HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072702_Permit Issuance_20180214Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY February 14, 2018 The Honorable Richard L. Stanley, Mayor Town of Beaufort PO Box 390 Beaufort, NC 28516-0390 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Seaelary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Direuor Subject: NPDES PERMIT ISSUANCE NPDES Permit NCO072702 Glenda Drive WTP Class PC-1 Carteret County Dear Mayor Stanley: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your application for renewal of the subject permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding the attached final NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). The final permit includes the following significant changes from the existing permit: ➢ Section A. (5) has been added to require electronic submission of effluent data, and a footnote has been added in Section A. (1). Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). ➢ Regulatory citations have been added. ➢ Outfall map has been updated. ➢ The month of pemut expiration has been changed to allow for a full 5-year permit cycle. ➢ The Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet has been updated per the current water treatment plant guidance. ➢ Parameter codes have been added to the effluent table in Section A. (1). ➢ The flow sample type has been changed to instantaneous and the measurement frequency changed to 2/month per the current water treatment strategy. ➢ The limits for pH have been moved from the footnotes to the effluent table in Section A. (1). ➢ Limits have been added for Total Copper and Total Zinc in Section A. (1) based on a reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards. Associated monitoring has been changed to monthly. ➢ Limits have been removed from Total Lead and monitoring has been reduced to quarterly in Section A. (1) as there is no longer a reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards based on submitted DMR data. ➢ Footnote for flow has been added in Section A. (1) concerning log books. ➢ Footnotes for total residual chlorine and aquatic toxicity have been updated in Section A. (1). State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Canter I Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919 807 6300 919-807-6389 FAX https:lldeq.nc.govlabouttdivisionslwater-resourceslw ta-resources-permits/wastewater-bmncWnpdm-wastewater-permits Mayor Richard Stanley NC0072702 Issued Permit ➢ The sampling type for all parameters, except flow, have been changed from grab to composite in Section A. (1), and an associated footnote has been added. ➢ Language in Section A. (2) has been updated. The final permit includes the following significant changes from the draft permit: ➢ Hydrofluorosilicic acid has been defined to be for fluoride addition on the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet. ➢ Discharge description updated on Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet and in Section A. (1). ➢ Footnote concerning composite sampling has been moved to become Section A. (3). ➢ A compliance schedule has been added for Total Copper, Total Lead, and Total Zinc limits as Section A. (4). ➢ The limit for total residual chlorine in Section A. (1) has been made a daily maximum limit. It was erroneously changed in the draft permit. ➢ The sample type for pH, turbidity, and Total Residual Chlorine have been changed to grab samples per the current water treatment plant strategy and 15A NCAC 02B .0505(c)(3)(C). These parameters were mistakenly changed to composite samples in the draft permit. Comments were received on the draft permit from John Day, Town Manager of the Town of Beaufort. Based on comments received, hydrofluorosilicic acid has been defined to be for fluoride addition and the description of the discharge has been updated to state "water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater" the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet. The description of the discharge has also been updated to reference only "backwash" in Section A. (1). The language used in the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet is standard language used in all water treatment plant NPDES permits. The maximum monthly average referenced in the draft permit is based on data in the Division's database from October 2016. Per the Division's water treatment plant guidance, this language will remain in the permit for consistency of water treatment plant NPDES permits across the state. Concerning comments on instantaneous sampling for flow, as discharge from the facility is intermittent, the sample type, per the current water treatment plant strategy, should be defined as instantaneous. After speaking with staff in the Wilmington Regional office, the flow meter in place is acceptable. A compliance schedule has been added to the permit as Section A. (4) for Total Copper and Total Zinc. Monitoring will remain for both parameters with a measurement frequency of monthly. -Please note that the practical quantitation limit (PQL) for Total Copper is 2 µg/L and the PQL for Total Zinc is 10 µg/L (per the Inorganic Chemistry Branch of the Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section) and monitoring data should be reportable down to these levels. Per North Carolina 15A NCAC 02B Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters, the current limits for class SA waters for copper are 4.8 µg/L (acute) and 3.1 µg/L (chronic), and for zinc are 90 µg/L (acute) and 81 µg/L (chronic). However, the High Quality Waters (HQW) designation of the receiving stream decreases the limits of the water quality standards. Limits for water treatment plants are determined by evaluating DMR data submitted to the Division, along with a dilution factor (if applicable) and the maximum monthly average flow reported in the previous three (3) years at the time the review is completed. Regarding Mr. Day's comments on composite sampling, please note that composite sampling will remain in the permit. The language concerning this has been moved from the footnotes in Section A. Mayor Richard Stanley NCO072702 Issued Permit (1) into the new Section A. (3). The Division has determined that two (2) months from the permit effective date is sufficient time to complete the requirement. Please note that the receiving stream is listed as an impaired waterbody on the North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division, and instream data will continue to be evaluated. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment can be attributed to your facility, then mitigative measures may be required. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain any other Federal, State, or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Brianna Young of my staff at (919) 807-6333. ely, 4-LV-" ;in inda Culpepper Interim Director, Division of Water Resources cc: NPDES Files Central files Wilmington Regional Office ec: WSS/Aquatic Toxicology Branch Frank Sansone, Jr., ORC, Town of Beaufort [fsansone@beaufortnc.org] Donovan H. Willis, Public Utilities Director, Town of Beaufort [d.willis@beaufortnc.org] Gale Smith, Rivers & Associates Inc. [gsmith@riversandassociates.com] John Day, Town Manager, Town of Beaufort D.day@beaufortnc.org] Permit NCO072702 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (hIPDES) In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, the Town of Beaufort is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Glenda Drive WTP Glenda Drive Beaufort Carteret County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Turner Creek in the White Oak River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective March 1, 2018. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on January 31, 2023. Signed this day February 14, 20:Ia . Culpepper Interim Director, Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of 8 Permit NC0072702 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. The Town of Beaufort is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate a drinking -water treatment plant with a discharge of water softener regeneration backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange units. This water treatment plant currently has a design potable flowrate of 0.60 MGD, and a maximum, monthly average wastewater discharge of approximately 0.0258 MGD. This facility is located in Beaufort off Glenda Drive at the Glenda Drive WTP in Carteret County. Water and wastewater treatment consists of: • Two (2) softener units • Chlorination (gas) • Hydrofluorosilicic acid for fluoride addition • Dechlorination by sodium bisulfite 2. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into an unnamed tributary to Turner Creek [Stream Segment: 21-35-1-11-1 ], a waterbody currently classified SA HQW, PNA waters within subbasin 03-05-04 [HUC: 0302030105] in the White Oak River Basin. Page 2 of 8 Permit NCO072702 PART I. A. (L) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [ 15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge backwash from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: f FFLUENT , :: c .:, C�ERIST]CS Pararret�rcodes , _x�fMITS :a -MONITORINGREQUIROENTS w ' ,_- Moniiyt KMaumt- Iasyrert?t�a�t T f , e tl- `kP�e Ldo: Flow 2 50050 2/Month Instantaneous Effluent Salinity 00480 Months Composite 5 Effluent Conductivity 00094 Monthly Com osite 5 Effluent H 00400 Not < 6.8 s.u. or > 8.5 s.u. 2/Month Grab Effluent Total Dissolved Solids 70295 Monthly Com osite 5 Effluent Total Suspended Solids C0530 10.0 m /L 15.0 m /L 2/Month Co m osite 5 Effluent Total Residual Chlorine 3 50060 13 /L 2/Month Grab Effluent Turbidity 00070 Month' Grab Effluent Total Copper 01042 1.85 IL 6 2.90 /L 6 Monthly Com osite 5 Effluent Total Zinc 01092 42.8 /L 6 47.6 /L 6 Monthly Composite 5 Effluent Ammonia Nitrogen C0610 Months Composite5 Effluent Total Lead /L 01051 Quartedy site 5 Effluent Whole Effluent Toxicity 4 TGE3E I Monitor and Report I Quartedy I Composite 5 1 Effluent Footnotes: 1. The permittee shall submit discharge monitoring reports electronically using the NC DWR's eDMR application system [see A. (5)]. 2. Duration of discharge should be noted in log books and a total daily discharge reported in the DMR. 3. Limit and monitor only if the facility adds chlorine or chlorine derivatives to water that is eventually discharged. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 µg/L. 4. Acute Toxicity 24-hour Pass/ Fail Monitoring January, April, July and October. Permittee shall use mysid shrimp as the test organism unless another organism of equal or greater sensitivity is deemed more appropriate based on the characteristics of the discharge and receiving stream. See Special Condition A. (2) for details. 5. See Section A. (3) for compliance schedule. 6. See Section A. (4) for compliance schedule. All samples collected should be from a representative discharge event. