HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190661 Ver 1_Sassarixa Swamp Bank-MY3 Report_20231025Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel   DWR ID# 2019‐0661  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC’s Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank        MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT  October 2023           PREPARED BY:  Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225  Raleigh, NC  27609  Phone: 919‐851‐9986              Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel  Page 1   Monitoring Year 3 Report     MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT  Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel   Wildlands Holdings III, LLC’s Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank  TABLE OF CONTENTS  1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2  1.1 Project Description....................................................................................................................... 2  1.3  Project History .............................................................................................................................. 2  1.4  Project Location ........................................................................................................................... 3  1.5  Project Design .............................................................................................................................. 3  2.0 Vegetation Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 4  2.1  Success Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 4  2.2 Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol ........................................................................ 4  2.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring ............................................................................................... 5  2.4 Easement Boundary Monitoring ................................................................................................. 5  2.5 Parcel Adaptive Management ..................................................................................................... 5  2.6 Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 6  3.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 6    LIST OF TABLES  Table 1 Project Reporting History  Table 2 Tree Species Selected for Buffer Restoration  Table 3 Character/Existing Tree Species   Table 4 Monitoring Plot Summary – Planting (As‐Built)  Table 5 Monitoring Plot Summary – Year 3  Table 6 February 2023 Supplemental Planting Details    APPENDICES  Appendix A: Figures   Figure 1 Project Location Map  Figure 2 Service Area Map  Figure 3 Credit Generation Map   Figure 4 Monitoring Components Map Key  Figure 4a‐c Monitoring Components Map  Appendix B: Bank Credit Ledger  Appendix C: Vegetation Assessment Data  Table 7 Vegetation Plot Success Summary  Table 8 Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot  Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results  Appendix E: Overview Photographs          Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel  Page 2   Monitoring Year 3 Report     1.0        Introduction  1.1 Project Description  The Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel (Parcel) is part of Wildlands  Holdings III, LLC, (Sponsor) Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank (Bank). The  development of the Parcel was in conjunction with the NC Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS)  Sassarixa Swamp Stream and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site (DWR Project No. 2018‐00432). The project  includes four unnamed tributaries, one ditch, and an ephemeral channel to Sassarixa Creek and six  unnamed tributaries to Black Creek. The project drains directly into Holts Lake, which drains to the  Neuse River. The Parcel location is depicted in Figure 1. The purpose of the Parcel is to provide riparian  buffer mitigation credits to compensate for buffer impacts according to the Consolidated Buffer  Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015) and development requiring nutrient  offset payments according to 15A NCAC 02B .0703 within the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201  excluding the Falls Lake Watershed. The Bank service area is depicted in Figure 2.  Prior to construction, the majority of the Parcel lacked riparian buffer except a few areas with mature  loblolly pine forest along T1 and a mixed hardwood forest along T6. The Parcel is located immediately  adjacent to the NCDMS Sassarixa Swamp Stream and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site (NCDMS ID No.  100040). The NCDMS project includes a conservation easement area that extends 50 feet from the top  of bank of the mitigated streams. The Parcel’s conservation easement area extends beyond the DMS  easement, for a maximum of 200 feet from the top of bank of the mitigated stream. The Parcel was  restored to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin by creating a  functional riparian corridor. Approximately 26.67 acres have been protected with a permanent  conservation easement along ten unnamed tributaries (T1, T1A, T1B, T3, T4, T5, T5A, T5B, T5C, and T6).  A conservation easement was recorded on the Parcel in April 2020.    1.2  Bank Sponsor  The Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel is a part of the Bank. The  Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) for the Bank was signed in December 2019.  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC  1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104  Charlotte, NC 28203  Phone: 704‐332‐7754  Attn: Shawn Wilkerson  Email: swilkerson@wildlandseng.com  1.3  Project History   Project history is provided in Table 1.  Table 1.  Project Reporting History  Activity Completion Date  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC MBI December 2019  Bank Parcel Development Package Approved December 2019  Conservation Easement April 2020  Bare Root Planting March 2021  As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Document June 2021  Year 1 Monitoring Completed September 2021  Year 2 Monitoring Completed September 2022  Year 3 Monitoring Completed September 2023    Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel  Page 3   Monitoring Year 3 Report     1.4  Project Location   The Parcel is located in Johnston County approximately six miles southwest of Smithfield and five miles  north of Four Oaks (Figure 1). The Parcel involves riparian restoration on ten unnamed tributaries (T1,  T1A, T1B, T3, T4, T5, T5A, T5B, T5C, and T6) in accordance with the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules  (15A NCAC 02B .0295). The Parcel is located within the Neuse River Basin HUC 03020201130030 and  North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Subbasin 03‐04‐04 and was restored for riparian  buffer mitigation credit and nutrient offset credit in the Neuse River Basin HUC 03020201 (excluding  Falls Lake) (Figure 2).    