HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06288_Well Construction - GW1_20230926 1.W.I COnaat to 4?t /be e//t /(��//- _ - - 1 . ' L GI !/\ I :C. S•eg... • Phi!COARRO fNAMe L t-7tL'SVAT$tf7TO . DI•-__..__.. -m.�;! w�.�'`_` _r NDWelleoamarCeniBwdenNumben (A � n C -�t I '1=0]txEB'CA1l(ti'(feriit.iaidnfi �ivell�'LO1t=T,t1 n --i hfEt��`^_t`� Poe' S i,t�r'L!aki 18 &r - ruife e ' TD ,• , ,�,�,„A,, 2.Well Construction t>'ermit>i<: r / Ffteart'ASIXi 4b1£TtinlNfr.�ool6 tuft )?�,,,�;; ='•r from TO .JDIA. N>iRR i T,RI(CIQ ar.TEasar. LfuallcPP$mbleudlansint impennUt(ia UM..COMM Sane,YR/tanca,etc)- ft fr.. r to, 3.Well Use(ebeckwvell use): • n fr. M. . Water Slimly Well .1tiSllREEK �-:w;, ..— :-• • AgriculturalICI�I(pD1fI1C TIrtCKNNSS wormer. •. . p [t 2 to Geothermal(B'eatinyXooling Supply) .rnieardential Water Supply(single) TndualrialiCammeocial OResidesuial WatersuPPly(hated Q. to tn. - Irrigation ) r'tE:-01t8U7t*`= -::� :�:'�:�.����-�_.�z�.. � • ISOM TO -_ MAI/RIAL MI EN PIACQtry EIROD&AMOUNT • Yoa tvater$npptyWcll• - Monitoeng Q re ,rvr, �r_z�v,ccL tat. 7Djeetlon Well: - ���very - R. h. • Aquifer Recharge EiCuoundweterRemediation ft. '3p AINGRAMIEPA pEIi61e= zF- - �T1- >-'�- • __ �-AgtdeStoaga and Roomy [}Saliuity9eoier PROM TO MATERIAL eMPuccbnvraiTtOn-'--_ _AgoiferTest - • •- .DStomnwater Drainage Experimental Technology )Subsidence Control • ft. Al • Geothermal(Closed Laap):: ' )Maser • a0:D1121301 ikiG sifairiddlitaii.ihilib iteectmoi _r=ar Kam= -Geothmmat(RRntingl3oolingg/Retura) now ender#21 Remarks., MOM TO DFSCMITION(alaraundu ro ly,udt�n bisier,etc} �t.Data wells)Completed:,!�/�of 3 Well 1ml 9ry 0 / ` et 5a Well Loea f l/5 ft• ?.'0316 �, �a " -,- ,5—�7' /(//s�l''.� / 7 7 it 2 -- t °—. • I` Y r, — ' r �.{"'l 1:7• :� w Ve.J ,oa r 17. a F '8aerldyiOWaerMIE FURRY ft. It./r.2/ 0/in/� , ✓i�./ y a ye i. L D. ! SEP 43 .6 2023P raAica, ;t r cod rz � �� • �S�/t p�/J dd/f r L em -- ro..a ik;l County Pareelldemi6easion No.(PIN) I G4'r s" _.40 • Sb.Latitude end longitude in degreealmiahteslseeondsor decimal degrees: - CrewenBs ltdlangiasa6eieat) 22.Certirtea6En: -- ,0 $ - • )'toN L00 ?7 $ W t,i_ . 12witt illidgvi 7 --) 6—)2 6.Ia(are)Ibewell(a)aPermaneot •or )Temporary Sternsmeo Deed Well Contractor • Dale By siring this farm,I hereby web that the TWIN ism(wen)c&uwraeud Di accordence • %Ia this a repair to a0 exlsdng wen: piles or with 1SWNCeCOZC.0100ar lilt NGIC MC.0100 NIICoarnucdofhmndo,L and dmta girds norgafailiiorranowniv team vatontaformarienomiarph7ffifhonarmOdra coPYeta legman'bnaForldidfa gelid,elClg rep irvtrdcra7l narark'D a oronthe barks Biafora. . 23.Site diagram or additional well details: &For GeoprOhelDPT or Closed.l oop GeotLerasa!Wells having Iho soma You may use!ho been of dri•page to provide additonat well sine Malta or well eonstnnctiod,only 1 GW l is needed.Lldke°TO AI,NUMBBAofnzns comriuctioadetaits.Yoamayalsoanachaddinonalpaif acades,. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTI011 • . 9.Total well depth betotv.hmdaodbces C S. „matapne.�rs/h depth ind�/e>z r femmptQ,l I�l�) (�) 24e.For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well cansntsction to the following 10.Static writer level bel wtopofcasing: G (It.) DlvlaiotiotWaterResoureekloformation Processing Uatf; I/srmerlesblfrabmvemlu tine+- ` • 1617sMailSernceCenter,Ltaleigh,NC27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. 6 1/4[ on.) IL • I 246.For Inlegtion Wens: In addition to sending the imam the address in 24n 12.Well construction method: Pawn n 1 (. above,also submit one copy of this Ann within 30 days of completion of well (i c eager,*guy.table&met push,eta) v' communion the fotmwm� FOR WATEA$UPPLY WELLS ONLY; Divittastaf Water Resources,Underground Injection Coutrai Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC276991636 13e.Yield(gpm) !(/ /� Method of test j�.Pt „o Z4e.For Writer Souk&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to l3>b Disinfection type: t J r/ 1 ` the address(es)above.also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of t Amount: d C y l completion of well construction to the county health department of the county - . whereeonstwcted. Worn Gw-I North CmofmaDegutmeEtafTairon,nearal Quaky-Division ot'WEtcrRoams - nevized2-22-2016- -