HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06481_Well Construction - GW1_20231002 '..tIli#F:orrn WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For IntEt Usn Only: — - . 1.Well Contractor Wormationt • OIU -fie t :[4,-WYA7C NES,: ;6: _";'s ; : - -=^'•;:.:: - - Well CoiuraatorNam 11 TO AL'SCRt riit4Y 4 ._ �s ft, ft. NC Well Contractor CattifiadonNumber :45..OUTERTCa:Etafi M`Olti ORLINEla:tte-` teseae -••-, Morgan Well, Pump,INC .nom TO DIAMETER THICKNESS DrIATEi�IAL ' ----- - -- -- - ------ --- 0 k 14 Z ft. 61/a f,a. sdF21 PVC # Ctmtpa+ayName "16':1Ai1f11 t,A.^alN <OR_JBAYG{jeottxiamaIctosc44`_ ".' 2.Well Comradian Permit t 141 norm 70 ODAMI ETER THICKNESS MATERIAL - .ttoanloptkable twit�mama-kispaamtttr�t vII(malty,sTatte,Variance,etc) ft. ft, In. I Well Use(check well our fa _ r _a !1r sd:':;. .� � .� . _ :•.� < '; -Water SupplyWel TO nTAalawit SLOTMK TilCKNss -m.vrEst+t, � - CiAgricultusal Ell cipaYPublis ri, .--- la- DGeeotitetnial akatin$/Cooiing Supply) Residential Water Supply(singlo) it, - rr go. Il112dusixiaUCotm etels1 RcsrcdsntialwawSit- B (s_lwred) ritni 4t , x ••< ,- ILTTIRatiW1 '�n� TO MATERIAL. EMel.ACEME'ir amnion&.a. •IINT Non-Water Supply Well: - CIrs, 20 r' bsa,antts pacrad LiMoaitering EiRecovery ft ft. nfect/on Welk- ft. _ — - DAgniferRecharge fOroundwaterRemcdka_tlon n.- A/ RAYM ACIC - ,cable r ___ ;.: DAquifer Storage end Reeovsry rir.ahnityBarrier Moat: TO At,! _elAx - EMPLACEMENT METHOD DAtluikrTeM -_warm ft. ft, �3Sotm 1?rainags 0Exparimental Tiatmoiogy ri$ribsidencr Control rt., fr• riG olhetmat(Closed Loop) faTrlter `03)11tu iN41.11G aaoir,0a!l Wets it n) s x:*' �Sieo+ erinisl{lleatin CQolini RaOt n) rI4dtsr{e�tDlaltt f l l eettnrks) �e o� -�ra _ DESCRIPTION took,:Wa„as.s,r West tow��n ai:c,a0a I rt- .L. ft- t /a /4 '/s4 4.pats We l(s)Completed;°1 1-$�3 Well LDr� { 2 IL ft. ,4!o✓✓\ i(1D61,,�',p a""0.Well E,ste3tiQcit • 3ci ft. 65 f due. rave rye, fa ro ______ e F-.. (�e�,l (3w Ides r I;aSilityl ._ S�srue (: epos -- ) .r.` Win, rf t?ra61y .-� .=•�c s-�1'±�i; 1. P&Physical Address,City, —zo tt: ft, I :::41: 9 c 1 County - - Parcel identificatiionNo.(PIN) .-`� __,,,.-, Prr 6•, ..,�g lira--cam=--- Dt, 5b,Latitode and longitttde.in degress(minuteslsecoasdtl or decimal dee�rrest —... __ -- Orwell field,one lat9IIng is sufficient) 22,Cer _ficaf{o • 3S-37501/ N L_/- 72. w 1 ot_led6,1s(atee)thetselt(a)MPermari�ent or f Temporaf� Sigma-Ica Wall u+€ Pate Ay*ping thtt farm,I hereby cet1(0 that the we((r)rtot(woe)canttracted in accordance • 7.Is this?i repair to an existing went ©Yes or �R No with 15.f NCACO?C.WOO of 15.d MAC' Weil Constrardian,4tandardr and that a >/thlt bra rcpplrfdtaarhnale7; lt contraction tafarmaitan anti explain the naPreelk =FY elkii mord hat herr_,RmvtdartotheKssllakx repair taterr621 remark ttanOronMc hack oflhitfarea gd,glee di.gram or additional well tlstailr, 8,For GeoprgbeiDPT or =Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You may use t6o heels of skis pace to pam+sds additional well site details t r well constraca ,,only 1 OW-1 is arced ed. Indicate TUB ALT C(1vlBi!A of wellsconstmetion x4etaiis. You may also attach additional pages if tlerPssn±,. drilled; SUBMITTAL itV$TRUG'I'xONS 9,Total well depth below bnd surface;__ / , --.- (1 ) 24a, For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of c�t¢pletiou of well Formwhiplosr�slfsilnalldepatil(atrerent(srample-3Q2 cut42 JOO') COSISSIHgtiORtothefoliowi_ng; 10.Sttstle water ietel below top af callus; {it) Division off Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, . {P>4ater lard is ahare casing for"4" I617 Amyl Service Center,pomp,NC 276994617 11,llorehglt diannetert 0_1/8 (ha) 24b,Pr Ilnie etiun Wells; In addition to'sending the form to the address in 24a • above,atso submit oone svpy of this Donn within 30 days of completion of well rotar12.Welt scnstsuction method: _._._ ..___. a. canswetioa to the foltovting (i.e.sow,evt ry,cable„direct push;sic.) ! - Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27099-1636 I 13a,Yield(Pm) (Z _ Melb4w 4l te5tt air _ 24e Far Water Supply 8-['limiest Wells: in gti4ition to SCDdi g tlsa form to the,,ddresges)above,also submit Omar'copy of this form within 30 days of i3b,Risirdeieti4aa type;s" at°d 1e _ Amount• 4 ' 5 0z completion of well construction to the county health depattmenr of the county where conuruetea, • Am COW North spume_inof 7ronranial�Gty-DivisionofWatsrRravuccss i Revised 2-22-2016 I