HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06284_Well Construction - GW1_20230926 . , . . . . q. • 4,, , . WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD • , IntontalUsc.ONLY: . . • This forme=he•usod for Sinaloa:omltipk wells• 0 I 1.‘Vel1Contractor Infit rotation: ()J • , \ -\.0.1, ..,:14AVAIERZONES.:- Scott Hunt, •JrWHOM DItSCRIMON Well Cor4ractorNatoo - - 9.3) . 11 ft, 15 ft. silty sandy O. ft; I • 4561-A . • 1 ' • • • NC Well Contractor CartilicatipotNanter . I .OUTERCASING'tfoiqiiiiftkiiiid[nctist OR LINERtirtiVtlealitc1":„ •-. .FROM ' TO - OTANIETER ' THICKNESS MATEHIAL • SAEDACCO • .• ft, l'IL: Company Name- IC...INNER CASING'ORiTURING.,'end:I:Mimi clai.cd4on' FROM' TO ' IHANWTER• THICKNESS MATERIAL . • 2.Weil tritiitruttitin!Omit 0: o 'ft. 5 rt. 2 i.in. sal-4 0 PVC fliratinptiifrotnetFdlpentrits(i.x..CoioultySto,te,iforiarrce.1.6ectiqne.fr,0 ' - 1 . - 3.Well.Use(chock well use); -_717:SCWN -. -- - . • . ! • ..- , •. • - . -- •-7- -- . '' FROM • 10 • ImAMF.TE.K storm*: TIRCR.NESS i INATERIAll. Water SupplyWell: 5 ft, 15 ft. 2" llt•, .010 SCH 7 40 PVC . 0 Agticidtinal . [Municipal/Mlle: ft: • ft. in. 1:1Geothemml aleatiiteCooling-Stipplyl. Clgesidential Water Supply(single)' R. . 181 GROUr. • .- _ ,,. • ClIndustrial/Conumacial GIResidentiat Water.Stipply(S13Med). '.FRom. :-.70 NIATERLIL - EMPLACEMLNT MEHIOD&AIVIOITST - IDIrrieition . • . . ,. 0 . ft. .3- fr. Portland 'Poured ' . Non-Water&mid,'Welk' .. . - rt. .11. NIMonitoting .011ccovely • Injection Well: . • .11.- • ft. . . . . .. . IDArptifcr Recharge LIGtoutichVoIct Rentediation "..•;.19'SAND/GRAVEL.P.ACK61.1Multeibtcr: • -_ --.-7.-r" WHOM. la MATERIAL , ENIPLACEMENT METHOn 0 Arjoifcr$toragc•atx1 Rccoveg CISOlinity Dottier • . 4 R. 15 ft,- Filter Sand #2 °Aquifer Test 1;1Slorinwatcr IN...aim* - ft. . ' ft. ' . Ons-periincuml Technology CiSubsidcnceCentru I. . :".liti:DRILLING:LOGIattoctisdititionitt shie&if itecessaryl r• --••- , .•-•••••---' • EIGeotheitnal(Closed Loop) ID Tracer - . . • ..FlIONI- To nescturnox(color.hasdncs4,sat:nick type.trsiin Arc.tic.) I OGeollteonal(lleatituttCoOlitle Rehm) , 00thei(explain under#21 Rethinks) 0 •1.4. , ft. sandy grey fill silt 5 . - . 5 it.. 11 Ft. silty;•clay black 4:Date Well(S)coinpleted: 7-13-23 'Will 1Digmil-5 11 - ft, 15 •rt.; sandy i silt white/tan 40.Will Lacatina: ' ,ft, • 'ft. r .r--,,,--r,;-•,i., if:,,,, , . . ..._ ......,, t • , • 1 --si......‘,.,/p......, ,.• Watson's Grocery • ' - ft: ft, ,' .• . Fa9ilGivrier Wame Facpity ID#ilcapplkable). " 4. 11., i SEP 2 6-2023 102 Wards Rd., Rose Hill, NO, 28458 - . .ft.• . . . Phytietil.Addt-esEc•City,,,Mn1Zip 7,21.1-REMAE115', ' '• Bentonite seal from 3-4',, Duplin Camay Parcel Itknlificationllo,(PIN) ' • • • . . . 56:Latitude and 1.nngitude-in tlegreesiminutestSeconds or decimal-degreesi 2 2.Certification:. (il'm ell fiCILL'poc,lationgIslatItickto • , 34.818870 N -78.101229 3"cettfituitt- ,.i . 7/16/2023 , W• Signature of COMO Well Con -tar "; Dale 6.4(are)The:well(s): iiPenitanent or. 1:1Temporary , By,3Ignias ileg fono,I hireby certify r1tzt the ire10)wra itTere):cor-vrycled iir at:earth:vice • with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NC4C 02C.0200 Well Ctinsowaian Stamiards.and rims a 7.-Is this o•trepair to ann.cxisting well: DYcit or 181Nat awypiiiiis reco1 hax bt ni on i*if kw we?owner. ' ill-N.5'1s a repair,fill ayt kitiiiivt Well consnircriaa ilifonaariaft and orkaht tile'curare oldie . ' : • - 1. rep-air iiritier#21 rroiarkk iertienz Or on thti 1)&1 alum form. 23.Site diagram or additionat.lel!details: .1irou Maj.use the back of this page to provide additional•Avell site.deMils:or well . . tr.Number of i'ells constructed: 1 . - consttuetion details.You May also!'apach additional Pages if itecessaty. For mialtipliirdeesiodoi apailicirer suxily*lb ONLY Wilt the Seriflif anstiaetton,you i can - RAN:at ooglorin. •ST1BMITTA I,INATUCtIONS I • • 9.Total well land surface: 15 , • 410 24a. For-All Wells: Sulainit this-forth within 36 0.31 s Of completion of well For'ordiiple ivelfsliir oil depths if'ififfereou fravaipk,3W-09'and 2@ 1pOli construction to the foltossing;- . 10.Static Water level below top of easitorg 4•6 - • • fft) . Division of Water Resouoces,Information Processing Unit, I/ntnet kPf..11.1'above easiax use"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Italcigh,,NC 27699-1617 LI . 11.Borchote diameter:6" • (in,) 2-lb.Far risjectipn Wellci ONLY:. lit addition to sending the form to the address in. 24a aboye.also submit a copy of this Tann within 30'days of completion of well ' 12.Well construction method: sonic constmclion to the following: t, (i.e.pliger4c4m.cable...clued mush.ctc) - 'Div11.0olk of Waier Resources-,Undergrotind Injection ContrOl Emma, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 Mail Service.Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-136 -: 6 .Z.le.For.Water Supply&Injection Welts: 13a,Yield kqtr11) Method rifted.:r Also tulip*.one copy of this fatin within 30'days Of comPletion of 13b.Disinfection type. Amount: well conslinction to the•county ecalth department or the county where - - - constructed. Form GW-1 North Carp lima Ekparttu of Envirotuncnt 31Id Natural Resources—Division ofWalcr itiatroz Revised August 2013, 1