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GW1--06272_Well Construction - GW1_20230926
fi Q I Print Form 'WELLCONSTIWCTION RECORD( 1) For Internal Usc Daly: I.Well Contractor Infarrnatlaa; 1 t Cameron Bazin 3 I ITCHComecmrNeme i4.WA xzoRr+s DESCRIPTION shoat k 1 i: 4518-A GSS1 fa t l 25( . ` •{ NOWellContmctorOntibalionNcmtber R. re I, " Aqua Drill,Inc. 15.Onr®e CASING(for matti•asedwas OR LINER RN WA/ Ili FROM TO DfMtSfEn TraaavEgs MATEnuL } 2.Well Canstraceionpenrdtth I' S 171 EROMriEReesnvcoRTri9lldG(eeothe dascdaoan) i Ltstall bkxdimesaarltaa mou TO DIAMETER Ticaftems MATERL�L Fe+ettts(Z4 WC Comm Side,Padmcoi ale) ft. tL to. I - 3.Well Use(chechweu & tL ta. use): I } t• Water SOPp(y Well: 17.SCREEN -colnnal FAOlIi TO DIAMETERis SLOTsJ7B TRIOCNPSS MATERIAL f QeothtYmatel(Heating' I Supply) /Coo' O •MunlcrpaUPublic fa f tt' Water Supply(single) tr. I (o, lit Indusbia'YCommaricl Residential Water S ki lion u pJy(� ) 18 GROUT Non-Warm Supply Well: FROM TO ' MATERIAL newr.AC�a METHOD stAM R= i Monitoring 0 IL ?5 m (;Lsl t Injection Well: Recovery R I t©��Gt�onndwaterRemedietion EL R` I StomgeandRecavery E JSa„m1yBarrier W.FROM TO edtoAn EMPLACEMENTME[HOD Test Drainage ¢¢ Experimental Technology a5nbsideaceCo ft, it i .{ ` • Ceothonnal(Closed Loop) °Tracer 20.DRILUNG LOG(attachadii'dfooal tines ifnxouslo) , Geothermal(l tinp/CoolingRanaa) fOtha(cnplainunderRIRemarks) saner To DrscxtttroN(mmnt,o�s+mnrmekeaa n.taeee) DESCRIPTION 4 I 4.Date Mika)completed: 'q/5/217 wpmR: 2 LS fr. 1 nn y Ode( 1 5a Well Location: a. it . CI --:'T 1 • Facility ft. n 0 ,°l i�e� i��.+ 15 1 k Ar6,94 rJ- 1-61tAre I SpiSn IL ft. O PhysialAddoss,GSty,mdyp ft. tG JCP 1 .e 2Z3 I1. -,,_ _m._.?�Una-1A et.REMARKS : , , 1 G;1 ;fj r.in0 n: County PaeeelldeoTiHeaoallo.(PIIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: '. often field,OW le hags sus eiem) 22.Certification: } a • . Data 6,Is(are)the welr(s) ermanent or °Temporary 25 • slyroeeeco 6ai Wall Contractors( Bysigning this faint I hereby we that the nell(s)ma(were)constructed in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: iE f Yes or o with ISANCAC 62C.0100 or 1SANCAC 02C.0200 M U Cwo;truc0oa Standards and that a rote fro rcpatr,/it(oatiaonn weltconstruction iafonaatio containthe aaaaeofthe coyof this recordbasbeenpiovidedtoMenailamen repatranderd21 murk scanner on the bacicofthisfomi. 23.Site diagram or additional well details S.For Geoprobr/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wens tmving the same You may use rho back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 OW-I is needed.helical*TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details.You may also attach additional pages ifnecessaly,drilled: SI1BAfITTAI,INBTRIIC+'rnroa • i 9 Tots!well depth belowland surface: Z2 3 (ft) 24a. Hbr All Wells:Farmotvpkwellsarraildepthsfdrremit(eromple-B@2Oo'and4 )1003 a Submit this fomn within 30 days of completion /' nsttuclion to the following: 1 p etion of Well IQ Brattcwaterkve36elowtopofesaiag. 7 ((t) DlvlalouofWaterRegonre Ifubterlevel ts above crubrg,the+" 1617 Mall Service Caster R®Irmation Processing Unit, . 1L Borehole diameter: (In) + gt4 NC 276991617 246 Far Inn n gIe11_; run to 12 Weti construction method: n'?ray shove.also submit theono nowi It of this f�within 30 daYs of completionsof well er r saga,EDm y,cable,darrtpaah,etc.) to FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground 1636 Man Service Center, leig Injection Control Pro 13a.Yield(Spat) 2 5 Method of test: S/c r— 24c.Fo wale Raleigh, .27699-1636 °' the addresses)above, su---2 o e 00 I I. addition to sending the faun to 13lL Disinfection type: !� l� Amount i�� �i completion of well co �pY of this farm within30 days of where constructed. construction to the cfm*Y'health tetlt of the county Faun GW t North Cemlina Department of Environmental Quality-Division°Meter Revised 2-22-2016 rssa . w rxF E �yait i'Pi.a 1 } "�� 4M rf ri