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Caraway Bluff - UMB - Buffer Credit Ledger 082823.pdf
ENVIRONMENTAL BANC&EXCHANGE,LLC-RES 2022 Phase II UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK Caraway Bluff Phase ll,HUC 03020201 Buffer Credit Ledger 8/28/2023 DWR Bank Parcel Project Number:2014-0820v6 Total Credits Released to Date:89,897.864 square feet Credits Released/Available to Bank Credits Debited/Sold from Bank Buffer Credit Balance Transaction Sale/Release Local Gov't Number Date Purchaser or%Credit Release Project Name HUC of Project Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Requiring 1 4/28/23 Task 1:Credits Released(15%) 38,527.656 0.884 0.000 38,527.656 0.884 DWR 2 6/16/23 Stanley Martin Companies,LLC Haddonstone(20230573) 03020201 33,767.110 0.775 4,760.546 0.109 DWR 3 7/13/23 Task 2:Credits Released(20%) 51,370.208 1.179 0.000 56,130.754 1.289 DWR Porto Fino Lots 88-91:Driveway Widening 4 8/8/23 John Mascho (20201046 v 2) 03020201 98.200 0.002 56,032.554 1.286 DWR 4 MGD WWTF Upgrade,Force Mail,and 5 8/28/23 Rick Hester and Johnston County Discharge Project(20201434 V2) 03020201 1,722.000 0.040 54,310.554 1.247 DWR 6 8/28/23 Piney Plains Residences,LLC(LIV Development) The Livano Cary(20230756) 03020201 36,305.888 0.833 18,004.666 0.413 DWR 89,897.8641 71,893.198 18,004.666