HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230592 Ver 1_Initial Evaluation Letter_Wildlands Cape Fear 03 UMB DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 October 24, 2023 Regulatory Division SUBJECT: NCIRT Initial Review of the Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument: Mudhoney Phase II (SAW-2023-00304), Sandy Branch Phase II (SAW-2023-00305), Dirty Boots Phase II (SAW-2023-00307) & Blue Sky (SAW-2023- 00310) (Site) Prospectuses Wildlands Holdings X, LLC Attn: John Hutton 312 West Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Dear Mr. Hutton: This letter is regarding your prospectus documents dated September 2023, for the proposed Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument including the Mudhoney Phase II, Sandy Branch Phase II, Dirty Boots Phase II and Blue Sky Mitigation Sites. The proposal consists of the establishment and operation of a private commercial umbrella mitigation bank, and four mitigation sites totaling 86.71-acres located in Chatham and Randolph County, North Carolina. The proposed mitigation sites would include stream restoration, enhancement, and preservation, in addition to wetland restoration and enhancement activities within the Cape Fear River watershed (8-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC): 03030003). The Corps determined the Prospectuses were complete and issued a public notice (P/N # SAW-2023-00304, SAW-2023-00305, SAW-2023-00307, SAW-2023-00310) on September 14, 2023. The purpose of this notice was to solicit the views of interested State and Federal agencies and other parties either interested in or affected by the proposed work. Incorporated in this email and attached are comments received in response to the public notice from the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office, The Cherokee Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. The Corps has considered the comments received from members of the Interagency Review Team (IRT) and information that was discussed during the IRT site reviews on May 3-4, 2023. We have determined that the proposed umbrella mitigation bank appears to have the potential to restore aquatic resources within the 8-digit HUC 03030003 of the Cape Fear River Basin; however, we request that you address the enclosed agency concerns in the draft mitigation plan. Please provide a response to the attached comments with your draft mitigation plan submittal. We appreciate your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. If you have questions regarding this letter, please contact Casey Haywood at (919) 750-7397 or by email at Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil. Sincerely, Todd Tugwell Cheif, Mitigation Branch Regulatory Division - Wilmington District Electronic Copies Furnished: NCIRT Distribution List Memorandum to the Record October 24, 2023 Agency Comments for the Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument: Mudhoney Phase II (SAW-2023-00304), Sandy Branch Phase II (SAW-2023-00305), Dirty Boots Phase II (SAW-2023-00307), Blue Sky (SAW-2023-00310) Final Prospectuses Mudhoney Phase II (SAW-2023-00304) NCDWR Comments: 1.The DWR number is 20230592 Version 1. 2.For some reason the prospectus document that was submitted to Laserfiche is in black and white. 3.Please include previous IRT comments in the final prospectus (or draft mitigation plan) document. 4.Thank you for including some preliminary soils information with the prospectus. Some additional borings are requested for the draft mitigation plan to depict areas for potential wetland re-establishment. 5.Please clarify the locational relationship between the Mudhoney project and the Sandy Branch/Dirty Boots projects. Sandy Branch Phase II (SAW-2023-00305) NCDWR Comments: 1.The DWR number is 20230593 Version 1. Please submit future prospectus documents (and draft mitigation plans) to Laserfiche for review. 2.Please include previous IRT comments in the final prospectus (or draft mitigation plan) document. 3.Could internal crossing 4 be removed? Due to its location adjacent to Elmer Moore Rd. and the location of crossings 1 and 2, it seems that access would be available through other avenues. 4.Please provide more information about the pond removals for ponds on UT Sandy Branch and UT3. Will any wetlands be impacted? Will specific stream restoration strategies be used in these locations to avoid surface cracking, improve vegetation establishment, etc.? 5.How will the perched culvert at the top UT1 be resolved? Will stream grade be brought up to the culvert elevation? 6.Please provide more existing conditions detail about tributaries with multiple reaches, especially when different treatments or credit ratios are proposed. For example, details about UT Sandy Branch Reach 1 vs. 2 including photographs would be helpful to justify credit ratios. 