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Page 3of8 Permit NCO072702 A. (2.) ACUTE TOXICITY PASS/FAIL MONITORING ONLY (QUARTERLY) [I 5A NCAC 02B .0500 et seq.] The permittee shall conduct acute toxicity tests on a quarterly basis using protocols defined in the North Carolina Procedure Document entitled "Pass/Fail Methodology For Determining Acute Toxicity In A Single Effluent Concentration" (Revised -December 2010 or subsequent versions). The monitoring shall be performed as a Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia) 24 hour static test. The effluent concentration at which there may be at no time significant acute mortality is 90% (defined as treatment two in the procedure document). The tests will be performed during the months of January, April, July, and October. These months signify the first month of each three month toxicity testing quarter assigned to the facility. Effluent sampling for this testing must be obtained during representative effluent discharge and shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGE3E. Additionally, DWR Form AT-2 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section/Aquatic Toxicology Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Water Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity (AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of "No Flow" in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Water Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately. Upon submission of a valid test, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re- opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. Page 4of8 Permit NCO072702 USE OF A DIFFERENT TEST ORGANISM The permittee may request the use of a different test organism upon documentation that the alternate test organism would provide an equal or greater level of protection and is appropriate based on the characteristics of the discharge and receiving stream. Such documentation would consist of one of the following: 1. For saltwater classified streams, a fathead minnow may be assigned as the acute testing species if the salinity of the receiving stream at the point of discharge is < 5 ppt throughout the tidally influenced cycle. This determination may be based on the best professional judgment of DWQ staff or data collection provided by the permittee and approved by DWQ staff. This evaluation should include vertical profiles of salinity/ conductivity measurements at both high tide and low tide over several 24 hr. cycles. 2. Three consecutive "side -by -side" tests with results indicating that the alternate test organism is as or more sensitive to the facility's effluent. Each test series would consist of two separate toxicity tests conducted on the same sample of effluent with the length of exposure specified by the permit, the only difference between the tests being the test organism. 3. An alternate plan developed by the permittee and approved by the Aquatic Toxicology Unit that demonstrates an equal level of protection is offered by the test organism. For items 2 and 3, it must also be demonstrated that viable and standardized culture techniques are available for that organism and standardized testing methodologies have been developed and validated. This demonstration should meet guidance provided by EPA in Section 6 of EPA-821-R-02-012, Short Term Methods for Estimating the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Fifth Edition, 2002. Requests to use a different test organism and supporting documentation should be sent to NC DWQ, ESS at the address listed above. A. (3.) COMPOSITE SAMPLING (OUTFALL 001) For parameters in Section A. (1.) requiring composite sampling, a composite sampler must be installed within two (2) months of the permit effective date, or another method must be approved by the Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section within two (2) months of the permit effective date in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0503(4). A. (4.) SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE (OUTFALL 001) [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] 1. Within one year from the effective date of the permit the Permittee shall submit to the Division of Water Resources a Corrective Action Plan summarizing the actions or strategy to be taken to achieve compliance with the Total Copper and Total Zinc limits at Outfall 001. Specific dates for completion or implementation of each action shall be included. 2. Within two years from the effective date of the permit submit a report to the Division summarizing actions taken in accordance with the Corrective Action Plan. Page 5of8 Permit NCO072702 3. Within three years from the effective date of the permit submit a report to the Division summarizing actions taken in accordance with the Corrective Action Plan. 4. Within four years from the effective date of the permit submit a report to the Division summarizing actions taken in accordance with the Corrective Action Plan. 5. Achieve compliance with Total Copper and Total Zinc limits specified in Section A. (1) within five years of the permit effective date. Upon approval of the Corrective Action Plan by the Division, the report and actions become an enforceable part of this permit. Any modifications to the schedule shall be requested to the Division at least ninety (90) days before the deadline. Modifications to the schedule in excess of four months will be subject to public notice. A. (5.) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF MONITORING REPORTS [NCGS 143-215.1 (b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports. The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) • Section D. (2.) • Section D. (6.) • Section E. (5.) Signatory Requirements Reporting Records Retention Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D. (2.) and Section E. (5.) (a)1 The permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross -Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing, signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and Page 6of8 Permit NC0072702 discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1.1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: https•//www federalre iister gov/documents/2015/10/22/2015-24954/national- pollutant-discharge-elimination-s stem=nnpdes-electronic-reporting-rule. Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the "Reporting Requirements" section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re -applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: Page 7 of 8 Permit NCO072702 http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr 4. Sri natory Requirements [Supplements Section B. (11.) (b) and Supersedes Section B. (11.) (d)1 All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (I 1.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: V certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. (6.)] The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.41 ]. Page 8of8 ms� 10 70 7 70 70 max- � rlf Neiobjr qr 70 10 r as �a 70 2a •-`2c2c i\x !RWna 10 q� u 70 �,i _ tiu City o � �• - 9_ , \i\(�G'i� iA''. - i 10 .� 5 70 '6 1303 � 1 so . • r - \ \a�o Outfall7. , I o � 10 Creek Coal r DAVIS To •r 3 x3 BAY - 70 j rn fj Highland Park - _� - �� 2a� a•` : -' ._ w Cem ( -ro' ie ®q The & .K/ ``~` _ •~' +�_ 610 •�� b' O P, 1.e130 7C� , CSL •',• `. �\\`\ \\p an.- Town of Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP NPDES Permit NCO072702 Receiving Stream: UT to Town Creek Stream Class: SA; HOW PNA Stream Segment: 21-35-1-11-1 Sub -Basin M 03.05-04 River Basin: White Oak HUC:0302030105 County: Carteret N A SCALE 1:24,000 artil"arli�; iii►1i�4���ti1 Jaw Facility Location s�le not shown USGS Quad: DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NCO072702 Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Town of Beaufort/ Glenda Drive Water Treatment Plant Applicant Address: PO Box 390, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Facility Address: 412 Glenda Drive, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Permitted Flow Not limited. Design capacity is 0.005 MGD. Type of Waste: Filter backwash and Ion Exchange regeneration Facility/Permit Status: Renewal Facility Classification PC-1 County: Carteret Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: UT to Turner Creek, White Oak RB Regional Office: Wilmington Stream Classification: SA, HQW, PNA USGS Topo Beaufort 303(d) Listed? Yes,- See below Permit Writer: Brianna Young Subbasin: 03-05-04 Date: 2/9/2018 HUC 0302030105 Drainage Area mil : N/A Summer 7 10 cfs Tidal Winter 7Q 10 cfs : Tidal 30 2 cfs Tidal Average Flow cfs : Tidal IWC (a/o): 100% capped at 90% for WET Primary SIC Code: N/A SUMMARY The Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP is an Ion Exchange (Softener) Water Treatment Plant to treat ground water drawn from two wells. The facility is designed to provide 0.60 MGD of treated potable water. After softening, the water is treated by gaseous chlorination and hydrofluosilicic acid. The backwash and softener regeneration wastewater is estimated to be 0.005 MGD average at plant capacity of 0.6 MGD potable water. Recent operating data (April 2014 — May 2017) show a maximum monthly average discharge flowrate of 0.0258 MGD. The facility discharges the backwash wastewater after dichlorination with sodium bisulfite to an unnamed tributary to Turner Creek in the White Oak River Basin. The discharge is to a dry ditch with no normal flow except the discharge and storm water. The receiving stream (Turner Creek) is classified SA, HQW PNA waters in the White Oak River Basin. This reach is listed on the 2014 303(d) list— Shellfish growing area Conditionally approved closed (Fecal, SH, SA) (see below). 21-35-1-11-1 Turner Creek 51.8 S Acres SA;HQW From source to Davis Bay IRCategory: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: 5 EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Closed (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WTP Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NCO072702 Renewal Page I Permitting Strategy: Permitting Strategy for Ion Exchange Water Treatment Plants is followed for this facility. Discharge Data Review and RPA The maximum Monthly Average flow was 0.025814 MGD in October 2016 (data from April 2014 to May 2017). RPA was performed for copper, zinc, and lead (data from October 2012 to May 2017). Copper and Zinc have RP, limits added with monthly monitoring. Lead showed no RP (no detects); monitoring retained as previous permit showed RP but reduced to quarterly. Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing The facility currently performs Quarterly Acute Toxicity monitoring using Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) at 90% as required by the current permit. The facility has passed the previous 11 of 12 WET tests. WET testing should continue as Acute monitoring only with mysid shrimp at 90%. The WET testing language [A. (2.)] has been updated. 3003(d) language for Draft/Final Cover Letters: "Please note that the receiving stream is listed as an impaired waterbody on the North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division, and instream data will continue to be evaluated. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment can be attributed to your facility, then mitigative measures may be required". Changes from the previous permit to draft: • Updated outfall map • Added regulatory citations • Added parameter codes to effluent table in A(1) • Expiration month changed to allow full 5-year permit cycle • Added eDMR language in A(1) and added section A(5) • Updated language on Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet per 2012 WTP guidance • Moved pH limits from footnote to effluent table in A(1) • Flow sample type changed from estimate to instantaneous and measurement frequency changed to 2/month per 2009 WTP strategy since discharge is intermittent • Limits added for copper and zinc based on RPA and monitoring changed to monthly • Limits for lead removed since no RP to exceed water quality standards; monitoring reduced to quarterly • Sample type for all parameters except flow changed from grab to composite based on feedback received from WiRO (see below) o Compliance schedule added as well based on e-mail from WiRO (see comments below) • Footnote added to A(1) stating that composite sample should be made of equal volume collected every 15 mins during recharge cycle per WiRO comments • Changed TRC limit from just daily max to daily max and monthly average per 2009 WTP strategy • Updated tox footnote in A(1) — removed "Monitoring for Toxicity shall coincide with monitoring for metals and TRC." • Updated TRC footnote • Flow footnote added in A(1) • Updated tox language in A(2) Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WIT Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NC0072702 Renewal Page 2 Changes from draft to final: • Hydrofluorosilicic acid has been defined to be for fluoride addition on supplement to permit cover sheet (per permittee's comments below) • Compliance schedule added as Section A. (4) for total copper and total zinc (per permittee's and WiRO comments below) • Discharge description updated on Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet and in Section A. (1) (per