HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231178 Ver 1_More Info Received_20230926DWR State -of Pftnh Oroilna Departrnent -of EnvirOAMMtal O'Lmaty Dirslon of W&Mr Re�*qgiF-C" 1110sIon Of Water (Resources 7S4 NCACO2H A233 [gl(t ]h .0243 oXb), .0250 (11)(b]4 0259 I8)(b), A2671111jEL JH07 (ej(2] —8u ferAuth-oriL dan FORM-' 9A 10.3013 Riparian B offer Awthoirizati on Form A. AWica nt Inforn%Aol1 1, f ect Information 19. Nama of pru-ject:Lie IG. Mearext municipai4: 1-d. SubdivIalon namo: Ile- Is the prGject locAled in any of North C' ina's taamy coal oourities'? If ens, anuiAw. lf'beiaw. ❑ Yes -PNO 1f_ I!9 ihv project located wlthrn a NC Division aF Co"tal Management Area of EnwlronmArvtal Conwrn AFC 7 El Yes No 7. Owner Inform tlon 2E&. Name Q5 Recafded Deed: ME�� 2b, De&J EkxA an¢ Page No. 2r,- Map Bank arbd a No (r Ckwe a MPy o{" feowow YMAO 4W OdrFaTeE wbm fha Jaf was crea 20, Respoftble Party far car rvi4na IJIA- 2&. Str"t addre: 2F. Cam, state, zip: a 21;. TeleO on-o no.: 2h. Fox no,: -- 21, Email addrov 3. Applicant InfOrnwitim lit el ffewt from owned 3a- Applicant is; ,4gparrt LJ Clher, sD ; 3b_ Nama 3c, Eluslmss name mod. Stfeet adcrcaa 3e_ City, sty, zip; 47 a-- Ake -Pl 3f. TeiaphoniN m_ 14, Fax DSO.: !�h_ Email addre-),,3: AgenVConiu Itant WGrmaticHn (if applicable) 4a. Nam*, 4b. Business name lirANO: _ 4C, Stwl address: 4d. City, atet:�, zip' 4. Telepnone ro.; = L 4f_ Fax no.: fig_ Email addr-eee• FORM; BA 10-2013 Page 1 of 4 B. Project Infa m Can and Prior Project History 1. Prop" Wafftificat]on - 1 D, PrOpert}+ edenkiricaton rld_ (tax PIN of parcel ID)' _ # -- �, Site MOrdinate s (iro dedmar deg*e:s); Lattude: Prapsrty size; aues 2. Sudaar il'ifoulm 2a. N&YA Df neamsl body -0I water to proposed projaot Zb. WELter 12w8lity ClasaifiQwhon of nearer mwiviriq water, } - go_ River basin. -AA - .3- Project D*scrioun -� 3a, Describe the exisling oonditiomi on to site and ffm genaral lend Low In the vicinity i?f the project a; Ma tirvta iF�is c�ppllo8lC+or1: { r 4 3b�, ANwh an i8 Vt x 11 exoerpt from the rnosr recaerit version of the IJS topographic map irrdf=5ng the Iocatia-, of the site W Atla& an 8 'I� x 11 exoarpt from the most E4cwt varsign Qf the Published Counlyr MRCS S Survey map de the romee sile _ 3d. List the tataI llma*d blear feint of all emst ng sireams (int-ermittent aina parennlaij r{f. U. Explain the pur,00sie of tna pr4pod prniecT. ++ ++ # 31- D6wxiibe the WON111 proic-:-t ir, detail, inc rucrmg the type of equipment to be uted_ —&qvxo� 4. J urisdCadonal Dctermination s 4% HaYff JurisdlcWwl wetland or stream dwbmiinatons Yes No Ll Unknown lho Corps or Stale ten rY<qusaled or Dbtwned for IlhiS prrtn'FBr1CS; -Oect inctudin all pr 1phasesin the si? 4b. If y85, who dlelinaaled the Jurrisd6utbonal areas'# AgerRyl ConsUltarrt Co pang: Name elf knowa�: lher 4o, If YE*. list the dates Of IM Carps juriedi;tional ftk& ]1irtations or StM WWrminaMns and arc dOCUMMMabon. .. ` 5- Project History 58. Havo permits or certirica[iuns heon mques cf or otvtairbad U Yes -SIy UrIILdOw for this "got in- �n all Ion haaf in the s#? 