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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233144_Site Plan or Location Map_20231019 1ms� CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE General-All measures will be inspected and corecfions made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once k minimum.The builder will insure that the tip N`N cos Dec a pent pro g rai per wee CPa"�"p0 apt SFN� 1. Obtain all Necessary permits and plan approvals.Erosion and Sediment Control activities on any particular Id do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If lot construction dictates,measures will be relocated on the lot toinsure (E&SC)permit and a Certificate of Coverage(COC)must be obtained before any land disttubing activities that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Sift fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion occur.A copy of the E&SC permit,the COC and a bard copy of the plan must be kept on site,preferably in a mntrol manual.Sotldin g,Beetling antl mulching will be mainteinetl to insure proper ground stabilizing rover. permits box,and accessible during inspection. OT( 2. Install gravel construction entrances first,then silt fences,reinforced silt fence outlets and wattles. Gravel Construction Entrance-ns gravel pad should remain inawnditionteprevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction Bite.This may require periodic toptlresaing with O� Fft 3. Finish clearing and grabbing any necessary seas on the lots as they are started. 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect any structure used to trap setliment and clean d out as necessary.Immediately remove all objectionable materiels smile.washed,or SODDING H 4. Begin lot grading and excavation activities Wicked onto public roadways, DATE: PAGE: M ti 5. Begin or continue with house construction activities. 6. Finish all rough gnedivg and house construction. Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be Inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabricLAY SOD INA yy STAGGERED 7. Install driveways,walks and patios, should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of propedy to insure that the removed sediment does r o�•, 0 8. Begin fine grading aim areas not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should Sc provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during deaneut ••A• "BPI "CPI "DPI 'E' 'F' PIG' 'H' V sswc xoia YOOA or9 9. Final grassing,mulching andnabilieing Of lot.In most case,the wilt involve the installation of sod on the lot operetion. •-v The sib fence will remain in place unlit the lot is sodded or r sad o is ecnl tied and takes hold. Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained to insure Mat the grass Wks holds In Ue areas being secured.The sod should be watered ce necessary to maintain adequate R ¶ y y .11 fr. G : R rS P 71 ✓/ % % asSHARPER.MASONS TROWEL IS A HANDY TOOL 10. The contractor shall conduct eelf-Inspecuons of the eroaon and eedmentaon control measures and complete In the root zone antl prevent dormancy of the sad.