7.Wetland credit is not discussed or shown in the proposed credit tables. Is any enhancement of the current wetlands anticipated? Whether or not these areas are proposed to be credit generating, how will the hydrology of these wetlands be affected by the project? Will there be any grading in these areas? Dirty Boots Phase II (SAW-2023-00307) NCDWR Comments: 1.The DWR number is 20221571 Version 1. Please submit future prospectus documents (and draft mitigation plans) to Laserfiche for review. 2.Please include previous IRT comments in the final prospectus (or draft mitigation plan) document. 3.DWR appreciates the efforts to co-locate the crossings to the utility easement location. For a smaller project minimal easement breaks is definitely preferred. 4.Please provide additional detail in the draft mitigation plan to justify the proposed 1.5:1 credit ratio for enhancement 1 on Dirty Boots Reach 3. Especially considering this reach is partially forested, in-stream structures and bank stabilization will be a focus in determining credit ratio. 5.Please include proposed CE boundaries on the historical aerials on future submittals. 6.More justification for the proposed wetland enhancement credit ratio would be helpful. DWR is currently unsure whether this area would justify a 2:1 ratio. 7.Thank you for the inclusion of the hydric soil report. 8.Please describe how heavy machinery activities in wetlands will avoid compaction, both during wetland restoration activities and adjacent stream restoration where machinery may be situated in the wetland. To what depth will soil be ripped? Blue Sky (SAW-2023-00310) NCDWR Comments: 1.The DWR # is 20230590. 2.If possible, on future submittals, please include the CE boundary on the historical aerial images. 3.DWR appreciates that preliminary soils work has already been done. However, Appendix E appears to be Landowner Agreements rather than the soils information. Please be sure to provide sufficient soil boring reports with the draft mitigation plan for all areas that are proposed for wetland credit. 4.There are a significant number of ponds in the vicinity of the project and affecting the hydrology of multiple reaches. Was pond removal ever considered and/or discussed with landowners, including potential adjacent landowners with ponds upstream of project reaches? The continued presence of these ponds is a limitation of the project as direct agricultural inputs and hydrologic alterations cannot be prevented. DWR believes that this will limit the uplift potential of reaches with ponds upstream. 5.DWR appreciates the detailed site map that shows the location of bank erosion, incision, aggradation, etc. 6.DWR appreciates the detailed reach descriptions, but please provide more information to support the credit ratios proposed. The enhancement reaches specifically have more variability in credit ratios, so be sure to describe the exact treatments and uplift anticipated for each reach, so that the IRT can evaluate the merit of each proposed ratio. 7.Section 3.5: DWR also supports minimizing the number of crossings as much as possible, and hopes the landowner negotiations will be successfully able to merge crossings 1 and 2, as previously discussed. 8.Section 5.0: DWR is confused by the discussion about landowner coordination on T3 and T4 to fence cattle along the pond, etc. It sounds like this is something that will be worked out and/or described in more detail in the draft mitigation plan. However, DWR would like to emphasize that cattle exclusion from the CE and for-credit reaches is required. North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary D. Reid Wilson Deputy Secretary, Darin J. Waters, Ph.D. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 October 2, 2023 Casey Haywood Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for the establishment Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Mitigation Bank across four mitigation sites, Chatham and Randolph Counties Dear Mr. Haywood: Thank you for your public notice of October 14, 2023, regarding the above-referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the submittal and offer the following comments. We have reviewed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects as shown in the below chart. We have determined that the project as proposed will not have an effect on any historic structures. