a revised frequency as to when the Communications Plan is reviewed by staff. The City continues to use several methods including the Stormwater helpline, raleighstormwater@raleighnc.gov, and social media to provide information and educational resources the public. Educational materials (in English and Spanish) are regularly distributed via utility bill inserts, newsletters, webpages, articles, social media, workshop presentations, classroom education events, and TV and radio campaigns. Overall engagement has increased while staffing levels remain the same; staff participated in 12 more student/school events (22)than the previous year(10). A total of 3,443 students were engaged by staff this reporting period as compared to 1,219 last period. The City requires that all City staff complete training on allowable discharges and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) every three years. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping (PPGH)training is required to be completed by designated staff every three years. The migration of this on-line training from the iLearn training platform to the SuccessFactors training platform was initiated during this reporting period and continues to date. Fewer staff required PPGH training this year due to the large number of staff that completed PPGH training during the last two reporting years. Rev. 8.1.2022 25 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section C: Public Involvement and Participation C.1 Program Narrative The City provides opportunities for public involvement and participation in program development and implementation through community volunteer programs and mechanisms for public comment and reporting. The City's SWMP is noticed and presented at a public hearing for comment by the public at least once per permit cycle. As-needed changes to City stormwater regulations and the annual budget for the Stormwater Management Division are also noticed and presented at public hearings for comment by the public. City Council established the Stormwater Management Advisory Commission (SMAC) as a means of obtaining regular public input on policy and project matters. SMAC meets monthly, with few exceptions, to review stormwater management issues and provide guidance and recommendations to City Council. Comments by the public are also received during SMAC meetings. C.2 Best Management Practices Table C-1 includes a brief description of the Public Involvement and Participation best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table C-1: Public Involvement and Participation Metrics and Results Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section C.2 (a) Continue to provide Continue to provide Report number of Adopt a Stream: 589 Volunteer community community volunteer community volunteer participants in each City Storm drain marking: 26 involvement program opportunities. opportunities. volunteer opportunity Stream monitoring: 15 Foster a Stream: 308 Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 26 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section C.2 (b) Conduct meeting(s)with Conduct meeting(s)with Report dates for SMAC 10/6/2022—Ordinance Establish a mechanism for the SMAC. the SMAC. meetings and discussion change to meet Neuse public involvement topics pertaining to MS4 Sensitive Water rule Evaluate the program Evaluate the program compliance requirements update effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and 11/3/2022—Stormwater notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Design Manual update Manager of program Manager of program 12/8/2022— Pigeon House modifications. modifications. Branch Public Outreach Plan 1/5/2023— Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program presentation 2/2/2023—Stormwater budget development approach and process 3/2/2023—Stormwater Program FY24 budget update 4/6/2023—n/a 5/4/2023—n/a 6/1/2023—n/a 8/3/2023— Draft NPDES MS4 Permit NCDEQ public comment process/period 9/7/2023— Raleigh Stormwater Design Manual update Part II Section C.2 (c) Maintain the stormwater Maintain the stormwater N/A, see helpline reporting N/A Establish hotline(s) or administration helpline to administration helpline to metrics in Part II Section helpline(s) receive public complaints. receive public complaints. B.2 (e) Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of plan program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 27 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section C.2 (d) Maintain the webpage for Maintain the webpage for Report webpage link for https://raleighnc.gov/Suppo Public review and the most recent version of the most recent version of SWMP rtPages/stormwater- comment the SWMP. the SWMP. manaqement-plan Report mechanisms used City webpage with the Publicize a comment Publicize a comment for public review and SWMP and Water Quality period for updates to the period for updates to the comment on the SWMP Supervisor's contact SWMP. SWMP. information posted. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program City Stormwater helpline effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and phone number and email notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality address to provide citizens Manager of program Manager of program a mechanism to comment modifications. modifications. on the SWMP between updates. Part II Section C.2 (e) Place legal public notice to Place legal public notice to If public notice occurred for Public comment on the Public notice advertise public review and advertise public review and SWMP updates, report SWMP updates utilizing comment opportunities comment opportunities mechanism(s) used to the City's website, social when implementing a when implementing a advertise public review and media outreach, and public public comment and public notice SMAC discussion occurred involvement/participation involvement/participation period. 8/4/2022—9/1/2022. program, as needed. program, as needed. Report number of SMAC 11 Evaluate the program Evaluate the program meetings that provided an effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and opportunity for public notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality involvement/participation Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. C.3 Program Assessment All permit requirements for Public Involvement and Participation are being met. The total number of volunteers participating in public involvement programs increased from last year. The Adopt a Stream, Foster a Stream, and Storm Drain Marking volunteer opportunities all experienced an increase in participation over this reporting year. The Stream Monitoring volunteer program, which requires volunteers to complete a training and commit to taking monthly samples over one year, retained a similar number of dedicated volunteers. SMAC continued to support City staff in program implementation through regular input during their 11 meetings over the course of the reporting period. In response to the May 2023 self-audit, staff is considering separating the Education and Outreach Plan from the Public Involvement and Participation Plan to better define and organize the separate programs' tasks and Plan coordinators' responsibilities. Rev. 8.1.2022 28 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section D: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination D.1 Program Narrative The City's illicit discharge program began in 1995. This program is based on a City ordinance that defines what constitutes an illicit discharge and an illicit connection and provides enforcement protocols. The ordinance provides the legal authority to implement the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program. Illicit discharges and illicit connections are identified through reports from the public, reports from City staff across all departments, dry weather screening observations, and outfall inspections. A team of three staff implement the dry weather screening program in addition to other duties. This includes inspecting outfalls, investigating potential illicit discharges, and maintaining documentation of inspections, enforcement, and remediation actions associated with those activities. Preventive measures include educating City staff and the public through various means, including direct mailings to target audiences and businesses (such as landscapers and restaurants)that have a history of illicit discharges. Outreach efforts also include regular updates to website content, social media, utility billing and newsletter inserts, and coordination with Wake County and professional associations to widely distribute illicit discharge prevention information. D.2 Best Management Practices Table D-1 includes a brief description of the IDDE best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table D-1: IDDE Metrics and Results Permit Reference/BMP FY202311111 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section D.2 (a) Maintain and enforce public Maintain and enforce public N/A, see Part II Section A.1 for N/A Maintain appropriate ordinances. Update, if ordinances. Update, if reporting of legal authority legal authorities necessary, to maintain legal necessary, to maintain legal updates authority. authority. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Part II Section D.2 (b) Maintain the storm sewer Maintain the storm sewer Report number of major 888 Maintain a storm sewer system base map in GIS and system base map in GIS and outfalls Rev. 8.1.2022 29 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results system base map of update annually as new update annually as new Provide overview map of See Figure D-1 major MS4 outfalls inventory is added. inventory is added. receiving streams and major below outfalls Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Part II Section D.2 (c) Review annually the IDDE Review annually the IDDE Report number of dry weather 244 dry weather Inspection/detection Plan and update as needed. Plan and update as needed. inspections completed and flow outfall program to detect dry results inspections were weather flows at MS4 Implement the IDDE Plan. Implement the IDDE Plan. completed; 75 dry outfalls Report number of discharges weather flows were Report any discharge that Report any discharge that reported to the DEQ Regional observed; 2 illicit constitutes an imminent constitutes an imminent Office or NC Division of discharges were threat to health or the threat to health or the Emergency Management due detected and environment by phone or environment by phone or to an imminent threat to health remediated email to the DEQ Regional email to the DEQ Regional or the environment Office (during business Office (during business 47 illicit discharges hours) or NC Division of hours)or NC Division of were reported to the Emergency Management Emergency Management NCDEQ Regional State Operation Center State Operation Center Office due to an hotline (outside of business hotline (outside of business imminent threat to hours)within 24 hours. hours)within 24 hours. health or the Raleigh Water is responsible Raleigh Water is responsible environment for reporting of sanitary sewer for reporting of sanitary overflows. sewer overflows. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of plan and/or Manager of plan and/or program modifications. program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 30 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 I FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section D.2 (d) Review annually the Review annually the Report types of IDDE training 1827 City staff Employee training Education, Outreach, and Education, Outreach, and provided and number of staff in completed the IDDE Public Involvement Plan, and Public Involvement Plan and attendance training module update, as needed. update, as needed. through the City's iLearn and Success Conduct employee training Conduct employee training Factors platforms. and document attendance. and document attendance. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of plan and/or Manager of plan and/or program modifications. program modifications. Part II Section D.2 (e) Maintain the stormwater Maintain the stormwater Report total number of illicit City staff received Maintain a public administration helpline to administration helpline to discharge complaints received and responded to reporting mechanism(s) receive public reports. receive public reports. 200 complaints of See helpline reporting metrics potential illicit Maintain the illicit discharge Maintain the illicit discharge in Table 5, Part II Section B.2 discharges; 91 calls reporting email address reporting email address (e) of SWMP were received (IllegalDischarge@raleighnc. (IllegalDischarge@raleighnc. through the City's qov). goy). Stormwater helpline Coordinate with appropriate Coordinate with appropriate City staff so illicit discharge City staff so illicit discharge complaints received through complaints received through the SeeClickFix app are the SeeClickFix app are routed to the Stormwater routed to the Stormwater Management Division. Management Division. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 31 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section D.2 (f) Maintain IDDE inspection Maintain IDDE inspection Report dates of investigations, I See Table D-2 Documentation records, notices of violations records, notices of violations any enforcement action(s), and below and compliance, and other and compliance, and other remediation that occurred program records. program records. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 32 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Figure D-1: Receiving waters and major outfalls lc .8 N • y I' /`� FORE C/♦ DU,Hnr��i'" `A. t •• • /�� ROLE IV . . • • . • ., , •' `■ r� . ..,,,./, . ...._ • 11 • • 1 • • ♦ / AL RUU = .: • . 