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Randolph_Well Abandonment_20231006
WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For ldmutiUscONLY: � rMs.faun pit be used for singte.or nudiip[e wells 1.Well CoutratWr tnf r ortuation: ` �� 3&fit.L ABAND41Nh1ENT DETAILS II Brian Ewing 7a,Kutnber of wt:lls being altaudoned:.1 Well C'otvranorNaaw(4rirelluureiikRdiLj[ a44% nin6xta, .onl/.ur'preticny) For n+trlopla Pnjrrfar a' awn-11 ej. 9irpp! . wells .ONLY wab A wne e tierrfrcribY+ll�5J111'J'fNfrNt�7lr,ynr+etvr,sa+hrn tnri..for+n; 4240-B NC IVdt Conlragdr Ccitifi,�lion NnitrSci 7b.Arptosimate vg.lnine of hater i in:tinin-in (g SAEDACCO FOR NYATr4,R_S.UPPi,X wMLS ONLY: Courpany Nam 7e.Typ of disinfectant eyed: 2.Well Coustruct[ou Peradt N: ,6g 41lipp110ble't ell p wnd&(7:.-i^+x+nn.stag,Yurlamv.Infe ifam.ettt ffkhown 7d.ArnounI of Ad ifi&daut used: 3.Wdt ear(eheLlcweu nee): Water Supply Welt 7a Scaling inpiMals usc+l(chgcic all that apply): pADricnitttctl • plvtitnicipal%E'ttbt[c. tR.Neat CcM*Q"t,C p sciuonitc Chips or Rlicts 00tcr , witn;d `(Hcatinr f Co9lit>p Slgtply) pE;csidtntin[Water S'tiDP�'LsirigiC) D Sand�entenl Gtnutr`,����:�z��^Y ,r�ry C(ay� ❑IndustriaMomnicrOil ❑Rcsideutitrl Water y-„ ❑COnCrete`Grout '" Vgq—D j1 Cut Iin pPt}'Cshurcd) ❑Ini tear l7 Spec ialtp Gruui - OCT O �' 2�230 GratM1 Non-V►'aterSuppiy��c01; C]Bentoidle:5l`f[l PJ Oiber(e_vxplainunder7g) '1l live ®hiouitoring. ❑ReL:otery. �. . +r .. Injection Wclh 7f,For each material scQclteiGhb_b prat do soatit Of.ntatcrials used: pAquiferltccha%e pGrauridriaferRentedLttidn Neat Cem.:471b ,Wtr:3gal.l Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. OAti"i Sionrge a Retrovety naulinity Barrier 13Aiptifer Tts1 ❑St6i metier Dniirfade ❑Evpeinitetitul Tixltut►[elgy []Subsidence Giittroi 7g.Provide a brief description of the abaudaument proectlune: DGeothetmal(ClosedLoop) 1_1Teacer tiemi from-the bottom to'surface Mwifienuat(Heclim'CoolinaRemo ®O&,r.(explain under7 ). 4.Data n'cll(s).abtindancd: 9-6-23 I Sa.Well tucad6u.. I Tram Lumber Company raci11WChvtvrNamc Cxilh,;1De(fapplimblg) $•Ccrli(Tcatioii: 485 Burney Rd,. Asheboro, NC 27205 Brian Ewe n 9/19/2023 Physical Addtcm;City;acid Zip 5iilirinR of Ctisti!tcd LVell'Coturrgcir 0,,r':fl givR r t7tUe Randolph llt+atfmtr{g this frirnt,.i bereby cerryy,dhv the n•e11(s) was(trove)a8m+doned nr Cocioty f-trcl ld}Wrbcat(oirNo..