HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06399_Well Construction - GW1_20231009 1YELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD '�� For(trlenialUse ONLY: ' 1114 Faun can be used for single,or multiple wills- '\` „ I.�YelLCoutractorinfornlation: \ ►► \V — N `I4 WATLRZONES' John Eisenman Ftto31 I To OESCRtPilON W 1I Contractor N7nti rt. rt. [ ' 4439 rt. rG ` NC�S'c1ICon1(aclarCertificationNturlict 'IS:'oUTF�tCe1SiNG'(f�iimulti=caved'nelisl`ORLiitictif'dti'lkabk)`,• .... FROM 'I in PERM.Ttrn TOICt ISM MATERIAL SAEDACCO fL I IL in. ('onrjctuy-Namin I6 INN Eli:CASING OR'TI.IBUNG'i eatbirmarclaied-li.li' '' - > , FROST TO DIAMETER TIiiCKNF.Ss MATERIAL 2.Wcjt Canstrtlethiin Permit K; 0 ft. 30 ft. 6 'En. SCH-40 PVC • List rt!I appliroble well prnrrfts(Lc-County.Stoic,Ira►iaare,lrfalrit r;etc.1 3:We11'15s'('Mail.Well rise): :I7:SCREEN Water Supply Well: - - -- FU0S1 I TO DtAMV.TE;R SLOT-SinT1tUCl(Yt;SS I MATE IU M. ❑Aglicultutal ElMuniCipal/Public 30 ff. 50 'R. I 6 4. .010 SCH-40 I PVC ® rm Geotheal(HcatingfCooling Supply)' 17Rcs"idential Water Supply(single) ti' ft.. i"' CIindusirialCoamlercial - IJResideatial\YaterS,upPly(slot�ed) 38 GROUT ;- : FROM. TO. MATERIAL EMPLICESIENT3IETHOD&AMOUT ❑Irnpa)tion• . ' 0 ft. 24 ft. Portland Pour Non-lWaterSupply Well: ' - ft, ft.- nivionitoring '6dReefolety • . - _ _- . _ . Inection Weil; ft. ft. . ❑AgttifcrRcchargt: QGroundssolcrRcincdiatian r19 SAND;cRAvH1:r.+C>ttirutrlitil=t,t;:t - = - --_: --.= . . . - - PRg3t . .To 31ATF:tirA1. -I1PLCENIENT4lI atoll ❑Aituifcr:Sioragc and Rccoicty ❑Salinity Barrie ' 27 R. 50 ft. Sand #2 ID Aquifer Test. ❑Slotimlatm'itntinigc - -- • ri. ft. ❑k erirncntal To hnolog. ASnbsidcncc Control ' .2tt:DRILLING LOG`tallach additional Sheets'if aeecasairsl DGe tltenlud(Closed Leap) ❑Tracer 1114031 TO DESCRIPTION(colir.hiuducn,millinick type.trrall sva cH:) ❑C1 otltemlal(Fleming/Cooling Retu n) ❑Ot er(explain under•.#21-Remarks) 0 ft. 50 ft, clays/sand �^ �.Date Well(s)Completed.: Willp1#Rw-04 ft. ft. "+� �'& A���• �� ft. fL .''Q m r' �e.• N.,,2 , .J 5a.Well Location: • .tL ft. ' OCT n A 2 Ingersoll'Rand -- .-- - . - . R. •ft. -- tj Facilily/ChrocrNaatc Faclity ID#1appli able). Inf--.:tire= :.all 1 _ • ._.rave. 501 Sanford Ave., Mocksville, NC, 27028 4, 41, • • . Pb}sirad Addtcss City-.and Zip -21.REMIARK5 Davie • • 'Bentonite seal from 24-27' Camay nice]td atiliication No.(PIN) 5h.•i ittitude audit ngituilc in dcgtkcs/minutes/seconds nr decimal de1,n•ccs: 22.("clTihienti(rn: (If a ill Bei(a,ante latiloit is sailliienl) N 'W -- --' 9/29/2023 9/2023 •' L ~ -Sigmture oI 7 ;i ^cs.. - • Date 6.Is(cre)th.weU(s)t.$1PerniIiitt ,or fTemporate . ,.. t.. '10f6 (' _ sV �aY's . ifvi'.` J. cn 1now1.:F i7Yr/fCrCI1R.:GCLV 1I LT with 15A-NGtC 02e-+x-, , t3.F Cti::..7 C,0200 Well Ct»utnrarimr Standards sold then a 7.Is this a relaairto an.cxistiagwell:' tlVes or 111Nu 'tevr_of OW Crain-1;16,4cm pprr•ided to.the WI miner, if thls:ls a repair fail rapt known Weil onigr caul infor,1ar:wr ion1 explain the?ware of the repair raider la 1.remarks seruan or he the hark bfthis faro(. 23:Site di igrarn or additional riven details: You may use the back of this page to;pros'ideadditional well site details or*ell 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You inaealso attach additional pages ifoccessaly. For nrartriple infecrlon or aim-waxer sarppty(veils ONLY yeJth the mate eonstnmrFoet,you rtmra se(amlrone farm. SUBMITTAL iNSTLTCTIONS 9.Total Well depth helot'land surface 50 (itt} 21 r. Gar ALI Welk: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wekllsr all depths ifdiffer:infe;xoarpia'-:i€+200°atul.2@FOal) consintction to the following: 1 !0:Staticwater level below top of eusiuir • ({l,) Division of Water Resources,Information Pnacessing Unit, if note,leue/Is above(situ;,itse^+•• • 1617 Mail.Si-rice Ccntcr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ii,Borclmtc diamcter.12.257 , (in.) 24tt.For 1ttjtaction Wells ONLY: 'in addition to•sending,Ih►e foal to the address in 24aabove.also submit a-cep!' of this Sono within 30 days'of completion of well 12.Well construction method:ESA catlstluctlon totllc followine! ; ' (i.e.auger;rotary,cable direct push etc..) L . . . DMyioit of Water Resources,dlndcrground Lnjeetloli Control_PrOgranl, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1 636Mail Sen•ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;1,lucid(#(i>u). - Method of test: 24e..For Water Supply&Injection Wells: Also subnut one copy of this fonts Within+()dayrsofcouipletion.of - 13h.Disinfection t pea Amount:' well constnictian.to the county health depatiment or the coittlfy where -. constructed. . 1 Fenn GW-t NorthCamllnaD panmcnrofEnvironm ntandNaturalResources-DirislockofWaterftnotro Rer'tsed August.h)I3