HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0078697_Permit Issuance_19981026State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Roscoe J. Green RIG Inc. — Six Oaks Complex Route 5, Box 714 Hendersonville, NC 28739 Dear Mr. Green: NCDENR October 26, 1998 Subject: NPDES Permit Issuance Permit No. NCO078697 RJG Inc. -Six Oaks Complex Henderson County In accordance with the application for a discharge permit received on April 30, 1998, the Division is forwarding herewith the subject state - NPDES permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983. Please be aware of the following changes in this NPDES permit renewal: • Continuous flow recording must be used to monitor effluent flow (projected at 20,000 gpd), per DWQ policy for flows exceeding 10,000 gpd. • Monitoring requirements were added for ammonia (NH3-N) per 213.0500 surface water monitoring requirements. • Sampling for TN and TP was changed from composite samples to grab samples. • Special Condition A(2) -Grease Trap Requirement, was added in case proposed restaurant is tied into W WTP. • Special Condition E (POTW Connection Condition) was removed. However, the permittee should recheck the potential for POTW connection prior to construction of the wastewater treatment system. • Permit expiration date was changed to August 31, 2003. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable. Part H, EA. addresses the requirements to be followed in case of change in ownership or control of this discharge. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Page 2 Nlr. Roscoe J. Green RIG Inc. — Six Oaks Complex October 26, 1998 Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal or Local governmental permits may be required. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Tom Belnick, telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 543. Sincerely, Original Signed By David A Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Central Files NPDES Unit, Permit File Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit U.S.EPA, Roosevelt Childress Permit No. NCO078697 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE MATinNAI POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, RJG, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Six Oaks Complex US Hwy 25 and Green River Road Tuxedo, North Carolina Henderson County to receiving waters designated as the Green River in the Broad River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective December 1,1998. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on August 31, 2003. Signed this day October 26, 1998. Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. NCO078697 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET RJG Inc. is hereby authorized to: l . Construct and operate, in accordance with the Authorization to Construct issued January 17, 1995, a 0.020 MGD wastewater treatment facility consisting of a bar screen, flow equalization tank, dual aeration basins, dual clarifiers, tablet chlorination and dechlorination, tertiary filter, and located at the Six Oaks Complex, US Hwy 25 and Green River Road, Tuxedo, Henderson County (See Part IIIA of this permit), and 2. Discharge wastewater from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into the Green River (via outfall 001), which is classified B-Trout waters in the Broad River Basin. j� ( - ( v = I . ter.• /'%• .`- .. V 'js='• _ •"-H _ .� \\ _ Wet rM _ I 2 •P ,'�� ,_moo' 2�.s � - I203�%y'Carti t657� '� �6�t � 4 2 n �` zoir _ IW6 • -Cif�Y i.! �� �` Rl3liop ': /Zi20 - 4 QP .. 9M 2057: . a- "•+� .-. _ 11L M0' L t Ll �./ Camp, Chap e'e port _ _ _ 1850./ ~��.� �ji 5 - _ 9� o c , 9A, L - - - PWCb Latitude:351253 Longitude: 822632 USGS Quad #: G9NW River Basin #: 030803 Receiving Stream: Green River Stream Class: B Trout RJG Inc. NC 0078697 Henderson County Six Oaks Complex A (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - FINAL Permit No. NCO078697 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARp►CTERISTICS . a ... ' . LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS , Monthly Avera e 9 :, Weekly -:.. Average .... Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 0.02 MGD Continuous Recording I or E BOD, 5 day, 200C 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I Weekly Grab E Total Suspended Residue 20.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/I Weekly Grab E NH3 as N 2/Month Grab E Fecal coliform (geometric mean) 2001100 ml 400/100 ml 3/Week+ Grab E Total Residual Chlorine 28 ug/I Daily Grab E Temperature Weekly Grab E MBAS Weekly Grab E Oil and Grease Weekly Grab E pH Weekly Grab E Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Quarterly Grab E Total Phosphorus Quarterly Grab E Notes: 1 Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent 2 The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. + Monitoring shall be conducted 3NI/eek during June, July, and August and Weekly during the remaining months of the year. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Permit No. NCO078697 SUPPLEMENT TO EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL CONDITIONS A (2). GREASE TRAP FOR RESTAURANT TIE-IN Should a restaurant be connected to this wastewater treatment plant, that restaurant will be served by an adequate external grease trap located sufficient distance from the restaurant to allow solidification of the grease. DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NC0078697 Facility Information Facility Name RJG Inc. / Six Oaks Complex Permitted ow: 0.020 MUD acr rty ass: 11 Facility/PermitStatus: (i.e. New, Modification, Existing or Renewal) Renewal; but facility not yet constructed ounty: Henderson Stream Characteristics ReceivingStream: Green ver Stream Classification: B I rout u asm:(Broad RiverBasin) Drainage Area (mi ): Summer c s Winter c s cs: Average Plow c s : zium I WC U. 14% Miscellaneous egiona ice: Asheville opoQuad: Changes Incorporated into Permit Renewal Proposed Changes Parameters Affected Basis for change(s) Remove Special C-o-nTi—tio—n-F-- Special Condition E I his language was determined POTW Connection Condition to be illegal. Instead, language will be added to cover letter requiring applicant to recheck potential for POTW connection prior to construction of WWTP. Change measurement Flow Per NPDEpo icy, frequency to 'continuous" and continuous flow recording sample type to "recording" required for Q>0.01 MGD Change Monthly avg limit ypo in previous permit. 20 g/1, S appropriate. ch aily max rom 3 45 mg/l. Change measurement Fecal Colitorm Per 2B.0500 Monitoring fre c om we k Requirements for Class II summer an weekly (rest o acility, WQ- rmrte year) to just weekly (all year) I parameter, SIC 4952 Note. Aedh-tel �dili Lt1j,1,,( t1/o su))e-hc-1 LI) Qav�6 oo(rltl k recAetl /4eeviH 0�%c{� 7� �C(O me-tG,{r„s, ire" Air MY Pabh1, gepe 4j 1 h� geti ✓Itifj �f (��jt�i rec,) Mno/o�e4 jay( (7'j �4 J4/ 1) f(7+✓1 limit l)� "��ifi Provili[ � mo�� 16PFwlht ( Ot(l� lt�t lug OT llfYl�ty 4. dl�l�! U'il� T?(v�i �i MA+7 e-evzi b� I„;I} rc Fair, 194Y poet ;- It/Mrfi. Yon '�,�.,- lo_ze-19 'yo'l-PlGtrl^.j Vi'f714 V1'�'Q.�n1A'l Uyiv/t/h�i 6" Le,, lil�i a A AIWS ope"*4 Change monitoring trequency IRC Per 213.0500 Monitoring from Daily to 2/Week uirements for Class II face ity, - unite parameter, SIC 4952 Add monitoring requirementLimit is not necessary, but for 2/Month. monitoring required per 2B .0508(d) for Class II facility. Change sample type from J N, TP Per NPDES policy, grab composite to grab. samples are appropriate for flows less than 30,000 gpd. Add Special ConditionSpecial Condition Recommendation for restaurant grease trap Change permit expiration date Permit Expiration Date Renew permit according to from 11/30/98 to 8/31/2003. Master Planning Schedule for Broad River Basin. NC0078697 Summary Minor facility (proposed commercial development including hotel, office space, retail, restaurant) has still not been constructed, although NPDES permit was first issued in May 1994 and ATC was issued in January 1995. Permittee wants to keep permit active in case development progresses. Permit Changes. Proposed changes in flow monitoring from instantaneous to continous based on Q>0.01 MGD. Ammonia added to list of monitoring parameters. I retained TP and TN monitoring requirements, but changed sample type to grab. I changed monitoring frequencies for TRC and FC, based on monitoring requirements listed in 2B.0500 for a Class II facility treating