(PiNj accoirlanie inith 15 i'AUlC 0e,0100.or 2C.0200 hell Cvustivrliori slawk)rrls and dral a copar of71rrs record hoN beery provided to tlee.ti ell owuen- Sb.,1 ztittidc'and Buugitnile'in,to mcr lirilRateslsccnnds ar decim (ir.Lil degrccs; ' scll ewht,are. 9.Site diagram or additioual uell.ticrnlis: You mly use r1k ba&of this page to prowitle additional wel sits details of tirell N W abaudowneni details:*You tuay also:.smelt adtlitioual pates if"necLssuty. CONSTRUCTiON.DETAILS Ott WELL(Si'BEING ABANDONED &IAMiTTAL MSTRLTM. ONS :trrntl+11Y"11 CYl2Y1rLC1(U11/L'LW[tr3+'tj Oi'o7lraG?c. l�c'v mu/nplr.rile�rii+re.vr rwn-uxttcr.wpplp ' 10h ONLI(widt 11m call srdUtu2Wrefurm 10a; For All Welts: Submit use`s fotrn tiitltin 30 daY5 of completion of well Ga Well m •TN1W-1 abandonmenttb'thc followlkir Division of Water RcsouruA,Information Processing Unit; 6b.Total t►c(1 depth: 30. 1617 N1+iil Service Cchter,•Raleigii,hf'-27699-1617 (ft.) 10b.l'irr liticetlon_\4'rlls: hi addition to senditig the form to the address in l0a (lu:) abort,also subtnit one copy of dies forth tvidiiii 30 days of comptetion'of cell 6c 8orchole diameter,l - ttbiitidoanteu4 to the fallowing: , ; Divislou.of WUlcrResources;.iTudcrgtotruti'Lijrctfan Conitvl Prnsram, 6(L Water kvF l below groand;;rtrfaece (ft;) i636 Ntail Service:(cheer,Raleigh,hC 27699-1636 Gc..nutcrcasin ten ) 10c.RE Water 8unniv e&Lilation Wens: In addition to seodit revs the fomr_to g o(if kmawtt ' ( ) the'address(es), 'e abo . also subrnif oite copy of tht faint within 30 days of completion of►yell abandamnetu to!t6c county health'departntetd of the counts' 6G InnercasinWhiiiing Length(ifiasown): VW svluro a(xtndonccl. 6g.Scr&a length(if Irnortn):10 (ft.) Farm GtV-a0 Nonh Carotltn Depanurni of Pnciroeancnl aW Natural Resouxcs-INvisian of Waterltesl ems Revised A gun 2013 I i I l : WELL ABANDONII+IEN.T RECORD Far Ida-maUsdONLY' 't"IM fount e=ikbdi ukd for sitagteot`tntdtipte.tsmlls T,Will Cdntractot tnfarniati0ni BELL ADAN60NMEN'C OtTA tM:S Brian Ewing 7:a.Number of mclls lacing ahgndu cil:.l SYcltt�or eracabrh°curs(4r aettu}a persginlly iti�n innlna raell.o>i Si vlli;r"priSiCuy y Rul erfdapk flyiw0jr cv, rxw=tihter sun16, ue1t3� .©VLY wifh flea •sae m ztiAaeitrirctfai'm6rrudrnieurRu,�nrr rou s�+livr�t cateJform, 4240-B FIC Well ContragorCcnif libtr Nitirrber 74.Appiokimsiteinlnmt ratiiat�rernaiuin Tnwcll(s}t SAEDACCO FOR WATERSUPPL Y WELES ONI Cant ury Nae+c. 7e.Tmk of disin f eciant n3ed: J, 2.well.construction Permit 11: I13trr11nfplttttbteiiefFl:rrritti/iaCoagv.Si.ve 4HariGV_Ljezffw4,dYt: fu,uWre. X.Amount.of.&-infectant usa., 3.Well uk(hod:Wen use). Water Supply Well:, Tc.Sealing iaiytciitilsitse+l(elaSct;all thaE apply): Oftficadtt 6l: 171v4anicrp111PtlErlic 'L-v Y f. Gm4nite Chips:otPellets::6d'.N�lt Ccnreti(.u(�aou�" f](irnthermM(Mcad!►��f Coaling Supply) f3Residcntrpt%Vater:$I ipply(inglcJ 17 Sraucl Ceniod C..P CIO, ❑batrrstriaUCoannrcrcial ❑Residential Wat€r Snpply,(sharcd) ❑.ConMt Grout O C T V ElDtill Meetings ❑Teti fion O"5pecitiltyGapttl O 2023"a Gravel Nan-Watcr.5u(aply AA16: CI EettlOnite Sla�i t:?