HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06598_Well Construction - GW1_20231006 i YELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For{ttinualUs DNLY:. ' , This faun con L'used for single or tnnliipk wclis- 1.W`elL.CoutrnctorInforntatiou: -tJ:WATEIS2ONES _ Brian Ewing FiROM. TO DESCRIPTION - - WcII Curtrtctor N7mc R. ft, 9240-B il. ft; f NC Well ContmciorCcnifi�ilionNntnbcr '`IS..OUTER CASING'(for`multhei ietinellsl'OR LINER'Rf aft Rabic) -.. FRONT 'i To DIAMETER TinCfiNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO ft, ft. I in Comp:m)-Naurc 14c INNER CASING OR:TUUINGtevtiiermal doled-loapf,: - FROM TO DIAMETER_ TUICKNESS MATERIAL 2:}}+c11 Construction P nuit1I . 0 R. 20 ft. 1 'hL SCH-40 PVC Uri traamicaThug-tlprnti.s the.Cotnty.:Vote,l'nrienrce,Ilectk,4 main ft, in 3,WcU Ilse(check wdi rise), :17.SCREEN - - - - -WaterSuppl Welk most a 10 I:aw TIR. s LOT SIM Tn Nli tC) .S I MATERIAL C)Agricultutal C1141tltticipal,Tublic• 20 ff, 30 II. 1 in 010 SCH-90 PVC DGelitlicnnal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DResidentiat Water Supply(single) ft. ft:. in, I DiudustriallConuttercial ORcsideatial WaterSupply(shared) t9 GROUT: -: _ FRONT TO. I MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT.ME1110DS`&,MOUNT DIrrigation . 'ft. ft. _ Non-Water Supply Welt: • _. ft,, ft. IdMonitoring GIRtti(it•cty - - Injection Well: rt. ft. C1Atluifcr Recharge 1.1Cfroulldv t!er Retticdiation 19:SANDIf:ItAV>:L I'ACI{'(if:utgrncabtel''' . 'FROM 10 1 MATF.RtAt. ENiPLNCI:IENT METHOD ID'kindles Sttjtugc aid Recovcty i7Salinity Harrier 18 ft, 30 ft. FILTER SAND # 2 ❑Aquifer Test EISIoraiwaterDrainage •ft. ft. ElEiperintental Tcilmolo '• fa5ttbsidcpcc C'gtdnl -20;URILLING LOG Initach additional duels if itccrscan l DGeotIu anal(Closed Loup) DTracer I FROM TO OFSCRIVTION(wbn harvnc.r,at44uc►i trim:grain wra dr,I 17G•:othhenml(Hearne Cooliva Retu n) Obther(explain tirtder#2 i Remarks) 0 .It. 5 ft, FILL SILT AND SAND 5 ft. 10 ft. SILTY SAND 4.Date Welts)Completed: 9-14-23 WOO.iI/#TMW-3 -10 It. 15 ft. WET SILTY SAND 54,Well Location': 15 .14 20 ft, SILTY SAND MOIST TO WET CLAY Kimball Auto Glass 20 ft,. 30 R. CLAY PWR Facility,OtettcrNart_rc Facility ll)k'RI-applicable). I - ,—R }... r:"�"-' R, ft, ; ' _f ',-1 I 748 N. Main St., High Point, NC, 27262 ft. rt. FitySical Andress.City.and Zip -.21.RENT ARKS O C T 0 6 2023 Guilford BENTONITE SEAL 16 TO 18' Canal's l'arcdldenti£tcaIiouNu,.(PIN) I`.....,......� '•: •N �� 7,7'�' IL''l' Sri,Latitude and•lingitnlic in dcgrocs/minutes/seconds ar decimal d gr'ics: 22.certification: ' (ita en fold,wig lnl1 any(s-srtiticioitn ��r�1r N NV Brian„ Ewing. i i g. 9/26/2023 Signntur afCcnilicdWellCoonnactar • Date • 6.is(ape)the n•ell(s): DPennanent or xiTentporaty its signing this faun,.'lrerrly eerrll,I'Blaa she,tr'eifrI Nix IN 09 n rifLied Lr;at!ronirtner tiith 15A.NC4C 02C.011k0 or 154 NOW(12C,O200 Writ Coils/nor/km Sf.iodards and:Mr a 7.Is this a rejtair to an cirstin(;ssclli OVcr Or KM) 'capf af this rrcmrf l S been provided tq the or/iowner, if th(S.fr'47 Tip*.fill that knmtvt iedf constnivion lr(gratario,r emit 6pl.ahi thl,urrnre of rho iipairtcrr,Pcr.21 rw»ur,Crsrcuun or on the bark of this form. —23.Sltediagralnor additional well details: You may use tfie back of this page 1o'ptoc'ide additional well site details::or*ell 8.Ntintberof Wells constructed: 1 coustructiun derails. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple 4rfeerlon tH-ofan-never supply ii rfls ONLY Mei Ostontre cotrsrrrrr(iwr,yourart bm m - sa if one form. S IiDNIITTAL iNS7'UCTIONS 9.Total Well depth below land uirfacei 30 ((1,) 24a. Fur All Well,i Submit this form withiti 30 days of completion of well For mid*wellslfst(A depths ifdlfJerrnu(cxaorp(s-.+i200*and.:0MO) consfnictiontotltcfoltoniug: , RI:Static water level below top of casing: 01.) Division of Water Resource's,Information Processing Unit, If nine,Ind Is iztore eas(ar,6se•• ." IG17 Mait.5rn•ice Center,Rai-CIO,NC 27699-I0 L7 El,gorcho@c diamcict:2.25" (in.) 24b.Fir Tnfectinil}4'cU1 ONLY: In addition to sending.ltte form to the address in 24a above,also submit a-copy of this font within 30 days'of completion of tt�ll 12.Well construction ntetbod:DRIVEN construction 10 tke fo lloit'ine2 (Le.auger,rotary,cable.direct push etc.) .. • Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Pi'ograut, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Setr'ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a4 Yield(Om) !ETctboil of test 24e For Water Supply&in_lectitin.Welts: Also submit one copy of this form Within..(I.days ofcompletiott.of Il3h.Disinfection ape _ Amount well canstmction to the'county health dcpanment of the calmly where construeted. Form GW-1 North Carolina Dcpantecta.of Eiwitutunera and Natural Resources-Division of Water Rmotrcte Revised,ttEttst:0I3