HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072575_Special Order by Consent_20171109 (2)NPDE!i DOCUMENT SCARMINL COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NCO072575 Sanford Processing Plant Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Special Order by Consent (SOC) Owner Name Change Staff Comments Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: November 9, 2017 T1210 doctimeat iM printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rezrerse INide Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUAIITY November 9, 2017 Mr. Tim Singleton Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 484 Zimmerman Road Sanford, NC 27330 ROY COOPER Gm•ernor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director Subject: Special Order by Consent Completion Sanford Processing Plant Permit No. NCO072575 SOC No. WQS15-002 Lee County Dear Mr. Singleton: This letter confirms on time completion of all required activities and activities associated with the Special Order that was initially entered into with the Division in February 2016. If you have questions, please contact Brianna Young of my staff at 919-807-6333, or via e-mail [Brianna.Young@ncdenngov]. S' erely, rG Linda Culp per / Interim Director, Division of Water Resources cc: NPDES Files Central Files Raleigh Regional Office Tina Pedley, Complex Environmental_ Manaeer, Sanford Processing Plant [484 Zimmerman Road, Sanford, NC 27330] State of North Carolina I Fm6onmental Quality I WaterResotaces 1617 Mall service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 707 9000 Young, Brianna A From: Smith, Danny Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2017 4:33 PM To: Young, Brianna A Cc: Cashion, Ted Subject: SOCs Mayo (Person County) and Pilgrim's Pride (Lee County) SOCs are complete. Thanks! Danny Danny Smith, Supervisor Raleigh Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Division of Water Resources (919)791-4252 `0 pilgrim-ps,_, Via Certified Mail 7015 1730 0000 8145 3575 7015 1730 0000 8145 3582 September 15, 2017 Raleigh Regional Supervisor �u,o tZ57S Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources— Water Quality Permitting Section RECEIVEGI NCDEQ/DWR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 SEP 19 2017 Water Quality Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Permitting Section Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: This letter acknowledges September 15, 2007 being the end of the SOC. We are under compliance minus the fecal issues noted in the last letter for August 2017. The construction project has been completed. Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.pedley@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager tel 970 506 8000 `0 pjlgrirm's. Via Certified Mail 7015 1730 0000 8145 3544 n1tp07Z5-?5 7015 1730 0000 8145 3551 September 1, 2017 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: RECEIVEDINCDEQIDWR SEP 0 7 2017 Water Quality Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.d., Pilgrim's is providing this item completion progress report. Permit Limit Compliance Pilgrim's has been in compliance with the Permit Limits for ammonia and Total Nitrogen. On August 11 we had a 1200 MPN/100ml fecal coliform exceedance. We feel this is not a true indication of our system's performance. The fecal exceedance is believed to be an error as we had tests performed before and after this event, both samples were well under our limits. Our chlorination system is working properly and our gas chlorination system has been feeding at the rate it historically has. Our certified lab agrees that is not accurate based on our history. We have made changes to our process to ensure we are doing everything to keep our fecal numbers under the permit limits. The certified lab is also pulling the samples for us now to ensure the operator does not contaminate the sample. We had a Piedmont Chlorinator technician come in and inspect the chlorine system as well as increase the amount of chlorine we can feed daily. We drained the contact chamber to verify there were no solids present in the bottom. The only thing we found was a dead frog in the effluent area just before the parshall flume. We had the line between the parshall flume and the steps (where we sample for fecal) jetted out. Our tertiary treatment will be cleaned with sodium hypochlorite to increase disinfection. We have also had a tel 970 506 8000 fax 800 727 5366 second lab pull samples to compare results. The second lab uses a different type of bottle. The total chlorine in the contact chamber and the total residual chlorine on August 1 I were both high showing the chlorination system was operating correctly. We also have a contract with Terra Renewal to remove 25% of our solids. We are currently waiting on the permit from DEQ to move forward with that project. Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.pedlev(c),pilerims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, �a Pe Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager pilgrim-Ps� RECEIVEDINCDEIDIDWR AUG 0 9 2017 Water Quality Permitting Section Via Certified Mail 7015 1730 0000 8145 3391 7015 1730 0000 8145 3407 July 25, 2017 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.d., Pilgrim's is providing this quarterly progress report. Activities Undertaken and Comnleted Construction of the treatment plant upgrade was completed by March 31, 2017. This included the new anaerobic lift station, anoxic denitrification tank, associated nitrate recycle pumps and piping, sludge holding tank and belt press. The anoxic denitrification system has been placed into operation and is working well. Compliance Pilgrim's has been in compliance with the Permit Limits and Interim Limits since the February 5, 2016 effective date of the SOC. Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.pedlev6Dpilprims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, J&0_�&4 Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager tel 970 506 8000 0 pilgrim'Psa February 3, 2017 Danny Smith, Supervisor NCDENR, Surface Water Protection Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Re: Dear Mr. Smith, Amendment of Scheduled Event Pilgrim's Pride Corporation Sanford, North Carolina EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 As mentioned in our Quarterly Reports, Pilgrims has been progressing well on construction of the wastewater treatment improvements at our Sanford, NC plant. Several pictures of the $5 million in improvements are attached. The SOC in paragraph 2.c. has a scheduled date for completing construction of March 13, 2017. As we have also documented in the Quarterly reports, there have been some delays in the project. Out of an abundance of precaution, we are requesting an extension of the Complete Construction date to April 7, 2017. Our contractor has experienced delays due to permitting with the city of Sanford and weather. There was a four -week delay in starting construction due to the city of Sanford in issuing building and electrical permits. Hurricane Matthew and other heavy rain added another week to two weeks of delays. In December 2016 several winter storms with snow and ice added to those delays. In addition, several aeration blowers needed for the sludge storage tank are manufactured in Europe and scheduled for delivery in late February. We have been meeting frequently with the contractor to convey the urgency of completion and the contractor believes they will be able to complete the project by the scheduled date of March 13". However, due the potential for unforeseen contractor delays, additional snow or ice, and delays in equipment tel 970 506 8000 delivery associated with international shipping and customs, we feel it is better at this time to communicate that risk and request an extension. Please note that we have met all other scheduled dates, have been in compliance with the interim permit limits since February 2016, and will meet the scheduled date for compliance with the final effluent limits of June 15, 2017. Pursuant to paragraph 7 of the SOC, please approve our request for an extension of the Complete Construction date to April 7, 2017. Please contact me by phone at 970-347-5730, or via e-mail at dave.townsendOoilarims.com should you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, pl"4 David A. Townsend, P.E. VP Environmental Engineering Attachments — photos pi�grirns 1770 Promontory Circle Greeley. CO 80634-9039 USA tot B70 506 8000 tax 800 !27 53fi6 v;ww.pilgrims.com i 1770 Promontory Circle pilgrim Greeley, CU UU634-9039 USA w tat 970 506 3000 fax 300 727 5366 wwwpilCrims.com pilgrim-PSN Via Certified Mail January 27, 2017 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 7014 0150 0001 8782 4990 7014 0150 00018782 4983 2`'� Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR JAN 31 2017 Water Quality Permitting section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.d., Pilgrim's is providing this quarterly progress report. Activities Undertaken and Completed The anoxic and sludge holding tanks have been constructed. The lift station and pump building structures are nearly complete. Most underground piping has been completed. The mechanical equipment for the anoxic denitrification system is also nearing completion. The sludge handling system mechanical equipment is not all on -site yet. The belt press and the aeration blowers for the sludge tank will be delivered in mid to late February The electrical work and controls for the equipment is progressing, but can't be completed until all equipment is delivered and installed. There was a four -week delay in starting construction due to the city of Sanford in issuing building and electrical permits. In addition, hurricane Matthew and other heavy rain added another week to two weeks of delays. At this time the contractor states they will complete the project in mid - March. Pilgrims will continue to monitor progress and promptly communicate to the state any tel 970 506 8000 additional delays. We may need to request an extension of the construction completion date of March 13, 2017, but not the final compliance date which is June 15, 2017. Permit Limit Compliance Pilgrim's has been in compliance with the Permit Limits and Interim Limits since the February 5, 2016 effective date of the SOC. Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.pedley2pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager "0 Via Certified Mail October 26, 2016 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 70153430000109473933 70153430000109473926 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: report. REGEIVEDI 0DEQIDWR OCT 31 2016 vJster Quaiity Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.d., Pilgrim's is providing this quarterly progress Activities Undertaken and Completed The contractor is pouring concrete for the lift station, pump and belt press buildings and tank foundations. Associated underground piping for these structures has been completed. There was a four week delay in starting construction due to the city of Sanford in issuing building and electrical permits. In addition, hurricane Matthew and other heavy rain added another week of delay. At this time the contractor still states they can meet the construction completion deadline. Pilgrims will continue to monitor progress and promptly communicate to the state any additional delays. Permit Limit Compliance Pilgrim's has been in compliance with the Permit Limits and Interim Limits since the February 5, 2016 effective date of the SOC. tel 970 506 8000 fax 800 727 5366 Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.pedlev@pilerims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, n P"_C Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager pilgrim,pso Via Certified Mail 70140150000187824587 70140150000187824594 July 26, 2016 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR AUG 02 1-u10 Water Quatity Perm tiny Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.d., Pilgrim's is providing this quarterly progress report. Activities Undertaken and Completed Pilgrim's has received the E & S Permit. We are in the process of obtaining the building permits. The contractor has started to order equipment and has been on site to begin setting up their equipment. Permit Limit Compliance Pilgrim's has been in compliance with the Permit Limits and Interim Limits since the February 5, 2016 effective date of the SOC. Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.yedley@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager tel 970 506 8000 pilgrim -PS Via Certified Mail July 26, 2016 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 7 (� ( s 70140150000187824525 70140150000187824518 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Solids Management Plan To whom it may concern: RECEIVED/NCDEOMWR AUG 0 2 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.b.3, Pilgrim's is providing this solids management plan. Pilgrim's Pride Solids Management Plan and Implementation Schedule The Pilgrim's poultry processing facility produces solids from the pretreatment system and the biological treatment plant. In 2015 Pilgrim's installed a dissolved air floatation (DAF) unit to remove solids and oil and grease from the pretreatment system. Previously these materials were being discharged to the anaerobic lagoon. The solids are now diverted for beneficial recycling at a nearby rendering facility. As part of the project being completed for the SOC, Pilgrim's will install a belt filter press for management of waste activated sludge (WAS). Previously, the WAS was pumped to tel 970 506 8000 fax 800 727 5366 the anaerobic lagoon. Beginning in 2017, the belt press dewatered WAS will be sent to either a composting facility for recycling, or land applied by a third -party contractor offsite. The implementation of the DAF pretreatment unit and belt filter press for WAS will prevent significant future accumulation of solids in the anaerobic lagoon. Pilgrims estimates that the current anaerobic lagoon contains approximately 1200 dry tons of bottom solids and 300,000 ft.3 of grease material floating at the surface of the lagoon. Based on probing of the lagoon, it likely has 25% - 50% free capacity remaining. Pilgrim's is soliciting bids from third -party contractors to remove 25% of each type of material over the next four years to clean the lagoon out over time. It is necessary to slowly clean out the lagoon in order to keep it in service and provide anaerobic first stage biological treatment. Significant agitation and disturbance could cause excess solids discharge from the lagoon and upset downstream treatment units. Lagoon cleanout will begin in 2017. Sludge depths will be reevaluated after the 2017 cleanout. The third party contractor will be required to meet all NCDENR requirements. The preliminary plan is to dispose of grease cap material in an approved landfill. Bottom solids will be land applied to agricultural land. The contractor will obtain all necessary land owner approvals, NCDENR permits and comply will NCDENR rules for application method, timing, nutrient management, land slope and crop requirement, agronomic rates, pathogen reduction and vector controls. Please contact me by phone at 919-895-3457 or via e-mail at tina.peedlevna ailerims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Tina Pedley Complex Environmental Manager pilgrim-pSo Via Certified Mail 70132250000199711596 70132250000199711602 May 27, 2016 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 Scheduled Events To whom it may concern: RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR JUN 0 2 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.c., Pilgrim's has completed the following events: Begin Construction On March 7, 2016 construction of piping and valve connections to the existing concrete aeration tank began. Pilgrim's management has approved $5.4 million for the wastewater improvement project; a construction contract has been signed and the contractor will mobilize on - site for additional construction activities during the month of June. We plan to complete construction by the scheduled date of March 13, 2017. Please contact me by phone at 970-347-5730 or via e-mail at dave.townsend@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Townsend VP Environmental tel 970 506 8000 fax 800 727 5366 pilgrin��s� April 29, 2016 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 Scheduled Events To whom it may concern: RECEIVEDINCDEUDWR MAY 0 9 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section On April 27, 2016, I sent a letter regarding scheduled event completion pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.c. However, I did not include a copy of the referenced Treatment Unit Investigation report. Attached is a copy of the report by Reid Engineering titled Final Design Summary of Wastewater Treatment Upgrade dated April 26, 2016. Please contact me by phone at 970-347-5730 or via e-mail at dave.townsend@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Townsend VP Environmental tei 970 506 8000 nth is tlre� Reid En ineelvlg .Ps� Final Design Summary of Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade Qt p1tgnnn,,,S- Pilgrim's Pride Sanford, North Carolina April 26, 2016 Prepared by: RECEIVEMCDEQ IVR MAY 0 9 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Reid Engineering Company, Inc. Environmental & Civil Engineering Consultants 540-371-8500 I www.Re!dEngineering.com 1210 Princess Anne Street I Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Contact: Wade Tanner, P.E. Email: wtanner@reidengineering.com FINAL DESIGN SUMMARY OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM UPGRADE for PILGRIM' S PRIDE Sanford, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT............................................................................................... 1 B. WASTEWATER POLLUTANT LOADINGS AND FLOWS ............................................... 2 C. DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION (DAF) FIRST STAGE PRETREATMENT SYSTEM (Existing)................................................................................................................................. 3 D. ANAEROBIC LAGOON SECOND STAGE PRETREATMENT SYSTEM (Existing)....... 4 E. ANAEROBIC LAGOON SHORT CIRCUIT / BY-PASS LINE ........................................... 8 F. ANAEROBIC LAGOON EFFLUENT PUMP STATION (New) .......................................... 9 G. ANOXIC REACTOR #1 (New)............................................................................................ 10 H. NITRATE RECYCLE PUMP STATION (New).................................................................. 15 I. CONVERT EX. SCHREIBER TANK INTO NITRIFICATION REACTOR #2 (Modification)........................................................................................................................ 16 J. FINAL CLARIFIER (Existing)............................................................................................. 23 K. SLUDGE RETURN AND WASTE SLUDGE PUMP STATION (Modification) ............... 25 L. WASTE SLUDGE STORAGE TANK (WSST) (New) ........................................................ 25 M. BELT PRESS SLUDGE DEWATERING SYSTEM (New) ................................................ 28 N. PLANT SITE DRAIN PUMP STATION (New).................................................................. 31 O. CHEMICAL STORAGE -FEED EQUIPMENT FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (Existing)............................................................................................................................... 31 P. EXPECTED FINAL EFFLUENT QUALITY...................................................................... 34 FINAL DESIGN SUMMARY OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM UPGRADE for PILGRIM'S PRIDE Sanford, North Carolina A. