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GW1--06640_Well Construction - GW1_20231006
_ : is WELL.CONS` RUCTION RECORD • For[Mental uscClNLV: I ; This form can be•uscd for single or multipk wells• f 1.Well Couttactor Information: . :',14::WATERZONGS' _ .- Brian Ewing • FROM. ' 10 DESCRIPTION Well CaniradorName R. ft, 4240-B It. rt. J NC Well Conllarlor Certification Ntmitlet •`IS OUTER CASING(for tulti-craeJtictisl OR LiNER Man ticablel: . FROM TO DIAMETER• THICKNtESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO tL ft. I' '.in.. Company Name' 16 INNER'CASiNG OR•TUBING ljoilsermat ctu td-Ioep}: ' FROM 10 _DIMiETER. THICKNESS MATERIAL _ 2.well COnstruetinn Fern*ff: DW08152023;2023 25 07-MW4 RWO;VMA0401477 0 R. 20 It. 2 • ' in. 'SCt3=40 PVC . Liiral)npplirable well ficrmlts(i.e.'county.Saae.Variance.Ile q-rt !• - ft, ft, in. 3.Well 13se(cltcelcirel1 use): ,27:SCREEN • Water Supply Well:' FROM• 1 TO DMAIETER 54(yTsin I T11TCt4Vr s 11IIATFRIAI, • CJAg.Ticullutit. ElIcliInlcipal/Pulllic 20 ft. 35 R. 2 •• 030 SCH-40 .. PVC ©Geothermal(HeatinglCooliug Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(sir gle)• fi. rL in, ®Industrial/Coutntarcial ®Residential Water Supply(shared) T9 GROtfT: . _. ` __. .: : FR051' TO. ' • MATERIAL E'NIPLAC'ENEVT.:MEM-10D C Ab101TNiT . ❑ltri@ation - • . 0 ft. 16 . ft PO_RTLAND POURED Non-AVater Supply Welt: rt Monitoring . °Reco►ety . - • injection Well:- . - .ft. , ft.• ' • °Aquifer-Recharge °Groundwater Rentcdiation ,t9 SAND)GMVEL-rACi{:tir-appucabtrl4 - -- ------- - -=-_. - -.- - FROM in MATERLU; KMPI.,i.(:1:11rNT M1a•IIOrr IDAgitifcr.Storigc mkt Recovery °Salinity Barrier. 18 ft. '35 , ' ft, FILTER'SAND # 2 ID Aquifer Test- l7SO:mos-Met Di:tinogc .ft. ft. ❑1~*ctiinenlal Tc linolog)' ❑SIt115idertcc Control. -20;DRILLING'LOG7iitlaeli uddiiiouaisliceld•ifkiecessar0 -: ❑Geotllentztl(closed Loop) DTr.Icer FROM TO DESCRIPTiON Ram.tianlncii,xdknickir pt.min cim.Nt.! ❑Geodteniial t•Aeatine/Cooliti Retuni) ,'❑Other(elcplaitt wider#21 Remarks) 0 IL 35 ft silt ft. • ft. 4.Date%ll(s)Completed: 8-28-23 Well IDf/ANN-106 tl. tL . 5a.Wc1I Location: ft. tL -.::< '�. :Y rot"'E.'" City of Greensboro tt, ` • it. Facilitp;QlsnirNtiruc FacilhllD (ffapplicible) R. R. - _ U1. I (J V [ll Right-of-Way near 2737 Stratford Dr., ,Greensboro, NC,, , h , . • ft. . 27408 • Pltysical'Addrsss City. Zip ;2t:REMAliS in_cri3r.;,..n arc:^$,1, a:2 1..ln'f R ;:,%M.i`1 Guilford • BENTONITE SEAL 16 TO 18' • t:onaly 1'areei lacsliti boil No;(PIN) • . • i . . Sb..Latitude and i ongitude in de grceslminutcslsceonds ter decimal degrees •22.Ccititirutltia: (If>,ielt!'reed;lute-lauiloug ts-sttfiiciept) 36.1118 . ly -79.8355• . ' W Brian Ewing_ 9/19/2023 . Sigmlt5e01 Certified Well Coiitm;tar j Date . 6.Is(are)the.well((): 10Peniiauent or. .OTetigwrary. . I By Afgning thin jinni,l hereby ceifift•rhos the orell(s)n71r f wrnyl coratrialed ire aaortlanee win)Mt NOW02C•0100 or I5 t NCAC lr2C.0200 Well Cwisrrrwrlotr'SrardardsWire rlrrrra 7•Is.thiY a repair to an_etisting well: bDYes or iiONq.• - .err of Mir►rennf hire 1Kcn pmyide4 to JO oil*ll(owner, • If Oils Iso(eporK fit Nit Ylnhwl liTacamm-r1,10i07n`lrffonnarkrl oerd t c ibaln the rnnrlrre of the repcii'amlcrd21 lenrurksie tiaa e,rar the bark of this form. - 23.Site diagram or additional well details: '- You-May use the hack of this page to provide additional well site details or Well - 8..Numberof welh constructed: 1 construction details: You.rnae also attach additional pages if necessar}•. For'mrrltlple.lifcetlun or oni-iacer supply m.Ttls.ONLY with nce someconitrurllwr,yob eon sabnaronc.jarm. _ . . -S!JftMIITTALINSTfICTiONS 9.Total welt detitli below land surface: 35 Oh) 24a. Far All Wells:• Sithtnit this form within 30 days of completion of well For rrenliipie itcts'lijr nNrfepths lfdlfji were(e ample-3@200'and'd@ 1001' - - conslntction to the following:. 1 10.Static Water level below top of casings?? 0 9 (ft.) ' ,Diviriun'of Water Resources,Information i'racessing Unit,. If wmer leyi,l1s,nlitme eas(tix.use'•+'• 1617 Mail Service Centcr,.Ralcigh,NC 27699-1617 8.25° I- IL Burcltgtc diameter (in) gals•For Iitim(InR�4 [Ir ONLY: in addition to sending theform to the adds in 24a aboio,also submit a•copy of this fomi within 30 days-of completion of well it well constntetioii method:NSA & Direct Push constnictimin to the following: ti.c.augcr..rotary.cables direct push.etc.) Division of Water Resources,ifnderground Injection Control Program, • . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS' 1636 Mal Service`pettier,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ' 13a,Yield Wm) .Method of test: 24e.For.Water Sun!v.tC Injection Wells: . • Also submit one copy of this fifth within 30 daysof completion of- , 13h.Disinfection tylie:• • - Amount: well construction to the county health department of the county.where constricted. Fonti GW-i North Carolina Departmentf Environono and Namrsl Resources-Division of Rater ,o Rewtrem Revised August 20 I3 1