HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233038_Site Plan or Location Map_20231011 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH SCHEDULE 1
MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS PERMISSABLE The financially responsible party must have all retaining walls over 4 feet designed, a
Per City of Graham Zoning Ordinance Section 10.245 FLOW DEPTH SHEAR STRESS SAFETY sealed,and construction certified by a professional engineer licensed in North 4A/9 DITCH WIDTH(ft) DEPTH(ft) On(CIS) SLOPE(%) VELOCITY(fps) LINER SHEAR STRESS ; 2""
City of Graham Zoning:I-1 Light Industrial (N) (ph (nail FACTOR s. Carolina in accordance with all state and local building codes/ordinances.This plan f'/ �;`�
Front setback-50'for buildings;parkingareas 10' 'F �6 review is for erosion and sediment control and construction stormwater during
9 T0.1 2.00 50 9.3 5.30% 5.48 0.55 1.81 NAG-$C150(or equivalent) 2.00 11 F construction only and does not include approval of retaining wall construction or �1 T
Side setback-50'adjacent to a lot zoned residential or any T0.2 2.00 1.00 6.3 6.90% 5.42 0.41 1.77 NAG-5150(or equivalent) 1.80 1.02 �Cp 5�
residence on a lot otherwise zoned;20'elsewhere TD-3 2.00 1.00 5.2 6.50% - 4.90 0.38 1.56 NAG-5150(or equivalent) 1.80 1.16 \ 'fp ,,_ slope-stability analysis.[North Carolina Budding Code 1807]" \
Side setback abutting street-50' TD-4 2.00 1.00 3.9 1.80% 2.83 0.47 0.53 NAG-575(or equivalent) 1.60 3.04 1 - l 0/� , I L -�
Rear setback-50'adjacent to a lot zoned residential or any , 'yT - --- 8-2
residence on a lot otherwise zoned;20'elsewhere 7 b 4
Construction Sequence: D/ hvti SITE Ie=30'
Install driveway entrance. ��/ TEMP. \ - I CDH/BSB
PARCEL DATA Install perimeter measures/silt fence. N� cossrRualoN 4(
Alamance County Tax Information(Per Alamance County GIS) Call Erosion Control Inspector for inspection. \ �?
Parcels Included in this Project: Install temporary sediment basin. / DETAIL • I Fti
Parcel I: (10° ''sue
GPIN: 88839902I I Existing Conditions Phase ZO'' \,..(0.
�Construct TD-I and TD-2 after silt fence and basin are installed. ^ `�Parcel ID: 45334 4- S V•
Property Address: 205 E harden Street,Graham,NC 27253 Construct TD-3,connecting it to TD-2 at Junction"A". \ z,
Township: Graham Township Finished Phase 1• T \ OA ViCinity
), /� Map SCALE: I"=2000'
Deed Reference: DB 3269, Pg 823 After Elevation 528 is reached with filling process,construct ' �' r I P!//�
Owner: MAPLE VIEW, INC TD-4,connecting it to TD-3 at Junction"5". N •<6 7 I I I \ _ �'
City of Graham Zoning: I-1 Light Industrial 1� 7 / EROSION CONTROL LEGEND
Zoning Overlay District: HWY-54 OD cab j y�� I \ \ J • -�- - LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE
River Basin: Cape Pear / r, 1
i '''''7
\ \ . - SILT FENCE
Receiving Water: Town Branch,Stream Index:16-17 / \ \ �/
(Stream Class.WS-V;NSW) / / \ \ \\ \ ��\ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE
Additional Borrow/Waste Note: k F%• / \ \ \ J DIVERSION DITCH
O Ae.r
If the same person conducts the land-disturbing activity and any 11N1 1 v - / \ \ \ s\ "' BAFFLES
related borrow or waste activity,the related borrow or waste I ,' / \ \ .i t + ,p
activity shall constitute part of the land-disturbing activity unless / \ N. \ v,� A ( I SILT FENCE OUTLET(SFO)
the borrow or waste activity is regulated by the Division of Solid • �,9\ •I • / \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Waste Management. If the land-disturbing activity and any related 5. \ •
borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person, \ Ifir a v \ \ \ \ \ J \ INLET PROTECTION
they shall be considered separate land disturbing activities and \ \ \ \ ` "'y�PP
must be permitted either through the Sedimentation and Pollution '� \ \ \ \ \ \ T\ RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTION
Control Act as a one-use-borrow site or through the Mining Act. l�f N. \ V A
N ., A \ A \ V A kr w, 0
CONTRACTORS NOTES: l N\ \ �OoA A \ \ \ V �\ B A 4,� �70\ CV
I. The contractor shall verify the location of all existing utilities prior to beginning •
construction. Locations of existing utilities shown on the plan are based on the best O 6O - \ \ \ )A. ` \OLs\ \ \ \ V A \ s, • o •cD
available information,but can only be considered approximate. \ v� \ i� B\ \ \ \ \
2. The City of Graham shall review and approve construction drawings prior to construction. Z\ ` \
\ OA O Cij A V A A I' L �\\
Any conflicts should be reported to the project engineer immediately for review prior to + sn eO N. \ \ sQ O,l� \ l
beginning construction.It shall be the owner's responsibility to obtain all required approvals I \ \ /�G\\ \ \ \ • \ \onr - \ \ \ - Z
and permits from agencies governing this work prior to any construction. ;,� \ \
3. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to obtain all applicable permits,complete testing \ \ / �L \ \ \ Z
and inspections,and obtain proper certification that the proposed construction was ` 504 - 1`> '' \ ..... \� _ _ _ \\ \ �e U O_ Z
installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. '?. VA (n H
4. All underground utilities are to be installed and tested prior to the placement of any base S 'IN
V / 'y.