1. y RISVILLE \i _.•:,._, •~••'` �_t.• 1• ♦ -: t 1 ♦r 1411 iii , . ./ i • 'v. \�_M. t 1. •�� s -: . •., I 3�♦i " . Al �A KNIGH-MALE�f GARY ••r • • •• • 440 t ,• A ' t 1 6 \....,,••Am%,.........L.........' 77......X)....mwr.......:00.........„.....t, i ,, • i 16 : '114 t A f- --AINS) A • A. •• Receiving Waters eg NC303d 2018 \ • NC Surface Waters RA LEIGH COR Outfall Category • Major NPDES Outfall-General(Direct) d01 • EEEEEEi NDES t Industrial(Direct) • NDES t General(Non-Direct) • T I Industrial(Non-Direct) GARNER �ro m a•i.an cis Rev.8.1.2022 33 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table D-2: IDDE investigations and actions taken October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 9200 Brier Creek 9/28/2022 10/3/2022 Wastewater from wash bay Notice of Violation Catch system installed to reroute Pkwy, Raleigh, NC discharged offsite and into a discharge back to internal 27617 storm drain collection system 4604 Poole Rd, 10/6/2022 10/6/2022 Gas leak from gas tank Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC 27610 1135 N West St, 10/6/2022 10/6/2022 Wastewater discharged from a Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC broken hose/pipe 27603 1325 Lake 10/6/2022 10/6/2022 Possible dumping into storm Warning Letter None required Wheeler Rd, drain at front of lot Raleigh, NC 27603 2310 Garner Rd, 10/12/2022 10/12/2022 Sheen and discoloration at Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, outfall 27610 202 Ashe Ave, 10/19/2022 10/19/2022 Concrete discharged off the Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC 27605 back side of 202 Ashe Ave and discharged along Ashe Ave into a storm drain 4412 City of Oaks 10/20/2022 10/20/2022 Private SSO entered into storm Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Wynd, Raleigh, drain. Remediation completed NC, 27612 prior to response. 429 S Wilmington 10/20/2022 10/21/2022 Possible automotive oil/fluid Investigated and found not to be a None required St, Raleigh, NC, drained from vehicle into water quality concern; no further 27601 stormwater inlet located within action taken the parking garage 2951 Rowland Rd, 10/25/2022 10/26/2022 Complaint about United Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, Rentals dumping portable water quality concern; no further 27615 toilets into the street action taken 1705 Tryon Park 10/25/2022 10/25/2022 City of Raleigh SSO —2,150 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, gallons, with —1,050 reaching 27610 surface waters Rev. 8.1.2022 34 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 431 Como Dr, 10/26/2022 10/27/2022 Possible grey water pumping Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, outside of the house water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken 11200 Galleria 10/30/2022 10/31/2022 Rex Wellness Center possibly Investigated and found not to be a None required Ave, Raleigh, NC, discharging pool water water quality concern; no further 27614 action taken 3212 Hillsborough 10/30/2022 10/31/2022 Sewer cleanout potentially Investigated and found not to be a None required St, Raleigh, NC, discharging water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 4219 Mantua Way, 10/31/2022 11/1/2022 Renters possible dumping Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, trash into catch basins water quality concern; no further 27604 action taken 6221 Mt. Herman 11/1/2022 11/1/2022 Observed wastewater from Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Road, Raleigh, NC wash area and degreaser 27617 entering storm drain 1500 Nottingham 11/1/2022 11/1/2022 Creek discolored after a rainfall Investigated and found not to be a None required Rd, Raleigh, NC, event water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 2708 Glascock Rd, 11/6/2022 11/7/2022 Possible oil in road Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC 27610 water quality concern; no further action taken 1936 Amity Hill Ct, 11/16/2022 11/17/2022 Possible paint dumped into Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, storm drain water quality concern; no further 27612 _ action taken 1427 Butler Cabin 11/21/2022 11/22/2022 Possible grease and cooking Investigated and found not to be a None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, oils dumped into storm drain water quality concern; no further 27610 _ action taken Intersection of 11/22/2022 11/23/2022 Motor oil from a vehicle Unknown responsible party: City of Vacuum and removal Trinity Rd and accident discharged into a Raleigh remediated Corporate Center storm drain Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607 1416 Banbury Rd, 11/23/2022 11/23/2022 City of Raleigh SSO —4,725 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged, with 27607 —4,000 gallons reaching surface waters Rev. 8.1.2022 35 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 2419 Wycliff Rd, 11/23/2022 11/23/2022 Backflow from pool house Notice of Violation Source removed; no additional Raleigh, NC, entering stream remediation required 27607 6421 Old 11/23/2022 11/23/2022 Car wash discharge into storm Notice of Violation Source removed; no additional Westgate Rd, drain remediation required Raleigh, NC, 27617 2772 Milburnie Rd, 12/1/2022 12/1/2022 City of Raleigh SSO -500 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC 27610 gallons discharged to surface waters 151 Water Works 12/3/2022 12/5/2022 Discolored watercourse Summary Memorandum Installed new silt fence, and St, Raleigh, NC, downstream of temporary leaf removed leaf storage pile 27603 storage pile 9950 Durant Rd, 12/7/2022 12/7/2022 Transmission fluid discharged Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, into stormwater inlet 27614 211 E Six Forks 12/13/2022 12/13/2022 Concrete slurry discharged Notice of Violation Source removed; no additional Rd, Raleigh, NC, near creek remediation required 27609 2601 Lake Dr, 12/13/2022 12/13/2022 Sewer lifts pump failure and Notice of Violation Disinfectant application Raleigh, NC, wastewater discharging into a 27607 storm drain. _ 720 Pershing Rd, 12/14/2022 12/15/2022 Concrete spill in road and into Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, a storm drain 27608 4120 New Bern 12/16/2022 12/28/2022 Possible leachate issues Investigated and found not to be a None required Ave, Raleigh, NC, concerning leaf piles water quality concern; no further 27610 _ _ action taken 2151 Sunnybrook 12/16/2022 12/28/2022 Possible leachate issues Investigated and found not to be a None required Rd, Raleigh, NC, concerning leaf piles water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken 4600 Lake Boone 12/16/2022 12/30/2022 Possible leachate issues Investigated and found not to be a None required Trl, Raleigh, NC, concerning leaf piles water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 6100 Thornton Rd, 12/16/2022 12/30/2022 Possible leachate issues Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, concerning leaf piles water quality concern; no further 27616 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 36 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 2570 S Wilmington 12/17/2022 12/19/2022 Non-PCB cooling oil Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal St, Raleigh, NC, discharged from a transformer 27603 after being shot twice 720 Pershing Rd, 12/20/2022 12/20/2022 Processed concrete waste Notice of Violation Excavation and removal Raleigh, NC water leaving site and entering 27608 storm drain 6006 Falls of 12/21/2022 12/21/2022 Observed wastewater/oil sheen Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Neuse Rd, at outfall during a dry weather Raleigh, NC, flow inspection 27609 4616 Mentone 12/22/2022 12/22/2022 Possible vehicle fluid leaking Investigated and found not to be a None required Way, Raleigh, NC, into street water quality concern; no further 27612 action taken 8700 Ice Dr, 12/30/2022 12/30/2022 Offsite run-on concerns and Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, possible turbidity water quality concern; no further 27617 action taken 7523 Glenwood 12/30/2022 12/30/2022 Possible leachate issues Investigated and found not to be a None required Ave, Raleigh, NC, concerning leaf piles water quality concern; no further 27612 action taken 2537 S Saunders 1/7/2023 1/9/2023 Possible dumping of cooking Investigated and found not to be a None required St, Raleigh, NC, oil into a storm drain water quality concern; no further 27603 _ action taken _ 606 Glenwood 1/9/2023 1/9/2023 Confetti on street/curbline Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Ave, Raleigh, NC, 27603 2500 Poole Rd, 1/11/2023 1/11/2023 Crane tree service vehicle Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, discharged > 25 gallons of 27610 hydraulic oil _ 3313 Quail Hollow 1/11/2023 1/11/2023 Private SSO Notice of Violation Disinfectant applied, removed Dr, Raleigh, NC, solids 27609 3300 Grove 1/12/2023 1/12/2023 City of Raleigh SSO —10,800 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Crabtree Cres, gallons discharged, with Raleigh, NC, 10,800 gallons being 27613 discharged to Rev. 8.1.2022 37 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 320 St Albans Dr, 1/12/2023 1/13/2023 Styrofoam in curbline and Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, storm drain 27609 Hillsborough St, & 1/17/2023 1/17/2023 Grease being dumped into Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Pogue St, Raleigh, storm drain and sidewalk NC, 27607 900 Navaho Dr, 1/17/2023 1/17/2023 Private SSO Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, 27609 9402 Falls of 1/19/2023 1/19/2023 Grease and used food oil Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Neuse Rd, draining into storm drain Raleigh, NC, 27615 2310 Garner Rd, 1/19/2023 1/19/2023 Complaint about mud/dirt along Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, Garner Road water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken 621 Pine Ridge PI, 1/25/2023 1/26/2023 Private SSO out of two Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, manholes on the far north side 27609 of the property adjacent to Big Branch 2401 Wake Forest 1/27/2023 1/27/2023 Illicit connection made by Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Rd, Raleigh, NC, restaurant to the stormwater 27608 system 7800 Falls of 1/31/2023 1/31/2023 Possible oil spill discharged in Investigated and found not to be a None required Neuse Rd, parking lot near a storm drain water quality concern; no further Raleigh, NC, inlet action taken 27615 4911 Gann Trl, 1/31/2023 1/31/2023 Lawn care vehicle leaking oil Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, along street 27612 1239 N Raleigh 2/1/2023 2/2/2023 Trash/debris on property, and Investigated and found not to be a None required Blvd, Raleigh, NC, possible sewage discharging water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken 2310 Dixie Forest 2/1/2023 2/1/2023 Wash water was discharging Notice of Violation Boom and pad placement Rd, Raleigh, NC, into storm drain 27615 Rev. 8.1.2022 38 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 3317 2/6/2023 2/6/2023 Private SSO discharging into Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Woodmeadow storm drain and pooling at Pkwy, Raleigh, outfall NC, 27610 4205 Quail Hollow 2/6/2023 2/6/2023 Volunteer reported possible Investigated and found not to be a None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, high pH and bubbles in the water quality concern; no further 27609 stream behind their house action taken 701 E Lane St, 2/7/2023 2/8/2023 Possible grease trap discharge Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27601 action taken 109 E North St, 2/10/2023 2/10/2023 Sediment and rocks leaving Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, gravel parking lot and entering water quality concern; no further 27601 street action taken 3108 Starmount 2/10/2023 2/10/2023 Rock gravel leaving yard Investigated and found not to be a None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27604 action taken 3821 Generosity 2/10/2023 2/10/2023 Sediment building up at Warning Letter Sweeping and removal Ct, Garner, NC, entrance 27529 5800 Light Brigade 2/14/2023 2/14/2023 <25 gallons of hydraulic fluid Summary Memorandum Sweeping and removal Ln, Raleigh, NC, discharged onto road and did 27612 not reach a storm drain 2310 Garner Rd, 2/16/2023 2/27/2023 Possible sediment discharge Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, 27610 10505 Crisp Dr, 2/16/2023 2/16/2023 Possible carpet cleaning Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, company discharging 27614 wastewater 7841 Alexander 2/21/2023 2/21/2023 Possible wastewater being Warning Letter None required Promenade PI, dumped out back door and Raleigh, NC, entering street 27617 7201 ACC Blvd, 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 Possible wastewater discharge Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27617 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 39 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 4011 Capital Blvd, 2/27/2023 2/27/2023 Mix used sewage waste Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, discharging out of multiple 27604 cleanouts 3800 Lake Boone 2/28/2023 2/28/2023 Private SSO flowing into storm Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Trl, Raleigh, NC, drain 27607 1300 Binley PI, 3/1/2023 3/2/2023 Film noted on stream Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27615 action taken Norris St, & Frank 3/2/2023 3/2/2023 Sediment/turbid water in Investigated and found not to be a None required St, Raleigh, NC, stream water quality concern; no further 27604 action taken 3517 Huntleigh Dr, 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Possible motor oil leak Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27604 