51?, aF yes, expUin arrd datuiC a000rdIng fie 'help fi3e" inst cAons, Q. Pubire Prglo= Piano $R. Is this a pha�wd pr*ct? Ycs NQ 6bt If des, eucplain, — - FORM: PAID 2013 Page 2 of 4 C. Proposed Impacts Inwiprttory -- 1. Buffer Im"cU la_ Project F% in which prat-9 tred Neu5� basin? Tar-Pemlico Catawba ❑ Randlatmrr ❑ Jordan ❑ Goose Creek 1 b_ Iildividuafty list all tlurfer impacts be&Dw. It arty impauts require .mitigation, there you MUST 91 acrt Section a 4 t11Is forma. EIrtfer Impact Reason for Type of irnpa�# StrL3sm mr i i ir. — Buffer Zone 1 Zcyr'Ifb 2 nimber �- impact (exempt. Augwa4la: 1liillr lirxl impSol ImpaCE P�rman��l �P� �Ilowa�a wd required? ts�4 f:} (sy it) 0w Temporary nniigauan] B 1 N G T Cg&gpUce or Ye& No gob 82 P 'T Yet LJ No 63P Lj T Yes Lj No EA LJ P T Lj Yes N Yes U trip El Yes U No Total buffer impacm r 1 � is ommerrta: � D. Impact Ars ification and Mli igatkm 1. Avoidance and MI nimizatlan I.E. Speafi-ally describe measures takialt 10 avoid Qr misnlmize tha I EICte In deoigning pr y i b. Sup rally describe measures taken ra avoid or mlralmlae through construellon teeF�nl ue$. 2. Buffer Ni igatlan 2a. VY111 lhle project reuult in an Impact within a protN,ed r1parlan buffer theft El Yee ANO nequirn buffer mitigation? 2b. If yes, tlhen identlfy the squm-Ef feet of impact to each Zpne pF the riRerian buffer that r&juiros rnitgaMn and c2lndele the MUM of f l`bQ2tiW Mquimd in the table hekw. Zorti Reason for impact Total impact multlpr�ar Required miiige:ion e air feet s uare feet 2oe1B t 3 (2 for Gatar tv) ftie 2 1 5 Total buffer mltlgatlon requrrod: 2-c. If IDuffer niNAWri is regvired. Is payment 10 a mirigaricc bank or NC CUS Lj Yoo _ proposed? 2d If pis, afloat the Boeptani7e letter from the mitigation b$rix or NC DMS. 2-9- If rro, fien dlsam s what type of m t atQn Is prop d_ i �f• �oenf11B�1Cs' FOAM: HA I),2013 Page 3 of 4 E. Diffuse Flow Plan All btiffer impaels and Fr h ground impacts f quim diffL� flow ar other farm Qf st nmator Veatuvnrt. InCludL% a plan that Fully documents how dl%&E� Plow will be maintained. If a Lena!-$weader is prop m),J, a#ta1;.h a Level Spraader Supple+nerrt Form- ff club b� site =natralnisi, a &MP v+ef than a #auol spreader is propo&M, please prowide a plan fuFstormwater troatmerit as outlined in Chapter 8 of the NC 5tprrn-uateL, ).0P u EVU5.e flaw ❑ Other 6A+IP F. Supplementary Information 1. En vilrvnrmntal EkocuFnentaelon la- Dr3�9 zhe pr*ct irlvahm- an expendlLwa of public (federalfsfiaG Imal) funds or the L i Yes o use Of ublic ODdBralVelaii ) lianij 115- If You ans red ems' hn the abowe�, does the prQjW re uIre prepwation of an EYYFT—FN-c—) environmental dpoumenl pursuant to the req,jir$menls of the National or Male (North