HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06343_Well Construction - GW1_20230927 WLt•LL CUNS7l'KUCIION RECORD For! eal Use ONLY This form can be used for single or multiple wells • 1.Well'Contractor"Information: : • • • . • Bobby.W. Potts" - 14.WATERZ ONES t I " • • FROM TO . .DESCRIITION - • Well Contractor Name fc: • ft • NCWC 2028-A ft r1 .. NC Well Contractor Certification Number 15.OuTTER CASING(formuld.casedheells)ORLNER(rapg/cable) . FROM TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL Ferguson's Well and Pump,.LLC v it �rr1�i '" �t<", . jOiCSD �/ .Company Name . . . ' . . 16.INNER G OR TUBING.(aeethetmsl dosed4oup—) • " - . . " ' - FROM " TO DIAMETER . THICKNESS .' MATERIAL 2.Well ConstruedonPermit#e. :'CRQe21 " GGyCrY .ft. ft •- I in. List all applicable well constni¢don permits(ie.Comity,Stale,Vanmtce,eta) ft.- • .ft I hi. , . 3.Well Use(check well use): 17.SCREEN 'Water Supply Well: ' : ' : 'PROM TO' DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL _ : . .ft ft. •in. • ❑Agricultural. . ❑ pal/Public ❑Geothermal(Heating/Ccoling Supply) . tial Water Supply(single) . ,- . ft ft, in.; ' - ❑lndustrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared)' 18.GROUP . . . - ❑IiriQation " • FROM To_ MATERIAL- • EMPLACEMKNTMETIiOD&AMOUNT ' Non Water,Supply Well:• ' . 0 it 20 ft Concrete" Gravity-Flow " ft' ft . ❑Monitoring - . IRecovery • • Injection Welk - -ft. 'ft. ' : DAquifer Recharge . . . - . . ❑Groundwater Remediation " . ' . 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK Of medicable) . . . . . . ❑A Storageand FROM • TO MATERIAL, - EMPLACEMENT METHOD _ quiferety . .❑Salinity Barrier . ft. ,f. •. -, ' • DAquifer Test • ❑Storarwater Drainage Et ❑Experimental Technology. ❑Subsidence Control -• p 2QDRILLING LOG(attschadditioaalsbeetsifneeessar9) " ' • ❑Ge euth nasal(Closed Luup) • . ❑Tracer ' ' • • . " ' FROM . • TO . DESCRIPTION(color,hardness,soli/rock type,grain she,eta) ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) - OOther(explain under 21 Remarks). U! ft 70 .ft 11'1,e Y . 4.Date Well(s)Completed: //j •WeII"ID# • ©' f �s it 1 l�L! . C tC ; f'S ft. /OA rt ,4-r /'oc/c " Sa-Well Location: • �y Y _ 1 �nhn ' LP b //9`f 1OS'"EtG(JiT�. . FacilitylOtvner Nano `J C Facility 1171!(if applicable) I '`� . ft ft II r 66 C--k' L- •i -1 . �� 4-i'L...r 1/4,, „l a) �4l/'bh wifi : rflrvve .-a/,vl'tty o1- 73C. ft it . . i SEP 2,, 7 2Q2� Physical Address,City,end Zip . 21.REMARKS: • " 6 tarn�,,,(,j,� 661�7(aaaa eaoa • In ,r1tt4..,it ,-.r:-`:,rt�,'.a.3 i! ,' " • County Parcel Identificafion No.(PIN) I GA::`ti c;�`:pia •Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: " :22 Certification: : (if well field,one lat/long is sufficient)" 35°y5 06 t. .10e%/• jr•N .• y�.°,2%a),?/ ' 0 W .• / ). -2' 1/ - • . �. Signature of C�ed Well Contractor ; to 6.Is(are)the well(s): ,Permanent or OTemporary . By signing this four;I hereby certify that•Ilia weA(s)was(were)"constructed in accoxlrmce : With•ISANCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C:0200 Well Construction Standards and that a ' " 7.Is this a repay to an existing well: ❑Yes, or HNo -•" " ., copy oftlris recordhas been provided to the ivell owner. gilds is a repair,fill out known Well construction information and explain the native of the ' 1,• repair:order#21 remarks section or on the'back of thlsfonn. • • . - 23.Site diagram or additional well details: • - ' - You may use the back of this page,to provide additional well site details or well • ' 8.Number of wells constructed: • / construction details..You may also•attach'additional pages if necessary. • : For multiple beection or non-watersypply wells ONLI'with the same cons ruclibn,you can • • submit onefonn " ' SUBI4IITTALINSTUCITONS - j 9.Total well depth below land surface:• " W c .(ft.). 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days.of'completion of well Form uldple well list all depths ifdifirerent(example-3@200'and 2@100) • construction to the following: " . . • 10.Static water level below top casing:. " - `jf� . " . (ft)' Division of Water Quality,of Information Processing-Unit; If water level is above casing,use"+" 1617 Matz Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 . 11.Borehole diameter: .: (in) • •24b.For Infection WeDs:_ In additionI,to sending the form to the address in 24a Rota above, also submit a copy of this;form within 30 days.of completion-of well • •12.Well construction method:" ry " • construction to the following:': " . ' (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct prisb,etc.) - Division of.Water Quality,Underground Injection Control Program, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:. .1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I -I 13a.Yield(gpm) $ Method of test Blowing-Rig 24e.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to . . .-the address(es) above, also submit one copy"of this form within 30 days of nP • Chlorine �-; oz• completion of well'construction to they ccunty health department of the county 136.Disinfection e• Amount: •• • " - • • • • where constructed. Form OW-I •. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality , Revised Jan.2013 • . I •