HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0012796_Monitoring - 09-2023_20231012Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* wg0012796 Name of Facility:* HM ALLIANCE, LA GRANGE WWTF Month: * September Year: * 2023 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR SEPT 23 MR.pdf 5.84MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * WWTREATMENTLLC@GMAIL.COM Name of Submitter: * FREDERICK WEST Signature: fROOX,,' AICST Date of submittal: 10/12/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* wg0012796 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Washington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 10/12/2023 r%JT%M; 114"K W-1Z NON -DISC HARGE MON ITORIN G REPORT (NOMR) Page A- of rvmm. riurimi uj-7 z NOWDISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT NDMR) paw t-UMFW NLqWK U;J-1 2 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page —3— of A— Samilling Person(s) tie Laboratories Na mw FREDERICKWEST Name: PLANT SHUTDOWN NO DISCHARGE Name: DAVIN SINGLETON Name: Does all monitoring data and Sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? COT Dfiall If the faci,"Ay is ron- cornpij.'ent, Manse oxpiain !n The space be!�aw the Tea$on(s)the fac-41kywas not In clompkiante. Provide in' YOUreXpla(tajjor �aken, Afthaddlinnw sheets if necessaN_ the da iO(S� Of tC10 n end! d'a scrit)e th 0 correclivia acivon (�3) Operator In RespoineWs Charge (ORC) CoMeation ORC. FREDERICK WEST Certffication No.: 1010718 Gracle; IV Phone Number: 252-646-2244 Has the ORC changed SIWA the Previous NDMR? [:]Yes E] ft 6y.*f� HM ALLIANCE - JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO signing official: JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO signing official's Title: PRESID Phom Number 9,1 Bp-i4oll -1 Permit Expiration: 6,23128 Date Date iv,ta beat 0fry krrm["wnj 1X4,9" ln� yo=sW' M'4 rCWnfWff- I 3TV) M—re Lh'&'4'rP 54"'plcafd WmAjot raf f='JiKHY a fir ea EndmpWnTea ry ArrWig v.,LqaLor�,. Ma Orlqinal and Two Copies tom Division of Water Resources Information Proce"ing Unit 1617 it Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 270W1617 A VURM: ND 10-13 NON-DISCHARGIE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page —q— of -,T- 1-UHM.'NDWR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page FORK NXCR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) page —fp--,of —q— Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment 8 of your pen-olt? If the facHity is nonconipfw nt, piense explain In the space Wow the reason(s) the fadrdy voos not in com liance. P a in ydawur a 1 nafian t1ri d Operator In Responsible ClWrVe 4ORC) Cortiftation Oftc, FREDERICKWEST C4011ficallon Number- 1010718 Grade. tv Phone Number: 2526462244 Has Itte ORC 11 since "M prious NDMPR? El Yes G] No signature low*tWou. NW,15 8=Vft&tftq0*tftW dwy k"Ivt�r rk cD„ !d. bV 0 MY k0,M,b*P W4,W VU% am;* MW M11fkt," an awwu 9'a, oTruvt bn PY Mail Original and Two Copies to Division of Water Resourcvs information Processing! ljnk 1617 Mail Service Center R8101911, Worth CSr*llna 2TOW1647 FORM; PMAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICA77ON REPORT (NDAn-1) Page -7 of -9 FORM: I -1 10-13 NON-VISCHARGE APPUCATION REPORT (Ni AR-) Page 2L of FORM,- NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISC HARGE APPLICATION REPORT (IN DAR-1 j Page 1— & Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? CM&M [] Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding In or runoff from the sites? cmowk [] Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? u1cm0we oNwrcmowt ED, coferAlot [] 1�vt'cvrvlarn Were all freeboards maintained In accordancewith the specified freeboard iheights in your permit? [DC=w"v't [:J''401'ccm "*ant If the faefity is non-corrVliant, weaso expiain In the Space betow the reason(s) the facnity was not in comp,iarrce, Pmwde ,n your axpJanation the daWa) of the nor-comoarce ar,a descdbe the coradioe action(o taken. Allach a4dilional sheets rf necr.,ssa?v Operator In Respomilble Charge (ORCI Certification Pormifte Certification Oftc: FREDERICK WEST Permthoo: H M ALLIAN CE, LLC - JOSE LU IS MARTIN EZ TEN ORtO Certification No,-, 1010718 181gning Oftfal: JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO Grade: IV Phone Number 2526462244 Signing Officlars 'ntio: PRESIDENT Has the ORC changed since ft Previous NDAR-1 yes E]m Phone Number. 9198892901 ofmit Exp.: WWI$ 00" rurNurnben- ---1.988 42­ 11 �_wm 1 11 9111 re"k E 02 '? r AL Signature Dais S, Dale By 011% +Opr'tt* caartiPy rLtar' ,,is ILMI g';rcry ra',e and cpm;!("M W010 bte my k411WWV' et"Ji, 4rLg {izAe' 04're4 ffls d=ufmcwtvx N; 17 -son r.,Jf-,JXS who marwp R)o �jobrm� G, Wow perfxws 6'sct'y fcspcwziwa for wjvh&iq 4"M k "Tmalut fc, Mail Original and Two Copies to; Division of Water Resources Information Processing unit 1617 all Service Center Raleigh, No Carolina 27699-1617