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GW1--06720_Well Construction - GW1_20231024
• WELL CONS'C 2UCT[ONR COD Fiasli anitltt:�c0•14' .:• ,, .. :.. .. .. . .110 termcanb ucdrwstaifha:n1:014..'wells .. - .. . 11Vetl Cutttr.ctorIttfatmatltin • Chris°•Ruffer:.• .. . - ' .•. : .FROM: TU' : `I.DE.SettiPTlON' 14rctfCaidmrlar;t'�nxs'. . . tt it::: .• • • ' : tt . to. i rr . 4223 A NC WellCarumetarCcttik +iloitNriiebe: • 'Ki.5;(OUTtVRi1AS#dl Tiiiimutt "scii»r"tts)_ ItIINER•titsp tteiible) ,,a' _. FROM TO DEtiiTTER Titl CK ESS MA1ERIAi, SAEDACCO. tt, (t' • in. L*004144 N'ioe • . . 'i¢1.NSfiiL`,. $6.1grofe1'Up i's>'1.:tu/turiiiitiWitttu"o 91taa` + `'S mx •. .RROM TO DiA.'irFTER :TlriC NES3 MATERLAI 70001969 . -.• 0 ft,` : 175 (f : •2 in.. SCH 40 : • PVC 2.IYcll CaDKttr+rtinn Pctmtt� Lut(dl ripphr-ahls iseli pram tx(i-c Cmmh Slatr,';Variance.•1flj 1 txd:OW. 3'Wdl ifsetchert.ndl.use} . • a .,, , ,,,:,. ; , ,tz se,ett.�ri 1‘}ltle Sugltly. Vtl1 • FROM TO' 01.01ETER '::'SLOT'I/1 'TyTtlICK'ft M4TRRtAt 175.ft, 185 ft 2 RI 020 SCH 80', Stainless Ste CIA .liitntaT' t ihftltucip;i*b c �1CreotltvEntat(L3eatti {Cobh Sv l } :. CiResideshat�'ri erSu sin Ie ::' r it. :,in i • t 1R GROi7 s u _ . Dndustna(CouulGraat DRsldenttaIWiter5v p•h s � ' ' , ."- _ , ;w , :-., . FROM 10 '• SIATERTAL I.P.arrEACEMENT\t6TltOD&AmouNT` •;• : IIT ii lthpn •.0 ft:• 10 If.. Grout Pour . . ltonV terS:epb Vf ft ,'. - - A d •I- 10 h 157 fC: gna-Guar • njection 6G2+ionitonn dlieca r) . . :. lujectiott Bell: • (t. tt ■Agiafe[Rccbarre OGroiiii0iiterRentedtation r9<frA AIGtt;1 EUVACKfifiul Kbtite)_ .,a . :f 7_ 1•ROM 10 �t RIAI. F,a1PL�*CC`M).%FMI;TJIOD tit#qurfcrStor*::40tlicecs�'it : .d$iiilmfj Banter: •- ' .70 ft ••190 ft;: Sand #3 . IlAquttcr TO 75tonnw te Danag : DExp nn enta(Tcrhnotpm. .. C]StrbstticlicCordmt. g2CDRILI ING LOC(att t4.uitditionul trice ilf iiccetsn st tea._` -+. i t700tilCit11.11.(CloseedLooP} l 1T CLt.• ;cnoal•. 10 : DESCRIPTHOKtiUlow barduii.:-ibn n k+st14.- n late..ata tjG:ottietmil'(Eleatitie•Caolink.ItettitnY: Git7tlitir;( cplit►`utidir t.Reinddts}' - tt. _ it,. . . . . . . . . • 4 Date•Wel.14eompleted:r9-18 2023 WAI1:ID#MW-7D2. •. . : . i,e,r;1'd TMcatwn : ft. See Getq r p. Notea II ''•' , • Piedmont Natural Gas ... (t (4 4- ' • Faciiii i.9.0 n.rNunre : . Fueiitt}f3#ftf aypb nt,1C}; • . .. - ?n7 ,11001 E McCoy Road;.Huntersville., NC, 28078 tt` • ft.: • • 4: 1.4.1. . . . Ptgsl^^zileLddes CSip andZtp l`�♦g�� , :. r_, h y • Bentonite.from'157-170'' and:190=200• • • Mecklenburg. :. -, :.. • � .