HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06713_Well Construction - GW1_20231024 -1-.4.t•iI COiNSTRtJC'ITON:RECORD•:; Far7rtctnal trsc UNT,Y:-. i �� 'f7ia Coritictinhc;uscd iatsiiigte'ir mn]tipk lsctl ''; _ . . . 1 Wcii Contractor Irinforlttatloa':: . .. .'14 ISATEWZONE'cl,.h.. -. .,rwaL.#....0 x`� �s .""a, to kz.= . . . . ", Rich Lemire.. 1R0.1 To. DtSCtttPltOY' ";, Wait.itxrie orr'an ? 3 5 ft 12 R:: 1• -ft..:• fit' ( , 2593A i3 OUTERJCAST�TG(for�uutd sxiiiiitls}OR_LR'fER:{it tin fleiblel" ', r -` :I±TG:WIC.ot ctaeCc......tion2lniislicr -.VROMM•. ::pro . .or4es�r THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO t4 _ • • ..'.. :. . • . fi1tflNNE 1;0.1I'1'1GoaYVtilt rstiti e7mza clika4i.nnl~' _ (49IcpRn} autC. • 'YnOM' 70 *DIAMETER -THICKNESS`. --MA7ERiAL ... .. . . 2 WstCosrtton•lerinit#;•N/A. NCDEQ State Lead.UST 6nu h' Liaal71ii bk eri peJm1 fi. .Gaviity;•Rait tntaane:lf`AO rfcl• . . 0 .. :.1t.; 2... tt`; '2 in... SCH40 PVC, 3.Well Vt e e(c` e1.v.cll;ueoi: J f A y� . ter Snpply.Wet • .. .. • VROM•: TU DLAitrTFR' .s. OTSITZ Tntociigs••t MA1TRTAZ Oz grtcultutal- DMuirzipaUAlblit 2 rt 12 2 Ia! 010 SCH40 PVC f 1'R idi iitiai t5'atet u sta o rt f. ,n;. Dt leoli tal(Eieabng,Caoling p i}. a Ol} gi ).. • ClIns[tisttlaUGomtiic ial tlResidentialWaterSllPPt:•(shan*d}': FRONT. . .Tg' • .1WATEBTAL -':EatPLACE rn ITMEOD4AMOUNT :` Dint t oti:.: .. . ... o .tt'. 1 .•.,n'. PORTLAND . POURED Nati•Water Supp1}:W.*0 ,:• rt 1 t$fgmtonng DRctgvrr}:' :WJectton Ye11% - xt.:: • ft:.. • - []A.i.Eud`erTtecharbc c Griotindtiwter ttciiicdiatton 19 SANDlGRVVELPACKaf apta.Fsbtt , R s ue ., - -PROW,' . . .70' stATEMWL P%1Pl.AC1:%I Nt'MF•tHan C)Ailnlfcr Storage and lti cos ci•: C1 0.10iiy Ramer: 1.5 II 12 f4.. -SAND #2 cI640feCr T it: • CJStarmii,BIcrDracn lge:. DE.�penmcnl l9`c 1uioli16'.. AStlbstdencc Co>tirol. ` t36 DRILL1KatAG idiiieh addition t i ii if iecectiatt5 -_' D40.ot14mwl...Cluseiiteop) C1Tracer: FROSt> m DesCRtrnoxteoloh_Ifitailm ahucuhae:tiskiiivc.elGl oGSotbenlral(Eles tilgfCootitlg'Rettitny DOtlter.(e4lt►iti nild r gti t t>fatlts} ' 0 ft, 12 tt. Tr+N sAND ft fi • 4 Dat4:wa )Cornpleted 10-.9-2023, j el1IDOM W-.6RR,.. ..... . /, ,$ . 17 4.7.114.:4 40iitkiif. UU.. ft: x.a 0 ;} NORRIS LUV STATION r. _. .11, fi;., . • O f:T .; !, 23 Faotiwor tc piiiae - FactIii ID#(lt'appbc,�+tiioj` .. .. 20.. . • . ft ; ft ItlfO n:•;,i.ft vlP ^.a 2821:.NC-.41:,..CHINQUAPIN; NC,..28521... • ' tl.• • tt.•: a a•k .; ` PhysicntAddrtss.•Cat} nod Zip:. ;�-i:`Rti:tlfA7ti---..,.,---•-_-;;;-, �:" 1. ° '.e. DUPLIN . .. . ... 