permittee's comments below) • Footnote concerning composite sampling has been moved to become Section A. (3) for clarity (per WIRO comments below) • TRC put back as a daily max limit in A(1); erroneously changed • Monitoring for pH, turbidity, and TRC changed back to grab samples per 2009 WTP strategy; mistakenly changed to composite with other parameters, but these require grab sampling in order to be accurate (per 2009 WTP strategy) PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE: Draft Permit to Public Notice: November 1, 2017 Permit Scheduled to Issue: February 14, 2018 STATE CONTACT: If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Brianna Young at (919) 807-6333, or by email at Brianna.Young@nedenr.gov. REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENT: Per phone call (7/20/17) with Jim Gregson and Dean Hunkele in WiRO and John Hennessy and Brianna Young in CO: • Sample type for all parameters has been changed from grab to composite based on feedback received from Frank Sansone (ORC) that he samples only during 1 st rinse cycle of recharge cycle (process involves 20 min rinse, 50-55 min brine recharge, 20-30 min rinse; Entire cycle totals —2 hrs) • Compliance schedule of 2 months added to install composite sampler or have another method approved by WiRO in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0503 (4) (per Jim Gregson's e-mail 10/19/17) Per e-mail from Dean Hunkele 10/27/17 • We just got the permit for the Laurel Rd WTP NCO086975 issued by Joe Corporon whereby metal limits were given, but he gave them a permit cycle to figure out how to meet them. Is that supposed to be in these as well? o DWR Response: If concerns are raised about the facility meeting the new metals limits, those concerns can be reviewed and the inclusion of a compliance schedule in the final permit can be considered. DMF COMMENT: JD Potts stated no comments via email 11/2/17 Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WIT Fact Sheet NPDES Pe►tinit NCO072702 Renewal Page 3 COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM PERMITTEE (VIA EMAII. 11 /3 0/ 17) • The Town is amenable to the changes identified by the first six bullets with only three comments; please see fifth bullet regarding Supplement to the Cover Sheet. o Fifth bullet (from draft cover sheet): The Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet has been updated per the current water treatment plant guidance. o Permittee response: On Page 2 of 8, the component we are using for addition of fluoride is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. ■ DWR Response: Hydrofluorosilicic acid has been added to the components list and defined to be for fluoride addition. o Permittee response: On Page 2 of 8 and 3 of 8 we suggest the discharge description be the same. On Page 2, one could state as "discharge of water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange Units." On Page 3 one should delete the phrase "filter backwash and" and state as "discharge water softener regeneration -backwash from Outfall 001." ■ WiRO comments (Dean Hunkele via email 12/7/17): I do not know enough about their system to comment but seems reasonable to me. The word "filter" has been present going back to at least the 2003 issuance and was probably a carryover from a shell document or a permit for another water permit they borrowed from. ■ DWR Response: The Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet has been updated to state "water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater" and Section A. (1) has been updated to remove "filter backwash and softener regeneration backwash" and references only "backwash." o Permittee response: On Page 2, Item 1 speaks of "a design potable flowrate of 0.60 MGD and a maximum, monthly average wastewater discharge of 0.0258 MGD". This number does not seem relevant to data covering the most recent 22 months which indicates an average daily flow of 0.0044 MGD and a maximum monthly average of 0.0057 MGD. These numbers are dependent on a varying data -set, and the permit does not include a flow limit. We would suggest deleting the reference to maximum daily average wastewater discharge from "Supplement to the Cover Sheet." ■ DWR response: The language used in the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet is standard language used in all water treatment plant NPDES permits. The maximum monthly average referenced in the draft permit is based on data in the Division's database from October 2016. Per the Division's water treatment plant guidance, this language will remain in the permit for consistency of water treatment plant NPDES permits across the state. • The Town is unsure of intent and has concern regarding the seventh bullet and twelfth bullet (from draft cover sheet). o Seventh bullet (from draft cover sheet): The flow sample type has been changed to instantaneous and the measurement frequency changed to 2/month per the current water treatment strategy. o Twelfth bullet (from draft cover sheet): Footnote for flow has been added in Section A. (1) concerning log books. o Permittee response: Footnote 2 refers to Effluent Characteristic — "Flow" with Sample Type — "Instantaneous" and Sample Location — "Effluent". The Town is unsure of intent for changes to flow monitoring. All of the softener backwash - regeneration flow into the softeners passes through a meter; all of the softener backwash -regeneration flow exits the softeners as effluent; the effluent flows reported on the DMRs are based on those meter readings for flow into the Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WTI) Fact Sheet NPDES Pcnnit N00072702 Rcnewal Page 4 • • softeners and subsequently out of the softeners to Outfall 001. The Town believes its current method of measuring softener regeneration -backwash flow with the meter in -place has an appropriate degree of accuracy and should be acceptable without change. o WiRO comments (Dean Hunkele via email 12/7/17): I have no idea where they came up with limiting how flow can be measured or reported for any facility unless continuous & recording is required. The old permit said "Estimate" which I am guessing was based on the use of the meters but being an estimate wouldn't require annual calibration. However, it could be calculated estimate as well based on cycle time and pump rate. Instantaneous measurement typically requires a weir and use of a staff gauge to measure water height to get a flow rate at that instant, both of which they don't have and not sure how they would go about it. Now I guess they could use the metered flow total for a single cycle and use the cycle time to get at a calculated "instantaneous" flow value for that single event if that is what permitting is looking for or just use the flow meters to give a total for the 24-hr period. o Permittee response to flow meter clarification request (via email 1/16/18): We have spoken with Frank Sansone, Water ORC — Town of Beaufort; Frank provided clarification by explaining that during softener backwash -regeneration (recharge), all of the water used during softener backwash -regeneration {recharge is measured by a meter. The brine solution used during softener backwash -regeneration (recharge) is not measured by a meter. Frank utilizes meter readings for water used during recharge to calculate the number of recharge events and total softener backwash -regeneration flow from the water treatment plant. The meter measuring water used for backwash and fast rinse is a 1 %2-inch turbine meter manufactured by Neptune/Trident. o WiRO comments (Tom Tharrington phone call 2/1/18): Tom felt the meter they have in place is appropriate for now to do instantaneous monitoring. DWR will assume the meter is appropriate for now unless it is deemed inappropriate in the future. The meters are usually very accurate when used with clean water, which is why they can be used in WTPs but not WWTPs. o DWR response: As discharge from the facility is intermittent, the sample type, per the current water treatment plant strategy, should be defined as instantaneous. After speaking with staff in the Wilmington Regional office, the flow meter in place is acceptable. All things considered, the Town has no immediate concern regarding the eighth bullet. o Eighth bullet (from draft cover sheet): The limits for pH have been moved from the footnotes to the effluent table in Section A. (1). In regard to ninth bullet and the tenth bullet, the Town requests explanation regarding addition of limits for Total Copper and Total Zinc. o Ninth bullet (from draft cover sheet): Limits have been added for Total Copper and Total Zinc in Section A. (1) based on a reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards. Associated monitoring has been changed to monthly. o Tenth bullet (from draft cover sheet): Limits have been removed from Total Lead and monitoring has been reduced to quarterly in Section A. (1) as there is no longer a reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards based on submitted DMR data. o Permittee response (paraphrased): The Town is opposed to monitoring and limits for total copper, total lead, and total zinc. Request to know how analysis done to determine a reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards and how determination made for value of numerical limits. Town believes there is Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WTP Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NCO072702 Renewal Page 5 • • sufficient data to support discontinuance of limits and monitoring for Total Lead and Total Zinc. Town asks to do no more than monitor Total Copper, neither monitor nor set limits for Total Zinc, and not monitor for Total Lead. Additional information provided in written comments. Per permittee: "To continue sampling and testing the softener regeneration -backwash discharge for metals that appear to be present only at very low levels should not be a requirement of the permit issued to the Town of Beaufort." o DWR response: A compliance schedule has been added to the permit as Section A. (4) for Total Copper and Total Zinc. Monitoring will remain for both parameters with a measurement frequency of monthly. Please note that the practical quantitation limit (PQL) for Total Copper is 2 µg/L and the PQL for Total Zinc is 10 µg/L (per the Inorganic Chemistry Branch of the Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section) and monitoring data should be reportable down to these levels. Per North Carolina 15A NCAC 02B Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters, the current limits for class SA waters for copper are 4.8 µg/L (acute) and 3.1 µg/L (chronic), and for zinc are 90 µg/L (acute) and 81 µg/L (chronic). However, the High Quality Waters (HQW) designation of the receiving stream decreases the limits of the water quality standards. Limits for water treatment plants are determined by evaluating DMR data submitted to the Division, along with a dilution factor (if applicable) and the maximum monthly average flow reported in the previous 3 years at the time the review is completed. All things considered, the Town has no immediate concern regarding the eleventh, thirteenth and fifteenth bullet o Eleventh bullet (from draft cover sheet): The limit for Total Residual Chlorine in Section A. (1) has been changed to both a daily maximum and monthly average. o Thirteenth bullet (from draft cover sheet): Footnotes for total residual chlorine and aquatic toxicity have been updated in Section A. (1). o Fifteenth bullet (from draft cover sheet): Language in Section A. (2) has been updated. o Permittee response: We believe appropriate the footnote stating, "The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 PPB to be in compliance with the permit." Fourteenth bullet (from draft cover sheet): o Fourteenth bullet (from draft cover sheet): The sampling type for all parameters, except flow, have been changed from grab to composite in Section A. (1), and an associated footnote has been added. o Permittee response: Beaufort is requesting that it not be required to install a composite