HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233103_Site Plan or Location Map_20231016 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE y,RENCH pp o GROUND STABILIZATION I.Obtain as necessary permits and plan appfovsls.Erosion and Sediment pOtala(E.@SC)permit and a Certificate of Coverage(WC)roust be obtained before any lend disturbing activities occur.A copy of the SS SITE AREA STABILIZATION E@SCal gravel construction COC anda hard eloecopy of ea plan must be kept oToold m,preferably inapermite box,and aeeessible during inspection. General Erosion Control Notes 142 i- _^ EXCEPTIONS 2.Install gmvcl covsvuctlon cntmnccsfrst,Nrn silt Mims,reinforced silt fence outlets and wanks. N9r^ DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME �' OTDAVS NONE 3.Finish clearing and grabbing any necessary areas on the lots as they are sorted. 1.Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. ZFOR SH-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE $ s PERIMETEReees a 4.Begin tut grading and excavation activities FOR USE. 2.All disturbed areas shall be grassed and mulched as soon as S.Basin or continue with house construction activities. The contractor shallconduct self-Ins coons of Me erosion end sedimental) control measures and complete followingpossible and maintained until permanent cover is established. WRENC ZRD WHICH OVAL TDAVa NONE 6.Frnrsh all ruugM1 nearng and house cunsvuctiort pe pee 5 4T T.Ivsmtldmeways,walks edit patios. combined self-inspection form found on the DEMLR website WATIE1ROZZOINE Begin fore grading of lot e.P nups:l/www.deq.ne.goompl ledivisio./energy-mineral-and-land-resources/smrmwal<r/slormwamr-progmm/npI rues svuctre program. S R TOAYS Final002eotg mulcM1ing end smbilizing of lot In mess cases.is will involve the insmlletion of sod on lM1e led.The silt fen.willremas in place writ Me lot is sodded or grassing is stabilized and rakes hold. Twelve months of complete inspection forma shall be kept on site and available forins III001 at all times.It is recpmmentletla LOTS�NT3EPE OR LESSINLENGTH IO.The covtmcmr shall conduct self-inspections ofWeerosiw and sedimrnmdrn covvol measures and complete Me following combined self-impaction farm fouvdwWe DENIER website espy be kept in aparmita box.(G6113A54.1(e).15A NCAC 048.0131,NCG01 Part SectionsAand B)SaH-inspections for Pursuant to G.S.113A(3),provisions for permanent ground cover SITE E NOT p:/i ww do ncgov/abouVdivision emrgy-mineral- d-1 d-rdourc sm water era water-p ogram npd s-cones ion-prog am and sedimentation ontrol measures are to be perto rued at least once every seven calendar daysand within 24 hours 4 STEEPER THAN 2:1, Twelve monlM1s ofcomplem inspection forms shall be kept on site end available Porimpenion et ell times.It is recommendede.py be kept in epennits box.Ref G.S.113A-54.1 through G.S.113A-5) of every rain event of greater than aired as specified Any needed repairs shall de made immediately to maintain measures as designed.All disturbedsufficlent to restrain erosion14wmust be accomplished for all if �4o Seetiovs lSA NCAC O4A.0101 through lSA ESC measures shall be maintained as in the construction details on this plan.Arein gauge shall be installed at the areas within 14 working days or 90 calendar days 1 ?