HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoore_Well Abandonment_20231024 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For lnienia'UsdONLY; This faint ran be used.for single.o r multiple wells 1.Well Cnntractur Information: ��� WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Robert Miller -7a,Nhnibcr of wells being abandoned: 1 . Welt Centractor Name.(Or well oxtwvpec4dsully:abam[gsilir;ttal.on!limiter praperty) Ftir n:ufnpk inlirttae a• rwri-'infer supllh. wells• .ONLY with the some con irita itthaelmrowitL)rnr our rdt orr4j rru, 2675-A NC Wcp Coniraaar Ccitiftcaliutr Nnrrsbcr 74.Approi:imate volume of Brat I^r inaining in w II(i): (gal.) SAEDACCO FOR.WATERSUPPLY WELLS' L ONY: • Canny Nano. 7c,Type of disinfectant!tied:chlorine tablets . . • 2t WellCanstntctinn.Perinit 14:97212, _, Laifdlaiiplttrtkleielllarmrts(ill.Coarih:Sie:i.iarliir:ee.lijrdlorr..r,clffdsmwo Id.Amount of disinfectant useai:3 OZ • 3.Well uir(cited:n'clt use): ' Water Supply Well: .7e.Sealing inaterirlsused(cbectc all apply):; ❑Agm ultttell CIMitnicipal/Public El,Neat Cemcot.Giuiut Cl 13cntoiiitc Chips or Pellets`_ ElOeothcrosal(Renting,'Coolin&Supply) •.'<Residential Water.S ipply(single) El Sail Centertl Grriut ; ❑Dry Clay ❑htdnsirial/Commercial ORcsidential Water Supply(shared) O Coincnte'Grout t, O Drill Cuttings Ohdetion • _ O:Spec:ialty Grout: . • ; C Grar"el 'Non-WaterSupp1yWcll , El Bentotule5lnrrz CI Odier(erplain'under7g) . [Monitoring-_ _ t7Reepsell,. , . • . • Injcctiop Well: 7f-.For each material selected above,provide amount of.mater'ials used: .OAilulfer Recharge OGruuiidn;tler Rentediation Neat Cem. 2,5001b ,Wtr•175ga1. Sand,Cem.:lb ,Wtr•gal. DA'quifer Storage and Reijovere DSalnrit;Barrier`- ClAintifit Test OStonnnater Druitnnie Bentonite.:401b ,Wtr:gal. • DEspeiiuir:ttlal Tecluttitogv OSubslc[e r Carttrnl 7g.Provide a brief dciicriptian of the abandonment procedure: CJGeotherinal(Closed Loop) ClTracer . Using 1" pvc trimi pipepump grout from bottom to top: ElGeothermal(Healing/Cooling_Retu_rn) .C3Gther(explainunder731 displacing water from well. • 3.Date w'cll(s)a►handnned: 9-19-2023 ' "`T° 7 ,+ ,r,TM 'n• 5a.)Yell location:_ ({ Arnold's Corner - - - O C T 2 l 2023 Fatilitrtr3tvttcrNurne Fxility 1Ds(iapplicablc) 8..fe•tiQcatitin: . :47?0 ,2i 907 US.15-501 Hwy.. Cameron, NC.28326 i �'J>( ''L9%25/2023 Plti�sical Address.City;and Zip Sigratt:'c o''"'^.�•:r.^: :t Zfi::'ft. !i 'tent DADS Moore try sigring this form, 1 hereby-cei-tir•that lire well(s) was(were)abandoned in Caiuty Parcel ldenlitteatinit No.(PIN) ikro iltnace:it•ith/54.\CACO2C;0.I00.or2C.0200le'ill Constiuction Stainkmis anti that a copy oftlris ivcord hasbeen provided to he tieli thiiier. Sb:J ttitudeaud lougita.ite.in degrees(nunutes/seconds or decimal-degi+ctsi (iitieil t`tekl,one lattloh :is saillekti) - 9.Site diagram or-additional well details: You may.use the back of this page to provide additional nen.site details;tot well • N W abaudoimtetii details:You may also attach additional pays if necessary.. 1 C(1NSTRUC'TION.bETAiLS OF.WELL($t BEING ABANDONED SUBMTFTAT.INSTRUCTIONS' :moo oo well colzxn relied!fi vrd(S)of nib]Wh'i. I or onrhtple it feat itch.W•ronnrater.wpplr I1. welts ONLY with flan'somerntrstrooltht.c Ltnerhilrr Oi,ieto von=briio rare fern 10a;For All Wells: Submit this.tart within 30 riays of completion of well • 6rt.�Yel1 ID€1:wsw-i abandonment to thcfoltbwin - • - I' Divisiunof WaterRrsour•cec,Information Processing Unit; 196 1617 Mail Service•Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 6b.Total well depth: (ft.) 1 lob.For Iniection WellS: In addition-to sending the fonn.to the address iu l0a 6e:8orebole dL�nteter:6 ((n;) above.aiso submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion Of well • tlbundotuneut to the following' 1 6d.Water tetci below ground surface;25 (ft) -Dlrislou.af Water Resources underground Injection Conttvl Program. 1636 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 6c..0utcr easing le • 10e.For Water Sunnis•&bileetiote Wells: hi addition to sending the form to g length(if known)• (ft,) the'address(es)-aboye. also subdritj one copy of this bon Within 30 days of completion of well abandomnentko!the county health department of the county 6f.Inner easing/tubing length(if known): (ft.) where abandoned, i 6g..Sereen length(If known): - (ft.) ' • • Form GW-30 North Carotlm Department of Ernironment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Itei.outees Revised August 201i-