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate growth and stabilization of the root bed. R e e % %- the following combined self-inspection form found on the DEMLR wehmte The sod should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recemmendations and type of grass recommendations when and g possible. llI I4 /7 MIMING gov/abouVdivisions/energy-mineral-and-land-resources/stormwater/stormwater-program I PIECES. /nodes-construCtion-program.Twelve months of complete inspection forms shall be kept on site and available Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly ferrined and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation.Once the grassing has IfMI T all 'HOUS W x� HOUS o �1e C"y,4 � for inspection at all times.It 1s recommended a copy be kept in a permits box.Ref:G.S.113A-54.1 through been placetl the area should be maintainedpen as needed to Insure that a a re germinating propedy.Any bare ould be repaired and reseeded as soon asMUNI cceasmLr W�Lfi®SC VIEW G.S.113A-57 Sections 15A NCAC 04A,0101 through 15A NCAC 04F,0504 General Permit NCG 010000 possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season perm in the use of a L LPi Pam ^ SI,t,Evi4'*- ‘3. NPDES for Conshucti A permanent grass. CO. OA• n -ROAr� -Hu �� NUM,PM -HUA• u AT �•fnI I. cast(d ar dayS andons d.des cry rain control measures are In he inch Annn Bed least once every seven Waffles Wattles shall be inspected after significant ra nfall even Rills or gullies upslope of the wattle and any undercutting s to be reps red Sediment deposits that impair the AY ROADWAY AY AY ip calendar day d F 24h f y Iofgreet h inch An,needed pa Mall ber VICINITY MAP - re. filtration capability of the wattle Shan be removed When the cedlment reaches One Nlyd M the wattles func110na1 freeboaN height.Removed sea Merl shall be depOsded within BINLETof of CURB u I �„ 'J d' ly designed d.All ESC pots - das specified in the project nauchaweyNm the sediment snot sables to erosion by wind or ecter. IURLED Notes Not to Scale M1econstruction deW113 CAMP plan.Aangauge shall be installed at the project i efi monitoring. 1.If needed.Tree Protection fencing should be installed along the buffer zone,wetland 12. Inspection and final acceplaace letters.When the project V complete,thepermidees shall contact DEMLR to Reinforced S'It Fence Outlet Remove sediment de de title lame for non ran to reduce the Take rare le boundary and/or around protected trees providing a radius of at least 1.25 feet for each closeout the E&SC Plan.After DEMLR informs the ofclose out,via ins poste as necessary to prow quote storage volume pressure on LEGEND In permitted o project -NOT).report, avoid undermining Me fence during cleanout Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all fencing materials and unstable Inch of trunk diameter ryG�I'� the Oat general shall visit""to submit anenboae I Notice of termination(e-NOT).A$100 setliment<repos.and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the centribming drainage area has been property stabilized. 2.Install Ed Fence on the low elevation Sides of each lot Install Silt Fence outlets shown on I I,,II NIBk annual general permit fee will be charged until the a-NOT has been filled out. DIRECTIONFLOW schemahaJdogam and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are A( el GROUND STABILIZATION SILT FENCE - contiguous and have different land owners or builders,each lot should have individual Silt 'MACHO/E FIRM OF r AS NEEDED CONTACT neTHE L. SITE AREA STABILIZATION mow tnaiEu THE SOD IS ESTABLISHED IN 23 WEEKS SET THE SILT FENCE OUTLET I. 3.Install required Silt Fence within 10 feet of propedy line to ensure there is no conflict with ODIL suuO Ea`TM oD la MOWER HID ual. LAID EXCEPTIONS CONSTRUCTION ENT.MCE NEE septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the installation of sediment DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME control measures does not impact the septic system and repair area(s). APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD CURB INLETPERIMETER DIKES, NONE 4_At least one Construction Entrance/Exit is to be installed per lot. A"SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE FOR SWALES,DITCHES 8 7 DAYS 5.waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be et .OR GRASS USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. SLOPES least 50 feet away from storm drain Inlets or drainage ditches unless it can be shown that A AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND HIGH QUALITY NONE no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be 11,�1 °NDx 'rvo xN014Epgies_ SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A NCAC 04B.0131 STATES THAT WATER ZONES 7 DAYS contained downstream Silt Fence. ...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON (HOW) 6. lets downstream of disturbances should be protected,streets should be swept when "EavresaueS.ola mlcrvry SLOPES STEEPER IF SLOPES ARE 10' sediment horn the Fen.,Str FencaOutletty lS present. A COPY ECTHE APPROVEDRTHAT LISTS ANDSEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN ON COMPLETING,DATING AND SIGNING ..\NC-EnvironmenWl.jpeg T.DetailsdotSiltdence,SIhFenceounted sediment nto details and e not measures are ROOT ZONE.SOIL AND ROOTS AN SEDIMENTATION CTNTROLISTS EACH MEASURE,PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION THAN 3:1 OR LNDS LENGTH provided on additional sheets.Erosion LOantlUT WITH Control ANDlsUTnot drawn mscale. oarvse noor MAT FoasTaNemx. sacpLD eE vz wa mlcicwrm AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN." AND ARE NOT FFFFrrlvE ne .„t,2I2020 TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER 7 DAYS STEEPERTHAN 2:1, 14 DAYSL ARE ALLOWED t SLOPES 3:1 OR 7 DAYS FOR General Erosion Control Notes NOTE: FLATTER 14 DAYS SLOPES GREATER THAN 50'IN LENGTH t.Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. Pursuant to 0.5.113A(3),provisions for permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain 2.Al disturbed areas shell be grassed and erosion must be accomplished for all disturbed areas within 14 working days or 90 ALL OTHER AREAS NONE(EXCEPT FOR mulchimmanne os soon as posmtle and ent cover is established calendar until calendar days(whichever is shorter)following completion of construction. WITH SLOPES 14 DAYS PERIMETERS AND DATE: PAGE: FLATTER THAN 4:1 HOW ZONES) DATE: PAGE: silt SlIt saw wen. Nry.rg / Ow��'- I A a Flo MI equivalent pr... Area be era prates P a IL erosive ,I m-Iuse in silt socks or wattles. Ir ,z ■i ,'I n:nstituted for E - uniformlywan compost es 12.Min Elnken to the desired length such that 3. Silt allel to xa aEDTION SECTIONgra x rs do ope Silt soclifiNattle(s,located of Q 'Maltlow g Me land dliturbance The ends oft.s,If / / \\ \\ J/ ; j J QJ •I,I I I I I,I '°'w gene* so...(s)should be fumed slightly undone. silt m.u6rem going,roam m. 1 1 ` . r kirrar rarrar lr jr lr r I4 oak or Mer tt 4-.., -/ .nch x 2 inch cross section should be Given velically plumbWrough Me ce.r of the sin I t=1,,,I;Ift7--:-'•'-'•'-'•'--•,-.-,-,'"••••afafafafafafafafafafat:., of 8 feet if Me silt socWvattle is plan...inch • Wood Mulch or Compost r �� . In the event staking is not possible Oa when / \ f a MnS "!H.i �; r• ._ NsrmesboeeTo INSTALLATION ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION'®., ,. 