~u . Sa reo ALLOWED7 DAYS FOR NCAC 09&0504 General Permit NCG 010000 NPDES for Covevuction Activities. prajecl site far monitoring. whichever is shorter)following completion of construction. g dddd II.Self.inspwtions for erosion and sedimentation control measures are to be performed at least once every seven calendar days end within 24 hourso£very rain event of greater)ban l inch Any needed repairs ( g p SLOPES 33 OR SLOPES GREATER immediately to maintain measures as designed.All ESC measures shall M maintained.specified in Me construction details on this plan.A rein gauge shall M installed Fe w r FwTrER ,a DAYS THAN fiO'IN LENGTH at thenproject she for monitoring. 12.Inspection and fiml accepter.letters.When Mc project is complete,the pemti.es shall contact DEMLRM closeout Me EMSC Plan,After Dl1MLR informs tin:pmmitmc of Inc project close out,via ALL°THERA.. ILL RIDGE � f impaction repon,Mepemtitt.snail visit"deq.ne govMCG01"m.bmit an electronic Notice of termination(e-NOT).ASI00 annualg.emlpetmit fee will be charged writ Me cNOT has been filled out. z COURT rc FIAWITH SLOPES TIER TINN4.I 14 DAYS ONE HOMW ZONES)(EXCEPT FOR • / - �\ 1 t F& Pi 9aR r4nRD rvEs) II \\\\ I` \��/ / / ///( , \�\ s`\\\\ {,,p )1 ) Is / 1 V. Stu 1 \\ -- , ✓' \\ \\ \) 1 \` -- ) /1 / • TOCUM WADE 13 o 7- US RDDT`kE,3 � c 3q I ,/ 54 \_-_ - �\ r/ / j l\ \\ \\ \\ • �_ 1 II li 1 /7 / �/ ouNTY y FAYETTEVIL &or �n lL/ // lI ( // 39 I \\ I \\ C----/7 )1 / I � 9/ • sg � // I \ 40 / i C� \ \ \\�\\\ ���/ j ( / moo / VICINITY MAP )N.rs.) �i �- I 1 \ \\ \ (\ I , f / MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION /-- ___ -�' I \ - l �( ��\\\ II ( I v��� Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic topdressing with I --__-- 53 2-Inch stone.After each rainfall,Inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean It out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed,or 7 / \ I I / I ; 1 1 I I ) / tracked onto public roadways. / h 55 / \ , J I / -'J I II I I / / / Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should / I \ ./ \ \ / p -� -�-� / / g/ I / be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to insure that the removed sediment does not wash back C / \ ,AV-__-' \ �64 � / \ D- AGE EA'sE5ENr t�1- -1 ' / / against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. \ / / - / r I / I Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained to insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sod should be watered as necessary to maintain adequate moisture I _J/ / I I / I in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod.The sod should not be mowed to dose,since this could inhibit adequate growth and stabilization of the root bed.The sod I ( , / ) 1 I I I I ( / / / should be limed and fertilized Cu per soil type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when and If possible. I 42 / I.v c- I / 7 / / / I I \\( �\ / / Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been ) 1 DSO ` I RR / / I \\\ ` I , / / placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be repaired.and reseeded as soon as possible.If the / / 35^ \ --19 / ^\ I ("`1 I time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grossing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a permanent grass. I ' /'4 1 " ' ( / I \ ,Ni,,.-‘_,/ ( / r Wattles-Waffles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.We or gullies upslope of the wattle and any undercutting Is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that Impair the filtration ll / I \ capability of the waffle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed sediment shall be deposited within the project in / / COMMON / p't` I< I I ( �1 1 `_ such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. _� / / AREA / ; _ I� ,, °' l+l j I 1 ,� )1 I Reinforced Sill Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid I /(J undermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment I _ - ? / 43 // ( (�� I // deposits and bring the area to red and stabilize d after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. / \ 1 //// General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once per week minimum.The builder will insure that the construction activities / / // \ / on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If lot construction dictates,measures will be relocated on the lot to insure That the I / / \ / ,/ \ I I igl / / potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual. -- \\ // 44 / // // 23 \\ I II I / // / Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. --- /- DATE: PAGE: �/- 56 \\ 52 / / / I 34 � � _\ \� ) �) I III III //I� \� \� I / \\ 15A / / L \� // J �r\�\\ �� \\ .A. .B. C. D. E. .F. "S •n' �� / I \\ / / / 1 / / I 25 1\ (I //////// �l 1 I\ .-Th 1 I \m \I -� 1 I� \ \- m I I / ) / / / / 1 I / Ij ROADSIDE DITCHES / I / // ///// 1 I 1 / I 7 DAY GROUND COVER / ' 45 / 33 HAVEBEENIN DITCH HERE PIPES )INSTA INSTALLED O� I / T COMMON IG t Ha 4 ll Hous ll ous iLi_ °L HOUS Hous 4 51 ( / �FEW I I / oPo� l / j "'/j I` `,��3L,V �1 ��$ LEGEND Notes: \ O I 57 �� / / 44Q"a5 / //7/ \ \ \,. s $; I 1.If needed,Tree Protection fencing should be installed along the buffer zone,wetland QT �G Q \\ \ 1 c/ / 3 Flow DIRECTION boundary and/or around protected trees,providing a radius of at least 1.25 feet for each \\ p+ I 50 0 \`- / O?v' / ; /// / \ \ _J/ \ `/ inch of trunk diameter. 5���/ / // / ^ �� \ SILT FENCE 2.sche l Silt Fence on the low elevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on Z �- \ - 27 '/ // / / \ '�eV DIVERSION DITCH -f�T1Y schematic/diagram and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are (") \ I /- aTY QO`P-l0� // O/ / 1 ) \\ I \1,L, WADDLE/SILT oocKS c contiguous and have different land owners or builders,each lot should have individual Silt (t1 \ 152 \ I a-+ - \\\\ p I////�/ / it \ \ / / SILT 1® 3.Install required Silt Fence within 10 feet of property line to ensure there is no conflict with -�j'O ` 50 O / //III / ///// / / 1 �v \ / / A. CONSTRUCTION EMI.. septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the Installation of sediment I O / UZ I / / \ 13q /'� ��\ / ( ) Control measures does not impact the septic system and repairarea(s). / r \ / 4.Al least one Construction Entrance/Exit is to be installed per lot. D \\ / lI j2 - I-.\ / I /I I l l / / ( 1 i \ \ / \\_.J f ll 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at p \ I I I I 1/ / / \I \ J l I I least 50 feet away from stone drain inlets or drainage ditches unless it can be shown that k� a ' I ors 31 ,56 _____-- I l 11Ili,/ / l I J `� // no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be V r t I�/ 49 T 1� O I 1 •f 1 1/ �/ v REIN�URC6tl / N contained behind Silt Fence. _ MAL 5 V <Y I '- 2V y.+ p/ ( r 36SILT F�P10E ONSTRUCT N q I 6.Inlets downstream of disturbances should be protected:streets should be swept when CO \' I KIO K ^ '�y ROADSIDE DITCHES fr II / ////// (REINFOReED. l 907LET I ,m/LIMIS \\O ,pr/ N sediment from the construction activity is present. �� f 1� / ---..../ I row ]DAY GROUND COVER I .� / //// SILT FENCE / ^� I 2 'o /` REINFORCED ]Details for Silt Fence,Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances and other measures are Z •'Z.P __ -r / \ / a IN DITCH WHERE PIPES 0 OUTLET / - SILT FENCE provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to j / J // I o~� HAVE BEEN INSTALLED I II ( (I ( , .,»� p' T :.:7-.WTA.