(Gutty::' . _ . Parc.11it,.tntirteatfpnrto.(P1W) • .1:. , . . : {b Littlludc.aind T,t nt4tifi a inilcgricc/mintttesiitccondsDr de€imal{ice.; 22 Gcrtifirstiva of w It f�e ttl,00.10.tlouu,14'suifl ot), . . ' • h:. .: Chris Ruffer 9--18=.2023. . xigw.a meµ♦ Sigpsuin orcetElicdlirrllCxiatta tot • D to 6'Ista1'e)the Cllts) ':I tPernii►uent or,' t]Telnporar) -: . .r< ;trnh 0.4.-riinrr l.hrrdi t'Crti/iir ll az Ihi'n rl1lsl£rO fis ,r1 r„rsimcr l to.liOif t t-v.• n.rk/54)JC.tQ'O2C 01(70 or tStt NC tC O'C 4200 l�d l Coitttrui1loi sfa-,utards.mul thorn• . 7 Tsthesasrtitlittoan:010ingtielt EIYes or lNt► ; c fd}'rkfsrccroiithusime1:-P.TYat4Atcit1eoitifloiincr. • IjrkfrIlr a,epair.�ll tidkrr0tt,#4.4 orw,mt;on 1 fnry nut awl ral?lnht rlu r ae ir.'of.fir• rtlrntrwtrlcri#Firurarls a""•erhao rtr:iui ila b -t oftlits fpnii::. 23•S•ite dlat ra)n or additional{i`ell detatl4s _• You Wray ttse the bacl,of tl►is page to pro%ide.acldtt1otat sell=site details or%ell .1K 1ti'tnberoi:wrclis coutstnnred; 1 - • . eonslt ie.tioii del ld3 You mad als,atiacli additional pages if Pteeasan. Fortiiuirtl1 1ufettkrn sr-_ricwi iiarer jrls trclf.OMYiiIth the aznee'cons ructtoir tororl.:: C TBM`f r '11T(1'I C.. swbiriligmlr,joint:` _r ,_ ��%, �. ,. � ,.. 9 Corlweir rietitbtr' ad; be. 200 tf ) a4a lor All ttlydls2 Subtiltt1t}s farilrwithin I0dus 0f compleo o kvef ia ► • o • na For0iiiip 1"dill;uplrleil0411tten1rrn40,1.30200 urml:2 (7 } CoCtuattonothCfollo�in; jr • • i i.Static uilter ki ei below top of ca..iin0 (tr) llir'ision of Vate r RcSoret�,.)nfi►rtna t• ti/p Pro a s in l<iitit Iji.it iitr k.et ts abot o•tas1o•.t :+` • • • • 1617 Mad SCt�icc C uenter.Raleigh tC'27649=1617,f : " 24b y o lntec Meth Ti,l3atrhule diamdter. (ia.) �' C tlrin [i �I+tLYs !tt•addttlon to�sgpdutg tlia•totnl to•Elie addt�s aR. 23dabuse,a snbtnit o Copsa tof this foniu wit in et)dais:of cottipletion of;wtetl:, 12 R`cll tronstillctlou ntcthed Sonic .' t~Ofl tflctl0u1Gilef.01.0-mg.; (Le^d er ratan �ib1.�direct}Sash ctc.l ec5rU:: lfh Caton WV of aterJtesour udei oiind frijectlnn Control Progi.ul.: FOR0ATPRS'UPPLS'llrEL S ONLY - .` 1ll Berne CSetttiii Raleigh, "C27699=1636 . . i636 DL 13d.1114d m), - iyl0.14 afresh- - • • 2Jt~EorlVatrrSuDniv3eltticMion�Tcllc p- Mso-sitbnttt o cops of ttus forrlt utttnn�0 d't)s of complerton of; 13b Diainfectian t%pa�:y.,.• ;. Amount._.w: �5'dll consrntctt0n to the:•coptntt'healt•h deplrtment of the co lnts ishens . •. ctinstrctc• .. Form<3*"l mih Carpl2tiaDcpntntclu�f Ern lmnmciif and�iirnneltcseuxees bunion atl�'ticrRe atrcv ttc+iscd: ust'0t5