HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06285_Well Construction - GW1_20230926 . It WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For irrentil Use ONLY: ' ' This form can be used for single or tnultipk wells. I.Well Contractor Information: ' • .,Y srATTrRZoNFS Scott Hunt, Jr FtROM- ' TO PEACKIPt1ON Well ContradorName 11 ft. 15 ft, silty (sandy • • 4561-A ft. ft. NC Well ConiractorConificationNutrllei i . -'r1S,OUTER'CASiNG`tfi r.'iriiitti a ikdAtills)OR LiNER:ftfitn-pesbk)r . FROM TO DIANIRTER' THICKNESS MATERIAL' • SAEDACCO .f4 rt.' ' I. Li.. • Conmany Nanh :16:i R'C NNEASING'OR-TUBGnih IN ie'rufai cl iscd-laup`I',. -__.. . FROM TO DIAMETER: THICKNESS \IATERiAL 2.W6lt'ConstIucihin rcrmit#: • o -II. 5 ft. 2 I 'ht. SCH-40 PVC Lisf utt sppilirabre'fullpeaniis fir_.County,•Sune,Variance.ft}'s'bC%i(qr..; n ft., Iiu 3;•WellDSc(cheelctvelluse): ;:17St:RI:EN' , . _ Water Supply Well: -- • FROM • TO •DtAtmETI:R- stOFSt7]: TntCIKIF S MATRRiAt, . Otlgricultival Dlvinriicipal/Publie. • 5 R. 15 •rt. 2 ill; oho scH-4o PVC 17 Rla Geotiterl(Heating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) . fL. «. in:; • DindustrialJCoutotercial ®Residential Water Supply(sbai di), -PRO O TO MATERIAL. EtrPt lcESIENTMEIlIOD&AMOiINT . ❑inipatian . . . . ' 0 '' it. 3 ft. Portland Poured Noti-Water Supply Web: R. COMOnitoring ❑Rccovery , Injection Well: ' R. ft,• - ®elquifcritecilarge -DGNutidtihicr itcntcd•ilation - . ?to:SAND/GRAVEL:PACK fit.atrplicabtii) _--•--- - -.- ---- FItOM- - TO MATiott.m. RsimAct:mE,NTmuutton °Aquifer Storage.aid Rccovety (]Salinity Hamer 4 ft. 15 ft, Filter' Sand #2 17Atptifer.Tcst . '. OSiottmnatcrpmiikoae. • ft. • ft. I71">petimcnlalTiNhntrl0g} OSnbsidcnc ,Canit>al -..262DR16L1NIG:LOGYattackadditioaalskectsiriteccssnni - OGeotitemtal{Closed Loop) OTraeer - , ...FROM- ' TO DFSCRWTIOIYtiobr.uurarica.snnwkktroe.pain ewe,ttea • OGeothenual(FTeatineiCoolino.Return} DOther(explain under£t2t.Retuinks) • o :t!. 5 tr. sandy grey fill silt . 5, -ft.. 11 R. silty:clay black • 4:Date.Will(s)Canrpleted: 7-13-23 •We1LID#MW-6 11 ft, 15 • ' ft; sandy isilt white/tan' $a:Well Location: . . it. tL 1 Watson's Grocery f4 ft, 'T^i-�W--r; 4 " t ti1L. 1/ 1,.d Fuct7rty,Pwl crNan_'e. Facilitj•IDN'• (ifappticable} ' R R. . e '' • 102 Wards Rd., Rose Hill, NC,, 28458 R.: tr. SEp 2 '0 023 Plgsical Aildiesc.City,and Zip• z21.REMARKS' - i,,:4( Du tin Bentonite seal from 3-4. r'� lRr✓' . ...-F11� County Parcel Idotili&u�ddn No,(PIN) . p'..w..� 56..Littihrde and-longitude in degrees rninutcslsceonds'or dceinial degi ces: 22:ocr tifirntnm: I ' . (tract!lid;em.l;thlerig is sullickid) i • 34.819083 1, . -78.101020 w c5co 7/16/2023 Sigrnture ofCeitiftcd Well Con tar ; Date 6.Is(are)the wrell(s): iciPennunent or l7Temportti} By srgnntg ahir Ann.f-Prerrbv rerlify On thy n•rl/{s'1 tsys•-{4:rni=citrstnrcParl in rxrotrldnor 'l i&15A N(tC 02C.01(10 ar/SA NCrtG'(I'C.0200 Well Co,rs(rrtiNou Sramdards-and tlxrt d 7:Is this a rlvyrair to an eeisting ivil: Dies -or HIND, • -opt 0frltif nc ol1h11af be6'1 ill-m.14ed 0.M.e'sltll owner, • ifafr(s:fs'oripalr,Jill avrkroirvi.oilfcotuinrcion.biforrtiotlou and i_l'pu iairlierurrure'ofrIlo.• • {' ' n•(iair ranter Pi rrrnrirLx srcIrcn or on the bad of iIis•form ' 23:S ite diagram or additional f eIl details: You may use the back'of this page;to:provide addiiiotiat' ell site details or well 8. %nmlter of wills constructed: 1 consuuetlom details. You iva}also'iiltacii additional pages if necessary. Paririahiple.btfeac,ton'tirnrui-ntirersipph ittrlKONLl.lriih the sainrcass_tritetiarr,vonrau , Nutpiiit.one form. :STiBMITTALTNSTLTCTIONS I, 9.Total well'depth below land Surface: 15 (il;) 24a. Isar All Wells Subinil.tlti4 furni Within 3(1 days of completion of Weil • For inaltlphv ivr(lr'liir off depths If eliffi eiir((Aden?('-3@200'<ca12@(#91' - construction.tci the foilaningg: 10.Static Water level below top Of easiupi 1.8 (ft) Division of Water Res urces,lnfOrmati0u Pro essing Unit, If Inner ktn'l Is'cbor!u casvt;;ease"+" 1617 Malt Strrice Center,ltalcigh,,NC 27699-1617 11.lorchote dianictct:6" (in,) .24b.j;'nr Toicstion'Welly ONLY:'To addition to sending the form to the address-in lid above.also submit a•copy of this form within 30'days of completion of well 12.Well construction IDcihod: Sonic eottstiuctiola to the following: (i.e.pager...iotar}•,cable-diner push.etc., ' • 'Division of Water Resources,'Uuderground Injection Control Prom...rut, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS'ONLY 1636 Mai'Sonial.CO:nler,Raleigh.NC 27649-1636 13a,Yield(pot) Method af'tcst ' 'ram For Water Supply'&'fnjeelto f Neils: Also submit one copy of this;'Orin-within 30 daysof Completion of 1311.Diiinfectiuu tire: - Amount: twat canstrnction to the county hCaith department of the cainily where •constructed. Fenn GW-1 Nonit Carolina t7:parinen i t of Eill tnnnrn1 and Natural Resources—Division of Water Recta Revised August2013 f