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SW5231001_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20231008 (2)
s III = May 8, 2023 RS&H 8521 Six Forks Road Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Mr.John Holmes, PE Reference: Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report RDU PE3 Parking Improvements National Guard Drive, Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 217662 Dear Mr. Holmes: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) has conducted a stormwater soil evaluation in general accordance with S&ME Proposal No. 217662 CO-1 (Revision 2) dated January 16, 2023. Our evaluation was conducted to provide information for the design of a Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) and a Stormwater Management Permit Application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)— Division of Energy, Minerals, & Land Resources (DEMLR) and/or local delegated authority.A soil scientist evaluated the soil conditions within the proposed SCM locations on April 25 and 26, 2023. Background Information We understand Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) is planning to expand the existing Park Economy 3 (PE-3) lot on National Guard Drive in Morrisville, North Carolina. The expansion area is approximately 70 acres on the south and west sides of the existing PE3 Lot.As part of the proposed project, three new stormwater control measures (SCMs) are planned adjacent to the parking lot expansion areas. The enclosed Figures 1 through 3 depict the site and proposed SCM locations on a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Wake County soil survey exhibit, US Geologic Survey (USGS) topographic exhibit, and color aerial and topographic exhibit, respectively. According to Figure 1, the soils in the vicinity of the proposed SCMs are mapped as the Creedmoor- Green Level complex soil series. The Creedmoor and Green Level soil series consists of deep, moderately well drained and somewhat poorly drained, very slowly permeable soils that have formed in residuum weathered from Triassic material (fine sandstone, mudstone, siltstone, shale, and conglomerate) of the Piedmont uplands. The seasonal high water table (SHWT) is perched from 1 to 2.5 feet below ground surface during the wet months (November through April). S&ME, Inc.13201 Spring Forest Road I Raleigh, NC 276161 p 919.872.2660 I f 919.876.3958I www.smeinc.com Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report RDU PE3 Parking Improvements National Guard Drive, Morrisville, North Carolina I I I S&ME Project No. 217662 = auger borings were requested in the three SCM locations depicted on the attached Stormwater Soil Evaluation Exhibits (Figures 4A, 4B and 4C) to provide information for use in design of the stormwater management system. S&ME performed hand auger borings at the requested locations to identify the soil morphological conditions, develop soil profile descriptions, estimate the SHWT, measure the observed water table (OWT), and depth to auger refusal if applicable.The maximum practical depth of hand auger boring exploration on this site was limited to approximately 10 feet below existing grade. Findings SHWT Estimation, OWT Measurement, and Depth to Auger Refusal S&ME estimated the SHWT by advancing hand auger borings at the 13 locations shown on the attached Figures 4A, 4B and 4C and evaluating the soil for evidence of SHWT influence. This evaluation involved looking at the soil to assess soil moisture, matrix and mottle colors. Depending on the soil texture, the soil color will indicate processes that are driven by SHWT fluctuations, such as iron reduction and oxidation and organic matter staining. In addition, S&ME attempted to measure the OWT level below existing ground surface (EGS) at the indicated hand auger boring locations, however groundwater was not encountered. See Table 1 below and Figures 4A, 4B and 4C for the estimated depth to SHWT, measured depth to the OWT and auger refusal if applicable. Soil photographs are included in Appendix I. Table 1 HAND AUGER SEASONAL HIGH WATER OBSERVED WATER AUGER REFUSAL BORING TABLE(SHWT) DEPTH TABLE(OWT)DEPTH DEPTH LOCATION (inches/feet below EGS) (inches/feet below EGS) (inches/feet below EGS) SW-1 20/ 1.7 >54/ >4.5 54/4.5 SW-2 30/2.5 >36/ >3.0 36/3.0 SW-3 20/ 1.7 >36/ >3.0 36/3.0 SW-4 20/ 1.7 >40/ >3.3 40/3.3 SW-5 18/ 1.5 >38/ >3.2 38/3.2 SW-6 20/ 1.7 >40/ >3.3 40/3.3 SW-7 22/ 1.8 >36/ >3.0 36/3.0 SW-8 20/ 1.7 >36/ >3.0 36/3.0 SW-9 18/ 1.5 >36/ >3.0 36/3.0 SW-10 22/ 1.8 >38/ >3.2 38/3.2 SW-11 18/ 1.5 >28/ >2.3 28/2.3 SW-12 30/2.5 >40/ >3.3 40/3.3 SW-13 20/ 1.6 >32/ >3.7 