3359003640,17 'BENTONITE FROM 1:0'70 1':5': ' t tfaotk: ' 1,'anel ttiiiti cattoallo:°.1 lNI' Sb'•,T ttltadc nd.I.ongitade to degn es/n i7wtalscconds or declmul cic�rocs. 22.Ccrhf"lcatioia.• ); (iti tt field,iik 1 tUlotsy is Sfrificicutj. • '. 34.83288 - 77.82221- Kr tt.�'C�•.:. 10-9r.2023. • SitmtuiaorCcm V,cltContrzwtoc TYsto•• • - 6 7s(inr)thesrell(s). Perriianent .or .:12Tetnpora}:' st gun rini ran There tuff rhnl tJae aril sl ivv tin rtP+f{nrFietX urrxcii+rlm�r .. iitl iSA NC7.4Gf1ZC 0100 nr;15A NCAC 02C:02001Sell COitstt°.fctfwrStvn1o,Jsui itthat a I Is this a repair to an;exixtmg well QYes ar (No`: :. t'�n°of thLi recarl.1.4 iT i p,in 14.J io hi.,t.kil m+;r'er: If tlils is g rcpidir 0o.n 3arstvvr u ell raotrnfrtlo is ikiirrtitdvtr atut raplebi tlit•n rtrae of llir nrpiiitoiO4,h1,rmnrkii:li tiam or.i ii,dig.bfx t of dJvs fora: '13 Site diagram or additional ti ell.detntf_k Y611 n►q} use the hack of this page::o provide additional well site details'or lreil S'11itntber'ofiretls comftivcted: 1 coucttocuoo di.talls `You ina}a1soattoch addiuonal panstf necessan.: Pe.,6i rllrlt i ecilan w n i lfrner stipple art OiVl Y»4Ji die.amiie cbustruodonr Mn: ,. • ii4ltniN on for.o - • • 1TUbii7`PAL MNFIlrCTiONC 4 Total etl depth belotrt land•surfaces- 12.. . (ft): ?:la::tor AA 4'etlx. Submit tius'fatm tiuhm fit)n i}'s of c:oinplettn°of*ti11 Por,akiiifr teens Isst irll iteprtit?!di trr v lennple•:{@ 209 z»ul 2C,10(r) • constuiction to tlo following . 1U:StatIN*Ater Icielbielow top;ofeasIngg 3.:5 •. ... . (it) Dlit.5lOnofWinerRcsoteree.9,InforatahotiPmcrrxingUnit, ,• . •':3617MYaSIsScntcc(:cntcryRailctgli:NC176991617 ijriiar�r/rt�rf lsvLoret+'itrr�Ole '}.' ,. , its 8urthitle diameter;8.2 5 (Sit y 24b $or Infection WeU ONLY :In addition to sending the.,fomt to'tb.,address to• 24aabbre. also'subnln a:,copyroI this lena within O dais of.cotupli:Eton of is ll. 12.:NVCII Construction n e JDd:AUGER 604:S40tloit4;tl followin (Lc_ni,er rolaia cAtfle disxt P•. ctd} ,Division of‘froterResourccs,Underground Injection ControlProgrnnt..; FOR WATER SUPPL Y E U W S oms:. 1636 MaiE.Seri kcc,Center.R3lelt b,NC:27699=1636. 134,Xteld( tm... ' tltad of test: 2dc.1 or Water Supply&Injextinri iYc1E1 .. Also sitbntit one ao,y:of this form rvtt)nn t0 d4sofceiuplelionaf" iicll'cpnstntcbcfl to the county hgoith dcpattm,nt.if the.cotintty t.bcre. 31 Dlalafccaon ta» , , Ampunt.,. - Fenn GW I' ltotth Carolina f cpn nrentof Em'uonment afrd t aturnlResowecs_-:Diction of WaleAE.50 s., Rcrlscd:Aiig10:24i