action taken 1800 Generation 3/7/2023 3/7/2023 Staff found possible evidence Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, of a previous private SSO in a 27612 parking lot Jones Franklin Rd 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Slight discoloration and film on Investigated and found not to be a None required to 1-440, Raleigh, surface of water water quality concern; no further NC, 27606 action taken 8100 Brier Creek 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Possible non-PCB insulating oil Investigated and found not to be a Sweeping and removal Pkwy, Raleigh, leak water quality concern; no further NC, 27617 action taken 700 Beacon Lake 3/8/2023 3/8/2023 Hydraulic oil spill from SWS Summary Memorandum Vacuum and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, truck 27610 1241 Goode St, 3/9/2023 3/9/2023 Kitchen grease being dumped Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, into a stormwater inlet 27603 4120 Sedgewood 3/10/2023 3/10/2023 Construction contractors Warning Letter None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, dumping unknown fluid onto 27612 trees/natural area 6030 Stratton P1, 3/13/2023 3/13/2023 City of Raleigh SSO —4200 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, gallons discharge, with —4200 27609 gallons reaching surface waters Rev. 8.1.2022 40 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions Staghorn Ln & 3/17/2023 3/17/2023 Commercial vehicle fire, Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Buckhead Dr, fuel/oil/other engine fluids Raleigh, NC, discharged and entered a 27615 storm drain 2727 St Marys St, 3/18/2023 3/18/2023 Vehicle accident that toppled Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, pole mounted transformer and 27609 spilled insulating oil 307 N Bloodworth 3/23/2023 3/23/2023 Possible sewage discharging Investigated and found not to be a None required St, Raleigh, NC, across sidewalk water quality concern; no further 27601 action taken 1060 Corporation 3/28/2023 3/28/2023 Oil and other vehicle fluids Notice of Violation Planting and restoration Pkwy, Raleigh, washed into storm drain. NC, 27610 8005 Duck Creek 3/30/2023 3/30/2023 City of Raleigh SSO -728 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged with 528 27616 reaching surface waters. 2904 Fairview Rd, 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 Possible construction debris Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, dumping 27608 1505 Capital Blvd, 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 City of Raleigh SSO Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, approximately 675 gallons 27603 discharged, with all reaching surface waters 1551 Rock Quarry 4/4/2023 4/4/2023 Oil discharge from storage Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Rd, Raleigh, NC, areas 27610 3950 Fairsted Dr, 4/6/2023 4/6/2023 Discolored water in creek Investigated and found not to be a None Required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27612 action taken 4359 Six Forks 4/7/2023 4/10/2023 Unknown chemicals being Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Rd, Raleigh, NC, used and discharging into 27609 storm drain 2201 S Wilmington 4/7/2023 4/7/2023 Diesel spill throughout parking Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal St, Raleigh, NC, lot 27603 Rev. 8.1.2022 41 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 1629 Battery Dr, 4/13/2023 4/14/2023 Suspected illicit discharge into Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC 27610 Rocky Branch water quality concern; no further action taken 409 Harvard St, 4/13/2023 4/14/2023 Possible pool discharge Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27609 action taken 2537 S Saunders 4/13/2023 4/13/2023 Trash compactor leaking into Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal St, Raleigh, NC, parking lot and storm drain 27603 1406 Duplin Rd, 4/14/2023 4/14/2023 Possible dumping of paint in Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, the gutter that flows directly water quality concern; no further 27607 into the creek action taken 1431 Gavin St, 4/18/2023 4/18/2023 City of Raleigh SSO Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, approximately 3,500 gallons 27608 discharged, with about 3,000 reaching surface waters 513 E Lane St, 4/19/2023 4/19/2023 Smell coming from stormwater Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, discharge into sink hole after water quality concern; no further 27601 rain events action taken 9299 Glenwood 4/19/2023 4/19/2023 City of Raleigh SSO Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Ave, Raleigh, NC, approximately 1000 gallons 27617 were discharged, with all reaching surface waters Lake Boone Trail 4/21/2023 4/24/2023 Slight fuel spill on ground Warning Letter Vacuum and removal & I-440, Raleigh, NC, 27607 111 Bertie Dr, 4/21/2023 4/21/2023 Possible illicit discharge during Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, dry weather flow water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken 8401 Glenwood 4/21/2023 4/21/2023 City of Raleigh SSO Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Ave, Raleigh, NC, approximately 129,000 gallons 27612 were discharged, with about 7,000 gallons reaching surface waters. 913 S Blount St, 4/22/2023 4/25/2023 Possible offsite sediment Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27601 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 42 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 950 Peterson St, 4/25/2023 4/25/2023 The Rocky Branch and Central Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, Walnut Creek stream team water quality concern; no further 27610 identified a strong chemical action taken smell and oil in Walnut Creek at this location: 35.757685°N 78.624734°W 514 Ashe Ave, 4/26/2023 4/27/2023 Rocky Branch stream team Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, found a dry weather flow water quality concern; no further 27606 action taken 4012 The Oaks Dr, 4/28/2023 5/1/2023 Private SSO—under her deck Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, and in grassed areas 27606 200 W Davie St, 5/2/2023 5/2/2023 Styrofoam on patio and Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, curb/storm drains 27601 1853 Western 5/3/2023 5/3/2023 Unknown brown liquid floating Investigated and found not to be a None required Blvd, Raleigh, NC, on surface of stream water quality concern; no further 27606 action taken 8551 Glenwood 5/3/2023 5/3/2023 Private SSO entering storm Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Ave, Raleigh, NC, drain 27612 7300 Parott Dr, 5/4/2023 5/5/2023 The area of complaint where Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, they get an off and on flow of 27616 what looks and smells to be sewage at different times of the day. 1209 Chaney Rd, 5/5/2023 5/8/2023 Owner stated a small Warning Letter Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, transmission fluid leak 27606 4417 Antique Ln, 5/5/2023 5/5/2023 City of Raleigh SSO Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, approximately 1,850 gallons 27616 discharged, with all of the discharge reaching surface waters 6829 W Lake 5/9/2023 5/10/2023 Turbid water after rain event Investigated and found not to be a None required Anne Dr, Raleigh, water quality concern; no further NC, 27612 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 43 CS NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions Glascock St& 5/10/2023 5/11/2023 observed a potential private Investigated and found not to be a None required Wake Forest Rd, SSO water quality concern; no further Raleigh, NC, action taken 27604 712 Brooks Ave, 5/11/2023 5/12/2023 Milky white color in Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, Beaverdam-SW creek 27607 2801 Lineberry Dr, 5/11/2023 5/11/2023 Turned over street sweeper Summary Memorandum Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, discharged fuel and hydraulic 27603 fluid 6907 Coventry 5/11/2023 5/12/2023 Possible Sewage leak coming Investigated and found not to be a None required Ridge Rd, Raleigh, from 6907 Coventry Ridge water quality concern; no further NC, 27616 Road action taken 7700 Fiesta Way, 5/12/2023 5/13/2023 Petroleum product spilled to Warning Letter Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, road 27615 414 S Person St, 5/12/2023 5/13/2023 Styrofoam from construction in Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, curbline and storm drain 27601 8300 Meadow 5/12/2023 5/12/2023 Possible pool discharge Investigated and found not to be a None required Ridge Ct, Raleigh, water quality concern; no further NC, 27615 action taken 118 S Blount St, 5/13/2023 5/14/2023 Vehicle accident that toppled Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, pole mounted transformer and 27601 overhead transformer and spilled insulating oil —18 gallons 4010 Springfield 5/15/2023 5/17/2023 Potentially trash in storm drain Investigated and found not to be a None required Creek Dr, Raleigh, water quality concern; no further NC, 27616 action taken 615 Royal St, 5/15/2023 5/16/2023 Possible purple algae or purple Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, pollution water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 2805 Wilcox PI, 5/15/2023 5/16/2023 Possible sewage leak Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 44 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 3813 Beryl Rd, 5/15/2023 5/16/2023 Heavy flow out of outfall Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 307 Elm St, 5/16/2023 5/17/2023 Possible sewer odor at outfall Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27601 action taken 349 Tryon Rd, 5/17/2023 5/17/2023 Observed plumber making Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, repairs to grease interceptor, 27603 no active flow into the storm drain 3402 Hampton Rd, 5/17/2023 5/17/2023 PVC pipe discharged sanitary Notice of Violation Source removed; no additional Raleigh, NC, waste directly into creek remediation required 27607 4500 Gates St, 5/18/2023 5/18/2023 Dirt, sediment, and leaf debris Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, dumped into storm drain by 27609 contractors for the property owner 5501 Capital Blvd, 5/19/2023 5/19/2023 Grease dumped into storm Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, drain 27616 8004 Knebworth 5/23/2023 5/24/2023 Pressure wash water running Warning Letter None required Ct, Raleigh, NC, off into street 27613 _ 5444 Meryton Park 5/25/2023 5/25/2023 Possible leaking vehicle Investigated and found not to be a None required Way, Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27616 action taken 3505 Canter Ln, 5/31/2023 5/31/2023 Power washing wastewater Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, entering street 27604 5801 6/2/2023 6/5/2023 Construction debris washed Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Heatherbrook Cir, into storm drain Raleigh, NC, 27612 613 W Morgan St, 6/5/2023 6/6/2023 Potentially hazardous waste at Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, rear of abandoned building water quality concern; no further 27603 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 45 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions Intersection of 6/6/2023 6/6/2023 City of Raleigh SSO Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Millbrook& approximately 700 gallons Hargrove Road discharged with about 600 gallons reaching surface waters Interstate 440 East 6/7/2023 6/8/2023 Motor vehicle accident at Poole Referred to proper authority None required Bound ending at Rd and 1-440 Poole Road 400 Redwood Cir., 6/7/2023 6/7/2023 Potential concrete spill on road Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, and into the storm drain. 27609 4740 Archean 6/13/2023 6/13/2023 City of Raleigh SSO —6,624 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Way, Raleigh, NC, gallons with —3,000 gallons 27616 entering surface waters 5 E Edenton St, 6/16/2023 6/16/2023 Cleaning of food waste Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, containers over storm drains 27601 7700 Burwell St, 6/16/2023 6/16/2023 Wash water from center Summary Memorandum Temporarily blocked storm drain Raleigh, NC, vehicle wash bay is entering until structural repair can be 27615 into a stormwater catch basin, completed and discharges directly to surface waters 7550 Creedmoor 6/16/2023 6/16/2023 Obstructed storm drain inlet Unknown responsible party; City of Vacuum and removal Rd, Raleigh, NC, Raleigh remediated 27613 6500 Litchford Rd, 6/20/2023 6/22/2023 Complaint for public Nuisance Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, issues and possible sewer leak 27615 2104 Saturn St, 6/23/2023 6/23/2023 Vehicle fluid in curb line Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, 27603 7608 Birchmoor 6/23/2023 6/23/2023 Vehicle fluid discharged from Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Way, Raleigh, NC vehicle into parking lot 27616 7608 Birchmoor 6/23/2023 6/23/2023 Gasoline leak from vehicle and Notice of Violation Absorbent applied and removed Way, Raleigh, NC, into catchment 27616 Rev. 8.1.2022 46 CS NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 6305 Belle Crest 6/25/2023 6/26/2023 Potential Styrofoam packing Investigated and found not to be a None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, material enter the drainage water quality concern; no further 27612 system. action taken 12308 Dunard St, 6/26/2023 6/26/2023 Paint dumped into storm drain Unknown responsible party; City of Power washing with containment Raleigh, NC, Raleigh remediated 27614 714 Pershing Rd, 6/27/2023 6/27/2023 Sediment leaving property and Investigated and found not to be a Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, entering curb line water quality concern; no further 27608 action taken 902 Shellbrook Ct, 6/28/2023 6/28/2023 City of Raleigh SSO - 288 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged, with -100 27609 gallons reaching surface waters. 