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on our knowledge of the area, it is unlikely that any archaeological resources that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the project. We, therefore, recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. Corps Action ID Number Environmental Review Number County Project Name SAW-2023-00304 ER 22-2663 Chatham Mudhoney mitigation site, 35.622701, -79.381276 SAW-2023-00305 ER 18-1616 Chatham Sandy Branch Mitigation Site SAW-2023-00307 ER 22-2486 Chatham Dirty Boots mitigation site, Edwards Hill Church Road, Siler City SAW-2023-00310 ER 23-2050 Randolph Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Mitigation Bank: Blue Sky Mitigation Site, 35.696620, -79.719687 The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. October 02, Page 2 of 2 Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or environmental.review@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer October 13, 2023 Attention: Casey M. Haywood District Mitigation Branch 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re. THPO # TCNS # Project Description 2023-56-40 SAW-2023-00304, 00305, 00307 and 00310 Dear Ms. Haywood, The Catawba have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional cultural properties, sacred sites or Native American archaeological sites within the boundaries of the proposed project areas. However, the Catawba are to be notified if Native American artifacts and / or human remains are located during the ground disturbance phase of this project. If you have questions please contact Caitlin Rogers at 803-328-7369, or e-mail Caitlin.Rogers@catawba.com. Sincerely, Wenonah G. Haire Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office 1536 Tom Steven Road Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730 Office 803-328-2427 Fax 803-328-5791 From:Matthews, Kathryn H To:Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc:Mann, Leigh Subject:[Non-DoD Source] Fw: Public Notice Mudhoney Phase II & Sandy Branch Phase II & Dirty Boots Phase II & BLUE SKY MITIGATION SITES Date:Friday, October 6, 2023 8:47:52 AM Hi Casey, I don't have any significant concerns for these sites. I have reviewed most of them before, and the activities are not likely to adversely affect listed species. Please note that the Corps will need to coordinate with us again if the tricolored bat is listed before work is completed on the sites. We have IPaC Project Codes for all of these projects, since the project proponent/applicant requested an official species list. In the future, it would really help if the applicant/project proponent would provide the IPaC Code in the project info. As you may know, our new IPaC system establishes a file for each project when a species list is generated, and we upload documents and correspondence to that file on our internal system. Providing the code from the IPaC printout would help me not have to do a big search for file numbers. I don't need the printout, since I get emailed a copy of the species list anyway, but as you can imagine, we get hundreds every week. Mudhoney: 2023-0116507 Dirty Boots: 2022-0085225 Sandy Branch Ph II: 2023-0116531 Blue Sky: 2023-0115822 Thanks! Please note that I am teleworking Wednesday through Friday, every week. I have a new phone number - See Below! Kathy Matthews NC Renewable Energy Coordinator & Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 NEW Phone! 984-308-0852 Public Notice to establish Wildland CF03 UMB-Mudhoney Phase II, Sandy Branch Phase II, Dirty Boots Phase II & Blue Sky.pdf From: CESAW-PublicNoticeList <CESAW-PublicNoticeList@usace.army.mil> MEETING NOTES MEETING: IRT Site Walk Mudhoney Phase II Mitigation Bank Cape Fear Basin CU 03030003; Chatham County, NC USACE No.: TBD DWR No.: TBD DATE: On-Site Meeting: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Meeting Notes Submitted: Monday, May 8, 2023 LOCATION: Barker Road Bear Creek, NC Attendees Kim Isenhour, USACE Travis Wilson, NC WRC Erin Davis, USACE Blake Hartshorn, DWR Shawn Wilkerson, Wildlands Jeff Keaton, Wildlands Meeting Notes The primary purpose of this site visit was to provide an opportunity for the IRT members to see the site and for Wildlands staff to explain the various components of the project ensuring viability as a mitigation site. The site is on an active cattle farm and will include stream restoration, stream enhancement, wetland re-establishment, and wetland rehabilitation. Wildlands is proposing this site as a mitigation site as part of the Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Bank. A concept map is attached to help with review of this meeting summary. Sandy Branch Reach 1 • Sandy Branch Reach 1 is proposed for restoration. Shawn explained that the upstream landowner would allow Wildlands to raise the stream channel on his property to create a tie-in for Reach 1 so that the restoration could be priority 1. • The prospectus shows wetland re-establishment on the right side of