� ?r -s a 7 ittier Ec�Tlaiu under 7gj ®h9onitodng- �Rtx:at•en Crs•u�r'��:?tz injection Nell: 7f.For each tuaterial selected above;proside atnount'of materials used: gagriifer Recharge ❑Gru�ttndriater RernedLuion Neat,Cem.•471b. ,Wtr•3ga1.' Sand Cem.•1b ,Wtr•gal. DAgttifci Siopgi and 110(wety 0SAinity Barrierr, ❑rlyirifer lest []5ttiinntvter 17r>iitiage ❑E rairrientnl Tee latialogv I7Subsldettc�Corittiil 7g,Providr:a li i:f iliscriptiou'af the abaitdonmrent pracidure: t7Geoihemral(CiosedImp) Cttm r- tremi. from the bottom toi'surface .C3C=themial(Heatiom''Cooling Remm) C30tltcrlimplain under-72). P. t,Elatkwell(s).abafndoncd 976-23 S&L Well totititin: Tram Lumber company FAotlUyir,rrtprNtum: FadlitViDN(fapplicablc) $:_cettiittcation: 485.Burney Rd, Asheboro, NC 27205 Brian Ewing. 9/19/2023 Physical Address;Cuy;slid gig Stgrirlrrc�arCectire+t Welt Cadr s+rcrr 4r;r.'dl fli�'rnr p qe Randolph Ili;sefrrit�g this fcia�m,.f IrenBy`certrfy.thnt the ttyllfsj 9,qs(trerg)a8andwied he Cauuij lY.=0 ldw i&Vaft No.(PIN) avvq tkutes with 154'X01C it2 L ;p1OO.ur X-0204 Veit C<uis7ruufori.aeirickrrds and 71ra1,n 6ep3�at&1.r a ecurd Ims be'to provided to tlre.frell or;firer.• Sb._L��ttihidcandlangtr�aic"in.de�cs"timfttutes/sccbndsordcciitt,•il'dcf�rces: (&&ell O&W,ora�1,�rguty is$nt *111) 9.Sito diagram Or addltloaat�rlt ilct tlis: You." ,ttse the hoc}:of tWs' pa o to'proti,ldc,-additiotial well.sits delails:oi well N iY aliandoinuetil de` ails You tua�'�I�o;istuclt adilitio►tul pales if teeccn_ (.YINSTRuL-noN,nETA1L5 oy WELL(3b"ttpINC.ABAND4}NRD :kjMjE TTAL TNSTRLiCTT0 :t11r7d'e Nrll eyrriylYuelreutn!twill;J'!j aiic7lraGF� �Iiir neultlplc ii�e�irirLe.rrr"raan•nxrhr sttpplj� u efts ONLY.ri 11h.t1 aysre a oxsirm fdmNar r rrrhyrri tall,r we eun aibieit w�iFiim 1Q;p:•Far All Vcltc: Submit 11i S;fatm Within 30 d -S of i ompletian of titirll 6a.Wait M#:TMN-3 16tandtinrltcitt to the'f'ollattiin Divigi6n of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Ceuta,Ralcegh,NC 276/91617 6b.Total well.depth: 30 (ft} 101t.Far_iittectiain wells: Ht additibu to sending tbcf6nu to thi adduess in l0a Gc.ftoechole diametet.1 (In;} abut e:Am stibinit.one copy.of This faun tsithiit 30 daays of completion,of well :lbuodonnrertt td the,falloasittg_ Gtl.Natcr lcrel..helaie grotencl stiefaec�• (fQ:} Divisiott;of.Wntcr Rcsourecs,:T ntl rgruutid Itilea6n couitiil Pnograiu, l636 A4ai1 Scn�ce Ccntri,Raleigh,hC.2i69-1636 Gc,.Qutcrcasin length lilt Fn P W:atcr Strnnl� .Cr hifrstf+in a� lls. in addition to sending the font to gth(if(mown): . 