course stone,concrete,or pavement. .� r so'suFFER \ / Z W U
5. Any fill material imported into or exported from the site shall originate from or be disposed A , :� _ �� \���\ / 0
of at a properly permitted location. All structural fill material and bearing soils shall be \' \ \ \ U
tested and certified by the project geotechnical engineer. �V � -� V A \
�� �� I / ER v �� 9-49-2Oe'
y1 , � • " 'I ��- V
Proposed Disturbed Area=2.80 Acres±(I 22,160 sf) REIDSVILLE " ll¢ t i � L • / \\ \ a``O ��,�cTS� O'
I. Limits of Disturbance shall be property lines,silt fencing,temporary diversion GPIN:8883893465 I I 4- '4r 4- °I' I \ \ / \ =4PL9 d/ y
ditches or as shown on plan. PARCEL ID: 145235 I Lu m 12 ie 0/, • ,7 \ • - \ \ \ \\ �, SEAL 1
2. In areas where the property boundary,disturbance limits,and/or silt fencing are DB 1005,PG 675 I • O ! 1 24924 4
parallel and overlap,fines are offset to provide clarity. •
O o u L'B !S \ T' , -
LAND PA RESIDENTIAL Cb m a v O ! • a .� F,
3 This site proposes to disturbgreater than one acre. An erosion and sedimentation O \ CINE A;`
control permit is required for disturbed areas of one acre or more. Any material Ln I� o N t •
% F z I I I y �e '''IFS D,HJ,o``�
CITY OF GRAHAM ZONING:R-MF l • / /\ hy. �$
imported to the site or exported from the site shall originate or be disposed of at i O a -O $, \ ""�'nn
�p� � Jyk �y
a properly permitted site. '� I ) vy 5 (j/1�//r4Qp. ;U. ol. 1
4. Additional erosion control measures will be installed duringconstruction in order to _ Z o P ' v \ ,, „�,
1 �Iw EXISTING POND / I �� C-1939 �°
control erosion if deemed necessary by on-site inspection. O O / / • I
5. All erosion control measures shall be inspected once every 7 calendar days or after 5j0�' rc� s
a rainfall event having precipitation grater than I/2 inch in any 24 hour period. The �� R4.� �� �, \ m - ))3 Ct o
inspection shall be documented in writing,and damaged or ineffective measures be o@P� '+ `• , , \ Qv ,• {$
repaired or replaced as needed. - I �� � V A / 1 F/ it W &
6. A self-inspection must be made of the project after each phase and documented in ��h> ° t�/ \ \ / / /.. / '0 w g
writing. This self inspection will be performed in addition to the NPDES self `o 3 ZH
monitoring report required by the General Permit as described above. /, / �'� ik1� A7. All erosion and sediment control devices shall be properly maintained during all /IV _ � �' /� L�phases of construction until the completion of all construction activdaes and/or �_ � •'�� r� V•1 / / / �L ' \ O W
contributing areas have been stabilized. Existing measures may require adjustment J I I ` RROP-2 �-�� \ \ / X / (�x ao / U
or modification and additional control measures may be required in order to control O I (e( 3wx 8'L x 9"Th / rill-
erosion and/or off-site sedimentation if determined necessary by on site inspection. (JI 1'f' BAFFLE DSD=3" / _ V J E�
I 1 (i1'P. CLA55'A'RIP-RAP\ \ \ • ,, / • �� / / 1 'I
N I or 3) I 7.6 na.GEOTEXTILE r f3RIC UNDER \ / \ V
General Notes: \ e0, �,$ V \ Z
I I. All construction methods and materials shall conform to the NCDOT,NCDENR - - I wnrerzs�1 SURFACE
Erosion Control,City of Graham Standard Specifications$Details,and the NC i e� \ aF2•- ELEV.:sod.,o Car •\ -` �. • �P
Plumbing Code. / /z r UIoI - ,F Ill ��\ SLOPEm'P.MAX. \ ya5js/ I 1I4
2. Boundary,topographic,and existing feature information obtained from Alamance / I z oI I I I I \ INSIDE DAM) x
County GIS data. 0� II ,\ .. s(MIN.)wI� / 0 y •-' _ TSB-1
W <`Q I �' TOP OF DAM / \ Skimmer Sediment Basin
3. Existing Conditions are shown based on field surveys and best available record. / pg/ I > ELEV.507.0 I I Basin:t
Any discrepancies shall be reported to the engineer immediately. / " I Cf.