From Raleigh take I‐40 E. Take exit 319 for NC‐210 toward Smithfield/Angier. Turn left onto NC‐210 E  (signs for Smithfield).  Continue on NC‐210 E for 2.4 miles and turn right onto Lassiter Road. After 4.6  miles, turn left onto Black Creek Road. Continue on Black Creek Road for 0.7 miles and then turn right  onto Old Olive Road. The first parcel is 0.1 mile on the right of Old Olive Road. The other parcels are at  various locations further down Old Olive Road.   1.5  Project Design   Approximately 26.67 acres are protected in a conservation easement. The Parcel will generate 23.38  acres of Neuse riparian buffer credits. Additionally, the Parcel will generate 3.11 acres of nutrient offset  credits, which creates 7,061.752 pounds of nitrogen credits. Credit generation is shown in Figure 3. The  revegetation plan for the Parcel included the planting of bare root trees and controlling invasive species  growth. Bare root trees selected for the Parcel were native bottomland hardwood species typical for  coastal plain communities as defined by Schafale (2012). The species composition planted was selected  based on the desired community type, occurrence of species in riparian areas adjacent to the Parcel,  and best professional judgement. Tree species selected for planting on the Parcel as well as size  specifications, planting density, and plant composition are detailed in Table 2.    Table 2. Tree Species Selected for Buffer Restoration  Natural recruitment of desirable Character Tree species shall be counted towards the survival and  success rate of the restored site. Character Trees are defined as planted or volunteer species identified  from a survey of local vegetation on less degraded sections of the specified stream and from reference  literature that details native species. A list of Character Tree species (other than the planted species) is  included in Table 3.                Scientific Name Common Name Size  (feet)  Planting Density  (Stems/Acre) Planting Composition  Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 2‐3 111 20%  Betula nigra River Birch 2‐3 111 20%  Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood 2‐3 83 15%  Acer negundo Boxelder 2‐3 83 15%  Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 2‐3 83 15%  Quercus phellos Willow Oak 2‐3 83 15%  Totals 554 100%    Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel  Page 4   Monitoring Year 3 Report     Table 3. Character/Existing Tree Species   Scientific Name Common Name Wetland Indicator Status  Acer rubrum Red Maple FAC  Liquidambar styraciflua  Sweetgum FAC+  Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine FACU  Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar FACU  Quercus nigra Water Oak FAC  Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood FAC  Salix nigra Black Willow OBL  2.0 Vegetation Monitoring  2.1  Success Criteria  Buffer vegetative success criteria are based upon the density and growth of species as defined in Tables  2 & 3. Vegetative success criteria are based upon guidelines set forth in the Consolidated Buffer  Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015). This is defined as the survival of at  least four native hardwood tree species, where no one species is greater than 50% of the established  planted stems, and an established density of at least 260 trees per acre at the end of the fifth year of  monitoring.  For coastal headwater buffer restoration areas under Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(2) the vegetative  success criteria are the survival of 260 planted stems per acre at the end of year five and 210 planted  stems per acre at the end of year seven. Success for coastal headwaters vegetation is also tied to the  success of the coastal headwater on site, T5C. As stated in the NCDMS Sassarixa Swamp Mitigation Plan,  visual monitoring will take place for seven years to insure T5C stays a coastal headwater and will be  reported in the closeout Monitoring Reports for both the NCDMS Mitigation Site and the Sassarixa  Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel.  If vegetative success criteria are not achieved based on acreage density calculations from combined  monitoring plots over the entire restoration area, or if an inspection of a buffer restoration area  indicates that portions of the Parcel do not have sufficient stem densities or are otherwise deficient,  supplemental planting shall be performed with tree and shrub species approved by NCDWR.  Supplemental planting shall be performed as needed until vegetative success criteria are met. No  quantitative measurements of herb assemblages will be required to meet the vegetative success  criteria.   2.2  Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol  The quantity of monitoring plots was determined in accordance with the Carolina Vegetative Sampling  (CVS) Protocol (Level II) such that at least 2 percent of the Parcel is encompassed in monitoring plots. A  total of 19 plots (10 meters by 10 meters) were established within the credit generation area. PVC pipe  was used to mark the four corners of the plots and GPS points were taken at each of the corners.  Monitoring plot locations are shown in Figure 4. A reference photo was taken from the southwest  corner of each plot (Appendix D). All planted stems within the plots were marked with flagging tape and  recorded. Total numbers of tree species planted within the monitoring plots as well as planting density  and plant composition are detailed in Table 4. Detailed results of the Monitoring Year 2 stem count are  summarized in Appendix C.        Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel  Page 5   Monitoring Year 3 Report     Table 4. Monitoring Plot Summary – Planting (As‐Built)  Scientific Name Total Stems  Flagged  Calculated Planting  Density (Stems/Acre)  Planting  Composition  Acer negundo 24 51 9%  Betula nigra 50 107 20%  Magnolia virginiana 14 30 6%  Platanus occidentalis 53 113 20%  Populus deltoides 17 36 7%  Quercus michauxii 40 85 15%  Quercus nigra 21 45 8%  Quercus phellos 40 85 15%  Totals 259 552 100%  2.