domestic wastewater. Special Condition for grease trap (in case restaurant tied in) was recommended by Region. DMR Data. No data, since facility is still unbuilt. Staff Report. The file contains an ARO staff report issued 6/26/98. ARO recommends permit renewal, with a special condition added. Specifically, if a restaurant were to be added to the proposed WWTP, installation of an adequate external grease trap located sufficient distance from the restaurant to allow solidification of the grease should be required. ARO restated that there is no alternative to direct discharge to surface waters. WLA. The last WLA was conducted 6/90 using the current design flow (0.020 MGD). Due to large dilution (D = 710:1), secondary limits for BOD/TSS were appropriate and no DO problems were predicted with the Level B model. Only TRC was WQ-limited (trout water). FC limits were recommended by the ARO due to downstream recreational uses, although dilution does not require limits. DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NC0078697 (Continued) Proposed Schedule for Permit Issuance Draft Permit to Public Notice: 09/09/98 Permit Scheduled to Issue: 10/26/98 State Contact If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Tom Belnick at (919) 733-5038, extension 543. Copies of the following are attached to provide further information on the permit development: • Draft Permit NPDES Recommendation by: Date: Regional Office Comments This space is used by the Regional office personnel to identify specific concerns in reference to issuance of the subject permit. Regional Recommendation by: 1 CGAA;vRO�Date: I Reviewed By: Regional Supervisor: 40% 6A //4e: NPDES Unit: Date: �a �� jgjq i{enrwj S°r Pf4,^",1W 047�_ RJG/Six Oaks Complex NC0078697 Qeff=0.020 MGD Residual Chlorine 7Q10(CFS) 22 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.02 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.031 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (U 0 IWC (%) Allowable Cone. (ug/1) 12082 JAA Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7Q10(CFS) 22 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.02 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.031 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL 0.22 IWC (%) Allowable Cone. (mg/1) 555 Ammonia as NIi3 (winter) Q10 (CFS) 30 Fecal Limit Not Required ESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.02 (based on 331 : 1 7Q10 : Qw) ESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.031 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL 0.22 1e(� lr1 ijyk IWC (%) 0.1a OL l �w° Allowable Cone. (mg/1) 531 a' Li 6/18/98 NORTH CAROLINA HENDERSON COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared U who being first duly �sworrq,/deposes and says: that he is `i��tp-e�fc(GP,c-rlk� of Hendersonville Newspaper Corporation, engaged in the publication of a newspaper known as The Times -News, published, issued, and enteredas second class mail in the City of Hendersonville, in said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice of other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Times - News on the following dates: and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, the time of each and every Publication, a newspaper meet- ov ing all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1- +z 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a . qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1.597 of the General Statutes of t, orth Carolina. This 9W_ day of /s 119 " ISIGNE D) ...J� Sworn to and sublSJ flfibed b ef ore me, this -- day Notary Public My commission expires: BETTER BUSINESS FORMS (704) 687 1BB6 PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A STATE NPDES PERMIT On the basis of thorough staff review and application of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, Public Law 92-500 and other lawful standards and regulations, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a permit to discharge to the persons listed below effective 10/26/98 and subject to special conditions. Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed determinations are invited to submit same in writing to the above address no later than 10/9/98 . All comments received prior to that date will be considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding the proposed permit. A public meeting may be held where the Director of the Division of Environmental Management finds a significant degree of public interest in a proposed permit. A copy of the draft permit is available by writing or calling the Division of Environmental Management, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535, (919) 733-7015. The application and other information may be inspected at these locations during normal office hours. Copies of the information on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. All such comments or requests regarding a proposed permit should make reference to the NPDES permit number listed below. Date 1 A. Preston Howard Jr., P.E., Director (lL Division of Environmental Management Public notice of intent to issue a State NPDES permit to the following: I. NPDES No. NC0078697. R J G, Inc., Route 5, Box 714 Hendersonville, NC 28739 has applied for a permit renewal for a facility located at the Six Oaks Complex, US Hwy 25 & Green River Road, southwest of Tuxedo in Henderson County. The facility proposes to discharge 0.020 MGD of treated domestic wastewater from one outfall into the Green River, a Class B -Trout stream in the Broad River Basin which has a 7Q10 flow of 22.00 cfs. Some parameters are water quality limited, which may affect future allocations. PUBLIC NOTICE STATE CP NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAR- OLINA 27626-0535 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A STATE NPDES PERMIT On the basis of thorough staff review and applica- tion of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Caroli- na, Public Law 92-500 and other lawful stand- ards and regulations, the North Carolina Enveron• mental Management Commission proposes to issue a permit to dis- charge to the persons listed below effective 10/26/96 and subject to special conditions. Persons wishing to com- ment upon or object to the proposed determina- tions are invited to sub- mit same in writing to the above address no later than 10/9/98. All corn- ments received prior to that date will be consid- ered in the formulation of final determinations re- garding the proposed permit. A public meeting may be held where the Director of the Division of Environmental Manage ment finds a significant degree of public interest in a proposed permit. A copy of the draft permit is available by writing or calling the Division of En- vironmental Manage- ment, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535, (919) 733- 7015. The application and oth- er information may be in- spected at these loca- tions during normal office hours. Copies of the in, formation on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. All such comments or requests regarding a proposed permit should make ref- erence to the NPDES Permit number listed be - ow. Date: September 1, 1998 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmen Management Public notice of intent to is R sue a State NPDES permit to the following: 1. NPDES No. t-.:?vtuelt NC0078697. R J G, Inc., Route 5, B'- 714 Hendersonville, 28739 has applied for permit renewal for a fN, cility located at the Six Oaks Complex, US Hwy 25 & Green River Road, southwest of Tuxedo in Henderson County. The facility proposes to dis- charge 0.020 MGD of treated domestic waste- water from one outfall in- to the Green River, a Class B - Trout stream in the Broad River Basin which has a 7010 flow of 22.00 eta. Some parame- ters are water quality lim- ited, which may affect fu- ture allocations. (02505638) 9/7 MEMORANDUM TO: Preston Howardd FROM: Tommy Steven_l " AIM7807 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 12, 1994 Keel Ao i olj 1n p�rMr � /�la� a31ti v th� o,t lied �Irvtlh W4V {J; SUBJECT: Findings and Recommendations Public Hearing Held on January 20, 1994 Re: Issuance of NPDES Permit No. NCO078697 RJG, Inc. Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility Henderson County Per the directive via a memorandum from Preston Howard, Jr. dated December 6, 1993, I have conducted a public meeting to obtain comments pertinent to the proposed issuance of a NPDES permit to RJG, Inc., which would authorize the discharge of treated wastewater from a facility located at Six Oaks Complex (US Hwy. 25 & Green River Road/southwest of Tuxedo) into the Green River, a Class C-Trout stream, in the Broad River Basin. The meeting was held at the Blue Ridge Community College Auditorium in Henderson County at 7:30 p.m. on January 20, 1994. There were 184 persons in attendance at the meeting, including nine (9) staff members from the Division of Environmental Management. Forty-four (44) persons spoke at the m- eting regarding the issuance of the NPDES Permit. Twenty-nine (29) persons spoke against the issuance of a permit, eight (8) spoke in support of the project, four (4) were somewhat undecided, and three (3) suggested that both sides work together on finding a suitable site for a nondischarge system to be permitted. The remaining persons in attendance either represented the interest of the concerned citizens (Lake Summit community) or the applicant. The basic issue involved in this matter is whether you, as the Director of the Division of Environmental Management, should approve or deny issuance of a NPDES Permit to RJG, Inc. The decision -making criteria has been established 6; 'T e q � r, NCAC, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2H, Section .0112(b) and in NCGS 143-2151_(`6XbT, I d: j1p, MAY 27 n94 CEN i AAL Fii E CCPY sr Public Meeting -RJG, Inc. Page 2 April 12, 1994 in essence, authorizes the Director to deny a permit only where a proposed discharge will violate the water quality standards obligated applicable pprove assigned cla hided o all Otherwise, the Director appears procedural requirements have been met. Fin 1, RJG, Inc., has submitted a proper NPDFS Permit application along with an alternative analysis; and the Division of Environmental Management has reviewed the application, the wasteload allocation, the theetng and aft permit, the public notice of intent to issue, the notice of p found all items to be complete. All procedures have been in keeping with regulatory requirements. 2. The Green River, in the Broad River Basin, has been classified " C-Trout" by the Environmental Management Commission. According to the schedule of classifications, Green River is classified as C-Trout from its source to the mouth of Lake Summit at elevation 2011 feet. The classification of Green River (Lake Summit below elevation 2011) changes to B-Trout at the mouth. This is a somewhat confusing description since the lake level is m during wet weather, and thcommonly evat on of tf hetop of the dam is 2012.6 eet above the top of the feet MSL per Duke Power Company. On April 21, 1993, the Division of Land Quality, Geodetic Survey Unit (at the request of DEM) measured the water level at the proposed discharge point. Their measurement indicated that the water level was at 2013 feet and the river at that location was several feet deep. The lake level at the time of this measurement was 2012.8 feet according to Duke Power. Based on field observation on that date, d dy�ger ee point didnot appear to open water. o OP significantly between the propose report indicated that the velocity was addition, the regional office staff reiport Indicated and at t point velocity feet sluggish at the point of proposed upstream, as compared to the river at a point one (1) mile upstream. This indicates that the lake actually backs up into the river channel and the proposed discharge point should be considered to be into Class B waters of Lake Summit. (See Attachment 1) rI 2 MAY 2 1994 `W CEI,I RAL FILE COP Public Meeting - RJG, Inc. Page 3 April 12, 1994 A 7-day, 10-year low flow of 22 cfs (summer) and 30 cfs (winter) was determined for the point of proposed discharge and used to establish effluent limitations. The wasteload allocation developed for the discharge contains the following effluent limitations: Flow .020 mgd BOD 30 mg/1 TSS 30 mg/1 Fecal ColL 200/100mi Chlorine 28 ug/1 pH 6-9 su 3. Proper usage of waters of the Green River (Lake Summit) are covered by the "B-Trout classification set forth in Title 15 NCAC, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2B, Section .0100. Based on testimony at the public meeting, it appears that the primary uses of the receiving stream are being covered by the Class "B-Trout" criteria. The lake is used for swimming during the summer months by residents and three (3) summer camps located adjacent of the lake. The Green River was surveyed in January 1989 to determine its suitibility for ORW designation. Data from this study did not recommend ORW designation for any parts of the Green River basin. All sites were either rated as Good, Good -Fair, or Fair based on the benthic macroinvertebrate samples. At the request of the Water Quality Section Chief, portions of the river were resurveyed in 1993 to determine if improvements in water quality within the basin might have caused segments of the river to become eligible for ORW or HQW designation. Based on the 1993 survey, two (2) sites on the upper Green River and Rock Creek were assigned an Excellent bioclassification . This evaluation resulted in a recommendation to consider the reclassification of Rock Creek and tributaries, and the Green River to the confluence of Rock Creek to HQW. This area is well upstream of the proposed discharge location and would not have any impact on a discharge in the area of Lake Summit. 4. Concerns expressed at the public meeting were as follows: (a) Impact on recreational use of the lake (swimming & bo s t a z MAY 2-1 J"4 CEIN WAL FILE COPY, e Public Meeting - RJG, Inc* Page 4 April 129 1994 b Health concerns expressed over the discharge into the lake. (c) Fear of malfunctions with the wastewater facility resulting in the discharge of untreated effluent. p (d) Economic impact on the summer camps which depend very heavily on water based recreation- (e) That issuanc e of this permit will set a precedent for the Green River basin. (f) Asked that the discharge,if permitted, be required to meet the class "B" reliability criteria. e In summary, the concerns expressed were related to the recreational use of th and residents. These concerns and objections were voicedthose area lake by the camps residents of the surrounding that had a vested interest in the lake. Some of the of the project and viewed it as having some economie (Tuxedo) spoke in support • I think everyone would agree that if a nondischarg advantage for the community vailable, the project would be acceptable, since no one was opposed alternative were a to the motel and restaurant being built in the area- Lake Summit Association, the hearing record was left Based on a request from the open for a thirty (30) day period following the public meeting. The record officially Ding this time, it was hope at some additional land closed on February 199 1994. Dur r use as a waste disposal site. After discussions with Forrest might become available fo Regional Office, it was learned that a site was being considered ater Westall of the Asheville g by the health department but the suitability of the site was in question duedoin the e. After a review of the information that was received ved that had table and soil typ iod, no new information was race additional thirty (30) day commente�blic meeting. not already been considered from p La MAY WY 19�4 CENiRAI-��i�E��pQV Y Public Meeting - RJG, Inc. Page 5 April 12, 1994 Recommendations: Based upon a review of the staff report, wasteload allocation, field inspection, and comments presented at the public meeting, it is the meeting officer's recommendation that NPDES Permit No. NCO078697 be issued in accordance with following: (1) The wasteload allocation and the NPDES Permit should be modified to show the classification of the receiving stream as class "B-Trout." (2) The effluent limitation for TSS is recomended to be established at 20 mg/1 Instead of the proposed 30 mg/l. The lower TSS should result in more effective disinfection of the effluent. (3) Nutrient monitoring should be required on a quarterly frequency so data will be available to evaluate the need for nutrient limitations in the future. (4) The treatment plant realibility should be that required for Class "B- Trout" waters. In addition to the above recommendations, a final assessment report on the Green River should be made available for public distribution. There appears to be some misunderstanding among the Lake Summit residents about the reasons why the lower Green River does not meet the HQW or ORW criteria. The release of the report would help to resolve this issue, which is directly related to the Issue over the issuance of the NPDES permit. MAY 1994 CErsrP,AL FILE COPY A. (). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NCO078697 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: .Flow BOD, 5 day, 20*C _,Total Suspended Residue i Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine —Temperature -- MBAS Oil and Grease --Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Total Phosphorus Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. 0.02 MGD 30.0 mg/I 20.0 mg/l elVW - 200.0 /100 ml * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample *Sample Daily Max Freguency c�^} Type Location Weekly fl4-0 Instantaneous I or E 45.0 mg/l Weekly Grab E C:4 �Mg Weekly Grab E 400.0 /100 ml Grab E 0.028 mg/l Daily Grab E Weekly Grab E Weekly Grab E Weekly Grab E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E 6h 74 ** Monitoring shall be conducted 3/Week during June, July and August and weekly during the remaining months. I 1 The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored weekly at the effluent by grab sample. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. V"j d44J/M,) F A ds SOC PRIORITY PROJECT IF YES, SOC NUMBER TO: PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT WATER QUALITY SECTION ATTENTION:Tom Belnick DATE: June 26, 1998 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION COUNTY: Henderson PERMIT NUMBER: NC0078697 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1 2 3 4 Facility and Address: RJG Inc., Six Oaks Complex Mailing: Route 5, Box 714 Hendersonville, N.C. 28739 Date of Investigation: June 24, 1998 Report Prepared By: Roy Davis Yes No Xj Person Contacted and Telephone Number: Roscoe J Green, Sr. 1-828-692-7390 5. Directions to Site: Travel south on U.S. Highway 25 in Henderson County. Exit onto NCSR 1106 (Green River Road) south of the Tuxedo community. Turn east onto NCSR 1106. The site is on the right 0.13 miles after crossing under US 25. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: 001 Latitude 012 153 "N Longitude 026 '32 "W Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No.: U.S.G.S. Quad Name: Zirconia, N.C-S.C. 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? X Yes No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Flat. The proposed site is on the edge of the paved parking area serving a convenience store and therefore occupies high ground well above any flood waters of the Green River Iwo 9. Location of nearest dwelling: The nearest dwelling is more than 100 feet from the proposed wastewater treatment plant site. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Green River a. Classification: B-Trout b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: BRD 030803 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: The proposed point of treated wastewater discharge is to the headwaters of Lake Summit. Downstream uses are fish and wildlife propagation and recreational uses by people attending summer camps and living around the lake. Given that we are now in the backwaters of a lake the stream channel at this location is heavily silted. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of wastewater to be permitted 0.020 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Wastewater Treatment facility? Wastewater treatment plant not yet constructed. C. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity See II-b above. d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: Authorizations to Construct for the wastewater treatment plant and the related collection sewer were issued in 1995. e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: Not yet constructed. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: 20,000 gpd dual units wastewater treatment plant consisting of a bar screen influent flow equalization, aeration and clarification, tablet chlorination and dechlorination, tertiary filters and stand-by power capable of automatic start up. g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: No violations of State Water Quality Standards are expected as a result of this proposed discharge. h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): None required. in development approved should be required not needed -2- 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: The plan at the time of permit renewal is for A -Able Septic Tank Service to haul waste activated sludge to the City of Brevard Wastewater Treatment plant for treatment and disposal. a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DWQ Permit Number: Not applicable Residuals Contractor Telephone Number b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP X PFRP OTHER C. Landfill: City of Brevard, Transylvania County d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): II 4. SIC Codes (s) : 4952 Primary: 02 Secondary: 10,13 Main Treatment Unit Code: 061-7 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None 3. Important SOC, JOC, or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) None Date Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Alternatives to the direct discharge of treated wastewater to the Green River were exhaustively evaluated at the time of original permit issuance. It was concluded at that time that there is no alternative to direct discharge to surface waters if the project is to go forward as planned. -3- Spray Irrigation: Connection to Regional Sewer System: Subsurface: Other disposal options: 5. Other Special Items: Original issuance of this permit was upheld by the NPDES Committee of the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. The Lake Summit Property Owners Association requested and was granted an Administrative hearing. Following the hearing the NPDES Committee found the compliance with the permit as drafted would protect Water Quality Standards in the receiving stream. PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Division proceed with renewal of NPDES Permit No. NC0078697. No alternatives to direct discharge to surface waters is available for this volume of wastewater. Additionally, the NPDES Committee of the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission has found that the proposed treated wastewater discharge, if treated in compliance with the proposed permit, will not result in violation of Water Quality Standards. The ARO recommends the following special condition: Should a restaurant be connected to this wastewater treatment plant that restaurant will be served by an adequate external grease trap located sufficient distance from the restaurant to allow solidification of the grease. R I 3-�� �tp- Signature of Report Preparer V.- Water Quality Regi nal Supervisor Date • rA • i NO -4- mil Ch • / ,q K P120 20 .*y •� o ) \vr� 1 • • i/ ( �Z� pl .l i f ��`_\`- N--J�' • 1 / C. sp Ao u ev-1 tnk, . 0 0 2200 'r, �i / -.`Y� ll ii / $. , • • 1 � � • ,� � /. \ � %1 � _ � )'�� \ i � L/i •1 ! / 1 \ if i� . 1 �-,� � %� `"� �-� %_ � �e�a z�� j' ,Ci- J.''��� j/, 2 0 caj�p I I ZO ly • lo- ?J WYO. 1!859J0 lo 22OU of __Ji __" _1 C !l /� .. ° ' %/,'�/ /- �__ �11 _ 'I i �r i�� „`r iic N ,q a ' q •l -ndrews N CIA 7 Gru Os A% ON ro, 7- SW tie lam- � , (•' .. - _ / .�� e '� __�" - _���-'� c , -., /,,, __ __ - , �', _I -_ / � � ' j -- / / �� �` \tom-_J f� 1 'J c�ti��_77-��'�� ./ ��� _ ~}j �._ \ \� -. / �" i C)����r,�`(r�{,/�� ~`\_- - l/ `/ , / 1 � � �t) � \� - 1�. / 1 � .. � ,\` I j - VZOO A vail �- /l ' �'i D ,".� 1 �`1 -�. =�� Evans r 25 N 00 S) if - 4, A Double s.0fifiv- VN ky c NN 00 Mtn t �n� RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: R J & LNC_ — SIX ORK_-� CoyV\Pr'CX Owner or Contact Person: 20S C Ot= J GRI=.tN S2 Mailing Address: 420V TE S g oX r/ I'-! 