the stream and rehabilitation on the left side. There was discussion of why both sides weren’t rehabilitation since both areas are shown on the existing conditions map as existing wetlands. Shawn said that the reason for that has to do with the way the particular soil scientist makes their maps and that he believes that the re-establishment area on the right side will not be called jurisdictional. Wildlands agreed to wait for the official JD to determine if the area should be credited as re-establishment or rehabilitation. • The existing conditions map also shows a gap between the re-establishment area and the stream and Kim suggested that raising the stream bed would cause that area to become wet and it could be credited as wetland creation if gauged. • The USACE representatives asked for gauges to be installed in the wetland areas to collect pre- construction hydrology data. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 2 MUDHONEY PHASE II Mitigation Bank May 3, 2022, IRT Site Walk Meeting Notes • The USACE also asked if there was a plan to treat fescue in the wetland areas. Shawn said he thought some form of treatment would be necessary. Travis mentioned early spraying and then later ring spraying seemed likely. • The existing spoil piles in the wetland areas will be graded out. Sandy Branch Reach 2 • Sandy Branch Reach 2 is proposed as not-for-credit. Wildlands has only been able to acquire an option to purchase an easement on the left side of the stream. The easement on the left side will connect the easements of Reach 1 with the easement of Reach 3 so that the entire easement for the site will be continuous. • There are two active, connected channels to Reach 2. Previously Wildlands thought the channel to the west was a tributary and the channel to the east was the main stem of Sandy Branch and the property line. It may be that the channel to the west is the property line and the eastern channel may be completely on the property where Wildlands can acquire an easement. If this turns out to be the case, a greater level of intervention would be possible to stabilize the eastern channel. Wildlands’ surveyor will make a determination on the location of the property line and Wildlands will revise the approach to Reach 2 if possible. Once the boundary is identified, Wildlands will propose how to treat Sandy Branch Reach 2 given the new information from the boundary survey. Wildlands will coordinate this with the IRT. • There is potential that Wildlands may be able to acquire an easement on the right side of the western channel in the near future. Shawn said that, if that becomes possible, Wildlands will acquire that easement, amend the approach to the western channel, and add additional streams on that property to the project. • The presence of Chinese privet and other invasive plants was noted and Shawn said that these plants will be removed or treated. • The USACE representatives said that, if only one side of the eastern stream can be included in the project, they would like to see bank stabilization treatments on the side that is included. • A small tributary was discussed that has been left out of the project. There is also a wetland area along both sides of the tributary. The IRT members requested that the wetland be included in the easement and if possible, a BMP constructed on the tributary. Shawn indicated that Wildlands would check with the landowners to see if this addition would be possible. Sandy Branch Reach 3 • Sandy Branch Reach 3 is a short section of the mainstem proposed for enhancement II where grade control is present. Sandy Branch Reach 4 • Sandy Branch Reach 4 is proposed for restoration. • There is a bedrock feature at the upstream end that will be used as a tie-in point. • The IRT concurred with this mitigation approach. Sandy Branch Reach 5 • Sandy Branch Reach 5 is proposed for restoration and was supported by the IRT. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 3 MUDHONEY PHASE II Mitigation Bank May 3, 2022, IRT Site Walk Meeting Notes • While walking this reach, IRT members asked if it would be possible to do ford crossings rather than culverts. Shawn said that it’s likely that Wildlands proposed that to the landowners and they requested culverts. He said Wildlands would double check on that. • Shawn mentioned that the downstream end of Sandy Branch Reach 5 has a bedrock slide and that this area is stable and will not be considered restoration. This section will be enhancement II. UT1 • UT1 is a small tributary that flows into Sandy Branch Reach 4 that is proposed for enhancement II. It will also have a BMP at the upstream end, above the point where jurisdiction begins. • USACE asked for a flow gauge and/or trail