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GW1--06641_Well Construction - GW1_20231006
• i WELL CONSTRUCTION•RECORD Far lenla!Usc.ONiY:: ' 'ilk's form can based fir single or multiple wells, L.Wal.Cantractor Infoi•nlation: :I I.WATER2,ONFS Rich Lemire FROM 170 DESCRIPTION WellConrlacturN4mm4: • ft. ft. l j 2593A if. fl I l NC Well Contractor Ccrtiftealion Nwrher 'IS:OUTER CASING(Ifirri uttl.sued mill.)OR LiNERtii'eti ticablel" .. _ _ FROM ' TO ' DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO • f4. fL in. Company itanw. Hi.INNERCASING'OR-TU91NG:1ii'utbeiroieleCu cd•looef;:: _ . FROM • TO DIAMETER TIDCKKNESS' MATERIAL .2.We l Construction Permit li: 0 . R. 14 rt. 2 SCH-40 PVC l ir'i ua npplirubfe well penrritc(i-r,.County:Steen,Y.riaper,100'6 i err,.) R, fie 3:*l l lise(chacl:‘t ell use): • :17:SCREEN . WdtcrSupptt Will• mom TO nbtMET£R St.OrSltk T!IIERNISS 1 MATERIAL _ ®elglicultitral [l!4liaicipaliPoblic. 14 ft: 24 •Yi. 2 in 010 SCH-40 PVC • ®Gebtllermat(Heating/Cooli Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) fie ft. in, lttdustrial/Conmlercial ©Residential Water,Supply(stetted) aBi:GRO Cl _" ;' .. .. . _ _ . FROST - TO. MATERIAL I EMPLACENIENT.MEi OD do AMOUNT Dlrrtmtion . . 0 ft. 12 Ft. BENTONITE C.AEGBRED dfon-Water Supply Well:. °_ 6bMnrl taring C]Itc metg Injection-Well: ft, . rt. DAijllifcrRccfiarge Cl9rontidwticrReiucdial;au. .,19iSANDIt:ItAVEL PACK'{ifnuplitantkl' _ -- - - :-BROM TO M%TRRIAI. +I l PL.sfl. E4TNLTNOn • . []Aituifcr.Stordgc and Rceo%:ery IDSalinity l3airicr 12 .• ft..' 24 ft. SAND; #2 0AgnifcrTcst• . ❑Starnil5atergmion e • - fL ft. ❑E erin cntal TeelmotoSi•. J ISubsidcncc,Cooinnl •.211:DRILLING LOG(attach,adilltionnl iliecti if neccsuu 1 d. C otllennal(Closed Loop) diTutecr most • 70 DFSCRIPnO1q(mbr.4 uthe.o.sritrometi htx;stdn we.stal 13Geothemtal(Heatine/Cooliue Return) Mother(explain under.#21 Remarks) 0 " :ft. 11 • ft, RED SILT 11 ft.- 24 IL GREEN PWR 4:DateWt.11(s).Conipleled: 9-7-2023 Wen EDhGTA-9. - ft: ft. 5a.Well Ia)catElin: I, 1'. .` • .rt. ft. e L r '6N ATM,;m^ WIX FILTRATION fL- ft. _ ��}�n facility,!DirocrNulue Facility 11)k EappliaOLL `r2-3 ble). • ft. ft. • 1301 E. Airline Ave., •GASTONIA,,NC, 28054 , ' • rt, rt. tnIcTiP.24izm Y-'r ^�.vp, g 1:131 Plgsiral-Address.Cit}•_aimd Zip =:21:REMARKS .a(11.' GASTON - Coimly' Parcel ldeutificailon No,(PIN) , •Sli.,iattitade;in iL• thig1 ylein degrees/minutes/scerinds nr decimal degrees: 22.Certification • Ore di meld,one teuloiiissutnckrd) • , • 11• W `� "t'�� I,e•.‘ ",_e.4....,- wG� 9/16/2023 ' SiemtuecofCcmt _Well Ce Wader: - Date • • 6.i9(are)W"e-irell(s}t DPenn Brent or �Tempor°ar3 i signing tkir far e..l!tricky ern ofv,rllat the,r•ei1(s)i-ua(r4-1 ctn,reri tu;mrerrrlmner Ida 154 NOR 02C d1100 or 154 tVC4C 02C MOO Well Ow/roc/km Sraodards trod rlrm a 7.Is this drelmairtoadezistingVent. /]Yea or ?iNo eap-rofrhkrrrenlh:a.1t*enlinwid.rdraio+.!rtvlirnriier. ifth(s:is a rpalr.fill eo;krtrnrar hell ear i ret(ori hrfcrmarlon 4m4raptaln rho moire of the. relmir raider0J21 ternurks'scrriem arm the brisk of thin form. -23.Site diagrani or.addltiouat•well details: Yon may use the back of this page to.prov ide additional well site derails:or*ell • S.I innberaf Wells constructed: 1 consrniction details. You May:siso attach additional pages if urcesSary. For tnuhlpkirde.tiro'.»-ormr-nwrer supply n'rfl:ONLY frith the same!cortsrrurti ut,you ran ' srthmiroaie form. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTIONS 1' 1 9.Total Well depth bete*land surface 24 (('r.) :ZAu.-Far An Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of COniptetiori of well For mrultipleii•elfslest all dryrltsr/dli n'tufcrumpfc-3@209 errul.2@N7.7'1 • conttnictionto the folonirig 10.State water level below top of easing:"19.5 MODivision of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, limner 151W is above cask:.Use'•+" • I617 hlail.Seiz'ice Oilier,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617- IL Borehole diameter.8. r25"- . _ (in,) tab.Fin.Tutcctilmfl With ONLY: ,In addition to-sending file fomt to the address in 24aaboie,also submit a copy of this form within 30'days'of cotnpletion of well 12.Well construction method:AUGER - • constriction to tite follos{i»g:• (Lc.auger.fetary,cable,direct push.etc.) • I,•' Divisoit of Water Resaurces,,Undergroand injection ControUPrbgran, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - 1636 Mail Scn'iceI.Centcr.Raleigh,NC 27699-163G 13; YFc1d' i<tethod of test: .2'te..For Water Supply&Injection Wet's:. b fsl►nt) Also.submit one copy of this YUrm Within 30 days of completton.of 13b.-Disinfection npc:. Amount: well,con51nrctioo to the'county health department of the.county where • cottsiniatcd, Fanu GW-1 Noah Carotins anmenl.af£nvitotui ni and Natural Resources-Division of Water R,eatran Revised August 2013 1 I I