1 4rtV 1� EYZS OfV V/�L�— NG a8i8 9 County:_ 14ENDCKLSoN Telephone: 828-G92-7390 Present Classification: New Facility Af:�Existing Facility NPDES Per. No. NCoo 7,96 9'7 Nondisc. Per. No.WQ Health Dept.Per No. — Rated by: Roo ej)lAV IS Telephone: 8W-015)--&7ZoBDate: <.IUI%l 4i, / 9 9U Reviewed by: Health Dept. Telephone: �Gecra � Regional Office Telephone: JrZ _Ji 6tff Central Office Telephone: ORC: /)"or Grade: Telephone: Check Classification(s): Subsurface Spray Irrigation Land Application Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) I fl III IV Total Points: LF3 SUBSURFACE CLASSIFICATION (check all units that apply) 1. septic tanks 2. pump tanks 3. siphon or pump -dosing systems 4. sand filters 5. grease trap interceptor 6. oil/water separators 7. gravity subsurface treatment and disposal: 8. pressure subsurface treatment and disposal: SPRAY IRRICs4TON CLASSIFICATION (check all units that apply) 1. preliminary treatment (definition no. 32 ) 2. lagoons 3. septic tanks 4. pump tanks 5. pumps 6. sand filters 7. grease trapinterceptor e. oil/water separators 9. disinfection 10. chemical addition for nutrient/algae control 11. spray irrigation of wastewater In addition to the above classifications, pretreatment of wastewater In excess of these components shall be rated using the point rating system and will require an operator with an appropriate duel certification. LAND APPLICATIONIRESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permit holder) 1. Land application of biosolids, residuals or contaminated soils on a designated site. ------------------------- WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY CLASSIFICATION The following systems shall be assigned a Class I classification, unless the flow is of a significant quantity or the technology is unusually complex, to require consideration by the Commission on a case -by -case basis: (Check A Appropriate) 1. OiUwater Separator Systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disposal; 2. Septic Tank/Sand Filter Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, pumps,sand filters, disinfection and direct discharge; 3. Lagoon Systems consisting only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfection, necessary chemical treatment for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4. Closed -loop Recycle Systems; 5. Groundwater Remediation Systems consisting only of oil/water separators, pumps, air -stripping, carbon adsorption, disinfection and dispos.J; 6. Aquaculture operations with discharge to surface waters; 7. Water Plant sludge handling and back -wash water treatment; 8. Seafood processing consisting of screening and disposal. g. Single-family discharging systems, with the exception of Aerobic Treatment Units, will be classified it permitted after July 1, 1993 or 4 upon inspection by the Division, it is found that the system is not being adequately operated or maintained. Such systems will be notified of the classification or reclassification by the Commission, in writing. The following scale is used for rating wastewater treatment facilities: (circle appropriate points) ITEM POINTS (1) Industrial Pretroament Units or Industrial Pretreatment Program (see dellnhlori No. 33)....... :........................................... 4 (2) DESIGN FLAW OF PLANT IN gpd [rot applicable to non -contaminated cooling waters, sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, totalty closed cycle systems(see definition No. 11), and facilities consisting only of hem (4)(d) or, Items (4)(d) and (11)(d)) 0 - 20,000.............................................................................................................................................� 20,001 - 50.000......................................................................................................................................2 50,001 - 100.600....................................................................................................................................A 100.001 - 250.000..................................................................................................................................A 250.001 - 500.000..................................................................................................................................5 500.001 - 1.000.000.............................................................. :........................................................ ........ 5 1.000.001 - 2.000,000...........................................................................................................................10 2.0D0.001 (and up) rate 1 point additional for each 200.000 gpd capacity up to a maximum of .................30 Design Flow (gpd) (3) PRELIMNARY UNITSrPROCESSES(see definition No.32) (a) Barscreers...........................................................................................................................................�1 or (b) Mechanical Screens, Static Screens or Comminuting Devices..........................................................................2 (c) Grit Removal..............................................................................................................................................1 or (d) Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal.............................................................................................................2 (a) Ficw Measuring Device.............................................................................................................................13 or (1) Instrumented Flow Measurement................................................................................................................2 (g) Preaeratlon...............................................................................................................................................2 (h) Influent Flow Equalization....................................................................................................................... (I) Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity............................................................ _.............................. ....................... Mechanical................................................................................................................................................3 DissolvedAir Flotation................................................................................................................................8 ([) Prechlorination..........................................................................................................................................6 (4) PRIMARYTREATMENT LN1TSIPROCESSES (a) Septic Tank (see definition No. 43).... _............. _........................................................................................ (b) Imhoff Tank.............................................................................................................................................5 (c) Primary Clarifiers.........................................................................................................................................5 (d) Sorting Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic Non -toxic Materials (sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, sand, gravel, stone, and other mining operations except recreational activities such as gem orgold mining)........................................................................................................................................2 (5) SECONDARYTREATMENT UNITS/PFIDCESSEs (a) Carbonaceous Stage (i) Aeration -High Purity Oxygen System..............................................................................20 DfffusedAir System.....................................................................................................1 Mechanical Air System floating 0 (fixed, or rotor)................................................................. Separate Sludge Rsaerstlon............................................................................................3 (II) Trickling Flier HighRate.......................................................................................................................7 Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Filter ............................................................10 AeratedLagoons..........................................................................................................10 Rotating Biological Comaclom......................................................................................10 Sand Filters -Intermittent bioloolcal_____. _. _.. 9 (vli) Stabilization Lagoons.....................................................................................................6 (vill) CWtl'sr........................... ..................................................................