32/3.7 May 8, 2023 2 Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report RDU PE3 Parking Improvements National Guard Drive, Morrisville, North Carolina III S&ME Project No. 217662 Permeability/Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation The soil profile descriptions on the attached Figures 4A, 4B and 4C show the soil morphological conditions including soil texture, structure, soil matrix and mottle color, estimated United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) permeability and estimated USDA hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) for the different soil horizons found on-site. Please refer to the enclosed map and soil profile descriptions for more information. These estimates were obtained from one or more of the following: Wake County Soil Survey"Physical &Chemical Properties of the Soil - Permeability"; and/or USDA-NRCS (United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resource Conservation Service) official series description, and/or "NRCS Field Book for Describing &Sampling Soils".The permeability estimates were converted to conductivity on the profile description tables. Application of Findings Data presented in this report are based on materials encountered at the hand auger boring locations only. Conditions may vary between hand auger boring locations and in other areas of the proposed SCMs. The reported depths are based upon the ground surface locations of the borings at the time of our evaluation. Please note that changes in site grade or SCM location may make the chosen stormwater management systems inappropriate or make other stormwater management systems more appropriate. Significant SCM location or grade changes relative to the grade at the time of exploration may require additional exploration for SCM design. May 8, 2023 3 illl Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report RDU PE3 Parking Improvements illl National Guard Drive, Morrisville, North Carolina III dir S&ME Project No. 217662 Closing S&ME appreciates the opportunity to provide stormwater soil evaluation services for this project. If you have any questions or would like to discuss applicable stormwater management systems, please contact Walter Cole at 919-872-2660 or wcole@smeinc.com. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. a soi� s lo c c.NPL.T FR iF J It �s'm �0�1267�'' Walter Cole, LSS, REHS Thomas P. Raymond, PE Senior Project Manager Senior Reviewer Enclosed: Figure 1: USDA-NRCS Wake County Soil Survey Exhibit Figure 2: USGS Topographic Exhibit Figure 3: Color Aerial and Topographic Exhibit Figure 4A, 4B and 4C: Stormwater Soil Evaluation Exhibits Appendix I: Soil Profile Photographs May 8, 2023 4 Figures app Creedmoor-Green loam, 15 to 30 . rah Level...complex,2 to percent slopes 1-Naga OC,,. , 6 percent slopes GU?la ...., " Creedmoor-ureen ♦ Level complex, ., .•1. Enon fine sandy Enon fine• •ndy 1 15 percent slopes loam�6 to 10 loam,2 ,6 percent slopes percent sr pes \ ,,,e01\\ % - - _ 7}' .4fi t f•`� „ Urban ' +;, k. Enon fine sandy land 4' Urban land ., ,,,` \ 1, loam,6 to 10 Creedmoor-Green f' , f , percent slopes Level cow mple 2 to `' ' 6 percent slopes } .. , . •rifl r:tir, L./ .,, Urban s • o _,land �s k. • � � � Wa,�J V 7 awl• ' I ' :Y . -. o Chewacla and Wehadkee ,. 3 x soils,0 to 2 Creedmoor-Green percent slopes, f „0 Level complex,2 , a P , frequently flooded o �,o, 4 to 6 percent slopes a\�„ G :, Herndon silt g I..--Y =, Creedmoor-Green loam,6 to 10 o �`\'. Level complex, !0� , r._ percent slopes ,i !i, �V I 15 percent slopes Herndon silt loam,2 Creedmoor-Green 1 to 6 percent slopes 0 - Udorthents o Level complex, 10 to loamy,0 to 25 • v 15 percent slopes percent slopes r- Herndon silt Z .00 loam,6 to 10 Creedmoor-Green Level 7.... percent slopes \ complex, 10 to 15 . percent slopes Udorthents Creedmoor-Green w loamy,0 to 25 Level complex, 10 to Wilkes loam, percent slopes Creedmoor-Green 15 percent slopes ' 15 to 30 o percent slopes Level complex, :� 15 percent slopes re oGreen \ ,X . .'" complex 10 to / loam,2 to 6 15 percent slopes — percent slopes ',, *4 Chewacla and Wehadkee i ,. Creedmoor-Green Ales,soils,0 to 2 +� ' Pinoka gravelly fine .i ' Levul.�complex, 10 to percent slopes, /—\ 15 percent slopes frequen ly flooded Creedmoor-Green sandy loam, 15 to N Level complex,2 to 30 percent slopes N \ 0b + 6 percent slopes ` .� ,- Creedmoor-Green 1 ` Level complex,6 to 0 0 1,000 ) 1 E w. .,- / • Enon fine sandy aMO o g— r ` Creedmoor-Green Water loam, 10 to 15 r o to ,. .ercentslo.es rn REFERENCE: s GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE USDA-SCS SOIL SURVEY AREA NC183 AND ,,r. I, 1) Parcel i THE 2021 NCONEMAP AERIAL ORTHOIMAGERY LAYER. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL s PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE Proposed SCM Location rn NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION,UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. ' - O 3 Fe Soil Map Unit m 0 SCALE: FIGURE NO. 0 USDA-NRCS SOIL SURVEY EXHIBIT 1 " = 500 ' DATE: III iiI . RDU PE3 PARKING IMPROVEMENTS 4-24-23 1 NATIONAL GUARD DRIVE PROJECT NUMBER MORRISVILLE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 217662 I N\\\\\\._., ___ ._ _ ti ...----7 NORTH \`' CAROLINA rn N O N 7 N 7 O N C UI 'D \ 9 , 1 a, Y _ O inLti-TO tcres e 7 �\02 0 �g id Q u z v `O 4t; 2 i c 4). v 4"1' I F (::::j Et c = N I 0 ti b, `0 1,000 2,000 si =—, (FEET) „ , o, REFERENCE: 7 GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE USGS NATIONAL TOPO MAP VIEWER. THIS if MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION,UNLESS STATED � Parcel OTHERWISE. 3 � Proposed SCM Location SCALE: FIGURE NO. II USGS TOPOGRAPHIC EXHIBIT 1 " = 1,000 ' dr DATE: I I -- RDU PE3 PARKING IMPROVEMENTS 4-24-23 2 NATIONAL GUARD DRIVE PROJECT NUMBER MORRISVILLE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 217662 J \______/ j J) K -,..‹....... _„...:........„..., \..-.-----'../ j N--- -- __g -' i -:_4 ..•,........................; r III a --...1\ . ---------/j. ---------- ------...'"/ ----1 -."-.-.-"--'.--')y,...... _ 4 I I I 111 I 111 I I I I I I I I 1 I ti 1 ,111k .".„11 I li 11 illikil 4 I III I I\1 IIIIIIH.11 C''' (...-.------ --.' c\ Gel /1x r s'N\d. X z W J -0 ` mac4 fri°74 ��- - W Z O 2 1- 1:\ _ ev „ , ...... -----,:) e,a 1 .,_ -— i I ,,4,0\.\4\s.„ \ Q CL 0 ,,,--- \ ( 416,11 -*.°N,Afti ''.- iii„,...,e,-f-'42111,11k (`):(1) , - i„.4),,,,, i \- - , P-, eL , 1L' 1 / --_____-_-:-.----- -- -----------------_---Th\_____--------- ,, , 41 ,..-400 0,1` , P"--.. -;.- _-- ,....411Vg.b.°4\401/ , , \,,,,,i.‹ ..,iv -.% \ c(---f"----) j . A 0 — D D (----- ik . , . , , u ,, -...,...... s,„ , jillIllP . _ , _, Ali ! : ,,,/i.,,,,,,,:1130 - 1\tv k!‘`‘-`1: - ''''.. . 2.. , " ,.,- L i jmg_c L <1=oz ,L'2' 7"\\.../ ....A./ -V .----:- :: 0_ ,I': ' �' gs ,... �, I@. 401 str"--- — �M .'.5.. kg � _ tT, ,, FBI . �...- '` ;,fit ,r zsA' =s• irk* .... '1-' - kC„ A """ ems. • - VA?". a; :,7 ‘.)1111°1111 `. u 1t1I'A' ram.„„,,,,,,‘ Q �'9 'rm ..It ♦. r. - ' $..„41\ - ... c^ v .. P. i- _ - _..Q^ �. &r et0 sue... A _ i g .. e ir/114111111114,1444: e.\ :'''''' t. 1'4 % ' * 'nib 1.' ..fi i r a�+ +• i R' �� �F / a N -T� �':1 �',� ,^�� "'ir'9 r ;r ff i e e.t 3•i .P yr'v .�,p� ,. ' � "O.:, ,, r - 11.-„ •.,,L e!,,,' - ••• . vit 1^^• 11 ifilltkAii 1 1 1 1 i , :, IA -------,..: _ N V fi 0 SCALE: �` eat5-2-23 4: ,// .�� ! O DATE: \_,,,' o -- ,_'A /:7".1. 19) 1'r,,rolr--I--------1")_„„,.,----- -------- ' ,. . ■_ .�„ f . -.„,.): .. .. 'A. PRO• JECT NUMBER i REFERENCE. 7. 217662 7 '`. \0,. - ® Point_generic GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE 2021 NCONEMAP AERIAL ORTHOIMAGERY FIGURE NO. Y LAYER AND THE 2013 NCDOT LIDAR CONTOUR DATASET. THIS MAP IS FOR \ 0 ����;, Proposed SCM Location o INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE \ � ���� § APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION,UNLESS STATED ,0, A� iis300 ...AAA 00 imj//_................ �� % 2 FOOL Contourso OTHERWISE. • (FEET) l ,� ����� 1 1 ` ���If�� l' �II' ��\�\ � Parcel Z /" a Soil Profile Descriptions �- ' • SEASONAL HIGH OBSERVED WATER AUGER REFUSAL Boring SW-1 • ' HAND AUGER WATER TABLE TABLE(OWT)DEPTH DEPTH s&nE Prejeoi h roer.2nssz Boring Date:April 25,2023 Landscape Position:SAe slope p BORING (SHWT)DEPTH comr mate uson OC �+��.r!ll (inches/feet below (inches/feet below Estimated d Estimated LOCATION (inches/feet below Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity 4ir+Aar EGS) EGS) Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes (in/hr) (nmr) �./ • •• EGS) A 0-3 10VR 3/2 loam weak granular very loeba 2 6 14 14 I I I _.- �".i ¢` .. {'. -•.". E 3-6 10VR6/3 silt loam weak granular very friable 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 SW-1 20/1loa .7 >54/>4.5 54/4.5 Bt1 6-9 10VR6/4 a may weak 50 b gi3or ky firm 0s-z 0.14-1.4 ? eebangular Bt2 920 10VR6/4 SVRS/8 silty clay weak firm 0.08-0.2 0.014-0.14 SW 2 30/2.5 >36/>3.0 36/3.0 bbeky - - Bt3 20-36 10YR7/4 5YR5/8 silty clay weak angular firm 0.06-0.2 0014-0.14 4,1 10VR7/1 bbcky ' ' •} + ' '- Jt _ e SW-3 20/1.7 >36/>3.0 36/3.0 BIg 38-42 SY 7/1 SVR Sl84 silty clay weak bbckyr firm 0.8-2 0.14-1.4 C I 42-54 2.5YR4/6 5Y7/1 silt ban massive friable saproite 2-6 1.4-14 ✓ _ auger re .n �y +� r _ SW 4 20/1.7 >40/>3.3 40/3.3 Neaten f 'IF Y�G" - +M ^[ Cr54+ WA WA rock WA WA WA S S tl+!d'4-oe.