camera to be installed pre-construction on UT1. • Wildlands discussed whether flow monitoring is necessary on a jurisdictional reach that is proposed for E II. UT2 • UT2 is a small tributary that flows through a pond and discharges to Sandy Branch at the break between Reaches 4 and 5. • This stream is proposed for restoration. The restoration will begin upstream of the pond and the pond will be removed. • It was noted that there was some flow and a push up pond upstream of the project limits and that Wildlands should expand this reach to include this upstream reach and a BMP. UT3 • UT3 is a tributary that flows into Sandy Branch Reach 5 and is proposed for restoration. • An additional wetland area was identified on the left floodplain of UT3 near the proposed location of crossing #2. This wetland was not identified previously. Shawn said Wildlands would include this area in the easement. It will likely be wetland rehabilitation. Crossings #2 and #3 will need to be relocated to protect this wetland. • There is a small ephemeral drainage that flows into the upper end of UT3. IRT members asked if a BMP could be installed to capture this drainage before it flows into UT3. • The upstream end of UT3 will be moved away from the eastern property line as much as possible to allow for a wider buffer given an adjacent power line. • The USACE requested a flow gauge or trail camera be installed on UT3 pre-construction to monitor flow. Summary None of the IRT members expressed concerns with the site moving forward as a bank. Kim reinforced that Wildlands should coordinate with the IRT on the approach for Sandy Branch Reach 2 once the property boundary along that reach is surveyed.   Wildlands Engineering, Inc.    page 1  Sandy Branch Phase 2 MEETING MINUTES MEETING:  Prospectus Review IRT Site Visit        Sandy Branch Phase 2‐ Mitigation Site        Cape Fear River Basin 03030003; Chatham County, NC        USACE ID: TBD               DATE:    On‐site Meeting: May 3rd 2023      Meeting Notes Distributed: May 16th , 2023      Attendees  Kim Isenhour, USACE  Travis Wilson, NC WRC  Erin Davis, USACE  Shawn Wilkerson, Wildlands Engineering  Blake Hartshorn, DWR  Angela Allen, Wildlands Engineering    Meeting Minutes  The primary purpose of this site visit was to provide an opportunity for the IRT members to see the site and for  Wildlands staff to explain various components of the project ensuring mitigation viability. The site is on an active  cattle farm and will include stream restoration and enhancement. Wildlands is proposing this site as a mitigation  site as part of the Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Bank.  The meeting notes below are organized by stream  reach.     UT3  1. The group concurred that restoration was the appropriate activity for this reach.   2. The draining of the pond was discussed and WRC prefers the use of sediment bags to drain ponds. They  mentioned critical habitat for endangered species downstream of the site and that no aquatic organisms  in the pond should be allowed to enter downstream waters in case they contain invasive or harmful  species.   3. USACE would like to see a vegetation plot in the location of the old dam.  4. WRC noted that If it were possible to move crossing #2 to the old dam location that would be ideal,  however Wildlands is concerned about the limitations of topography there and will review feasibility of  that during the design phase.  5. Wildlands will assess the potential to add wetland credits to this reach.  UT Sandy Branch  1. The group looked at the upstream pond and noted that there is already a breach in the dam causing  flow to split. Any further dewatering should be done in the same manner noted above for UT3.  2. The group concurred with the restoration approach on Reach 1.  3. It was noted that Reach 2 had increased bedform diversity compared to Reach 1 and that enhancement  is an appropriate approach.    Wildlands Engineering, Inc.    page 2  Sandy Branch Phase 2  4. It was also noted that with the density of Chinese privet along the entirety of the streambanks of Reach  2 that enhancement will be very heavy handed and may resemble full restoration with the amount of  bank grading taking place. USACE supported an enhancement I approach and 1.5 credit ratio for the  reach.  5. As with other enhancement reaches on site, the IRT recommended being very descriptive of all activities  and ecological uplift to support mitigation credit ratios.  UT4/4A  1. The group discussed the potential for ecological uplift of this reach given the existing instream habitat. It  was recommended that the mitigation plan be very prescriptive and descriptive of all proposed activities  in order to support mitigation credit ratios. A suggested adjustment to a 3.5/4 to 1 ratio may be more  appropriate.    