3800 Greywood 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 City of Raleigh SSO -57 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged with 57 27604 gallons entering surface waters. 1600 Curthay Ct, 6/30/2023 7/3/2023 SWS vehicle discharge -20 Summary Memorandum Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, gallons of hydraulic fluid, with 27610 -2 gallons reaching stormwater drain. 4821 River Stream 7/2/2023 7/3/2023 Carpet cleaning services Warning Letter None required Way, NC, 27616 potentially dumped wastewater into storm drain 2526 Hillsborough 7/3/2023 7/5/2023 Possible grease discharge Investigated and found not to be a Vacuum and removal St, Raleigh, NC, along sidewalk water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 200 W Davie St, 7/4/2023 7/5/2023 Potential construction debris Investigated and found not to be a Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27601 action taken 10 Montgomery St, 7/10/2023 7/11/2023 Potential erosion and offsite Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, sediment water quality concern; no further 27607 action taken 5400 Trinity Rd, 7/10/2023 7/11/2023 Offsite sediment due to Referred to proper authority None required Raleigh, NC, construction 27607 Rev. 8.1.2022 47 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address ReDceived ate Date Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 2331 Grant Ave, 7/11/2023 7/11/2023 Potential paint dumped in curb Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, line along Grant Avenue 27608 301 Shepherd St, 7/12/2023 7/12/2023 Concrete and sediment runoff Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Raleigh, NC, from construction site 27607 5655 New Bern 7/17/2023 7/17/2023 Potential white discharge in Investigated and found not to be a None required Avenue, Raleigh, ponds near New Bern Bridge water quality concern; no further NC 27610 and Neuse River action taken 6615 Falls of 7/17/2023 7/18/2023 Car wash wastewater entering Notice of Violation Berm construction Neuse Rd, storm system on property Raleigh, NC, 27615 7512 South 7/21/2023 7/21/2023 Sewer lateral service is broken, Notice of Violation Sewer lateral service repaired Tanglewild Dr, discharging into surface Raleigh, NC, waters. 27613 5700 Oak Forest 7/24/2023 7/24/2023 Fuel spill of belly tank from Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Dr, Raleigh, 27616 dump truck 1653 Extine Ln, 7/25/2023 7/25/2023 Potential motor oil discharging Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, to storm drain 27610 904 Ravenwood 7/26/2023 7/27/2023 Creek water has turned orange Investigated and found not to be a None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27606 action taken 6712 Millbridge Ct, 7/27/2023 7/27/2023 Potential SSO constantly Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, occurring water quality concern; no further 27615 action taken 5429 Kissimmee 7/27/2023 7/27/2023 Vehicle has motor oil Warning Letter Absorbent application Ln, Raleigh, NC, constantly leaked onto surface 27616 7900 Twin Oak Ct, 7/31/2023 7/31/2023 SSO —940 gallons discharged, Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, with 940 gallons reaching 27615 surface waters. 7840 Alexander 8/5/2023 8/8/2023 Pop-up car wash, not collecting Warning Letter None required Promenade PI, wastewater and discharge has potential to enter storm drain Rev. 8.1.2022 48 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions Raleigh, NC, 27617 Wild Wood Forest 8/7/2023 8/7/2023 Bucket of oil spilled at Unknown responsible party; City of Sweeping and removal Dr& Perry Creek intersection of Perry Creek Raleigh remediated Rd, Raleigh, NC, Road and Wildwood Forest 27616 Drive 7105 River Birch 8/8/2023 8/8/2023 Concrete slurry going into Notice of Violation Sweeping and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, storm drain 27613 3423 Streams of 8/8/2023 8/8/2023 Possible SSO from adjacent Investigated and found not to be a None required Fields Dr, Raleigh, property water quality concern; no further NC, 27604 action taken 12208 Breton Ln, 8/8/2023 8/9/2023 Noticed consecutive instances Warning Letter Dog waste bag removed Raleigh, NC, of dog waste being thrown into 27613 storm system 1825 Wilshire Ave, 8/8/2023 8/8/2023 Reported that paint had been Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, dumped into storm drain water quality concern; no further 27608 action taken 3428 Althorp Dr, 8/11/2023 8/14/2023 Potential chemicals, pollutants Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, and contaminants spilled on water quality concern; no further 27616 public street that may make action taken their way to storm water system. 500 Creekside Dr, 8/11/2023 8/14/2023 Soap suds observed at an Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, outfall along Crabtree Creek 27609 greenway W Cabarrus St& 8/15/2023 8/15/2023 Potential white substance in Investigated and found not to be a None required Rosengarten Aly, creek water quality concern; no further Raleigh, NC, action taken 27603 1115 Temple St, 8/16/2023 8/16/2023 City of Raleigh SSO - 3600 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged with all I 27609 reaching surface waters. E Cabarrus St & S 8/21/2023 8/21/2023 Drilling mud entered storm Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal East St, Raleigh, drain NC, 27601 Rev. 8.1.2022 49 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 112 Cox Ave, 8/22/2023 8/22/2023 Possible condensate creating Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, dry weather flow water quality concern; no further 27605 action taken 2609 Spring 8/22/2023 8/22/2023 City of Raleigh SSO —1750 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Forest Rd, gallons discharged, with all Raleigh, NC, going to surface waters. 27616 301 Glenwood 8/23/2023 8/23/2023 Potential grease overflow Warning Letter Vacuum and removal Ave, Raleigh, NC, 27603 701 Van Buren 8/24/2023 8/24/2023 Terrible smell coming from Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Rd, Raleigh, NC, creek due to possible City of 27604 Raleigh SSO 5617 Deblyn Ave, 8/24/2023 8/25/2023 Oak tree damaged power poles Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, resulting in one damaged pole 27612 mounted transformer. 701 Van Buren 8/24/2023 8/24/2023 City of Raleigh SSO —1500 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Rd, Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged with all 27604 being discharged to surface waters 4225 Glenwood - 8/26/2023 8/28/2023 Hoses running parallel to 1-440 Investigated and found not to be a None required Ave, Raleigh, NC, East near Crabtree Creek and water quality concern; no further 27612 _ _potentially discharging water action taken 5042 Tryon Rd, 8/27/2023 8/27/2023 City of Raleigh SSO —1900 Referred to proper authority Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, gallons discharged, with 1900 27606 gallons reaching surface waters 1550 N Raleigh - 8/28/2023 8/28/2023 Sanitary sewer spill from Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Blvd, Raleigh, NC, cleanout— blockage removal 27610 performed by Raleigh Water 1603 Hillsborough 8/30/2023 8/30/2023 Possible chlorinated pool Investigated and found not to be a None required St, Raleigh, NC, discharge water quality concern; no further 27605 action taken 2611 Churchill Rd, 8/30/2023 8/31/2023 Possible pool dewatering Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27608 action taken Rev. 8.1.2022 50 CS NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 4225 Woodlawn 8/30/2023 8/31/2023 Trash can potentially washed Investigated and found not to be a None required Dr, Raleigh, NC, out every Wednesday into water quality concern; no further 27616 storm system. action taken 810 Suffolk Blvd, 8/30/2023 8/31/2023 16" Corrugated Pipe sticking Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal Raleigh, NC, out of ground with discharge 27603 that has foul odor 5429 Kissimmee 9/5/2023 9/6/2023 Potential oil spill in road Investigated and found not to be a None required Ln, Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27616 action taken S King Charles Rd 9/6/2023 9/6/2023 - 100 gallons of fuel discharged Notice of Violation Vacuum and removal & Kennedy St, to street; no storm drains Raleigh, NC, currently affected 27610 6221 Litchford 9/11/2023 9/11/2023 Paint thinner discharged into Notice of Violation Excavation and removal Forest Ln, NC, drain 27615 Pine Barren Ln, 9/13/2023 9/13/2023 Possible motor oil being Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, discharged into road water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken 4309 Auburn Hills 9/16/2023 9/18/2023 Tenant dumped landscaping Warning Letter Sweeping and removal Dr, Raleigh, NC, material into storm drain. 27616 7505 Wilderness 9/19/2023 9/19/2023 Vehicle fluid(s) potentially Investigated and found not to be a Sweeping and removal of Rd, Raleigh, NC, leaking and possibly going into water quality concern; no further remaining oil spot on road. 27613 storm drain action taken _ 3926 Marcom St, 9/19/2023 9/20/2023 Paint potentially dumped onto Warning Letter None required Raleigh, NC, ground/inside a corrugated 27606 pipe _ 2709 Dahlgreen 9/20/2023 9/21/2023 Neighbor, who owns a power Warning Letter None required Rd, Raleigh, NC, washing company, is 27615 potentially discharging wastewater to the curb and it is entering the nearby storm drain 6685 Falls of 9/25/2023 9/25/2023 Potentially washing dumpsters Investigated and found not to be a None required Neuse Rd, out with chemicals and the water quality concern; no further Raleigh, NC, wash water is entering storm action taken 27615 drain Rev. 8.1.2022 51 CS NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Address R Date Date eived Responded Description Enforcement Remediation Actions 4008 Laurel Hills 9/28/2023 9/28/2023 Potential hydraulic oil spill Investigated and found not to be a None required Rd, Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27612 action taken 5438 Allen Dr, 9/29/2023 9/29/2023 Oily film reported in creek Investigated and found not to be a None required Raleigh, NC, water quality concern; no further 27610 action taken SWS = Solid Waste Services SSO=Sanitary Sewer Overflow D.3 Program Assessment Staff continue to meet all IDDE permit requirements. Staff completed 200 site investigations during the reporting period- an approximate 10% increase from the previous year. These investigations revealed a decrease of approximately 15% and 60% in City of Raleigh SSOs and private SSOs respectively, along with a 50% decrease in fats, oils, and grease (FOG)discharge sources. The increase in investigations and decrease in SSOs and FOG discharge sources may be a result of increased staff and public awareness due to the effectiveness of the City's Education and Outreach program. Conversely, staff noted an approximate 60% increase in oil/automotive source pollutants which tend to be associated with vehicle accidents and maintenance activities. Staff is considering focused outreach in the coming year to address these sources and target audiences. Staff review of the previous reporting year's activities and processes on January 6, 2023 did not warrant any immediate changes to the program. Staff reviewed and updated all program plans and SOPs in April 2023 and completed the self-audit in May 2023. The self-audit did not identify any gaps in compliance. A new position approved in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget and hired during the next reporting period will split responsibilities between this program and the Water Quality Monitoring program. This will add staff capacity to further assist with response, investigation, and outfall inspections for IDDE, as well as increase staff support for monitoring. In anticipation of the City's new permit, staff continue efforts to update the Major Outfall Inventory to remove outfalls located outside the City limits and located within other MS4s (i.e. NCSU and NCDOT). Rev. 8.1.2022 52 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section E: Construction Site Runoff Controls E.1 Program Narrative The City has implemented construction site runoff controls (erosion and sediment control) since the 1970s. This program is delegated to the City with oversight by NCDEQ. The City erosion and sediment control ordinance provides legal authority for the program in the City corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) area and is updated when necessary to meet NCDEQ's minimum requirements. Ordinance changes are noticed and subject to public hearing prior to adoption, as described in Section C. The program includes plan review, permitting, inspection, education, and enforcement activities to control construction site runoff. For all projects that disturb greater than one acre, an NPDES construction permit is required; that application should be made to NCDEQ for permit coverage. In addition, all publicly funded projects that disturb more than one acre are required to obtain Erosion and Sediment Control plan approval through NCDEQ. The City also regularly receives and responds to calls and concerns from citizens related to runoff from construction sites. E.2 Best Management Practices Table E-1 includes a brief description of the Construction Site Runoff Controls best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Rev. 8.1.2022 53 °C $ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table E-1: Construction Site Runoff Controls Metrics and Results Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section E.2 (a) Implement standard Implement standard Report number of Inspections: 13,673 The permittee has a construction site inspection construction site inspection inspections and NOVs: 27 delegated or authorized procedures. procedures. enforcement activities Civil Penalties: 1 Sediment and Erosion conducted Control Program. As such, Perform erosion and sediment Perform erosion and sediment to the extent authorized by control plan reviews. control plan reviews. law, the permittee is responsible for compliance Perform enforcement activities, Perform enforcement activities, with the Sediment if necessary. if necessary. Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Evaluate the program Evaluate the program Title 15A of the North effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and Carolina Administrative notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Code. The delegated or Manager of program Manager of program authorized Sediment and modifications. modifications. Erosion Control Program effectively meets the MEP standard for Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development as authorized under the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Rev. 8.1.2022 54 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section E.2 (b) Perform construction site Perform construction site N/A, see reporting metrics I N/A The NCG010000 permit inspections for the erosion and inspections for the erosion and in SWMP Table 7 and Part establishes requirements sediment control program and sediment control program and II Section E.2 (a)and Part II for construction site appropriate enforcement appropriate enforcement Section D.2 (f)of the permit operators to control waste activities that meet activities that meet such as discarded building requirements of Part II Section requirements of Part II Section materials, concrete truck E.2 (a), if necessary. E.2 (a), if necessary. washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the Perform illicit discharge Perform illicit discharge construction site that may investigations when reported by investigations when reported by cause adverse impacts to City staff or residents. City staff or residents. water quality. Part II Section E.2 (c)The Evaluate the program Evaluate the program permittee shall provide and effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and promote a means for the notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality public to notify the Manager of program Manager of program appropriate authorities of modifications. modifications. observed erosion and sedimentation problems. The permittee may implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDEQ "Stop Mud" hotline (1-866- STOPMUD) to meet the requirements of this paragraph. Rev. 8.1.2022 55 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section E.2 (c) Maintain the stormwater Maintain the stormwater N/A, see reporting metrics N/A The permittee shall administration helpline to administration helpline to in SWMP Table 5 and Part provide and promote a receive public reports. receive public reports. II Section B.2 (c)and (e) of means for the public to the permit notify the appropriate Evaluate the program Evaluate the program authorities of observed effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and erosion and sedimentation notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality problems. The permittee Manager of program Manager of program may implement a plan modifications. modifications. promoting the existence of the NCDEQ "Stop Mud" hotline (1-866- STOPMUD) to meet the requirements of this paragraph. Part II Section E.2 (d) Coordinate with NCDEQ for Coordinate with NCDEQ for Report number of plans that 18 For new development and development and development and required NCDEQ redevelopment projects to redevelopment projects by redevelopment projects by coordination for entities with be built within the entities with eminent domain entities with eminent domain eminent domain authority permittee's planning authority, if necessary. This authority, if necessary. This jurisdiction by entities with includes land-disturbing includes land-disturbing eminent domain authority, activities conducted by local, activities conducted by local, the permittee shall, to the state, or United States state, or United States maximum extent governments or entities with the governments or entities with the practicable, coordinate the power of eminent domain (e.g., power of eminent domain (e.g., approval of the public utilities), which remain public utilities), which remain construction site runoff under jurisdiction of the Division under jurisdiction of the Division control with the DEMLR. of Energy, Mineral, and Land of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR). Resources (DEMLR). Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 56 C ) NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 E.3 Program Assessment The Construction Site Runoff Control Program continued to meet all permit requirements this reporting period despite conducting fewer routine inspections than in previous reporting periods. The decrease in routine inspections could be due to program staff turn-over earlier in the reporting period; the program has since become fully staffed and it is expected that routine inspections and site compliance throughout the City will subsequently increase. The program has created three separate inspection groups with dedicated experienced managers supervising each group to improve enforcement efficiency as development throughout Raleigh continues to increase. Staff continue to issue Notice of Violations and civil penalties; non-traditional enforcement tools such as withholding Certificate of Occupancy, preventing building permit issuance, and halting trade inspections are also being utilized to achieve site compliance. Staff continue to document inspection and enforcement procedures and make changes to the UDO to improve overall program effectiveness and compliance. Rev. 8.1.2022 57 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section F: Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls F.1 Program Narrative The City's post-construction site runoff controls remain in compliance with the City's MS4 permit through the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy and Water Supply Watershed programs. The City implements the Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy (15A NCAC 2B .0235)throughout the corporate limits and ETJ area of Raleigh. Water Supply Watershed IV(WS-IV) Programs (15A NCAC 2H .0216) are implemented in the Falls Lake and Richland Creek watersheds. A Water Supply Watershed III (WS-III) Program (15A NCAC 2B .0215) is implemented in the Swift Creek watershed. The City's post-construction site runoff controls are deemed compliant with the implementation of the above-mentioned program measures. The controls are enforced through the City Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Stormwater Design Manual, which are at least as stringent as state requirements. The City provides mechanisms to record deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure ongoing maintenance of post-construction stormwater control measures (SCMs). The City has also set up a private maintenance policy for owners of private properties with post- construction SCMs. Every year, the private property owner must have a licensed professional engineer, landscape architect, or licensed surveyor certify that the SCM is functioning properly and must send that certification to the City. If these inspections and certifications are not made, then notification and enforcement actions (including issuance of civil penalties) are taken. The maintenance activities required for each SCM are outlined in an operation and maintenance plan, which is approved during the design review process. The City also provides educational materials and training for developers on requirements for new development, redevelopment, and SCM construction and maintenance. F.2 Best Management Practices Table F-1 includes a brief description of the Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Rev. 8.1.2022 58 $C4 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table F-1: Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls Metrics and Results Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/BMP Part II Section Review the UDO and Review UDO and Stormwater N/A, see reporting metrics in N/A F.2 (a) Stormwater Design Manual Design Manual annually and make SWMP Table 4 and Part II Section Post- annually and make documents available for A of the permit construction documents available to developers and construction site stormwater developers and construction operators. management site operators. program Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and notify effectiveness annually and the Water Quality Manager of notify the Water Quality program modifications. Manager of program modifications. Part II Section Maintain the UDO and Maintain the UDO and Stormwater Report number of sites with SCMs 1,259 F.2 (b) Stormwater Design Manual Design Manual so that the City Strategies which so that the City requirements requirements are at least as Report number of sites where SCM 1,130 include SCMs are at least as stringent as stringent as the minimum inspections have been received appropriate for the minimum requirements in requirements in 15A NCAC 02H Report SCM enforcement activities 18 NOVs issued; the MS4 15A NCAC 02H .1000 and .1000 and make documents $37,500 in civil make documents available to available to developers and penalties developers and construction construction site operators. site operators. Review annually the SCM Review annually the SCM Inspections Program Plan and Inspections Program Plan update, if necessary. and update, if necessary. Implement SCM inspection and Implement the SCM maintenance program. inspection and maintenance program. Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and notify Evaluate the program the Water Quality Manager of effectiveness annually and program modifications. notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 59 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/B M P Part II Section Develop covenant template Continue to develop covenant Verify that mechanisms such as I Plat maps and F.2 (c) for single-owner SCMs. template for single-owner SCMs. recorded deed restrictions, plats, maintenance Deed restriction and/or protective covenants are easements are and protective Maintain recording Maintain recording mechanisms for provided so that development mechanisms utilized covenants mechanisms for deed deed restrictions and protective activities maintain the project to ensure SCMs are restrictions and protective covenants. consistent with approved plans maintained and covenants. consistent with the Evaluate the program approved plans Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and notify effectiveness annually and the Water Quality Manager of notify the Water Quality program modifications. Manager of program modifications. Part II Section Require submittal of Require submittal of operation and Report number of sites with newly 112 F.2 (d) operation and maintenance maintenance plan(s) prior to approved operation and Operation and plan(s) prior to Certificate of certificate of occupancy issuance maintenance plans at time of plan maintenance Occupancy issuance and and maintain records of each plan. review plan maintain records of each plan. Evaluate the program effectiveness and notify the Water Evaluate the program Quality Manager of program effectiveness annually and modifications. notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Part II Section Review annually developer Review annually developer training Report types of fact sheets, Web-based; Web- F.2 (e) training and outreach and outreach materials and educational brochures, and other based materials: Educational materials and update, as update, as needed. materials made available to Annual Inspection materials and needed. developers requirements, As- training for Conduct training for developers. Built requirements, developers Conduct training for Outreach centered developers. Evaluate the program around Stormwater effectiveness annually and notify Design Manual Evaluate the program the Water Quality Manager of Update and Neuse effectiveness annually and program modifications. Rules Change Rev. 8.1.2022 60 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/B M P notify the Water Quality Report training events held for On 4/20/2023, Manager of program developers and number of Stormwater held a modifications. participants webinar for the Notify the Water Quality design community Manager of program focused on the modifications. updated Neuse Rules with over 100 individuals attending, representing 50 companies and/or organizations. Quarterly development stakeholder meetings were also held (avg. 12 participants per meeting). Rev. 8.1.2022 61 °C ;$ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 F.3 Program Elements Table F-2 includes a brief description of additional Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls program elements required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table F-2: Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls Program Element Metrics and Results Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/BMP Part II Section Review annually the DEQ Review annually the DEQ Report whether UDO was updated (Y/N) Y; see Part II F.3 model ordinance and model ordinance and Section A.1 Design post- regulations for changes regulations for changes construction affecting the City's post- affecting the City's post- practices that construction practices. construction practices. meet or exceed Incorporate and submit Incorporate and submit state rules revisions to DEQ for revisions to DEQ for approval, as needed. approval, as needed. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 62 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/BMP Part II Section Maintain SWMP Table 1, Maintain SWMP Table 1, N/A, see SWMP Table 2 and 4, and Part II N/A F.4 which identifies City receiving which identifies City Section A.1. of the permit Implement waters, including NSW and receiving waters, including additional Water Supply Watershed NSW and Water Supply requirements for designations. Watershed designations. sensitive receiving waters Implement the Neuse River Implement the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Waters Management Strategy throughout the City's Strategy throughout the corporate limits and ETJ City's corporate limits and area. Implement Water ETJ area. Implement Water Supply Watershed rules in Supply Watershed rules in designated watersheds. designated watersheds. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality notify the Water Quality Manager of program Manager of program modifications. modifications. Part II Section Maintain UDO and Maintain UDO and N/A, see reporting metrics in Table 9 and N/A F.5 Stormwater Design Manual Stormwater Design Manual 11 of the SWMP and Part II Section F.2 Meet post- and make documents and make documents (b) and Part II Section G.2 (g) of the construction available all City available all City permit requirements for Departments. Departments. projects performed by Review annually the Asset Review annually the Asset permittee Management SCM Operation Management SCM Rev. 8.1.2022 63 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/B M P & Maintenance Plan and Operation & Maintenance Number of City projects approved for post- 16 update, if necessary. Plan and update, if construction compliance necessary. Implement SCMs and dams asset management program. Implement SCMs and dams asset management Evaluate the program program. effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality Evaluate the program Manager of program effectiveness annually and modifications. notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Part II Section Maintain UDO and Maintain UDO and N/A, see reporting metrics in SWMP Table N/A F.6 Stormwater Design Manual Stormwater Design Manual 4 and 9 and Part II Section F.2 (b) and SCM water and make documents and make documents Part II Section A.1 of the permit quality design available for developers and available for developers volume will construction site operators. and construction site account for operators. runoff at build Evaluate the program out effectiveness annually and Evaluate the program notify the Water Quality effectiveness annually and Manager of program notify the Water Quality modifications. Manager of program modifications. Part II Section Document design Document design Report the number of linear projects with 2 F.7 requirements for linear requirements for linear an approved design that will be conveyed Non-NCDOT projects that will be conveyed projects that will be to NCDOT linear to NCDOT demonstrating conveyed to NCDOT transportation consistency with current City demonstrating consistency projects meet practices. with current City practices. post- Implement guidance for Implement guidance for construction NCDOT projects. NCDOT projects. requirements Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness and notify the effectiveness and notify the Water Quality Manager of Water Quality Manager of program modifications. program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 64 C ) NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 F.4 Program Assessment During FY2022-2023 the Stormwater Plan Review group maintained a full staff and continued to meet all permit requirements. The updates to the Neuse Rules were incorporated into the UDO and became effective on 5/1/2023. Work on the updated Stormwater Design Manual resumed and a public draft was released in September 2023. Staff continued to make improvements to existing internal checklists and SOPs while approving more plans than the previous reporting year. The SCM Inspections program has improved staff capacity this reporting period by filling vacant positions. While the number of sites with SCMs and inspections increased during the reporting period, staff were able to maintain the same compliance rate across all SCM sites. Staff will continue to regularly review the program plan, and further develop SOPs to expand program effectiveness and operation with the extra support from the newly filled full-time staff positions. Staff aims to continue effectively administering the program, as well as improving enforcement efforts to increase overall compliance with the program. Rev. 8.1.2022 65 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section G: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations G.1 Program Narrative The Stormwater Management Division has developed and implemented a facility inventory, inspection program, Site Pollution Prevention Plans (SPPPs) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), spill response guidance, and staff training to prevent or mitigate pollution from municipal facilities and operations. The City also inspects and maintains municipally-owned SCMs and the storm sewer system to assess and maintain its condition. G.2 Best Management Practices Table G-1 includes a brief description of the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table G-1: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Metrics and Results Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section G.2 (a) Review the inventory Review the inventory Report inventory of 30 facilities; see Table G-2 Inventory of municipal facilities annually and update, as annually and update, as facilities determined to below and operations needed, based on needed, based on have significant potential changes in municipal changes in municipal for generating polluted facilities and operations. facilities and stormwater runoff operations. Maintain and update Report number of Total: inventory of municipally- Maintain and update municipal SCMs by type Wet Pond: 4 owned SCMs. inventory of (requiring annual Underground Detention: 3 municipally-owned inspection) Swale: 1 Evaluate the program SCMs. Sand Filter: 1 effectiveness annually and Cistern: 0 notify the Water Quality Evaluate the program Permeable Pavement: 0 Manager of program effectiveness annually Level Spreader w/ Filter modifications. and notify the Water Strip: 3 Quality Manager of Green Roof: 0 program modifications. Filterra: 13 Dry Pond: 8 Wetland: 7 Bioretention: 19 Rev. 8.1.2022 66 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section G.2 (b) Review annually the Asset Review annually the Report number of 117 facilities were inspected Inspection and maintenance Management SCM Asset Management facilities inspected program for municipal facilities Operations and SCM Operations and and operations Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Plan and Report corrective actions One summary memorandum Industrial Facility Industrial Facility taken at municipal was sent to facility contacts; Inspection Program Plan Inspection Program facilities or operations SPPP was updated, training guidance and update, as Plan guidance and completed, and inspections needed. update, as needed. resumed Inspect and document Inspect and document municipal facility municipal facility inspections, including any inspections, including corrective actions. any corrective actions. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually notify the Water Quality and notify the Water Manager of program Quality Manager of modifications. program modifications. Part II Section G.2 (c) Review annually facility Review annually facility Report number of 30 facilities have SPPPs for municipal facilities SPPPs/SWPPPs with SPPPs/SWPPPs with facilities within the City SWPPPs/SPPPs in either facility owning facility owning corporate limits with complete or draft form departments and update, departments and SPPPs/SWPPPs as needed. update, as needed. Develop SPPPs/SWPPPs Develop for newly identified SPPPs/SWPPPs for facilities, if necessary. newly identified facilities, if necessary. Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and Evaluate the program notify the Water Quality effectiveness annually Manager of program and notify the Water modifications. Quality Manager of program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 67 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section G.2 (d) Review facility, operation, Review facility, Report number of spill A city-wide spill response Spill response procedures for and Citywide spill operation, and Citywide response procedures document was reviewed and municipal facilities and response procedures and spill response developed/updated updated in August 2023 operations update, if necessary. procedures annually and update, as needed. Notify the Water Quality Manager of program Evaluate the program modifications. effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Part II Section G.2 (e) Review procedures for Review procedures for Report number of high 8 Prevent or minimize vehicle and equipment vehicle and equipment priority facilities contamination of stormwater cleaning operations cleaning operations performing vehicle and runoff from all areas used for annually and update, as annually and update, as equipment cleaning vehicle and equipment cleaning needed. needed. operations Report actions taken to Stormwater staff have Evaluate the program Evaluate the program prevent or minimize inspected all facilities where effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually stormwater runoff from vehicle and equipment cleaning notify the Water Quality and notify the Water vehicle and equipment occur. Several facilities have Manager of program Quality Manager of cleaning and maintain oil/water modifications. program modifications. separators, and SPPPs or SWPPPs have been completed or are in final draft form for these facilities. Rev. 8.1.2022 68 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Report number of Stormwater staff have facilities with three or inspected all fire stations with fewer fire trucks three or fewer fire trucks and undergoing renovations ambulances during this that will include structural reporting year. The City's measures to prevent Stormwater Design Manual is wash water from entering currently being updated and the storm sewer system includes draft language to to the extent feasible include structural measures to prevent wash water at all new facilities with three or fewer fire trucks and ambulances. No facilities are undergoing renovation. One new fire station is currently being designed and will be reviewed by Stormwater staff prior to approval. Part II Section G.2 (f) Document street, road, Document street, road, Report maintenance 7,975 miles swept Streets, roads, and public and public parking lot and public parking lot activities completed in the parking lots maintenance BMPs in the MS4 BMPs in the MS4 previous fiscal year Operation and Operation and Maintenance Plan. Maintenance Plan. Implement BMPs to Implement BMPs to reduce polluted reduce polluted stormwater runoff from stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets, municipally-owned roads, and public parking streets, roads, and lots. public parking lots. Evaluate the program Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and effectiveness annually notify the Water Quality and notify the Water Manager of program Quality Manager of modifications. program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 69 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section G.2 (g) Review annually the MS4 Review annually the Report number of 59; all City-owned regulatory Inspection and Maintenance Operation and MS4 Operation and municipal SCMs compliance SCMs installed (I&M)for municipally-owned or Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Plan and inspected prior to this reporting period maintained stormwater control Asset Management SCM Asset Management have been inspected and measures (SCMs) and the storm Operation and SCM Operation and certified reports are pending sewer system. Maintenance Plan, and Maintenance Plan, and submittal revise, as needed. revise, as needed. Report number of storm Number of bridges inspected: 6 sewer conveyance Review annually the Asset Implement inspection system components Number of crossline Management SCM and maintenance inspected conveyances (culverts) Operation and programs documented inspected: 2,289 Maintenance Plan, and in the MS4 Operation revise, as needed. and Maintenance Plan Linear footage of drainage and Asset Management system that has had CCTV Establish service level SCM Operation and inspection: 76,559 agreements (SLAs)with Maintenance Plan. facility owning Linear footage of drainage departments address Review existing SLAs system that has had pole shared ownership and and coordinate with camera inspection: 461,790 maintenance facility owning responsibilities and departments, if Number of catch basins outstanding maintenance necessary. inspected:742 needs for SCMs located at municipal facilities. Evaluate the program Number of junctions inspected: effectiveness annually 13 Rev. 8.1.2022 70 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Review existing SLAs and and notify the Water Report maintenance and Number of storm assets flushed coordinate with facility Quality Manager of repair actions and/or vacuumed: 868 owning departments, if program modifications. Linear feet of stormwater pipe necessary. flushed and/or vacuumed: 26,222 Implement inspection and maintenance programs Number of crossline documented in the MS4 conveyances (culverts) Operation and maintained: 2,772 Maintenance