HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06307_Well Construction - GW1_20230926 1 . . WELL_CONSTRUCTION RECORD R/ir Titcrpl Us.,0 pNLY: • • 114 form caii ba.uscil fa.sited or multip3a was• ,Ue/k • . l.,WellContrattor Infarmatiour \Ab . • . . ,, '-'14:11TATERIONES . - ': . " • • . . • Brian Ewinq FROM TO DK.SCREPTURN i.V011 Co tinttl0 Oa mo ft. ft. I I. rt.424 0 • ' • NC Well Contrdctorr Certifigniint Mutter tSOUThRCAS1NGiroiqiiiillkiiiiii-niltNVORLINERII9ti)tinibiti.:. FROM - TO ' PIAIWETER - TRICIMESS 'MATERIAL SAEDACCO (It, _ 14. Ina.. Computy•Name,. •;14..-INNER CASINGORTUBING,(0netitaktuktI4LiiipiR!:?.....,-. - . • . FROM To ' prANVETRIR THICKNESS MATERIAL 2..WeliConstmetioir Perri*6.: . 0 ft •23 ft,.: 2 , :111.. SCH-4 0 PVC • 1,..in 41 appilictible 3.9,4 pc-Ay:firs,(41.Cfninty...Tiree,Variance,infeeticfri eic.)- 11,.• , 11. : ' i • ti.'.. , 3...WC:i.1-1/5 (01,1Ccli..{1.01 use).': Wnto,r StiOply Well:' . . ' FROM- TO •MANIRTILE. SLOT Sin: Ill lekri MS 1 MAURO,*If, '_ • ' 11Agtculitttal Elfi.liinicipaliPahlie. ' 23 . ft, 33 ' 1'17. 2 ' :1,11 ..010 SCH-40 PVC . - - . 1Genthennal(Fileatingtooting•SUpply) 1:11itsfdential•Water•SupPly(single) ft' tm -48,GROUTi ., • ' .•.• . OluduStrtiliCommtereial ClResidential Water•Suppl)."(sluiced) •- FRONI. ' •TO. ' • :M-A-TER-L'AL i E-N.R;LA.'CV.. !MiTIMM-CID&Aidii.ONT1 - I:Irrigation- .. - . . . . . . . . . , • . • • 0 'ft. 19 ft;-- Portland Poured - . No nAVnter Supply Well: . . . .- - - •.ft ft . . . • -- • .• ,.. ' , " IIIMoniftiring • nitcovcry _ - - _-- -. .Injection Welt: IL ,ft: , • °Aquifer Reeliargi 1;3Orbundwateir Refitcdiation :49:SAN110311AVEL•PACH:tildpinkat&r---- - . -.----,..*-7 •7-:7--f .-.. -:,:.-.,- - . , .. .. • , .•• FROM •TO, . MATREtrAt. .• •Rmrutermsofr mrrno 9, PArtuifeit Storage and Recoirery IliSahn*liatre - • , ,.. .. . - 21: ft.. .33 ft, . Filter Sand # 2 El Aquifer Tcif • 1:1SterniWate(Orairirtge . ft ft ' • • .. . . LIctfnicntal TeChootga.. 1:1Sub5ittence.toa4rol . . . 1.20.zDRIt.LINGLOGlitiadf a.ddlitoigil 4MCU,if neCiscri01. - • • 'Os Oro thCnitai Tlosed Lrrop) 1:1Tracer. -roost To . - DESCIRPTION(Wan handiwm.wilViticR trot..00lo!Ate.do.1 . . . .• .- EIGeotlientral•MeatintoreolingRetwO ['Other ftv.plairt under:#21 RetuarLs. ) 0 .11. 10 ft. Fill silt sand clay . 10 . ft.. 20 , fL Silty sand clay stiff - . . . . 4.•Drite Well(s)completed:.825'23 • Welt MtimE4-19 . . -20 .It. •33 -- ft; Stiff'clay pwr . . . . 5n f,Well1.4cation: . .ft.. • ft. I • . . 1:72t 7.,i-.7 El 3 1. r-N. Speedway 7994 • ft. fc,• rt.i'...-1....r L..;• V P...-.L.' . FichOnoccuue• Fac0ity 11:i# .iftsppika,hte).. • . . 6 . . 2325 v " ' s-52 N., Albemarle, NC, 20001 ft- SEP 2- 2023. PIK4ii101;M*55CitY;iir'013 • 321:IIEMARKS" ' ''.. ' , I nf3;,74,--4.:i -. ,:9 1,111:i Stanly " . - . 