HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06400_Well Construction - GW1_20231009 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD• For Internal its°ONLY:. • 341is fond can be,used fa siiigh or multiple wells' I.W LCautraetutlnforntation: ' :1.I:.WATER7.0NES. - 1 ' John Eisenman FROM 10 nEscuiPt1ON • tt'dl Contractor Nam* ft. ft. f ' 9939 ft. ff. f NC Well CuntiactorCcnificalion Nwlluer :1S:OitTER CASING'tfoiuhiinit r rscnsi-'OR LiNER7ltaii`tkabk) . FRO11 , TO ' PI.ANIETER THICKNESS ' 'MATERIAL SAEDACCO . . tl.. f4' 1a conateuq-Non • . . ' •' . 26 INNER CASING'011iT4181NG'keeilteF;dnf ctoscil-lonnl;'. .-- FROM ,'TO DUMMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Weil Construction Perri*O: 0 'ft. 25 it;• 2 _ • -iiL SCH-40 PVC lilt tr11 npJilir bl.weir prier itt fir,.Comm:Stec,lrariatsr,Net0.69,csr_) •f • ft, _ ' to • . - • 3.Welt Use{.heel well tise)t -,17 SCREEN ���atcr sn)Ip1V Went — -a FROM' •1 TO DIAMETER SLOT SIM TIHICKNi is I MAtlinrAI,• ' 13Agrk,ultutal edMtinicipa)/'fttblic•• 25 fur 40 II. 2 i .010 SCH-40 PVC l Ceotllertnal(HeatinglCooliog'Supply) .®Residentia4Water.Suppl}•(single) ft f�' in, I DuidnsfriaVtu Contercial. ©Residential Water-Suppiy(shared') .'Ill.,„GROUT:.. FROti. ' •TO. FIATERUL EMPIACENIESThtEIROD&AMOUNT Dluipation• . - . . . . . 0 ft. 20 . ft.- Portland Pour Nast-Witter Supply Well - . lIMuntoring • •EiRecotcry O. R. _ Injection Welt: it, . Att. • I: DArprifer ltcodarg¢ -- • CiGioutidstalcr Rcittcdiation _t9:SAN D/GRAVEL PACx7;rairliucyntsr' _- - -.=---_---. ,-- -- FROM •TO' • '•TATtrttrAI. �lP1.ACr�III T ML"ti101i 1]Agaifcr.Slgragc arid Rcco c ' G1Salinit<13ai.•, • 23 ft.- 40 .ft. Sand' . #2 n LIAgnifcr'reit t75toinin;itcrtyriina c• 1' It.. • ft. ElEzpatintcnial Technology AStlbsidcncc'Control ' ' 2OI GRILLE GLOG"{aiiuhadditiorniI sbeels'if nccess,in•) . OGeodtenral(CIoseiiLoop) DTrdcer FROM, TO - PRSCRIPTIONhobr.haMaeti:uinMreYtrpn.ra;nAm.dcl tlGeodtennat(IIeatinuCaollne Return) OOther(esplain under#21-Retuadis) 0 .h. 40 it, clay/sand ft: 'ft: '' . .4.Date Well(s).Cauipleledc'9-21-23 Well IIWMW-27. •ft. ft. I r '_ -' • 5 ;Well Lticathru: .ft.. ft. f,;r' t: r 2.,., r Ingersoll Rand - . . .._ • . - fl.- ' ft' ' . - OCT Sr _i.Y 0L3 FacitilyR3wocrNnme •- Facility i) Cfaltcabt ppe), R. ft. .- 501 Sanford Ave., Mocksville, NC, 27028• - _ • ft.- rt. itr;..,F,-,,..,.�„, ;•._,.....t•.+;;: ,•,'T:1 P 'si:ad...'C Zi - ' D J( OGhVd A it_andp ',2t:REMARKS . . - Davie 'Bentonite -seal 20-23' ' County Parcel ld_utifG,lion No;(PIN) Slit i ittitudcandLongitude in degve &Jminutcs/seeonds or decimal degrees: 22:Certifteationr l' {iIneu nett.one lnl lottgts sofnelead) N t,V b� -- -` 9/29/2023 Sigmwts'af .•..?r�: ,tu,.�- _ .- ' ._._ Bate .-.. �t ! 6:Is(are)the tvell(s)t »Pcituatlent; or nTentltorai�' it,si obig ptix fault.• r t'4;YL; i(u ti.. :. i., .`tee ti„.ii.krl kr..•intr.& 1iidi 15r1,Y'CAC 02C.,!1.:-.., ,if i.;,.iZLN::;:-C,02tk7 I%WI Co,ua-tail n Sraalards and rlurr a ' 7.Is thi_v a iieprtir:to au etu itin);wclli L]Yes or pNo 's p rofrhis ieconllrro it ea joinirkd to:ihe soilsirli on•,ier. if rhls:ita r'palr,fillfill.rir haroud,is•eil oona;1cllari lormarlo;,owls pialn the m rare of the . rsrpair(order 0?1.rrnmdCs'.serrian arNI the hruk of this form.. 23.She diiigram:or additional tscli dettiits You.may use the,back of this page Co provide"additional well Site: ortsell 8.Number ofWells eottstrueted: 1 coustntction details. You um tls&ailactiadditional pages if necessary. For a,mlrlpkinjeerh�norowilstarersuppl teens•O,t•LY111(isrhrsrrmeco,rsrriwtiorr,you stir 1 sabmit Ole jomu. - - SIIBMITTALINSTITCTIONS- ' • 9.Total Welt depth betoic hold surface i 40 • Ay24ta. Fur Ali Wills:: Submit this font within 30 days-.of-cilniplciion`of well For nwlrlplcicslls'Nsr ail igthiiftifiterwwlotraa,pis'-3@200'and:2€1O.9)- - . constmctionto the following: - 10:Static water.level below top ofeasingi' • (ft.) Di.>,'tsiun of Water Resources,Inforniatian Frottessing Unit,• 1/Cater knells irbore eating.Mt!••+`• • 1617 MLtii.Scn'ice Center,Rulciglt,NC 27699=I617• •11,Borehole diameter:8.25" :(ia:) 24b:For iriiecrlon Weill ONLY4�- hi addition to-sending the form to the address in lid-above,also sulnitit a•copy of this fonit within 30 days-•of.completion of well 12.Wcil'eonsinictlou method:USA construction ColliefolloWingi• 1 ' (Le.augcc rs>faty,cnbte_:direct push etc} lfll islait of Water Resources,Underground itilecllon Control.Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;r,Yield m) Method of test: 2.4e.Fur Water Sappy&Iniectton Meth: T Also submit one copy of this:faun,Within 30:days of completion.of 13h.Disinfection type Amount: well construction to the county I alth department of the,county where- : constructed. FontGW-t NonhCarolinaDcpaninenr.ofErwitunineaandNaturalResources-DivisionofWaterft utttxs Revised.August:to 13 1