HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06379_Well Construction - GW1_20231002 I felt 0.0 ,11 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(OW-1) pox xnktniiikianir, . 1.Well Contractor Information: _ Well Coauacter Nan_ FROM TO DIS- ft; ft- 44/--G. (rr"ii NC Weil Ceetractcr Certification'Number , , . Morgan WWeli,&Pump,INC -FROM TO DIAMETER aIMCtt<y1:Ss ma►'neRIAL • - __. _ _ _______.—. . _ _ - 0 ft, ft' 0411i 141 lsdr2l PVV f . Comply Name . • i•. lti li�'�V1�?C 'PRIT IP faietite it[stoscC-4 t .: ' R�,1• l '� ?ta • ®LAlti1 �eEt TRIMMER M ArtxiiAt 2,wa construction[permit#;1:2..._ .. .3 lk(91,j ft, btsrait applkttble tissll Rvrutractinnpwnrttr(i UIC r ytrn(v, Parlance, ) - .- __. Use(sbesls,wal tune �r. ft, i peppy s 3.Well _..- .`7-:_uses++:'1_-".(:�: _?.y -.-_• Water Supply Went MOM TO WARtty7YR nor SI : _TRICKNESE MA RIM, 1Af,IIS ltUIa-1 phihmicipaiRehlic ft, ft. in. Cieotherma1(Heating/Cooling Supply) Aeakiential Water Supply(single) --- rf,- --•fe. lttdttsYsiatVCttuamet l ftidaltial WM r StIPPIY 041440 '?1ts;C 13T' x .«'' :,;;� x _,_: :3::.:..: .: )LrricatiOn FRO 'r `M-MATEQw. ` ianciCE 4EN AMET'ERO_n£kicouA-T t+iery Wets*Supply Weil; 9 . II. 20 rt, tkaggog_ poured Monitoring nRectivery P., f`- '�n#.e Walt ft, ft,AgnifctF' tsar �trroptidtvaterl?etrirdiation ,meAND/fuirui3f- irp +f`tcabl:ey;•s:: 5=: _. ... . . ': t. Aquifer Storage mid Rccovexy �3nlinity Denierttltoas TO MAT 3 katrr xe ?tern aVttlo4 3Aquifer Teat StOnnwM Thai_nage ft, ft. Experimental Technology DSub;idrn a Control ft, ft IGmtkanal(Closed Loop) [3'« ' pBu LINGIG A:[la:Uttieradt i arati+tis ft_ err_ -1 •.;'' -::__::_ IQ -VESCRIPr1ON gyMr.Rand. rock type,Brain size,etc.1 • Cimb:rmat(Heating/Cooling�R-ettan)SJ%rafter �t er(explainmidet'l l Rognarlts) {'J n Jr411�A 4.Pate Wigs)Completed "Well P -T R' ,���r-0b�� � fie.I fa.Well Location: [kW ['1 tr CM rAn i Y. Fa_c'ilityrOwnerNmee FaeilityID#(ifapplieehle) fr. ft- •`�y�11 ft, R, a7Ti]_iS � te. Tr_ -ft. ft, . 1 City,and Ztp t 2t REMAJ r v .` twit e•,.'i. /, ��/��� t - 4 - .:LIt ::i: �� .� v?.'h' .mot`/:''. County .Percel Identification No.(PIN) --• CIO0 2 fQ13 5b,Mlitads and lonitside>n degtreeslfitinutesisseonds or decimal deresst - {ifwell field,oec latt/long is suf"telent) 22,Cer n' / ..- ;'r:• -3 1.20. `� /�/ 1 int..tr , . up em 6.1s(2upe)the we0(s) rerinanent or f Temporar}' Si,•.' s tt� WeltSmti for r P Sy ntgnini Oat form,I hereby ceiiii3 thor the WIN t<att(me)crin:Inwtsd In aeeordlncc • 7.15 this rt repair to Ito existing welt ®Yes or Dio with Ad NCAC RIC.f1P9 ar.15d NCACO2C.0200 Weil Conxan:onaa Srandavdr and tied[a Oda it arepatrfdt au/known wFRranamantlantrfarmaatwt and caplatntheImreafAs 40PPITIMI mord ha hem P!otrfdada2ncgilx!!oµxsr. repair ander#21 remark weion or an the back ofthirfone. • 23,Site diagram or additional well details; $,For il`,eoprobelDPI'or Closed-loop Geothermal Wells haying the You anay use the back of this paw to provide orlditional well site dttails or well sonst_tnstion,only l 6W-1 is needed, Indicate T(iTALNUMB1 R dwells coosouction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled:' SIIBMITPAI.INSTRUC I S .`l r 9. r Total well depth below snrfa.et _.._I�b_j__ __tf�) 2#a.For All Wallet Stabtait this foi*n with 30 days of completion of well for maalrtplemat fit alldsprhrtfdifrrant(exampls-3�?PD'on42010p') cousbuctiontoritefollowing; 10.Stade water level below top of easing; b0 _ f) - Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, YwarerlaYl is above catln&use"+" 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 296991629 11,Laoatsiaoie diameter;6 9/8 (in) 2a13.For Iaieerien Welts; In a_ddihio to sending the form to the address in 24a 12,Well constrestion method: rotary_ above,also submit one copy of this fomm within 30 days of completion of well (1.4.ma,rotary,cable,direct ptLSlfr etc,) -. constmetion to the following; � - Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center;Rell:igh,NYC 276994636 1 13a,Yield(gpm) I I Method of test:air let Far Water Comply BrInteetitta Waist in addition to sending the fpmt to .JJJ -I° j c, the arddress(es)Move,also submit grtel,copy of this form within 30 days of lab.Disinfection type;grattfaisdchtgrlae Amnuat tf "3 (• _•. completion of well ctmstntction to the Bounty health department of the county - — wherre constructed, • Form GW-1 Nod r.iMumma of EtwitsamsnttI Quality-Division of Wateritesemees Revised 2 22-2916