HomeMy WebLinkAboutRandolph_Well Abandonment_20231006 (3) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Far lmcroal Use ONLY: This foi nt thn lie used foe sit le o r multipla ivells' 1.Well,Cantractor Inrornration: WELL ARANDONNIENT DETAIL S Rich Lemire 7a.Number of ii'el s being al►indniied:,1 WeR 61ractorhaare for srcll ounu 1,erSorially abindan rin tell on hisi ter{ttupeny) Fa• rrnrinple Nlleafon, or r,Y,n-WeltfY wells ONLY with Av sane. emutrrrcrrar�5n,riirxtrnt7rt,,IY+r+(yo?'Viow1+f r�'!L f lrAL 2593A N6 WcI1 CoatractartAniliaitiau Nuu(icr 7b.Approximate Volume rtf rFatrr rempining in*cII(s)NoL (gaL) !. SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WFLI S ONLY: Con4,an}.t+ante 7c,Type of disinfictatrt usegl:CHLORINE .2,`Vct(Conatiuctiou Pt.,t'tnit d:, 7607-MSWLF-2015, Id�f till r+,vplrei bla tsrtlimrrrridr lT.e-Crvi+ly,Srela•:1'artrirme,Lrjectlo, etc:!tf kirc,ts,+ 7d.Amount of dlslttfcti[ant ttst4l:2 oz 3.'1V�l.use(eb"ccl.w�cll use}: , Water Supply Well: 70,Scaling dtatcriadsuscd(cWcl:all that apply), ❑Asriatlturat ❑NlanicipalrPttblic fed Nazi CcnicntQ1Q t u 2_: ;' ,a:'Z!', cruonitc Chiles or P;.Mts ❑(limitctmd(HcatineCooling Supply} C]ltc4ictentutl l4ater St�ppl}'tsin,le) GI Satin Centeitt Gvo tl Dry CLry� ❑lndustriallf ommcrcial 1711tcsidcntial Water Supply(shared) ❑Couctetc Grou[ OCT 0l . 13 2023 ❑ Drill Culling Mitigation •O Specialt}Grottt ❑ Gravel Bet Non-Water Su h•�Fcll: 0douite IJ b'ttrer(explain under 7g) Mmajillorine ORecovery lujcction Well: X For.each material selected above,provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Rccfiarac ❑Gtoundtyaler Rentedintian Neat Cem.-241b ,Wtr•144gal. Sand Cem.•1b ,Wtr•gal. DALIk r Storage and Rtcbvery Malihitp Barrio Bentonite.:71b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Tasi I]Slomnvit[er U�ntinugc _ ❑E\petintaadal-Tcxhtioloee. ❑Subsidertre Catuml 7^,Provide a brief description of the abaudnnment proecdun: Motheriml(Closed Loop) OTrmer 00eathemraltF1r:itiWCoalinrtRentm} ®Othcc(erplain under 7g) TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO TOP. a.Date n'clt(s).abandnncgl: 8-29-2023 $a.Well location: GREAT OAKES LANDFILL PZA-5 Facilit}'IQmnrNuins FaciliIVIDIV(1NPplic1b10 S.Cettifl+:ttlan: /7 3597 Old Cedar Falls Rd, Randleman, 27317 �"� . t {/ �/r�r�4 9/6/2023 Physical Address.City,and Zip 5ig;61nrc ott_. iliwl Neil Couirrinr or IVe11(1x•mr 1111C RANDLEMAN Hie-signing this form, t hemby certify-that Orr iralll) li-ax there}irbandoned in i'aunry P=Cl 1dd ff"D vinallo.(PIN) rr6conhi+tcc trdlh t 1t 11;CrIC 02C,0100 0r 2C.0200 ll•'ell Col istruc on S16rijbirejs rind street a copy of dr(s record hosbecn prouiped to Oro.ieell oinmr. 5b,T�idtu de and longitude in dcgr ccslntinutcslsccnrids or tlCcim;d.cl�;r ccs: (ifn•cu t',td,tim L161(ma ics i0'icietrr) 9.Sito diagram or addldonal well detallc: You ruiv.use ilia back of this page to'piolide additional well site dirdils or well 729122.22 �* 1777883.65 �� abandonment detaits. You tray also attach additiotraf pages if twc�sary- CONSTRUC-HON DWTAIL.S OF WELLS}BEING ABAN130NED SURNITTTAT,INSTRUCTTONI Atfadr 11�-P cnas+recliun rrrnnils:+!j'avntlral,le. Fur"nn,leple by--riuir r,r iwin-uxriw-mpptr 14VIA-ONLY u•ulMW5tm,ervrcirrrxtiru:'argn,har++:tMtr.ldWYcm+submirairtuner. Ifs For All Wells: Submit this fortis within 30 dims of eempietion of ivel) 6a.Well lDg•PZA-5 abandoumcni to this following: 13irishm of Water-Remiurcts,dafirrmation Pr6ce-ming Unit, 6b.Total well depth: 44 (It,) 1617 ALail Senice Center,Raleigh.N'C 27699-1617 10b.rite Tnlr tigin Wells: In ariditiot}to sending the fRrai to ilia addtess[it i0a e•25 above,also subudl Otte copy of this frin.w'ithiu 30 days df completion of well 6c.Rorckalc diameter. (ire.} abandonment to the-following: 6d.Water leFc!bclriw'grnand sttrfaco {fr.) Division of Water Resources,Underl round lei jectiou�Coutl;rl Mgram, i0e,Nlail Scree Center,Raleigh.NiC 2769)1636 6c.Outer casing Icarth(Iflmow a): (ft.) 1tic,rnr &freesia r}};gilt': In addition to,sending the foma to the address(es) abode. also submit one copy of this R)rni Within 30 days oP completion of Wrll abandoumem to thc�eiiunty health department of the county whcrc alaindoncd, 6f,Inner easinWtul►iog length(if lmotyn): (ft.) I 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) Fmnr QW-30 Nanh Camlim Naptli em of Pm•irounient aiA Naomi Resou ces-Divistoa of WarerR0;ourtis Revised Augusa 30 l3 i