6 runoff e nt OPg, / ,` I �z ta• YrYrYrYr . .li" ISOMETRIC ,. duringsock/wattle to place after ekly a. `% , Ik 1 1 b� \\ ` 4 S S l- � e� kr non,Pnsr eocxlnmurow 0005 2 sX ddw C dictacasnu.d sediment end any debm a d 4each 1 inch or greater ranfal/Remove S f,!' G1 I ) p 4Rea/ // ( ` / e Cgnawqugn: Mamtenange: \ Imo-oaas«ka P.c.,. paeecw w writ a oral troy 1 p . must a aPa aneeded to allow AT adequate ogee a --- �\ 112 1 \ \\ 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCG-01 inspect at least once a week and after each 1 inch Oe sheet Plow-a- 1al urea smoped I coo mot kera Gm . tom material and properly grade tt. greater rainfall:make any required repairs immediately . d \ / \ \\ 2.Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans.and 2.Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment Ito csc ee neaml cocci essm1 pceml tmomt a �O / 0, �\ �� ---- --_--- moothII. romleaona tcconstruction ane This may regahepehndlc wonaroa ! OIf pond,becomes excessive.Me silt ses v� / \ \ 1 / \ 3.Provide drainage to tarty water tOasediment bap or other satiable outlet topdresaing with 2inch stone. mm,vn R.m wauvml na,ammo naslmvmt nM wort Inauvml .....................4 ReInsioll if damaged soe 0 _ / �' \ \� 4.Use geotextlle fabrics In order to Improve stability ol the foundation in locations 3.Immetliately remove all objectionable materials spilletl,washed ee compete am the area above the �� 6 / , I -_--_-_-_ subject to seepage or high water table. tracked onto public roadways. "'°nu""°w r.sagmm uasgmm,xoagmm xz.swmm w.oaPem 6 m•wra has is pemwrwmyatabilizetl. �`y j 1 I SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION l l� / 1 j i f `t i \ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT l,t,p;pon �� r r l i / 1 $. 1 ' / / / / I // 1 ) ` ( -�\ DATE: Wire Fence Finer Fabric PAGE: DATE: I PAGE: ` \ '// // '�/ / // �'^ -��� \\ \ \ \ 1/ sn:elP F Max.Standard trengthWhic with wire fence I (.. 4MIN. FENCE \\ // / 182 SPACE- % // �/' ��'� \ \\ \\ \\ I /�-_ on� Ir Maa.Erma g bn<wtlwmwremn wire Fence "a core ,% , h cDmoan e - �saTv i 1% (/ 17<� / w v II �' a s��d core "�� al thoroughly �� /�\ \'''43 \ ) 110 109 108 `07 106 105 114 103 102 101 100 / lis r/ Wire bee g> 14 _ Pla be or ,•In. TOP oF SILT FENCE MD6TBEATLE a, ABOVE THE Ton OF .� �GG.P�- -- - �' f Al \ \ STEEL FENCE POST i 194 53 laon9 h:ran .,. HEwABHEDttT i•\Sl T-' _158- --- -/\\ \ / //\ // SALE-EBY WAY / J II I I �. �FiXer Febcc 1 HARDWWIRE ARE FENCECLO FRONT VIEW ✓ ,i�44 \\ 1 I I 1: l s�titheaeaimeM,,,th ,..naa,datreng Dr th RDBBSECTION VIEW �BdRYwREFENCE, ���\ Higher fen.s FILTER FABRIC, /\ \ .,.'r / I / `-1 1 1 may impound lames mwale�r e�u'cercidem��ue taaur.omit Vie:de uawlalanls'wnenlar,b areFILTER OF.7/ \ \� /'kadi (1 \ 1 / SALEE�Y1(�/AY / t,°re°efi tie' pn thena with, inminimNmoedepWthennpe,. WASHED STONE .2.APART MINT. DTHINTRENCH \28 <IN ' / k ✓xa�c�� \\ 113 \ \ / �- //i/ afren9thLM1finerWbdDbyremeshWMeneaaearelyfDfbeupalDpeaiaeDltheafe.E.tena Mntenance: INTO 9oLmGROUND Q / 49 \ \ / t 1 / onamD bench.Fasten the wire reinforcement,then fabric on ps pe t��Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each t NOTES: / / O \ \ 1 1 / / / __1�D J 'warsrdadfies shoula..a a minimum ol>°und,e7ile s�ngth ldb dl qR°°"° 1.Hardware cloth and gravel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 / �� T // / ante la used,,should..maxlmumweree apart supppda ahpa be ,tear decompose. o inches. ' C./ / re t O. 45 O \ \ \ 1 I I / / / - i / admmlmam of24Inche:'O8 o pis G ` .0 E 6M1 z- 1S$\ //// , 6 Extra strength pest Securely 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of silt fence ate 29 i 'e•1;'\ ( �0 421 1 4 I last I1 / __- „i' ' �/ o�fabrierenjvto p�'.Wiepa dast<na1sshale nave amnimum a so page tensiila a antl based on field conditions. ' Q r•' 123 6/ / ma