HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06695_Well Construction - GW1_20231024 1 . • • WELL CONSTRUCTION•RECORD' Fig Imr.rnal t4c.coNi.-T.- ' This form min bcimml fig.sitigld qr multipk kik- . . 1.Well.COntraktor infortitatinu:. - . . . - , ‘1.11:.:WA.TERIONES... , .• . Robert Miller PPECOI'. to •DESCRIPTION . SVell CoritmOtor NW, ft; ft. 1.4 ff.. 2 675-A I. it&OUTER-CASING'(fehiftill kistillii-dfil•OR LINERAfitii'IMAM' . NC.Well Contactor CatificaioRtfurdiet -Mom ' 'TO •' 'DIAMETER•. TRICKNESS'••• ATATERtAt. SAEDACCO . . . ,•. ft.•• . i, ,la " ConlItani-lIa!l • - . • '46ANNERCASING'ORTIMINOOkaikiliiii1 elni.61.1007,' 6TtoNt •TO . DIAMETER THICKNESS. • MATERIAL • . 2..Wr:lltoristruefilin Pernik-0: - 0 :ft,, 10 - 14.- 2- : flit SCH-4 0 PVC Pt oil opplkOb.ro;Fill poiFiri.t.,;(Lc:Onrney;•Stioo,Vorkorre.,1:10.04 . . ' ri... .- ft; , •-iit.- . .. . . . .. • . - . 3.W..r.111350(theelell tte)si . • . . -.,11'SCREEN , •- . . • .- - • -. . ., . . . Wafgal_BPIPIY WOIV ' -FROM-, .TO . -DIAMETER , s LOT SIM : THICK AT NESS .51EK0, 10' -ft; 25 IL- 2 ' 1.(1., .010. scii.,-40 PVC Pre-Pack Elitgriefdiiiraf El4iIiidipalfPIitiPC. . . . • E h loodtermal(lleatingitooling.SUpply) dResickidial,Wateir SupPlY(sitigie) 18,7.,GROUT-- .. - ElltidnAtial/Conaitercial C:IResidential Water SupplY(shad)" ''' FROAI • -TO MATERIAL - ENIPLACEMEIT-METHOD&AIIIOUNT • El frtimitian' . . .. , . . .. • . . O. :ft. 4 .11,• Portland . Tremie . . .. . Noti4,4iter SupPly Well: • - • - -- • . - - • - •- ' ft. • ft. . ' 61ViDnitOirink .1=1R4VOYCIY . . Inkcifttn Will • , . R. . .fti - tlAtiniferpceititgO. CidiOnndwatct Relitettlation- :.,twSANDIGRAVEL.PACICtil;nnittUAW ---= -..:7.:-.7 -. -. :- ---.'; --r-- • • . •..•-• • • •.• . ,' . • • RONI ,TO . 51ATRIM I. •Fair LACE:06:NT Iki 1.1110 a - • dAhttifor:StOmp-ard Reef:Of:et; 08.4104.4y.iiiairleir.• 7' . R., 25 It.. Gravel'pack #2. El 04flii(Fi 7-6t, El$10fMatiePriii.Dpg,..: ., ...... , ...,.... . Elb*Np.Ttilltanial TCOD6100. • ElSttb§lkt.wC C01091. . • ' . . ..-. . i-,20:41RILLINGLOGIfiltadi4dilliikoffirdieitilfiteciisatif ticeisdring Closed Loop). ,IIITiacer '•TROM• TO '- DESCRIFTION fok.r.Minium,kiitnick lyix:Oren siZ6.tle3 .. . . . • . 1:1GeothennalilleatingitoollniRmum) 130ther(explain under.ni-Retuaths) -. . - Fr. -ft.. . .4,:t14fti WellO'COMpletedt'16.-3-26 'Well.ID#ePT 01-?5 ... . ., 'ft. . . - ft. ' ' r-' S4.WdILlIcLtttOnt r.t... . '-• ft,. - --- ' e t.- :. ..7' r- . OmniSource Corp.. - . . . ' . ,ft.- • ft' • Or T ,2: . . F kO icilitygm.rNume F'dctlity tl,M kipPlk:riblA,.. _. .. - R. ft. ' ' _ 9 2023 • 1426 W Mountain 'St., Kernersville, NC, 27284, atu• ft.,. ft . , , • - . • ,,,. •---,,:.c.i.,..z3 1.14 Phkili4kftlifSs;_City,;. t Ai s2tttmAitics.:. . . , . . .