` •a _ , .tY * Y sIarent Triassic WA WA ik' " �•� � ~ � " ` � Estimated 20 inches (1.7feelt)moral Perched ,,.` ''''' -`,y - + -{ ''* -'; SW-5 18/1.5 >38/>3.2 38/3.2 p `:'���j. •Ts�s � .ems $ N cam, ( "S� ,.�•"-� Measured OWT depth from CGS >54 inches (M.S feet) 3Y '� Depth to auger refusal. 54 inches (4.5 feel)� o t'',5i ';4- et' ✓YL a.&• � ,,., yr. " - ' - t• - Boring SW-2 - , - - 9 S&hE Ro'ect Number:217662 Bein Date:April ril 25 2023 Landscape Position:Side Slope ,t ls Tom.-"' tkit'M` -,. .e' *.Y ., '''' -'. •„,, s ✓ M^ ,:..� 1 9 P P P ..-,;�. •-S r , '' - 1J � : .:.�, �' 1 �' color USDA USDA _ Alt; �• �` �... 40 ... fM1._ '� . '",.. `� �..'• ' x 'i t a. r•,'1(..r�. r. `..;,p(.., .1";',+1-.r;� ,y7F ermeabed Conductivity -.iri T1 ;* .s y t`i� t - ;? .'• . '•"'E 7'!S 1i.• Da th Molsl Permeability Condudivit L >,•�_:. ^� '. �:" ^.!� �ii -y' �� 'L �,A 7CiyT r`:�'(.�,f - :?y.. - P tY Y ' yL: (, Horizon Matrix Mottles Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes in/hr indir 1� {jr:': • ><. f e(H :1 - Vf '\ l`Y Tj „fug r Z. �,*�• (i^) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) o • r c t x D aF` i Y N s�y ./.' --.i •"•'.Te•F•g - .r. ..•�` '+• -_ �....._^ _ A 0-2 10VR 3/2 bum weak nubr friable 2-6 1.4-14 /yr� �` ,' .. p)„�t_.. J.,��� -�^'i'f1..Y.',;' `. 1s s 'T°� K .�' S-t.i /�r �'f� j. Bra very .ro h-s,' 'b -.i A`,.^ p 4. -' ,%; '!� -'... E 2-fi 10VR6/3 silt barn weak anular a friable 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 H tj�; f y _ ^Yy;. wF o �Y. '-F' 'Y. 9r very Q clw ..1' +� .'3V•'f.�- ^.jg : d:. C, 8o' S''�" 7' ti ti+- , - . fin-`^`± rt.-• ,.5^". i- `� P c. 4 }, ����iqyy'"'�(k� cla suban ular O-`+� "✓. s .evr' - .- r•' y+'r>._ 3 ^ ': ('�.... silty Y g +�.. ,. 'q". . •' C ,r.,'_y .�5:'p„ .', y'p '' . ..:� ... � "�,. - Bti 6-74 7.SVR S/4 weak firm 0.6-2 014 14 -:t.iNr M =..1i, n '1+. r, .T _ -,ln, 'k'. • .r J Y �+' i ...'\ :;"Yr`� ..�, - - loam bbula 4 x • • .. ;;. r.., J..,-+' „/'".,.. ' -�'; .!.;; U .'-.. ,35 : '„ ..; ,. +•1y.. "4i "'4R' ' ,:'+i'-' w - angular J -�'� v 99 .^t'. T• - 1.51" ' ^ty��,} -'.Y., " Bt2 14-30 ].5VRa/6 2.5VR5/6 s clay weak firm rock fragments 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 V. � K .'(. -•+. r'' .• ': `,fin''a. �. .' >`'s., / n. {.roe •. rC. . _ .'l•. silty Y bbckY g 7�`.j.. hi- ,,� yr "RL-• 1� •_; _ K��,,'y{y' 'Yn.. "."�'R.,-, ♦��, Vi. i - W i ",),(3, . R ,..?a: \^Y• - .Or y^W h+ •" .yi; 'tl�,- . :P '; 10VR6/fi , f,. _ yf 1 r.:�- 'N - � - w `t~` �£s- f' f• � ;t_- _ N.f�i,':' C 30-36 2.SVR5/s silt bam rresaWe friable saProltte 2-8 1.4-14 (n k'•- a ..,,'< .fiy � n y`3 !Kr ygJ'i ,� { d' �.ry,4Tito*,„ ,_ ��{x., -t ,` .`-,k� -7W3• 1ovRa/1 z I- Q Q :°., ' ii..-• 'a t.- 3VS 5..,';' - ,�:;'�•1". : ` ,k - anger refusal on fc'4'°1 F`�'3} •,,•;,fir' .� lrr Y •„ 4 . h ='. •~ n n w> Cr 36+ WA WA rock WA WA WA elision Triassic WA WA O Z U ..y- boa"" t , ..-e .+r„e. parent material I • L. ysJ - 1 2feel) Perched ~ wronu . sWS > feel) /3IBoring SW-3 tn' SW-2 :.5 - t r H l7 ,(. ® 6 .mS. �` ♦ S&hE Projecl bunter:217662 Boring Dale:April 25,2023 Landscape Pos ion:Side Slope Q 1 S'. Color USDA USDA S z 4 -� t Estimated Est mated l4 ur I n N _ E 4; t Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity, F'cel V IA_ t • • Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes lin/hr) ( /h) C. - l Z J O bam weak granular very friable 2-6 ' �;'ykly fs ��s/N,,,s""'' E 38 10YR6/3 sttbem weak granuar very friable OB-2 0'14 144 ~ W/ ZLLI 'C''' - n SVV-3 -1 r Y F - Bti 8-12 10VR6/6 siltyloaclay week subbg�lar fine 0.6-2 014 14 O < 0 Q V� 0y. �;.:,-, -Bt2 12-20 10VR6/6 10VR5/6 silty clay weak bbekyr firm rock fragnerna 0.06-0.2 0014 0.14 ^/ Cr) FBI W N Btg 20-36 5Y 7/1 10VR6/6 silty clay weak bbckyangular firm rock fragments 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 W 0_ Z J • augerrefusalon to D J Cr3g+ WA WA rock WA WAWA siltstone Trlassb N/A WA0 11c) t _ parent material l.7 _ . Estimated SHWr depth from EGS: 20 inches (1.]feet) Parched _N ZV ) C,n, 1�,i� Measured OWr depth from EGS: >36 inches (>3.0 feet) f ✓sr sr- • S,A/_4 Depth to auger refusal: 36 inches (3.0 feet) a ® _ ,. .. __ -- Boring SW-4 O O SAkE Project',briber:217662 Boring Date:April 25,2023 Landscape Position:Side Slope e Color USDA USDA Ch t... Estimated Estimated N • -� Dspth Moist Permeability Conductivity E _ �,�, � Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes (tn/hr) (in/lir) j - - A 0-2 10VR 3/2 bam weak granuar very fraba 2-6 1.4-14 1 O` �' .'1 - E 2-8 10YR6/3 silt barn weak granular very friable 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 i E / Bt1 8-12 10VR6/6--- silty clay weak sub/angular firm 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 ow.. C _ /.' Bt2 12-20 10VR6/6 10VR5/6 silty clay weak DbckaYr firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 a 4. \��"�~ i Bt91 20-28 5Y7/1 10VR6/6 silty clay weak eheeler firm 0,06-0.2 0.014-0.14 blocW '. - Cg1 28-32 5Y7/1 10YR6/6 silt barn nessne friable saprolke 2-6 1.4-14 �``�4 - -I Cg2 32-40 5Y7/1 10VR4/6 silty clay massive friable to firm saproltte 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 10VR6/6 barn DCt, �s!