© (ix) Single stage system for combined carbonaceous removal of SOD and nitrogenous removal by nitrification (see definition No. 12)(Points for this item have to be In addition to hems (5)(a)(1) through (5)(a)(vlil), utilizing the extended aeration process (see definition No.3a)..........................................2 utilizing other than the extended aeration process............................................................8 (x ) Nutrient addrions to enhance BOD removal......................................................................5 (xi) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs')addhion........................................................................5 (b) Nitrogenous Stage (I) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System ._......... _.... _........................................................20 Diffused Air System.......................................................................................................10 Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating or rotor).................I...............................................8 Separate Sludge Reiteration............................................................................................3 (il) Trickling Fliter-High Rate...................................................................................................7 StandardRate...............................................................................................................5 PackedTower................................................................................................................5 (III) Biological Aerated Fitter or Aerated Biological Fitter ........................................... _................ 10 (Iv) Rotating Biological Contactors......................................................................................10 (v) Sand Fltter- Intermittent biological..................................................................................2 Recirculating biological....................................................................................................3 (VI) CWV6r..........................................................................................................................5 (6) TEMIkWORADYANCEDTRFATMENTLNnSPRDCFSSES (a) Activated Carbon Beds - whhout carbon regeneration...................................................................................................5 with carbon regeneration.......................................................................................................15 (b) PowderedOrGranularActivatedCarbonFeed- without carbon regeneration.................................................................................................5 with carbon regeneration.....................................................................................................16 (c) Air stripping ..............................................................................................................................................6 (d) Denhrlficeticn Process..............................................................................................................................10 (0) Electmdlafysls............................................................................................................................................5 (i) Foam Separation.......................................................................................................................................5 (a) ton Exchange............................................................................................................................................5 (h) Lard Application of Treated Effluent (see definition No. 22b) (not applicable for sand, gravel, stone and other similar mining operations) by high rate Infiltration......_..................................................................4 (1) Microscreens.............................................................................................................................................5 (1) Phosphorous Removal by Biological Processes (See deffnhicn No. 25)........................................................20 (k) Polishing Ponds . without aeration............................................................................................................2 with aeration ...................... .. __ _ __ ______.. _... 9 (I) Post Aeration - cascade..............................................................................................................................0 diffusedor mechanical........................................................................................................2 (m) Reverse Osmosis .........................................................................................................................................5 (n) Sand or Mixed -Media Filters - low rate......................................................................................................... highrate (o) ................................................................... Treatment processes for removal of metal or cyanide ...................................................................................I 5 ( p ) treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide .............................................. 15 (7) SLUDGETREATMENT (a) Sludge Digestion Tank - Heated (anaerobic)............ ................................................................................. ..t 0 Aerobic.......................................................................................................................................... 6111191161 Unhealed(anaerobic)........................................................................................................4.................. Jor- ..... (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal)................................................................................................... 15 (c) Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity......................................................................................................................2 Vacuum Assisted... ........................................ 4 ....................................... 5 (d) Sludge Elutriation......................................................................................................................................5 (a) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal).....................................................................................................5 (f) Sludge Thickener (gravity)..........................................................................................................................5 (g) Dissolved Air Flotation Unit (not applicable to a unit rated as(3)(1)).............................................................8 (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage) .......................... ............ ............................... ........ .............{..�.5� (1) Sludge Holding Tank - Aerated................................................................................................................� Non-aerated............................................................................................................................................. 111 Sludge Incinerator (not including activated carbon regeneration)... ............................................................. 10 (k) Vacuum Fliter, Centrifuge, or Filter Press or other similar dewatering devices... ........... 4 .................................... 10 (6) RESIDUALS UTILIZATIONIDISPOSAL(induciing incinerated ash) (a) Lagoons..................................................................................................................................................2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) (see definition 22a) by contracting to a land application operator or landfill operator who holds the land application permit orlandfill permit ........................................................................................................................................2 (c Dedicated Land ill(burfal) by the permittee of the wastewater treatment facility............................................... 5 9 ( ) DISINFECTION (a) Chlorination........................................................................................................................................... 5 (b) Dechlorination........................................................................................................................................ 