fence Take ere to evoie uneemn rg efwcee g MAINTENANCE: / 62 \- \ / I I 1 /f 27-- / //1 tely4 inches wide eM 6lrches deep along the proposed Ilne of the posts and BURY OF UPPER EDGE F 1.Per NCG-01,inspect outlet at lest once a week and after each 1 inch or \ \0 �--,40 \ // -1�- - --111111 �\\ _- r / / / / _- - / // ndngtemaerislsantlunstableeedimenttle eaWg HARDWARE CLOTH FILTERFPBRICINTRENCH gre peearlyrequre pairsimm y. t 6.a ' rap honor am aieeathe o-encn. ater rainfall event CDm t are ediatel30\ V„ \•v ` / • ' IssouINLI rthe finer...anti p .Th g ompadon of the badmll is dr age rea has bee prop v tabmzeethe mnn con 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds6inches. \ \ 1 0 --- - - _- / / / / / 7 3.Keep mesh free of debris to provide adequate flow. -g-� �- \ -- / / / -- / / Do rim auadlres,eriboe la exaiing o-en SECTION VIEW 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. �-j --.. -1-62 188-- - -� - --- / /! / 5.Replace atone as needed tofaclitatede-watering. �`_ 1 --- \ _ ---_ / --- �� / // j .\NC-Env � _-�� � _ _ / / /70 INC En0IminenlallDti �'. a-_ _44�_1 ,4�= ,ts�_- - J n//N �// /�!- // / // �,r,,,,,q n SILT FENCE tutu SILT FENCE OUTLET `'f _ _---38-- ,,\ � 4,4r-_--�--- 4 � mP1 �i:,P.r� ITw.I �� / / / - • ..-- - _- ;; T• -- - __ --F36 ��<. �\` -� / / / / i� / // , The Slicing Method Q. / - - Fqu.e.exe -'' -_- --��`�sFSE%�\ _'_- L,M"S a" 135 `1` -`- yam / 1 // 69 / i 1 o? �` 48__ .�-\ - BG� sf,/fl 9�4TM y 14 131 / /�/ _\,y /'�� / ▪neap n.s�'to"ry Fabdrei j 7 \ --_- anus sod NSTR 132 = G• / / on1=..'s, ----- - - / A° z _- yMR� ---- 2Mom- --- '�slag\ --- - ▪--/ ,�/ _ ;�-, , / �; ; zPAGE 1 of 2 ''fr $ \ = _ -r ` 2 Fib """ �y� - ce ' / 66- \ TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE:2.28 ACRES y2.1 _ ��° I' ma's' �-- Po LOTS 53-57,132,134&135 f- --- /;-f \ ./▪ - 5'I, y�_ - /4_ -__ N W N� N x r•r°" '' �� a ul urn[ LOT DEVELOPMENT PLAN - DT 67' II II�II II-III III ��_ / �-/_ -D 52 4 I Ai �/'- 1u a ITi III Ne ATM EROSION&SEDIMENT CONTROL h4� 59 • ---- & - - -��- / - oBSTMxTw PT<IYA ,� t+l a + �� �ii 2 /'/ /'� i %�-• jl�ll II=III III= - tg ` 1 . .\ 53 �oA Xr fk M a /. II Will IN S\ ----T�--- 73� tLANDS• /� -- -���Or/(j L.�11 ,w.4 ` I W7� I ,f f A _- -_ ;;,_ /; /..., ,/ , .. //_ =111 •.rote .p.n tree tles per post all within vt, The Preserve at Lake Upchurch Ets ./ - ` - �. m 6ayFS4 � ° nw t 1 9� t�'t+�.; ate!_= r� / /. IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII=11I e e�y. 1 ,, /.: \ \\ / / MFNr JL \\ �4A fig- rS6- �I °t �owsrR roN 60 ` Z / 66 WET" III 11 111 111-II) Nxre tecthta,ea,wre. Phase 2, Section 3 h FOR � \\ ��� ,_' ii ?T' _` �� i t -�' DREAM FINDERS HOMES, LLC \ Wy'oANDs =�\ ,��130- _ 'a ` / 65 ""`"ti"' ROCKFISH TOWNSHIP CUMBERLAND COUNTY N.C. / - W cOT '"L,_ // -do-w - D�'• Pow"^ SCALE:1"=100' SEPTEMBER 2023 _� t, �1 I . ��,' UM. m GRAPHIC SCALE / _i- -9tlET'-?"ps WETLANDS •PEN ' / _ i '"'r /. Av - _ = PSCE \��� / f I 64 � � 11.1)• , ,, I ENGINEERS ` 6�D // _ j' 6-, 6 1 N, I irrmi 111 , PLANNERSmcn IN FEET - __ = Comp 4e Installation SURVEYORS 1 inch= 100 ft. w P''',:i • $:°winter, MOORMA N,KIZER&REITZEL,INC. MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC. 115 BROADFOOT AVE. FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 ueaelcfte""""5'."'"•taa"" alO s®" sscaas PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE F-0106 LAST SAVED:9/19/2023 2:26 PM Loor PLOTrEE:9/19/2023 2:53 PM PLOTTED BY:Dennis Gilbert FILENAME.G\CURRENT JOBS\H&H CONSTRUCTORS\1B-1367-02 PRESERVE 0 LANE UPCHURCH-EC\PLANS\PRESERVE EC-LOTS 53-57.132.134&135.DWG