00 the`.address(es),aboi i. also sufrutit one copy of this=fount %iittiin 30 days of coMpletion of yell ahandomnent eo''the cbtmty hchtilr deparinrent of the county Gf.inner 6sin;iltuhlnr teilydh(if twown): (ft.) whrie kninioncd, fig Semis length(if latown):10 Form GeV-30 Nonh Cam11m 1lepaujoem of Endrosmant and Natural Resources-1}NMon of Water kesot=s Revised MAW 2013 I i WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD r•Qtlmta>'MmONLY:, Tttis fotinn can be used for single or tiwhip[e vMls 1.Well Contractor inforntatipn: WELL ARANWAIVIENT DETA A Rich Lemire 7a,Num11cr of vvella being abandoned• 1 «'eft"C©rYcidothaure(ac�i�Ilotisa per�misll�allaiutflrilnnucUovldvlltcrprupeny) Fir rrnrldple tnfermir nr fain-nwrej. sup& kfvlls ONLY well; Me same rfrrrvrrrrcUtNui�h�ariir++ir+riraf,,lvur carsrifvtuf rw�JFrvn 2593A 7b,Approximate valnm:of*atw rem ting in well(pi)ONE N6\Ydl Coodractar�enifiarGau Kirmbcr � sAEDACCo FOR NVATER SUPPLY WFLES ONLY. coat>ltanp.Katno 7c.Type 6filhinfeLtant tried:CHLORINE 2.WfAl Coustructiou Pcrtuit 91, 7607-MSWLF-2015, LL�rrdlUfrl>ttaublauNH,arrrritr(l.i..a"rnu?it SN1iN;YtrYJiirt'e,LiNrrfoi;Nlt'.f fJCuumrr 7d.Amoutllofdisinfectautrukd:2 OZ 3.WdI use(cliccl:we UIe).- Water.Supply.Well: 7c.Scaling mtitetialsusctl-(ehccl alithat.apply): pASr%ultttntl J7hltmic pal+T'trblic IM Nett Ccn cucG6!t la 13cittonitc.Chips of mIlets OCicothcnMat Wiatce Snppl•(sine�lo} ❑ Sand Cenicrtt Gantt,r 's C• 1 XL y t r- r' ❑lrxtustrial!(cirtttnercial ❑itesidentiatWitterSuppl}(shwed) ❑Coucra Grout �.. L-,. �/ rMl�tl Cltt6np ❑Irci •tiau •O'Spedaltg Gtout !+ 9' Gcttel Kirin water Supply Wcll; b,&ntonite Sluay O C T 0 U 2Q2�Oilier(explain under 7g} ®A911111todhe ❑RCeot'en s c ^r :��r"3r rA;•�. i Injcstion�Vc[k: 7f For.each tnat ei al el'eC(�isltu'r tt�vid�40tmtof mitt I als itsed: ❑Atjuifer[tccbargc ❑Ciruuitsh}alerRerited'uitibn Neat Cem.•241b ;Wtr:144gal.�. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr•gal. ❑Agtdfer Stonnye atxi Reawen, OS.tliuity hairier Bentonite.:71b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Annifer Test OStomnv'atcr I7ntinuge — ❑EtperiretenleiTrxltnntoev ❑SuUsirletxc,.CurNtdl 7*Prtti•icic.a loelddescriptian of ihc.ab;tadonment nrtiicidure. OGsodtennat(Closed-Loop) OTracer Woothermal(ElcatiinglCoolinaReturn) 00dier(explain under 7a) TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO TOP. 3.DatcwcU(s).:thandnncd; 8-16-2023 5a.Well tocattim., GREAT OAKES LANDFILL -dW10R r=11gfflwivrNupc raaiuylDn(ifuppiiwtitey �.�ertif�htioitt 3597 Old Cedar Falls.Rd,'Randleman 27317 _� 9/6/2023 Pitt-sical Addtess.City,and gig Srytitnw<dt rllc,i�Vt t Cnniclanl or lVcti C1?rrr r pate RANDLEMAN Hy signing this foyer, I hemby certrfy that the trefl(sJ tars(were)ghandollad ix taunty' ���{� farce]Idaralftes"OaNa.