sampler within two (2) months of the date of permit issuance. Instead the Town would request twelve (12) months to utilize hand sampling as described by draft while determining and evaluating "another method approved by Wilmington Regional Office" as compared to installing a composite sampler. If evaluation determines it best to install a composite sampler, time for planning and design will be needed to ensure having a workable composite sampler for the Glenda Drive WTP. It is not a simple plug -in -play exercise. [additional information describing challenges provided in written comments] o WiRO comments (Dean Hunkele via email 12/7/17): That whole Footnote is confusing. Being an intermittent discharger, they could either use a sampler to collect OR we can approvelaccept them creating their own composite via multiple grabs of at least 120 mL at a frequency of every 15 mins or less for the enter cycle including recharge. They just need to make sure they collect enough sample for Town of Beaufort. Glenda Drive NVTP Fact Sheet NPDES Pennit NCO072702 Renewal Page 6 all the required analyses. We can assist them with the latter method and shouldn't take but any longer than 2 months. I agree it may take a little more discussion or thought to install a composite sampler and sampling location and may include adding a take to comingle the waste streams for sampling. o DWR response: Composite sampling will remain in the permit. The language concerning this has been moved from the footnotes in Section A. (1) into the new Section A. (3). The Division has determined that two (2) months from the permit effective date is sufficient time to complete the requirement. Town of Be.)UfOlt, Glenda Drive w,rP Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NCO072702 Renewal Page 7 Young, Brianna A From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 4:47 PM To: Young, Brianna A; Gregson, Jim; King, Morelia s Subject: RE: Comments received on Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702) Same comments/response as Pine St oft o j-Ek> j) Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7380 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Dean. Hu nkele(a1 ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 http://deci.nc.gov/contact/regional-offices/wilmington Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The goal of the Fast Track sewer permit program is to issue a permit in no more than 30 business days from receipt of a complete application and if no additional information has to be requested upon full review. Please use the Department's Permit Application Tracker to determine the official application receipt date to allow you to estimate a date for issuance and find the reviewer's name. Once issued, the record stays on the site for 30 days. For previously issued sewer permit info or to check on sewer certification receipt status, please use the Division's Sewer Extension Permit Tracker. Using the Issue Date on top of the Engineer Certification Form is best way to ensure getting what you want especially for multi -version permits; using today's date only gives info on the latest permit version. Confirmation using this method will replace letters and emails: it is recommended that confirmation be printed and/or saved. Links to both trackers can be found on the sewer permitting site here: https://deg.nc.goy/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources- perm its/peres/col lectio n-systems-permits Subscribe to Collection System Updates listserve to receive automatic alerts for changes to applications, policies, regulations, etc. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 3:13 PM To: Gregson, Jim <jim.gregson@ncdenr.gov>; King, Morelia s <moreIla.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hunkele, Dean <dean.hunkele@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Comments received on Glenda Drive WTP (NCO072702) Good afternoon, In addition to the comments received for the Pine Street WTP, I have received similar comments from the Town of Beaufort on the draft permit for Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702). Below are a few requests they have made that I would like WiRO feedback on. I have attached the comments in full to this email as well. Description of discharge The Town states: On Page 2 of 8 and 3 of 8 we suggest the discharge description be the same. On Page 2, one could state as "discharge of water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange Units." On Page 3 one should delete the phrase "filter backwash and" and state as "discharge water softener regeneration -backwash from Outfall 001." The permit currently refers to the discharge of "backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange units" on the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet and as "filter backwash and softener regeneration backwash" in Section A. (1). Does WiRO agree to the changes proposed by the Town? Instantaneous flow monitoring The Town states: Footnote 2 refers to Effluent Characteristic — "Flow" with Sample Type — "Instantaneous" and Sample Location — "Effluent". The Town is unsure of intent for changes to flow monitoring. All of the softener backwash - regeneration flow into the softeners passes through a meter; all of the softener backwash -regeneration flow exits the softeners as effluent; the effluent flows reported on the DMRs are based on those meter readings for flow into the softeners and subsequently out of the softeners to Outfall 001. The Town believes its current method of measuring softener regeneration -backwash flow with the meter in -place has an appropriate degree of accuracy and should be acceptable without change. Does WiRO agree the meter will suffice in instantaneous flow monitoring? Instantaneous monitoring is required for intermittent flows per the current water treatment plant strategy. Sampling change from grab to composite and compliance schedule The Town states: Beaufort is requesting that it not be required to install a composite sampler within two (2) months of the date of permit issuance. Instead the Town would request twelve (12) months to utilize hand sampling as described by draft while determining and evaluating "another method approved by Wilmington Regional Office" as compared to installing a composite sampler. If evaluation determines it best to install a composite sampler, time for planning and design will be needed to ensure having a workable composite sampler for the Glenda Drive WTP. It is not a simple plug- in -play exercise. [additional information describing challenges provided in written comments] Per Jim's e-mail from October 191h, the facility was given a 2 month compliance schedule to install a composite sampler or have another method approved by WiRO. Would Wilmington like to maintain the 2 month compliance schedule, or allow more time? Metals monitoring The Town is opposed to limits and increased monitoring for Total Copper, and all monitoring for Total Lead and Total Zinc. They provided various reasons as to their opposition (see attached written comments). As one way to address their concerns, if WiRO agrees, I will propose a 5 year compliance schedule to allow time to meet the new copper and zinc limits as they address meeting compliance; however, monitoring will remain at a monthly rate for copper and zinc, and quarterly for lead. Please let me know your thoughts or have any questions on the above matters. Thanks! Brianna Brianna Young Environmental Senior Specialist Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-807-6333 Brianna.You no(o)ncdenr.cov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Young, Brianna A From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 4:41 PM To: Young, Brianna A, Gregson, Jim; King, Morelia s Subject: RE: Comments received on Pine Street WTP (NC0072699) Importance: High I imagine you will get same response from them for Glenda WTP Discharge Description — I do not know enough about their system to comment but seems reasonable to me. The word "filter" has been present going back to at least the 2003 issuance and was probably a carryover from a shell document or a permit for another water permit they borrowed from. Flow Monitoring — I have no idea where they came up with limiting how flow can be measured or reported for any facility unless continuous & recording is required. The old permit said "Estimate" which I am guessing was based on the use of the meters but being an estimate wouldn't require annual calibration. However, it could be calculated estimate as well based on cycle time and pump rate. Instantaneous measurement typically requires a weir and use of a staff gauge to measure water height to get a flow rate at that instant, both of which they don't have and not sure how they would go about it. Now I guess they could use the metered flow total for a single cycle and use the cycle time to get at a calculated "instantaneous" flow value for that single event if that is what permitting is looking for or just use the flow meters to give a total for the 24-hr period. Composite Sampling —That whole Footnote is confusing. Being an intermittent discharger, they could either use a sampler to collect OR we can approve/accept them creating their own composite via multiple grabs of at least 120 mL at a frequency of every 15 mins or less for the enter cycle including recharge. They just need to make sure they collect enough sample for all the required analyses. We can assist them with the latter method and shouldn't take but any longer than 2 months. I agree it may take a little more discussion or thought to install a composite sampler and sampling location and may include adding a take to comingle the waste streams for sampling. Metals— I concur and think they should all be getting this. The Unit does need to find out what the lower detection limits are for these metals and make sure the limit is not lower than that. I know the CFPUA has issues with their Copper limit of 1.85 ug/L in light of the detection limit is 2.0 ug/L. Let me know if I can help further. Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7380 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Dean.HunkeleCdncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 http://deg.nc.gov/contact/regionaI-offices/wiImington Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The goal of the Fast Track sewer permit program is to issue a permit in no more than 30 business days from receipt of a complete application and if no additional information has to be requested upon full review. Please use the Departments Permit Application Tracker to determine the official application receipt date to allow you to estimate a date for issuance and find the reviewer's name. Once issued, the record stays on the site for 30 days. For previously issued sewer permit info or to check on sewer certification receipt status, please use the Division's Sewer Extension Permit Tracker. Using the Issue Date on top of the Engineer Certification Form is best way to ensure getting what you want especially for multi -version permits; using today's date only gives Info on the latest permit version. Confirmation using this method will replace letters and emolls: it is recommended that confirmation be printed and/or saved. Links to both trackers can be found on the sewer permitting site here: httos://deo.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources- perm its/peres/col lection-syste ms-perm its Subscribe to Collection System Updates listserve to receive automatic alerts for changes to applications, policies, regulations, etc. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 1:04 PM To: Gregson, Jim <jim.gregson@ncdenr.gov>; King, Morelia s <morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hunkele, Dean <dean.hunkele@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Comments received on Pine Street WTP (NC0072699) Good afternoon, I have received comments from the Town of Beaufort on the draft permit for Pine Street WTP (NC0072699). Below are a few requests they have made that I would like WiRO feedback on. I have attached the comments in full to this email as well. Description of discharge The Town states: We suggest the discharge description on Page 2 of 8 and Page 3 of 8 be the same. On Page 2, one could state as "discharge of water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange Units." On Page 3 one should delete the phrase "filter backwash and" and state as "discharge watersoftener regeneration -backwash from Outfall 001." The permit currently refers to the discharge of "water softener -backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange units" on the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet and as "filter backwash and softener regeneration backwash" in Section A. (1). Does WiRO agree to the changes proposed by the Town? Instantaneous flow monitoring The Town states: Footnote 2 refers to Effluent Characteristic— "Flow" with Sample Type — "Instantaneous" and Sample Location — "Effluent'. The Town is unsure of intent for changes to flow monitoring. All of the softener backwash - regeneration flow into the softeners passes through a meter; all of the softener backwash -regeneration flow exits the softeners as effluent; the effluent flows reported on the DMRs are based on those meter readings for flow into the softeners and subsequently out of the softeners to Outfall 001. The Town believes its current method of measuring Town of Beaufort 701 Front St.. P.O. Box 390 • Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www.beaufortnc.ore November 29, 2017 Ms. Brianna Young NC DEQ/ DWQ— NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 lftev8t"L"�' f�w1� DEC 0 5 2017 G;4649 ResotjrSection RE: Town of Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP \ Renewal of NPDES Discharge Permit NC 0072702 COMMENT from the TOWN OF BEAUFORT for DRAFT NODES PERMIT N00072702 Dear Ms. Young: We received our copy of draft permit for the Town of Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP and cover letter with fifteen bullets summarizing the changes proposed for the above -referenced NPDES Permit. The subsequent review included input from Frank Sansone, WTP-ORC, Donovan Willis, Public Utilities Director and our consulting engineer— Rivers & Associates. As we compare the current permit to the draft permit in light of the capabilities of our existing WTP, we ask for consideration of comments, suggestions and requests regarding the draft permit that follow: The Town is amenable to the changes identified by the first six bullets with only three comments; please see fifth bullet regarding Supplement to the Cover Sheet. FIFTH BULLET — On Page 2 of 8, the component we are using for addition of fluoride is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St. - P.O. Box 390 - Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141-252-728-3982 fax w beaufortnc.org On Page 2 of 8 and Page 3 of 8 we suggest the discharge description be the same. On Page 2, one could state as "discharge of water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange Units". On Page 3 one should delete the phrase "filter backwash and" and state as "discharge water softener regeneration -backwash from Outfall 001" On Page 2, Item 1 speaks of "a design potable flowrate of 0.60 MGD and a maximum, monthly average wastewater discharge of 0.0258 MGD. This number does not seem relevant to data covering the most recent 22 months which indicates an average daily flow of 0.0044 MGD and a maximum monthly average of 0.0057 MGD. These numbers are dependent on a varying data -set, and the permit does not include a flow limit. We would suggest deleting reference to maximum daily average wastewater discharge from "Supplement to the Cover Sheet". Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle - Commissioner Sharon Harker - Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter- Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort Tor Front St. • P.O. Box 390 • Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141• 252-728-3982 fax www.beaufortnc.org The Town is unsure of intent and has concern regarding the seventh bullet and twelfth bullet. SEVENTH BULLET and TWELFTH BULLET — Footnote 2 refers to Effluent Characteristic — "Flow' with Sample Type — "Instantaneous" and Sample Location — "Effluent". The Town is unsure of intent for changes to flow monitoring. All of the softener backwash - regeneration flow into the softeners passes through a meter; all of softener backwash - regeneration flow exits the softeners as effluent; the effluent flows reported on the DMRs are based on these meter readings for flow into the softeners and subsequently out of the softeners to Outfall 001. The Town believes its current method of measuring softener regeneration -backwash flow with the meter in -place has an appropriate degree of accuracy and should be acceptable without change. All things considered, the Town has no immediate concern regarding the eighth bullet. In regard to ninth bullet and the tenth bullet, the Town requests explanation regarding addition of limits for Total Copper and Total Zinc. How is the analysis done to determine a "reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards", and how is determination made for value of numerical limits? Monitoring and associated testing over the past five years provides insufficient data to determine our capability to comply with the proposed limits for Total Copper. However, we believe there is sufficient data to support discontinuance of monitoring and limits for Total Lead and Total Zinc. In April 2010, all new well testing was performed on raw water from the Castle Hayne Aquifer and produced by the Glenda Drive Well for use in Glenda Drive WTP. Copper was "Not Detected', lead was "Not Detected" and zinc was "Not Detected"; all — copper, lead and zinc were below the new well allowable limit(s). The Town's water treatment process does not include chemical additives that would increase copper, lead or zinc concentrations from that found in the raw water. We would ask to do no more than monitor Total Copper and neither monitor, nor set limit for Total Zinc as mentioned in ninth bullet. Likewise, we would ask to not to monitor for total lead as mentioned in the tenth bullet. Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Mn Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day 2 Town of Beaufort 701 Front St. • P.O. Box 390 • Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141• 252-728-3982 fax www.beaufortnc.org NINTH BULLET and TENTH BULLET — The water treatment plant operation Is unchanged and records of monitoring over the past five years demonstrate that it might not be necessary to continue sampling and testing at the current level or at a greater level than required by the current permit. Enclosed are DMRs for the past 22 months, plus a Summary of those DMRs covering four parameters shown by most recent test results. Specific requests relevant to the DMRs and description of the water system with its Glenda Drive WTP follow: With softener regeneration -backwash discharge from the Glenda Drive WTP at a location distant from Turner Creek being only an average of 4,400 GPD, the Town of Beaufort is requesting it no longer be required to monitor the discharge for Total Zinc. The results of prior monitoring shown by the enclosed DMR's demonstrate there might not be a reasonable potential to regularly exceed water quality standards with a significant quantity of this element. COPPER: In regard to limits for copper, testing to -date has only been able to discern and identify its quantity as less than 10 parts per billion, and the DMRs show that Total Copper has consistently been less than 10 parts per billion with only four (4) of the 21 most recent test results having Total Copper greater than ten parts per billion. Eighty-one percent of the DMRs show Total Copper less than 10 parts per billion. Total Copper might be less than or more than 1.85 PPB; we simply do not know at this time. However, we would not want establishment of a limit that causes issuance of NOVs if testing shows this characteristic greaterthan 1.85 PPB. LEAD: The DMRs show that Total Lead has consistently been less than 10 parts per billion and none (0) of the most recent 21 test results have Total Lead greater than 10 PPB. ZINC: The DMRs show that Total Zinc has consistently been less than 10 parts per billion with only five (5) of the 21 most recent test results having Total Zinc greater than ten parts per billion. Four (4) of the test result numbers are 11, 14, 15, and 17. Twenty (20) of the 21 recent test results are far less than the proposed Monthly Average and Daily Maximum Limits. Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St. • P.O. Box 390 • Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141.252-728-3982 fax www.beaufortnc.ore One (1) of the DMR numbers is 123; relevant to all of the other numbers it could be considered an out -lying extraneous data point. SUMMARY: The Beaufort Water System including its Glenda Drive Water Treatment Plant continues producing and delivering potable water meeting all required drinking water standards. The stable Castle Hayne Aquifer continues to be the source of water; the water conveyed from this aquifer to the water treatment plant only requires softening and disinfection to become desirable potable -water that is enhanced by addition of fluoride. To continue sampling and testing the softener regeneration -backwash discharge for metals that appear to be present only at very low levels should not be a requirement of the permit issued to the Town of Beaufort. All things considered, the Town has no immediate concern regarding the eleventh, thirteenth and fifteenth bullet. ELEVENTH BULLET, THIRTEENTH BULLET and FIFTEENTH BULLET — We believe appropriate the footnote stating, "The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 PPB to be in compliance with the permit'. The Town would prefer no -change from grab to composite sampling of the small discharge at the Glenda Drive WTP. However, it understands position of the NPDES Unit and would ask for assistance in making transition identified in the fourteenth bullet. FOURTEENTH BULLET — Beaufort is requesting that it not be required install a composite sampler within two (2) months of the date of permit issuance. Instead the Town would request twelve (12) months to utilize hand sampling as described by draft while determining and evaluating "another method approved by Wilmington Regional Office" as compared to installing a composite sampler. If evaluation determines it best to install a composite sampler, time for planning and design will be needed to ensure having a Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle s Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St. • P.O. Box 390 . Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc ore workable composite sampler for the Glenda Drive WTP. It is not a simple plug -in -play exercise. The inherent nature of the three -step softener regeneration -backwash process, with each step having potential of different flow rates, times and salinity(s) provides a challenge for gathering a truly representative composite sample. Considering the physical limitations of the Glenda Drive WTP, the details are a challenge. The sampler will need power and a means of control, plus an appropriate location for taking the sample. The sample point must be a sufficient distance downstream of de -chlorination and in the presence of adequate flow to take samples. It will be necessary to create a sampling point and the existing gravity flow line to daylight does not readily lend itself to taking samples. The Town is understands the NPDES Unit requirement for taking a composite sample; Beaufort is only requesting time to make appropriate choice for composite sampling that works and provides a truly representative sample of the softener regeneration -backwash wastewater discharge. CLOSING COMMENT: The Town of Beaufort is serving approximately 4,000 people. These people form a small base of 3,000 customers receiving potable water from the Glenda Drive WTP. We ask that the NPDES Unit favorably consider the comments, suggestions, and requests being made by the Town of Beaufort in regard to the NPDES Permit covering the small softener regeneration - backwash discharge from the Glenda Drive WTP — part of the small water system providing potable water to the public in the Town of Beaufort. Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Mn Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St. • P.O. Box 390 • Beaufort, N.C. 28516 252-728-2141• 252-728-3982 fax www.beaufortnc.ora Thanks and call if you have any questions. Sincerely, 7 John Day Town Manager —Town of Beaufort cc: Frank Sansone, Jr. WTP ORC—Town of Beaufort Donovan H. Willis, Public Utilities Director —Town of Beaufort Honorable Rhett Newton, Mayor —Town of Beaufort Gale Smith, P.E. — Rivers & Associates, Inc Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Cefore the undersigned, a notary public of said County and State, duly commis- sioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Judy F. Allred who being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he (she) is Clerk (Owner, partner, publisher or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of THE CARTERET PUBLISHING CO., INC., engaged in the publication of a newspaper known as CARTERET COUNTY NEWS -TIMES, published, issued, and entered as second class mail in the Town of Morehead City, in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached here- to, was published in CARTERET COUNTY NEWS -TIMES on the following dates: 11/03/2017 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal adver- tisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a news- paper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the mean- ing of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This . 3rd day of November, 2017 (i nature o erson making affidavit) Sworn and subscribed to before me, this: 3rd day of November, 2017 �LODIB B �••i9 q VI. Notary Public tglMpril, iTes April 25, 2019 Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Management Commisslon/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments andror information requests to DWR at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our websae: htip://deq.nc.gov/about'divisions/water-resourcestwater-res ources-permitsrwastewater-brancWnpdes-wastewater/publi c-notices,or by calling (919) 807-6397. The Town of Beaufort requested renewal of NPDES permit NC0072702 for the Glenda Drive WTP in Carteret County. This permitted discharge will be treated softener backwash/ rinse wastewater to an unnamed tributary to Turner Creek in the White Oak River Basin. The Town of Beaufort has requested renewal of NPDES permit NCO072699 for the Pine Street WTP in Carteret County. This permitted discharge will be treated softener backwash/rinse wastewater to an unnamed tributary to Town Creek in the White Oak River Basin. N3 10104133 13580623 Young, Brianna A From: Potts, J Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2017 2:04 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: Draft NPDES permit for Ogden Nanofiltration WTP (NC0088307) No comment. Thank you. J. D. Potts Manager, Recreational Water Quality Program Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Division of Marine Fisheries Department of Environmental Quality (252) 808-8154 office (252) 726-8475 fax i.d.00tts(a ncdenrgov PO Box 769 5285 Hwy 70 West Morehead City, NC 28557 !'Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 10:08 AM To: Potts, J <j.d.potts@ncdenr.gov>; Ethridge, Mark <mark.ethridge@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Draft NPDES permit for Ogden Nanofiltration WTP (NC0088307) Good morning, Attached are draft permits for Ogden Nanofiltration WTP (NC0088307) and Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702), which were submitted to public notice this week. Please provide any comments by November 301h. Thank you, Brianna Young Environmental Senior Specialist Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-807-6333 Brianna.You ng(ancdenr.gov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NCO072702 Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Town of Beaufort/ Glenda Drive Water Treatment Plant Applicant Address: PO Box 390, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Facility Address: 412 Glenda Drive, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Permitted Flow Not limited. Design capacity is 0.005 MGD. Type of Waste: Filter backwash and Ion Exchange regeneration Facility/Permit Status: Renewal Facility Classification PC-1 County: Carteret Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: UT to Turner Creek, White Oak RB Regional Office: Wilmington Stream Classification: SA, HQW, PNA USGS Topo Quad: Beaufort 303(d) Listed? Yes; See below Permit Writer: Brianna Young Subbasin: 03-05-04 Date: 10/29/17 HUC 0302030105 Drainage Area mil : N/A Summer 7Q 10 cfs Tidal Winter 7Q 10 cfs : Tidal 30 2 cfs Tidal Average Flow cfs : Tidal IWC (%): 100% capped at 90% for WET Primary SIC Code: N/A SUMMARY The Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP is an Ion Exchange (Softener) Water Treatment Plant to treat ground water drawn from two wells. The facility is designed to provide 0.60 MGD of treated potable water. After softening, the water is treated by gaseous chlorination and hydrofluosilicic acid. The backwash and softener regeneration wastewater is estimated to be 0.005 MGD average at plant capacity of 0.6 MGD potable water. Recent operating data (April 2014 — May 2017) show a maximum monthly average discharge flowrate of 0.0258 MGD. The facility discharges the backwash wastewater after dichlorination with sodium bisulfite to an unnamed tributary to Turner Creek in the White Oak River Basin. The discharge is to a dry ditch with no normal flow except the discharge and storm water. The receiving stream (Turner Creek) is classified SA, HQW PNA waters in the White Oak River Basin. This reach is listed on the 2014 303(d) list — Shellfish growing area Conditionally approved closed (Fecal, SH, SA) (see below). 21-35-1-11-1 Turner Creek 51.8 S Acres SA;HQW From source to Davis Bay IRCategory: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: 5 EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Closed (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WTP Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NCO072702 Renewal Page 1 Permitting Strategy Permitting Strategy for Ion Exchange Water Treatment Plants is followed for this facility. Discharge Data Review and RPA The maximum Monthly Average flow was 0.025814 MGD in October 2016 (data from April 2014 to May 2017). RPA was performed for copper, zinc, and lead (data from October 2012 to May 2017). Copper and Zinc have RP, limits added with monthly monitoring. Lead showed no RP (no detects); monitoring retained as previous permit showed RP but reduced to quarterly. Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing The facility currently performs Quarterly Acute Toxicity monitoring using Mysidopsis bahia (Mysid shrimp) at 90% as required by the current permit. The facility has passed the previous 11 of 12 WET tests. WET testing should continue as Acute monitoring only with mysid shrimp at 90%. The WET testing language [A. (2.)] has been updated. 303(d) language for Draft/Final Cover Letters: "Please note that the receiving stream is listed as an impaired waterbody on the North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division, and instream data will continue to be evaluated. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment can be attributed to your facility, then mitigative measures may be required". Changes from the previous permit: • Updated outfall map • Added regulatory citations • Added parameter codes to effluent table in A(1) • Expiration month changed to allow full 5-year permit cycle • Added eDMR language in A(1) and added section A(3) • Updated language on Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet per 2012 WTP guidance • Moved pH limits from footnote to effluent table in A(1) • Flow sample type changed from estimate to instantaneous and measurement frequency changed to 2/month per 2009 WTP strategy since discharge is intermittent • Limits added for copper and zinc based on RPA and monitoring changed to monthly • Limits for lead removed since no RP to exceed water quality standards; monitoring reduced to quarterly • Sample type for all parameters except flow changed from grab to composite based on feedback received from WiRO (see below) o Compliance schedule added as well based on e-mail from WiRO (see comments below) • Footnote added to A(1) stating that composite sample should be made of equal volume collected every 15 mins during recharge cycle per WiRO comments • Changed TRC limit from just daily max to daily max and monthly average per 2009 WTP strategy • Updated tox footnote in A(1) — removed "Monitoring for Toxicity shall coincide with monitoring for metals and TRC." • Updated TRC footnote • Flow footnote added in A(1) • Updated tox language in A(2) Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WTP Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NC0072702 Renewal Page 2 PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE: Draft Permit to Public Notice: November 1, 2017 Permit Scheduled to Issue: STATE CONTACT: If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Brianna Young at (919) 807-6333, or by email at Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov. REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENT: Per phone call (7/20/17) with Jim Gregson and Dean Hunkele in WiRO and John Hennessy and Brianna Young in CO: • Sample type for all parameters has been changed from grab to composite based on feedback received from Frank Sansone (ORC) that he samples only during 1 st rinse cycle of recharge cycle (process involves 20 min rinse, 50-55 min brine recharge, 20-30 min rinse; Entire cycle totals —2 hrs) • Compliance schedule of 2 months added to install composite sampler or have another method approved by WiRO in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0503 (4) (per Jim Gregson's e-mail 10/19/17) Town of Beaufort, Glenda Drive WIT Fact Sheet NPDES Permit NCO072702 Renewal Page 3 Facility Name WWTPIWTP Class NPDES Permit Outfall Flow, Qw (MGD) Receiving Stream Stream Class 7010s (cfs) 7010w (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) CA (cfs) 1 Q10s (cfs) Data Source(s) Saltwater RPA 95% Probablity/95% Confidence MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 REQUIRED DATA ENTRY Table 1. Project Information Table 2. Parameters of Concern nCHECK IF HQW OR ORW WQS Name WOs Type Chronic Modifier Acute PQL Units Glenda Drive WTP PC-1 NC0072702 001 0.026 UT to Turner Creek SA, HOW, PNA Tidal, IWC = 100% 'twaterstreams are tidal resulting In all IWG %= 100%. approved model is conducted then a chronic dilution for is determined and can be applied to a discharge to culate its WC %. If a stream is classified as a SA or W then its is also classified as a HQW. The appropriate C % must be defined to property calculate WQS-based Par01 Par02 Par03 Par04 Fares Pares Par07 Par08 Pares Par10 Par11 Par12 Par13 Par14 Parl5 Par16 Par17 Paris Pieria Par20 Par21 Par22 Arsenic Aquatic Life C 36 SW 69 ug/L Arsenic Human Heaith C 10 HH ug/L Cadmium Aquatic Life NC 8.9 SW 40.2 ug/L Total Phenolic Compounds Aquatic Life NO 300 A 10 ug/L Chromium VI Aquatic Lire NC 50.4 SW 1107.8 ug/L Chromium, Total Aquatic Life NC N/A SW N/A ug/L Copper Aquatic Life NC 3.7 SW 5.8 ug/L Cyanide Aquatic Life NC 1 SW 1 10 ug/L Lead Aquatic Life NC 8.5 SW 220.8 ug/L Mercury Aquatic Life NC 25 SW 0.5 ng/L Molybdenum Human Health NC 2.0 HH mg/L. Nickel Aquatic Life NC 8.3 SW 74.7 ug/L Selenium Aquatic Life NC 71 SW ug/L Silver Aquatic Lire NC 0.1 SW 2.2 ug/L Zinc Aquatic Life NC 85.6 SW 95.1 ug/L NOTE: The aquatic life chronic and acute WQS for several metals are calculated based on EPA conversir see "piss. SW stds. As TM" for more details and summary of calculated WQS.. NC0072702_9595 SALTWATER RPA w_diss factors 20167a,input 10/6/2017 