---TT71.1111111E. OUTLET L--------- sce'e TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH ROADSIDE DITCHES II �.a° r I Taylors(areek Way / _ 48 0 55 II II I I 1I wA ETLE � ' 1NOTE-DIVERSION DITCHES AND WATTLES WILL NOT BE UTILIZED IN ROADSIDE DITCHES , o o 1 I tux I30 ( III1 \ WA TLEI \ _--SLOPEMATTINGREaUIRED II \ �/ p0 �� I1 I1Imo\ `I ` \ky $ FOR ANV TING REQUI E DATE: PAGE: h / K LJ CONST U 10 I \ TFENC \1- 'r p TOWARD REARIL O PA ( I I \ p ) OT \ \ O� (SEE MATTING DETAIL ON PAGE 2) 1 \ \ y ( p MIN _I 1SILT FENCE 1 OPEN Taylors Cree uJ - I I MITS� \ SIL`CE I J.6--\ I is- \\\`F CONSTRD �'sa SPACE k i nu ROAD II I I ; II \I\ \(TYP) (I� 5�` SILT FENCE \\\\ 1 LIMrS SON \\ I _ _ I �/ / � _ / - ..-- - �l �/ _✓ I l I I • CIONST CETION itI II I / /-\,,�I``'�1\ \ \\ a\�10q"YEl•\)1 \ I // //// \ IN DITCH(WHERE P PES HAVE BEEN INSig\fLED / I \ �\ "0:7 D , \ NiRANGE� ` \ r \\ \\ , Ill III I I L . I VER 1� CONSTRUCTION \j 1 �' _ Taylors Creek W -�I \ \v\�\ \z�TIT(ASHEDaT • / try Fn I / / 3 }/ - / �� �' •\I \ z \ REINFORCED // / N 156 1 \ I WATTLE' I 1. \STEEL FENCE POST - / r�i / _ /- / RO SI• DITCHi�s- R�., \ Je ILT ENCE g \ HARDWARE FENCLOCE FRONT VIEW / ' / I ]DA RI UND COVER • 1 I / .Y' IMRE / ( / / �'ft CONSTRUQTION A / O TLET / / \ I IN DIET H HERE PIPES II/ FLIER FABRIC, ...... / \ I HAVE HE INSTALLED / ti:4 \ ENTRANCE( I 1 /pitFILTER OF r et. ckoTH IN TRENCH �' / / \ 7 8 ' / (CONSTRUCTION y� .�a� / `�I 1 I /liENTRANCE \ / / / / FSTEEL FENCAND HARDWARE , , / ^v PosT SETM / / / Lo[ Ian / / ISILTFENCE vkA. .� 1 .r' . / // ,s" 3'APART MIN. / ° 1O CONSTRUCT t3N'i. I CS 3'FILTER FABRIC INTO SOLID GROUND / J p I 1 (TYP.y 4, , /-i-SLOPE MATTING REQUIRED ` / -- ON GROUND NOTES: / / 1 I ENTRANCE' b / _` ,/ FOR ANY DISTURBANCE 0 1.Hardware cloth and grovel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 "---- - 7 CONSTRUCTION / CO�ISTRUCTIgJ Y ` - TOWARD REAR OF LOT I LIMITS 1 ( /1-2 I Il / I ) \ 4�o° inches. LIMITS // , •I 0../SIFT FENCE/ (SEE MATTING DETAIL ON PAGE y 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of silt fence I 1 r' \ 1 1 ( SI13 1 r �P')/ I RU \ `\\\ and based on field conditions. I / // \ I CONSIMITS1 ON I REINFORCED SILT FENC /I�j �ON TRU TION) `J��. 11RV MAINTENANCE: sk - / \ LIMITS SIL FENCE a II (TYP), / / y / AIM( / / F 1.Per NCG-01,inspect outlet at last once a week and after each 1 inch or ..../ // / I 1 I I 0 TLET ••i5.I / I/I i/i 7 O N J HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC IN TRENCH greater rainfall event Complete any required repairs immediately. J / / a'& WATTLE / '7 P / / 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches /-- / \ I WATTLE I I! - soaves FENCE AND 3 Keep mesh free oftlebnsto provide adequate flow. // \ \' c.?urac�d 1 WATTLE�9 / (AREtA �- SECTION VIEW O 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlets covered / / --' IN `01 \ A --sf�-t / '1 REINNFORCEq+ I / ..W C-Envi rysg 5.Replace stone as nestled to facilitate de-watering. / __-- \ \ \'nm \> \Y� "INFOIRCED °w'_';j SIUL4 FENCE r' SILT FENCE OUTLETP7_ �- \‘ \ \ gSEOUT Et E j', OUTLET )' I g DATE: Wire Fen. Filter Fabric PAGE: DATE: PAGE: silt spud „eel Past 0'Max.EdrasMngth fa rebaawlmwle fence Plastic or DATE: PAGE: SODDING PAGE 1 � a nu re sees.Wattle gm,:s Mx Ears a brwwllwmwire kn Wire Fence / ' tand horoughly / LOWS_ 7I mItt:z of 2 it ii �/r a=11 n TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE:4.79 ACRES wre.e sea P. D.I.e SECIrmin TION Stakes 'sE°�INform I>oN mro.rora...°r.r.. LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN Plastic or xa / - FOR LOTS 9&12-17 4 QG ill �raded " " Me IN 'O\�G / 40- 'I:'ill �M land 11 tta:9 =nM eJtv- "� �° e"° dMeaedaft�should be turned slightly upslope m..