(PIN) ncvordinian-!1/rRM,bcfGOZC,f7fi7itpr3{'.U20t►fuel!f<;ri8lrttcriun$ltiniknrtls r�(!l (/ rnridllrrrf acop)vflfilsnccurr�liasbiero. rintfetllo7hewell natter. 56.I adiude and longittrile in.dkinveslminuics/secuuds or d6chnal dorms. iif.veli fatd,Otte L100jig is 1,4 4tv 9.Site dia_grain or additional well dctnils: You may use the WC of dtis page to pro�'ide additional is'e11 site.dbils or vv*II 728517.87 1777389.16. V ;ibuudanutenttietails. 5'ou may oleo rdtaelt addiGontl pages if tteccssaty. C-ON5'rRUC .10.X bH TA1LS 6V VVELL(S),BIJNC.ABAiNIHAED. S(I611tiTT,11,iNST UrT[ONS :tflr+th vti:l!t�tir+.+•tiYTc7irua teevrrf,+s7•!f diull�filN. .F+'e�r mtiPttF�f�r+fNcticie ru'ra�n=nwlir s�ry�h uelt-ONLY u•iPi1t The ati}tltarvnatxrxlewrr'arare�hsr+merit,�y�uc�nsiiturate*pfanrr' 10r. Far All �Vellst Submit thi_� forFu riithin 30 &aV5 of completion of cell &L%yel➢[6g.OW1OR abtindonmcut to'thc following; Dtt'isinn of Water Resenr0s,,Information Prucissing.Unit, I617 Dfail Sen•ice Center,ILrlcit h.XC 27699-1617 6bi-Thtal well.deplb: 50 iUU.T+lr 1nlcWon Welts: In addition:ta 8cmdirtg the faint to t[te address to l0a fc.lfo lta[e dtiiotetef:8..25/6 abow,aLm submit one copy or ibis foitri tvifli ii 30 da}'s of compleflon'of%vu (u.) abatidounteu!to fhe,falJd>vin : i Divis.on.of Water Resource,underground hi jeetfou Cantrol Program, 6d.Water level h 1dw gr•oirnd surface:. (ft.} t636 Mail A *.cc Ccntcr,Raleigh,k 27699-1636 Outer c rein length rC lmoU tr); (fQ:} Il4c.i+nr 3V .-iter, tnniv Tn g�fnn clip; In addition 16 mriding the faint-to 6c fi I�( the addireess(esj above. also submit odi cop`' of this-form-Within 30 days of cgmplcdon of uAl abandalmient to the c6ui ty health department of the county 6L!inner emitnl/tabiti j length(if Intayvu). (ft.) *ltcrc uhindoncd, Gg Screcn Icng&(if linown): Faint G%V-39 Naith Cacallm Depanitra l of Emironmix and Nat m i Resou.^ccs-Dlrlstanof 1VatcrR,2saurcas: Rcviscd Augu9 20 t_; WELL A.BAND.O►NIVIENTRECORD FaT lr»dniti UzONLY;- ` This foini c5n be used or singl#or inullipte wells' k ' ➢,welt.CnntrildbT Information: WELLARANDONRIE:NTDETAIL.S Rich.Lemire 7a,Numller of imlls Using abandoued• l: «TelfCot�ricfarh°cult(arucllon ertxtSoiialty:rlauoiddnbb�wFl.oa9d9rlr;rpiuperty) Ar nlrrJrrplc. Mtretliar ru runm1wrerI siy9ph' 1440& 01VLf wlrh 11, sa'Jre 'tYr11Yt7NGlNNr?Ar�rllfi�f!}IAJl71t•jYlrf LF1�13Ai'1JIlt on'JFJNJI� 2593A NC R'c11 Coutractar Can ifiattim Niirtfer- 7U.AppmAmate volume of ieatu•tvrtrainittg lre ri cll(:1)NO (;i►t.) � a SAEDACCo F6R.Wt1TF.[t SUT@I.Y�V14I S i}IVT.j°:. C4tivanyNinto 7c T�Irc(iEdisidti-tail r%cd:CHLORINE 2.