HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06378_Well Construction - GW1_20231002 • 1 • - . ! WELI,._CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW4) rPor Intern•X Usittolr 040.0.. 1 ' , 1,Well COTITT1CtRr information: • / — --17 .01V -704(1 _71 • , _..-.:a--'-.4:::!%z".,--7,:''•:,•'''' '' 11,/s11ContlotaorNanizi . Poom To brukitnrriox, I -- - . - 2.7.---' -::•.-.. ...". _ ft, ft, 4,--s (1.--tel 1 ft, ft, 1 I - - -- - - NC WAContractorCotifitatloali-tabcr -15,t;n1TER-;_COVICirobblifskts.aii ,f5) Morgan Well Wok&Pump,INC FROM TO otomin t VILLICIOfta JJ!1ERML - -' --------- - -- 0 fl' ft* 81/8 51 kdr-21 Pvc t7 Cortgooy Mint r1 II ? 'la.VINIERIC ; Itlaltta taltIttitinilttatif,46±41 1:.,i:e-•i :-::-:-: ..--.....-. .-7"-F., 2.Well Construction Permit#: 4" 14.1 .--- TO . _num= f I Tin a.,i" MATERLAI, ft, Ft, i'R', I listed 1 applbrable nell coreirivaim . re-4,E=Caw%.F.ov4 Valance,rite) : 14- . I,Well Use(cheek weft use); - 47,SEW( 1,,--—1f7iR>., ---::: :.--•..,..••-.-;•.- . - ,,•,.•. . Water Supply Wel FRO111. _2ro otAmETEit -SLOT STU TTITCRREER MATERTAL jit Agdwittical 13)kniolpalfFoblig a agothamil aleating/Cooling Supply) MItesidentiel Water Suppky(single) - fr, ft, hi -. . _ i Iruincirial/Commquial ORcsidalfial Wag!SWAY 004 KILGRouTji!._1;i:„ 4.,,.!),,,..4,1,2„,::..t iI:-.."•43.',;',:f1',:.".,i.",'_:::!„,..,:.-i•-.!...--:?-.,.5,-- .:.,:;-;:•-•,„.., mom To "mieiTsliit. . VMPLACEmENT METHOD&A744:31ffirr -[niggle% Non-Water Supply We31; c 4,. SO rg' ITaMMT.c '' ixTgreq _ 0 MoTACMITE 171114:0VRTY it, fr, i , _ru in n 1.411 fr„ - fr, — , ii AquircrftgbariF 1:10to.=Water Remcdiation Au4SANIVOILAPACMertley;A:';,--lf,','.;.'55-_-1.1..•E '.1.17:.:--.r.,,•-.•..`:::..':, --.-.'.-Wn., Xi Aquifer Storage And Ermwery CeSalinity Denier ---FIWW-1 TO -----11,1 117 ,,. _ EMPLACEMENT METHOD , I Aquifer Test OStonnwater Drainage ft, ft. • .. _ __ • i Experimental Technology OSubsidence Control fr, ft. it Gtothcosol.(Closed Loop) DIrsog 2:03)ntlizsiGLOG:cattedistsnnouge.rifetStril &MIMA -loom % V- ,TO .InzOtillicifi Won hatimm.&TIM&OM mAn aim mc.) - NI (14SEtiRWCORERR Ram) 9 Oer th (explain uoder#21 RelowIts) - 0 - 3 &Date WO)Completed;Ai. 0 Weil 1D# 61 0 11-. /0 l'' i'-'72. UNitsi cl ri Sa.Well Locadon; • 7)•0 4, ,..1 L ft' PO Vii"ttl i. ) "Itszat2jjga__,01 — - Vita ci rcAn9t— v-- --- F7militylOwm Name taints EV apPliolbk) _ c-&6 3 clta8candl ft, , ft MOW.Afters,. City,mut zip 1 j/1 (V if1 ;,21,11W4WAPICS.97,:.,A.''''','':,'-4,7.',..!',",','-.r r-T.,`_2::,7-:,..-:-1--,'''-' '. ' -- Or T 0 " 'LTD County Parcel klentification No.(PIN) . _, • 5b,Ladtude and longitude in degreesiminutedieconds or decimal&green — .• --,- -- , riLE. • : . tifwell fteld,oneVlone is solderers) 21 Cerd_Ration; DV;ia;rf,'D-C1 . Sc,C-rq 11 - N q I /90 i 7) W Signanter&tredf Welt Conunetor 6.Kate)thewell(s)61Permanent or nTemporary By eyries Airfare%I hereby ar10 rho(the vvta.()anal(were)ea me-meted In arzontance • 1 Is this a repAir to an existing went laYes or MN° ivi MA A i PICAC 07C.MI4 a r 154 NCeC MC.02 Well Conrirecaen Raeder&and that a 'il rad!(fa repair,j111 au I home weil caeravariaa iritormatioe see I ceplain thegarwe gigs WY Oafs mord ha,berVrevlik-d- Rabe ive. 047gr.- . repair wieter#21 meta*seeder:erne Ow bark o f*Ore% 23,Site&worn or additionalwell deialts; • You may use tbe back of this pap to provide additiOn4 Weil site-dotall5 or well 8,For GtoprobtRIPT 9r CloseiLL0_op Geothermal Wells having-the same constmetion,only I GW-1 is needed, Lort woe TOTAL liGht9:91,awcils asestruction details. You um!a_Lco ettAcia additional pages if necessary. kl(1133417TAL nartrocuopr_s_, . i• 9,Total well depth below land surface; e20 A 0.0 24s,For Alt WOW SOMA&IF MIMI Pam: 30 days of completion of well - Farm/11M iorlh•lira el 1 depth:ifiliff emir(exam I e-30? °ea 4 Atiair) • =situation to the followinx , . 0 (r) • 10,Stade water level below top of easing; 3. e 00 Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit, • livelier kiTth above=ins we•*" 617 Me Sesvice Center-,Raleigh,NC 27639-1617 11,Borehole diarnerArt 1/8 (in,) , 241r,per Sofeetion Wells: In Warm to sending the form to the address in 24a • • ol above,also submit one copy of this faint'within 39 days of completion of wall tWaurrtil,comirticabbranamiliotp1:474tarY____ ___ .._ ..__ - .-_____________. construcdon to die following: , _ Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mall Service Center,Dalcigh,NC 276994636 . 1 I itgit.yidd( p,„) 3 .., ,,MAW rif ogst,.•air _ _ 24e.FOP Water Snooty&Infection Was; In WM.=to=paw,the px.m.to the addresges)taboVe.,also sibmit one. army of this form within 30 days of on,Dronrection type; -414-ilif:a chkwift _ Amount. 1 0 i completion of all construction to&county health department of the county - vohere construeted, , . Poen GW4 Noel;Carotin Departmcm ofEnvlosnmentel Onstity-Division a WaserEssourecs Revised 2-22-2916 . . •