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring  The 19 vegetation plots were sampled in September 2023 at the end of the third growing season. A  reference photo was taken from the southwest corner of each plot, which can be found in Appendix D  along with the stem count raw data. Total numbers of tree species identified within the monitoring plots  as well as density and composition are summarized in Table 5. Vegetation result tables with planted  stem density, and stem count by plot and species are summarized in Appendix C.   The 2023 vegetation plot monitoring resulted in an average planted stem density of 420 stems per acre  with individual plot densities ranging from 283 to 728 stems per acre. All nineteen vegetation plots are  on track to meet the final success criteria of 260 stems per acre. When including volunteers, the average  stem density is 1,012 stems per acre, with individual plot densities ranging from 324 to 5,382 stems per  acre. Additionally, the majority of recorded stems are healthy, with a vigor of either good (3) or  excellent (4). Vegetation plots 9, 13, and 17 have a high number of sweetgum volunteers, however,  these volunteers do not appear to be outcompeting the planted trees. These areas will be monitored in  subsequent years and remedial actions will be taken if sweetgum volunteers begin to outcompete  planted trees.   Table 5. Monitoring Plot Summary – Year 3  Scientific Name Total Stems  Flagged  Calculated Live Stem  Density (Stems/Acre)  Planting  Composition  Acer negundo 16 34 8%  Betula nigra 39 83 20%  Magnolia virginiana 11 24 6%  Platanus occidentalis 42 89 21%  Populus deltoides 11 24 6%  Quercus michauxii 31 66 16%  Quercus nigra 19 40 9%  Quercus phellos 28 60 14%  Totals 197 420 100%  2.4 Easement Boundary Monitoring  Conservation easement boundaries were inspected throughout monitoring year 3. Boundary markers  remain intact throughout the easement and fencing within cattle exclusion areas remains in good  condition. No evidence of encroachment was observed throughout the Parcel.   2.5 Parcel Adaptive Management  The previous monitoring year (MY2) visual inspection showed higher than expected tree mortality along  parts of T1, the ditch above T3, T4, T5A, and T5C due to dry conditions within the Parcel. In February    Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel  Page 6   Monitoring Year 3 Report     2023 a total of 2,540 additional stems were planted on 8.51 acres in Monitoring Year 3. Species planted,  as well as their counts and source are included in Table 6. Ring sprays were completed throughout the  replanted area and soil amendments were applied locally to replanted trees to reduce competition and  aid planted stem success. Ring sprays and soil amendments will be completed in MY4 in the replanted  areas as well as any areas where the herbaceous vegetation is affecting tree growth.    Throughout the remainder of the Parcel, adaptive measures will be developed, or appropriate remedial  actions will be implemented in the event the Parcel, or a specific component of the Parcel fails to  achieve the success criteria outlined in the BPDP. Parcel maintenance will be performed to correct any  identified problems on the Parcel that have a high likelihood of affecting project success. Such items  include but are not limited to; excess tree mortality caused by fire, flooding, drought, or insects. Any  actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria and will include a work schedule  and updated monitoring criteria.   Table 6. February 2023 Supplemental Planting Details  Scientific Name Total Stems  Planted  Planting  Composition (%) Type  Populus deltoides 172 7% Bare Root  Magnolia virginiana 147 6% Bare Root  Acer negundo 245 10% Bare Root  Quercus nigra 172 7% Bare Root  Quercus michauxii 367 15% Bare Root  Platanus occidentalis 490 20% Bare Root  Quercus phellos 367 15% Bare Root  Betula nigra 490 20% Bare Root  Totals 2,450 100%   *A total area of 8.51 acres were supplementally planted with trees in February 2023.   2.6 Conclusions  The 2023 vegetation monitoring data reflects that overall, the Parcel is on trajectory to achieve final  vegetative success criteria of 260 stems per acre by the end of monitoring year 5. All nineteen  vegetation plots exceed the vegetation success criteria. The Parcel has an average stem density of 420  planted stems per acre, with plots ranging from 283 to 728 stems per acre. When including volunteers,  the average stem density is 1,012 stems per acre, with individual plot densities ranging from 324 to  5,382 stems per acre. The majority of recorded stems appear healthy, scoring either 3 or 4 on vigor.  Additionally, herbaceous vegetation has established across the Parcel along with several pollinator  species. The Parcel will continue to be assessed and further remedial actions will be taken if deemed  necessary.    3.0 References  Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources,  Ecosystem Enhancement Program. October 2004.  Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2006. CVS‐EEP Protocol for Recording  Vegetation Version 4.0. Retrieved from   Schafale, M.P. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth Approximation.  Wildlands Holdings III, LLC (2019). Sassarixa Swamp Mitigation Banking Instrument. NCDWR, Raleigh NC.   Appendix A: Figures ^_ Figure 1. Project Location Map Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 0.50.25 Miles Johnston County, NC ¹ NCDMS Conservation Easement Bank Parcel Conservation Easement ^_Project Point Location 2021 Aerial Photography ^_ Johnston County, NC Figure 2. Service Area Map Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) ¹ County Boundary HUC 03020201 Service Area - Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Credits ^_Project Point Location 0 105 Miles [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [[ [[[ [[ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [[[[ [[[ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [[ [ [[[ [ [ [ [[[[ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ T2 T 5 A T5C T 5 B T1A T1 C T 1 B T4 S a s s a r i x a C r e e k T3 T6 T5 T1 T1DT1 Figure 3. Credit Generation Map Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2021 Aerial Photography ¹0 1,000500 Feet Johnston County, NC NCDMS Conservation Easement Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Project Ephemeral Channel Project Ditch Mitigation Approach Buffer Restoration Coastal Headwaters Cattle Exclusion Nutrient Offset Not for Credit Utility Easement Surveyed