�VL,11'caustttiction Permit#: 7607-MSWLF-2015 rim idl le 1'6%i11parwf6 94. Cau'rrn',51w;kariatie;brjerlfdg'at j'(fbmwir 7d rltriottnt of disinfectant uscd:'2 OZ 3.�Vd1 us+c"(chgcicwe"u.I0 Vater Supply AWL Vic.Sealing ltiutriials�ise+l(cltcct:all t li:tt unply): pAStist.1141ta0 ph➢tuticiP tUPiibltc. CR Ncat Ci:r tent Grout la')3craoaite Chips of Pellets C]GeoRlt'r nal Cahn CpallnR'S l}'} gRcSi¢atttittl tVatcr Su Ll Baru!C�ntertl Gt (� o pplj(singlo) aJ A .,• ., ❑1ndusiriallComnicicini E311esidenti-d V;atrr Supply(shared) D Ccinuccte Grout D linll Ctttlitlgys DGii lion 3'Speciult}Gr • uu1 O C T 0 .V .2-0237`.Grtvel lion 1Vatcr Suppty Wcll; CI.Bentonite Slutty 0 Other(explain under 7g) ®N➢anitoriitg l7R«ctiten' lmll'ar * i^n 'r•.F' ✓ ' vt Injcetion�Vc[l: X For etch tuateritd sc-le tc'&A?-Qj eo%idc atnoutat 4f.ukutcrials twecl: DAgoiferltecftarge DGrOtmditnterRcntediDtian Neat Cem,_•241b ,Wtr,:144ga1.'. Sand Cem.•lb ,Wtr:gal. OAyuiferStotage and Rem ery DSalinity Barrier Beirtonite.:71b ,Wtr:gal. MriniferTesi OSlorninterLYrainagr -- -- - -- DEn'pef milettlol Tec:lmolcgjc. • M ibsldeire.,Coutral 7;r Prniidc.a Uricf.'discri�tioit of lUc.uliaridnnmcnt prrecetlun: DGeodwnts;tl(Closed Loop. MTracer i, TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM -TO TOP. TOP. DGeothemialfffeatiu 'Cooling Return) ClOthar(t. lainunder•7F) a.Dateimtt ).:ibnnddned: 8-16-2023 5a.Well fuca0im., GREAT OAKES LANDFILL PZ-0, Fucilit?'ICivirr•Nttirc Rkitity1Drl(1ftlppliQlblo) S•Cetliffta/suit: 3597 Old Cedar Falls Rd, Randleman, 27317' 9/6/2023 Physical Addrem.Cftc,acid Zip 5c cahim i�f 1 �lii i1 4VCll Comm.-tat OrAvell Ov"r Date .RANDLEMAN T3}1:eiSJrir{y,rliLe farirt, 1 iiertfry cerliij'iltrrr the well fi)tyres ftrere)irbatd©ned in Ctiaituy' Parcel Ident3f iiltinNo.(PIN) 66 v rhiaric n ifh 15.E New 02C,0100 ur;3G.6204 4%1i itrraratrtiarr smnikws' " - anrllhrn'acetpyafttrist�ecorelhtu•beerapmvi�'cdfa7lte.toe11ouirer.�• -Sli4 f.,atitude;ind long tw1c.in. or dcciti1.4.0grces: (ifivell Card,Ora >atilOil 'iS s7rfrlCicut} 9,Situ diagraun or additional well'det:tllsp Ymu nta}':use tli'e:bacic bf Utis page to,pro�t de."addi6atL1E`iiU sitg.detoils or t��ell 727652.66. h 1778030.07. ��+ alauudonntetudetails. Youiuu}:tlso cltsidrl3G aim Cpogesiftteusatt'. - (`_O NSTRIIC'I`IUWD4 TAILS OF WEIf t-fB>'Bg.iN('ARANii($NED SURNITr.W.TNS' UC.Tt.0 , :ltlW�r 51ie��GttinS•Ur}c7klrt-ticxlicif5l"i•]ui'iOtlA'J!C ,F1.v'ur��Pn(,iN urfettitiie.nr'1vJtl•n,tly&ujrp!!y . u ulirs OVL➢ trlifi i}rr svn crue}�+t?+rer>w'aLbreehuarree�l.i°m.rbu siitvrrf!orrr itinrr 710a. Fat Ali-Wells Submit•this rarau xiithin 30 datVs of c8nipletion at urlt ba `Nelfl Qi •Pz-63 abandpnmca tu'thc`fpiloit'ing: • - Dir,isinnbf V1'utcr Rebriurr�,Infprm,iricir4 Prucc:s.