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 1. Pilgrim's Pride desires to upgrade the existing Wastewater Treatment System (WWTS) at their facility in Sanford, North Carolina. The treatment system is being upgraded to provide increased Total Nitrogen (TN) pollutant removal efficiency to install a new Anaerobic Pretreatment Lagoon Effluent Pump Station; install a new Waste Activated Sludge Storage Tank; a belt press sludge dewatering system for long term sludge management capability; and, to install a new Anoxic Reactor to operate upstream of the existing Schreiber Reactor for capability to comply with existing permit limits for Total Nitrogen concentration. The processing plant capacity is approximately 134,000 birds/day over two kill shifts per day followed by a nightly sanitation clean-up shift, 5 to 6 days per week. The total average wastewater flow volume discharged from the Pilgrim's facility is approximately 0.85 MGD, 5 to 6 days per week, with a maximum flow volume of 1.0 MGD, 6 days per week. The existing wastewater treatment system consists of primary screening, first stage pretreatment by one existing DAF Cell and second stage pretreatment by one existing 17 MG covered Anaerobic Lagoon (AL) operated to provide 7 day flow equalization. The existing second stage pretreatment AL effluent is discharged by gravity into a single stage biological treatment system consisting of a 2.5 MG Schreiber activated sludge reactor tank and a 78-foot diameter gravity Final Clarifier. Final effluent polishing is provided by a Schreiber Fuzzy Filter tertiary filtration system and final effluent disinfection by chlorination and de -chlorination. Disinfected final effluent flows by gravity to a cascade post aeration prior to discharging to Outfall 001 in Deep River. To provide the required wastewater treatment capacity for improved TN removal efficiency, the existing single stage activated sludge WWTS will be upgraded into a two - stage biological nitrogen removal (BNR) system. The two -stage anoxic -aerobic (denitrification-nitrification) treatment system is designed to provide BOD removal, ammonia removal, nitrate -nitrogen removal, and TN removal. The upgrade would include the installation of one new, above grade, Anoxic Reactor # 1 tank to operate as a first stage anoxic (low DO) reactor upstream of existing Schreiber tank which would be operated as a second stage aerobic (high DO) Nitrification Reactor #2. A new Nitrate Recycle (NR) Pump Station would be installed to recycle mixed liquor from Nitrification Reactor #2 back into Anoxic Reactor # 1. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 2. Summary of WWTS Upgrade Components Included in the Project: a. Upgrade existing recycle whitewater system and existing Pretreatment DAF Cell System to improve solids removal capacity. Install a mixer in the raw wastewater pump station wet well. b. The existing Covered Anaerobic Lagoon (AL) will continue to provide second stage wastewater pretreatment and 7 day flow equalization. The AL will be provided with a new biogas waste gas burner. c. New Anaerobic Lagoon Effluent Pump Station to pump AL effluent to the New Anoxic Reactor #1. d. One New Anoxic Reactor #1 to provide nitrate -nitrogen and BOD removal by biological denitrification. Nitrates will be recycled from the existing downstream Schreiber Tank — Nitrification Reactor #2 back to Anoxic Reactor # 1. e. Convert the existing Schreiber Tank into New Nitrification Reactor #2. f. New Nitrate Recycle Pump Station to pump mixed liquor containing nitrate nitrogen from the Nitrification Reactor #2 effluent back to the New Anoxic Reactor # 1. g. New Waste Sludge Storage Tank and Belt Press Sludge Dewatering System. h. New Wastewater Equipment Buildings for the enclosure of the new Anaerobic Lagoon Effluent Pumps; New Belt Press Dewatering System and Controls; and, the new Nitrate Recycle Pumps and Controls. B. WASTEWATER POLLUTANT LOADINGSAND FLOWS 1. Wastewater Sources a. Wastewater at the facility is generated from the poultry first processing and rendering plant operations and discharged to the WWTS. b. Domestic sanitary wastewater generated at the facility is segregated from the industrial wastewater for separate treatment and disposal. 2. Processing Plant Production Capacity a. 134,000 chickens/day processed over two kill shifts, 5 to 6 days/week @ 8.5 lbs live weight kill per chicken. b. Rendering facility is operated 24 hours per day, 5 to 6 days/week. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 2 3. Wastewater Flows a. Average Flow Volume = 0.85 MGD, 5 to 6 days per week b. Maximum Flow Volume = 1.0 MGD, 6 days per week C. DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION (DAF) FIRST STAGE PRETREATMENT SYSTEM (Existing) 1. Pollutant Concentrations and Loadings a. Average pollutant concentrations and loadings contained in the first stage pretreatment DAF Cell effluent discharged to the new second stage pretreatment Anaerobic Lagoon (AL) @ 0.85 MGD: Pollutant Concentration #/day COD 3,200 mg/L 22,685#/day BOD 2,000 mg/L 14,178#/day TSS 1,000 mg/L 7,089#/day O&G 200 mg/L 1,418#/day TKN 150 mg/L 1,063#/day b. Maximum pollutant concentrations and loadings contained in the first stage pretreatment DAF Cell effluent discharged to the new second stage pretreatment Anaerobic Lagoon (AL) @ 1.0 MGD: Pollutant Concentration #/day COD 4,300 mg/L 35,862#/day BOD 2,500 mg/L 20,850#/day TSS 1,500 mg/L 12,510#/day O&G 300 mg/L 2,502#/day TKN 185 mg/L 1,543#/day Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 3 D. ANAEROBIC LAGOONSECOND STAGE PRETREATMENT SYSTEM (Existing) 1. General Description of Process a. The existing DAF Cell will continue to provide first stage wastewater pretreatment upstream of the existing Anaerobic Lagoon. The DAF Cell will be operated with no chemicals or a single polymer in order to keep the AL influent wastewater pollutant loadings within the design valves in order to maximize the efficiency of the AL operation. b. Pretreated wastewater will discharge by gravity from the existing DAF Cell into the Anaerobic Lagoon. c. One existing 17 MG volume Anaerobic Lagoon will provide 7 day hydraulic flow equalization and second stage wastewater pretreatment prior to discharge to the activated sludge biological final treatment system. The Anaerobic Lagoon has a floating high density polyethylene (HDPE) cover for biogas collection in order to minimize odors. 2. Design Assumptions a. Wastewater Flows 1) The average daily influent flow volume of pretreatment DAF Cell Effluent wastewater = 0.85 MGD 2) The maximum daily influent flow volume of pretreatment DAF Cell Effluent (partially pretreated processing plant wastewater) = 1.0 MGD b. Pollutant Concentrations and Loadings 1) Maximum pollutant concentrations and loadings in the DAF effluent wastewater @ 1.0 MGD, 6 days/week: Pollutant Concentration #/day COD 4,300 mg/L 35,862#/day BOD 2,500 mg/L 20,850#/day TSS 1,500 mg/L 12,510#/day O&G 300 mg/L 2,502#/day TKN 185 mg/L 1,543#/day Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 4 3. Lagoon Liner a. The Anaerobic Lagoon is provided with an existing 80 mil HDPE liner. 4. Equalization Volume Calculation a. The storage volume required to provide 7 day hydraulic flow equalization with 6 processing days @ 1,000,000 gallons/day plus one weekend non production day @ 300,000 gallons/day. 1.0(6 days)+0.3 1) Q7_ 7 days — 0.9 MGD, 7 days/week 2) EQ Volume Required = (1.0 MGD — 0.9 MGD)(6 days) <— 0.6 MG b. The storage volume required to provide 7 day hydraulic flow equalization with 5 processing days @ 1,000,000 gallons/day plus two weekend non production days @ 300,000 gallons/day = 1.0(5 days)+0.3(2 days) 1) Q7_ 7 days = 0.8 MGD, 7 days/week 2) EQ Volume Required = (1.0 MGD — 0.8 MGD)(5 days):5 1.0 MG 5. 7 Day FEB/Anaerobic Lagoon Volume a. The existing 17 MG lagoon will be operated as 7 Day FEB/Anaerobic Lagoon to provide combined 7 day hydraulic flow equalization and second stage wastewater pretreatment. b. 7 Day FEB Anaerobic Lagoon Volume Description Total Volume @ HWL = 23' 17 MG Average 7 day Equalization Volume 1.5 MG Minimum Operating Volume a Normal LWL = 20.5' 15.5 MG Average Operating Volume 16.25 MG c. The Lagoon will have an overall depth of 25' which provides 2' of free board at the HWL of 23'. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 5 6. Anaerobic Lagoon BOD Loading Rate Calculation and Predicted BOD Removal Efficiency a. Minimum Operating Volume in the Anaerobic Lagoon = 15.5 MG = 2,072 x 103ft3 b. Maximum BOD loading = 20,850#BOD/day, 6 days/week. c. Design BOD loading rate (BODLR) at total average volume: 20,850#BOD/day 3 BODLR (avg) = 2,072 x 103ft3 _ 10#BOD/1,000 ft _< 10#BOD/1,000 ft3 d. At a design BOD loading rate _< 10#BOD/1,000 ft3, the new anaerobic lagoon is expected to provide an overall BOD removal efficiency > 80 %. 7. Anaerobic Lagoon Floating Cover, Bio Gas Ventilation System, Bio Gas Blowers, and Bio Gas Burner Flare Design a. Floating Membrane Cover 1) The existing Anaerobic Lagoon is provided with a floating polyethylene cover to provide odor control; gas containment and collection; improved heat retention; fly prevention; and, increased BOD removal efficiency. 2) The floating lagoon covers is constructed of 80 mil thickness HDPE. b. Bio Gas Collection 1) The lagoon cover is provided with a peripheral bio gas collection/vent system which conveys collected gas by suction to bio gas blowers located near the inlet end of the lagoon. c. No Gas Production 1) Methane Gas Average daily volume of methane gas produced < 8.5 ft3 gas/#BOD removed x (20,850# BOD/day)(0.80) < 141,780 ft3/day methane gas Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 6 Maximum daily volume of methane gas produced < 9.0 ft3 gas/#BOD removed x (20,850# BOD/day)(0.90) < 168,885 ft3/day methane gas 2) Bio Gas Total bio gas produced assuming biogas is 65% to 70% methane < 168,885 ft3 0.65 < 260'000 ft3/day; 6 days/wk biogas 180 cfm for 24 hours/day biogas blower operation 540 cfm for 8 hours/day biogas blower operation d. Bio Gas Flare 1) One new 8" gas burner flare will be provided for flaming bio gas exhausted from under the anaerobic lagoon cover. The burner flare is sized for flaring up to 540 cfm (32,400 cF/hr) for 8 hours/day operation. 2) The gas burner is provided with a drip trap and drain. 3) Propane will be utilized as a fuel source for the pilot system. 4) The flare is provided with an automatic ignition system that will start the pilot flame when the Biogas Blower has been called to start. e. Flame Arresters 1) Flame arresters are provided on the gas blower intake line from the lagoon and discharge line to the Biogas flare. 2) Condensate wastewater is drained from the Flame Arrestors using an electric operated drip trap mounted on the drain plug of the Flame Arrestor. The drip trap is provided with an insulating jacket to minimize the freezing potential of the water in the drip trap. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 7 f. Bio Gas (BG) Blower 1) Two 10 HP blowers are provided to draw the BG through anaerobic lagoon biogas collection piping and compress the BG to a discharge pressure of approximately 2 psig. The blowers are rated at 540 scfm @ 2 psi. Normally one of the blowers will be operated approximately 8 hours/day to draw biogas from under the cover of the Anaerobic Lagoon and transfer biogas to the waste gas burner flare. The second blower is provided as an installed stand-by. 2) The blowers are provided with a manually controlled variable speed drive to allow adjustment of the compressed BG flow rate over a 2/1 ratio of approximately 270 scfm to 540 scfm. 8. Condensate Trap a. Biogas from the lagoon passes through a 12-inch stainless steel Condensate and Sediment Trap unit to separate condensate wastewater from the gas stream and remove sediment particles entrained in the biogas. b. The condensate wastewater is drained from the Condensate and Sediment Trap using an electric operated drip trap mounted on the sediment trap. The drip trap is provided with an insulating jacket to minimize the freezing potential of the water in the drip trap. E. ANAEROBIC LAGOON SHORT CIRCUIT/BY-PASS LINE 1. General a. The Anaerobic lagoon is provided with an influent by-pass line which provides capability to discharge a controlled portion of the total influent wastewater flow volume into the outlet zone of the Anaerobic Lagoon in order to increase and control the BOD:TKN ratio of the blended Anaerobic Lagoon effluent wastewater that is pumped into the Activated Sludge (AS) Final Treatment System. The desired BOD:TKN ratio of the AS influent wastewater is between 3:1 to 4:1 to provide sufficient carbon source to achieve the sufficient nitrate -nitrogen removal to comply with the ELG limit for TN. 2. Design Assumptions a. Total Maximum Influent Flow Volume and Rate = 1.00 MGD = 700 gpm b. Total Average Influent Flow Volume and Rate = 0.85 MGD _< 590 gpm Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 8 c. Average Influent Short Circuit Flow Volume and Rate = 40% to 60% = 240 gpm to 420 gpm = 0.35 MGD to 0.42 MGD. 3. By -Pass Flow Meter and Anaerobic Lagoon Influent Flow Meter a. One new 6" magnetic flow meter and downstream flow control valve is provided in the AL influent by-pass line to measure, indicate, and totalize the AL by-pass influent flow. F. ANAEROBIC LAGOON EFFLUENT PUMP STATION (New) 1. General a. The Anaerobic Lagoon Effluent Pump Station will pump the AL effluent pretreated wastewater into Anoxic Reactor #1 or alternatively Nitrification Reactor #2. 2. Design Assumptions a. Maximum Effluent Pumping Volume and Rate = 1.0 MGD = 700 gpm. b. Average Effluent Pumping Volume and Rate = 0.85 MGD <_ 600 gpm. 3. Pump Selection and Controls a. Two 15 HP self -priming sewage pumps are provided to pump AL effluent wastewater through a new force main to Anoxic Reactor #1 or alternatively Nitrification Reactor #2. b. Each pump is rated at 800 gpm @ 35 feet. Operation of one pump at reduced speed is required to pump the design maximum flow rate of 700 gpm. Operation of one pump at a reduced speed will pump the design average flow rate of 600 gpm. The second pump is provided as an installed standby pump. c. Each pump will be provided with a variable frequency drive for automatic pump speed control. The pump speed and pumping rate will be automatically adjusted to maintain a manually selected constant discharge flow rate to Anoxic Reactor #1. d. One new 8" magnetic flow meter and downstream flow control valve is provided in the pump station discharge header to measure, indicate, and totalize the total flow rate pumped to Anoxic Reactor #1. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 9 G. ANOXIC REACTOR #1 (New) 1. General a. One new 74 ft diameter x 21 ft tall x 19 ft side water depth, 0.6 MG Anoxic Reactor #1 is provided for first stage activated sludge BNR treatment to accomplish carbonaceous BOD removal and denitrification of nitrate nitrogen recycled from Nitrification Reactor #2. b. A new Nitrate Recycle Pump Station will be provided to pump mixed liquor containing nitrate nitrogen from the outlet of Nitrification Reactor #2 back into the inlet of Anoxic Reactor #1. Nitrate recycle flow rate capacity will be provided from the Nitrification Reactor #2 back in to Anoxic Reactor #1 at rate of up to 4Q = 400% = 4(1.0) = 4.0 MGD, at the maximum daily volume of 1.0 MGD. 2. Design Assumptions a. Wastewater Flows 1) Average daily pretreated wastewater flow volume from AL = 0.85 MGD, 7 days week 2) Maximum daily pretreated wastewater flow volume from AL = 1.0 MGD b. Pollutant Concentrations and Loads 1) Average pollutant concentrations and loadings contained in the Anaerobic Lagoon effluent without influent Short Circuit flow @ 0.85 MGD, 7 days/week: Pollutant Concentration #/day cBOD 200 mg/L(1) 1,418#/day TSS 200 mg/L 1,418#/day O&G 50 mg/L 355#/day TKN 150 mg/L 1,063#/day (')Assuming an average BOD removal in the AL of 90% Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 10 2) Average pollutant concentrations and loadings contained in the Anaerobic Lagoon effluent pumped to the new Anoxic Reactor # 1 @ 0.85 MGD, 7 days/week, assuming the operation of the AL Short Circuit flow to provide a BOD:TKN ratio of3:1: Pollutant Concentration #/day cBOD 450 mg/L 3,190 4/day TSS 200 mg/L 1,418 #/day O&G 50 mg/L 355 #/day TKN 150 mg/L 1,063 #/day 3) Maximum pollutant concentrations and loadings contained in the Anaerobic Lagoon effluent pumped to the new Anoxic Reactor # 1 @ 1.0 MGD, 7 days/week, assuming the operation of the Anaerobic Lagoon Short Circuit flow to provide a BOD:TKN ratio of 2.7:1: Pollutant Concentration #/day cBOD 500 mg/L 4,170#/day TSS 300 mg/L 2,502#/day O&G 100 mg/L 834#/day TKN 185 mg/L 1,543#/day 3. Anoxic Reactor # 1 Process Design a. Volume available in 74 ft diameter x 21 ft tall x 19 ft side water depth Anoxic Reactor #1 Tank = 0.6 MG. b. Calculate MLVSS and MLSS concentrations @ the minimum summer season expected design mixed liquor temperature = 25°C at the maximum daily wastewater flow volume = 1.0 MGD and maximum pollutant loadings: 1) For BOD removal assuming a carbonaceous BOD removal rate = 0.45#BOD/#MLVSS @ 25°C and assuming 85% BOD removal: 4,170#BOD/day)(0.85) < 8,000#MLVSS @ 250C 0.45 Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 11 2) For NO3-N removal assuming a denitrification rate = 0.07 NO3-N/#MLVSS @ 25°C in first stage activated sludge Anoxic Reactor #1; assuming a nitrogen uptake by the biomass of approximately 3 mg/L N/100 mg/L BOD (4,170#/day BOD x 0.03 =125#/day); assuming a nitrate recycle rate = 4Q. % NO3-N removed 40 = ,40 4Q + 1Q 5Q = 80% NO3-N removal TKN nitrified = 1,543#TKN/day — 125#TKN/day = 1,418#TKN nitrified/day NO3-N denitrified = 1,418#TKN nitrified/day(0.80 denitrified) = 1,134#NO3-N denitrified/day = 1,134#NO3-N denitrified/day <_ 16,200 #MLVSS @ 25°C 0.07 The #MLVSS required for NO3-N removal exceeds that required for BOD removal and therefore governs the MLSS concentration required in Anoxic Reactor # 1. 3) The required average MLVSS and MLSS concentrations in the 0.60 MG volume Anoxic Reactor #1 for BOD removal and NO3-N removal at the 25°C summer season operating temperature assuming MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85 16,200# (8.34)(0.6 MG) <— 3,237 mg/L 3,237 mg/L 0.85 < 3,809 mg/L MLSS @ 25°C Assume MLSS < 4,000 mg/L in Anoxic Reactor #1 during summer season for conservative design approach Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 12 c. Calculate MLVSS and MLSS concentrations @ the minimum winter season expected design mixed liquor temperature = 15°C at the maximum daily wastewater flow volume = 1.0 MGD and maximum pollutant loadings: 1) For BOD removal assuming a carbonaceous BOD removal rate = 0.35#BOD/#MLVSS @ 15°C and assuming 85% BOD removal: 4,170#13OD/day)(0.85) < 10,200#MLVSS @ 15°C 0.35 2) For NO3-N removal assuming a denitrification rate = 0.05 NO3-N/#MLVSS @ 15°C in first stage activated sludge Anoxic Reactor #1; assuming a nitrogen uptake by the biomass of approximately 3 mg/L N/100 mg/L BOD; assuming a nitrate recycle rate = 4Q = 400%. 1,134#NO3-N denitrified/day < 22,700#MLVSS @ 15°C 0.05 The #MLVSS required for NO3-N removal exceeds that required for BOD removal and therefore governs the MLSS concentration required in Anoxic Reactor # 1. 3) The required average MLVSS and MLSS concentrations in the 0.5 MG Anoxic Reactor #1 for BOD removal and NO3-N removal at the 15°C winter season operating temperature assuming MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85 22,700# (8.34)(0.6 MG) = 4,536 mg/L 4,536 mg/L 0.85 < 5,337 mg/L MLSS @ 15°C Assume MLSS < 5,500 mg/L in Anoxic Reactor #1 during winter season for conservative design approach d. Calculations indicate that the Anoxic Reactor #1 is of adequate volume for accomplishing first stage activated sludge carbonaceous BOD removal and nitrate nitrogen removal at the minimum summer and winter season activated sludge basin temperatures. If the winter temperature decreases below 15°C the MLSS concentration will need to be increased above 5,500 mg/1 and/or the decrease the flow volume pumped to Reactor #1 from the AL. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 13 4. Anoxic Reactor #1 Mixing and Aeration Equipment Design a. Calculate Mixing Requirements in Anoxic Reactor #1: l) bhp required for mixing a 3,000 to 6,000 mg/L biological MLSS concentration = 30 HP/MG bhp required = 30 HP(0.60 MG) —< 20 HP 2) One (1) new 20 HP downward pumping surface mixer is provided to keep the contents of the basin completely mixed. b. Calculate Oxygen Transfer Requirements in Anoxic Reactor #1 at the maximum daily flow volume of 1.0 MGD: 1) For synthesis assuming a maximum of 85% BOD removal and an oxygen demand of 0.60#02/BOD in Reactor #1: AOTR1= 0.60#02/#BOD(4,170#BOD/day)(0.85) = 89#02/hr 24 2) For endogenous respiration assuming a 20% of the total activated sludge biomass weight is contained in Reactor #1 and assuming an oxygen demand of 0.80#02/BOD: 0.80#02/#BOD(0.20)(4,170#BOD/day) — AOTR2= 28#02/1ir 24 — 3) For removal of recycled nitrate nitrogen assuming an oxygen reuse of 2.80#02/#NO3-N denitrified, and, assuming 80% nitrate nitrogen removal efficiency: 2.80#02/#NH3-N(1,134#NO3-N/day) — AOTR3= 132#02/hr 24 — 4) Total oxygen transfer requirement in Anoxic Reactor #1: AOTR (total) = 89#02/hr + 28#02/hr - 132#02/hr = (15)#02/hr < 0#02/hr Normally oxygen will be supplied to Anoxic Reactor #1 with the Nitrates recycle from Nitrification Reactor #2. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 14 5. Nitrate Mixed Liquor Recycle a. The new Nitrate Recycle Pump Station will provide a nitrate recycle flow rate capacity = 4Q = 400% of the design maximum throughput flow volume = 1.0 MGD = 4(1.0 MGD) = 4.0 MGD. 6. Expected Effluent Quality of Anoxic Reactor #1 a. To ensure a conservative design approach the following Reactor #1 effluent pollutant concentrations are assumed for the design of downstream Nitrification Reactor #2 at the @ 1.0 MGD maximum daily flow volume and 0.85 MGD average daily flow volume: Pollutant Concentration Loading Average Maximum Average Maximum BOW) < 50 mg/L < 75 mg/L 417#/day 625#/day TKN(2) < 135 mg/L < 170 mg/L 1,126#/day L,418#/day (IP Assumes 85% BOD removal in Anoxic Reactor #1 at maximum loadings (2) 3% nitrogen uptake in biomass H. NITRATE RECYCLE PUMP STATION (New) 1. General Description a. One new Nitrate Recycle Pump Station is provided to recycle mixed liquor containing nitrate nitrogen from Reactor #2 back into Reactor # 1. b. One new Nitrate Recycle force main is provided from the Nitrate Recycle Pump Station discharge to the inlet of new Anoxic Reactor #1. 2. Design Assumptions a. Wastewater Flow 1) Average daily wastewater flow volume = 0.85 MGD, 7 days/week 2) Maximum daily wastewater flow volume = 1.00 MGD b. Nitrate Recycle Flow 1) Maximum nitrate recycle flow pumping rate required = 400% = 4Q = 4(1.0 MGD) = 4.00 MGD = 2,800 gpm. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 15 3. Pump Selection a. Two new 20 HP self -priming Nitrate Recycle Flow pumps are provided each rated at 1,400 gpm at 30 ft. b. Operation of two pumps in parallel is required to provide a total nitrate recycle flow rate = 4Q = 4.0 MGD = 2,800 gpm. c. Operation of one pump will provide a nitrate recycle flow rate = 2Q = 2.0 MGD = 1,400 gpm. 4. Variable Speed Drives a. Each Nitrate Recycle Pump is provided with a variable speed drive for control of pump speed and pumping rate. b. The variable speed drives are manually controlled. 5. Nitrate Recycle Flow Meter a. One 14" dia. Nitrate Recycle Flow meter is provided in the pump station discharge header to measure, indicate and totalize the nitrate recycle flow to Anoxic Reactor #1. L CONVERT EX. SCHREIBER TANK INTO NITRIFICATION REACTOR #2 (Modirication) 1. General a. The existing 160 ft diameter x 18 ft tall x 16.0 ft side water depth, 2.4 MG volume Schreiber Tank will be modified to operate as Nitrification Reactor #2 for second stage aerobic activated sludge treatment to accomplish final carbonaceous BOD removal and ammonia nitrogen removal by biological nitrification. b. The TKN and ammonia nitrogen in the Reactor #2 influent is converted to nitrate nitrogen by the biological nitrification process achieved in Reactor #2. Over 80% of the nitrates produced in Reactor 42 are recycled back into Anoxic Reactor 41. 2. Design Assumptions a. Wastewater Flow 1) Average wastewater flow volume = 0.85 MGD, 7 days/week 2) Maximum wastewater flow volume = 1.0 MGD Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 16 b. Pollutant Concentrations and Loadings 1) Maximum daily pollutant concentrations and loadings in influent from Reactor # 1 @ 1.0 MGD and average daily pollutant concentrations and loadings in the influent from Reactor #1 @ 0.85 MGD: Pollutant Concentration Loading Average Maximum Average Maximum BODO) < 50 mg/L < 75 mg/L 354 #/day 625#/day TKN(2) < 135 mg/L <_ 170 mg/L 957 #/day 1,418#/day Assumes 85% BOD removal in Anoxic Reactor # 1 cz� 3% nitrogen uptake in biomass 3. Nitrification Reactor #2 Design Calculations a. Volume available in existing 160 ft diameter x 18 ft tall x 16.0 ft side water depth Nitrification Reactor #2 = 2.4 MG b. Calculate MLVSS and MLSS concentrations required in the Reactor #2 for BOD and TKN removal at the minimum expected summer season mixed liquor operating temperature of 25°C assuming at the maximum daily wastewater flow volume = 1.0 MGD: 1) MLSS required for BOD removal assuming a carbonaceous BOD removal rate = 0.50#BOD/#MLVSS @ 25°C and 85% BOD removal in upstream Reactor #1 625#BOD/day 0.50 _< 1,300# MLVSS @ 250C 2) MLVSS required for TKN removal assuming a nitrification rate = 0.07#TKN /#MLVSS @ 250C 1,418#TKN/day 0.07 < 20,300#MLVSS @ 250C 3) Required MLVSS and MLSS concentrations in the existing 2.4 MG Reactor #2 for BOD removal and nitrification at the minimum expected summer season mixed liquor operating temperature = 250C assuming MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85 1,300# + 20,300# (0.85) _< 26,000# MLSS Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 17 26,000# 8.34(2.4 MG) = 1,300 mg/L MLSS @ 25°C <_ 2,000 mg/L MLSS @ 25°C c. Calculate MLVSS and MLSS concentrations required in the Reactor #2 for BOD and TKN removal at the minimum expected winter season mixed liquor operating temperature of 15°C and the maximum TKN and BOD Loadings: 1) MLSS required for BOD removal assuming a carbonaceous BOD removal rate = 0.35#BOD/#MLVSS @ 15°C and 85% BOD removal in upstream Reactor #1 625#BOD/day 0.35 <_ 1,800# MLVSS @ 15°C 2) MLVSS required for TKN removal assuming a nitrification rate = 0.05#TKN /#MLVSS @ 15°C 1,418#TKN/day 0.05 < 28,400#MLVSS @ 15°C 3) Required MLVSS and MLSS concentrations in the existing 2.4 MG Reactor #2 for BOD removal and nitrification at the minimum expected winter season mixed liquor operating temperature = 15°C assuming MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85 1,800# + 28,400# (0.85) < 36,000# MLSS 36,000# 8.34(2.4 MG) < 1,800 mg/L MLSS @ 15°C d. Assume MLSS concentration _< 3,000 mg/L in both activated sludge reactors during winter seasons for conservative design approach. e. Calculations indicate that BOD removal by biological synthesis of carbonaceous matter and TKN removal by biological nitrification to < I mg/L will be attained in the 2.4 MG Reactor #2 system down to a basin mixed liquor temperature of 15°C @ 3,000 mg/L MLSS during the winter season. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 18 4. Nitrification Reactor #2 Mixing and Aeration Equipment Design a. Calculate Mixing Requirements in Nitrification Reactor #2: 1) scfm required for mixing a 3,000 mg/L to 6,000 biological MLSS concentration = 20 scfm/kcf scfm required = 20 HP(320 kcf) < 6,400 scfm 2) Three (3) existing 60 HP positive displacement blowers each rated at 1,100 scfm @ 8.0 psi and one (1) new 60 HP positive displacement blower rated at 1,100 scfm @ 8.0 psi are provided for complete mixing in the Nitrification Reactor #2. b. Calculate the Maximum Oxygen Transfer Requirements in Nitrification Reactor #2 at the maximum daily influent flow volume of 1.0 MGD and influent BOD = 75 mg/L.: 1) For synthesis of BOD remaining in the Reactor #2 effluent assuming an oxygen demand of 0.60#02/#BOD: 0.60#02/#BOD(625#B OD/day) AOTRI= 24=16#02/hr 2) For endogenous respiration of biomass in Nitrification Reactor #2 assuming an oxygen demand of 0.80#02/#BOD and approximately 80% of total biomass in Reactor #2: 0.80#02/#BOD(4,170#BOD/day)(0.80) — AOTR2= 111 #02/hr 24 — 3) For nitrification of ammonia assuming an oxygen demand of 4.57#02/#TKN nitrified in Reactor #2: AOTR3=4.57#02/#TKN(1,418#TKN nitrified/day) — 270#02/hr 24 4) Total Maximum oxygen transfer requirement in Reactor #2: AOTR (total) = 16#02/hr + 111 #02/hr + 270#02/hr <— 400 #02/hr c. Calculate the Average Oxygen Transfer Requirements in Nitrification Reactor #2 at the average daily influent flow volume of 0.85 MGD and an influent BOD = 50 mg/L: Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 19 1) For synthesis of BOD remaining in the Reactor #2 effluent assuming an oxygen demand of 0.60#02/#BOD and 85% BOD removal in Reactor #1: 0.60#02/#BOD(3,190#BOD/day)(0.15) AOTR � = =12#02/hr 24 2) For endogenous respiration of biomass in Nitrification Reactor #2 assuming an oxygen demand of 0.80#02/#BOD and approximately 80% of total biomass in Reactor #2: 0.80#02/#BOD(3,190#BOD/day)(0.80) AOTR2= = 85#02/hr 24 3) For nitrification of ammonia assuming an oxygen demand of 4.57#02/#TKN nitrified in Reactor #2: 4.57#02/#TKN(957#TKN nitrified/day) AOTR3= —182#02/hr 24 4) Total Average oxygen transfer requirement in Reactor #2 @ the average flow volume = 0.85 MGD: AOTR (total) = 12#02/hr + 85#02/1117 + 182#02/hr = 279#02/hr <— 300#02/hr d. Calculate the required corresponding maximum standard oxygen transfer rate required: Css SOTR = AOTR GXMr DO) a1.024) T-21 Where DO = 2.0 mg/L (DO in Nitrification Reactor #2) b = 0.95 a = 0.6 @ 3,000 to 6,000 mg/L MLSS with fine bubble diffusers 1.024(T-20) = 1.267 @ average T = 300C Cw = 7.63 @ sea level, 30°C Cs = 9.2 @ sea level, 200C Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 20 Site Altitude < 1,000 feet Pressure Correction Factor = 0.964 Csw = 7.63(0.964) [(14.7)+ (0.5)(0.433)(15L 14.7 7.63(0.964)(1.22) = 8.98 mg/L CSs = 9.20 r14.7+ (0.5)(0.433)(15)*] L 14.7 9.20 (1.22) = 11.22 * Diffuser center line depth = 15 ft. in the 16 foot side water depth with the diffusers at 12 inches above the basin floor. 11.22 SOTR = AOTR [(0.95)(8.98)-2.0]0.6(1.267) SOTR < 2.3 (AOTR) SOTR < 2.3(400) SOTR < 920#02/hr e. Calculate subsurface aeration equipment air sparging requirements: 1) The oxygen available per cfm per hour = X = 0.23 (0.075#/ft3)(60 min/hr) = 1.035#02/cfm/hr @ 687 inlet air 2) Subsurface diffuser oxygen stripping or transfer efficiency at 16 ft. side water depth in the fine bubble diffusers = 21 % 3) scfm required = SOR (x)(e) scfm = 920#02/HR (1.035)(0.21) = 4,232 scfm scfm < 4,400 scfm Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 21 4) Max. design compressor pressure with maximum 15 ft. diffuser air sparge submergence: _ (15 ft.)(0.433) + 1.5 psi < 8.0 psi (pressure loss plus pressure drop in air supply lines and in diffusers f. Oxygen transfer and mixing is provided by existing fine bubble diffuser tubes mounted on the rotating aeration bridge. The total maximum air sparging capacity of the diffuser tubes = 4,400 scfm. Air can be supplied by operating the four 60 HP positive displacement blowers each rated at 1,100 scfm @ 8.0 psi. With three blowers in operation, the air sparging rate = 3,300 scfm and the oxygen transfer rate > 690 #02/hr (SOTR) = 300 #O2/hr (AOTR). With four blowers in operation, the air sparging rate = 4,400 scfm and the oxygen transfer rate > 920 #O2/hr (SOTR) = 400 #02/hr (AOTR). g. A total of three (3) existing 60 HP positive displacement blowers each rated at 1,100 scfm @ 8.0 psi and one (1) new 60 HP positive displacement blower rated at 1,100 scfm @ 8.0 psi are provided for complete mixing in the Nitrification Reactor #2. 5. Instrumentation and Controls a. An existing DO Sensor is provided in Nitrification Reactor #2. The DO sensor is used to provide automatic control of the air supply blowers for Reactor #2. b. An existing pH sensor is provided in Nitrification Reactor #2. The pH sensor is used to provide pH indication for manual control of the magnesium hydroxide feed pumps to maintain the pH value in the Reactor #2 at an acceptable range for biological treatment. 6. Evaluate Sludge Wasting Requirements from the Activated Sludge Process a. Calculate waste activated sludge production at the maximum daily BOD loading rate and at average MLSS concentration of 4,000 mg/L: 1) F/M = 4,170#BOD/day (4,000 mg/L)(2.9 MG)(8.34) < 0.05#BOD/#MLVSS 2) Y = Expected Activated Sludge Production Rate @ 0.05 F/M ratio 0.50#waste sludge/#BOD Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 22 3) # Waste Sludge = (0.50)(4,170) < 2,100#/day 4) The calculated volume of waste activated sludge (WAS) to be wasted from the Final Clarifier at 10,000 mg/L average sludge concentration = 2,100#/day (0.010)(8.34) < 26,000 gpd, 7 days/week <_ 20 gpm (over 24 hrs / day) 5) WAS will be pumped from the Final Clarifier to the New Waste Sludge Storage Tank. J. FINAL CLARIFIER (Existing) 1. Design Assumptions a. Wastewater Flow 1) Average daily throughput flow volume = 0.85 MGD 2) Maximum daily throughput flow volume = 1.0 MGD 3) Average inflow rate with 100% sludge recycle rate = (0.85 MGD)(2) <_ 1.7 MGD 4) Average inflow rate with 200% sludge recycle rate = (0.85 MGD)(3) < 2.55 MGD 5) Maximum inflow rate with 100% sludge recycle rate = (1.0 MG13)(2) < 2.00 MGD 6) Maximum inflow rate with 200% sludge recycle rate = (1.0 MGD)(3) <_ 3.0 MGD b. Pollutant Concentrations and Loads 1) Mixed liquor solids loadings rate at the maximum design throughput flow rate = 1.0 MGD and with 100% sludge recycle rate @ 6,000 mg/L MLSS concentration (1.0 MGD)(6,000 mg/L)(8.34)(2.0)/24 = 4,170#/hr. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 23 2) Mixed liquor solids loadings rate at the maximum design throughput flow rate = 1.0 MGD and with 200% sludge recycle rate @ 6,000 mg/L MLSS concentration (1.0 MGD)(6,000 mg/L)(8.34)(3.0)/24 = 6,255#/hr. 2. Calculate Clarifier Loading Rates a. One existing 78 ft. diameter x 13.0 ft. side water depth final clarifier is provided with bottom scrapper sludge removal mechanism, surface skimmer and scum box. b. The 78 ft. dia. circular clarifier will have an effective surface overflow diameter = 74 feet, an effective surface overflow area = 4,300 ft2; and an effective clarifier floor area = 4,778 ft2 c. Clarifier Volume = 464,700 gallons d. Maximum Hydraulic Surface Loading Rate (HSLR) HSLR = 1,000,000 gpd 4,300 ft2 < 233 gpd/ft2 @ maximum design throughput flow rate = 1.0 MGD e. Maximum Solids Loading Rate (SLR) assuming an influent flow rate = 1.00 MGD and a 100% sludge recycle rate with a MLSS concentration _< 6,000 mg/L SLR = (1.0 MGD)(2)(8.34)(6,000 mg/L) 4,778 ft2 < 21 #/ft2/day f. Minimum hydraulic detention time (HDT) assuming an influent flow rate = 1.0 MGD and a 100% sludge recycle rate HDT = (464,700 gallons)(24) (1,000,000) (2) 5.6 hours Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 24 K. SLUDGE RETURNAND WASTE SLUDGE PUMP STATION (Modit<cation) 1. Two existing 3 HP screw sludge return pumps are provided in the Sludge Return Pump Station located adjacent to the Final Clarifier. The pumps are provided to recycle activated sludge from the Final Clarifier to Reactor #2. Each pump is rated at 1,050 gpm which is equivalent to a sludge recycle rate = 150% of the maximum throughput flow rate = 700 gpm = 1.0 MGD. 2. One sludge return pump will normally be operated to provide a sludge recycle rate = 50% to 100% of the maximum throughput flow rate = 1.0 MGD. Two sludge return pumps can be operated in parallel to provide a sludge recycle rate up to 300%. The second sludge return pump is provided as a standby sludge return pump. 3. The two existing submersible Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) pumps will be replaced with two new larger capacity pumps in the existing wet well to pump WAS to the Waste Sludge Storage Tank. Each new pump is rated at 200 gpm @ 60' TDH. Normally, one pump will operation and the second is provided as an installed standby. Each new pump will be provided with a variable frequency drive for manual speed control. 4. One existing magnetic flow meter is provided on the waste sludge line to indicate and totalize the waste activated sludge discharge rate and volume wasted to the Waste Sludge Storage Tank. L. WASTE SLUDGE STORAGE TANK (WSST) (New) 1. General a. One New Waste Sludge Storage Tank (WSST) is provided for storage and thickening of Waste Activated Sludge (WAS). b. WAS flow volume will be pumped from the sludge recycle flow of the existing gravity Final Clarifier into the new WSST for storage and thickening of WAS. Thickened WAS will be pumped from the WSST to the new Belt Press for mechanical dewatering. 2. WSST Design a. One new 34 ft. dia. x 18 ft. tall x 16 ft. maximum liquid depth, 100,000 gallon volume Waste Sludge Storage Tank (WSST) will be provided for gravity thickening, decanting and storage of waste activated sludge prior to sludge dewatering by belt presses followed by ultimate disposal by land application. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 25 b. Evaluate Mixing and Aeration requirements in WSST: 1) Mixing Requirements a) Maximum Tank Volume = 100,000 gallons = 14 x 103 ft3 b) scfm required for mixing 1 % to 2% TSS concentration = 40 scfm / 1,000 cf scfm required = 40 scfm (14) < 560 scfm c) Two new 50 HP positive displacement blowers each rated at 600 scfm @ 9.0 psi will be provided to keep the contents of the tank completely mixed. One blower will be normally operated and the second blower provided as an installed stand-by. 2) Aeration Requirements a) At the average pollutant loading concentration, assume an average oxygen uptake rate in the WSST of 0.20#02/#BOD. The average BOD loading at 0.85 MGD and 450 mg/L BOD concentration = 3,190#BOD/day. The oxygen transfer rate required to maintain aerobic conditions in WSST Tank assuming an oxygen uptake rate of approximately 0.20#02/#BOD, is calculated as follows: AOTR = 0.20#02/#BOD(3,190#BOD/day) 24 = 27#02/hr < 30#02/hr b) Calculate the required corresponding maximum standard oxygen transfer rate required: SOTR = AOTRI ( SIP CSS I - DO) a (1.024) T-21 J Where DO = 1.0 mg/L (average DO in WSST) B = 0.95 a = 0.60 @ < 2% TSS with subsurface coarse bubble jet aeration diffusers 1.2677(T-20) = 1.209 @ maximum T = 300 C Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 26 Cw = 7.63 mg/L @ sea level, 300 C Cs = 9.20 mg/L @ sea level, 20'0 C Site Altitude < 500 feet Pressure Correction Factor > 0.992 Csw = 7.63 (0.992)(14.7) + (0.5)(0.433)(10) 14.7 7.63 mg/L(1.191) = 9.09 mg/L Css = 9.20 14.7 + (0.5)(0.433)(10) 14.7 Css = 9.20 mg/L(1.199) = 11.03 mg/L 10 foot average depth WSST with the coarse bubble diffusers installed 1.0 above the basin floor. 11.03 SOTR = AOTR [(0.95)(9.09)-1.0]0.60(1.209) SOTR = 2.0 (AOTR) SOTR < 2.0 (AOTR) SOTR < 2.0 (30) < 60#02/hr c) Calculate subsurface aeration equipment air sparging requirements: (1) The oxygen available per cfm per hour = x = 0.23 (0.075#/ft3)(60 min/hr) = 1.035#02/cfm/hr @ 68° inlet air (2) e = subsurface diffuser oxygen stripping or transfer efficiency at 16 ft. maximum air sparge depth = 12% (3) scfm required = SOTR (x)(e) Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 27 scfm (average) = 60#02/HR (1.035)(0.12) < 570scfm < 600 scfm (4) Max. design blower pressure with 16 ft. maximum liquid depth in WSST tank — 1.0 ft. diffuser height above tank floor = 15 maximum diffuser submergence: = (15 ft.)(.433) + 1.5 psi < 8.0 psi (pressure loss plus pressure drop in air supply lines and in air grid air diffuser sparges) c. A new tide flex coarse bubble diffused aeration header system will be installed in the WSST for oxygen transfer and mixing with 48 coarse bubble diffusers. d. Compressed air is supplied to the diffuser system in the WSST by operation of two new 50 HP positive displacement (PD) blowers each rated at 600 scfm @ 9.0 psi. M. BELT PRESS SLUDGE DEWATERING SYSTEM (New) 1. General Description a. One new 1.0 meter BDP Model 3DP-1 belt filter press will be installed in the existing DAF Building and used to mechanically dewater waste activated sludge prior to ultimate disposal of dewatered sludge by off -site disposal. b. One new 1.0 meter BDP belt filter press is provided, rated at 150 gpm sludge flow capacity and 1,500#/hour solids loading capacity (dry basis). 2. Waste Sludge Volume and Water Content a. Waste Activated Sludge Volume and Dry Weights 1) The estimated maximum daily waste activated sludge volume = 26,000 gpd @ 1.0% solids 2) The estimated maximum waste activated sludge dry weight < 2,100#/day 3. Belt Press Design Operation a. One 1.0 meter belt filter press and gravity belt thickener will be used for sludge dewatering. The belt press is rated at an influent sludge feed rate of 2000 gpm flow capacity and 1,000-1,500#dry solids/hr. Operation of the belt press for one shift 5 days per week of up to 4 hours/day is required to dewater the estimated maximum waste sludge volume of 2,100#dry solids/day. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 28 b. Calculated belt press operation time @ 5 days per week: 2,100#ds/day :54 hrs/day 1,000(,7) c. Calculated belt press feed rate: 26,000 gpd t7_-Z 160 gpm (4 hr)(60) 5 4. Belt Press Sludge Feed Pump a. One new Belt Press Feed Pump pre -piped and mounted on the Belt Press skid will be used to pump WAS from the WSST to the Belt Filter Press. The pump is provided with a variable frequency drive to allow the feed rate to the belt presses to be manually set or automatically controlled to maintain a constant feed rate to the belt press. b. One new 5 HP progressive cavity positive displacement sludge pump is provided rated at 200 gpm @ 69 ft. (30 psi) TDH. c. One new 4" magnetic flow meter is provided in the belt press sludge feed line to accurately measure, indicate and totalize the sludge flow pumped to the Belt Press. 5. Dewatered Sludge Cake Storage a. Dewatered sludge will discharge from the Belt Press by an auger to storage trailer prior to hauling off -site for ultimate disposal. 6. Belt Press Filtrate Disposal a. Filtrate wastewater discharged from the Belt Press will flow by gravity to the new plant site drain pump station. 7. Chemical Storage -Feed Equipment for Belt Press Sludge Dewatering System a. For polymer flocculation of sludge being pumped into the Belt Press, the following chemical feed equipment is provided: 1) One polymer solution make-up/ pumping system rated at 0 to 4 gphr neat polymer with 0-240 gphr dilution water capacity are provided for dosage of polymer solution into the sludge flow pumped into the Belt Press. The neat polymer pumps have automatic variable speed drives where the dosage rate can be automatically controlled. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 29 8. Dewatered Sludge Volume and Water Content a. The estimated average sludge volume of 26,000 gpd @ 1.0% solids concentration will be dewatered by the Belt Press to approximately 15% to 18% solids concentration depending upon sludge temperature, polymer flocculent dosage efficiency, and biological solids dewatering characteristics. b. The estimated average dewatered waste activated sludge cake volume for ultimate disposal = (2,100#/day)0.95 x (7/5) (0. 1 5)(10.4#/gal) < 11800 gpd = 19,000#/day < 9.5 Yd3/day (5 days per week of Belt Press Operation) assuming a belt press solids capture efficiency of 95%, a dewatered sludge solids content of approximately 15% and an average dewatered sludge weight of 10.4#/gal = 78#/ft3 = approximately 2,000#/Yd3. 9. Belt Wash System a. The belt press skid will use non -potable water to automatically wash the filter belts. Each of the belts is provided with a belt wash spray bar/nozzle assembly to clean the full width of the belts after the sludge cake has been discharged. b. The total water demand for the belt wash system is 50 gpm of non -potable reuse plant water. c. A 15 HP booster pump is provided pre -piped and mounted on the belt press skid to boost the washwater pressure to a minimum of 120 psi. 10. Belt Tracking System a. The belt filter press is provided with an automatic hydraulic belt tracking and alignment system. Each belt is provided with a tracking sensor that will send a signal to the control panel. b. A 3.0 HP hydraulic power unit with a 20 gallon receiver tank is provided pre -piped and mounted on the belt press skid to provide the required hydraulic capacity for the tracking system. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 30 N. PLANT SITE DRAIN PUMP STATION (New) 1. Design Assumptions a. WSST Decant Flow Rate 1) Design maximum tank drain flow rate _< 150 gpm. b. Belt Filter Press Drainage Waste Water 1) Washwater usage = 50 gpm 2) Maximum Belt Press filtrate waster volume <_ 200 gpm 3) Total Belt Press Drainage flow rate = 250 gpm c. Maximum Flow Rate to Pump Station = 400 gpm 2. Pump Selection a. Two constant speed drive 10 HP submersible sewage pumps are provided rated at 400 gpm @ 40 feet total head b. Operation of one pump is required to pump a flow rate = 400 gpm to Anoxic Reactor #1. c. The second pump is provided as an installed standby. Automatic Lead and Standby pump operation with automatic pump sequence alternator is provided. d. Both pumps will be provided with automatic on -off liquid level controls from the pump station wet well and HWL Alarm. O. CHEMICAL STORAGE -FEED EQUIPMENT FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (Existing) 1. The following equipment is provided for mixing, storage and pumping chemical solutions that are necessary for operation of the Activated Sludge BNR Treatment System and Final Clarifier: a. For pH adjustment of mixed liquor contained in the Nitrification Reactor #2 to maintain the activated sludge nitrification process mixed liquor pH between 7.2 to 8.2 units; and to maintain the final effluent pH above 6.0 units: Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 31 1) One existing 10' dia. x 9'-6" tall, 5,300 gallon bulk storage tank with a 3 HP vertical shaft impeller mixer is provided for storage of commercially purchased, pre -mixed 62% strength magnesium hydroxide solution. Magnesium hydroxide solution will be dosed into the Reactor #2 to maintain mixed liquor pH above 6.8 units in the biological nitrification process. 2) Two existing magnesium hydroxide (MgH) solution pumps with automatic stroke drives are provided each rated at 1 - 20 gphr @ 60 psi to dose MgH solution into the 1.0 MGD maximum design flow rate pH adjustment. One pump @ 20 gphr will inject MgH at a rate of over 3,800#/day > 450 mg/L (dry basis) into Reactor #2 for pH control. A second MgH pump is provided for parallel operation, as an installed standby. 3) Calculated MgH dosage rate for nitrification of 1,418# of TKN @ 7.0# alk/#TKN when partial biological denitrification is achieved in the Reactor #1. a) (1,418#NH3 -N) nitrified/day x 7.0# alk/#TKN < 9,930#alk/day b) estimated alkalinity available in AL effluent wastewater = (1,000 mg/L)(8.34)(1.0 MGD) <_ 8,340#/day c) required alkalinity in effluent = (200 mg/L)(8.34)(1.0 MGD) =1,670 #/day d) @ 1.7# CaCO3 alk/# MgH solution 9,930# - 8,340# + 1,670# < 1,920# MgH/day 1.7# MgH/#alk Conservatively assumes no alkalinity recovery from denitrification process. Denitrification process will recover approximately 3.0#alk per #NO3-N denitrified. e) @ 62% maximum MgH solution strength the MgH solution volume required per day and solution dosage rate required/hr = 1,920#/day 0.62 (12.8#/gal) = 240 gpd < 10 gal/hr Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 32 b. For dosage of organic Carbon Source Solution for carbonaceous BOD feed into Anoxic Reactor #1 and/or Nitrification Reactor #2 for denitrification process control and removal of nitrate nitrogen. 1) Non -Flammable carbon source (CS) solution make up and pumping equipment is provided for dosage of CS into the mixed liquor in Anoxic Reactor #1 and/or Anoxic Reactor #2. CS solution would be dosed into Reactor #1 and/or Reactor #2 (during Anoxic cycle) only if insufficient BOD carbon source is available in the blended raw wastewater to accomplish the required nitrate nitrogen and total nitrogen removal efficiency. 2) One existing 6,000 gallon bulk storage tank is provided for organic carbon source (CS) storage. Carbon source solution will be pumped into the Anoxic Reactor #1 influent line. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 33 ,m P. EXPECTED FINAL EFFLUENT QUALITY 1. Carbonaceous BOD removal by biological treatment; TKN and ammonia nitrogen removal by biological nitrification will be accomplished by the two -stage BNR AS treatment system. 2. The following average daily pollutant concentrations and loadings that are expected in the final effluent discharge to outfall 001 that is treated through the wastewater treatment system: Pollutant Expected Effluent Quality Permit Limits Monthly Average Daily Max. Monthly Average Daily Maximum mg/L mg/L mg/ L #/day mg/ L #day cBOD < 5 < 1.0 5 N/A 10 N/A TSS < 10 < 20 20 N/A 30 N/A O & G < 5 < 10 8 N/A 14 N/A TKN < 3 < 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A Ammonia < 1 < 2 1 N/A 2 N/A Total Nitrogen < 85 < 100 103 N/A 147 NIA pH 6.5 to 7.5 s.u. 6 to 9 s.u. Final Design Summary Wastewater Treatment System Upgrade PILGRIMS PRIDE — Sanford, North Carolina Prepared by Reid Engineering Company, Inc. 34 10 pilgriny,so April 27, 2016 Via Certified Mail 7013 2250 0001 9970 7797 7013 2250 0001 9970 7803 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 Quarterly Report To whom it may concern: report. RECEIVEDINCDEQIDWR MAY 0 4 2A Water Qua"" Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.d., Pilgrim's is providing this quarterly progress Activities Undertaken and Completed Pilgrim's has completed the Treatment Unit Investigation, engineering design and bidding of the project. On February 12, 2016 Pilgrim's awarded a contract for installation of piping and valve connections to the existing concrete aeration tank which was completed in March. On April 25, 2016 Pilgrim's issued a letter notifying a contractor of award of contract for the remainder of the wastewater upgrade project. Pilgrim's anticipates additional construction activities proceeding during the month of May or June. We paid the up -front penalty and have met with our consultant to begin work on the Solids Management Plan. A meeting with the City of Sanford occurred to discuss potential for them to treat our wastewater. We concluded it was not logistically or economically feasible to connect to the city system. tel 970 506 8000 Compliance Pilgrim's has been in compliance with the Permit Limits and Interim Limits since the February 5, 2016 effective date of the SOC. Pilgrim's had a wastewater spill to an on -site pond on March 5, 2016. The spill was contained and properly cleanup. It was reported to the state and an NOV was received dated March 30, 2016 (NOV-2016-PC-0097). In addition, please revise the main SOC contact information. Brent Glasgow is no longer associated with the Sanford plant. The new Vice President over the Sanford operation is Kyle Bolin. Kyle is located in our Greeley, Colorado office at the same address as on this letter head. I can continue to be the main point of contact for Pilgrim's. Please contact me by phone at 970-347-5730 or via e-mail at dave.townsend@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Townsend VP Environmental a0 pilgrim-s-- April 27, 2016 Via Certified Mail 7013 2250 0001 9970 7780 7013 2250 0001 9970 7810 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 Scheduled Events To whom it may concern: RECEIVEDINCDEQIDWR MAY 0 4 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.c., Pilgrim's has completed the following events: Treatment Unit Investigation The treatment unit investigation and design engineering have been completed. Attached is a copy of the report by Reid Engineering titled Final Design Summary of Wastewater Treatment Upgrade dated April 26, 2016. Connection to the City of Sanford Pilgrim's met with the City of Sanford Public Works Director regarding the potential for the city to treat all or a portion of our wastewater. Connection to the city would require lengthy pipelines and right-of-way acquisition requiring considerable time and expense. In addition, we would need to also connect to the city water system in order to obtain sewer service. The costs for water and sewer service, including surcharges for industrial strength waste, would far exceed our own costs of wastewater treatment. We concluded that connection to the city was neither logistically or economically feasible. tel 970 506 8000 Award Contract, Begin Construction On February 12, 2016 Pilgrim's awarded a contract for installation of piping and valve connections to the existing concrete aeration tank which was completed in March. On April 25, 2016 Pilgrim's issued a letter notifying a contractor of award of contract for the remainder of the wastewater upgrade project. Pilgrim's anticipates additional construction activities proceeding during the month of May or June. Please contact me by phone at 970-347-5730 or via e-mail at dave.townsend@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Townsend VP Environmental pilgrim -,so Via Certified Mail 70140150000187824693 70140150000187824815 March 14, 2016 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 To whom it may concern: RECENEDINCDEO&NR MAR 31 2016 Water Quality ion Permitting Sec Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.c., Pilgrim's received a quote for the wastewater upgrade project prior to March 1, 2016. During design of the project, we encountered a high groundwater table in the area of a planned new anaerobic lagoon. This resulted in a decision to keep the existing anaerobic lagoon in service and add a belt press and associated sludge tank, building and pumps stations. Reid Engineering issued the revised project to bidders on February 22 and final bids are due on March 24, 2016. Please contact Tina Pedley by phone at 919-895-3457, or via e-mail at tina.pedley@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, LSi: on Complex Manager tel 970 506 8000 pilgrim-PSCE) Via Certified Mail 70140150000187824693 70140150000187824815 March 14, 2016 Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit NC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Re: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ S 15-002 To whom it may concern: RECEIVEDINCDEOIDWR MAR 31 Z016 Water Quality Permitting Section Pursuant to Special Order by Consent 2.c., Pilgrim's paidthe Up -Front Peanity Payment via Certified Mail: 7014 1200 0002 2222 9903. Please contact Tina Pedley by phone at 919-895-3457, or via e-mail at tina.pedley@pilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, Tim Singleton Complex Manager tel 970 506 8000 PAT MCCRORY Wa ter Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY February 8, 2016 Brent Glasgow, Vice President Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 494 Zimmerman Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 DONALD R. VAN DER VAART S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Subject: SPECIIAL ORDER BY CONSENT EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation WWTP, Class 3 EMC SOC WQ S15-002 NPDES Permit NCO072575 Lee County Dear Mr. Glasgow: The Division of Water Resources (DWR) hereby transmits for your records a copy of the signed Special Order by Consent (SOC or the Order) approved by the Environmental Management Commission (EMC). The terms and conditions of the Order are now in full effect, including those requiring submittal of written notice of compliance or non-compliance with any SOC schedule date. To cover water -quality maintenance costs, SOC fees have been revised to include a $500.00 annual fee, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3D. DWR will invoice Pilgrim's Pride at a later date, with future SOC fees invoiced annually. If you have questions, please contact the operations staff at DWR's Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 791- 4200, or contact me in the central office, Joe Corporon [joe.corporon@ncdenr.gov] at (919) 807-6394. Attachment: Copy EMC SOC WQ S15-002 cc: Central Files NPDES Unit— SOC File S15-002 RRO Danny Smith, SWQP Supervisor cc: RRO Danny Smith State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1611 Mail service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 919 707 9000 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LEE IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) NPDES PERMIT NC0072575 ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT EMC SOC NO. S 15-002 HELD BY ) PILGRIM' S PRIDE CORPORATION ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.2, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Pilgrim's Pride, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. Pilgrim's Pride and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: a. Pilgrim's Pride holds North Carolina NPDES permit NC0072575 ("Permit") for operation of an existing wastewater treatment plant ("WWTP") at its Sanford, North Carolina facility, and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the Deep River, a Class C water of this State in the Cape Fear River Basin. b. Pilgrim's Pride is unable to consistently comply with the final effluent limits for Total Nitrogen ("TN") and Ammonia Nitrogen ("NH3 as N") as set forth in Permit. Effluent limits for these (and other) parameters have been exceeded since September 2013 in the manner and to the extent as shown in Attachment B to this Order. c. Pilgrim's Pride is within the jurisdiction of the Commission asset forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 2. d. Compliance with the Permit will require preparation and implementation of a plan for WWTP upgrades. Pilgrim's Pride has funding for planning, and has retained an environmental and civil engineering consultant to design upgrades to its WWTP which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately convey and treat wastewater in compliance with final effluent limits. 2. Pilgrim's Pride, desiring to comply with the Permit, hereby agrees to do the following: a. As settlement of all known NPDES limit violations of the Permit occurring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, pay an up -front penalty in the amount of $10,000.00 and $382.15 in costs totaling $10,382.15. A certified check in the amount of $10,3 82.15 must be made payable to the Department of Environmental Quality and forwarded to the Director of DWR at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than ninety (90) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by Pilgrim's Pride. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page 12 b. Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule listed below in Table 1. Event Schedule: (1.) Treatment Unit Investigations. Conduct investigations into available treatment operations, measures, or technologies that once constructed, will treat wastewater to such an extent that the discharge from the Pilgrim's Pride facility will comply with appropriate final effluent limits. Pilgrim's Pride must communicate in writing the results of the investigations whereby a report of the proposed treatment unit changes will illustrate how the reduction of the pollutants will be achieved. (2.) Connection to the City of Sanford. Conduct an investigation to determine the availability, suitability, and the willingness of the City of Sanford to accept and treat all or portions of the Pilgrim's Pride facility process wastewater. If these investigation efforts support this approach, Pilgrim's Pride will need to conduct further investigation into technologies, sewer extensions, and pretreatment requirements that may be needed for the Pilgrim's Pride facility to eliminate their discharge or reduce their waste load such that Pilgrim's Pride facility will be able to achieve compliance with appropriate final effluent limits. Pilgrim's Pride must communicate in writing the results of the investigations detailing why this approach is or is not appropriate to pursue in order to achieve compliance. (3.) Solids Management Plan Within 180 days of signature date of this agreement, Pilgrim's Pride will provide a Solids Management Plan for this facility. The plan must include the following: i. The current sludge inventory and current storage capacity for the Pilgrim's Pride facility. ii. Actions to determine sludge depth and monitor characteristics sufficient to evaluate removal options (dewatering and/or stabilization if needed) and proper disposal of solids as needed to provide adequate volume for proper operation of the treatment units. Sludge depths and characteristics will be determined every 6 months for the first 24 months of plan implementation. iii. Strategies and action items associated with the management of existing solids, solids generated in the future, and solids that will be generated from any new treatment units that may be constructed as a part of this order, including performance thresholds mandating implementation of the plan. The ultimate disposal of solids must be clearly addressed in the Solids Management Plan. iv. The plan will be reviewed annually to evaluate sludge removal options and revised, if needed, to include a sludge removal implementation schedule. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page 13 c. Table 1: Event Schedule EVENT Completion Date Up -Front Penalty Payment No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Treatment Unit Investigations written report due No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Connection to the City of Sanford written report due No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Solids Management Plan written report due No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Bid Date — Receipt of Bids from Contractors March 1, 2016 Award Contract to Selected Contractor — Issue Notice April 25, 2016 to Proceed (NTP) Mobilize and Begin Construction May 9, 2016 Complete Construction March 13, 2017 Comply with final effluent limits June 15, 2017 d. Quarterly Reports Pilgrim's Pride will submit quarterly progress reports detailing the work and activities undertaken and completed with regard to the upgrades of the WWTP. The quarterly progress reports must also clearly identify any noncompliance, including violations of anv interim modified effluent limits that occurred during the reuortina auarter. The report must include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. The reports are to be submitted as follows: One copy must be mailed to: Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 One copy must also be mailed to: Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit N.C. Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page 14 The quarterly reports are due in each respective office no later than the thirtieth (30tn) day of January, April, July, and October for the duration of this Order, beginning January 30, 2016.. e. Compliance Notification & Reporting— Schedule Events No later than twenty (20) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of any activity listed in 2.(c) above, Pilgrim's Pride shall submit written notice of compliance of the completion of the SOC event. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. Compliance notifications shall be submitted to the same addressees noted in 2.(d) above. f. Interim Limits During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, Pilgrim's Pride shall comply with the interim modified effluent limits for Total Nitrogen (TN) and Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3 as N) as listed in the table below. Pilgrim's Pride may also be required to monitor other parameters, as deemed necessary by the Director, in future permits or administrative letters. Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below (Interim Modified Effluent Limits) have been modified from the most current NPDES Permit in effect for Outfall 001. All other effluent limits, monitoring requirements, frequencies, and permit conditions remain in full effect and are unchanged. Permit Limits and Modified Limits (SOC) Current Permit Limits Interim Modified Effluent Effluent Limits SOC Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Characteristics Average Maximum Average Maximum TN 103 mg/L 147 mg/L 200 mg/L 250 mg/L NH3 as N 1.0 mg/V 2.0 mg/V 2.0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L Footnote 1. Listed permit limits are for summer months (April 1 — October 31) only. Permit winter limits are the same as the summer interim effluent limits, in essence, creating year-round ammonia nitrogen limits for the life of the Order. g. During the term of this Order, Pilgrim's Pride will continue to operate the WWTP as best possible to prevent/minimize any adverse impacts to the surface waters. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page 15 3. Pilgrim's Pride agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), Pilgrim's Pride will pay the Director of DWR, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet the deadlines, limits and reporting requirements set out in paragraphs 2.c., d., e. and f. Failure to meet a schedule date listed in $500 per day. paragraph 2.c. Failure to comply with interim modified effluent $2,000 for each monthly average limit exceedance; $500 for each daily limit listed in paragraph 21 maximum limit exceedance. Failure to submit reports, progress reports and $500 for the first violation; penalty notice as required by paragraph 2.d. and 2.e. doubles with each subsequent assessment for late reports. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent $5,000 (single penalty). limits on or before May 1, 2017. 4. Pilgrim's Pride and the Commission agree that the stipulated penalties are not due if Pilgrim's Pride satisfies DWR that noncompliance was caused solely by: a) An act of God; b) An act of war; c) An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the permittee; d) An extraordinary event beyond the permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the permittee's control; or e) Any combination of the above causes. Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 150B-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (3 0) days has elapsed. 5. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent is subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulations, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.C. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S l 5-002 Page 16 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms or conditions contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, terms, conditions, and limits contained therein issued in connection with the Permit. In the event of an NPDES permit modification or renewal, any effluent limit or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 21 above. 7. This Special Order by Consent may be amended provided Pilgrim's Pride has made good faith efforts to secure funding, complete all construction and achieve compliance within the dates specified. 8. Failure to meet scheduled dates identified in paragraph 2.c. may terminate this Special Order by Consent and require the Pilgrim's Pride to comply with the terms and conditions contained in the permit identified in paragraph La. 9. Pilgrim's Pride, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire on September 15, 2017. For Pilgrim's Pride Corporation: Brent Glasgow Date Vice President, Pilgrim"s Pri a Corporation For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: S. J Z 0�nan, P.G. Date Director,sion of Water Resources Corporon, Joe From: Corporon, Joe Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:41 AM To: 'Townsend, Dave' Cc: Hennessy, John Oohn.hennessy@ncdenr.gov) Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Pride SOC EMC No. S15-002 - Draft Final for Permittee's Signature Mr. Townsend: The SOC is currently proceeding through DWR administrative review in preparation for the Director's signature. We will forward final copies in due time. We're glad to hear you are proceeding toward SOC deadlines, as agreed. Respectfully, Joe R. Corporon, L. G. NCDEQ g Nothing Compares ti . E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Townsend, Dave [mailto:Dave.Townsend@pilgrims.com] Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 10:36 AM To: Corporon, Joe <joe.corporon@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Smith, Danny <danny.smith@ncdenr.gov>; Hennessy, John <john.hennessy@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Pilgrim's Pride SOC EMC No. S15-002 - Draft Final for Permittee's Signature Mr. Corporon, I believe the public comment period has closed. Could you please contact me to discuss the next steps in this matter? We are proceeding with the wastewater upgrade engineering and preparing to meet the scheduled deadlines. Thanks Dave Townsend, P.E. Head of Environmental Dave.Townsend@oilarims.com I www.oiladms.com 0:970.347.5730 1 C:816.392.2056 1770 Promontory Circle I Greeley, CO 80634 From: Corporon, Joe fmailto:joe.corporonColncdenr.aovl Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 10:41 AM To: Townsend, Dave Cc: Smith, Danny; Hennessy, John Subject: Pilgrim's Pride SOC EMC No. S15-002 - Draft Final for Permittee's Signature Mr. Townsend: On October 26, the Division's Central Office mailed Brent Glasgow (Pilgrim's Pride) the subject SOC as a draft final for Pilgrim's signature. We understand you have asked to be copied on this document. By this follow-up I also provide Attachments "A" and `B" as these supplements were excluded at the time of mailing (see attached). Upon Pilgrim's signing this document, please return it to my attention. When received, I will submit it for Public Notice, as required by the NPDES Program. If I can help further, or if you have questions, please email me or call my direct line [919-807-6394]. Respectfully, Joe R. Corporon, L.G. NCDEQ hm".. --Nothing Compares E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender �lir Affidavit Of Publication: Lee County, North Carolina 'Ihe Sanford Herald is a newspaper with a general circulation to actual paid subscribers admitted to the United States mail in the Periodicals class in Lee County. The Sanford Herald has been published at least one day in each calendar week for at least 25 of the 26 consecutive weeks immediately preceding the date of this affidavit. Holly Hight, Classified Advertising Representative of The Sanford Herald, a newspaper published in Lee County in the state of North Carolina, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that the attached advertisement of notice, in the action entitled: was duly published in the aforesaid newspaper once a week for consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue dated th4j_ day o P r-_�_ nd ending with the issue dated the day of , QI� Received of /Q C,Q E h I $ 12) ?D y the cost of the above publication. By: Holly ight, Classified Advertisi eprese ative CywvnMC�l;� I�� �i� gllD�7c� My Commission Expires y r ti'�' a `�ji_� f%'in1 3aj� Mkt xau. �i, 4c fir.°` r�,� t •�' 1t�r.y+ !Iwl _l r• lk PL .) _ r�l�. T. YSyc.,i1:•E f ff `;: xtteo-i .:: i''r'�;_ .}'l�,k`..- TP Vill_'Qi4•w�l'�f4 °r7-�)n<•Vi if r , K J!Cs� { . -` �'- ..k�• - fir'_-.t•k $ - - " !�"R a.pSi'i. �a .r !. eri 1�_,I �• a 5f tia !w- _ .. r,En �,�' _.r�•1i.0 .1Fi`Yf}l,8.!1fy gifr IiSi F_�('A 1' r ( .'rh'1).'f': VG• L 5-. r i � c �" G. .`-i h-1' Via• ' R rr Y tv 3 — _ ' � {i .••ryrY.I � 1r 1 — r� 'yam +a..^A�+ � VA���•� r � � _ i — __ - � —_ Iff - - - 6. ,� `s..`� �•-•� 5�t�xitfti-s�r1.`) `fi2�i„ � ; w%"�_> rF �• fir --'� ,•- •. _ �.. '. e' PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CARO. LINA ENVIRONMENTAL MAN- AGEMENT COMMISSION 1617 MAIL SERVICE CEN- TER RALEIGH, NORTH CARO- LINA 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A CONSENT OR- DER Public notice of intent to is. sue a State Consent Order to the following: Pride orporatiOn (484 Zimmerman Road, San- ford, NC 27330) has reques- ted Special Order by Con- sent WO S15-002 (the Order) for Its Sanford Processing Plant Wastewater Treat- ment Plant (W WTP), a 1.0 MGD W WTP that dis- charges treated wastewater to the Deep River in the Cape Fear River Basin un- der the authority of NPDES Permit NC0072575, but is unable to consistently com- ply with effluent limits for Total Nitrogen and Ammo- nia Nitrogen. The Environmental Manage- ment Commission pro- poses to issue the Order per Article 21 of Chapter 143, N.C. General Statutes, and other regulations effective January 11, 2016. Compliance with this Order requires installation of ne- cessary treatment compon- ents to the existing facility. The Pilgrim's Pride Corpora- tion shall comply with NP- DES permit limits with the exception of the Interim ef- fluent limitations identified in the Order. This Order will expire on June 30, 2017. A copy of the Order is avail- able upon request by con- tacting Joe R. Corporon, L.G. of the Division of Wa- ter Resources at 919-807- 6394, or by email at: JOe-corporon@ncdenr.gov. Comments on the proposed Order received no later than January 15, 2016 will be considered in the final de- termination. A public meet- ing may be held if there is a significant degree of public Interest. Date: December 2, 2015 Ch Gerard P. Carroll, airman Environmental Management Commission PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A CONSENT ORDER Public notice of intent to issue a State Consent Order to the following: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation (484 Zimmerman Road, Sanford, NC 27330) has requested Special Order by Consent WQ S15-002 (the Order) for its Sanford Processing Plant Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), a 1.0 MGD WWTP that discharges treated wastewater to the Deep River in the Cape Fear River Basin under the authority of NPDES Permit NC0072575, but is unable to consistently comply with effluent limits for Total Nitrogen and Ammonia Nitrogen. The Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue the Order per Article 21 of Chapter 143, N.C. General Statutes, and other regulations effective January 11, 2016. Compliance with this Order requires installation of necessary treatment components to the existing facility. The Pilgrim's Pride Corporation shall comply with NPDES permit limits with the exception of the interim effluent limitations identified in the Order. This Order will expire on June 30, 2017. A copy of the Order is available upon request by contacting Joe R. Corporon, L.G. of the Division of Water Resources at 919-807-6394, or by email at: joe.coMoron e,ncdenr.gov. Comments on the proposed Order received no later than January 15, 2016 will be considered in the final determination. A public meeting may be held if there is a significant degree of public interest. Date: December 2, 2015 .Perard P. Carroll, Chairm� Environmental Management Commission Environmental Quality October 26, 2015 Brent Glasgow, Vice President Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 484 Zimmerman Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary Subject: Draft Final - Special Order by Consent Pilgrim's Pride Corporation W WTP, Class 3 EMC SOC WQ S15-002 NPDES Permit NCO072575 Lee County Dear Mr. Glasgow: Attached for your approval and signature are two (2) copies of the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC). Its terms and conditions should be familiar after multiple discussions and negotiations recently between the Division of Water Resources (DWR) and Pilgrim's Pride. staff. Having resolved all questions and issues of both parties to date, we assume the terms and conditions of the SOC now meet with your approval. Please therefore affix your signature to page 6 of the Order and return the signed SOC (2 copies) to my attention at the footer address within ten (10) days of the date on this letter. In signing the SOC, please be aware: • Your signature holds Pilgrim's Pride to comply with all scheduled activity dates, terms, and conditions. Please review these carefully as they will be strictly enforced. Following any scheduled activity, date or deadline, Pilgrim's Pride must submit written notice to the Division documenting compliance or noncompliance to a scheduled activity or deadline. Failure to comply subjects you to strict SOC stipulated penalties (see page 5, Sec. 3.). Upon receiving your signed document, the Central Office will submit the SOC for a thirty (30)-day Public Notice period, as required by State and Federal regulations. Following this Public Notice period, in the absence of significant public objection, the Division will issue final active documents. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Danny Smith in the Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 791-4252 or in the Central Office, Joe R. Corporon, L.G. Doe.corporon@ncdenr.gov]; direct line [919-807-6394]. tncere John E. Hennessy, Supervisor Compliance and Expedited I nit Attachments: SOC Draft Final [two (2) copies] RECEIVED/DENR/DWR cc: Raleigh Regional Office w/attachment NOV 1 6 SOC File S 15-002 w/ attachment 1 Central Files w/attachment Water (duality rljPrmftting Section 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919807-6492 Internet www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LEE IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) NPDES PERMIT NC0072575 ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT EMC SOC NO. 515-002 HELD BY ) PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.2, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Pilgrim's Pride, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. Pilgrim's Pride and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: a. Pilgrim's Pride holds North Carolina NPDES permit NC0072575 ("Permit") for operation of an existing wastewater treatment plant ("WWTP") at its Sanford, North Carolina facility, and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the Deep River, a Class C water of this State in the Cape Fear River Basin. b. Pilgrim's Pride is unable to consistently comply with the final effluent limits for Total Nitrogen ("TN") and Ammonia Nitrogen ("NH3 as N") as set forth in Permit. Effluent limits for these (and other) parameters have been exceeded since September 2013 in the manner and to the extent as shown in Attachment B.to this Order. c. Pilgrim's Pride is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 2. d. Compliance with the Permit will require preparation and implementation of a plan for WWTP upgrades. Pilgrim's Pride has funding for planning, and has retained an environmental and civil engineering consultant to design upgrades to its WWTP which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately convey and treat wastewater in compliance with final effluent limits. 2. Pilgrim's Pride, desiring to comply with the Permit, hereby agrees to do the following: a. As settlement of all known NPDES limit violations of the Permit occurring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, pay an up -front penalty in the amount of $10,000.00 and $382.15 in costs totaling $10,382.15. A certified check in the amount of $10,382.15 must be made payable to the Department of Environmental Quality and forwarded to the Director ofDWR at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than ninety (90) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by Pilgrim's Pride. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Pase 12 b. Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule listed below in Table 1. Event Schedule: (1.) Treatment Unit Investigations. Conduct investigations into available treatment operations, measures, or technologies that once constructed, will treat wastewater to such an extent that the discharge from the Pilgrim's Pride facility will comply with appropriate final effluent limits. Pilgrim's Pride must communicate in writing the results of the investigations whereby a report of the proposed treatment unit changes will illustrate how the reduction of the pollutants will be achieved. (2.) Connection to the City of Sanford. Conduct an investigation to determine the availability, suitability, and the willingness of the City of Sanford to accept and treat all or portions of the Pilgrim's Pride facility process wastewater. If these investigation efforts support this approach, Pilgrim's Pride will need to conduct further investigation into technologies, sewer extensions, and pretreatment requirements that may be needed for the Pilgrim's Pride facility to eliminate their discharge or reduce their waste load such that. Pilgrim's Pride facility will be able to achieve compliance with appropriate final effluent limits. Pilgrim's Pride must communicate in writing the results of the investigations detailing why this approach is or is not appropriate to pursue in order to achieve compliance. (3.) Solids Management Plan Within 180 days of signature date of this agreement, Pilgrim's Pride will provide a Solids Management Plan for this facility. The plan must include the following: i. The current sludge inventory and current storage capacity for the Pilgrim's Pride facility. ii. Actions to determine sludge depth and monitor characteristics sufficient to evaluate removal options (dewatering and/or stabilization if needed) and proper disposal of solids as needed to provide adequate volume for proper operation of the treatment units. Sludge depths and characteristics will be determined every 6 months for the first 24 months of plan implementation. iii. Strategies and action items associated with the management of existing solids, solids generated in the future, and solids that will be generated from any new treatment units that may be constructed as a part of this order, including performance thresholds mandating implementation of the plan. The ultimate disposal of solids must be clearly addressed in the Solids Management Plan. iv. The plan will be reviewed annually to evaluate sludge removal options and revised, if needed, to include a sludge removal implementation schedule. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 P a g e 13 c. Table 1: Event Schedule EVENT Completion Date Up -Front Penalty Payment No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Treatment Unit Investigations ations written report due No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Connection to the City of Sanford written report due No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Solids Management Plan written report due No later than 90 days after SOC effective date Bid Date — Receipt of Bids from Contractors March 1, 2016 Award Contract to Selected Contractor — Issue Notice to Proceed (NTP) April 25, 2016 Mobilize and Begin Construction May 9, 2016 Complete Construction March 13, 2017 Comply with final effluent limits June 15, 2017 d. Quarterly Reports Pilgrim's Pride will submit quarterly progress reports detailing the work and activities undertaken and completed with regard to the upgrades of the WWTP. The quarterly progress reports must also clearly identify any noncompliance, including violations of any interim modified effluent limits that occurred during the reporting quarter. The report must include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. The reports are to be submitted as follows: One copy must be mailed to: Raleigh Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 One copy must also be mailed to: Supervisor, Compliance & Expedited Permits Unit N.C. Division of Water Resources — 'Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 r, Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Page 14 The quarterly reports are due in each respective office no later than the thirtieth (30tn) day of January, April, July, and October for the duration of this Order, beginning January 30, 2016. e. Compliance Notification & Reporting — Schedule Events No later than twenty (20) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of any activity listed in 2.(c) above, Pilgrim's Pride shall submit written notice of compliance of the completion of the SOC event. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. Compliance notifications shall be submitted to the same addressees noted in 2.(d) above. f. Interim Limits During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, Pilgrim's Pride shall comply with the interim modified effluent limits for Total Nitrogen (TN) and Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3 as N) as listed in the table below. Pilgrim's Pride may also be required to monitor other parameters, as deemed necessary by the Director, in future permits or administrative letters. Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below (Interim Modified Effluent Limits) have been modified from the most current NPDES Permit in effect for Outfall 001. All other effluent limits, monitoring requirements, frequencies, and permit conditions remain in full effect and are unchanged. Permit Limits and Modified Limits (SOC) Current Permit Limits Interim Modified Effluent Effluent Limits SOC Characteristics Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Average Maximum Average Maximum TN 103 mg/L 147 mg/L 200 mg/L 250 mg/L NH3 as N 1.0 mg/V 2.0 mg/Li 2.0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L Footnote 1. Listed permit limits are for summer months (April 1— October 31) only. Permit winter limits are the same as the summer interim effluent limits, in essence, creating year-round ammonia nitrogen limits for the life of the Order. g. During the term of this Order, Pilgrim's Pride will continue to operate the WWTP as best possible to prevent/minimize any adverse impacts to the surface waters. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page 15 3. Pilgrim's Pride agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), Pilgrim's Pride will pay the Director of DVVR, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet the deadlines, limits and reporting requirements set out in paragraphs 2.c., d., e. and f. Failure to meet a schedule date listed in $500 per day. paragraph 2.c. Failure to comply with interim modified effluent $2,000 for each monthly average limit limit listed in paragraph 21 exceedance; $500 for each daily maximum limit exceedance. Failure to submit reports, progress reports and $500 for the first violation; penalty notice as required by paragraph 2.d. and 2.e. doubles with each subsequent assessment for late reports. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limits on or before May 1, 2017. $5 000 sin . (single penalty). y} 4. Pilgrim's Pride and the Commission agree that the stipulated penalties are not due if Pilgrim's Pride satisfies DWR that noncompliance was caused solely by: a) An act of God; b) An act of war; c) An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the permittee; d) An extraordinary event beyond the permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered ' as events beyond the permittee's control; or e) Any combination of the above causes. Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 150B--23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent is subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulations, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.C. i Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page 16 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms or conditions contained herein; hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, terms, conditions, and limits contained therein issued in connection with the Permit. In the event of an NPDES permit modification or renewal, any effluent limit or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 21 above. 7. This Special Order by Consent may be amended provided Pilgrim's Pride has made good faith efforts to secure funding, complete all construction and achieve compliance within the dates specified. S. Failure to meet scheduled dates identified in paragraph 2.c. may terminate this Special Order by Consent and require the Pilgrim's Pride to comply with the terms and conditions contained in the permit identified in paragraph La. 9. Pilgrim's Pride, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire on September 15, 2017. For Pilgrim's Pride Corporation: Brent Glasgow Vice President, Pilgrim's Pride Corporation Date For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: S. Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Director, Division of Water Resources Date Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Page 17 ATTACHMENT A (page 1 of 2) EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation - Sanford WWTP A (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of Special Order by Consent and lasting until April 30, 2017, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT EFFLUENT LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample CHARACTERISTICS Average Maximum Frequency Type Location Flow 1.0 MGD Continuous RecordingInfluent or Effluent BOD, 5 day, 20°C 5.0 mg/L 10.0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent (A riI 1 - October 31 BOD, 5 day, 20°C 10.0 mg/L 20.0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent (November 1 - March 31) NH3 as N 2.0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 20 mg/L 30 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent Oil and Grease 8.0 mg/L 14.0 mg/L 3/Week Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen Not less than 6.0 mg/l, daily 3/Week Grab Effluent average Fecal Coliform 200 / 100 ml 400 / 100 ml 3/Week Grab Effluent (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) z 28 µg/L 3/Week Grab Effluent Temperature, °C 3/Week Grab Effluent pH Not greater than 9.0 S.U. 3/Week Grab Effluent nor less than 6.0 S.U. Total Nitrogen (TN) 3 200 mg/L 250 mg/L Monthly Composite Effluent Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen, mg/L Monthly Composite Effluent Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/L Monthly Composite Effluent Total Phosphorus, mg/L Monthly Composite Effluent Chronic Toxicity' Quarterly Composite Effluent Fecal Coliform, #/100ml Variable 6 Grab Upstream & (geometric mean) 5 Downstream Temperature, °C 5 Variable 6 Grab Upstream & Downstream Conductivity, µmhos/cm 5 Variable 6 Grab Upstream & Downstream Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L 5 Variable 6 Grab Upstream & Downstream Only the parameters shown in BOLD above have been modified from the terms found in NPDES permit NC0072575. Pilgri-m's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Page 18 ATTACHMENT A (page 2 of 2) EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation - Sanford WWTP Footnotes: 1. Sample Locations: E — Effluent; I — Influent; U — Upstream at NCSR 1400; D — Downstream 50 feet above the City of Sanford outfall. 2. The Division shall consider. all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 µg/L. 3. TN = TKN + (NO3-N + NO2-N), where TN is Total Nitrogen, TKN is Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, and (NO3-N and NO2-N) are Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen, respectively. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) at 9 %; quarterly during January, April, July, October; See Special Condition A. (2.) 5. Monitoring upstream (U) and downstream (D) are provisionally waived, based on the Permittee's membership in the Upper Cape Fear River Association. If at any time during the term of this permit, membership in the association is terminated, the permittee shall notify the Division immediately, and immediately continue instream monitoring as stipulated in this permit. 6. Variable: sample upstream and downstream 3/week during summer months of June, July August, and September, weekly during the rest of the year. Effluent shall contain no floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Page 19 ATTACHMENT B (page 1 of 2) EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation - Sanford WWTP Violation Parameter Violation Type Reported Limit Units % Over Date Value Limit 09/13/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 2.24 2.00 mg/I 12 09/27/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 3.04 2.00 mg/l 52 09/30/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 28.80 2.00 mg/l 1340 09/30/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Monthly Average 3.27 1.00 mg/l 227 09/30/2013 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 115.25 103.00 mg/l 12 September 2013 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0229 10/16/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 6.49 2.00 mg/l 225 10/18/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 37.60 2.00 mg/I 1780 10/31/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Monthly Average 3.88 1.00 mg/l 288 10/31/2013 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 112.00 103.00 mg/I 9 October 2013 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0230 11/30/2013 Ammonia Nitrogen Monthly Average 2.29 2.00 mg/I 15 November 2013 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0231 06/13/2014 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum 18.80 10.00 mg/l 88 06/30/2014 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 117.00 103.00 mg/l 14 June 2014 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0232 07/23/2014 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 700.00 400.00 #/100ml 75 07/31/2014 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 126.00 103.00 mg/l 22 July 2014 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NOV-2015-LV-0233 08/27/2014 Total Nitrogen Daily Maximum 162.00 147.00 mg/l 10 08/31/2014 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 162.00 103.00 mg/l 57 August 2014 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0234 10/13/2014 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 3200.00 400.00 #/100ml 700 10/17/2014 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 6600.00 400.00 #/100ml 1550 10/22/2014 Total Nitrogen Daily Maximum 156.00 147.00 mg/l 6 10/31/2014 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 144.00 103.00 mg/l 40 October 2014 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0235 11/30/2014 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 112.00 103.00 mg/I 9 12/10/2014 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 32.40 4.00 mg/l 710 12/31/2014 Ammonia Nitrogen Monthly Average 5.51 2.00 mg/l 176 12/31/2014 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 118.00 103.00 mg/l 15 December 2014 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NO V-2015-L V-0236 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation EMC SOC WQ S 1 5-002 Page %,10 ATTACHMENT B (page 2 of 2) EMC SOC WQ S15-002 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation - Sanford WWTP 01/02/2015 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 2200.00 400.00 #/100ml 450 01/02/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 8.23 4.00 mg/l 106 01/12/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 4.30 6.00 mg/l 28 01/13/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 5.11 6.00 mg/l 15 01/13/2015 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 1000.00 400.00 #/100ml 150 01/13/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 5.15 4.00 mg/l 29 01/14/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 42.00 4.00 mg/l 950 01/16/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 5.40 6.00 mg/l 10 01/16/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 17.90 4.00 mg/l 348 01/19/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 49.90 4.00 mg/l 1148 01/21/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 4.14 6.00 mg/l 31 01/21/2015 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum 70.00 28.00 ug/l 150 01/23/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 4.12 6.00 mg/I 31 01/23/2015 pH Daily Minimum 5.76 6.00 su 4 01/26/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 4.94 6.00 mg/l 18 01/28/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 4.69 6.00 mg/l 22 01/28/2015 Total Suspended Solids Daily Maximum 30.70 30.00 mg/I 2 01/30/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 4.70 6.00 mg/I 22 01/31/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 138.00 103.00 mg/l 34 01/31/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Monthly Average 13.58 2.00 mg/l 579 January 2015 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NOV-2015-LV-0413 02/02/2015 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum 1.88 6.00 mg/l 69 02/04/2015 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum 24.00 20.00 mg/I 20 02/28/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 146.00 103.00 mgll 42 February 2015 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NOV-2015-LV-0414 03/09/2015 Ammonia Nitrogen Daily Maximum 10.50 4.00 mg/I 163 03/11/2015 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 12000.00 400.00 #/100ml 2900 03/25/2015 Total Nitrogen Daily Maximum 155.00 147.00 mg/l 5 03/31/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 155.00 103.00 mg/I 50 March 2015 violations addressed by DWR Notice of Violation NOV-2015-LV-0415 04/22/2015 Total Nitrogen Daily Maximum 179.00 147.00 mg/l 22 04/30/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 179.00 103.00 mg/I 74 05/04/2015 Total Nitrogen Daily Maximum 181.00 147.00 mg/I 23 05/18/2015 Total Suspended Solids Daily Maximum 38.00 30.00 mg/l 27 05/20/2015 Total Suspended Solids Daily Maximum 44.70 30.00 mg/I 49 05/31/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 181.00 103.00 mg/I 76 06/24/2015 Total Nitrogen Daily Maximum 162.00 147.00 mg/l 10 06/30/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 162.00 103.00 mg/I 57 07/29/2015 Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum 6000.00 400.00 #/100ml 1400 07/31/2015 Total Nitrogen Monthly Average 138.00 103.00 mg/l 34 April - July 2015 violations have not been addressed by a DWR Notice of Violation b. SS3 DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES PERMIT NC0072575 Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Pilgrim's Pride Corp Sanford Plant Applicant Address: 484 Zimmerman Road; Sanford, NC 27330 Facility Address: 484 Zimmerman Road; Sanford, NC 27330 Permitted Flow 1.0 MGD Type of Waste: Process wastewater, boiler blowdown, condensate, stormwater Facility/Permit Status: Class III Minor/Active; Renewal County: Lee County Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: Deep River Stream Classification: C Subbasin: 03-06-11 Index No. 17-(38.7) Drainage Area (mi ): 1122 HUC: 03030003 Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 17 303(d) Listed? No Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 32 Regional Office: Raleigh 30Q2 (cfs): nd State Grid / USGS Quad: E22SW Average Flow (cfs): 1240 Permit Writer: Ron Berry IWC (%): 8.4% Date: 2/21/12 BACKGROUND Pilgrim's Pride Corporation (formerly Gold Kist, Inc.) operates a poultry processing plant in Sanford, NC. The plant processes live chickens and chicken parts into various packaged chicken meat products producing 360 million pounds of packed chicken annually. The Permittee is a member of the Upper Cape Fear Basin Association. Wastewater from various plant operations, boiler and condenser blowdown, maintenance, and area stormwater are collected and treated in an advance biological treatment system where the majority of the treated wastewater is discharged to Deep River, Cape Fear River Basin. This facility NPDES discharge is subject to federal effluent guidelines CFR 40 Section 432 Subpart L Poultry Further Processing. HISTORY 2007 - A new permit was issued with significant changes. Permit requirements were based on the new federal effluent guideline 432 Subpart L and waste load factors utilizing plant current operation and production data. - BOD, NH3-N, and DO limits were defined to meet waste load requirements; BOD and NH3-N limits were more stringent than the effluent guidelines. - The federal guidelines required reductions in TSS limits, Oil and Grease limits, and the addition of total nitrogen limits. - Fecal coliform secondary standards limits, TRC limit, pH limits, and other special conditions did not change. - The Deep River Strategy mandated additional total nitrogen and total phosphorus monitoring, and a special reopener condition. - The permit owner name was corrected to show the new owner Pilgrim's Pride. - A SOC was issued with interim limits to allow Pilgrims Pride time to make the necessary changes to meet the new permit total nitrogen limits by August 31, 2008. Fact Sheet NPDES NC0072575 Page 1 of 1 ti TREATMENT PROCESS A tank collects and then pumps the plant's screened wastewater to a covered/lined 17 million -- gallon anaerobic basin. Solids from the screen are sent off -site. A flare is available to incinerate off gas (methane) from the anaerobic basin. The anaerobic basin wastewater is pumped to the advance biological treatment system which consists of an extended aeration basin, a clarifier, a tertiary filter, and chlorination/dechlorination. Metered treated wastewater flows to a post cascade aeration basin and then to the outfall, a small portion is recycled for reuse in the plant. Treated wastewater can be diverted to either a storage lagoon or the irrigation treatment system. Filter backwash and filter diverted effluent wastewater is collects in the backwash basin, and pumped to the emergency pond. The emergency pond wastewater including plant stormwater is disposed of through irrigation. The advance treatment system biosolids are transferred to an anaerobic basin which provides a very methodical, slow digestion. The lagoon has been in service for several decades with little solids removal and has an expected storage capacity beyond the next 40 years. When solid removal is required additional lagoons are available for dewatering of solids before final disposal. Sanitary wastewater is treated and stored in the irrigation ponds. The facility maintains a non - discharge permit for irrigation. Excess treated wastewater from the advanced treatment system can be diverted to the sanitary treatment system. COMPLIANCE Since issuance of the 2007 permit, this facility committed 36 limit violations and paid $9,958 in fines. TN violations were the most prevalent and continued into 2011 with 5 violations occurring between July and October in 2011. Fecal coliform was the next prevalent violation but no violations have occurred since May 2010. PERMITTING STRATEGY Federal guideline 432 general condition and Subpart L applies and will continue unchanged for O&G, TSS, TN, and pH. BOD, ammonia as nitrogen, and fecal coliform water quality standard limits are more stringent and will continue (see Table 1). Table 1: Subpart L Limits Parameter Maximum daily Maximum monthly average O&G (as HEM) 14 mg/L 8.0 mg/L TSS 30 mg/L 20 mg/L TN 147 mg/L 103 mg/L 432 Subpart L Limits Not Applied — WQS/WLA more stringent BOD 26 mg/L 16 mg/L NH3-N 8.0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L Fecal Coliform Not to exceed 400/100 ml at anytime DO is a wasteload based limit and will continue. The Deep River Nutrient Strategy continues to be applicable so TP monitoring and the reopener condition will continue. Temperature and TRC requirements will remain the same and continue. A new footnote will be added to address the 50 µg/L detection limit and reporting protocol. Fact Sheet NPDES NCO072575 Page 2 of 2 A Total Nitrogen Compliance Plan special condition will be added to direct the Permittee to determine a corrective course of action to address the facility continued TN non-compliance. Data review DMRs were reviewed for the period of May 2009 to June 2011. DMR data is summarized in Table 2 below: Table 2: DMR Data Statistics Flow (MGD)* BOD (mg/L)* TSS (mg/L)* NH3-N (mg/L)* Fecal Coliform (#//100 ml)* Average 0.740 2.75 3.62 0.51 96.6 Maximum 0.91 4.2 8.0 0.9 1534 Minimum 0.53 2.0 1.1 0.2 1.1 O&G (mg/L)* DO (mg/L) pH (S.U.) TRC (µg/L) TN (mg/L)* Average 5.00 7.80 7.07 25.2 85.91 Maximum 5.3 10.2 7.9 44 119.0 Minimum 1 >5.0 1 6.0 _633—i > 25 1.3 *Monthly average Whole Effluent Toxicity No failures were reported for this permit cycle Chronic Toxicity tests. The Aquatic Toxicology Unit performed a 24 hour pass/fail chronic test in May 2011 which was passed. The permit chronic toxicity requirement will continue with the special condition narrative being updated. Instream Sampling As a member of the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association a waiver for instream sampling is granted. The last reported data was retrieved from the association monitoring stations located upstream and downstream from Permittee discharge, no impacts were noted. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES In keeping with Division permit development strategy the following will be incorporated into this permit: • Add TRC footnote for reporting and measurement protocol. • Add special condition for TN Compliance Plan. • Update chronic toxicity special condition narrative. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: February 29, 2012 Permit Scheduled to Issue: April 2012 NPDES DIVISION CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Ron Berry at (919) 807-6396 or email ron.berry@ncdenr.gov. NAME: DATE: REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS NAME: DATE: SUPERVISOR: DATE: Fact Sheet NPDES NCO072575 Page 3 of 3 IWC Calculations Pilgram's Pride Corp, Sanford Plant WWTP NC0072575 Prepared By: Joe Corporon, NPDES Program Special: Ave Flow 2014-2015 0.553 Enter s7Q10(cfs): 17 Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 32 Residual Chlorine Ammonia (NH3 as N) (summer) 7Q10 (cfs) 17 7Q10 (CFS) 17 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.553 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.553 DESIGN FLOW (cfs) 0.85715 DESIGN FLOW (cfs) 0.85715 STREAM STD (ug/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (mg/L) 1.0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (1 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (mg/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 4.80 IWC (%) 4.80 Allowable Conc. (ugll) 354 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 16.5 Ammonia (NH3 as N) (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) 32 Fecal Limit 2001100ml DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.553 (if DF >331; Monitor) DESIGN FLOW (cfs) 0.85715 (If DF <331; Limit) STREAM STD (mg/L) 1.8 Dilution Factor (DF) 20.83 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (mg/L) 0.22 IWC (%) 2.61 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 60.8 Servor/Current Versions/IWC 7/20/2015 pilgrim-ws® June 8,2015 Danny Smith, Supervisor NCDENR, Surface Water Protection Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Re: Amendment of Application for SOC Pilgrim's• Pride Corporation Sanford, North Carolina Permit Number NC 0072575 Dear Mr. Smith, Pilgrim's submitted an application for a Special Order by Consent (SOC) on September 10, 2012. By this letter, we are submitting an amendment to the application and confirming our commitment to entering into an SOC for the Sanford, North Carolina processing plant. The amended information provided below is formatted as set forth in original application: 1. Permit Related Information: Signing officials name and title: David A. Townsend, PE VP Environmental Owners contact: Tim Singleton, tel 970 506 8000 Complex Manager tim.singleton@pilerims.com U. Pre -Application Meeting: As a follow-up to the 2012 meeting, Tim Singleton, Rodney Hopper, Bruce Morgan and I met with you and your staff on May 28, 2015. III. Additional Flow or Flow Reallocation: No amendment IV. Necessity Narrative: Since the Necessity Narrative was submitted in 2012, the following items have been completed: 1. A dissolved air flotation unit (DAF) was installed in the offal building to remove oil and grease before effluent enters the anaerobic lagoon. 2. Testing was completed on the anaerobic lagoon and it was determined solids accumulation has reduced the hydraulic retention time to a few days. Bacteria and enzyme products from several vendors have been added to the lagoon over the past several years to degrade the grease cap and accumulated solids. Biogas production has increased indicating increased digestion of solids, however, the retention time remains limited. (Plans for replacing the anaerobic lagoon are discussed further below). 3. The operators have made adjustments to the cyclic aeration/anoxic basin to increase time for denitrification. However, being a single basin the operators have not been able to provide enough off time to reduce nitrogen consistently below the permit limits. At times ammonia has exceeded the permit limits when denitrification time was increased. 4. Pilgrim's has worked with several vendors on ways to increase denitrification, including Novozymes, a supplier of bacterial and enzyme products that are used to augment wastewater systems. Novozymes provided an experimental fermentation reactor in 2012 at the Sanford facility to grow denitrification bacteria. The Total Nitrogen results did improve for several months; however, the improvement was temporary. V. Certification The engineering report prepared by Rowe Environmental in 2012 concluded that the existing plant is not capable of reliably meeting the permit limit for Total Nitrogen. Pilgrim's has tried a number of operational and alternate methods to reduce Total Nitrogen. As discussed during our May 28°i meeting, we have retained Reid Engineering to evaluate the recent performance data and design the selected facility upgrades. Reid Engineering has recommended that we construct a new anaerobic lagoon and upgrade the single stage activated sludge system to a two -stage biological nitrogen removal (BNR) system to provide improved nitrogen removal capability. The existing anaerobic lagoon will be converted to a waste activated sludge digester. During the time that the BNR system is being constructed, Pilgrim's requests interim limits for Total Nitrogen and Ammonia. After review the discharge monitoring data for the past several years, we request that interim limits for Total Nitrogen of 200 mg/L monthly average and 250 mg/L. daily maximum. We also request that the cold -weather Ammonia limits of 2 mg/L average and 4 mg/L maximum be applied year round until the upgrade is completed and operational. VI. Predicted Compliance Schedule Reid Engineering will provide a construction and compliance schedule that will be submitted in the near future. VII. Funding Sources Pilgrims remains committed to provide the necessary funding to upgrade the Sanford wastewater treatment plant. Please contact me by phone at 970-347-5730, or via e-mail at dave.townsendPpilgrims.com should you have any questions. Sincerely, U.-i A,-(f Li David A. Townsend, P.E. VP Environmental Engineering December 13, 2012 Danny Smith, Supervisor Surface Water Protection Raleigh Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 RE: Application for SOC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation Sanford, NC Permit NO: NC0072575 Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to request a change with the Special Order By Consent Application we submitted in September. In the Necessity Narrative, item number 3 of the things listed we have done to improve our operation, you will see there was a test being done to identify bacteria that would aid in the de - nitrification process of our system. Novozymes, out of Salem, Virginia, was working on selecting a bacterial blend that would aid in our process. They had been working with a small tank using our water to determine what blend would work the best. As of the submitting of the SOC application, there had not been a lot of progress on this effort. But at the end of October, a blend was selected and introduced to our system on November V. It has shown very good results. The addition to the system started at 30 pounds per day and now is down to 10 pounds per day. It has brought the system into compliance and looks to be working really well. In the next couple of months, we will be working to determine the level of dosage required. Although this is working well at this time, we feel the real test will be in the summer months. But we also think adjusting the dosage as the weather warms will take care of the issues we had with nitrogen in the discharge. Based on the information above, we would like to withdraw the SOC application at this time but keep it in the files. If at some time we feel the addition of the de -nitrifying bacteria will not accomplish the goal of meeting our permit limits, we will move forward with the upgrade to the system. Our goal and responsibility is to meet our permit limits and we intent to make the changes necessary to make that happen. If you have any questions, feel free to call John Gangwer at 540-896-0767. Rely, ex Manager, Sanford, NC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation r.1 a0 p;lgrirn,Fs» September 10, 2012 Danny Smith, Supervisor Surface Water Protection Raleigh Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 RE: Application for SOC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation Sanford, NC Permit No: NC0072575 Dear Mr. Smith, cz� This contains the application for the Special Order By Consent for Pilgrim's Pride Corporation in Sanford, North Carolina. There are three copies of the application and attachments. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 540-896-0767 or 540-810-3628. Sincerely, Jo, n Gangwer Director of Environmental Affairs, Eastern Region Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 330 Co-op Drive Tirnbervilie, Virginia 22853 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOUR ► t - `_ r, ` '' DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT S E P 1 2012 i i (SO ) L_ I. PERMIT RELATED INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): i mS Pr ► dt Co reopal 2. Print or Type Owner's or Signing Official's Name and Title: Wa 11- S h aJ'e r Sew le r VP - c. A iy o`GA 1 le ry,'C-es 3. Facility Name (as shown on Permit): 1 Pr, d 1_, e-� rIi � / /,k'''� 4. Owner Phone: G% - 7 �] 7332 (or) 5. Owner Email: nn vg l as . m ao re— @ p 1 i 2 r i M .f . Lo m 4. Application Date: se92%4 n be r �6 , go 1 � 5. NPDES Permit No. (if applicable): NC o © -7 a �� 6. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different froin 1.3. above): &A II. PRE -APPLICATION MEETING: Prior to submitting this completed application form, applicants must meet with the appropriate regional office staff to discuss whether or not an SOC is appropriate for this situation. Please note the date this meeting occurred and who represented the permittee: Representative: Toh,v Ga/y 9 k�r , 13r rrcc M droa1v Date: Ty 1 y 3 ayl x J0o v �1 as / O,',. III. ADDITIONAL FLOW OR FLOW REALLOCATION: In accordance with NCGS 143-215.67(b), only facilities owned by a unit of government may request additional flow. Additional flow may be allowed under an SOC only in specific circumstances. These circumstances may include eliminating discharges that are not compliant with an NPDES or Non -discharge permit. These circumstances do not include failure to perform proper maintenance of treatment systems, collection systems or disposal systems. When requesting additional flow, the facility must include its justification and supporting documentation. fORIN If the requested additional flow is non -domestic, the facility must be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat the waste and dispose of residuals. The applicant must provide a detailed analysis of the constituents in the proposed non -domestic wastewater. The total domestic additional flow requested: The total non -domestic additional flow requested: The total additional flow (sum of the above): gallons per day. gallons per day. gallons per day. Please attach a detailed description or project listing of the proposed allocation for additional flow, with an explanation of how flow quantities were estimated. Further, any additional flow requested must be justified by a complete analysis, by the permittee, that additional flow will not adversely impact wastewater collection/treatment facilities or surface waters. IV. NECESSITY NARRATIVE: S,, fi Ifa L A m {^'t L Please attach a narrative providing a detailed explanation of the circumstances regarding the necessity of the proposed SOC. Include the following issues: • Existing and/or unavoidable future violations(s) of permit conditions or limits(s), • The existing treatment process and any process modifications that have been made to date to ensure optimum performance of existing facilities, • Collection system rehabilitation work completed or scheduled (including dates), • Coordination with industrial users regarding their discharges or pretreatment facilities. Identify any non -compliant significant industrial users and measure(s) proposed or already taken to bring the pretreatment facilities back into compliance. If any industrial facilities are currently under consent agreements, please attach these agreements, • Date and outcome of last Industrial Waste Survey, • Whether or not the facility is acting as a regional facility receiving wastewater from other municipalities having independent pretreatment programs. V. CERTIFICATION: Jcm I¢i"a c A ptezt IL The applicant must submit a report prepared by an independent professional with expertise in wastewater treatment. This report must address the following: • An evaluation of existing treatment units, operational procedures and recommendations as to how the efficiencies of these facilities can be maximized. The person in charge of such evaluation must sign this document. • A certification that these facilities could not be operated in a manner that would achieve compliance with final permit limits. The person making such determination must sign this certification. • The effluent limits that the facility could be expected to meet if operated at their maximum efficiency during the term of the requested SOC (be sure to consider interim construction phases). • Any other actions taken to correct problems prior to requesting the SOC. 2 iO1 VI. PREDICTED COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE: fex. 14-t ,aCh lne�'1" The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule should include milestone dates for beginning construction, ending construction, and achieving final compliance at a minimum. In determining the milestone dates, the following should be considered: • Time for submitting plans, specifications and appropriate engineering reports to DWQ for review and approval. • Occurrence of major construction activities that are likely to affect facility performance (units out of service, diversion of flows, etc.) to include a plan of action to minimize impacts to surface waters. • Infiltration/Inflow work, if necessary. • Industrial users achieving compliance with their pretreatment permits if applicable. • Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TRE), if necessary. VII. FUNDING SOURCES IDENTIFICATION: j41+a4 ' n'l- 331: The applicant must list the sources of funds utilized to complete the work needed to bring the facility into compliance. Possible funding sources include but are not limited to loan rlo� commitments, bonds, letters of credit, block grants and cash reserves. The applicant must show that the funds are available, or can be secured in time to meet the schedule outlined as part of this application. If funding is not available at the beginning of the SOC process, the permittee must submit a copy of all funding applications to ensure that all efforts are being made to secure such funds. Note: A copy of the application should be sufficient to demonstrate timeliness unless regional office has reason to request all information associated with securing funding. THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. Required Items: a. One original and two copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form, along with all required attachments. • If the SOC is for a City / Town, the person signing the SOC must be a ranking elected official or other duly authorized employee. • If the SOC is for a Corporation / Company / Industry / Other, the person signing the SOC must be a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice- president, or his duly authorized representative. • If the SOC is for a School District, the person signing the SOC must be the /ALIN Superintendent of Schools or other duly authorized employee. 3 A Note: Reference to signatory requirements in SOCs may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code [TI5A NCAC 2H .1206(a)(3)]. b. The non-refundable Special Order by Consent (SOC) processing fee of $400.00. A check must be made payable to The Department of Environment and Natural Resources. + c. An evaluation report prepared by an independent consultant with expertise in wastewater. (in triplicate) APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: (NO MODIFICATION TO THIS CERTIFICATION IS ACCEPTABLE) 1, &X/ S�i� , attest this application for a Special Order by Consent (SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this application are not completed and if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package may be returned as incomplete. (Please be advised that the return of this application does not prevent DIVO from collecting all outstanding penalties upon request). Furthermore, I attest by my signature that I fully understand that an upfront penalty, which may satisfy as a full settlement of outstanding violations, may be imposed. (Note: Reference to upfront penalties in Special Orders by Consent may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code [T15A NCAC 2H .1206(c)(3)].) Date Signature of Signinj Official # Printed Name of Signing Official THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 IF THIS APPLICATION IS FOR A NON -DISCHARGE SYSTEM, THEN SEND TO: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 taw) 4 /^ /\ VENDOR NUMBER 123354 - VENDOR NAME NC DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT 8, NATRL RES 2808996 08/24/2012 INVOICE NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE P.O. NUMBER GROSSAMOUNT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT AUG1612 SPECL ORDER BY CONSENT PR 08/16/2012 400.00 0.00 400.00 1099 Reportable For payment inquiries please call 903-434-7670 o.00 TOTALS 400.00 0.00 400.00 PP= 403 • r s • r p PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION HARRIS BANK ROSELLE 7o-155an1s "GA f Roselle, Illinois 1' Area Code 903 • Phone 855-1000 • P.O. Box 93 • Pittsburg, Texas 75686 No. 2808996 ® Date 08/24/2012 1 $400.00 Pay Four Hundred And 001100 Dollars C� . TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DIV OF WATER QUALIT ORDER OF POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES) VOID AFTER 90 DAYS II' 280899611' 1:0719 IS S80i: 04em378oi184 Jim &II■ I Necessity Narrative For the last couple of years the waste water plant has been struggling to treat the amount of nitrogen entering the aerobic part of the system. There have been numerous operational changes and upgrades to try and get the desired results. Listed below are some of the things that have been done to improve the level of treatment. 