Treeline [Fencing ÛÚ Gates [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [[ [[[ [[ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [[[[ [[[ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [[ [ [[[ [ [ [ [[[[ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ T2 T 5 A T5C T 5 B T1A T1 C T 1 B T4 S a s s a r i x a C r e e k T3 T6 T5 T1 T1DT1 Figure 4. Monitoring Components Map Key Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2021 Aerial Photography ¹0 1,000500 Feet Johnston County, NC NCDMS Conservation Easement Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Project Ephemeral Channel Project Ditch Mitigation Approach Buffer Restoration Coastal Headwaters Cattle Exclusion Nutrient Offset Not for Credit Utility Easement Vegetation Plots Supplemental Planting Surveyed Treeline [Fencing ÛÚ Gates [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [[[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[ [ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ T2 T1A T1 C T 1 B S a s s a r i x a C r e e k T3 T1 T1D T1 1 2 6 9 4 8 7 5 3 Figure 4a. Monitoring Components Map Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2021 Aerial Photography¹0 500250 Feet Johnston County, NC NCDMS Conservation Easement Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Project Ephemeral Channel Project Ditch Mitigation Approach Buffer Restoration Cattle Exclusion Nutrient Offset Not for Credit Vegetation Plots Surveyed Treeline [Fencing ÛÚ Gates [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[ [[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ T4 T6 T5 10 19 16 11 17 18 Figure 4b. Monitoring Components Map Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2021 Aerial Photography ¹0 600300 Feet Johnston County, NC NCDMS Conservation Easement Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Mitigation Approach Buffer Restoration Cattle Exclusion Utility Easement Vegetation Plots Supplemental Planting Surveyed Treeline [Fencing ÛÚ Gates [ [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[[[ [ [[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[ [ [ [ [[[ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[[[ [[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ ÛÚ T 5 A T5C T 5 B 12 15 14 13 Figure 4c. Monitoring Components Map Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 200100 Feet Johnston County, NC ¹ 2019 Aerial Photography NCDMS Conservation Easement Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Mitigation Approach Buffer Restoration Coastal Headwaters Not for Credit Vegetation Plots Supplemental Planting Surveyed Treeline [Fencing ÛÚ Gates Appendix B: Bank Credit Ledger Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name Gov't Requiring Pounds of Nitrogen Sq. Ft.Pounds of Nitrogen Sq. Ft. Pounds of Nitrogen Sq. Ft. 5/19/2020 Task 1 Credit Release (20%) 6,497.254 124,512.986 6,497.254 124,512.99 NCDWR 6/18/2020 Mr. Robert Brooks New Hope Industrial Park (SPR-0076-2020, N-0026-2020) 3,196.00 61,247.952 3,301.254 63,265.03 City of Raleigh 7/20/2020 Victory Church International Victory Church (T#SPR-0090-2020) PARTIAL 113.60 2,177.024 3,187.654 61,088.01 City of Raleigh 7/23/2020 Neighborhood Redevelopment Group 738 Grove Avenue (T#SPR-0027-2020) 584.00 11,191.741 2,603.654 49,896.27 City of Raleigh 8/14/2020 Academy Point, LLC Academy Pointe Phases 3 & 4 (19-062-C) 2,603.65 49,896.192 0.004 0.077 Johnston County 9/9/2021 Task 2 Credit Release (20%) 6,497.254 124,512.986 6,497.258 124,513.062 NCDWR 9/23/2021 Capital Growth Buchalter Jones Sausage Retail Subdivision (N-0057-21)(SPR-0148-2021) 459.40 8,803.914 6,037.858 115,709.148 City of Raleigh 9/30/2021 Bullard Restaurant Group Burgerfi (N-74-21, SPR-0158-2021) 229.30 4,394.291 5,808.558 111,314.857 City of Raleigh 9/30/2021 Tri Pointe Homes Holdings, Inc.Barlow (SPR-0023-2021, N-0071-2021) 984.00 18,857.317 4,824.558 92,457.540 City of Raleigh 10/4/2021 RST Development, LLC 401 Assemblage Townhome and Apartments PARTIAL 277.00 5,308.411 4,547.558 87,149.129 Town of Garner 10/4/2021 RST Development, LLC 401 Assemblage Single Family 541.36 10,374.591 4,006.198 76,774.538 Town of Garner 10/11/2021 SCP Patriot Lot 5, LLC Patriot Business Park - Building 5 (D2100204) PARTIAL 76.63 1,468.533 3,929.568 75,306.005 City of Durham 11/1/2021 Johnston County Johnston County Detention Facility (SL 2009-337) 1,870.00 35,836.568 2,059.568 39,469.438 Town of Smithfield 11/1/2021 Johnston County Johnston County Public Safety Center (SL 2009-337) 2,039.04 39,076.040 20.528 393.397 Town of Smithfield 11/19/2021 Task 3 Credit Release (10%) 3,761.493 72,085.026 3,782.021 72,478.424 NCDWR 12/3/2021 Pleasant Grove Golf and Travel Holdings, LLC RDU Pure Gold (22-DP-0103) 295.84 5,669.460 3,486.181 66,808.964 Town of Cary 12/14/2021 Antioch Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.Antioch Volunteer Fire Department (20-067-P) 483.37 9,263.274 3,002.811 57,545.690 Johnston County 12/20/2021 AAA Mini Storage AAA Mini Storage Site Expansion PARTIAL 194.31 3,723.745 2,808.501 53,821.945 City of Goldsboro 2/7/2022 Alliance Realty Partners, LLC Prose New Hope (SPR-0191-2021) (N-87-21) 2,808.50 53,821.925 0.001 0.019 City of Raleigh 2/10/2022 Task 4 Credit Release (10%) 3,351.20 64,222.196 3,351.201 64,222.215 NCDWR 2/23/2022 Tradition Homes Pearl Street Townhomes 282.35 5,410.938 3,068.851 58,811.276 Town of Garner 2/23/2022 Buffalo Road LLC East River Planned Unit Development Phase 3A (NCPIN# 169520-80-3415) 737.99 14,142.796 2,330.861 44,668.480 Town of Smithfield 2/25/2022 CUSA NC Holdings LP Camden Village District Apartments (N-0006-22) (SPR-0008-2022) PARTIAL 64.79 1,241.632 2,266.071 43,426.849 City of Raleigh 3/7/2022 CG/Wood Alta Duraleigh Owner, LLC 4800 Duraleigh Rd Project (#SPR-0127-2021) (N-file #N-45-21) 40.60 778.056 2,225.471 42,648.793 City of Raleigh 3/30/2022 Aspen Spring Housing Associates, LLC Aspen Spring (N-0101-21) (SPR-0236-2021) 973.40 18,654.179 1,252.071 23,994.614 City of Raleigh 4/5/2022 Lennar Corporation – Raleigh Division Tanglewood (D2100055) 1,182.57 22,662.701 69.501 1,331.913 City of Durham 4/5/2022 Lennar Corporation – Raleigh Division Tanglewood (D2100055) (assigned to Durham) 59.13 1,133.164 10.371 198.749 City of Durham 6/10/2022 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.Line 142 Pipeline Access Road #3 PARTIAL 10.37 198.730 0.001 0.019 Wake County 12/15/2022 Task 7 Credit Release (5%) 1,675.600 32,111.098 1,675.601 32,111.117 NCDWR 3/21/2023 Stanley Martin Homes Raven Ridge Place (SPR-0247-2022) (N-0092-22) 1,604.70 30,752.375 