�in�.Rnit, 6U Totat tell dcptli: 88 ,E 1617'Stail Scivice Ct:n(er,Ralci1eh. C 27699-161-7 YI)b.T r inlcct! n Wc11s: In additibn'to punting 1Wf6rm to the address 11.1103 Gc Bnveltali dinntctcr:8.25 a m-,uLsa sttlmtil'one copy of ibis Iron witfiiii 30 days of rotnpttuion of tc�ell (u•) abunilonutent to the fn11att•irr3: Di0sion of tiVater Resource's,Underground Iri jM(on Control Prdgratu, fi.(l Water It Felbcltitr grottrid surfacac (fP:) 1i636 5iail Betties Ccntcc,Raleigh,NC 27604636 6c.Muter casing Ienrth(it Im-own); (ft') I0c•Ur.Warcr R mIjIly&Tul cr, flan tVellA In addition to&ending the form to the address(esj above. also.subnut brie copy of this.form tdithin 30 dayg of - cvrnptction-af Avel!abaeulamment to the lnunt}•Itrrfttt dePaittttefit a€the conrttp 6f.Irtticrwsint;JtetUin);tcn)'tlr(if lato�vn): ( ) tivhrre abandoned. 6n:Screen.length(if known):. (ft.) Fornt G1Y-tu North Caroum D ponn-crb of Fnviroorncat aW Mautsl Resou TN-DlvLdanof Water Itemac's Revised August 2D t3 fI WELL.ABAND.ONNIENT RECORD ForlmenaalU-mONLY:, f This formtinbeused,k singlyarnmltipte�cclis' 1.Well-Cnnincctor_infnrnrntion: )Vfid,L.ABQZjI)6NNtENTDETAILSI ' Rich.Lemire 7w Number of wells being ailranduded• 1 l�TC1i. otxt(clort;anae(or�iclloti�ncrper3aii�tl}alli nino�s,tl.anl�llrcrlirapcety). F_ imadkole lggeriar tit; rvara iiwtee ArP�, aelb ONLY Willi lba swaie cmevarrrcraiNa rti<„nr;Prnuu�rat,lrtrr aynrsrahaart tut�tlrrr6 ' 2593A 7U.Apprent NC�LrellConlTai iar CvnifadidarNriva6cr rntintate�'(tlnrne Elf lsuter rain in in rti•ell(a)NONE (g!p[) fl SAEDACCO FOR WATFiR SUPPLY WELLS t?It1I.Y:. Gdaag�uq.Namc 7c,1�pc of dialnfectanq used:CHLORINE .2.Nell Cunsttuctfou Pertutt tl:, 7607-MSWLF-2015; Icsraillyvi�raJ}lei.kfliarmt�r0'.e:Cwarritsreii;d'.�iJtJrnee,lilrrlroiarrcffkimmrr 7d:Atnotttilofdlslnfectantttsed:2 02 3:wdt Use(ched:ricll use): Water Supply Well:- 7e.Sealing:mutcrials•useri-(ch0k all that apply). ClAari.-trlNmt 13Mun 1. 0 pal/Public., is Ncai clueot G61t ",' t a .-;la 13Fri(Rorta:Chir;s ofPellcts 17Grntltc rt(HcatinrJC pcallnrt S ty piicsitlenfi:tl lrJTtce Su to Sarin Centertt Gtutlt" �°ram. '' ,i rCJ) CLij' o ) 1'P4'(single) ❑IndasiriAtContntercial 1711csidential'<VatcrSupply,(slnmd) O 6ticrefdGrudi OCT 0 nllCltHi, G 2 ❑Uii atimt np 13 Speciult}Grunt ravel . NaalVntcr Supply Wall: Cl 8entowlte.51rtay Irib�,mn3,F^D ��^a Q €pplainunder7gl. CffiMntitloeiitL; OReco4�en' G'�.{,,,`4f;•�'.:� in jcctian�Vctlo- 7f.For each material selected above,provide antoanrof matcr'ials used: lmquii&Recharge d3Gr0uH*jlerItetriediriE on Neat Cem.:241b ,Wtr:144gal. , Sand Cem.;lb ,Wtr:gal. 13AgtriCerStorage and,ke.iol'Lk l7S<1lihit$i t3arrier ❑Aituwr'fesi. C�SlontrieirterDnrin;lge Bentonite.:71b ,Wtr:gal. _ Etxppiatentil Trxliuningr. E3Sribsideixti CoiHtnl . 