� i • auger refusal on I Cr 40+ WA WA rock WA WA N/A siltstone Triassic WA WA - parent material S Estimated SHWT depth from EGS: 20 inches (1.7 feet) Perched NI 1 Measured Owl depth from EGS: >40 inches (>3.3 feet) r ""����V���. f Depth to auger refusal: 40 inches (3.3 feel) to air ry p' �x�y ti - `' Boring SW-5 SCALE: - mi ® Hand Auger Boring Location 0 I�_.�!" -- 00._S&kE Project Mlrtber:217662 Boring Date:April 25,2023 Landscape Position:Side Slope• p 1 " = 100 ' ol ' Color USDA USDA Proposed SCM Location I* Estimated Est ated DATE: O - r. Depth Moist Permeability C ductivity• a `4.¢ - +- . Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Defoe )in/hr) (Inlhr) 1 O ?£' _ _. irk ^'�\ A 0-2 10YR3/2 bam eak granuar very frable 2-fi 14 14 5-3-23 Parcel -} p - • E 25 10YR5/3 sloam weak granuar very fneba 0.6-2 014 1.4 �'; Bi 5-8 SYR63 slay weak sa bear m 0.6-2 o1a 1.a PROJECT NUMBER -� i x,-r1 - �/ Bt2 8-18 10YR6/6 Silly clay weak subangular firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 217662 7. REFERENCE: / i • �bsty '+ Bt3 18-34 10VR6/6 10,R5/8 silty clay weak bbckYr firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 if GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE 2021 NCONEMAP AERIAL ORTHOIMAGERY S / S massive FIGURE NO. e'CL// / � saprolite w ith clay Y LAYER AND THE 2013 NCDOT LIDAR CONTOUR DATASET. THIS MAP IS FOR 1,r C 34-38 zsvRafi 5Y 7" Silty elay arm inclusions,rock o.os-o.z o.o1a-o.ia INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE / ,- i m ovRsa _ '�' fragments -----0 100 Zoo, augerrefusalon 4A APPROXIMATED-THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION,UNLESS STATED / f Cr 3e+ WA WA oak N/A WA WA abalone Triassic N/A WA '� �,�•..-- parent rreterlalt. V o OTHERWISE. 1 ��(FEET)) g' Estimated SHfWr depth from LOS 18 inches )1.5feet) Perched I /]y� ti` '-';:r ,�- Air measured ONT depth from EGS >38 inches (>3.2 feel) �i[ - - _ \�~ t ' - fit ` _ Depth to auger refusal. 38 inches (3.2 feet) si/ �' XX I "'��+tea rib 44 sit _1;4, 1e_,_oe _. #4.4 A. n"y 14 ^ t^7 ; �'- y ,rr Y' Boring SW-6 SEASONAL HIGH . �,_ , a,- �P r , ,,, 1 OBSERVED WATER AUGER REFUSAL SBME Reject Number;217662 Boring Date:Apri 25,2023 Landscape Posrtan:Side Slope C z ;?°' t HAND AUGER WATER TABLE Color USDA USDA 4iI w ` • 't+ �Y",c TABLE (OWT)DEPTH DEPTH Estimated Estimated ^ ` �'.' .. aa. a nil ,. ,Y 0' ' BORING (SHWT)DEPTH Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity -?t!� : ', , �r - i t :., . - 0 (inches/feet below (inches/feet below (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence roes (m/nr) (mnr) .*'^ ,,,1 ^}i,: LOCATION (inches/feet below 0.2 iDYR 3/2 E weak granular very treble 2-6 1.4-14 EGS) EGS) ©�10YR 5/3 sm weag very frWbW 0.6-2 0.14-1.4Y weak sWIII'4. blocky . f. 7yk="' C ' }' ,n<r K ,k / ie• w subangulr •fc '„., -, , t35 +'r / 'k - b �,. Bt2 10-20 10YR6/6 10YR 6/8 silty clay eak firm 0.08-0.2 0.014-0.14 a G < p . ` ;; SW 6 20/1.7 >40/>3.3 40/3.3blocky �` ,-!- a �i A i•,t �• B13 20-30 10YR 6/6 10VR5/8 silty clay weak blew lar firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 ky , '�.•s y� Y� 44. j:... SW-7 22/1.8 >36/>3.0 36/3.0 5v 7/1 massive saProlRewth clay C 30-40 10VR6/6 sill barn friable inclusions and rock 2-6 1.4-14 .d 2.SYR4/6 auger F ftt.y 4; 74 yy refusal on 'A .1.j; f 4. nreterial V Ar `t r� ` �. / /> / Cr 40! WA WA rock WA WA WA s ttslenparent Triassic WA WA _ {' iai SW-8 20 1.7 >36 3.0 36 3.0 1 yy'� ' Estimated OWT depth from EGS: 20 Inches (1.feet) Perched t �'W, h h R yL�a j , ... ,� Measured pthtoatger re EGS: >40 inches (>&3 feet) ' 4 r SW 9 18/1.5 >36/>3.0 36/3.0 y -ec K� � `� � ti * - ,} 1 Depth to auger refusal: 40 inches (3.3 feat) ::. ""ram . �• • ' 4h i�' Boring SW-7 • "�+ :;ma * ti.^ SW-10 22/1.8 >38/>3.2 38/3.2 � N , �� t*^'7` A¢ � h1r ,L-^' �vl�<4� •� *�X � SBME Rolecl llun'ber.217662 Boring Date:Apr125,2023 Landscape Position:Side Slope } .�I,P, 'Z, :} ,'�¢,>y�• a� .'' `i ..,,,I J"; ,J :r-> �''4f {•.. -r M' color USDA USDA t ".}"F� N K Y� 'r' - Estimatetl Estimatetl �r q� ~ , Depth Moist Permeability Contlucl 4ty w 11^ ;yR.t t it d" rr; � 'v } 'Ri•: - �aTX K�-' • . . 