5 (c) Ozone...................................................................................................................................................... (d) Radiation.................................................................................................................................................4 (to) CHEMICAL ADDITION ,Y TEM(S) ( ee definition No. 9) [not applicable to chemical additions rated as hem (3)(1). ( ). (9)(b) or (9)(c) 5 points each: List.................... .............................................................................................................5 ...........................................................................................................................4.......... S ...................................................................................................................................... S ........................................................................................................................... ......5 (1 1) MISCELLANEOUS UNITSrPROCESSES (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds for Organic or Toxic Materials Including wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds In amounts significantly greater than Is common fordomestic wastewater...........................................................................................................4................4 (b) Effluent Flow Equalization (rot applicable io storage basins which are inherent In land application systems) ...... 2 (c) (d) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins Inherent in land application systems) ....... ..... ................. Pumps..........................................................................................................................................4........ ..5 (a) Stand -By Power Supply......................................................................................................................4. ..S (f) Thermal Pollution Control Device................................................................................................................ TOTALPOINTS..........................................................................!::IE3 CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................... 5-25 Points lass II.. .... ............................................................................................ ...26-50 Points C........................................................................................................ 51-65 Points GasN............... ............ ........................................... ................. 4....... ........ 66-Up Points Facilities having a rating of one through four points. Inclusive, do not require a certified operator. Facilities having an activated sludge process will be assigned a minimum classification of Class If. Facilities having treatment processes forthe removal of metal or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of Class It. Facilhies having treatment processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classification of Class III. .0004 DEFINITIONS The following definhlons shall apply throughout this Subchapter. (1) Activated Carbon Beds. A physlcaVchemical method for reducing soluble organic material from wastewater effluent; The column -type beds used In this method will have a flow rate varying from two to eight gallons per minute per square foot and may be either upllow or downflow carbon beds. Carbon may or may not be regenerated on the wastewater treatment plant site; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A basin In which all solids are maintained In suspension and by which biological oxidation or organic matter Is reduced through artificially accelerated transfer of oxygen on a flow -through basis; (3) Aeratlon. A process of bringing about Inilmats contact between air or high purity oxygen in a liquid by spraying, agitation or dlffuslon;(3a) Extended Aeration. An activated sludge process utilizing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 16 hours. (4) Agriculturally managed site. Any she on which a crop Is produced, managed, and harvested (Crop Includes grasses, grains, treat, etc.); (5) Air Stripping. A process by which the ammonium Ion Is first convened to dissolved ammonia (pH adjustment) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical means; or other similar processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xylem; (6) Carbon Regeneration. The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of a furnace to provide extremely high temperatures which volatilize and oxidize the absorbed Impurities; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A stage of wastewater treatment designed to achieve 'secondary' effluent limits; (6) Centrifuge. A mechanical device In which centrifugal force is used to separate solids from liquids or to separate liquids of different densMas; (9) Chemical Addition Systems- The addition of chemical(s) to wastewater at an application point for purposes of Improving solids removal, pH adjustment, alkalinity control, etc.; the capability to experiment whh different chemicals and different application points to achieve a specific result will be considered one system; the capability to add chemical(s) to dual units will be rated as ona system; capability to add a chemical at a different application points for different purposes will result In the systems being rated as separate systems; (10) Chemical Sludge Conditioning. The addition of a chemical compound such as time, ferric chloride, or a polymer to wet sludge to coalesce the mass prior to its application to a dewatering device; (11) Closed Cycle System& Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for containment of wastewater contalning Inorganic, non -toxic materials from sand, gravel, crushed stone or other similar operations. Such systems shall carry a maximum of two points regardless of pumping facilities or any other appurtenances; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous BOD and Nitrogenous Removal by Nlu fbation- A single stage system required to achieve permil effluent limits on SOD and ammonia nitrogen within the same biological reactor, (13) Dechlorinatlon. The phial or complete reduction of residual chlorine in a liquid by any chemical or physical process; (14) Denhdfication Process. The conversion of nitrate -nitrogen to nitrogen gas; (15) Electrodialysis. Process for removing Ionized salts from water through the use of Ion -selective Ion -exchange membranes; " (16) Filter Press. A process operated mechanically for partially dewatering sludge; (17) Foam Separation. The planned frothing of wastewater or wastewater effluent as a means of removing excessive amounts of detergent materials through the introduction of air in the form of fine bubbles; also called foam fractionation; (18) Grit Removal. The process of removing grit and other heavy mineral matter from wastewater; (19) Imhoff Tank. A deep two story wastewater tank consisting of an upper sedimentation chamber and a lower sludge digestion chamber. (20) instrumented Flow Measurement. A device which Indicates and records rate of flow; (21) Ion Exchange. A chemical process In which Ions from two different molecules are exchanged; (22) Land application: (a) Sludge Disposal. A final sludge disposal method by which wet sludge may be applied to land either by spraying on the surface or by subsurface injection (i.e.. chisel plow); [not applicable for types of sludge described In (11) of this Rule]; (b) Treated Effluent. The process of spraying treated wastewater onto a land area or other methods of application of wastewater onto a land area as a means of final disposal or treatment; (23) Microscreen. A low speed, continuously back -washed. rotating drum filter operating under gravity conditions as a polishing method for removing suspended solids from effluent; (24) Nitrification Process. The biochemical conversion of unoxidized nitrogen (ammonia and organic nitrogen) to oxidized nitrogen (usually nitrate); (25) Nitrogenous Stage. A separate stage of wastewater treatment designed for the specific purpose of converting ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen; (26) Phosphate Removal, Biological. The removal of phosphorus from wastewater by an oxWanoxic process designed to enhance luxury uptake of phosphorus by the microorganisms; (27) Polishing Pond. A holding pond following secondary treatment with sufficient detention time to allow settling of finely suspended sotids; (28) Post