HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06674_Well Construction - GW1_20231017 1 WE CONSTRUCTION RECORD OW_g Print Form For Intemai Use Only: 1.W Contractor Information: Da id Belcher Well mractor Name 14.WATER ZONES i FROM TO 'DESCRIPTION 459 t913 191 >z' 89 GlPM (Frercittre) NC Well Contractor Certification Number A/Oft' . atiS tt 'g&.i) (Frr(r4uce' Aqcompu Drill,Inc. IS.OUTER CASING(for mulI.caredwe000R LINER(if a &able) FROM TO ` DIAMETER THICKNESS TV( yName • Q ft I 17r7 ft ! 6.955L I nRai !'V( 2.w. Construction Permit#: �:I•ll�`� U`7-41� 16o INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal cosed-loon) List all llcable we11 eonstrrtotwn permits(LA C;Count',State,YariwweM f - DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL e ft. ft. !m 3.Wel Use(check well use): ft . fw ; io. Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN °Allri ulturai IL"� ipaUPublia FROM To DIAMETERsLOTstzE THICKNESS MATERIAL °Geo i ermal(feating/Coolin Supply) !"I Residential Water Supplyrt in. g PP Y) � (single) ff. ft. In. DInd Commercial DResidential Water Supply(shared) i_:don - 1@GROUT . • hr Non ater 6u ' FROM TO MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT MCLEOD&AMOUNT Supply Well: IL DMon 'ring DReeovery O ft. ft• kxr; e Pdur l�hips`tt~1�1/d r e Igie y ,n Well: O it. illA4u `• Recharge DGmundwaterRemediationilli ' r Storage and Recovery Salinity Beerier 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK( ttonlleable) �'AQ Test p� FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD Il..f S�za?waterDrRinage f. 1t: •- ,,,..tal Technology °Subsidence Control ' ft. ft. I '•..eeenal(Closed Loop) >f 7lracer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional Sheets Mummy) A -. 'ennal :-.•_Coolin_Return) *Other(4:.lainunder el Remarks FROM TO DESCRIPTION(cat or.tiEdcess,soll/rerk type.grain size.Na) ft. RD abate ell(s)Completea: l0�Co Well a�Q R. �(� ` Cie !�` cjrtn 5a.W= • i Location: r9t Si�l i 6b va fe• Get 5rtny Cnil Aria 146 >✓Prn(1)1}e, 74 R' , 97 -f` e8il e i-nl-.pplfile Facicliityr/•. .erName Facility IN(ifapplleable) fr* ft: rf�J C•tl6jPr,t1 Cie); � afe.`7 ,�iup tx(' :t�-• = .�. �. ..,_ ._ �-eCOUP C �trcll ' l ArtrItS�(11.MC ft. ;� ; -Physical .•.: City,and Zip • [t. ft. n T r �: •a A 1 l ►e.u ` ILLo' goggtla zI.REMARt36 OCT f1 S �;1�� County fParceel Identification No.(PIN) !In`o,.. ._. is 5b.Lad de and longitude in d es/egre minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: L .D`'•`':13` G • Of well ti•Id.one let/fongis sufficient) CcC L.p 22.Certification:. ;• �t.G,3' N V9 e1 5'r7' S9.S°' w .62eisf2se,_ . i 6.lis(are the well(s)Permanent or ©ITemporary s;gmtum ofCertitied Well Contractor Jr).10• 3 Date. B7.1s this a repair to an existing well: ®Yes or No with IISSANCAthLC 02C.0/Oorm,I O or S NCAC 2C m&that the �O0�Well C Guar n Standards and ghat a Phis is*pair.fill out known well edtlatruction tnfommtion`andexplaln the nature of the eopyofthfsreeonlhes been provided to the wellewner. repairun er#2lremarhsso:donoranthebackofthisform. .23.Site or 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells havingthe same You may diagram eth back of this wellonal geto detailvide s: constru-.on,only 1 OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attacch additionaallh age well N�details or well drilled: pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL 1A16TItt1C1ImNS i 9 Total all depth below bud surface: 4r14 For wells list all depths iftb ereu(ample-3@.200'and2p1009 go24e.For All Wells: Submit this form Within 30 days of completion of well • construction to the following: 10.Sta• water level below top of casing: WO (ft) Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit, rimier I- is above caring use+" • 1617Maiil Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Bo le diameter: (a (in.) 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well nstracHon method: } Intl p A'�r above,also submit one copy of this foim'within 30 days of completion of well. OA auger: .tary.cable,direct push,etc.) construction to the following: FOR W-TER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a.Yid, (gum) 10 Method Mesh CIA(h*1;mo 24c.For Water Suooly&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the'form to 13b.D• action e• I((l{`9��(d Amou the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: I(oo7. completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. - FonnGW North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Wafer rm.,,,,,..m