1, •r:•Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Noted (in/fir) (in/fir) ' -a;"�' "r -^•r - .1 ,.tom` .?r t` - 1.:1 - ,!!' _ '' w rd^- Cr - .r- -2.',i.. y'. 1' ... +. `• A 0.2 10VR3/2 loam weak granular very friable 2-8 1.4-14 ��ay t ;,9 �>`• '. ">;_f:; � • - r •; V " �' �,.• E 2-6 10VR5/3 silt loam weak granular very friable 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 K ` .. - ^s.,`,.. ' .r/•.��[.'�44A�.,, P' -.'"h. ,.t. ._r ans,�" ilk .}� .s;✓'....' Pond .1.. -O z{,..per a,e '.1 r'.Y Y'+ t rr' M;h^ �.Hf., ,�•. } i. rT .-1 nr!.. r..;y: Pond 2 ?-"ea- r Be 6-10 10VR6/4 silloamay weak sub ngular firm 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 j/�J�j N l._♦ > Y '' 21 !� - 'IS. v: jr �,!"!/ ,t.' ,,.: kY CO .erg '' 4, * • - i}!' 11 O P. - 41/e 'a•� �py',.F-R'ys, 9�r ..��a/.r '4- •, 4` - rt:^ - Bt2 10-22 10VR6/6 10VR6/8 sIIN clay weak subanguWr firm o.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 Q !t`jr 3v t}, . :fir r !" v` ^+1 y ^. t•. ' ` fi'yt �.. .. - _ blocky F�I�I ,%'.. �"8�[.'Au ;:h; -` .f ;:.�' � • r}.:, .da '`+� „?:: ;, 5v 7n angolar ply Z -O jf-.:�f+•eh- -, . ,a� J ' ~' • �f k•• 4•' _ Bl3 22-32 10VR6/8 silty clay weak firm 0.08-0.2 0.014-0.14 - -A'Iir.P.s'Yf,tra. r F,, C. si -' iso i y.•''.yam"• A ✓r_ 2.SYR4/6 blocky J v • p•.! ,in y S ." '•e' .rT ' SW1 O massive inclusions with clay W O ml r„ +M.4. fG, -- /'- C 32-36 2,5VR5/4 10YR 8/1 silt loam friable inclusons and rock 2-6 1,4-14 lFe��l 6 •- •0v t, -K �'2 ,..1P ,:Fzs/ 4 : a ', r,, .r #.r .xi,. 4 `�+'t>2';� '6 M V-n �' - ® fragments mg fusal on ,C,y I- Q ger sr Cr 36+ WA WA rock WA WA WA sltstone Triassic WA WA O Z C-� y3 '.�C - •. �` 9 ^'Y ate"+' 'J F 3,r,; ! Parent material LLJ t-t < - .*.1r - .,0 % 14l r,f Y Mr' `•,j • V, atimatedsHWr depth from EGS: zz inches (1.8 feet) Perched L--) LU -A 'r, ..� 1f..,Fw y Y�' ^' Measured OWT depth from EGS: >38 Inches (>3.0 feet) > - 0 < -N 1M•._. P v. Ya Depth to auger refusal: 36 Inches (3.0 feet) SW-8 vs rc - a4>edh'.: Boring SW 8 F� 0 Q Z - !., ';51' .r`:� .yam l d }' l7 ':� • - s. : ,'.:,r ,4.*::' SBME Rajeot Number.217fi62 Boring Date:APri 26,2023 Landscape Position:Side Slope I- - ® • ]Lv., d,y - - - Color USDA USDA l.�J - 2� - \)40 '%:-� Estimated Estimated rrT, ,n ,%..' Y `..1n •�� .4 •. ` III Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity W V O (In) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture grade Structure Conalatenee Notes (in/fir) (In/fir) Z J , y-- - •y-- /4 In _ Q®10VR 3/2 loamweek granular very frabW 2-6 1.4-14 ICI Q e 111 2-5 10VR5/2 sit loam weak granular very friable0.6-2 0.14-1.4 L1J - y, ® 5-14 10VR6/4 silty clay weak suhlackyWr firm 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 rO < Z I K .'4 -- A - 14-20 10VR6/6 10YR 6/4 sky clay weak s bl ley banguhr firm 0.08-0.2 0.014-0.14 v�/J raY-) O Z ♦ . .k Q >W y f 20-30 10VR6/6 2.SVR4/6 silty clay weak blocuky lar frm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 rrl a Z LL _ .0 >i FeL J ;;; - -.'>iIIF fr f '}T 30-36 2.5VR 5/6 10VR 8/1 silt barn iressrve friable saprfragmentsr�k 2-6 1.4-14 rI D J Q 'K' Y4� �-; auger refusal on ill Q 3` WA WA rock WA WA WA slltstone Triassic WA WA N ." SW-9 , y . �r.,. ©� parem�eral 7 I h Estimated Sl4WT depth item Has: 20 Inches (17taot( Perched « �/ y, �f Measured OWr depth from His: >38 inches (>3.O fee[) - •,� p to g refusal: 36 inches ( feet) 77 1 a,- • 4 `O SW-6 - - -.;-- #t:: A�. x4�fo.{f i• ,�j��et, � Boring SW-9 O $g Depth 30 e[ g ® LAaf -�� •� 1!, i 1, -'.' -_Y SAME Project Number:217662 Boring Dale.Apri 26,2023 Landscape Position.Side Slope P. CA C ti y Color USDA USDA 9y,Zvi +kY .,�,y" Estimated Estimated >'-' 'F 1Ar%S- Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity O } r'y.• ~ �•� Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Textural Grade Structure Consistence Notes (in/hr) (in/fir) A W -c.i t A MEM --1-� r E 2.5V 5/3 silt loam weak granular very friable 0.8-2 0.14-14 C ,..µ,. _ - -!' BO 8-18 10VR8/3 slloalty emy wit sublockyler firm 0.8-2 0.14-1.4 T■ LL - `A I, Bt2 18.24 10VR6/4 1R6/8 silty clay weak black/ firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 Bl9 24-32 SY 7/1 10YR6/6 siltycWY weak baea; firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 • saproltte wtth clay Q - ^ - - C 32-36 2.5YR 5/6 SY10YR7/16/6 silt loam rrassive friable inclusions 2-8 1.4-14 Kl "' < auger refusal on S� ^, - Cr 36+ WA WA rock WA WA WA skstone Triassic WA WA an 1y( • parent material Kl k\, - - - __ Estimated SMNT depth from EGS: 18 inches (1.5feet) Perched tV Measured OWT depth from EGS: >36 inches (>3.0 feet) UJ ' m Depth to auger refusal: 36 inches (3.0 feet) i SCALE: Boring SW-10 1 " = 100 ' ru: ® Hand Auger Boring Location ~`` ggME Project n4mber:2,7662 Boring Dale:Apri 26,2023 Landscape PoSRan:Sloe Slope S color USDA USDA - - , Proposed SCM Location s eneea,ed Conductivity DATE: O «^ y p� ti e � - Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity �,, yk'y" <c!