Plan and Asset Management SCM Number of inlet/junction tops Operation and reset: 517 Maintenance Plan. Number of inlets/junctions Evaluate the program maintained: 1,106 effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality Number of pipes Manager of program repaired/replaced:56 modifications. Linear feet or channels redefined:1,240 Number of bridges repaired:12 Number of culverts repaired:2 Number of catch basins repaired: 86 Number of junctions repaired:12 Rev.8.1.2022 71 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section G.2 (h) Review annually and Review annually and Report types of training 229 City staff completed the Staff training implement the Education, implement the provided and number of PPGH training module via the Outreach, and Public Education, Outreach, staff who completed City's iLearn and Involvement Plan, in and Public Involvement PPGH training SuccessFactors portals. conjunction with Part II Plan, in conjunction Section D.2 (d) in Table 7, with Part II Section D.2 which documents the (d) in Table 7, which employee training documents the program, including who employee training should receive training, program, including who types of training, and should receive training, frequency. types of training, and frequency. Conduct employee training and document attendance. Conduct employee training and document Evaluate the program attendance. effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality Evaluate the program Manager of program effectiveness annually modifications. and notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Rev.8.1.2022 72 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table G-2: PPGH inventory of facilities that have significant potential to generate polluted stormwater runoff Facility Name Facility Owning Department Lake Woodard (PUD) Raleigh Water Northeast Remote Operations (Burwell St) Vehicle Field Services/Parks COR Paratransit Operations Facility Transportation Downtown Remote Operations Engineering Services/Transportation Raleigh Transit Operations Facility Go Raleigh New Bern Avenue Maintenance Facility Raleigh Fire Department/Engineering Services Solid Waste-Wilders Grove Service Center Solid Waste Services Yard Waste Facility Solid Waste, Yard Waste Facility Buffaloe Road Athletic Park Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Walnut Creek Park North Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Ridge Road Pool Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Raleigh Fire Department Facility#1 Raleigh Fire Department Mt. Herman Rd Operation Facility Transportation Biltmore Hills Park Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Millbrook-Exchange Park Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Pullen Park Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Optimist Park Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Longview Pool Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility Raleigh Water E. M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant Raleigh Water Raleigh Union Station Transportation Bain Odor Control Station Raleigh Water Lake Johnson Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Dorothea Dix Park Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Keeter Training Center Raleigh Fire Department Marsh Creek Facility Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Walnut Creek Odor Control and Pump Station Raleigh Water Crabtree Creek Odor Control & Pump Station Raleigh Water Rev.8.1.2022 73 1C ;$ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Facility Name Facility Owning Department Marsh Creek Odor Control Station Raleigh Water Buffaloe Road Odor Control Station Raleigh Water G.3 Program Assessment Staff continue to meet PPGH permit requirements. Throughout the past year, staff have completed more than 77 site investigations, which is approximately a 14% increase from the previous year. All 30 City-wide high priority facilities were inspected at least once; additional inspections include return inspections and/or follow-up on high priority sites and low-priority facilities (defined by low potential to generate stormwater pollution). One summary memorandum was distributed that resulted in the fulfillment of Site Pollution Prevention Plan requirement deficiencies. All City-owned regulatory compliance SCMs installed prior to this reporting period have been inspected with certified reports pending submittal. An earlier inspection schedule may be implemented to ensure inspections correspond with reporting annual timeframes. Lastly, the SCM O&M Plan was reviewed during this reporting year and minor updates were completed. Section H: Program to Monitor and Evaluate Stormwater Discharges to Municipal Systems H.1 Program Narrative The City maintains an inventory of permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities; industrial facilities that are subject to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA); and industrial facilities identified with an industrial activity permitted to discharge stormwater to the City MS4. The City's program prioritizes and inspects City-owned facilities with NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits annually and privately-owned facilities with NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits at least once every three years. Non-exposure sites permitted through NCDEQ are inspected once every permit cycle. If significant non-compliance is found at a permitted facility or if compliance with the permit does not result in adequate control of pollutants to the MS4, City staff will contact NCDEQ to report the issue. If an illicit discharge is discovered during the inspection of a permitted facility, the City will take enforcement action to resolve the problems leading to non-compliance. H.2 Best Management Practices Table H-1 includes a brief description of the Program to Monitor and Control Pollutants in Storm Water Discharges to Municipal Systems best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-203. Rev. 8.1.2022 74 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table H-1: Program to Monitor and Control Pollutants in Storm Water Discharges to Municipal Systems Metrics and Results Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Reference/BMP Part II Section Review at least once per permit cycle Review at least once per permit cycle the Report number of 71 H.2 (a) Maintain the industrial facility inventory and industrial facility inventory and update, as industrial facilities an inventory of update, as needed. needed. identified within the industrial City's corporate limits facilities Evaluate the program effectiveness Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality annually and notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Manager of program modifications. Part II Section Review annually the Industrial Facility Review annually the Industrial Facility Report number of 71 H.2 (b) Inspection Program Plan and update Inspection Program Plan and update facility inspections Inspection inspection guidance and checklists, if inspection guidance and checklists, if conducted program necessary. necessary. Identify program City-owned priorities facilities - inspected Review inspections results and Review inspections results and identify annually; Privately identify program priorities, as needed. program priorities, if necessary. owned facilities at Evaluate the program effectiveness Evaluate the program effectiveness tease hreo every annually and notify the Water Quality annually and notify the Water Quality e yeece ars (and moron Manager of program modifications. Manager of program modifications. more typically an annual basis as staff capacity allows); Non- exposure sites inspected once every permit cycle Part II Section Conduct inspection activities based on Conduct inspection activities based on Report number of 9 H.2 (c) Evaluate established procedures documented established procedures documented in deficiencies identified industrial in City guidance and checklists. City guidance and checklists. and forwarded to DEQ facilities Report number of illicit 1 discharging Evaluate the program effectiveness Evaluate the program effectiveness discharges identified at stormwater to annually and notify the Water Quality annually and notify the Water Quality industrial facilities the City's MS4 Manager of program modifications. Manager of program modifications. H.3 Program Assessment Staff continued to meet all permit requirements to monitor and control pollutants in stormwater discharges to municipal systems. Within the reporting period all industrial sites located within the City's jurisdiction were visited and evaluated by staff, as documented with inspection Rev. 8.1.2022 75 °C ;$ NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 reports and photos. As in previous years, staff met and reviewed the previous reporting year's activities and processes on January 6, 2023, and did not recommend any immediate changes. The self-audit completed in May 2023 did not identify any gaps in compliance. In June 2023, staff reviewed and updated all program plans and SOPs. A shared calendar has been implemented for tracking potential compliance concerns referred to NCDEQ. No substantial changes to program implementation will be made per the reviews and assessment. Section I: Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring 1.1 Program Narrative The City has developed and implemented a Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan that identifies monitoring locations, a monitoring schedule, monitoring parameters, sample data analysis, and data evaluation and assessment. 1.2 Best Management Practices Table I-1 includes a brief description of the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Table I-1: Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Metrics and Results Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Reference/BMP Part II Section 1.2 (a) Review annually the Review annually the Report updates and Updated file storage location and Water Quality Water Quality Water Quality revisions to the Water record keeping information. Assessment and Assessment and Assessment and Quality Assessment and Submitted Plan to NCDEQ on Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plan and Monitoring Plan and Monitoring Plan and the date 5/9/2023. update, as needed. update as needed. submitted to NCDEQ, if Evaluate the program applicable Evaluate the program effectiveness annually effectiveness annually and notify the Water and notify the Water Quality Manager of Quality Manager of program modifications. program modifications. Part II Section 1.2 (b) Conduct water quality Conduct water quality Report number of stream 18 Water quality monitoring and data monitoring and data sites monitored monitoring evaluation as evaluation, as documented in the Water documented in the Water Rev. 8.1.2022 76 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Reference/BMP Quality Assessment and Quality Assessment and Report number of samples 1200 Monitoring Plan. Monitoring Plan. collected Provide the current Provide the current Water Quality Water Quality Assessment and Assessment and Monitoring Plan to Monitoring Plan to Report parameters analyzed Total suspended solids, ammonia, NCDEQ, if revised. NCDEQ, if revised. total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate/nitrite, total nitrogen (sum of Evaluate the program Evaluate the program TKN and NO3/NO2, not collected effectiveness annually effectiveness annually in the field), calcium, copper, and notify the Water and notify the Water magnesium, total phosphorus, Quality Manager of Quality Manager of zinc, total hardness, turbidity, E. program modifications. program modifications. coli 1.3: Program Assessment The Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring program continues to fulfill permit requirements. The Assessment and Monitoring Plan was reviewed and updated on January 12, 2023. Changes were made to reflect the updated file storage location of monitoring data. The Plan was submitted to NCDEQ on May 9, 2023. Staff sampled the same 18 long-term watershed monitoring locations during this reporting period. 