UT1  1. The group walked UT1 and agreed with restoration as an approach.  2. We discussed that the culvert shown on UT1 was installed as part of the Sandy Branch Mitigation Project  for NC DMS. This culvert would remain and restoration would take place up and downstream to tie the  two projects together.   UT2  1. The group agreed with the mitigation activities proposed for this stream.  2. Wildlands discussed how Reach 1, being done not for credit, would mainly involve re‐establishment of a  riparian buffer and repairing small headcuts in the channel up the valley.   3. Reach 2 was agreed upon as restoration.  Crossings  1. Wildlands mentioned that what is shown on the map as Crossing #4 would not be part of the easement  or a crossing. That it was placed for the utility lines and that would be external to the easement.    General Comments  The USACE mentioned that the mitigation plan should include discussion on the following:  a. The erosion control measures that will be included during construction of Phase II to protect the  existing Sandy Branch Mitigation Site.  b. Sediment management in ponds  c. It is likely that restoration could re‐wet riparian wetlands. This should be discussed as a part of  the ecological uplift even if we are not seeking credit.   MEETING NOTES MEETING: IRT Site Walk Dirty Boots Phase II Mitigation Bank Cape Fear Basin CU 03030003; Chatham County, NC USACE No.: TBD DWR No.: TBD DATE: On-Site Meeting: Wednesday, May 4, 2023 Meeting Notes Submitted: Monday, May 22, 2023 LOCATION: Edwards Hill Church Road Bonlee, NC Attendees Kim Isenhour, USACE Casey Haywood, USACE Erin Davis, USACE John Hutton, Wildlands Meeting Notes The primary purpose of this site visit was to provide an opportunity for the IRT members to see the site and for Wildlands staff to explain the various components of the project ensuring viability as a mitigation site. The site is on an active cattle farm and will include stream restoration, enhancement, and preservation as well as wetland enhancement and rehabilitation. Wildlands is proposing this site as a mitigation site as part of the Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Bank. A concept map is attached to help with review of this meeting summary. Post hoc items discussed with the landowner after the meeting appear in red print. UT1 • IRT requested that we establish an agreement with the landowner to fence cattle off the dam, provide a single stabilized access point to the pond, provide for maintenance and mowing of the dam, and include an adaptive management plan in the event the dam stability issues arise. Wildlands will explore this with the landowner. o The landowner has agreed to fence out the entire pond and spillway from cattle access. The approximate fencing location appears on the attached map. • The IRT requested that Wildland stress functional uplift in the narrative. • The IRT requested that Wildlands add proposed mitigation ratios to Figure 8 Concept Map. Dirty Boots Reaches 1 and 2 and Wetland Rehabilitation • The IRT agreed with the restoration approach on Reaches 1 and 2. • John noted that the wetland rehabilitation uplift justification was not vegetative but cattle removal and hydrologic uplift from Priority 1 stream restoration. Due to this, the IRT requested gages in the Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 2 MUDHONEY PHASE II Mitigation Bank May 3, 2022, IRT Site Walk Meeting Notes rehabilitation wetlands to document hydrologic improvement to justify the mitigation ratio. Wildlands will also revise the prospectus to document the rationale for uplift and connection to groundwater gages in the narrative. Dirty Boots Reach 3 and Wetland Enhancement Areas • The IRT requested a buffer on the outer edge of wetland enhancement areas. o The landowner has agreed to add a small upland buffer (+/- 10’) on the edge of wetland enhancement areas. • The IRT requested that the easement be widened to capture wetlands on the western side of the easement between the currently proposed internal and external crossings. o The landowner has agreed to widen the buffer in these areas. The exact area will be determined by a detailed wetland delineation. • Wildlands will explore collocating the internal and external crossing and will update the prospectus if this is determined to be feasible. o The landowner has agreed to collocating the crossings to the location of the utility crossing. • The IRT suggested that Reach 3 should be revised to an Enhancement 1 approach. Wildlands will revise the concept figure to show a detailed plan of how this reach will be addressed. Dirty Boots Reach 4 • Wildlands will be required