HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06286_Well Construction - GW1_20230926 1.W lcootrget Ihforna " • I fIZ riltiJbec k �QW1T8RION ISs. ��,?,.. �_ • z.--.T.g- -.,�-:L -�=`=Y_ - WdiCnaeeatName • _ pRM TO - A /co% //5R. D d/P-► NC Weil Coots artigwtionNmntxr • ica it /tom /i7 16�/jr� • N6:A1i3ER ASlNG'lr6irmrlinSTLpy-. : '-I,7NEwggc - hrEk • ",,;,•'.,'.: .� o e. tic iL)&l tiPui o • z S5er tic 7 m inwereR, ' ,>1 Bur- 1 L welt Construction"emit fY Qv..: e9slnt oR�bDllbcu(eeosh u t ), .;,�::4:� =0 Litrrdl°PFliwb/a,reuemuwerienprn� (Ld ellC.Cmma;Stiata Yortnnee,ex) (L (►,FROM TO Dialugfeir� 3 Well Use(cheek well use): a, ' tr. tn. • of uapptyWell:_ riZatBBFti.ty R :_ -O 7:.. ,_ .- .� -.=- - .; • - • eta Td DIAMETER SLMEs ritctrts mATEaui QhiwieipeUiDMie c;..11um+et(g l Supply) 0 tt: m. ❑ReSidentialWaterSupply(single) rt. m to • IndustsiaUCatnmwcial - [}ResideDtial Water Supply(shatgl) . `Irrigation t1$O1tGUT•=- - s w= i = x_ Tom:-, .a dl0n•WeterSD - smom TO MATERIAL' aatpr. lsurMt OD&moon Supply 0 ft. a 1 ft. �)n1 44(rtit- 7 Mrs ❑Recovery r svr� tor. ujecUon Well: - - R v • - Molter Recharge [[GsouadwateeRemediation AQutfcr$ e�IRecw :]band, ratiaLPACK(ffapese76ter.--.._-=. :474,�- ,,.ta,::;,,'., �> • 8 tty ❑SalinityBowier y---z- D• -- FROOI 70 MATERIAL F1NM4lCdhtETRtNP1LOD- _Aquifer that DStrsmswater Draioage - �_ EveiimentalTechnology . - • dSubsi eenceCoatrol fr. it, Geo:hexnml(Closed Loa: DTraeer 36_ATtti: ►a=( id'dl'tonit'ikeetr ii- _Ceotenns1(1leatinecoollogRenun) mother(coin andee02iRemettts) tots.n„aneu,aty.,JJrsv..,russm.et �/ 1ffiOSr ZO - OFSCR () mp `"J5`)?Welliftl p h 7Sf a S d 4.Dote Wells Co feted: ?( (' (6 7f C7r f,ar'�/t� S Well Location?. 67 ft. /(95:G G^,,. .,/c FQntglDl;litiipytim6le) j R iG � , 4-p;�K"r+�'•. --,.•�'' • 1 fl s 3• `•2L+.i' irlfr d , � ) h . 't. - L �. SF P 6 L023 PlysiwlAddims,My,dad Tip .• • `J a 74.1 : - - ,) f9-90/ ..) (, , ". , y� y{.,.__}�!�/^nia� >sr .•��5-r IBC:-'-:'S.-'.:�4L0!•C--Y�•L]r�w,•.'i�}��•vY.M.iVa-ew1V.w,.�tL+[+.-.-Ll i County ••• Pasrelldeus6drmallo.(Pita) I Tl a�e.n • Sta.LJNtude and longitude in degreestinlnutesiaecoads or deNmnl degrees: • Crfwell6eld.oaalaillangia g - 3G/?./ /�tJll�: '7%(/ w 22.CertrTiealioD: a{.� s�- �+_7 of , ne f�G - d 6•Is(arc)itteweU(S)NPermaneat or [jTemporuy si8mssueoCQat;HedWellcoaasetor Du - 7.Ia this aregal,to no existing Rell; Yes or �'y s!1sforxa I hereby eertgy rbtrr rhe'irall(�kw(irere)eesu nw:ed fi aorordaaee • g ❑ Morn with IS.iNCtCO2C.0100ar ISANGAC 02C.,O280 WelCaarwaten9a�xld s mid that o ((rlisuarapair floorddnamswrlleomrmatonhifommrion and cornrhanemofth creep*mcnMLubtdnpros7dMrot/mirthminer. roper wr mkt CI"Auld 2nuion era As hark oJddrform i : ' 23.Silo diagram or additional well defads:' • &For GeoprobeIDPT or Closed•Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use Ma beck of this page to pro`vide additionsl well site details or well coUed:ction,only 1 GW l is needed.Indicat;TOTAL.NUMBBR of wells construction details.You may also attach cdditionsi pages gm:caamy. C�1 SMITTAL iiVSixtU(�7(�N�- 1 - 9.Toter well depth below land seam - - rmaw�rc 4 futarTd r ldpe e,,,( Q• •�1�1 — 24n.For Ail Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well • eansnDetion to the Mowing 10.Static wool level below top of casing 1 (IL) Division of Water Reaoursts,Information Processing Unit; llrrarerletyltrobavaartAr&urn+" 6 1 1617,1�fail Service Cehter,Raleigh,NC276991617 11,Borehole diameter. �4/ ,,(Uh,) Vb.for Inlectlon Welts: (n addition to sendasg the farm ao the oddeess in 24e 12,Well consthtctfon method: /�v4.r yr - above,also submit one copy of this toms::within 30 days of completioa of well (i a astir.rosa dam y ratio, posit eta) construction to diefoUowiag: - • FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - Division otWater Resources,Uhdeegroumd Walton Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Ccntek,Rslrigh,NC276991636 13a.Yield();pm) Method of test: 0. //'�i P pr 4 i�, Zde.Far water Sunaly&Infection GVella; To addition to sending the form to 13b.Diadtfeetion type: 1 , Amount: L-44 the eddress(cu)above,also submit one copy of this tams within 30 days of completion of constructed ll construction to rho county health department of the county whereFora GW 1 North Oodles DepatehtetaPEayseameonl Quarry-Division ofWee/Romeo • tisvLed2222016'