70.901 1,358.743 City of Raleigh 5/1/2023 Task 5 Credit Release (5%) PARTIAL 1,675.600 32,111.098 1,746.501 33,469.840 NCDWR 6/8/2023 Task 5 Credit Release (5%) PARTIAL 1,675.600 32,111.098 3,422.101 65,580.938 NCDWR 6/23/2023 Ricky L. Wood Johnson Wood Storage & Parking (22-127-P) 882.66 16,915.243 2,539.441 48,665.695 Johnston County 6/29/2023 Lennar Corporation – Raleigh Division Everlee Subdivision (SP-0068-23) (N-0053-23) 798.00 15,292.824 1,741.441 33,372.871 City of Raleigh Totals 25,134.001 481,666.487 23,392.56 448,293.616 1,741.441 33,372.871 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Nutrient Credit Balance Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) Sassarixa Swamp II Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Outside of the Falls Basin) Nitrogen Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 10-5-2023 DWR Project #: 2019-0661 Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name Gov't Requiring Notes Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres 5/19/2020 Task 1 Credit Release (20%)52,720.400 1.210 - 52,720.400 1.210 NCDWR 5/26/2020 NC DEQ, Division of Mitigation Services IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 52,720.400 1.210 - - NCDWR 9/9/2021 Task 2 Credit Release (20%)52,720.400 1.210 52,720.400 1.210 NCDWR 11/18/2021 NC DEQ, Division of Mitigation Services IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 52,720.400 1.210 - - NCDWR 11/19/2021 Task 3 Credit Release (10%)36,435.200 0.836 36,435.200 0.836 NCDWR 12/13/2021 (previously listed as 1/10/2022)NC DEQ, Division of Mitigation Services IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 36,435.200 0.836 - - NCDWR Please note that buffer credits for this project are also shown on our Enchancement ledger. This transaction was previosuly incorrectly listed on 1/10/22 instead of 12/13/21 and was not included in our 2021 audit. The date has been updated and will be included in our 2022 audit. 2/10/2022 Task 4 Credit Release (10%)28,375.200 0.651 28,375.200 0.651 NCDWR 7/19/2022 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.PNG Line 142 Pipeline (DWR # 20210364) PARTIAL 28,375.200 0.651 - - NCDWR Please note that buffer credits for this project are also shown on our Enchancement ledger 12/15/2022 Task 7 Credit Release (5%)14,187.600 0.326 14,187.600 0.326 NCDWR 5/1/2023 Task 5 Credit Release (5%) PARTIAL 14,187.600 0.326 28,375.200 0.651 NCDWR 6/8/2023 Task 5 Credit Release (5%) PARTIAL 14,187.600 0.326 42,562.800 0.977 NCDWR Totals 212,814.000 4.886 170,251.200 3.908 42,562.800 0.977 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Buffer Credit Balance Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) Sassarixa Swamp II Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Outside of the Falls Basin) Buffer Restoration Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 10-2-2023 DWR Project #: 2019-0661 Sale/ Release Date Purchaser or % Credit Release Project Name Gov't Requiring Notes Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres 5/19/2020 Task 1 Credit Release (20%)6,683.456 0.153 - 6,683.456 0.153 NCDWR 5/26/2020 NC DEQ, Division of Mitigtaion Services IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 6,683.456 0.153 - - NCDWR 9/9/2021 Task 2 Credit Release (20%)6,683.456 0.153 6,683.456 0.153 NCDWR 11/18/2021 NC DEQ, Division of Mitigtaion Services IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 6,683.456 0.153 - - NCDWR 11/19/2021 Task 3 Credit Release (10%)3,776.896 0.087 3,776.896 0.087 NCDWR 11/19/2021 Task 3 Credit Release - Coastal HW (10%)15,582.436 0.358 19,359.332 0.444 NCDWR 12/13/2021 (previously listed as 1/10/2022)NC DEQ, Division of Mitigtaion Services IFB NO. 16-020320 PARTIAL 8,807.090 0.202 10,552.242 0.242 NCDWR Please note that buffer credits for this project are also shown on our Restoration ledger. This transaction was previosuly incorrectly listed on 1/10/22 instead of 12/13/21 and was not included in our 2021 audit. The date has been updated and will be included in our 2022 audit. 2/10/2022 Task 4 Credit Release (10%)3,428.762 0.079 13,981.004 0.321 NCDWR 2/10/2022 Task 4 Credit Release - Coastal HW (10%)6,232.974 0.143 20,213.978 0.464 NCDWR 7/19/2022 Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.PNG Line 142 Pipeline (DWR # 20210364) PARTIAL 15,689.428 0.360 4,524.550 0.104 NCDWR Please note that buffer credits for this project are also shown on our Restoration ledger 12/15/2022 Task 7 Credit Release (5%)1,714.381 0.039 6,238.931 0.143 NCDWR 12/15/2022 Task 7 Credit Release - Coastal HW (5%)3,116.487 0.072 9,355.418 0.215 NCDWR 5/1/2023 Task 5 Credit Release (5%) PARTIAL 1,714.381 0.039 11,069.799 0.254 NCDWR 5/1/2023 Task 5 Credit Release - Coastal HW (5%) PARTIAL 3,116.487 0.072 14,186.286 0.326 NCDWR 6/8/2023 Task 5 Credit Release (5%) PARTIAL 1,714.381 0.039 15,900.667 0.365 NCDWR 6/8/2023 Task 5 Credit Release - Coastal HW (5%) PARTIAL 3,116.487 0.072 19,017.154 0.437 NCDWR Totals 56,880.584 1.306 37,863.430 0.869 19,017.154 0.437 Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold From Bank Buffer Credit Balance Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) Sassarixa Swamp II Bank Parcel Neuse River Basin (HUC 03020201) (Outside of the Falls Basin) Buffer Enhancement Credit Ledger Date Last Updated: 10-2-2023 DWR Project #: 2019-0661 Appendix C: Vegetation Assessment Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Success Summary Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 - 2023 1 3 660133 191772 11 8 0 11 445 445 7 Yes 2 3 660137 191677 15 9 0 15 607 607 5 Yes 3 3 660030 191751 10 9 0 10 405 405 8 Yes 4 3 659920 191859 12 3 17 29 486 1,174 5 Yes 5 3 660363 191479 15 8 0 15 607 607 7 Yes 6 3 660305 191455 10 3 0 10 405 405 8 Yes 7 3 660108 191323 10 2 6 16 405 647 6 Yes 8 3 660397 191432 16 0 17 33 647 1,335 8 Yes 9 3 660351 191383 16 0 49 65 647 2,630 7 Yes 10 3 660618 191331 7 13 1 8 283 324 4 Yes 11 3 660627 191240 14 3 3 17 567 688 6 Yes 12 3 660646 191779 11 9 0 11 445 445 5 Yes 13 3 660664 191760 11 2 122 133 445 5,382 6 Yes 14 3 660988 191672 11 8 12 23 445 931 6 Yes 15 3 661006 191575 17 3 0 17 688 688 6 Yes 16 3 661573 191228 10 14 12 22 405 890 5 Yes 17 3 661653 191219 15 11 20 35 607 1,416 5 Yes 18 3 661798 191167 18 8 14 32 728 1,295 6 Yes 19 3 661810 191283 14 17 6 20 567 809 7 Yes *Target density is a minimum of 260 planted trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period. Plot Year Northing Easting Planted Living Stems Missing Stems Volunteer Stems Total Living Stems Planted Living Stems per ACRE Total Living Stems per ACRE # species Vegetation Threshold Met?