to treat and control Chinese privet and other invasives in this reach. General Items: • Wildlands will provide and adjacent parcel map and address for all adjacent parcels with the public notice information Summary None of the IRT members expressed concerns with the site moving forward as a bank. MEETING NOTES MEETING:IRT Site Walk  Blue Sky Mitigation Bank  Cape Fear Basin CU 03030003; Chatham County, NC  USACE No.:  TBD  DWR No.:  TBD  DATE:  On‐Site Meeting: Wednesday, May 4, 2023  Meeting Notes Submitted:  Monday, June 27, 2023  LOCATION:Iron Mountain View Road  Randolph County, NC  Attendees  Kim Isenhour, USACE  Casey  Haywood, USACE   Erin Davis, USACE John Hutton, Wildlands  Meeting Notes  The primary purpose of this site visit was to provide an opportunity for the IRT members to see the site and for  Wildlands staff to explain the various components of the project ensuring viability as a mitigation site.  The site  is on an active cattle farm and was proposed to include stream restoration and enhancement.  During the site  visit, as explained below, there was discussion about adding wetland credit.  Wildlands is proposing this site as a  mitigation site as part of the Wildlands Cape Fear 03 Umbrella Bank.  A concept map is attached to help with  review of this meeting summary.    T1, T1A, T2, and Carter Creek Reaches 1 and 2  Due to the level of incision and the potential to restore adjacent floodplain wetlands, the IRT recommended Wildlands consider restoring these systems through Priority 1 restoration. In acknowledgement of the existing moderate quality bedform and existence of some stable streambanks, the IRT noted that a lower credit ratio would be appropriate (1.2:1 was discussed as a possibility pending justification in the Mitigation Plan) The IRT noted that the primary justification for restoring these streams would be to restore and enhance adjacent wetlands.  They recommended assessing soils and determining the feasibility of restoring and enhancing wetlands. The IRT requested that Wildlands assess the feasibility of combining crossings 1 and 2 into a single crossing to be located below the confluence of Carter Creek reach 1 and T1.  The field in between the reaches could be used to generate extra credit.  Wildlands will explore this option. The IRT requested that Wildland stress functional uplift in the narrative. The IRT requested that Wildlands add proposed mitigation ratios to Figure 8 Concept Map. Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  page 2  BLUE SKY Mitigation Bank  May 4, 2022, IRT Site Walk Meeting Notes  T3 and T4  IRT requested that we establish an agreement with the landowner to fence cattle off the dam, provide for maintenance and mowing of the dam, stabilize the streams flowing next to the pond dams, and include an adaptive management plan in the event the dam stability issues arise.  Wildlands will explore this with the landowner. The IRT agreed with the enhancement approach but thought a 2.5:1 ratio was too generous unless the ponds could be addressed. If work around the ponds can’t be used to justify the ratio, the IRT recommended a 4:1 or 5:1 ratio for these streams. T5, Carter Creek Reach 3, and T6  The IRT generally agreed with the approach on all of these reaches. T7  Wildlands discussed the approach to T7 which would involve a light touch in the upper half and heavier than normal E2 approach in the lower half.  The IRT requested that this be explained in the final prospectus to justify the overall proposed ratio. Carter Creek Reach 4 and T8  The IRT noted that Carter Creek Reach 4 was stable with an intact buffer downstream of Crossing 5. They requested that crediting end at Crossing 5 and the easement only continue to be continuous with the T8 easement. The IRT requested that the easement be ‘bubbled’ at the upstream extent of T8 General Items:  Wildlands has provided map showing the wetland credit potential discussed above. Wildlands will provide an adjacent parcel map and address for all adjacent parcels with the public notice information. Summary   None of the IRT members expressed concerns with the site moving forward as a bank pending the assessment of  wetland restoration potential discussed above.    T1AT2 T 4 T5 T6 Carte r C r e e k T1 Cart e r C r e e k T8 T 7 T 1 T3 Carter Cre e k C a r t e r C r e e k Carte r C r e e k Wetlands Approach Map Blue Sky Mitigation Site Cape Fear River Basin (03030003) Randolph County, NC 0 250125 Feet 2022 Aerial Photography Proposed Conservation Easement Project Parcels Approach Wetland Re-establishment (1:1) Wetland Enhancement (2:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (1.5:1) Crossings Project Streams Non-Project Streams 2' Topoographic Contours