HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231360 Ver 1_Parcel 7074_20230929Surry C oun ty No rt h Caro lin a o rt hop hotog raph y p ro gram Ap ril 26 , 2 023 0 0.25 0.50.1 25 mi 0 0.4 0.80.2 km 1:16,2 27 Parcel R eportPARCEL ID :495 30 333 70 74OWNER:CED ARBR OOK C OU NTR Y C LU B IN C 225 COU N TRY CL UB DR STAT E R OAD, N C 28 67 6-890 8 ADDR ESS:214 G OLF VIEW LN LAN D VA LU E:$64 8,42 0BLDG VAL UE:$0OBX VA LUE:$0ASSESSED VALU E:$64 8,42 0 AC RES:219 .0 6 ACDEED R EF:011 54 /0 864 Dis c laim er: T he inf orm atio n cont ain ed o n t his page is taken fro m aeria l m app ing, tax m app ing, and public rec ords an d i s NOT t o be c ons t rued or used as a su rve y or 'l egal descr ipti on'. Only a licensed pro fes s ional land surveyor can leg ally de termin e pr eci se loc at ions , elevations , len gth and direc ti on of a line, a nd areas.