* Table 8. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 - 2023 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Silverling Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree 12 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip-poplar Tree Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree 3 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus Oak Shrub Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac Shrub Tree 11 11 11 15 15 15 10 10 10 12 12 29 15 15 15 10 10 10 7 7 7 5 5 5 8 8 8 5 5 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 445 445 445 607 607 607 405 405 405 486 486 1,174 607 607 607 405 405 405 Color for Density Volunteer species included in total T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% 0.02 1 0.020.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 0.02 11 1 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type VP 1 VP 2 Current Plot Data (MY3 2023) VP 5 VP 6VP 3 VP 4 Table 8. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 - 2023 Acer negundo Boxelder Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Silverling Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip-poplar Tree Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Shrub Tree Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree Quercus Oak Shrub Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac Shrub Tree Color for Density Volunteer species included in total T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 11 2 2 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 11 35 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 5 10 10 16 16 16 33 16 16 65 7 7 8 14 14 17 11 11 11 6 6 9 8 8 10 7 7 10 4 4 4 6 6 7 5 5 5 405 405 647 647 647 1,335 647 647 2,630 283 283 324 567 567 688 445 445 445 0.02 1 0.020.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 VP 7 VP 8 VP 9 VP 10 VP 11 VP 12 1 1 Current Plot Data (MY3 2023) Table 8. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 - 2023 Acer negundo Boxelder Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Silverling Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip-poplar Tree Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Shrub Tree Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree Quercus Oak Shrub Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac Shrub Tree Color for Density Volunteer species included in total T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 90 10 10 20 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 30 2 2 14 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 11 11 133 11 11 23 17 17 17 10 10 22 15 15 35 18 18 32 14 14 20 6 6 10 6 6 8 6 6 6 5 5 7 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 445 445 5,382 445 445 931 688 688 688 405 405 890 607 607 1,416 728 728 1,295 567 567 809 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.020.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 VP 19VP 13 VP 14 VP 15 VP 16 VP 17 VP 18 11 Current Plot Data (MY3 2023) Table 8. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 3 - 2023 Acer negundo Boxelder Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple Tree Baccharis Silverling Shrub Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip-poplar Tree Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Shrub Tree Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree Quercus Oak Shrub Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac Shrub Tree Color for Density Volunteer species included in total T: Total stems PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T 16 16 16 25 25 25 27 27 27 24 24 24 7 6 39 39 46 53 53 56 60 60 60 50 50 50 191 132 1 2 11 11 11 15 15 15 17 17 17 14 14 14 57 43 42 42 45 54 54 54 56 56 57 53 53 53 11 11 11 19 19 19 20 20 20 17 17 17 1 31 31 31 34 34 34 46 46 46 40 40 40 19 19 19 22 22 22 26 26 26 21 21 21 1 1 1 28 28 28 36 36 36 39 39 39 40 40 40 5 4 197 197 475 259 259 443 291 291 292 259 259 259 8 8 15 9 9 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 420 420 1,012 552 552 944 620 620 622 552 552 552 19 0.47 19 0.47 19 0.47 19 0.47 Annual Means MY3 (2023) MY2 (2022) MY1 (2021) MY0 (2021) Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 1 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 1 Quercus michauxii 0.1 4.5 Dead 2 Populus deltoides 0.8 6.6 54 3 Quercus phellos 1.4 8.6 Dead 4 Platanus occidentalis 4.9 9.9 400 5 Quercus michauxii 4.3 7.7 Dead 6 Betula nigra 3.8 5.4 Dead 7 Quercus phellos 3.0 2.9 Dead 8 Magnolia virginiana 1.6 0.8 143 9 Acer negundo 5.8 0.5 Dead 10 Quercus michauxii 7.1 2.4 169 11 Quercus michauxii 8.0 4.3 191 12 Populus deltoides 9.1 6.2 Dead 13 Quercus phellos 9.2 8.7 75 14 Platanus occidentalis 9.0 0.5 282 914* Quercus phellos 2.8 1.0 48 915* Populus deltoides 2.6 4.9 64 916* Acer negundo 1.2 8.3 93 917* Betula nigra 5.6 1.5 121 918* Populus deltoides 8.8 6.6 Missing *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-14-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 2 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 15 Quercus michauxii 2.2 0.7 Dead 16 Betula nigra 2.4 2.7 Missing 17 Platanus occidentalis 2.4 4.5 Dead 18 Acer negundo 2.5 6.1 Dead 19 Betula nigra 2.6 8.1 200 20 Quercus nigra 2.7 9.7 128 21 Betula nigra 6.7 9.4 79 22 Platanus occidentalis 6.6 7.2 Dead 23 Quercus phellos 6.5 2.8 151 24 Quercus michauxii 6.5 2.8 Dead 25 Magnolia virginiana 6.1 0.6 84 26 Populus deltoides 9.5 1.1 Dead 27 Platanus occidentalis 9.6 2.9 101 28 Quercus Phellos 9.6 5.3 65 919* Betula nigra 0.6 5.9 64 920* Platanus occidentalis 1.3 8.5 132 921* Platanus occidentalis 5.3 9.2 151 922* Platanus occidentalis 5.3 6.5 79 923* Quercus phellos 5.0 3.1 38 924* Quercus nigra 0.3 2.3 44 925* Quercus phellos 0.4 8.6 Missing 926* Betula nigra 3.6 9.2 205 927* Betula nigra 6.7 9.5 Missing 928* Quercus Phellos 8.7 9.4 65 *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-14-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 3 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 29 Quercus phellos 8.6 0.4 Dead 30 Betula nigra 8.6 3.2 Dead 31 Acer negundo 6.2 2.9 Dead 32 Platanus occidentalis 4.1 2.1 Dead 33 Populus deltoides 1.6 1.7 Dead 35 Betula nigra 0.9 5.5 397 36 Quercus phellos 3.0 5.9 Dead 37 Platanus occidentalis 5.4 6.4 405 38 Magnolia virginina 7.6 6.9 75 39 Quercus nigra 9.7 7.3 182 40 Quercus michauxii 4.2 9.5 102 41 Platanus occidentalis 2.4 9.1 Dead 42 Acer negundo 0.3 8.2 144 929* Populus deltoides 7.4 5.9 71 930* Platanus occidentalis 9.5 2.4 755 931* Acer negundo 6.5 5.2 Missing 932* Populus deltiodes 