Aeration. Aeration following conventional secondary treatment units to increase effluent D.O. or for any other purpose; (29) Post Aeration. (Cascade) A polishing method by which dissolved oxygen is added to the effluent by a nonmechanical, gravity means of flowing down a series of steps or weirs; The flow occurring across the steps or weirs moves in a fairly thin layer and the operation of the cascade requires no operator adjustment; thus, zero points are assigned even though this is an essential step to meeting the limits of the discharge permit; (30) Powdered to Granular Activated Carbon Feed. A biophysical carbon process that utilizes biological activity and organic absorption by using powdered or granular activated carbon; Virgin or regenerated carbon Is feed controlled Into the system; (31) Preaeratlom A tank constructed to provide aeration prior to primary treatment; (32) Preliminary Units. Unit operations In the treatment process, such as screening and comminution. that prepare the liquor for subsequent major operations; (33) Industrial Pretreatment. (a) Pre-treatment Unit, Industrial. The conditioning of a waste at its source before discharge, to remove or to neutralize substances Injurious to sewers and treatment processes or to effect a partial reduction In load on the treatment process which is operated by the same governing body as the wastewater treatment plant being rated; b) Pre-treatment Program, industrial - must be a State or EPA required program to receive points on the rating sheet; (34) Primary Clarifiers. The first settling tanks through which wastewater is passed In a treatment works for the purpose of removing settleable and suspended solids and BOD which Is associated with the solids; (35) Pumps. All influent, effluent and In -plant pumps; (36) Radiation. Disinfection or sterilization process utilizing devices emitting ultraviolet or gamma rays; (37) Reverse Osmosis. A treatment process In which a heavy contaminated liquid Is pressurized through a membrane forming nearly pure liquid free from suspended solids; (38) Rotating Biological Contractors. A fixed biological growth process In which wastewater flows through tanks In which a series of partially submerged circular surfaces are rotated; (39) Sand Filters: (a) Intermittent Biological. Filtration of effluent following septic tanks. lagoons, or some other treatment process In which further blodecomposhlon is expected to produce desired effluents; Hydraulic loading rates on these fliters are computed In gpd/ac and have a resulting low gpnVsf (less than one); b) Recirculating biological - the same type of sand filter as defined In Subparagraph (39) (a) of this Rule with the added capability to recycle effluent back through the sand filter, (40) Sand or Mixed -Media Filters. A polishing process by which effluent limits are achieved through a further reduction of suspended solids; (a) low rate -- gravity, hydraulically loaded filter with loading rates In the one to three gpm/sf range; (b) high rate -- a pressure, hydraulically loaded filter with loading rates in the five gpm/sf range; At arry rate, the loading rate will exceed three gprrVsf; (41) Secondary Clarifiers. A tank which follows the biological unit of treatment plant and which has the purpose of removing sludges associated with the biological treatment units; (42) Separate Sludge Reaeratlon. A part of the contact stabilization process where the activated sludge is transferred to a tank and aerated before returning it to the contact basin; (43) Septic Tank. A single -story settling tank In which settled sludge Is In contact with the wastewater flowing through the tank; shall not be applicable for septic tank systems serving single family residences having capacity of 2.000 gallons or less which discharge to a nitrification field; (44) Sludge Digestion. The process by which organic or volatile matter and sludge is gasified, liquefied, mineralized or converted into more stable organic matter through the activity of living organisms, which Includes aerated holding tanks; (45) Sludge Drying Beds. An area comprising natural or artificial layers of porous materials upon which digested sewage sludge Is dried by drainage and evaporation; (46) Sludge Elutdation. A process of sludge conditioning In which certain constituents are removed by successive washings with fresh water or plant effluent; (47) Sludge Gas Utilization. The process of using sewage gas for the purpose of heating buildings, driving engines, etc.; (48) Sludge Holding Tank (Aerated and Nonaerated). A tank utilized for small wastewater treatment plants not containing a digester In which sludge may be kept fresh. and supernatant withdrawn prior to a drying method (i.e. sludge drying beds); This may be done by adding a small amount of air simply to keep the sludge fresh, but not necessarily an amount that would be required to achieve stabilization of organic matter. A nonaerated tank would simply be used to decant sludge prior to dewatering and would not allow long periods (several days of detention) without resulting odor problems; (49) Sludge Incinerators. A furnace designed to bum sludge and to remove all moisture and combustible materials and reduce the sludge to a sterile ash; (50) Sludge Stabilization (Chemical or Thermal). A process to make treated sludge less odorous and putrescible, and to reduce the pathogenic organism content; This may be done by pH adjustment. chlorine dosl% or by heat treatment; (51) Sludge Thickener. A type of sedimentation tank in which the sludge Is permitted to settle and thicken through agitation and gravity; (52) Stabilization Lagoon. A type of oxidation lagoon in which biological oxidation of organic matter Is effected by natural transfer of oxygen to the water from air (not a polishing pond); (53) Stand -By Power Supply. On she or portable electrical generating equipment; (54) Static Screens. A stationary screen designed to remove solids. including non-blodegradable particulate (floatable solids. suspended solids and BOD reduction) from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems; (55) Ternary Treatment. A stage of treatment following secondary which is primarily for the purpose of effluent polishing; A settling lagoon or sand or coal filter might be employed for this purpose; (56) Thermal Pollution Control Device. A device providing for the transfer of heat from a fluid flowing in tubes to another fluid outside the tubes, or vice versa; or other means of regulating liquid temperatures; (57) Thermal Sludge Conditioner. A conditioning process by which heat is added for a protracted period of time to improve the dewaterablifty of sludge by the solubillzing and hydraulizing of the smaller and more highly hydrated sludge particles; (58) Toxic Materials. Those wastes or combinations of wastes, including disease -causing agents which after discharge and upon exposure. Ingestion. Inhalation or assimilation Into arry organism. either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains, will cause death. disease. behavioral abnormalities, cancer. genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions (Including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations. In such organisms or their offspring; Toxic materials Include. by way of illustration and not limitation: lead, cadmium. chromium. mercury. vanadium. arsenic, zinc. ortho-nftro-chlorobenzene (ONCE), polychlorinated blphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyl tdchloroethane (DDT); and any other materials that have or may hereafter be determined to have toxic properties; (59) Trickling Filter. A biological treatment unit consisting of a material such as broken stone or rock over which wastewater is distributed; A high rate trickling filter Is one which operated at between 10 and 30 mgd per acre. A low rate trickling filter is one which is designed to operate at one to four mgd per acre; (60) Trickling Filter (Packed Tower). A plug flow type of operation in which wastewater flaws down through successive layers of media or filtrate material; Organic material Is removed continually by the active biological fixed growth In each successive layer. This method may produce 'secondary' quality effluent, or may be adapted to produce a rJtrffled effluent; (61) Vacuum Filter. Centrifuges, or Filter Presses. Devices which are designed to remove excess water from either digested or undigested sludge prior to disposal or further treatment.