Carolina) ErMronmenial Pot' Act NEPA/SF-PA 7 1 o. If you nrr&wered 'Yes'to the above, hft lhre document bew finaiized by the le LJ Yes No Clearing Hpuee? (If so, atUch a oopy Qf the NEPA or SEPA firwl upprowal lelter,) mmenas: �, 1Fiol�Cior1S 2a. is ire ells in Viablion of DWR Wedartd Rules � 15A NCAC 02H-0500), Isalahsd Yes No Wedand RF�+Ies (1 SA NCAC 02x .13W). DWR Surface Watar or VVefland Standarfs, or Ri rian Buff-er Rules 06A NCAC i128 .0200 ? fib, Is this an after-thQ-fact_perFnit applleatearw? Yes o _ 2c, tf you an 'd " " to one or bath pf the ague quastions, provi¢-, an explanation of the vzalation[e�1: ApplicantAger rs Pfir1 d Name ; can UAgenSt's $Ignalure �al� IA "Llb has ie xe6C oNy r an a.rMflmaGan 10%r fteA the E irant ra pm*deo.I Send ONE oxnpleta set of thi$ form and aocorrtpan7jilg domments to the fortowingg FOr ++ftzt"r Trwmgwrtatkm profre, ft sent try FWAt C11355 AODr0 ViCT the U5 ftl-SmI SgrvrCe_ Aw yr Qhapman NCIDWR - 401 & Butler Transpo tat!an Permitting Branch 1-1�17 hail Service Comer Aa"h, NC 27699 - 1617 For oNother profemmnthy Fast Coss mail m the 11S Fosta! Servke Stephanie Gps$ NCI?WR - 401 & Suffer PermiWrg Brandt 1617 Mail SeNioe Center R31019h, NC 27699 - 1617 For yover►nrnert rMPt$p¢r#Ckrr prvAwrs yen[ by dehveryservice fUn Fedtlx, efc.). Amyr Chapman OR NCDVYR - 401 & EuW ' mftportafion Permitting 5 mnch 512 N. Salisbury Stmet Raleigh, NC 27604 Fcw oN ether prrp U {enf by d&very service W51 Wal etrj OR Steplhanle Goss NCDWR - 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 FORM. 0A 10-2131L� Page 4 of a WT oo o I E. �u — D Ida ii MW ;tiYwdti. n ve !Dr, cs ev ras im .7Y 6 _ ihvm - •b .0 6aprw, Q 3 -+�Y LD- ,ry .a4l AChm ro,k.i . owl ' Hp -- O MW , se U U ad 7p1439L 4breAR 130HA — RAWIE . �mFa�aa, Aid' aJ-YEF.rW ,OftY z 'f r" J6'&— T9 L;rwmlD ka poww Jo JIM GL MMJ rW J..... iu Wak ai.aaa i, dW*%7R71 wFa,F! 1 WP b Y P FI'U.OIW -Wool ZLL A XaLnN EY . Wwoutl sm mum ® 0 ri q aljTu iMl4 DI 1' 10 mri'Dm A )IMLONJ" MU A NaUFN • mmto� D aLDM mw kmam Ir Cwdcm a•161 WE irw" TIGMW NkMM nl 2bk S3U% 1 MEINANM B TM . 7MIEM iql AM 7L iLL .JO adC ldBE . 7mGBW3PW 7 1 Ja 4NMAM ant. r wow ��' �' as neFda � Inal � � JW 9'*U11F u"V s�► w 4 L+S+lrbiMiL r 0EMJ GCSI T {ia 4u 47Y an n ucr+fal aw PPCP7 Ll'9D If 77AO�Jp fi• , vl%ka o- JDr F RA7P7 w F-w ,D SLMSW 92ama7wLrl w 9NYXm Qs L,"n s +5T1 ALHII&M + Mnr I R T T rP£� K 1 L I�I4n ww 0160006 rWM � I VI !bm d� he-QA%d kvm WX d5'IL kuHL& F ;AG'MM �GN 7JQY 'V= ao 77YR J7 JL'A aAk Wis ,4MLiG •1A S LY i-mtjsym IZf w IN ,-.:moo.. Ja w2w"" yn # 9744wpm m = A'W 'at J" : Y :I n.. �, �d�tl yvn,= Mrvnv I�rw m woG PM u3mm i VA Vfw "u Dft 1 ftm k i"u-' +1 Wald mmr!-$ It4i d ia3flh I JkM'�4H51H 3H WE &k3AA I(-.-S NOV4020 _» - -J IM xl ': Jnn3D , w4m - 4HP WL "P$%M ]k 7"%e5=974+' •HD T3dw I" F k 1 • ,��yTT R��•yT• 4-R_41"3iP-idd 'iblUd 3TLLL JPD�■yZZY; I.M +��• Z M N 4r/7V�irTJ1� Y.IR �L+{J�yh.�L ! Y/ ' V Bild