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GW1--06611_Well Construction - GW1_20231017
i . kr `1 w ti r4 ma � +: tdad• 3 ' *.i a s, P" c - 41nLiF0nn'+ y4 bi # o ' .° W+ ` s -� aw' s 4, s 4, ;1!;4 Pt a � r`, t3 ; h �lti ` - " for itenaUealyt e. UfUNRE RD(GW- 1.weft Contractor Information: Cameron Bann - 14.WATER ZONPS_.. I. ! woncomacterNomC FROM TQ._. _ . ;.,Dzsciu noN [ 9e-A 185 R. so ar°l' i R. R. NCWert Contractor Ont fcationNumber 15.0>3TERCASING for mnletrased wallet ORLIlN=(d lible) Aqua DM,Inc. ia(oM TO DIAAlf,1ZR. TalciavFss MATERIALv it' g o '• G in. ' I_el( Compony,Nasoz 16 INNER CASING ORTURING(aeelhemaieiwa 4001O 2.Wert Construction Permit ft: w0 FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATF1tML wet (i.e.UiC.c wil.sate,Variance.etc) IL ft• 3.Well Use(chectcwell Use): ft. ft.' In. Wolter Suppb,Well: ) 17.SCREEN ___ 311 .y'culhiml FROM' TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE TarCin�S MATERiAL MtmictpallPablic it ft. in. E Geothermal(Healing/CoolingSupply)/ widential Water Supply(single) ft. In. II:Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply(shored)' 1e cRouT ni ion FROM TO MATEEIAL EMPLACEMDDRl'MEFROD&AMouNT- Non-Water Supply Well: Q 2Y ft. G 11',4 . *Monitoring DRecovety tt ft: Injection Well: OGmnndwaterltemediation ft. Storage endRecovery 19 SAND/GRAVELPACKiReonlieobie) • OSabnnyBonier FROM TO MATERiAL EMPIACEMEETMErIOD IrAquifcrTest DStoxmwaterDrainage ft ft. D .,.�.4..entat Technology 0Subsidence Control ft. ffi II Geothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach adddionolabeetoif noeasoar39 Iji Geoffiecmai(l3eatinfjCoolingRettm) �Odrer(explaiaander#21Remetlrs) FROMt TO ' DESCIDET:oN(coto,bcn .eut�aaIFF4ta+ta�.eew Well(s)tDate7v SGyt� 4. Completed: qI 71.$ Well IDS 7a R' 2o5 .J7,,,,jt i- ,,- - 5a.Well Location: ft ft. , NC ( .y h,ti r�,t' R. ft. ^r: o k.�la racEityuh rrieme Facoity IDS C�fepplieable) it. it: 207..E 0c.�td,Ar�A Pr 7a fo(sv1�(L• ,7}J �.�r 3 Physical Address.�dy,and Zlp ft. ft, �, .J Lir, Calmly - Parcel Identification No.(PIN) i .. • 5b.Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (IfwCU field;ens lading issufficient) 22.Certifieatioa- 3c Clcr(Sa N 8t,2Y3` 5 .1;, 6.lis(dtre)the welI(s) Permanent or Temporary Sizes=ofCezdfied Well Contractor 2S //�- Date 8y coung this forth,Ihereby cere that the we!/(a)sets(were)eoesMrued in accordance 7.In ibis a repatt to an exit even: I�Yea or No with ISANCACo2C.0100 orISANCAC Sic.0200 Wen Constrntion'S ,a lfthfs hiSa Pkk)aot:"Inconsn2 .,E iafommtio and ap/ainth,no„ofdrc copl'olW ++dhas'beeninwldedtoComa owner. fillif-3.a #1i emit lssectionor=thebackOhie 23.Site diagram or additional well debate: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or©osed-Loop Geothermal wens having the same Yong dib s,y page tot provide additional well site details or well dolled: llhutdica,only1GW-lisneeded.IndicateTOTALNUMBERofwells y also attachadditioIIal pages rin SUSSIOITALIly,4TRUC IONS 9 Total well depth below land tenefae Zd 5 (ft.)Formuldplewarfalai1depths&E erent(example-3(a2oo•andl®Ioo9 ( �acon �(befollo Submit thin 30 days of completion of well 10.Stade water level below top of casing ,, (ft) Ijwsateriefericaboueeasing use+^ Division of Water,Reaonrces;In{ tion Pen 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617��il.Borehole diameter: r� (in.) 246.ir"or Ieteetion;wens. is atielition to setidin abev" also t3 form to the: 12.W�eonstrnetion method: O \/ r.Onstrualso follow* of this form witLiu 3p d of oompl B g 11 CLe a+ +:iota%cable.arectpvsh,etc.) I FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of WaberResomnes,Und i(nd M�s � 0.une LnjecblonContro1 Prague 13e.Yield(gpm) 50 iVIedtod of best: 5,f Ind 24s+For iNater SuDuly&Ynl ' '�,Nc M699-163$ l�, the add ess(es) above, also submit nee c ' addition to wadi die Earle to 13b,Disinfeedon type: t Amount: 1&ham completion of well constructionant of this f� da w1iere constructed. to the County'health of the county FormGW-1 North mlinaDep entofEavtoameatalQuolk1-DivisionofWaterltesca r G • .. w