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS - DATA Copper Date Data BDL=112DL 1 10/2/2012 < 20 10 2 11/202012 < 10 5 3 12/4/2012 37 37 4 1/8/2013 < 10 5 5 21512013 < 10 5 6 3/512013 16 16 7 4/16/2013 18 18 8 5/212013 < 10 5 9 6/1112013 < 10 5 10 7/9/2013 < 10 5 11 817/2013 < 10 5 12 1011/2013 < 10 5 13 117/2014 14 14 14 2/18/2014 < 10 5 15 314/2014 < 10 5 16 4/8/2014 15 15 17 5/27/2014 < 10 5 18 6/3/2014 17 17 19 7/23/2014 32 32 20 826/2014 < 10 5 21 9/92014 < 10 5 22 1021/2014 15 15 23 11/32014 14 14 24 1223/2014 40 40 25 12012015 37 37 26 211712015 < 10 5 27 322015 188 188 28 4/72015 21 21 29 5/512015 < 10 5 30 623I2015 < 10 5 31 7114/2015 24 24 32 8/42015 < 10 5 33 9/l/2015 < 10 5 34 10162015 < 10 5 35 1113/2015 < 10 5 36 12112015 117 117 37 1/62016 31 31 38 2/2/2016 < 10 5 39 3/8/2016 < 10 5 40 4/5/2016 < 10 5 41 5/3/2016 < 10 5 42 6172016 < 10 5 43 7152016 < 10 5 44 6/2/2016 < 10 5 45 9/27/2016 < 10 5 46 10/112016 < 10 5 47 122012016 < 10 5 48 1/3/2017 < 10 5 49 217/2017 < 10 5 50 3/7/2017 26 26 54 4/412017 12 12 52 522017 < 10 5 53 54 55 56 57 58 Values" Ihen'COPT' . Maximum data points = 58 Results Std Des. 30.0220 Mean 16.3269 C.V. 1.8388 n 52 Mult Factor = 1.0700 Max. Value 188.00 ug/L Max. Fred C w 201.16 ug/L Lead Date Data BDL=112DL 1 10/2/2012 < 15 7.5 2 11/202012 < 10 5 3 12/4/2012 < 10 5 4 1/8/2013 < 10 5 5 215/2013 < 10 5 6 3/5/2013 < 10 5 7 4/16/2013 < 10 5 8 521/2013 < 10 5 9 6/11/2013 < 10 5 10 7/9/2013 < 10 5 11 8/7/2013 < 10 5 12 9/312013 < 0.01 0.005 13 10/112013 < 10 5 14 11/42013 < 10 5 15 12132013 < 10 5 16 1/712014 < 0.01 0.005 17 2118/2014 < 10 5 18 3/4/2014 < 10 5 19 4182014 < 10 5 20 5/272014 < 10 5 21 6132014 < 10 5 22 7/2312014 < 10 5 23 8/26/2014 < 10 5 24 9192014 < 10 5 25 10212014 < 10 5 26 11/312014 < 10 5 27 122312014 < 10 5 28 1/20/2015 < 10 5 29 2/17/2015 < 10 5 30 322015 < 10 5 31 4/72015 < 10 5 32 5/5/2015 < 10 5 33 6/2312015 < 10 5 34 7114/2015 < 10 5 35 8/42015 < 10 5 36 9/12015 < 10 5 37 10/62015 < 10 5 38 1113/2015 < 10 5 39 12/12015 < 10 5 40 1/6/2016 < 10 5 41 2/212016 < 10 5 42 318/2016 < 10 5 43 41&2016 < 10 5 44 51312016 < 10 5 45 6172016 < 10 5 46 71512016 < 10 5 47 802016 < 10 5 48 91272016 < 10 5 49 1011112016 < 10 5 50 11/9/2016 < 10 5 51 12202016 < 10 5 52 1/3/2017 < 10 5 53 2/72017 < 10 5 54 3n2017 < 10 5 55 4/4/2017 < 10 5 56 5/2/2017 < 10 5 57 58 Values" then "COF Maximum data points = 58 Results I Std Dev. 1.0013 Mean 4.8663 C.V. 0.2058 n 56 Mull Factor = 1.00 Max. Value 7.50 uglL Max. Pred Cw O DETECTS uglL NCO072702_9595 SALTWATER RPA w_diss factors 20167a,data Date) REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS - DATA Zinc =.ZZOmdare point= 58 Date Data BDL=112DL Results 1 10/2/2012 < 20 10 Std Dev. 18.5621 2 11/20/2012 14 14 Mean 10.8077 3 12/4/2012 11 11 C.V. 1.7175 4 1/8/2013 < 10 5 n 52 5 2/5/2013 < 10 5 6 3l5/2013 < 10 5 Mult Factor = 1,0700 7 4/16/2013 < 10 5 Max. Value 123.0 ug/L 8 6/21/2013 < 10 5 Max. Pred Cw 131.6 ug/L 9 6/11/2013 < 10 5 10 7/9/2013 < 10 5 11 8/7/2013 < 10 5 12 10/1/2013 < 10 5 13 1/7/2014 11 11 14 V18/2014 19 19 15 3/4/2014 < 10 5 16 4/8/2014 < 10 5 17 5/27/2014 < 10 5 18 6/3/2014 < 10 5 19 7/23/2014 < 10 5 20 8/26/2014 < 10 5 21 9/9/2014 < 10 5 22 10/21/2014 < 10 5 23 11/3/2014 < 10 5 24 12/23/2014 < 10 5 25 1/20/2015 68 68 26 2/17/2015 24 24 27 3/2/2015 21 21 28 4/7/2015 < 10 5 29 5/5/2015 < 10 5 30 6/23/2015 < 10 5 31 7/14/2015 < 10 5 32 8/412015 < 10 5 33 9/l/2015 < 10 5 34 10/6/2015 < 10 5 35 11/3/2015 < 10 5 36 12/1/2015 14 14 37 1/6/2016 < 10 5 38 2/2/2016 < 10 5 39 318/2016 15 15 40 4/5/2016 < 10 5 41 5/312016 < 10 5 42 6/7/2016 14 14 43 7/5/2016 123 123 44 8/2/2016 < 10 5 45 9/27/2016 < 10 5 46 10/11/2016 < 10 5 47 12/20/2016 < 10 5 48 1/312017 < 10 5 49 2/7/2017 11 11 50 317/2017 17 17 51 4/4/2017 < 10 5 52 5/212017 < 10 5 53 54 55 56 57 58 NC0072702_9595 SALTWATER RPA w_diss factors 20167a,data Date) Outfall 001 Glenda Drive WTP NCO072702 Saltwater RPA 95% Probablity/95% Confidence MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 Qw(MGD)= 0.03 IQIOS (cfs)= Tidal, IWC =100% 7QIOS (cP) = Tidal, IWC = 100% 7QIOW (cfs)= Tidal, IWC = 100% 30Q2 (cfs) = Tidal, IWC =100% Avg. Stream Flow, QA (cfs) = Tidal, IWC = 100% Receiving Stream: LIT to Turner Creek WWTPIWTP Class: PC-1 IWC% @ IQIOS = 100 IWC%@7QIOS= 100 IWC%@7QIOW= 100 IWC%@3OQ2= 100 IWC%@QA= 100 Stream Class: SA, HOW, PNA Qw = 0.025814 MGD YOU HAVE DESIGNATED THIS RECEIVING STREAM AS HOW OR ORW. PARAMETER TYPE NC STANDARDS OR EPA CRITERIA REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS (1) RECOMMENDED ACTION Chronic Acute S�nlidad II # Del Max Pred Cw Allowable Cw Acute: 2.90 RPA - Apply monthly monitoring with limit Copper NC 1.85 SW(7QI05) 2.9 ug/L 52 18 201.16 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Chronic:-----1.85 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RPA- Apply monthly monitoring with limit--- 52 values > Allowable Cw Acute: 110.40 No detects Lead NC 4�5 SW(7Q105) 110.4 ug/L 56 0 NO DETECTS _ __ Chronic:—_—_-4.25 _ _ _ No detects--.—_____________—___ Max MDL= 15 Acute: 47.6 RPA- Apply monthly monitoring with limit zinc NC 42.8 SW(7QIOs) 47.55 ug/L 52 13 131.61 Chronic----42.8 -- RPA - Apply monthly monitoring with limit 2 values > Allowable Cw NCO072702_9595 SALTWATER RPA w disc factors 20167a,ma Page 1 of 1 10/6/2017 12014 AU Number: I IAU Name: I 20-36-10 Spooner Creek From source to Bogue Sound White Oak River Basin Area: AU Units: 7 Classification: 28.9 S Acres SA;HQW IRCategory: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: 5 EC Shellfish Growing Area -Prohibited (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 20-36-3 Taylor Bay 81.9 S Acres SA;ORW Entire Bay 2Category: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: i EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Open (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2008 21-35-1-12a2 The Straits 2.2 S Acres SA;HQW From Core Sound to North River excluding conditionally approved open section in north west portion adjacent to North River IRCategory: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: 5 EC Shellfish Growing Area -Prohibited (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2008 21-35-1-12b The Straits 94.1 S Acres SA;HQW Conditionally approved open section in north west portion adjacent to North River 2Category: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: i EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Open (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 21-35-1-Sa Thomas Creek 4.1 S Acres SA;HQW From source to North River tCategory: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: i EC Shellfish Growing Area -Prohibited (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 21-35-1-Sb Thomas Creek 0.4 S Acres SA;HQW From source to North River 2Category: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: i EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Open (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 21-35-1-11-1 Turner Creek 51.8 S Acres SA;HQW From source to Davis Bay 2Category: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: i EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Closed (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2002 21-35-7-25 Tush Creek 42.8 S Acres SA;ORW From source to Core Sound 2Category: ACS: Parameter Of Interest: Collection Year: 303(d) yr: i EC Shellfish Growing Area -Conditionally Approved Open (Fecal, SH, SA) 2010 2008 2014 NC 303(d) List -Category 5 Final December 19, 2014 Page 134 of 149 Young, Brianna A From: Gregson, Jim Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 3:12 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: Pine Street WTP (NC0072699) and Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702) I would give them two months from the date of permit issuance to install a sampler or have another method approved by the Regional Office in accordance with 213.0503 (4). Jim Gregson Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7386 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Jirn.gregson(@ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 1:53 PM To: Gregson, Jim <jim.gregson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hunkele, Dean <dean.hunkele@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Pine Street WTP (NC0072699) and Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702) Hello Jim, I am following up on the e-mail below concerning new composite sampling for two permits and whether a compliance schedule is needed to allow time for installation of a sampler, or if WiRO would be willing to work with each facility on a sampling procedure that would constitute composite sampling. If possible, I would like to submit these permits to public notice on November 11t. Dean, I did not realize I accidentally left you off of the previous e-mail. I apologize. If either of you could provide guidance on this, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Brianna Brianna Young Environmental Senior Specialist Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-807-6333 Bria n na. You no (a) ncden r. q ov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Friday, October 06, 2017 2:32 PM To: Gregson, Jim <lim.¢reason(a)ncdenr.aov> Subject: Pine Street WTP (NC0072699) and Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702) Good afternoon Jim and Dean, I am currently working on the renewal for the Pine Street WTP (NC0072699) and Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702) in Carteret County. For these permit renewals, sampling is being changed from grab to composite for all parameters other than flow based on a previous phone call between you, Dean, John, and myself. This is the first time composite sampling is being required for these permits. Do you believe a compliance schedule should be added to the draft permit to allow the permittee time to install a sampler? If so, what language or timeline would you like to see in the draft permit? Thanks, Brianna Brianna Young Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-807-6333 Brianna.Young(a.ncdenr.00v Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and Pram this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Young, Brianna A From: Frank Sansone <F.Sansone@beaufortnc.org> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 2:43 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: Glenda drive information 2014 Attachments: discharge Jan 140001.pdf, discharge Feb 140001.pdf; discharge Mar 140001.pdf; discharge April 140001.pdf, discharge May 140001.pdf, discharge July 140001.pdf, Discharge August 140001.pdf Miss Brianna, Attached are the laboratory results you requested for 2014. Frank Sansone Town of Beaufort Water Systems ORC (252) 728-2130 (office) (252) 241-0651(cell) f.sansone@beaufortnc.org 1 Young, Brianna A From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 3:18 PM To: 'Frank Sansone' Cc: j.day@beaufortnc.org'; Donovan Willis;'bftstanley@beaufortnc.org' Subject: Request for additional information for Glenda Drive WTP (NC0072702) Importance: High Good afternoon Mr. Sansone, The Division has reviewed your application for the subject permit. To enable us to complete our review in accordance with N.C.G.S. 143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H.0105, please provide additional or revised information to address the following comments: Please provide lab data sheets for the following months: 2013 — February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October 2014 — January, February, March, April, May, July, August In reviewing the DMR data for the Glenda Drive WTP, the values reported for Copper, Lead, and Zinc are reported as both ug/I and mg/I. For example, DMR data for Zinc in January 2013 reports <10 ug/I and February 2013 reports <10 mg/I. If these values have been reported in error, please submit revised DMRs to the Division. In addition, please provide an accurate schematic of the Glenda Drive WTP. This schematic should contain the locations of all sampling points, provide the flow of water through the facility (from raw water intake to the outfall and distribution system), the locations of where chlorine, hydrofluosilic acid, and sodium bisulfite are added to the water during treatment, and where the water used for backwash comes from. Please provide this information within 60 calendar days [per 15A NCAC 2H .0107(b)]. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this request. Thank you, Bdanna Young Environmental Specialist Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-807-6333 Brianna.Young a(7.ncdenr.,qov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Young, Brianna A From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 4:37 PM To: Young, Brianna A Cc: Mairs, Robb L Subject: RE: NCO072699 Pine St WTP Renewal Importance: High The water treatment consists of 3 processes to make it into potable water and I think they are sequential for each processing cycle. Each process has a backwash or dirty discharge out the same outfall pipe that is not placed into a pond or tank to comingle or composite itself so it can be sampled altogether. They are only sampling the waste stream from one of these processes for both monthly and toxicity purposes; Frank admitted the brine recharge is being overlooked so not to fail toxicity and perhaps other thing. Glenda Drive NCO072702 is being done exactly the same. So the question is should each process have its own Outfall in the permit for reporting as a grab and what one should have the toxicity assigned to it or do they need to composite all 3 processes? This is somewhat related to the West Carteret WTP NCO077143 that supposedly has composite sampling requirement yet they have 3 distinct processing discharges on differing schedules between daily/weekly/monthly that has been questioned about how do you composite it and ensure we are seeing the key results from the key process of concern. I am not sure what dictates if composite or grab for these, do you know? Most WTP's fail toxicity and the thought is that the ones that don't or only periodically is due to sampling protocol; this is what Julie G and some of us were looking at several years ago. Most of the ones I am familiar have a common tank, pond, or series of ponds this all goes to be mixed that is sampled from. I am just not that knowledgeable about WTPs. Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7380 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Dean. Hunkele@ncdenr.¢ov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 http://deg.nc.gov/contact/regional-offices/wilmington Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The goal of the Fast Track sewer permit program is to issue a permit in no more than 30 business days from receipt of a complete application and if no additional information has to be requested upon full review. Please use the Department's Permit Application Tracker to determine the official application receipt date to allow you to estimate a date for Issuance and find the reviewer's name. Once issued, the record stays on the site for 30 days. For previously issued sewer permit info or to check on sewer certification receipt status, please use the Division's Sewer Extension Permit Tracker. Using the Issue Date on top of the Engineer Certification Form is best way to ensure getting what you want especially for multi -version permits; using today's date only gives info on the latest permit version. Confirmation using this method will replace letters and emoils: it is recommended that confirmation be Printed and/or saved. Links to both trackers can be found on the sewer permitting site here: httos:Hdeg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources- Permits/oeres/col lection-systems-perm its Subscribe to Collection System Updates listserve to receive automatic alerts for changes to applications, policies, regulations, etc. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 3:37 PM To: Hunkele, Dean <dean.hunkele@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Mairs, Robb L<robb.mairs@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: NC0072699 Pine St WTP Renewal Dean, I am currently working on the renewal for the Pine Street WTP (NC0072699), and after reviewing the staff report you provided, I had a question. You mentioned that there are 3 processes that result in a discharge but only one is being sampled. Do you mean that there are 3 outfalls, and only one is being currently sampled? Or is sampling occurring at only one process prior to the discharges of all processes combining and going to the outfall? Any guidance is much appreciated. Thanks, Brianna Brianna Young Environmental Specialist Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-807-6333 Brian na.Younciencdenr. oov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 4:06 PM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Younia@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Mairs, Robb L <robb.mairs@ncdenr.eov> Subject: NC0072699 Pine St WTP Renewal Importance: High Brianna, See comment in summary about number of discharges and their sampling. Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Young, Brianna A From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 12:26 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: UoMs for metals at NCO072702 and NCO072699 Importance: High I just got your Add -Info letter for Pine Street and looks like it is sort of related to this. They didn't start using a-DMR until November and no telling if data processing would have caught and changed their reported UoM on previous submittals versus what BIMS was populating. The primary ORC Frank was out in Nov & some of December and doesn't look like UoM were changed in 12-2016 from what BIMS was populating if they did indeed measure in ug/L. This has always a problem on parameter monitoring with no limits, the Permitee had no idea what uoM we were looking for as it wasn't indicated in the tables. Same went for the codes not being provided and some using expired or wrong codes. Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7380 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Dean. Hunkele@ ncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 http://deg.nc.gov/contact/­regional-offices/wilmington Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The goal of the Fast Track sewer permit program is to Issue a permit in no more than 30 business days from receipt of a complete application and if no additional information has to be requested upon full review. Please use the Departments Permit Application Tracker to determine the official application receipt date to allow you to estimate a date for Issuance and find the reviewer's name. Once issued, the record stays on the site for 30 days. For previously issued sewer permit info or to check on sewer certification receipt status, please use the Division's Sewer Extension Permit Tracker. Using the Issue Date on top of the Engineer Certification Form is best way to ensure getting what you want especially for multi -version permits; using today's date only gives info on the latest permit version. Confirmation using this method will replace letters and emoils: it is recommended that confirmation be printed and/or saved. Links to both trackers can be found on the sewer permitting site here: httos://deg nc.gov/a bout/d ivisio ns/wate r-resou rces/water-reso u rces- Permits/peres/collection-systems-permits Subscribe to Collection System Updates Iistserve to receive automatic alerts for changes to applications, policies, regulations, etc. From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11:56 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Cc:'F.Sansone@beaufortnc.org' <F.Sansone@beaufortnc.org>; Donovan Willis (Beaufort) <D.Willis@beaufortnc.org> Subject: UoMs for metals at NCO072702 and NCO072699 Importance: High Brianna, Currently, these permits have different UoMs for the metals and they are having them both analyzed in ug/L. However, Pine St NCO072699 is being populated in mg/L every month in a-DMR because that is how BIMS is set up and they would like them to be the same. Is there any reason they would be different other than Glenda has a Lead limit in ug/L? If not, can we get Charles to change current permit for Pine St to ug/L and have both renewals issued in ug/L? Thanks Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7380 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Dean.HunkeleCalncdenr.gov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 http://deg.nc.gov/contact/regional-offices/wilmington Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The goal of the Fast Track sewer permit program is to Issue a permit in no more than 30 business days from receipt of a complete application and if no additional information has to be requested upon full review. Please use the Department's Permit Application Tracker to determine the official application receipt date to allow you to estimate a date for Issuance and find the reviewer's name. Once issued, the record stays on the site for 30 days. For previously issued sewer permit info or to check on sewer certification receipt status, please use the Division's Sewer Extension Permit Tracker. Using the Issue Date on top of the Engineer Certification Form is best way to ensure getting what you want especially for multi -version permits; using todayh date only gives info on the latest permit version. Confirmation using this method will replace letters and emails• it is recommended that confirmation be printed and/or saved. Links to both trackers can be found on the sewer permitting site here: https:/Ideg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources- perm its/peres/co Ilection-systems-germ its Subscribe to Collection System Updates listserve to receive automatic alerts for changes to applications, policies, regulations, etc. Young, Brianna A From: Hunkele, Dean Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11:56 AM To: Young, Brianna A Cc: F.Sansone@beaufortnc.org; Donovan Willis (Beaufort) Subject: UoMs for metals at NCO072702 and NCO072699 Importance: High Brianna, Currently, these permits have different UoMs for the metals and they are having them both analyzed in ug/L. However, Pine St NCO072699 is being populated in mg/L every month in a-DMR because that is how BIMS is set up and they would like them to be the same. Is there any reason they would be different other than Glenda has a Lead limit in ug/L? If not, can we get Charles to change current permit for Pine St to ug/L and have both renewals issued in ug/L? Thanks Dean Hunkele Senior Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7215 Reception Desk 910.796.7380 Direct 910.350.2004 Fax Dean.Hunkele@ ncdenr.¢ov Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 http://deg.nc.gov/contact/regional-off ices/wiIminston J,J;q be tAk"lea r) I core Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties The goal of the Fast Track sewer permit program is to issue a permit in no more than 30 business days from receipt of a complete application and if no additional information has to be requested upon full review. Please use the Department's Permit Application Tracker to determine the official application receipt date to allow you to estimate a date for issuance and find the reviewer's name. Once issued, the record stays on the site for 30 days. For previously issued sewer permit Info or to check on sewer certification receipt status, please use the Division's Sewer Extension Permit Tracker. Using the Issue Date on top of the Engineer Certification Form is best way to ensure getting what you want especially for multi -version permits; using today's date only gives info on the latest permit version. Confirmation using this method will replace letters and emails; it is recommended that confirmation be printed and/or saved. Links to both trackers can be found on the sewer permitting site here: https•//deo nc gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources- pe rmits/pe res/col lection-systems-perm its Subscribe to Collection System Updates listserve to receive automatic alerts for changes to applications, policies, regulations, etc.