°•°..m. TAY LO R S CREEK 1 ter Fabric Me / din.x 2 inch crom section Mould be driven y damb M n y. PHASE 3 MaynMebapte,teCROSS5E°mDN w .� � � ..� .. �% �e E Ma I9n�oiMe aeErmem lenrea ages nN exlreeE za- n b n 1 1 OA,"-a +r+�+ +i+i+jvo+j+j+�+y y d a.Construct the filtermay impound s b rabof ic �nnuous r�<m mme�the gma structure) / a MIn '�� VV�{4{iF-Z' 7.` Mo log Compost ground e nIO s In.a event staking is not possible 1,_when 4. .:I FOR .lyata support pnm �1 •v. �gg, ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION a » I nu a tl 1 I 4.moms,u�:daC�s�nfie�ae;°w»;re mean fastened securely pos. mammon,. '. '°414''iek/4 AY mums°arenvgarmoan.m am. I,I,<�ll I.;,tilll qI ,INY,Ir..�, a,l2ne9 a', ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION.DN• behind 1ne.t ATwire Me support ae the wire P.M. me rcate yy-` y _°' ISOMETRIC .mnn9raretieers �ti1wti M ,.. 1i1.0. BENJAMIN STOUT REAL ESTATE SERVICES, INC. samaxmumnlate p Sum..shoudbedrlye tear.decompose. aver securely into the ground a minimum of 24 inchm. or become ineff.lve. a.Ntp promptly. \ COMPOST sow .. m" DISMAL TOWNSHIP SAMPSONCOUNTY,N.C. Securely does.require a wire mesh Construction: Maintenan e: SCALE:1".100' SEPTEMBER 20232 ter fabrle alrectly to pc.,W.or Mastic zip Iles shwltl have a minimum of 50...ensile a kr un.nchee srcke needed to allow for adeguMe APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD faeten9atne6.Extra nn are m avoid undermining terra a 1.Clear the entrap and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCG-01 inspect at least once a week and after each 1 inch or z. site must b p a as I.Excava.the trench m inches wide and 8in.es lire of sand "� material and properly grade it. eater rainfall:make an required red mediate). Protected pee stuns Rso°mI Imo°m1 laso°mI Is.°mI rso,ml / p g p. p a, eqE p GRAPHIC SCALE upslope from the baMer. 0, I 2.Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the Tans,and 2.Maintain the vet ad in condition to prevent mud 0 sediment sneer Now S. _ gra sP 9 P gravel P Pre -� 1, 1 Sao.Ezz),F,,- -100 0 50 100 200 400 rM1e contributing smooth it. eeu1�I ne3mj no Ijaas m•� nryce.�l t.j�r.. ..labia placMever.ar M of an trench a"na bye re ereaemove all 9mgtleene - h .d u g topdresmg with 2 inch stone sTe.Thsmay require periodic _ IIG;�, °r.oa.°nr. 4 Backfill the trench pa.a over 5nerfabnc and.mpact.rn ou9h compaction of Me backs a drainage red has properly bi see. 3.Provide drainage to tarty water to sediment trap or other suitable outlet. toptlm sing with stop waue ^III "epm.ree. Work Area It�V: II d Use geotex[le fabrics In order to Improve stability of the foundation-n locations 3.Immediately remove all objectionable meter materials spilled,washed or kI' TM w" rea"m u.a es ap.o Pwa - 11 0. Door enecnfvrcal..silt fenceIlls Is existing vacs. " Oai cr vmml u Mal Imaumm. disturbance Mame.anat.area above °e^° subject to seepage or high water table. tracked onto public roadways :...% measure hw been permanently mamma Me �,werm, (IN FEET j ..\NC-EnvtromtentaLjpe9 Y� - °"""`"" MOORMAN KIZER&REITZEL INC. 115 BROADFOOT AVE. FAYETTEVILLE N.C.28305 SILT ro a K WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT SOCK/ O L- -- � PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE#.F-0106 LAST SAVED:9/13/2023 4:23 PM UST PLOTTED:10/10/2023 1:22 PM PLOTTED BY:Dennis Gilbert FILENAME.O\CURRENT JOBS\BENJAMIN STOUT REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC\23-2510-03 TAYLORS CREEK-EC\PLANS\TAYLORS CREEK EC LOTS 9 4 12-14,DW0