7g.Proi•ide a brief ilcscriptiun of the'Ap indonment prilii dire. OGeodwrJnal(Clasod.Loop). 0-Tracer TREMIE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO TOP.. �Geathemtal lH ttin Coolinr,Retum} 00(her( . laiamdcr.7lt) 4,Rat wclt(s):abandoned; 8-31.-2023 U Weil lueation: GREAT OAKES LANDFILL PZ57D l aeilitk;+4rixrTlumo Pin ility iDd+{t apptiablcl 8.Ceilifjc deii: r� 3597 Old Cedar Falls Rd, Randleman, 27317 x .-�i"/�wC_f;- 9/6/2023 Fltrsieal Aitdre§,City;and Zip" Se+strhara of a iJ3cw11VLtl C�utneJor or tVCt�_fhsn r U,ue RANDLEMAN . f3t?:vJ wing rJ5ls lQrJni, f lrer,°h},cerhjyWw Ow ire11{a)inns(Jrenz)gban loner/,is coma(}' Nual ldetuit"ec 0941 o.(PIN) ricc'ortkinie a iilr 1,i�1 J� tC OZC,Qf 4Q'tir oC,4rQ(t R:e1f t uiis7ntriiuit S1atrifitizfs nnrl J'krrfa crapt'af 16y record kirs been pri wiOcdto the-well owner. Sb.LatOodeand longitude in.dcgrceslm'tnuicsA&oiids or dcciuMl degrees:. (Ifn•e"AVU,Otte t;itilons 4'sniricrcutl 9..Sito diagram or additional Rcil dct.itlsc You ua}'.we thi .back of Otis page.to'y'iovi&additional mlf s wiiztarls or will.729823.60, N 1778192.80. �_ V ,abundotmtean-&taik Yen tnai5 also aitaclt aif iiooal pages if ricc�san_ .CONSTRUCT.ION QFTA1LC 6N WFLLlS1,BEING ABANi QNED. S jMNit7"1'AT..fNST UC.Ti01iS. :ttL•xh lairl�crJr:�•Jruclkm'rrcpreit'aJ JJ',aii6if�ift ,!?;r multy,lN Jnjrctirua ar lwn.nvru-�aryply , '� n w1E�ONLY udrli atae av}yn�rTrmtra�riJar'r�t aaeehnrraLw m rnia SlrLmit cute fungi' t0a. Far-All Wells:• Submit this Corm riithin 30 days of cntnplction of well 6a �V.H®#.Pz57a - abaniionmcnt tn'tho'failotiving; D10sion of Water Resources,Information Proelwdnu Unit, 6U:dotal tr'cll depth: 80 K(n,). Ido mlil Scivicc Ccater,ti rl¢i„ti,itC 27G99-ICit7 tob. as bke(W11 Wells:-fit additiou.ta.wi iqg tlte,fbtm to the ad&b Ss Jul_l0a fc Bomeholedirtriteter:8.25/6 (iu,} abow.'also submit otiacopy of ihis fb6a widtiii 30 doys.of'coiciplelion oftcell abandonuieut to tht:fallarti iql Gti RratcrIcF'a bctot� rtrid sacf rco� {ft.) Diilsian of tVateettestJ"ec ibiiudcr}Iround tbjecttou to lrW Pr'ngraM' 1r t63fi N4ail Service CcnEcr;RafciPir,i1C 27499-106 do.Outer casin ken eftinor\n); - (ft;) 1k.Fnr\Vater Srmnh.&teiectlnn iVeil�r Ill addition to sending lbe fomtdo. g ( the add¢ess(esi above. also.sub6iii one copy of this.toll within 30, dayt of ` coniptetion of%AI abandantnent to the c6lity laralth depaerinicid of the county 6L Inner wsinl Jtnhin"ten} iif C�aorvn): (ft) ddterc abindonsd• do,Scrcr:n length(if known): A) J 1i Fount GIV-30 North Carotlm Dc(annrcm a1'Environment and Natumt Resourecs-Div islon of Pfater Resources, Rui ed August 2Ot3 j