--.,,,:zzoil. . • - Forsyth 'llentonite Chips 4-7' • . . . . Cotamr ' ' Parcel fil-aitiOallon No:(PIN ... .. '. . . . .. . .,.. , 51i li.atititrie'atid"Ctingfintlefn dcgrcei/MinutiStiirintl§tir decitnoldeglic*. .224 ce •-• •catto . . 1 . . atEtp, • dr.weltfialit,brie Aktfloitls•suffloic'HO - ' V . . 1 . . •. . . „.- N ."W - ,!..•.. jvi. ‘ 10/2/2023 • . Sidnature ill'i:::5;i.:1,4,1;4;.e."27.i:._;,fe:,ei .-.....A.1-."-- - DMC • 6.Otto)the.'well(s)r,iiientraitent or -LITemproiy• .. . . . fty xt.,01ing.thillerno.;-.1.hereL7 coesiXt.Oa the.11.07(5)"Ivy(1 )-0 afiyitireirif hr.,;co:ink-rice •i Olaf 154 NCAC NC:0100 or LCA NOIC.62C:02011•1!'eil dottiMicrion irao.4ards:TM;Nu d . 7.4 thisTa repair to an,eXiftioirwel0,' DYes .tir fitINo - 'rekkrktfrfilf•ii•Orrl hiii:14ors'plor Med rii obi!.sirlifilv!ier. ihi.s:Lco rOyafr,..f.til oar bO-40i rich t.vognir don buformai1On will(.4411143:riortire of rile• iipOir toidir 021.-riviuerld:seriithith,iNn i:he bale:of:66 form.. :23:80e diagrant oradditional well details . • Yon May:0S0 the back of this p4ge.ttfinoilite-additforial Well-Site thitailS•or well • • 8.•Ntunbetof Wells eo ustructed: 1 eonsinktion-delaili..You May allO'atlacti additional pages if ticeesSaiy. toiiitiiirligg irdoe:r1On'ilr oini-.11.tiri'sup'ply at ONLY irlifi rfy.somq eiorsOfition,•yioit can • • . '•. • . •..-•.- : .F4tort cri,te pm. V V V SUBMITTAI,•INSTUCTIONS .: .. - • ,1 O.ll'Otarell depth beloW.hutti stirfacei . 25 V 7, . . (If). .2.1g. For All.Willsf Sandi dus boil within.30 ii.lys of'completiOteof Welt For ityoklpti iiTlIslist 1111•41epaki 1 fektkreiit(ostorpte-3€100!and 2101001 . "constniettoif to the following; - 1 . id.St tie water tete]below op easingi. . dt..) .Divlsitin of Water ResoureeS,informatiOnt.oeessing Unit, Bunter/0els//luxe Ciliittis itse"+" • V V Vlull AlLtil.Seryiee Ceittur,Raleigh NC 27891t-I6t7 -.- el.i3orehote dismckr:67 . • (m) 24b.For hifection Weill ONLy:1 hi-addition tosending the form to ilfe addressin 244 alidie..;.alsq'submit 4,C.Opy-.of this fault within''.0'days'of completion of Well. 12.-Vell'eonstntetion method:Reto-sonic construction to the following!: . . (Le.eliggr;noy.calMe.ldigo.Pash.,et.:4 , . . DiviSion tif Water itilourc*,tittderprothad fttlec:tion Control,PrOgrant, FOR WATERSGPfi.X WELLS ONLY:' 1636 Mail.8eillee Center,Raleigh,NC.276994636 - • 1 .. 24e..For Water.Sittinlv.&Injection.wetts:. ' paili'ieldtput) .Metho.4 of test: . Also subniit.'ono•'coPy of this'.fciitn"Within'30:days of completion of A 131..•flisinfection type.r. Amount: • ' well:cbiltroction•tO the eaunty fralth dePartment of'the;county where .) . . . constmettil. ' konti.GkV-1 North C3I011113 Lt...-panniou,pf Enkiromucia and Natural ticgources OWL loot of Water ft*trcm Rcvised August 1013 . ,