'Bentonite Seal 19 to 21' -D'11:;10311 0.G . Coml. Parcel icklioneation No.(PIN} . . . . ,. . . ..,. .. 511..Latitude anil.Lringitiride in deOccilnrinotesisCCtindsrir.ticeiribildegeecir 21,...cirgifz. katil-mr .•. , , . . , tit nett 0gte,one iaraoritti•suitio-idnu . • . . i • • IC' :%* 13,,rta,_n Ewing .9/7/2023 Sigintun..4Ceitincd Via.Contr:atot. • -• Date 6.Is(.0)tho:wIll(s)t"Vet-Mon:tit ge 1:Temporary 6 Aiinbri)trir Adm)Irerelg cerrif,rr1ftif ihr wel)(si iwtY(14x40.„1 tkulyttifetc-4 inscorieflance • . . . till/5.4 ArcAC 02d 1.0100 or ISA AreetC 02c.;72t;10 We it C*Ottionericr.Srar4errifs and llorr<I - , 7.11s.this•a repair-tir au.Orlitiago el4- DYes or 81N0 •coirrof MIT emir('beti 1;i•en pwridoliii-Oe qv,/tiltvier, ftigs:ft 17 Fiptifr,fili rot k-..00w ird1tonciloo btfowlion aOil trptohr rfte..ograre of rite ripotir under‘02,1frorocirres ociion or on Thelma:4:4 this form. • • ' -23:4tte.014rant.or additional well detriihn . . You may use the ba;k of this page tolpro'videradditional well Site derails or Well S.Nuattberof Wells Constructed: 1 • •construction details: You May:rise afia'clt additional,pages if tiecesSary. For iitneolge ihjeollonilf oonovarer sill/ply-'yelp ONL.Y it qr.('the.sffIAT atilltrifetran: -;ellt.e<117 . .elbntir rine farm. - SfiltitITTAL INSTLICTIONS,. . . . 1 0.Tntal twit depth beloirland stirface: 3P . . • - (ft.) .24a. Fin'Alt Wells:: Sfilnuit this form within 30 dit3s.of completion of well For ityloWpk.led tall tleprizi If diffi!rivit le.rmipfe-30200'nod.2@ AV) • constnittion to'the folloni og: „ , i. . . 10.Static water levet(claw top of casing: (ft•) Ilivisitin of Water Reset'rces,Information Processing Unit, if wake ki.el J.s above eadog;Ohl"+" ..161.7,1fail ServicCfr.titer,Raleigh,NC 27699.-/017. . . 1 . , . Al.Borehole diameter:8" lio.) 241K For frilgerjou'Wells ONLY: :hi addition to.sendingthe.farm to the address in _ 24aabeive...also subtiiit a-copy 6e this fans within-.0 days-of completion of irell t2.Wellcoustrvction method:Bored construction tothe following - I i (i.e.auger,i,olary;cahle,:airect pitslk.dc.} 1 I ; . DiviSlott of Water RSourst1Tiitterground futeri . tion Control.PrOgrant, FOR-WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; . 1636 lqitilServiceFeenter Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ; I 1 .. '- . • 24e,For Wata'Supply&lineet(on.Wells:, Oat Vieldiftinr) Method of tat: _ . ' Also submit one CO3p of this Ifertri.within ;it)..itaysof completion of• 13b.Disinfection well.;Obstruction to the carroty heirldr department of the canary where ' • type: _ Amount:, , . . cOnstructed. I film GW-1 North Catalina IllaRment.ofF.roviconment and Nattoal Resources-Iftvisloo of Miler Hottl: Revised August 2013. . i