� leA! - Horizon (In) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes on/fir) oNhr) 5-3-23 mmlicocom Parcel w r ,� '> � � r ©� siltycay subanguWr PROJECT NUMBER / � 1:16-10 10VR5/4 team weak blocky firm 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 N •r.' ���`' // ` T__� - m 10.22 10VR8/6 10VR8/8 sltyclay weak suban9uler firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 217662 REFERENCE: ¢y L: nleaN GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE 2021 NCONEMAP AERIAL ORTHOIMAGERY �e j � - / 000$ ��fi~ � ®® nvRss losvR6e 6ltycWy weak ba° firm o.os-o.2 o.o1a-a1a FIGURE NO. YI LAYER AND THE 2013 NCDOT LIDAR CONTOUR DATASET. THIS MAP IS FOR y' angular „/ 2 I /,/� �� SY 7/1 10YR6/6 silty clay blocky firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 a NFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE „ -^ ,>,:'1 '''Y"� z' ' !!! /' auger rolceol on 4- APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION,UNLESS STATED 0= �100. 200 ,` ,_ /�I ' a 3B. wA wA male wA wA wA snamneTraas WA WA _ �/ �" �'/ parent material o OTHERWISE. �` t / ' /"� /� EenmamasHevr depth from ems: 22 Inches (la feet) Perched 4B - FL LT ^� ��� -�• measured OWT depth from CGS: >38 inches (>3.2 teat) ,71iM �*�: !^ r Depth to au:er refusal: 38 inches 3.2 feet a G Boring SW-11 Z - fqg ( P 4 1. F d .. t' - t• L4 �.., t t' •• �.sar 1- 1�• A �tb c ', ` �y SBt5E Project Number:217662 Boring bete:April 26,2023 Landscape Position Side Slope , M e F,..7 "1�f-- �c 't1��,.d' _ `.'l'�.. USDA USDA ',^ t3' * • s f, �, t ,di'` ! )''�:. �., a �`„ .r; ,�..,';.1 Estimated Estimated / & Depth Moist PermeabilityConduct vn ,1r `� u�Jx %4 .} fi, � � J rY ‘ y.. yr ,r� 1, �r ,nay. + � (in) �(Mottles) Texture Structure Consistence Net (in/hr) (in/hr) . .�.Y - ._ ,�+ .9j r� fi4.;Sy., r a� �°= "...1a1, r 'k- - ',. `'" '.' g, . ©�� ��� =��I dirgro 1 III — 'T' ~ "+R•,tt�R.f. '�vB' a"! y7,,1,'• (f+, r' Y 1:..4 RY a� rJ t" K- : �• tsi - xl ®®10YR64®®®subiacrer firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 I811 2--'°Y K` ? firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 PfW - ������a a�'��ar � • • � � �� t�'- ..7e' =` » 10VR8/1 blocukY firm rock elcfragments, 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 _ �{' r.� /� yjQT- ,l _ auger refusal on ^^ ...'1-4-1._,,- t�. 4 s _ Y(. ©®®®®®® WA sltstonteLzralc WA WA .� paren s6;,, ,�,,�fr �'-- Estimated SHWT depth from EDS: 18 Inches (1.5feet) Perched .� by ,' 4 �" 'W�- q. 7 ', c f Measured OWr depth from EGS: >28 inches (>2.3feet) +a'� bL ''' � .:» 1 Depth to auger refusal: 28 inches (2.3feet) I _ 'd .5,r ,."' s ,,.-,wit ...r., r i � . .,.-,,A"'' Boring SW-12 I N 4 �,x.:J V.yr` S0ISf Project Minter:217662 Boring Date:April 28,2023 Landscape Positron:Side Slope T > Y ,rt j« fi C USDA USDA o S � 14. +�? ,,;C' ,��yytr/!'.. -'sl'/ Estimated Estimated ry^,� �s r71�4 U Depth ®® Permeabiiity Conductivityin/hr in• - IIIEI O d t' yr 1 ,Y �' - t'+ .:', , (in) Notes (in/hr) (in/hr) h � \` - r,j f � sp�- ^G� cm 8-20 10VR 5/6 10YR fi/4 ®�sublockyar fum O.Ofi-0.2 0014 0.14 r `i � ', '' - - �� �7 � 2P26 �_��sublockyar firm O.Ofi-0.2 0.014-0.14 11 EMINE111:1E33111=1:1•11=IN =111:MMICIEN CO o - `\,\` �, .T;_ C2 30.34 ®®®- angular firm 0.06-0.2 0.014-0.14 oc ` ^�` + auger refusal on X J 1.1 \ ` \ - SW-1 3 MA e8ston0Trasslc WA WA w cC 4 \ _ parent material (n O Q uu \ " ." „ SW-.12 EstimatedSHWTdepthfromESS: 30 Inches (2.5feet) Perched Z I— I t1.1ndscapeitionSlope iTg 1 ` � USDA USDA / - 1Ct '' 48it/!! l \ 7}� Estimated Estimated F~ d Q } 1 Y0 Il Depth Moist Permeabilit Conduct vit C I- 111,0 3Ili:"P �;+ �Y \` , �f. (i) (Mat') (M Mottles Consistence Notes (i/n) (i/n) G— z V7 \. rockfragment. 0 O o � .\ ` \ - ®®10VR6/fi®s roamy®sublackyzr frm 0.6-2 014-1.4 11 U cC � ` \ ` r1 Bt2 12-20 10YR&fi_®®sublackyzr firm 0.06 0.2 0.014-0.14 O IY Oti o / '` ,\ \ / m® 0VR6/4 ® blocular 9me VJ m 7 .. A 7.5VR4/8 10VR 5/6 silty clay fim rock fra Ms 0.08-0.2 0.014-0.14 Ci o `,\ � l:A1. -. ,}- 11®m�weim au9er refusal on W Q eV ' . WA s0stone Tr ass WA N/A w d Z Ll . _ _ parent meter al rI J a \ ` rr .e $W.,,��� I Estimated SMNr depth from EGS: 20 inches (1.6 feet) Perched L J \ ` ♦�1��e ® S measured OWT depth from EGS: >32 inches (>2.7 feet) _ 0 l7 � \ \ \ \.":�' Depth to auger refusal. 