HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06703_Well Construction - GW1_20231024 1.W t Contract d Inform - • 17 ��.2 I b I - WeitCnRhectorNemG esrsdurtzt1lirsty A.—..._ � .' - .6z.` + • PROM TO DFMCRiprtop t�� - /4 )8b9. 2c7 R /S G - htC dlCoatr¢cTorCeati6aadoalVomUer - ,GC I %GG h /oI G/•y1 - D f S Wait l � y i60iblEt3CXSL�Tti'(foirmini�t�ffiIIOg �A9ERtifa htf,^ � ;o n 1 1 l (mi serllL'e 7 ro }} imams imam cam....... : / �1J / sip l l y�/ ._ 5-.DRal P il� 2.Wdl Construction pernd n• / © , 6• ORIBIlo ared,heriva't:da'iFdfifeti..+ L1rtd1 t . l/ Rom TO 1 fir:� �— opplimblemAemutrneGanFeta,lu(la MC.C aJADtl;tpft L tttCrorRsq maw 41,, • amtb;Sirme,Variance.am) (L n �. - 3.Well Use(ebeekwell use): h, tr. i M. Water Supply lweu 1Z?3CR8EDL n _ Qng»caltnml Q1KwricipSllPeblic FROM •rO Dut ,. scorstrc TLCCWIESS_.,MATERIAL • QGmtheemal(8eahng/CoolmgSupply) QResideatial Water Su l Sin O f►. ;; 3Ltdushiat/Cemmetcitl [�Resideatial Water SuPP Y(h�) O tG to - • 3Inigetion Wit&OxCttx_ w w.�� :: =.z 7: Yon-Water Supply Well 10. x tUaret. tatel.�Cr�tENni�an*mom' DRecovetq h.FROM �? n 1�Ly�tvc- r,iv t ion. Injecti on W Well: _ R It. • _ Aquifer Rechargo °GroundwaterRemedietitm h, { . � StotageandReeovery �SelinilyBebrief �R • asriSAVIV ,iYEfiPACKtttran&tit7�^FAre• ;.- m?tri ,;�;, .':;: • ircrTcse FROM I TO NA7t RtAL siNPraCChlElYttcrnOD �Stotrrewater hhdirrege tL (t: &minnow'Technology - DSut+sidanreControl =-- -d h. Geothermal(Closed Loop)....., QTraeer klelsin)mint tiif&Saadlltoniililie fiTha iiisi _: ,1 ''' Geothermal(lleapnWCoolingRemo )101herrjexQloiettadert121Renterks) r `O DIS01�rnN(cearhanbaFsofymckyrotnIniia,tki 4.Date WeU(s)Complefed��"6 l�'p�? Well IDiF . Jos I( �u,��'G S���/G pr/� Coca /SU GA ..e77- 5a Well Location: ,�r�- -� aUaAs- f�� 21iDty1D3f6f2apylfrtea. �rG �ft. ��� ��c�^ .� 9 4 Fr cilitylOwner tr. A. "z ,Yi f'i"y ,�bb) • / L/ q iWWW L./v 5vri,,// . 0140 G cI '� D• (1i:1 ‘,1,, % 11123 phy3i.dAdd.t.City Sad Tip 1 d R. Coen r palealldemi6eafrallo.(p1M - '- ... , Sb.Latitude and lonptnde in degreea/mientra/secoads or decimal degrees: i, Paoli deli oaafetlongion:Meieot} zz Certification: l, a— eSG ,C7G N gli ?G ?a. (2 w � &q • gizigd /0-/7-) ? 6.Isare)the well(s) Rerroenent or 0Temporary Sitn o edWellCoaer I Date - e 7.IS this a repair to on existing well: Yes or o By die 1 heroby or*thm rho villa)rear Oren)eamtovetrd in emadaeea with►SA CfC 02C.0►00 or Lilt NGIC 02C.0200 WeltCotentdedoRStaedade and theta ((due(ra main fill cud krmmwdteamauulonhfamotien and again thetrateetrthe eoPYojrhltswonthasbseepro►tdulro Melvin owna.repairutttera2 enuadrsectionera,thedeefqfthisfom,. 23.Site diagram or additional Sail deta 1st • S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed.I.00p Geothermal Well:having the some Y0u trey use MC heed-of this page to provide additional well site details Or well construction,only 1 GW l is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofurlis conimutioadetails.You may also attach additional pages if mammy. Millet =buTT L INSTRttCTrO?f 9.Total well depth below land snrfacet ` 0 G Fbrmatapkuedsorar/deptliaridsi mt(em e.3@sa0•mdze#08) A) 29a.Por.Ui Wells; Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well _ _ - . -. construction to the fnllowiteg 10.-Stato inter levet belt iv top of casing: t4 G_ (It) Division of Water Resow•ees,Information Processing Unit • fuser lail t r acnecariaswe+" • 1617 Mail Service Cebter,.Mielpb,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. la /� (la.) /� / Wb,Far Ielection Wens; in addition to seeding the from-to the addnus in 24o 12.Well construction method: MO`t r l above,also submit one copy of this ibtm within 30 C. sum rotary.caWG Cuedinn%eta) cwtspaetion to the following: i days of completion of well FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underg!and injection Control Fromm. 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC276994636 13s.Yield(gpm) !17 pJ t � G Method of test: 1 r p;--1.tLlrXp 24a.For Water Sunaly&Inlectfan Wells; In addition to sending the form to 13b.Disinfection typo»_ � (r dmoutri: C �s the address(es)above,also Submit one copy at this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county • where constructed. FwotGW--I NorthCmof6mDepr umeatofEmireammnlQuany-DivisioeofWeterRetetam Reviaed2-22-2016- . 1