8.2 7.8 53 933* Quercus phellos 7.8 1.3 57 934* Acer negundo 3.2 2.4 Missing *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-14-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 4 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 43 Betula nigra 0.5 6.4 130 44 Quercus nigra 2.1 7.6 58 45 Platanus occidentalis 4.1 9.1 112 46 Platanus occidentalis 9.8 9.1 81 47 Betula nigra 8.2 7.8 61 48 Quercus michauxii 6.7 6.4 Dead 49 Populus deltoides 5.1 5.3 Dead 50 Betula nigra 3.5 4.1 90 51 Quercus phellos 1.8 2.7 92 52 Acer negundo 0.4 1.5 80 53 Quercus nigra 4.8 0.2 80 54 Platanus occidentalis 6.2 1.5 71 55 Quercus phellos 7.8 2.8 49 56 Populus deltoides 9.6 6.6 Dead 57 Betula nigra 9.4 9.8 72 Photograph Taken 9-19-23   Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results     Veg Plot 5 ‐ Year 3  Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm)  58 Quercus michauxii 0.4 1.4 Dead  59 Platanus occidentalis 2.4 1.4 232  60 Betula nigra 4.4 1.4 Dead  61 Acer negundo 6.6 1.4 76  62 Quercus phellos 8.6 1.5 148  63 Platanus occidentalis 9.3 5.6 Dead  64 Betula nigra 7.4 5.7 156  65 Magnolia virginiana 5.5 5.9 63  66 Quercus phellos 3.0 5.9 Dead  67 Platanus occidentalis 0.7 5.9 281  68 Quercus phellos 0.5 9.4 156  69 Acer negundo 2.5 9.4 66  70 Betula nigra 4.2 9.3 Dead  71 Platanus occidentalis 6.5 9.3 Dead  72 Quercus phellos 8.4 8.8 Dead  936* Quercus pagoda 6.0 8.7 34  937* Quercus phellos 1.3 5.6 38  938* Acer negundo 5.7 4.9 74  939* Populus deltoides 9.2 10.0 49  940* Platanus occidentalis 5.7 1.4 Missing  941* Acer negundo 0.3 2.0 77  942* Acer negundo 2.3 8.8 73    *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting  Photograph taken 9‐19‐23  Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 6 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 73 Acer negundo 0.9 0.5 151 74 Platanus occidentalis 4.1 0.4 170 75 Quercus michauxii 8.9 2.5 Dead 76 Populus deltoides 6.3 2.8 134 77 Quercus michauxii 3.8 2.4 123 78 Magnolia virginiana 1.6 2.8 102 79 Platanus occidentalis 1.8 7.3 152 80 Quercus michauxii 4.4 6.8 118 81 Betula nigra 6.9 6.6 312 82 Acer negundo 9.1 6.2 Dead 83 Quercus nigra 7.1 9.4 132 84 Quercus michauxii 9.0 9.6 Dead 85 Quercus phellos 6.5 9.7 134 Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 7 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 86 Populus deltoides 1.4 2.6 67 87 Quercus nigra 3.2 1.4 131 88 Platanus occidentalis 5.5 0.3 341 89 Quercus phellos 9.9 3.2 106 90 Betula nigra 6.9 3.2 224 91 Magnolia virginiana 4.7 5.5 70 92 Quercus nigra 3.0 6.6 161 93 Platanus occidentalis 1.0 7.5 Dead 94 Quercus phellos 4.0 9.6 Missing 95 Betula nigra 5.6 8.5 285 96 Betula nigra 7.3 7.5 246 97 Populus deltoides 9.2 6.7 43 Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 8 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 98 Quercus michauxii 1.5 1.7 20 99 Platanus occidentalis 1.2 4.3 253 100 Betula nigra 0.8 6.7 231 101 Quercus michauxii 0.5 8.7 133 102 Platanus occidentalis 3.4 10.0 238 103 Betula nigra 3.5 8.3 249 104 Quercus nigra 3.7 6.5 218 105 Acer negundo 4.5 4.6 108 106 Magnolia virginiana 5.2 2.4 70 107 Platanus occidentalis 5.4 1.1 169 108 Betula nigra 8.9 0.8 203 109 Populus deltoides 8.5 2.8 114 110 Quercus phellos 8.1 5.3 160 111 Platanus occidentalis 7.6 7.1 220 112 Acer negundo 7.5 9.3 34 943* Magnolia virginiana 0.3 1.0 54 *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 9 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 113 Acer negundo 0.1 3.1 145 114 Quercus nigra 0.3 5.2 72 115 Platanus occidentalis 0.3 7.3 112 116 Quercus michauxii 0.3 6.4 239 117 Quercus phellos 3.6 10.0 116 118 Betula nigra 3.2 8.3 139 119 Quercus michauxii 2.9 6.4 132 120 Populus deltoides 2.7 6.3 121 121 Quercus phellos 2.5 2.4 209 122 Betula nigra 2.5 0.4 282 123 Quercus michauxii 6.1 0.3 103 124 Quercus phellos 6.3 2.3 306 125 Betula nigra 6.6 5.1 291 126 Acer negundo 6.8 7.3 61 127 Platanus occidentalis 7.0 9.3 217 523* Betula nigra 2.5 8.5 224 *Stem planted in February 2022 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 10 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 128 Platanus occidentalis 0.7 3.1 325 129 Betula nigra 2.2 1.8 Dead 130 Quercus michauxii 3.8 0.4 Dead 131 Platanus occidentalis 7.4 0.6 Dead 132 Platanus occidentalis 5.5 1.9 Dead 133 Populus deltoides 4.8 3.7 Dead 134 Quercus phellos 2.4 4.9 Dead 135 Magnolia virginiana 1.1 6.3 Dead 136 Platanus occidentalis 2.2 8.6 Dead 137 Acer negundo 3.8 7.1 Dead 138 Populus deltoides 5.5 5.9 Dead 139 Betula nigra 7.7 4.5 163 140 Platanus occidentalis 7.5 8.1 Dead 141 Quercus michauxii 7.5 8.1 Dead 944* Betula nigra 4.5 2.9 81 945* Platanus occidentalis 6.0 5.9 134 946* Quercus nigra 1.1 5.9 142 947* Magnolia virginiana 0.7 9.6 62 948* Quercus nigra 0.8 2.6 Missing 949* Platanus occidentalis 8.5 9.0 85 *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 11 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 142 Quercus phellos 7.7 0.5 47 143 Quercus michauxii 9.3 1.8 147 144 Quercus phellos 9.5 6.5 Dead 145 Betula nigra 8.2 5.2 200 146 Quercus phellos 6.6 3.6 203 147 Quercus phellos 5.0 1.9 Dead 148 Quercus michauxii 0.7 2.5 139 149 Magnolia virginiana 2.0 4.2 29 150 Quercus phellos 3.4 57 Dead 151 Quercus phellos 4.7 7.7 42 152 Platanus occidentalis 6.5 9.4 281 153 Betula nigra 2.6 9.8 165 154 Acer negundo 1.3 8.0 133 950* Quercus phellos 7.4 8.1 119 951* Betula nigra 3.9 9.4 24 952* Platanus occidentalis 4.4 3.3 128 953* Acer negundo 9.0 4.3 201 *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 12 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 155 Platanus occidentalis 0.0 5.9 Dead 156 Acer negundo 1.1 8.0 Dead 157 Quercus phellos 2.7 9.5 150 158 Platanus occidentalis 7.9 9.9 285 159 Quercus nigra 6.4 8.5 142 160 Populus deltoides 4.7 6.9 Dead 161 Platanus occidentalis 32 5.3 302 162 Betula nigra 1.7 3.8 Dead 163 Quercus michauxii 0.2 2.3 29 164 Betula nigra 3.5 0.1 Dead 165 Platanus occidentalis 4.9 1.3 Dead 166 Betula nigra 6.2 2.8 315 167 Acer negundo 7.6 4.0 Dead 168 Quercus phellos 9.3 5.3 Dead 169 Betula nigra 9.6 2.3 Dead 171 Quercus nigra 8.3 0.7 229 954* Quercus michauxii 8.0 8.2 62 955* Betula nigra 10.0 3.3 101 956* Betula nigra 0.7 2.0 73 957* Quercus michauxii 4.3 8.5 75 *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 13 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 172 Platanus occidentalis 1.1 2.5 115 173 Platanus occidentalis 4.6 2.5 134 174 Betula nigra 6.0 2.6 81 175 Quercus michauxii 8.4 2.4 110 176 Betula nigra 7.3 5.4 325 177 Quercus michauxii 4.9 5.4 82 178 Acer negundo 2.9 5.5 32 179 