HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06482_Well Construction - GW1_20231002 WELII CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) . lliiiIntgwaTUse 070-6T:—---- - r _.Lerm I - . 1 1„Well Ceiftyeetor Information: . I .aw -7 .....-, -- •14,-*ATeition.:5;,,,n-gg,- , .,•,-.;...,•,7,..- -4,--,.;,•:.,,i,::,. .,...,.--.7.7. 7.- Iva Conapopriland . FROM TO niki—iJirialrif . .41-GCG---11 ft, fr, ft, ' • ft, — I. -- - ---- - _ J NC WI Contractor C.crtifira 4 tion" Number :1,54 OUTERCASIN ruat mnid,eastil:nifliTilft LINER le_ litabfiI) .1-:: •f: Morgan Well Pump,INC -)ROM TO DIAMETER I IMCKNESS .- MATERIAL 6 e iti3 ° kk-21 PVC Corepsoy Nom ;i1ClisiNEIrtfiSDPICiRttiBING fiititietieetttiiiiil-liiity14.:I;•tir:: :T.:7,-;.7-:-7:T.::.7 2,Wel C01151111011 refatift I III 9.1), FROM TO DIAMETER 1 TRICIMES5 MATERIA' L -- Mit all appikriblo woll commotion permsitr fix 11:SC C-Ohntrv,Fon'r,Voriarico:co.) ft. ft nt I - in. ; • 3.Well Use(Ant wdl use): 17„SCRtiit's.‘:-. ..!.4,:.---,;:-.-.5-A.;---. :,-,..,-'•"--,:g-rt .r.'i::I,"-...:'.1'..,._. IVuter Sufi*With FROm TO- IDIAMETEI(_ kn. StOTRIZE_:TIIICKRESS MATERIAL 13Ag4isttltur41 DbilmicipaVt.ago ' fir, ft , DeNthr4934 Meeting/Cooling Supply) riftiesideritial Waxer Supply(single) it ft, ,-______ la 1 Etiedusitial/Coratecteid 17:044dwial w4t4c 8I-TPLY 4harcd) at:GROVE`'',.',":4;:*•-.);•••,"•• ••1:,:5. i.':''',:"•••4:-..'-,::,;',-.A':: •,-::-5,,,;•1: •7::'::';••-'•,':,•'::'.-':',•;.• ribrination FROM TO mATER1AL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 4 xmoun Non,Water Supply Well; ti ft.° 20 (1, bvitonitt poiXid 1040.ar.girig nRiXOVPry ft, --fi. _ _ _- __ _ lit*ITOWt Weill ft,- ft, 0 Acriikr Rgrilaw 171Crroguslwater Rcolottietion DAquicer Storage end Recovety faSelleity nattier -MIA— TO- Platittia. EMPi.ACEliElli Wallop __ f3Atutifer TeSt OStOrinviater Drainage ft, ft. I _ DExporintentel Tockoology E)Subsiclence Control ft, fr, 13Geotheanal.(Closed Ixop) ON= -3prOftnnatG L000ttach1446014 Weeks iftieeeidaii,1 -Y••:''-% 2-":.2'-:,',< :'• " -Trim% To t in,SCRIVTION(oolsr.bvtlatnsalYrock que:iguin-atm sm.) rtgRothalllill(1-leatinuSuutiuRAum) Miller fexolein tinder MI Rematir4) ft, '''-'----- ft, i 4S=1-9, 4.1late Wcii(s)Completed;.3 Well ID ft, - Ea,Well Locadont , ft, ft, WI<-• Z_e...i/loirli ft, ft Facility/Owner Name. Fealty KV(if epplicatio) ..---;:7 1------ - - ft. ft r C ezt .p,_r:5tr ___ ____ hysietti Ackistos, mil ft. ft, 7-- - --'-.-- - • --A>,,.- :0 C T 0 2 20-23 claSi---oti • ...-21.:XEMAIIKS-w,---.--:t:.,.,-:"....,:z...-.:.-::.-: ...... ,. County Pamul Icluntificution Nu.(PfN) — ____ . ! DVI.:Q1SOG 511,Latitude and longitude in degreesiminutes/seconds or decimal degrees: - -- (Irwell field,one'Monis sufficient) 22,Certification; 1 35_110523 pi icl 27 I Gy , w 1 . , . $ignatlira ofecuPLI Won Comecon- : Date 6.Igere)the weft(s)larermanent or riTemporny fly signing Wriest"I hereby artily shot the iiffift)rcos(wow)sononscol in areorsfanco • 7,Is this A repair to an exi,sting Well; Dyes or OM with Ili NOW VC.0100 or MA NCAO 02C.0200 Well dostrouotion Ranctortis and theta pug t I a ropoir,fd 1 out knows pooll cortwuntion infornsarloss and(*Wilk two:rev/4k copy;Phis mord ha brim pooloird so thr xvIrowner. ! repoirontfir tat remark l gentian or on Mc hack pith&Arm, 23,Site eliagram or addittoindweS details; ._ • You may use the back of dis page to prof/1de additional Well site-detalls or well &For Get/probe/DPP or Closed=Loop Geothermal Wells having dm mac I OW-1 b needed, Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of viells coostruction details. You nay also Melt additional pages if necessary. construction,only : drilled:' f:IIEITTTAL INSTRUCI7Orea 9,Total well depth below bnd surface: 2.(16 __#.0 Ma, For AR Wenn Submit this form within 30 days of coPletion of well - For trosikotesiwitslirt oil*paw iffftrent(mitiple-,,M200'old;2@te(F) coti.stitistOsi to the following: 1 10,Slade water level below top of easing; ".3--0 (it,) DiVigiDD of Wafer Resources,Information Promising Unit, - INPUT kW:is above caries,use"+" 1617 Maff Service-Center,Ibisith,DIC 27699-1619 tx,Rorshole diameter6 1/8 _(i_n4 1 24b,For Infection wens: In td4itinn tv rnling the form to the address in 24a 12,Wed construction method:. rotary • above,also submit one copy of this tRIO Within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: 1 OA Ma,rotoy,catio,Meg pose,eta) — I ; - Division of Water Resoorces,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATiR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994636 iu,yield(gpm) 10 . igehod grow taf 7.4e.For Water Supply&Iniectim Weisz, ]i addition tft smiling the form to the eddresges) above,also submit one 8opy of this form within 30 days of 12b.Pleoffolinn tYP4;want" " ,... Amount; 1 7,• Oz. completion of well co:tamed=to Limo county health department of the county • _ _ wbeic constructed, I Form GW-I North Carolina ftepartroent of Enfici,...ntel Quality-Division of Waicrftcsooms • Revised 2-22-2016 . , i..