1,200 samples were collected, an increase from last reporting period due to the timing of an additional quarterly sampling event falling within this reporting period. Data analysis revealed high geometric mean concentrations of total nitrogen at two sites (Pigeon House Branch and Rocky Branch). Both watersheds are highly urbanized and elevated TN concentrations could be due to pet waste or fertilizer runoff. Ammonia as Nitrogen (NH3)analysis resulted in 90% of samples reporting as non-detects with a practical quantification limit (PQL) of 0.1 mg/L. Of the 10% of samples not reported as non-detect, Richland Creek's median value was highest of all sites (0.12 mg/L). Total phosphorus (TP)analysis resulted in a majority of samples (-80%) reported as non-detects with a PQL of 0.05 mg/L. Little Brier Creek and Crabtree Creek had the highest TP concentrations across the reporting period. Similarly, elevated TSS and turbidity concentrations were reported for both sites. Little Brier Creek had the highest median value of TSS and turbidity of all 18 sites; this watershed is a rapidly developing area and data point to sediment being a concern in this watershed. During this reporting period, a total copper analysis was performed to evaluate historical data and investigate potential correlation between TSS, turbidity and total copper to better understand potential sources in Pigeon House Branch. No strong linear correlation was observed when a regression analysis was performed between constituents. Correlation coefficients for total copper and turbidity, and total copper and TSS were —0.6 and —0.5 respectively, indicating further evaluation would be warranted to fully understand copper sources. Rev. 8.1.2022 77 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report XXX Permit No. NCS000245 Results of the self-audit, completed in May 2023, suggest staff should prepare to update the monitoring program, its Assessment and Monitoring Plan, and internal SOPs to comply with revised requirements of the new permit. A new position will be hired next reporting period and split responsibilities between this program and the IDDE program. This will add staff capacity to enhance water quality monitoring efforts, improve the City's ability to further investigate and evaluate atypical data, and employ new methods and/or equipment to help identify potential pollutant sources. Rev. 8.1.2022 78 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section J: Total Maximum Daily Loads J.1 Program Narrative The following TMDLs within Raleigh's MS4 service area (corporate limits of the City of Raleigh) are noted in Section 2.5 and Table 2 of the SWMP: • Falls Lake • Neuse River Estuary • Pigeon House Branch • Perry Creek The Falls Lake and Neuse River Estuary TMDLs are regional TMDLs. The City is addressing the Falls Lake TMDL through its participation in the ongoing 4B Nutrient Management Strategy in collaboration with other municipalities through the Upper Neuse River Basin Association. The City is addressing the Neuse River Estuary TMDL through its implementation of the Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy and City ordinances adopted as required by State of North Carolina Neuse Nutrient Strategy Rules. Pigeon House Branch and Perry Creek watersheds have local TMDLs for fecal bacteria and copper, and benthos, respectively. The entirety of Pigeon House Branch watershed and a portion of Perry Creek watershed are within the City's MS4. Waste Load Allocations (WLAs) have not been assigned to the City's MS4 for these TMDLs. The City has a consulting firm under contract to evaluate strategies and tailor or expand BMPs within the scope of the six MCMs to enhance water quality recovery strategies that acknowledge the TMDLs and reduce pollutants of concern. The City, in coordination with NCDEQ, is utilizing an acceptable alternative approach to develop draft Watershed Action Plan (WAP) documents and databases for the TMDL watersheds to guide future implementation and address pollutants of concern in accordance with Part 111.4 of the City's MS4 permit. J.2 Best Management Practices Table J-1 includes a brief description of the TMDLs best management practices required by the MS4 permit, the planned actions for the current and future fiscal years as described in the SWMP, the annual reporting metrics identified in the SWMP, and the actual metrics for actions completed in FY2022-2023. Rev. 8.1.2022 79 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Table J-1: TMDL Metrics and Results FY20 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section J.3 (a) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor Report TMDLs with WLAs within the N/A Identify, describe, and TMDL development. TMDL development. MS4 map watershed, outfalls, If a TMDL is If a TMDL is Report changes in outfall inventory that N/A and streams developed that developed that may be contributing to impairment of assigns an individual assigns an individual identified streams numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, evaluate City MS4, evaluate strategies and tailor strategies and tailor SWMP BMPs to SWMP BMPs to address the address the pollutants of concern pollutants of concern and associated and associated TMDLs and develop TMDLs and develop a TMDL Plan. a TMDL Plan. Part II Section J.3 (b) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report pollutants of concern and I N/A Evaluate existing TMDL development. TMDL development. measures taken for reduction measures If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, establish City MS4, establish measures for measures for identifying and identifying and reducing pollutants of reducing pollutants of concern to the MEP._ concern to the MEP. Part II Section J.3 (c) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report monitoring data summary N/A Assessment of available TMDL development. TMDL development. and data trends monitoring data If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, review and City MS4, review and assess monitoring assess monitoring data. data. Rev. 8.1.2022 80 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section J.3 (d) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report updates to monitoring plan N/A Monitoring Plan TMDL development. TMDL development. If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, develop TMDL City MS4, develop monitoring plan for TMDL monitoring applicable assigned plan for applicable NPDES regulated assigned NPDES WLA. regulated WLA. Part II Section J.3 (e) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report additional measures taken N/A Additional Measures TMDL development. TMDL development. If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, establish City MS4, establish programs and programs and measures to be measures to be implemented within implemented within the City's MS4 permit the City's MS4 permit program that are program that are designed to achieve designed to achieve the assigned MS4 the assigned MS4 NPDES regulated NPDES regulated WLA and to reduce WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP concern to the MEP within the watershed within the watershed to which the TMDL to which the TMDL applies. applies. Rev. 8.1.2022 81 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section J.3 (f) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report achievement of schedule N/A Implementation Plan TMDL development. TMDL development. milestones If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, establish a City MS4, establish a schedule to address schedule to address the NPDES WLA the NPDES WLA pollutant of concerns pollutant of concerns Part II Section J.3 (g) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report successes N/A Incremental Success TMDL development. TMDL development. If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, track successes City MS4, track per the plan. Review successes per the and update as plan. Review and needed update as needed Part II Section J.3 (h) Continue to monitor Continue to monitor N/A, Report annual assessment N/A Reporting TMDL development. TMDL development. outcomes If a TMDL is If a TMDL is developed that developed that assigns an individual assigns an individual numeric WLA to the numeric WLA to the City, prepare an City MS4, prepare an assessment of assessment of activities and data activities and data analysis for the analysis for the TMDL watershed TMDL watershed plan plan Rev. 8.1.2022 82 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Permit Reference/BMP FY2023 FY2024 Reporting Metric(s) 2022-2023 Results Part II Section J.4. If no Develop Watershed Complete Report the development/maintenance of Draft Watershed Action Plan MS4 NPDES regulated Action Plans for development of the Watershed Action Plans and documents and databases for Perry waste load allocation Pigeon House Watershed Action modifications, if necessary Creek and Pigeon House Branch (WLA) is specified in the Branch and Perry Plans for Pigeon watersheds are under development. TMDL Creek that include House Branch and This alternative approach is strategies and tailor Perry Creek that underway with continued BMPs to address the include strategies coordination with NCDEQ staff. POC in the and tailor BMPs to watersheds. address the POC in Report BMPs implemented I Existing/on-going BMPs include the the watersheds. City's six MCMs as required by the Implement the NPDES permit. In addition, the City Watershed Action Implement the has proactively implemented Plans. Watershed Action measures such as the Raleigh Plans. Rainwater Rewards program and Evaluate the program Green Stormwater Infrastructure effectiveness Coordinate with the retrofits, stream restoration projects, annually and notify Department of Water partnership initiatives with local the Water Quality Resources to universities and community groups, Manager of program integrate the Pigeon watershed studies, and more. modifications. House Branch and Perry Creek Watershed Action Plans into the DEQ StoryMap format, as staff and resources are available within DEQ. Evaluate the program effectiveness annually and notify the Water Quality Manager of program modifications. Rev. 8.1.2022 83 ONPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 J.3 Program Assessment Working with an outside consultant and coordinating with NCDEQ, staff have been evaluating strategies to tailor or expand BMPs within the scope of the six MCMs to enhance water quality recovery strategies that acknowledge the TMDL and reduce pollutants of concern. A feasibility study was completed resulting in the selection of Watershed Action Plans (WAP) as the acceptable alternative approach to address Raleigh's local TMDLs (without assigned WLAs) per Section J.2 of the permit. WAP documents and databases for Perry Creek and Pigeon House Branch watersheds are under development, with completion expected within the next reporting yea. Existing measures already underway in these watersheds will be documented within the final WAPs. Rev. 8.1.2022 84 (2) NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 Section K: Annual Assessment and Annual Summary This section assesses overall compliance with the permit during the FY2022-2023 reporting period and documents identified program improvements that will be implemented in FY2023-2024, including changes to the SWMP as required by the new permit. K.1 Assessment During the 2022-2023 reporting period, City staff continued to develop and improve program components required by the City MS4 permit based on the August 2022 NCDEQ compliance audit recommendations. In addition, City staff completed a self-audit and gap analysis in May 2023, utilizing the NCDEQ Self-Audit template. Staff reviewed all programs, conducted eight site visits, and documented that while the City is meeting and/or exceeding all permit requirements, there are opportunities for continuous improvement in program areas. Consequently, since the self-audit was completed, City teams responsible for implementing each MCM made minor updates and adjustments to further enhance their programs. Findings from completed assessments have been summarized at the end of each section in this report. K.2 Program Improvements Following the program enhancements implemented per the May 2023 self-audit, the SWMP was updated, provided for public comment, and submitted to NCDEQ. During this reporting period, program FY24-27 schedules were updated, ensuring continuance and completion of annual tasks. The organizational chart was updated to reflect organizational changes and the receiving waters list was updated to reflect the current EPA-approved NCDEQ Final 303(d) List. Lastly, Table 10- Program Elements for Post- Construction Site Runoff Controls was expanded to incorporate Part II Sections F. 3-7 of the permit (sections included in the self-audit report that needed to be added to the SWMP). The updated SWMP supports the Stormwater Division's ability to meet and exceed permit requirements by serving as an effective mechanism to track all required activities and related metrics throughout the permit year. A concise summary of data for each MCM, as required by the SWMP, is outlined in each section of the report. These summaries describe staff effort, program effectiveness, and changes and improvements implemented during the reporting period. While several programs experienced staff turnover during the reporting year, the programmatic achievements were not significantly impacted and were comparable to previous years. The City proactively added an additional metric under Section G: PPGH for Municipal Operations (Part II Section G.2 (f))to include miles swept during maintenance activities. The City's annual review and maintenance of all legal authorities to effectively meet all permit requirements resulted in updates to the Uniform Development Ordinance to comply with changes in the readopted Neuse Nutrient Strategy Stormwater Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0711). In addition, enforcement actions were conducted over this reporting year in the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Controls & Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls programs to meet and exceed permit compliance. K.3 2023-2024 Program Initiatives This next reporting year will bring significant changes to the City of Raleigh Stormwater Program. Issuance of a new MS4 permit by NCDEQ is pending. As outlined by this new permit language, a revised SWMP will be required to be submitted to NCDEQ for review within 12 months of issuance. Upon approval of the SWMP, program plans across the MCMs will also need to be updated to correspond with Rev. 8.1.2022 85 NPDES MS4 Permit Annual Report \\\ Permit No. NCS000245 the new permit language. Stormwater staff have engaged with a consulting firm to complete these pending tasks within the compliance schedule. The Stormwater Division also plans to increase staff resources for the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination programs. A new full-time position was approved in Fiscal Year 2024 and will be filled during this next reporting year to assist with anticipated enhancements in water quality monitoring, IDDE, and dry weather flow inspections. New Watershed Action Plans for the TMDL watersheds Pigeon House Branch and Perry Creek will be completed during this upcoming reporting year. Staff look forward to continuing to coordinate with NCDEQ staff on this innovative initiative. Rev. 8.1.2022 86