1. All of the diffusers in the aeration basin were replaced in the spring of 2012. 2. The filter media in the fuzzy filter was replaced in the spring of 2012. 3. There is a test being done at this time to grow de-nitrifiers and add to the aeration basin to help the de -nitrification step. 4. We have regular assistance from Maryland BioChemical for culture to add to the anaerobic lagoon as well as the aeration basin. They have also assisted us in trying to determine the changes we need to make to improve the system. 5. We did some extensive testing on the effluent from the anaerobic lagoon to determine information about the quality of water from the anaerobic lagoon. This has changed over the years, especially in the summer time. It appears the TKN is higher now than it use to be. 6. There have been numerous operational changes to try and improve the performance. The latest one was to change the blowers from an ammonia mode to a DO mode of operation. It seemed the probe monitoring the ammonia was getting some interference from some other parameter. This was just changed 6 weeks or so ago and has made a difference in the ammonia results. It has not helped the Nitrates. 7. A secondary screen has been installed in the offal building to take loading off of the anaerobic lagoon. The following things are currently being engineered and /or planned to be installed in the near future. 1. A DAF will be installed in the offal building to remove oil and grease before the anaerobic lagoon. 2. We are going to try and do some testing on the anaerobic lagoon to determine what the levels of solids on the top and bottom are at this point. It is very hard to do because it is a covered lagoon and we can not accomplish this until the gas under the cap is burnt off. It is currently producing a lot of gas with the warm weather. This will probably be a winter project. 3. The operators are continually adjusting the operating parameters to improve the results. It is apparent that we will not be able to de -nitrify in the current system. We are going to have to /Ot� upgrade the system by installing a de -nitrification step in the system. This will require a new basin, piping changes, and training in the operation. I am estimating this will take about 18 months to get all of the engineering completed, approved, and installation done. During this time we will not be able to comply with the Total Nitrogen in a consistent manner. In the mean time, the operators will be working hard to achieve the best possible performance. TF PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATION REPORT WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION 484 ZIMMERMAN ROAD SANFORD, NC 27330 September 6, 2012 prepared b Vernon D. Rowe, P.E. rowenviron mental 145 Jefferson Street Pittsburg, Tx 75686 (903) 856-5133 Fax (903) 856-5134 Cell (903) 767-0945 Email rowenvironmental@hotmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING WASTEWATER SYSTEM 3 3 EFFLUENT LIMITS S 4 EXISTING EFFLUENT PERFORMANCE 6 5 ACHIEVABLE PERMIT LIMITS 9 6 PRIOR ACTIONS TAKEN 10 7 PROPOSED SYSTEM UPGRADES 11 IQ La - SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Pilgrim's Pride Corporation operates a poultry processing facility located at 484 Zimmerman Road, Sanford, Lee County, NC. Figure No.1 provides an aerial layout of the processing facility and associated wastewater treatment system. Wastewater from the facility is treated and discharged into the Cape Fear River Basin under authorization of NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. This report provides an assessment of the treatment capabilities of the existing wastewater treatment system and the ability of the treatment system to comply with the effluent limitations established in the NPDES permit. page 1 I f�om�o Nw rn�l Ir Pilgrim's Pride Lee County NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 January 1, 2009 - March 30, 2012 Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Count Minimum Maximum # Mssina Variance Median TN NH3 TP 88.233 22.271 1.267 309 1.290 167.000 172 495.980 87.300 .562 .676 .031 481 .100 7.860 0 .457 .430 17.380 9.931 2.754 13 1.330 40.200 468 98.631 16.200 Box Plot 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 TN Percentiles TN 10 62.220 25 75.150 50 87.300 75 100.000 90 118.000 Univariate Scattergram 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 _......................... ------ ---------- ��...... •ice. �_ ................................................................................................................................. -20 Observations Frequency Distribution for TN Frnm f>=) To (<) Count 1.290 17.861 1 17.861 34.432 0 34.432 51.003 10 51.003 67.574 39 67.574 84.145 86 84.145 100.716 98 100.716 117.287 43 117.287 133.858 22 133.858 150.429 7 150.429 167.000 3 Total 309 +1 SD Mean -1 SD 9 8 7 6 5 Z `; 3 2 1 0 _1 Pilgrim's Pride Lee County NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 January 1, 2009 — March 30, 2012 Box Plot 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 _1 Univariate Scattergram TIN Observations +1 SD Mean -1 SD Pilgrim's Pride Lee County NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 January 1, 2009 — March 30, 2012 Percentiles 10 .167 25 .236 50 .430 75 .632 90 .961 Frequency Distribution for NH3 From (>=) To (<) Count .100 .876 421 .876 1.652 43 1.652 2.428 8 2.428 3.204 2 3.204 3.980 2 3.980 4.756 2 4.756 5.532 1 5.532 6.308 1 6.308 7.084 0 7.084 7.860 1 Total 481 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 45 40 35 30 a. 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pilgrim's Pride Lee County NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 January 1, 2009 — March 30, 2012 Box Plot • • T TP Univariate Scattergram • • ....................................................._............................................................................................ • ........... ..................4..............I............ ...... ............................. ... f • .................................................................................................................................................... • Observations +1 SD Mean -1 SD Pilgrim's Pride Lee County NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 January 1, 2009 — March 30, 2012 Box Plot 1.2 1 .8 .6 .4 .2 0 -.2 Univariate Scattergram 1.2 1 .8 4 .6 .4 .2 0 -.2 Descriptive Statistics Flow Mean .718 Std. Dev. .178 Std. Error .005 Count 1211 Mnn-um .001 Maximum 1.127 # Missing 1 Variance .032 Median .738 • • Y •0 0% goo 0• • • •• • .. N • • Observations +1 SD Mean -1 SD 6C 79 q-7.3 33e /oa n a0 pllgnm,,s,. August 14, 2012 Danny Smith Supervisor, Water Protection 1628 Mail Service Center 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27669 RE: Pilgrim's Pride Corporation Application for Special Order by Consent Letter of Funding Guarantee Dear Mr. Smith, Pilgrim's Pride Corporation supports the need for the proposed upgrade to our waste water system in Sanford, North Carolina. This proposed upgrade will add a de -nitrification step in the process to improve the treatment of nitrogen and comply with the permit limits. The estimated cost for this upgrade is about $700,000. We will be adding this to our budget for 2013 so the money will be available to complete the project. Once the project is fully engineered, if there is any change in the funds needed for this project it will be adjusted accordingly. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Doug Moore at the Sanford Complex at the following number, 919-774-7333. Sir , Walt Shafer Senior VP Technical Services Pilgrim's Pride Corporation r ITEM BEGIN COMPLETE _ Preparation of Detailed Plans and Specifications September 10, 2012 December 10, 2012 Submittal of Detailed Plans and Specifications to DENR for Review and Approval December 17, 2012 March 18, 2013 Bid Advertising April 1, 2013 May 1, 2013 Bid Review and Construction Contract Award May 11 2013 May 15, 2013 Construction May 22, 2013 January 14, 2014 Startup/Compliance January 14, 2014 March 3, 2014 W CONSTRUCTION/COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION 484 ZIMMERMAN ROAD SANFORD, NC 27330 September 6, 2012 prepared b Vernon D. Rowe, P.E. rowenvironmental 145 Jefferson Street Pittsburg, Tx 75686 (903) 856-5133 Fax (903) 856-5134 Cell (903) 767-0945 Email rowenvironmental@hotmail.com FIGURE NO. 4— LAYOUT DRAWING —WASTEWATER SYSTEM UPGRADE page 13 FIGURE NO. 3 — PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM — WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM page 12 14� SECTION 7 PROPOSED SYSTEM UPGRADES As has been indicated, it is believed that the existing system is being operated and maintained as well as possible and the system is achieving effluent levels that are at or better than the original design levels for the system. The system will have to be upgraded to address loadings and enhance denitrification capabilities. Specific upgrades will include: • Installation of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system in the offal building to remove oil and grease and suspended solids upstream of the anaerobic lagoon. • Construction of a new denitrification basin between the anaerobic lagoon and the aeration basin. Figure No. 3 provides a process flow diagram for the system with the new DAF and denitrification basin. Figure No. 4 provides a layout drawing for the biological treatment system with the new denitrification basin. page 11 fgo1 SECTION 6 PRIOR ACTIONS TAKEN The facility has implemented numerous operational changes and upgrades to attempt to comply with all permit limits, in particular the total nitrogen limits. A list of the changes and upgrades completed to date is as follows: • A secondary screen has been added in the offal room to improve solids removal upstream of the anaerobic lagoon. • All diffusers in the aeration basin were replaced in Spring, 2012. • The filter media in the Fuzzy Filter was replaced in Spring, 2012. • An ongoing trial is being run at the facility to grow de-nitrifiers in a dedicated reactor to be added to the aeration basin to increase denitrification. • Bioaugmentation products have been added to the anaerobic lagoon and the aeration basin to enhance biological activity. • An extensive evaluation of the anaerobic lagoon has been completed to assess the flow through the lagoon as well as the causes for higher effluent total nitrogen levels from the lagoon. It has been determined that the lagoon potentially has significant solids build up that might be contributing to the total nitrogen levels due to nitrogen release. The gas cap on the lagoon is being pumped down. As soon as the gas cap is down sufficiently the lagoon will be sounded to inventory the solids in the lagoon to make a decision regarding the potential necessity for solids removal. • The original design of the aeration basin used an ammonia probe to control the cycling of blowers. A change has been made to allow operation of the blowers based on dissolved oxygen levels rather than ammonia levels. This has improved ammonia nitrogen effluent levels but has not significantly reduced the effluent nitrate nitrogen levels. page 10 (001 SECTION 5 ACHIEVABLE PERMIT LIMITS n Table No. 4 summarizes the effluent limits the existing can be expected to meet if operated at maximum efficiency as currently configured. TABLE NO.4 ACHIEVABLE EFFLUENT LIMITS PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION, SANFORD, NC EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS MONTHLY AVERAGE DAILY MAXIMUM Flow 1.0 mgd BOD, 5 day, 20 deg C (April 1— October 31) _ 5.0 mg/I 10.0 mg/I BOD, 5 day, 20 deg C (November 1— March 31) 10.0 mg/I 20.0 mg/I NH3N (April 1— October 31) 1.0 mg/I 2.0 mg/I NH3N (November 1— March 31) 2.0 mg/I 4.0 mg/i Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 20 mg/I 30 mg/I Oil and Grease 8.0 mg/I 14.0 mg/I Dissolved Oxygen Not less than 6.0 mg/I daily average Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) 28 ug/I pH Not greater than 9.0 S.U. nor less than 6.0 S.U. Total Nitrogen 125 mg/I 160 mg/I page 9 TABLE NO.3 EXISTING EFFLUENT QUALITY PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION, SANFORD, NC Legend: Excee antes of Average E uent Limits ANAEROBIC LAGOON FINAL EFFLUENT BOD BOD TKN DOD SS FECAL 08G NH3-N TKN NO3 TOTAL N MONTH mg/L to TKN Ratio mg/L mWL mglL IM100 mgiL mgiL mg/L mg/L mg/L FLUENT 6 (APR-OCT) 1. A 1 L T10 { O - Jan49 93 0974 955 662 1031 5 6.5 101 148 61.18 Feb-08 65 0 766 111 10.23 2091 4 74 075 1.55 5453 5608 Mar-09 103 1.016 101.4 453 831 7 6 0.32 18 69 02 70.62 A rr09 74 0.590 123.8 4.3 8.1 5 8.4 0.24 13 7404 7534 Ma 78 0.609 128 3.31 685 3 62 02 1.96 1 9162 9156 Jun49 78 0.544 1433 3.8 4.69 3 6.3 0.33 143 949 9633 Jul-09 48 OA15 1158 409 668 4 90 0.53 175 8139 8315 Aug-09 104 0 949 1096 3.9 7.08 4 58 022 201 10455 106.56 Sep49 48 0,368 1303 10.24 523 30 <5 049 192 865 8842 Oct-09 42 0 286 147 302 4.85 5 02 1.42 8458 86 Nov48 217 1 186 1829 363 8.24 38 53 0.65 25 6478 8726 Dec49 81 0 693 1168 243 5.93 6 036 2.48 8201 84 1 Jan-1 O 82 0 857 957 38 3.75 7 <5 0.66 2.04 7905 8109 Feb-10 70 0.522 134 268 3.1 28 6.5 082 17 71.95 7365 Mar-10 66 0 547 1206 39 372 141 5.3 0.75 1.31 71.36 7268 A r-10 80 0.620 129 28 3.18 59 <5 072 1.81 9406 9587 Ma -10 85 0 539 157 8 2 37 395 6 5 0.46 147 9558 9705 Jun10 74 0 568 1303 2.4 282 2 0 054 1.22 99.21 100.42 Jul-10 63 0 535 117.7 215 195 5 0 0.6 2.17 974 9957 Aug-10 97 0.744 130 3 424 5.84 6 1 7.4 048 170 83.21 8492 Se 10 66 0 544 1213 376 3.28 2 61 0.39 1.84 98.23 100.08 Oct-i0 57 0.374 152.3 3.04 3.53 2 <5 0.56 192 8961 91.52 Nov 10 53 0.427 124 37 2.43 3 0 072 1.43 8965 91.06 Dec-10 1 63 0.496 127 5.27 3.3 1 069 2.03 931 9513 Jan41 75 0.626 119.8 ill 04 1 0.39 086 1.04 731 74.14 Feb-11 75 0.604 124.1 3.32 2.45 2 0.56 0.65 608 6145 Mar-11 68 0.516 131.7 3.5 2.82 5 051 0.49 50.4 5089 Apr-1 1 67 0703 123.8 2.87 2.23 5 0 0.42 1.85 77.2 7905 May-11 63 0 510 123.5 435 2.53 5 0 048 076 118.5 119.28 Jun41 58 0 344 168.8 40.02 3.47 2 0 0.27 075 128 129 Ju1-11 51 0 277 184 378 2.67 3 0 049 0.96 135 136 Sep-11 57 0.229 249 0 413 10 25 028 192 159 160.92 Oct-11 50 0 327 1511 0 4.88 2 0 025 0.54 117 117.54 Nov-11 53 0 314 1688 0 3.77 1 0 041 299 944 97.39 Dec-11 59 0 472 125 208 2.89 1 0 035 1.46 917 9316 Jan42 68 0.531 128 0 272 1 0 2.29 1,77 92 9377 Mar-12 55 0.306 179.7 248 5.06 4 9.3 05 2.64 887 913 Apr-12 46 0.188 2448 222 571 13 77 023 2.22 129.33 131.56 May-12 46 0.168 273.1 2-64 775 17 5.7 0.31 51 172 117.13 Jun-12 39 0142 2737 299 471 2 53 6.23 3.24 105 108.24 page 8 /do� In summary, the existing system is capable of complying with all existing permit limits with the exception of the total nitrogen limits. The facility is being operated as efficiently as is possible given the original design capabilities of the system. There are not believed to be any immediate changes that the facility can make to operations that will assure compliance due to the treatment design limitations of the system. The system will have to be upgraded to provide additional tankage that facilitates designed nitrification/denitrification capabilities to comply with all permit effluent limits. �1 ia*1 page 7 SECTION 4 EXISTING EFFLUENT PERFORMANCE Table No. 3 summarizes the average effluent quality from the existing wastewater system for the period of January, 2009 thru June, 2012. The following comments are provided regarding the permit effluent exceedances that occurred during the period: • BOD — The BOD limit was exceeded 3 times. There are no specific explanations for the exceedances. Overall compliance with BOD limits is not considered to be a major issue • TSS — The TSS limit was slightly exceeded 1 time. Overall compliance with TSS limits is not considered to be a major issue. • Oil and Grease — The 0&G limit was slightly exceeded 4 times. Overall compliance with TSS limits is not considered to be a major issue. • NH3N —The NH3N limit was exceeded two times. Overall compliance with NH3N limits is not considered to be a major issue. However, the November to March limit of 2 mg/I is relatively low, particularly during the colder months of December thru February. • Total Nitrogen —The wastewater treatment system as currently configured was not designed to denitrify. As a result, the total nitrogen limit has been exceeded 9 times during the period. The total nitrogen exceedances are being caused by the following issues: o Anaerobic Lagoon Total Nitrogen Loadings — Table No. 3 provides the average BOD and TKN effluent levels from the existing anaerobic lagoon. The TKN levels from the anaerobic lagoon are well above the permit effluent total nitrogen of 103 mg/I. Due to the fact that the existing system is not designed to fully denitrify the system is not capable of meeting the total nitrogen limits at all times due to the generation of nitrate nitrogen during the aerobic biological treatment process. o BOD to Nitrogen Ratios —The anaerobic lagoon provides a very high degree of BOD removal. As a result, the BOD to TKN ratios out of the anaerobic lagoon into the aeration basin are well below the typical 2.5 to 3.0 ratio needed for effective denitrification. o Aeration Detention Time — As indicated, the existing aeration basin was not originally designed to provide full denitrification. The aeration basin is operated in a cyclic manner wherein blowers are cycled on and off to provide oxic and anoxic steps. However, the basin is not large enough to provide adequate detention time to assure complete nitrification if the blowers are cycled off long enough to increase the degree of denitrification. The system is operated to assure minimum ammonia nitrogen levels, with resultant total nitrogen levels being as low as possible but not always below the permit limits. I" 1 page 6 SECTION 3 EFFLUENT LIMITS Table No. 2 provides the effluent limits for the facility. TABLE NO.2 EFFLUENT LIMITS PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION, SANFORD, NC EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS MONTHLY AVERAGE DAILY MAXIMUM Flow 1.0 mgd BOD, 5 day, 20 deg C (April 1— October 31) 5.0 mg/I 10.0 mg/I BOD, 5 day, 20 deg C (November 1— March 31) 10.0 mg/I 20.0 mg/I NH3N (April 1— October 31) 1.0 mg/I 2.0 mg/I NH3N (November 1— March 31) 2.0 mg/I 4.0 mg/I Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 20 mg/I 30 mg/l Oil and Grease 8.0 mg/I �^ 14.0 mg/1 Dissolved Oxygen Not less than 6.0 mg/I daily average Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) 28 ug/1 pH Not greater than 9.0 S.U. nor less than 6.0 S.U. Total Nitrogen 103 mg/I 147 mg/i page 5 r^\ r� �JVVIV l �"A s is FUZZY SFILTER CHLORINATI DECHLORINAtl(* BASIN Figure No. 2 — Biological Wastewater Treatment System Aerial Layout page 4 �4' SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Figure No. 2 provides an aerial layout�of the key components of the wastewater treatment system. A general description of the :key components of the treatment system is provided in Table No. 1. Table No.1 Wastewater Treatment System Components Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Sanford, NC COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Screening Primary and secondary screens for feather and offal recovery and offsite rendering Equalization Tank 35,000 gallons Covered/Lined Anaerobic Lagoon with 17,000,000 gallons Methane Gas Flare Aeration Basin 2,500,000 gallons Schreiber Process with magnesium hydroxide addition for alkalinity control Final Clarifier 500,000 gallons with return activated sludge screw pumps Tertiary Filter Schreiber Fuzzy Filter with backwash basin and pumps Lined Emergency Holding Lagoon 14,000,000 gallons Disinfection System Chlorination Basin with Dechlorination Basin and water reuse pumps Monitoring Equipment Effluent Parshall Flume, flow meter, and composite sampler Post Aeration Cascade Aeration Basin page 3