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HomeMy WebLinkAbout[External] Lake Lure Dam Reservoir Drain (SAW-2023-00348) - Additional Culvert for River Crossing1
Winston, Joey
From:Jonathan Pittman <>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 2:57 PM
To:Boggs, Brandee C CIV USARMY CESAD (USA); Winston, Joey
Cc:Mike Dydula; Brendan Stepek; Jeremy Best; Jason Fischer
Subject:[External] Lake Lure Dam Reservoir Drain (SAW-2023-00348) - Additional Culvert for River Crossing
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Good afternoon, Brandee and Joey.
We wanted to make you aware of a field modification to the Broad River temporary crossing for the Lake Lure Dam
Reservoir Drain project. Originally, the proposed river crossing included four, 48‐inch‐diameter corrugated metal pipe
(CMP) culverts. In beginning to construct the crossing (see attached photographs), the Contractor, Morgan Corp.,
realized they could fit a fifth CMP culvert within the width of the river. The addition of this culvert provides additional
hydraulic capacity to reduce potential flooding of the work area during the dam’s hydroelectric operations, and it does
not extend the permitted footprint of the project. Therefore, the Town of Lake Lure and Schnabel have authorized
Morgan to proceed with the installation of the fifth culvert. We wanted to make you aware of this field modification as
soon as possible. The river crossing work will continue for the next couple weeks then Morgan should begin selective
demolition work, including the relocation of the sanitary sewer, within Bay 5 of the dam. Please let us know if you have
any questions or concerns and if you need any additional information.
Jonathan Pittman, PE
Principal / Schnabel Engineering South, P.C.