32 none: (z.7 feet) _N \ \ t GH cL > : , \ \ ., P w/ OB 1 WATER A: ER REFUSAL �/ O ° `1 ,, •�.�`���e. TABL. WT)DEPTH DEPTH Q 2 , ,, \ i� 7 (inch feet below (inches/feet below ssyl A / / I EGS) Q `�1� •, iikk �' / / >28/>2.3 28/2.3 \ \\\', r`'�y �' r SCALE: N \\ t. f 1 = 100 o ® Hand Auger Boring Locationeb, , f Proposed SCM Location S \,\'` jG / DATE: o P. Parcel \'b f t' S 3 23 � PROJECT NUMBER 7. REFERENCE: , t '" 217662 i GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE 2021 NCONEMAP AERIAL ORTHOIMAGERY FIGURE NO. rc, LAYER AND THE 2013 NCDOT LIDAR CONTOUR DATASET. THIS MAP IS FOR .--:, .' f INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE / 3 APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION,UNLESS STATED uO 0 0 200 / . •" ,� r /A�(/'1 o \�• OTHERWISE. /r faX ,: F r Z�r Appendix I 4 4 - .,,,01$ '_,W , , ..,- ,. ,:ft\ '1 ---v*",' :..-`"-, : ,., ,.. - , 411111111,dit Ai i yy; ., My i• v s +M .... P J lc• , „, , ,,,, , . ,__,, .,_, *-,' ,, .1.,. ."`--,..''.--'-4•,,- — '44 - I s ,-{ 4. r,' ;, i••-_,3- -• ._„.' ... it L.. 4 , • v-, ..r."...',41,, .. , if. ilk .ie 1, . , w , 1 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including 2 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand auser borin• location SW-1 at 20 inches below EGS. auser borin• location SW-2 at 30 inches below EGS. 4 go, got ^`n• Est*. *•, "3.'l�`�, rj �'n;. _ -.;.. it, < 1►. ". At YetNV '1' { • 1` .' ' .. ,, . 4. I.• • 11 Iiew of soil containing SHWT indicators including 4 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand auser borin• location SW-3 at 20 inches below EGS. au•er borin• location SW-4 at 20 inches below EGS. a RDU PE3 Parking Improvements Soil Photographs S&ME Project No. 217662 I . National Guard Road, Morrisville, North Carolina Taken by:W. Cole I Date Taken:April 2023 1 j • s l -' rit 1 .'4 y t � .,/cam_ yfr 11111"1141 ... rises+ 7e� :' f" '•tii orom.100.. •tl `� *"' '~ •: .,•4 '''',/`.- ' - . ' •>;-\ ge. .', •„,)'s ..?: ...0. -2;-..!i±.1',:-.: :::.' ---''',. .*''''''''.. :-., .- -.I.f:.. -•e-. . .1.14.011A-''''4 iv _ , . • •--..7-4 .,... .. . ,..„„,,...... ......0›. ._.1.., . ",/.• • . , _ _ .,, . ,.. . .., .1. , . . 1 ^ -' or - tfre, S 1 r a 4 r A «. k . .- - ' - . -. ' 5 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including 6 View of soil containing SHWT indicators including redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand auser borin. location SW-5 at 18 inches below EGS. au.er borin. location SW-6 at 20 inches below EGS. • 17 V , J .* '+1.- • • WI ' 7 ..• . . , : ,, . , of n l Y 1' ;^ + '1.,}il •• x.- , !Pt GIs! It I n ? F'! J# fw ,..:. a ', �. , s' la • - `a . oar , . -\ 's,i? - 5:V- •glaN•e• 4rys,' 4. ii 7 View of soil containing SHWT indicators including 8 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand auser borin. location SW-7 at 22 inches below EGS. au•er borin. location SW-8 at 20 inches below EGS. � RDU PE3 Parking Improvements Soil Photographs S&ME Project No. 217662 I . National Guard Road, Morrisville, North Carolina Taken by: W. Cole I Date Taken: April 2023 2 . • , • r , . . • to. •••aigiel° 'It r 3 .. t, -.. : •, • "A:*4.1-4rr ` 1 ... . r / r. •l 3 d''`9, t t p I ,4' I ji rP. , -* - ' w - �'f� `,fV. f y t 1, p � itii r -111 9 View of soil containing SHWT indicators including 1 0 View of soil containing SHWT indicators including redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand _ auger borin. location SW-9 at 18 inches below EGS. auser borin. location SW-10 at 22 inches below EGS. •_ t.',...,Or , - .. . .• il . _ S$ ; _ 7 Fly^/ y j 1/ " .s•f• • 40 \ ' 'or •. 4- • 1< ' t ,4, +*. . , ' • • Yak 1 .14 + .y P4It1L(lr '_•0�1 A _!'•'. —p�• }'J r _ / \ i r Na At , I, :- ,- •-- - -- ./ . . -, '*"... . fik. , --...-. . _. - rA _ , (♦ - !. '^'. T2111*...t. ••, 42r, f • lI w ifir/"* i 11 View of soil containing SHWT indicators including 12 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand auger boring location SW-11 at 18 inches below EGS. auger boring location SW-12 at 30 inches below EGS. — � RDU PE3 Parking Improvements Soil Photographs S&ME Project No. 217662 I . National Guard Road, Morrisville, North Carolina Taken by: W. Cole I Date Taken: April 2023 3 ` ;Ai + _ � 4lits3 No t t_ , ..t‘ i ".• Abet x ;004 v 1 N. 4. • IC ',?,,: 4t' '...• A. . N • 13 iew of soil containing SHWT indicators including 14 redoximorphic features (low chroma mottling) at hand auser borin. location SW-13 at 20 inches below EGS. 16 a RDU PE3 Parking Improvements Soil Photographs S&ME Project No. 217662 I . National Guard Road, Morrisville, North Carolina Taken by:W. Cole I Date Taken:April 2023 4