HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06576_Well Construction - GW1_20231006 WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD FortitcrnaluscONLY:. This form can be used fir siicgle or mat wells I.Weett.Coutractor•Information: ' • -34AWATERZQNFS • • ! - Brian Ewing FIWM TO 1 DESCRIPTION Weil Cotittxctor Nome- ft; ft. 1 4240-B tL NCWc11ContractorCcnifi�rtionNumllcr 'SS;:OUTERCASiNG'(fhfinuttr=!Wit iiclls)'ORL1NERofgp"(kabkl' FROM 1 TO DIdMET6R• THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO f4 fL' I is • usgd-toiil► Company Nome. 'MANNER CASING'OR'TUBING(L'eai i rm_bt'ell,t^,.` - FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2. Ycli ConstructiimPcrtuit4: o . It. 20. ft. 1 i "hl. SCH-40 Pvc Liritillapplirpbk wilt primits(i-c.County.Stay.Vnriarme.h/ecfig or.) R. ft ire. 3:Wdj[)so(cheer:wdl tisc)i • •47:SCREEN 'WaterSpppiv Weill ' FROM' TO I DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNI S I MATnium. . ' CIAgticultuta! °Municipal Public.. 20 it. 30 ti• 1 . ra' .010 SCH-90 PVC ©Geothennal(Heating/CoolingSupply) ®Residential Water Supply'(single) • ti. /L, in, • DlndustriallContntercitil ©Residential Watcr-Supply(shared) 1 GROUT' ._ " . . ;= _...., - - , ..... - 1rRoat. To. MATERIAL h EMPLACesfsvr METHOD,,kAs�towr ❑Irrigation• . . :ft. ft, Nan-Water Supply Well: • R. ft; 5BMonitt}ring fl1Zccovcly , ._ _, Injection Welt: • _ ft. . R. . CDAitttifcrRechiarg0 • ciOrourich,opt RCAiCdialioll tt42SAND1GILIYELPACKgif atryillimbfr•):' ,-, :'--' , - _-- . "FROM TO MATERIAL - •.RAirr.ACLMENtMETHOD ❑Aepitfer.StonIgc and Resetyely OSalinit<'Ratrigt 18 . R.• 30 ft. FILTER SAND # 2 ' ❑AquiI rTcst• ❑Ston'rts;llcclintinage fh. ft. , ❑ExpetiniCnialTcchtutlogt' 1:15rth5ictcncC.C4nfml . - ,20:3RILL1INGLOG'fntiacb'additiooai'sheets,if:neeeSsnri?.. . • . DGeatltenual.(Clased Loop) OTracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION(wtor.tianaaet,Rim nnk lnx ruin A.a dot ❑G'eothennal(ileatinei'Cooliaa Return) ❑011ter(explain under#2l Retnarks) 0 ' : .1t,, 5 ft, FILL, SILT'AND SAND 5 ft. 20 ' II. SILTY SAND 4.Date Wells)Campleled: 9-6-23 Welt ID#TH1^1-1 20 'ft. 30 • ft. SILTY SAND MOIST TO WET 54.Will Locatitln: ,fL ft, (:". r - ; Tram Lumber. Company . ft.- ft, «k �" i.4-o e Facility,�€hr•rxrName Facility WI(ii ppiicable),, R.� rt. — — .O•C T 0 u 2023 485 Burney Rd., Asheboro; NC, 27205 ft. ft. " • F s,eul Address.Ci ' and Zip _ to i:r -,1'-'1 ?'' .-_,..:J t!C;r ;21:tIEM1fAitICS -to-. Randolph • BENTONITE SEAL 16 TO 18' ' �D • Cooly Parcel!astute gIou N .,(PIN) . Sb:.I.ittititde and I.lingitnde in dcgrvcs/minutcslseconds or decimal degrees: .22:C motion: (!fuel!held,one latrlocig is srrflleiod) ; . • • • N- • NY B.r�ina,n•.EwI r1 . 9/19/2023 ' SigmturorcertificdRrcllCantractor •' .' Dale 6.is(are)thethewell(s)r al?ennauent or ElTemporar}' tlr,signing this fa nr..1 ircrrby cerly rruf ilk wellfs1 icuy(isrrnij c..dayinrcted irr;snandanir Weir/Sal Neale 02C,Ohm or 1511 NC4c c.c;i20,9 Well(Winne/ion Srorafords anti Aunt a 7.Li.this a rejlairto an inistin$wan: t7Yes Or :t No reyrpoft1us rreont!tars-bren l;mrirkd'to.seal!anll tints.r, If rhls:it o r►}kiir,fall cgir kothw!tall t tmttlict;o Grforoitulori aria e.p!aln rtu:.tutrire of the i . repair nridrr021'rrvnarkssrcriun arrut the bizti of thiv fore. 23:Site diagra er.additional well details: You may use the back of this page,10 provide additional well site details,or-Well 8:Nattier of Wells constructed: 1. • • ' cousttuction details. You May itlso•attacIt additional pages if necessary. For tnnlrlplg titfecrinn or deernYIrer supply tesp arty ill rh rtiu.saure corrsrruiliat,inns curt • sedmiltdate firm. SUBMITTALiNSTUCTIONS• • 9.Total Well depth below land sui11 ce: 3U (ft.)_ -24a. Par All Wells: Submit this,Fomt within 30 days of completion`of well For nrirltiptc,iiTlis list all idprhs1fdlf rututeraeptc-5@2tl9'irrul:2@1OO) constnictionto the rationing: • • 10.Static Vvater level helots'top of casing:' 4) Dii•isiun of Water R soitrcc3,InformationPeaeessing Unit, If bumf level is above raisin;,tar'•+" 1617 MailSer ice!Ccnter,Raleigh,NC 27699-16[7 11.Rarchote diameter 2.25" _ (in.) 24b.For Infection Well'ONLY:;in addition to sending.the font to the address in 24aaboi'e,also submit a.copv of this form within 30 days'of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DRIVEN consiniellon(011ie following: tic.auger_rotary,cable,direct push etc.} j , Division of Water.Resaurces,Vnderground Itejectkon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mill Service'Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-636 Q3a,X(clil'(gjim) Method of test: 2�For Water Supply&injectroti Wens: • Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of complefion of I311.Disinfection,type: Amount well constmction to the county hcaith department of the county where constructed. , • Farm GW-1 Nonit Coral uui Depanmcnt of Hm irotuuctu and Natural Resources-Division of Wat r f[rxrnitt Revised August 2013