Quercus phellos 0.7 5.6 12 180 Quercus nigra 1.2 9.1 235 181 Quercus phellos 3.5 8.6 133 182 Betula nigra 5.3 8.2 183 183 Quercus michauxii 7.3 8.0 Dead 184 Quercus phellos 9.1 8.1 Dead Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 14 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 185 Quercus michauxii 4.0 0.2 Missing 186 Platanus occidentalis 6.3 0.5 145 187 Quercus michauxii 8.7 0.7 90 188 Acer negundo 8.7 4.3 Dead 189 Quercus phellos 6.6 3.5 Dead 190 Betula nigra 6.2 3.1 Dead 191 Platanus occidentalis 2.0 2.7 Dead 192 Quercus phellos 0.6 2.3 61 193 Quercus phellos 0.5 7.1 73 194 Betula nigra 1.9 7.4 135 195 Quercus nigra 3.7 7.7 176 196 Betula nigra 6.2 8.2 Dead 197 Quercus nigra 8.5 8.6 82 958* Acer negundo 1.0 3.6 69 959* Betula nigra 5.8 8.6 Missing 960* Platanus occidentalis 8.6 8.0 75 961* Platanus occidentalis 8.2 1.5 110 962* Acer negundo 5.0 2.0 76 963* Betula nigra 7.2 4.9 Missing *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 15 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 198 Betula nigra 1.1 0.8 158 199 Quercus nigra 3.1 0.9 81 200 Acer negundo 5.3 1.0 Dead 201 Magnolia virginiana 7.5 1.0 96 202 Platanus occidentalis 9.8 0.8 189 203 Quercus michauxii 7.6 4.5 73 204 Quercus nigra 5.1 4.5 84 205 Betula nigra 2.6 4.2 Dead 206 Populus deltoides 0.3 4.1 66 207 Quercus nigra 0.2 7.5 42 208 Platanus occidentalis 1.7 7.5 91 209 Quercus michauxii 3.6 7.5 Missing 210 Platanus occidentalis 5.9 7.5 131 211 Betula nigra 8.0 7.6 175 964* Populus deltoides 3.7 8.3 22 965* Platanus occidentalis 0.2 8.3 68 966* Platanus occidentalis 6.8 8.4 129 967* Betula nigra 8.8 0.3 97 968* Betula nigra 6.8 0.6 94 969* Populus deltoides 2.9 0.6 71 *Stem planted in February 2023 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-19-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 16 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 212 Betula nigra 2.5 1.3 Dead 213 Betula nigra 6.1 0.6 Dead 214 Populus deltoides 7.3 2.4 Dead 215 Quercus phellos 4.2 3.4 131 216 Betula nigra 1.2 5.4 Dead 217 Quercus michauxii 0.2 8.7 51 218 Betula nigra 2.5 7.3 Dead 219 Magnolia virginiana 6.0 5.7 Dead 220 Platanus occidentalis 7.7 5.3 258 221 Platanus occidentalis 8.1 7.8 31 222 Platanus occidentalis 3.9 9.5 193 223 Quercus michauxii 7.9 9.8 37 524* Quercus michauxii 3.7 0.6 48 525* Quercus nigra 8.9 0.6 Dead 526* Quercus michauxii 9.4 2.7 Dead 527* Magnolia virginiana 7.7 3.8 Missing 528* Populus deltoides 5.7 2.3 155 529* Platanus occidentalis 2.1 4.8 Dead 530* Betula nigra 1.1 5.1 Dead 531* Populus deltoides 3.8 6.9 Missing 532* Betula nigra 6.2 8.4 80 533* Acer negundo 9.2 6.0 Dead 534* Betula nigra 8.4 9.8 67 535* Populus deltoides 1.7 10.0 Missing *Stem planted in February 2022 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-20-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 17 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 224 Quercus phellos 7.7 1.7 Dead 225 Quercus michauxii 8.8 3.5 Dead 226 Acer negundo 10.0 5.5 120 227 Platanus occidentalis 9.5 8.5 Dead 228 Quercus nigra 7.6 6.2 Dead 229 Betula nigra 5.9 4.5 Dead 230 Quercus michauxii 4.2 2.5 Dead 231 Platanus occidentalis 1.7 1.5 Dead 232 Quercus phellos 1.0 5.3 112 233 Platanus occidentalis 2.7 7.8 Dead 234 Betula nigra 4.8 8.4 Dead 235 Quercus phellos 6.6 9.8 74 236 Betula nigra 0.7 9.1 194 236 Acer negundo 8.5 0.2 141 536* Betula nigra 3.1 0.2 91 538* Platanus occidentalis 4.5 1.4 192 539* Quercus michauxii 5.6 2.4 66 540* Platanus occidentalis 7.0 3.3 124 541* Platanus occidentalis 8.2 4.3 225 542* Betula nigra 9.3 5.3 183 543* Platanus occidentalis 6.5 8.8 221 544* Platanus occidentalis 5.6 7.8 226 545* Quercus nigra 3.9 6.7 Dead 546* Acer negundo 2.4 5.2 79 547* Quercus michauxii 1.0 3.8 205 548* Betula nigra 0.3 8.6 Dead *Stem planted in February 2022 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-20-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 18 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 235 Platanus occidentalis 1.3 0.5 Dead 236 Quercus michauxii 1.4 4.1 Dead 237 Magnolia virginiana 4.1 4.0 230 238 Quercus michauxii 6.2 2.9 59 239 Quercus nigra 8.5 2.2 48 240 Platanus occidentalis 9.7 5.1 92 241 Acer negundo 7.9 7.1 89 242 Quercus michauxii 6.3 7.2 Dead 243 Platanus occidentalis 6.0 7.3 Dead 244 Betula nigra 1.8 8.1 52 245 Quercus phellos 5.3 10.0 190 246 Quercus michauxii 7.6 9.7 101 247 Quercus phellos 9.7 9.1 41 549* Quercus michauxii 0.2 1.9 148 550* Populus deltoides 3.0 1.2 68 551* Betula nigra 5.6 0.8 71 552* Betula nigra 8.5 0.2 73 553* Betula nigra 9.6 4.2 Dead 554* Betula nigra 7.0 4.9 Dead 555* Quercus michauxii 4.2 5.3 69 556* Betula nigra 1.4 5.7 Missing 557* Betula nigra 0.3 9.6 135 558* Populus deltoides 2.1 9.3 431 559* Quercus michauxii 4.2 8.9 65 560* Quercus michauxii 6.3 8.6 66 561* Magnolia virginiana 8.3 8.3 Missing *Stem planted in February 2022 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-20-23 Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Results Veg Plot 19 - Year 3 Tree ID Species X (m) Y (m) Height (cm) 250 Magnolia virginiana 1.8 0.9 Dead 251 Quercus nigra 3.9 1.8 78 252 Platanus occidentalis 5.9 3.0 183 253 Quercus phellos 7.7 3.9 100 254 Acer negundo 9.7 4.9 69 255 Platanus occidentalis 8.9 8.0 229 256 Betula nigra 6.8 7.4 Dead 257 Magnolia virginiana 4.7 6.4 Dead 258 Quercus michauxii 2.8 5.6 217 259 Betula nigra 0.8 4.7 Dead 260 Acer negundo 1.8 8.6 Dead 261 Populus deltoides 3.8 9.9 41 562* Platanus occidentalis 0.4 6.3 Dead 563* Acer negundo 1.6 8.2 9 564* Platanus occidentalis 2.9 9.8 Dead 565* Quercus nigra 5.1 9.6 112 566* Platanus occidentalis 4.0 8.0 200 567* Quercus phellos 2.1 6.2 40 568* Magnolia virginiana 0.6 3.9 Dead 569* Platanus occidentalis 0.4 0.7 74 570* Quercus phellos 1.6 2.2 Dead 571* Quercus michauxii 2.6 3.7 Dead 572* Quercus nigra 3.9 4.9 Dead 573* Acer negundo 4.6 6.6 Dead 574* Betula nigra 7.0 9.8 Dead 575* Platanus occidentalis 8.9 9.9 Dead 576* Quercus phellos 8.8 7.2 55 577* Betula nigra 7.5 5.3 114 578* Acer negundo 6.0 5.1 Dead 579* Acer negundo 5.3 3.8 Missing 580* Quercus michauxii 9.1 3.8 Dead *Stem planted in February 2022 supplemental planting Photograph taken 9-20-23 Appendix E: Overview Photographs   Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel   Appendix E: Overview Photographs   9/15/2023   9/15/2023   Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel   Appendix E: Overview Photographs   9/15/2023   9/15/2023   Sassarixa Swamp II Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank Parcel   Appendix E: Overview Photographs   9/15/2023   9/15/2023