HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06575_Well Construction - GW1_20231006 is • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fur jraarnal Usc t)NLY: Tglis form can bc;used(ur,singlcor multi*was t 1.Well.Coutraetor Llformation: • • • `I4::{YA1•ERZON1S. - i- . . • Brian Ewing FROM. To OMSCItIP1ION Weil Contractor Name R. ft, f ' 4240-B R: ft'. NCWd1Com>aciarCcrlitfcationNwrAter '�15;(IU7'ERCASING`(forinnlil=casedliclls)OR LINER'fifap Geyblc) FROM .To DiAMETER - THICKNESS MATERIAL • SAEDACCO tt, ft. I in. • Comm.'Nam, '16IINNERCASING'OR;TIIBING:kepitieiin;tctu'seil.loaPp';' _.. .- FROM TO- InAMETER. THICKNESS. MATERIAL 2:Well Constrvetiun Permit-*: 0 R. 20 ft. 1 Ilk. SCH-40 PVC Lirirdll17,04,7m6l,:rr-rllprni i. fi_c.County.Strrar,Variarxr.ini4lien,elr) ' ft. . i O. � >ti 3:Well Ilse(checicwcb rise): :17:SCItEEN . Water Supply Well: FROM TO n?AMETER SLOTStzr. TIIICKNMS I MATenrAL . °Agricultural • DlidtinicipaljPublic. 20 ff: 30 •ff. 1 is 010 SCH-40 PVC • 17Geotltennal(IieatingfCoolingStipply)• IlResidr:utial-Water•Supply(single) fl, ft, in, . MludustrialtComntercial ®Residential Water.Suppl'(slsared) -:1&GKO ..: - °;'... _ FROMUT .TQ. MATERIAL EMPLACEMEVT moron&AMOUNT ❑Irripsition . .. .„ ft. • .ft, . . . Nou-Water Supply'Yell: • 6dMon(nrinG EIR over' f _ h.injeetlon Welt: -it. ft. . t lAilllifer Rcc[iarge E:1070undwllct Reiliediation 19:SANDlGttA EL'PAC1CTif dp(dicttter` - - - = -- - - • ,PROM TO MAMMAL FNFIACt\E�1 Htttol • 0Agnifcr.Stoiage and Iiceo:cgs. IDSalinily Battier•- 18.. ft. 30 ft. FILTER SAND # 2 ' . EI Aquifer Tesl- ❑ oin Slittaterl}rtinttge . .fa. tt. ❑EyrcrimcnlalTcrlmotot• OSrtbsidcncc.Conirul t• .20i DRILLING'LOG7altaeh "shcet`additional slf uccesssarvl . OGeotltennal(Closed loop) • . []Tracer .FROM• TO ' D. cRIPTiONcooky.harduen.*IVoickOta.:r on ss e.dc 1 OGNUltennal(Eleatiny'Cooline Return) 0Otller(explain under#21 Remarks) 0 IL. 5 It, FILL SILT AND SAND 5. • • It. 20 ' ft. SILTY,SAND . 4.Date Well(s)Conipleled: 9.6-23 Well IIWTMW-3 20 IL 30 iL SILTY SAND MOIST'TO WET • 54.Nell Liicativne .ft. -ft, , v 1 j v ram-.`../L.rr V' Lam.,?,... ' Tram Lumber Company . .ft.- ft, Facility,On•ocrNumc ' Facility I11k(if applicable). n =O--CZO23 ft. • --ft. • 485 Burney Rd., Asheboro, NC, 27205 ft. ft, 1n.�,.,r ., � r�r^,�-r,1;?S Ur q PhykiealAddicss City..air4Zip =21 RtMAllKS" G`:.�J'��-wr Randolph BENTONITE SEAL 16 TO 18' County - Parcel hleidifcalion NO,(PIN} Sli,-Iattititde and'Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds ar dcdimal degt cs: ,21i C�aaaon:• • (linen field;one lainotiy is•surriel.nl)i\ W- P;ri a n,..E`Aa i n 9/19/2023 SiP�it of Cenilied Well Cnnuactor Date 6.Is(!re)the Well(s): l7Fentiancnt or xlTempor iti7r Hy Aieiung.Ihiv finny;.1 herd)).cerly'Oar Mr well fr)rsvx f onte)Co,tnilyeted hr,mxor hike • lark IP.NC,AC 02C.0100 or 15,1 NCAC(1W 0200 Well Cotrsrnreradur Sran darks and scar<r 7.is tins a repair to an iaistm,,iselli t7Yes .or Imo t 'ofrhis rrcorrl hrds limn limridrrd rn I(H:ii II muier, Jf rhls.ft a'YOali:fill car knlmei well t o-rasrrircrion ltt pnnaliaft,rrid e.tplahi ritre.rtarare of the reptnrtoiler t2l:rc,narts.srciiun or cm the bark of this foray. 23.Site or.additional,well davits: Yon may.use ibe_back of this page to provide additional well site details:or Well S.Natuberof hells constructed: 1 • . •construction details. You May also allachadditional pages if ne'cessaty. • For i railWW pie.Jakeilon or rani-warer supply'redln ONLY Oh dm.smrre eoastriwtiou,_yrcrr,r n , • sale irooe form. ' . SU1111iiTT,&L iNSTUCTIONS ' - 9.Totat Well depth hat&land surface: 30 ((t,) 21a..Fur All Wens: Submit this form within 30.days of eompteuon Of welt . For anuhlpYrwrlir list iliarNotfdifarrroir(eratrptc-Se200*mm1.2,0109) consIui tiontoIkefpltol%ing; I 10.Static water-level below top of easing:: .' - (ly) - Division of Water Resourice i,Information Processing Unit,. lfuaier lad is Aare cask;ear:"+'• 1617 Mail.Sdrsice"Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1G17 IL Bore ude diameter:2.25" (in.) 14b.For infection Welly ONLY: 1 in addition to sending.the form to the address in 24aaab&ee,also subti►it a copy'of this fottii within 30•dais'of completion of well 12.Well construction method: DRIVEN construction Cadre followings: . (i.e.auger ioiary,cable,direct push e(c:} . • •Division of Water Reseurtxs,jUndergrouod fujecllon Control Program, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' 1636 Mail Ser'vicetCenter,Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a Yidd(glim) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply.&Infection.Welly: Also submit one Copy of this funu within'30.daysofconipletion.of 13b.Uisinfcctiun type: Amount: %veil coii5tniction to the county'health department of the coirnh*whore • - constructed. ! • Fenn Gi,V-1 North Carolina Depanme n of Environment and Natural Resources-Dlvisloaof 1lratcr Reotram Rceiscd.August 1013 I