8 • n. III \ / / I I = I
Drainage Area=3.0 ac
4. Sanitary sewer service is proposed as shown. I p N / ' I I Q25=0.60x3.0ac.x8.20in/fir=14.8cfs " CO d
5. Water service is proposed as shown. O I ,I I • I m I I
N I5Q II I I Required Proposed 00 504.0
G. Exact size and location of utilities are to be field verified prior to construction. O o I \ J
Surface Area: 4,797 sf 4,971 sf
7. Contact the project engineer immediately with any conflicts regarding the design or z \ �\ O V,�E� I I Volume: 5,400 cf e,708 qr
construction of the project. All field adjustments shall be verified by the project /LENNAR CAROLINAS LLC 00 • �/ _ rr5'� NSo "��`�I", I Width: N/AN/A VARIES-SEE PLAN
engineer prior to construction. GPIN:88838,56903 O \ m \ I I �`_ o,F,P'�oeaNNr aoo°Pa� I Width: N/A
Pool Depth: 2ft 2ftRIE5-SEE PLAN i �P
8. Construction and location of sidewalk,slopes,landings,approaches,ramps,and PARCEL ID: 145233 Z _ - 2 ryas F n e1eE 9 `,,1 Floor Elevation: N/A 502.0
DB 4383,PG 11G I-- - �"o°� � 6�' VV I Weir Elevation: N/A 606.0 �"I z��°
accessible routes shall be in accordance with the ANSI 2009 handicap code or LAND USE:RESIDENTIAL N ` i� ea�t"G 0� Weir Width: 13.9ft 14.0ft I~ Llg
latest Accessibility Code revision. / - -2
I� Site Soils Classification: Dam Elevation: N/A 507.0 i--.
CITY OF GRAHAM ZONING:C-R ► no FENCE ��� e 03' Unclassified. Classification of near surface soils shall be made per skimmer 2.0 in 2.0 in I--' ?,e
S. Contractor shall contact project engineer to observe formwork for site curb, ourLET \ `�_ " "",OUP': o S Od6ce: =0]in,ilia=l.4 in r=0]in,ilia=l.4 in e
concrete sidewalks,and other Items as well as string lines or other controls prior I I(sr-o),TVP. \ N _�� e�\505' Owner's geotechnical engineering recommendations based on the
to the placement of concrete,setting base course stone,or the placement of \ Asp.- E`t' evaluation of exposed subgrade soils.
asphalt. y ��e-1,,,,95" c
10. Compaction of fill materials,approval of residual subgrade,soil proof rolls,stone \A> 's,N`69.We�e1E
placement,and/or other materials testingfunctions shall be in accordance with the \l';,\
project geotechnical engineer's guidance,specifications,recommendations,and 1 G��c\'''' PERMITS Q
E�'' GPIN:8883981 909 GO' I "<
Q, \ of \ PARCEL ID:145324 \ O 120
Plan Prepared for: \ s" DBa 2878,PG 550 , 1 I I I I °q
1648 MEMORIAL DR CITY OF G�HAM ZONING:R-18 ULOCO North Carolina One Call Center .E
BURLINGTON,NC 27215 Graphic Scale w W
Contact:John Talley 336-229-9464 i ,\ 1-800-632-4949 , Scale: III = 301 H